The word prima donna

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«Prima donnas» redirects here. For the Philippine television drama series, see Prima Donnas.

In opera or commedia dell’arte, a prima donna ([ˈpriːma ˈdɔnna]; Italian for «first lady»; plural: prime donne) is the leading female singer in the company, the person to whom the prime roles would be given.

Prime donne often had grand off-stage personalities and were seen as demanding of their colleagues. From its original usage in opera, the term has spread in contemporary usage to refer to anyone behaving in a demanding or temperamental fashion, or having an inflated view of oneself and a self-centered attitude.

The prima donna in opera was normally, but not necessarily, a soprano. The corresponding term for the male lead (usually a castrato in the 17th and 18th centuries, later a tenor) is primo uomo.[1]


In 19th-century Italy, the leading woman in an opera or commedia dell’arte company was known as the prima donna, literally the «first lady». This woman, usually the principal soprano of the company, would typically perform leading roles, and generally sang more music than other women in the company.[1] Famous opera prime donne have often caused opera enthusiasts to divide into opposing «clubs» supporting one singer over another. The rivalry between the fans of Maria Callas and Renata Tebaldi, for example, was one of the most famous, despite the friendship of the two singers.[2]

The designation prima donna assoluta (absolute first lady) is occasionally applied to a prima donna of outstanding excellence.[3] It has also been used to describe the creators of heroic coloratura roles in the first half of the 19th century.[4]

The female who sang the second major part in an opera was, correspondingly, referred to as the seconda donna; by the late 18th century, this role was sometimes called the altra prima donna.[5]


At times, these prime donne (the Italian plural form) were grand with their off-stage personalities and demands on fellow troupe members, musicians, set and wardrobe designers, producers and other staff, but were deferentially tolerated because of their consummate talent and their draw at the box office. From this experience, the term prima donna has come into common usage in any field denoting someone who behaves in a demanding, often temperamental fashion, revealing an inflated view of themselves, their talent, and their importance.[6] Due to this association, the contemporary meaning of the word has taken on this negative connotation of a vain, undisciplined, egotistical, obnoxious or temperamental person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team, but whose contributions are essential to the success of the team.[7][8]

See also[edit]

  • Convenienze
  • Diva
  • Entitlement


  1. ^ a b H. Rosenthal, H. and J. Warrack, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 1979. p. 398. ISBN 0-19-311321-X
  2. ^ See for example, George Jellinek, Callas: Portrait of a Prima Donna, Dover, 1986, p. 96 and passim. ISBN 0486250474.
  3. ^ Oxford English Dictionary (Draft revision 2009).
  4. ^ Riggs, Geoffrey (2003). The Assoluta Voice in Opera, 1797–1847, p. 1. McFarland. ISBN 0786414014.
  5. ^ Seconda donna. Oxford Music Online, 2002.
  6. ^ Susan Rutherford, The Prima Donna and Opera, 1815–1930, Cambridge University Press, 2006. ISBN 0-521-85167-X.
  7. ^ The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English (2009). «prima donna». 12 Sep. 2010.
  8. ^ Merriam-Webster. «prima donna».

Further reading[edit]

Look up prima donna in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Rupert Christiansen, Prima Donna: A History, Viking, 1985. ISBN 0-670-80482-7

What is the meaning of Prima Donna?

You may have heard an English word that sounds like “premadonna” or “pri Madonna” and thought of the pop star from the 1980s. But the phrase prima donna, sometimes spelled as primadonna without the space, arrived on the scene long before that particular prima donna singer. The original prima donna definition, using etymology and a thesaurus for American English and the English language prima donna, refers to another type of prima donna singer, one whose origins go all the way back to 19th-century Italy. Prima donna can be considered your new word of the day in your word list if you had not known its origins until now!

The Original Prima Donna Definition

The first prima donna definition came from the world of Italian opera. This prima donna meaning is a literal translation of the words “prima,” meaning first, and “donna,” meaning lady. The prima donna of an Italian opera is the operatic company’s best female singer. A prima donna singer is usually cast in lead roles. Traditionally, prime donne, the term for multiple prima donna, have been sopranos. The same leading roles for men would have been cast to primo uomini, which literally translates to first men. Primo uomini are usually tenors.

These prima donnas were the first ladies in their roles, and were seen as the leading ladies, like the principal female singer, for their time. Female operatic stars and opera singers could have been singular prima donnas or plural prima donnas depending on their roles. Prima ballerinas were also common in the origin time, as they also were part of a team in their performances and often had a lead. However, the distinguished female operatic singer is the most well known origin for the prima donna meaning and use.

A New Prima Donna Meaning

The new prima donna meaning is almost used as a synonym for acting like a diva, but this new meaning didn’t come into being overnight. It developed because of a trend. For years, prima donnas in opera companies had big personalities and attitudes when things didn’t go their way. These tempestuous singers tended to demand the very best. They had infamous tempers. Over time, the title prima donna became associated with that kind of selfish behavior. And so the new meaning of prima donna as we know it was born.

Now, a prima donna doesn’t have to be a singer – though they can be. Famous singers like Mariah Carey are known for wanting everything they have to be the best. Some celebrities even have the fulfillment of certain wants and needs required in their contracts. But prima donnas don’t even have to be famous. If your friend demands everyone buy him a certain type of candy for his birthday and he pouts when he doesn’t get his way, he might be a prima donna. Madonna can be seen as a pri-Madonna as well, but the definition of prima donna came before her. This word play could also be a result of her stage name as ma don can be combined to make Madonna, with play on the prima donna phrase.

Are You a Prima Donna?

If someone has called you a prima donna, they may be saying that you’re difficult to work with. A temperamental person may also be called a prima donna. Don’t take it personally, but it may mean that you need to change your attitude. Prima donnas make every situation all about themselves. Going back to the term’s origin, if prima donnas are singers, they’re the ones who insist on all the solos. They demand their voices be heard above everyone else. Don’t be a prima donna. Learn to sing with the chorus, too.

Example sentences using “prima donna” could include: “ugh, you’re such a prima donna” or “stop being such a prima donna.” There are world lists that also go with the prima donna meaning, but prima donna is a term used a lot in American culture. People who have tantrums, are self-centered or have special treatment are normally referred to as prima donnas, even though the meaning does not go with the word origin.


The term prima donna comes from the Italian translation that means «first lady», and is typically used to describe soprano operatic singers that are over the top and have an attitude.

A strongly temperamental person who presents him or herself as moody or irritable and expresses erratic / unpredictable behavior that is not accepted well by the general public.

A person who is vain and consider themselves too good to do certain tasks and live under conditions they consider inadequate.

In simple modern term a Prima Donna is known to be someone who displays themselves as a «Drama Queen» or «Diva». It is often used to describe someone arrogant, egoistic, cocky or just plain bitchy and not nice.

Word Origin: from Italian «First Lady» recorded in the year 1782

(Boy how times have changed .. nothing comparable to what a Prima Donna is actually considered today then centuries ago)

When Alex does not get his way, he displays himself as a prima donna.

Alex, a boss, who is too much of a prima donna to compliment his employees after a job well done. Instead he prefers to solely focus on their weaknesses and consistently criticize with nothing but negative feedback.

Alex becomes a prima donna when he has to spend money on others but when it comes to himself, there’s absolutely no limit.

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Someone who exhausts you with their constant need for affection to glorify their massive egos. You don’t want to be their friend anymore but you’re afraid they’ll take out an ad in the newspaper denouncing you as someone uncaring just because you abhor interacting with them any longer.

Casey is truly a prima donna, but intelligent enough to contact the editors of the WSJ, so I’ll continue to suffer his presence.

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The chief, the boss, the girl that will make you feel big about yourself. With a non-inflated ego and a spirit of a butterfly. Prima Donna is a beautiful girl with a body as amazing as Sophia Loren’s. She’s not a mystery and she’s definitely not a procrastinator. She makes the most of every hour of her busy day. Very loving girl who should be worshiped. She’s only dated a few boys but never gave her heart away. Tends to be shy and quiet around new people but crazy, chirpy and opinionated with her current friends. All the boys want Prima Donna but she’s very picky. She likes Italian men with bronze skin. She makes the best girlfriend and all the boys get jealous because she spoils her boyfriend and treats him like his God. She’s very understanding and she sees past your external beauty and looks deep inside for internal beauty that not many can see. She goes to church on Sundays and prays to God so he can send her a man like Antonio Banderas, but he sent her a man like no other. God created him especially for her because she believes in God and treats people with kindness. She is one of a kind, best friend and girlfriend any one can have.

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From Italian words meaning «first woman» or «first lady», depending on your preference, the prima donna is the leading lady in a performance, and especially in opera. Can also be called a diva.

Is now often used to describe someone arrogant, vain, or just plain bitchy. Diva and prima donna have become synonomous with a show-off or a bitch, regardless of whether or not the person in question is male or female.

Maria Callas was one of the great dive (DEE-vay) of the twentieth century. A coloratura-spinto soprano, she was determined to be the best of the best on the stage, often singing outside of her natural singing range, which eventually ruined her voice and led to her downfall. This Greek diva was known to give tantrums offstage. Still, her strong, metallic, if not angelic, singing and good sense of high drama enabled her to become a stellar actress and singer.

Fans claim that she was feuding with fellow soprano, the Italian spinto-lyric soprano, Renata Tebaldi, despite the strong friendship between the two singers.

Did you see that?! Charlotte pushed me off the stage and grabbed the spotlight for herself! What a prima donna!

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From Italian prima donna (first lady).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˌpɹiːməˈdɒnə/


prima donna (plural prima donnas or prime donne or (nonstandard) primae donnae)

  1. (opera) The principal female singer or the leading lady.
    • 1831, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], Romance and Reality. [], volume III, London: Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley, [], →OCLC, pages 255–256:

      The truth is, the inhabitants of that languid and luxurious city wanted some little variety; and the minister … supported a favourite actress in the range of first-rate characters in the Opera—supported her against the united musical opinion of Naples. One night she sang worse than ever; and the next morning half the city rose up, demanding liberty and a new prima donna.

  2. (derogatory) A person who considers himself or herself much more important than others, has high expectations of others and becomes angry when his or her standards or demands are not met.
    Synonym: diva
    • 1971, John Lennon (lyrics and music), “Gimme Some Truth”, in Imagine:

      I’ve had enough of watching scenes / With schizophrenic, egocentric, paranoiac, prima-donnas

    • 2018 January 1, Donald McRae, “The Guardian footballer of the year 2017: Juan Mata”, in the Guardian[1]:

      This year Mata has done more than anyone to give fresh belief that professional football is not only built on greed and staggering wages for its strutting prima donnas. The Manchester United and Spain midfielder, instead, has broken new ground and begun to use football’s power and wealth to help ordinary people around the world.

Derived terms[edit]

  • prima donnaish


opera singer

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 布馬多娜布马多娜 (bùmǎduōnà)
  • French: prima donna (fr) f
  • Galician: prima donna (gl) f
  • German: Primadonna (de) f
  • Icelandic: prímadonna f
  • Irish: príomhamhránaí mná m, primadonna f
  • Italian: prima donna f
  • Japanese: プリマドンナ (purimadonna)
  • Portuguese: prima-dona f
  • Polish: primadonna (pl) f
  • Russian: примадо́нна (ru) f (primadónna)
  • Spanish: prima donna (es) f
  • Swedish: primadonna (sv) c
  • Tagalog: primadona

See also[edit]

  • first lady



prima donna f (plural prime donne)

  1. (music) prima donna



prima donna f (plural prima donnas or primas donnas)

  1. Alternative spelling of prima-dona

There are many terms used in English that are recognized worldwide due to being borrowed from other languages. These are usually words or phrases that are very specific to what they are referencing and lose their unique meaning when translated.

Prima donna is one such word. Originally used to describe an Italian opera singer, it has been adapted into multiple languages to mean various things.

Let’s take a closer look at the origin of this word, what it means, and how it can be used in your own speech and writing.

What Does Prima Donna Mean?

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Prima donna is literally translated from Italian to mean “first lady.”

Traditionally, prima donna refers to the leading female singer in an opera company. The prima donna receives the best or prime roles.

The term prima donna began in nineteenth-century Italy to describe the principal soprano of an opera company. This is an important, leading role in opera. Naturally, these singers were popular both on and off the stage – similar to the modern-day admiration and idolization of actors, actresses, and athletic figures.

Like modern-day personalities, these troupe members often thought highly of themselves both on and off stage, often becoming demanding in their treatment.

Over time, the term prima donna has come to mean a temperamental or demanding person or a diva who insists on special treatment.

Prima Donna Origins

Prima Donna Ngram

Prima donna usage trend.

Prima donna is a noun that originates from the combination of two words: prima and donna.

Prima comes from a late 14th-century old French term prime, from the Latin primus, literally meaning “first, the first, or first part.” It also was used to mean “noble, excellent, principal, or distinguished,” thus lending itself to its adaptation to explain an important figure.

Donna comes from the 11th-century word dame, meaning “mother or a woman of high rank or social position.” This is derived from the Latin domna meaning “lady or mistress of the house,” as domas translates literally to house.

From the 14th century on, dame was used to describe a woman.

Prima donna became a recognized term in the late 18th century to indicate the first lady or principal female singer of opera.

By the mid-19th century, we began to see the term used to describe a temperamental, demanding person of either gender. Today, the term is used to both describe a lead female opera singer and as slang to indicate an overly dramatic, problematic person.

How Is Prima Donna Used in a Sentence?

  • Are those girls just a bunch of prima donnas, or do they have actual, valid concerns about how the instruction is presented in class?
  • The actress, a notoriously demanding prima donna (who has a history of temper tantrums during filming), hilariously tried to make her political opinions relevant to the public.
  • Comical and entertaining, the newest addition to the local theater concerns the dramatic abduction of a troupe’s prima donna and their hilarious escapades while deciding if the drama queen is worth rescuing.
  • Despite being a prima donna in all senses of the word, nobody could dispute the raw singing talent of the opera’s lead: Michaela Smythe-Bluth.
  • His addition to the soccer team was a breath of fresh air to his teammates, who had become disgusted with the antics of the prima donna he replaced.

Let’s Review

Prima donna was originally used to describe the “first lady” of the opera or lead soprano singer. An important role, over time, it became synonymous with describing a person who displays unacceptable, dramatic antics of emotion.

  • 1
    prima donna

    БФРС > prima donna

  • 2
    prima donna

    Французско-русский универсальный словарь > prima donna

  • 3

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > prima

  • 4

    БФРС > прима

  • 5

    БФРС > примадонна

См. также в других словарях:

  • prima donna — ⇒PRIMA DONNA, subst. fém. ART LYRIQUE, vieilli. Cantatrice interprétant le rôle principal dans un opéra ou cantatrice ayant généralement ce rôle dans une troupe lyrique. Le lendemain matin, sans consulter ses enfants, sans dire un mot à personne …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Prima donna — Pri ma don na; pl. E. {Prima donnas}, It. {Prime Donne . [It., fr. primo, prima, the first + donna lady, mistress. See {Prime}, a., and {Donna}.] The first or chief female singer in an opera. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prima donna — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En el ámbito de la ópera, prima donna es el término en italiano que se usa para designar a la primera cantante, mujer que desempeña los papeles principales y que generalmente es soprano. El término correspondiente… …   Wikipedia Español

  • prima donna — [ primadɔna ] n. f. • 1823; mots it. « première dame » ♦ Cantatrice tenant le premier rôle (de soprano, en général) dans un opéra. « des applaudissements à faire crouler la salle accueillirent l entrée en scène de la prima donna » (Balzac). Des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • prima donna — 1782, principal female singer in an opera, from It. prima donna first lady, from L. prima, fem. of primus first (see PRIME (Cf. prime) (adj.)) + domina lady. Meaning temperamental person first recorded 1834 …   Etymology dictionary

  • prima donna — meaning ‘chief female singer’ of a company or ‘a temperamentally self important person’, has the plural form prima donnas. The adjectival form, in the allusive meaning, is prima donna ish …   Modern English usage

  • prima donna — [n1] star diva, first lady, headliner, leading lady, lead vocalist, opera singer, singer, soloist, superstar, topliner*; concepts 352,366 prima donna [n2] temperamental person conceited person, crybaby, egotist, narcissist, princess, self… …   New thesaurus

  • prima donna — (Del it. prima donna). f. Protagonista femenina de una ópera …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Prima donna — (ital.), die erste Sängerin an einer größeren Oper …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • prima donna — ► NOUN 1) the chief female singer in an opera or opera company. 2) a very temperamental and self important person. ORIGIN Italian, first lady …   English terms dictionary

  • prima donna — [prē΄mə dän′ə, prim′ə] n. [It, lit., first lady] 1. the principal woman singer in an opera or concert 2. Informal a temperamental, vain, or arrogant person …   English World dictionary

Asked by: Dr. Austyn Mueller Jr.

Score: 4.7/5
(19 votes)

Prima donna is a term that comes from the Opera, and literally means first woman, in Italian. Because the ladies that starred in operas were often egotistical, demanding, and flamboyant, the term prima donna came to mean anyone who acted as if they were a world-famous talent.

Why is it called a prima donna?

Prima donna is taken directly from Italian, in which it literally means “first lady.” The first records of the term in English come from the 1700s. … When opera was at the height of its popularity, the prima donna of an opera company was often an influential woman who commanded respect.

When did the phrase Premadonna?

The first use of the phrase ‘Prima Donna’ was in Italy in 1782, however back then it was used to refer to the principal female singer in the opera. Around the early 1800’s the phrase became a mainstream term in its derogatory connotations, probably because of the stereotypical behavior of famous opera singers.

Can a male be a prima donna?

According to Wikipedia, the term comes from the world of Italian opera where the prima donna is the “first lady” – usually the leading soprano in the company with a reputation for arrogance, ego and irritability that makes them a real pain to deal with. … Males can be prima donnas too.

What is a lady Prima?

(opera) The principal female singer or the leading lady. noun. 1.

37 related questions found

What does Donna mean?

Donna is an English-language feminine first name meaning «lady» in Italian. The original meaning is closer to «lady of the home» and is a title of respect in Italy, equivalent to Don for gentlemen or lord.

Is prima donnas finished?

Prima Donnas last aired on March 18, 2020, two days after the enhanced community quarantine was imposed in Metro Manila. The show managed to air three fresh episodes that were already taped before GMA-7 halted production for its entertainment programs.

Is Madonna a primadonna?

pre madonna or prima donna

The leading soprano in an opera is the prima donna (Italian for “leading lady”). … Don’t write “pre-Madonna” unless you intend to discuss the era before the singer Madonna became popular.

How do you deal with prima donnas?

Here are a few ways to deal with them.

  1. Focus on the content of their ideas, not their delivery style. …
  2. Leave them alone. …
  3. Put them in the right situation to flourish. …
  4. Hold them accountable. …
  5. Stroke their egos. …
  6. Remember everyone else. …
  7. Get rid of them.

How much does a prima donna make?

The average Primadonna Company salary ranges from approximately $158,024 per year for an Associate Attorney to $158,024 per year for an Associate Attorney.

What is the male version of prima donna?

The prima donnas in opera was normally, but not necessarily, a soprano. The corresponding term for the male lead (usually a castrato in the 17th and 18th centuries, later a tenor) is primo uomo.

What is the real definition of a diva?

English Language Learners Definition of diva

: the main female singer in an opera company. : a famous and successful woman who is very attractive and fashionable especially : an attractive and successful female performer or celebrity.

What does the word prima mean?

(Entry 1 of 3) : first, leading.

Where are prima donna bras made?

In 1990, the company bought German lingerie brand Prima Donna. Its products are designed in Schellebelle, and produced abroad. The majority of the company’s production activities take place in Tunisia. Van de Velde also maintains production facilities in China and Romania.

What does the phrase status quo mean?

: the current situation : the way things are now He’s content with the status quo and isn’t looking for change.

What is prima donna Behaviour?

A prima donna is a diva: someone who acts like they are the star of the show. If you tirelessly dominate the conversation and always interrupt when other people are talking, people will think you’re a prima donna. Prima donna is a term that comes from the Opera, and literally means first woman, in Italian.

How old is PreMadonna?

On this episode of the “Big Facts” podcast, Big Bank and DJ Scream sat down with successful entrepreneur and media personality Premadonna. The 33-year-old has built up quite the resume since venturing off into the business world.

What does a Madonna mean?

1 archaic : lady —used as a form of respectful address. 2 obsolete : an Italian lady. 3a : virgin mary. b : an artistic depiction (such as a painting or statue) of the Virgin Mary.

Is it PreMadonna or prima donna?

The leading soprano in an opera is the prima donna (Italian for “leading lady”). As an insult, “prima donna” implies that the person under discussion is egotistical, demanding, and doesn’t work well as part of a team.

What does Prima Donnas mean in English?

1 : a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization. 2 : a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team.

Who is the real father of Mayi in Prima Donnas?

Donna Marie Escalante, also known as Mayi, is the one of the 3 leads of Prima Donnas. She’s the Sole Heiress of Escalante Leisure Company and biological daughter of Lilian Madreal and Ruben Escalante.

What is the last episode of Prima Donnas?

Prima Donnas: Full Episode 231 (Finale)

Is the name Donna making a comeback?

Unlike Elizabeth or Katherine or Anna, which have stood the test of time in America’s collective baby name book, Donna is not aging gracefully. And unlike Lucy or Abigail, it doesn’t appear to have a comeback in its future, either.

What means Dada?

: a movement in art and literature based on deliberate irrationality and negation of traditional artistic values also : the art and literature produced by this movement.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ pree-muhdonuh, prim-uh; Italian pree-mah dawn-nah ]

/ ˌpri mə ˈdɒn ə, ˌprɪm ə; Italian ˈpri mɑ ˈdɔn nɑ /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

noun, plural pri·ma don·nas, Italian pri·me don·ne [pree-me dawn-ne]. /ˈpri mɛ ˈdɔn nɛ/.

a first or principal female singer of an opera company.

a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.



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Origin of prima donna

1760–70; <Italian: literally, first lady; see prime, duenna

Words nearby prima donna

prill, Prilosec, prim, prima ballerina, primacy, prima donna, primaeval, prima facie, prima facie case, prima facie evidence, primage Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does prima donna mean?

The literal meaning of prima donna is the lead or main female singer in an opera company. Prima donna is commonly used as a negative term for a person who’s extremely self-centered and temperamental.

In this sense, a prima donna expects and demands constant praise and special treatment and is easily irritated when they don’t get it. Though the literal sense of prima donna refers only to women, its figurative sense can be applied to anyone. The plural of prima donna is prima donnas (though the plural of the Italian phrase is prime donne).

Example: After the director had a fight with his lead actor, he accused him of being a selfish prima donna who was impossible to work with.

Where does prima donna come from?

Prima donna is taken directly from Italian, in which it literally means “first lady.” The first records of the term in English come from the 1700s. In the context of opera, the equivalent term for the leading male singer is primo uomo. 

When opera was at the height of its popularity, the prima donna of an opera company was often an influential woman who commanded respect. However, some of these singers were infamously demanding, and the position became associated with a certain stereotype. Today, when we call someone a prima donna, it usually has nothing to do with opera and simply refers to a spoiled, entitled person who expects preferential treatment and throws a tantrum when they don’t get it. Though the term is still perhaps most often associated with performers or entertainers, it can be applied to any person who acts in such a way.

The word diva is a synonym for the literal sense of prima donna, and it can also be used in a similar figurative way as well, but it may not always carry the same negative sense that prima donna always does.

Did you know … ?

How is prima donna used in real life?

Some people may apply the term to themselves to imply something about their talent or the type of treatment they expect, but calling someone a prima donna is never a compliment.

«Imran is such a nice boy, but can’t act. Ranbir is a decent actor, but he’s such a prima donna.» – table next to me at restaurant

— Karan Talwar (@BollywoodGandu) June 13, 2011

In my experience this is a losing fight for reporters. The writer has a hard time not coming off as pain-in-the-butt prima donna, alienating co-workers. Over time most writers stop looking at what happens after they hit send. They move on to next story.

— Phil Rogers (@philgrogers) March 31, 2020

For more than half my life I thought that a prima Donna was a pre-Madonna. Like someone who was as famous as Madonna but before her

— Baluga Maloo (@BigMmamaaaaaaaa) April 3, 2020

Try using prima donna!

Which of the following words accurately describes a prima donna?

A. humble
B. cooperative
C. easygoing
D. none of the above

Words related to prima donna

crybaby, diva, first lady, headliner, leading lady, singer, soloist, star, superstar, superwoman, topliner, egotist, narcissist, princess

How to use prima donna in a sentence

  • Allen Barra blasts him for being a mediocre prima donna who will be beaten by the Jets.

  • How do you think that shyness played out during the 2008 season when he was accused of being a prima donna?

  • The tenor dies; the prima donna appears to do the same, but the libretto consoles you by declaring that she only swoons.

  • He sang bravura airs with a facility of vocalisation any prima donna might have envied.

  • Even here the glorious voice of the prima donna floated clear as a silver bell.

  • The young girl became, thanks to him, the celebrated prima donna of the Fenice theatre, at Venice in 1820.

  • It was a dismissal, immediate, discourteous, on the grounds that she was quite unequal to fill the position of prima donna.

British Dictionary definitions for prima donna

noun plural prima donnas

a female operatic star; diva

informal a temperamental person

Word Origin for prima donna

C19: from Italian: first lady

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for prima donna

prima donna

[ (pree-muh, prim-uh don-uh) ]

A vain and overly sensitive person who is temperamental and difficult to work with: “That Jenkins girl is a good gymnast, but she certainly is a prima donna.” In opera, the prima donna is the principal female soloist. From Italian, meaning “first lady.”

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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