The word pressing in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word pressing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use pressing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «pressing».

Pressing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word pressing in a sentence.

  1. A pressing question was that of observers.

  2. The album received its second pressing in February 2012.

  3. These actions are performed by pressing the triangle button.

  4. Lancaster had been pressing this point since before the war.

  5. The expansion of our trade and commerce is the pressing problem.

  6. John had long been a proponent of pressing the war against Gascony.

  7. There is no easy way out of this, you just have to keep pressing on.

  8. Eusebius accuses Galerius of pressing on with the persecution as well.

  9. Shackleton, with other concerns pressing on him, felt obliged to concede.

  10. The most pressing issue to be settled was the caliber of the main battery.

  11. The fate of these refugees became a pressing military and political issue.

  12. As a result, there were no pressing diplomacy imperatives involving throwing.

  13. For many at the indaba, the most pressing motivator was Matabeleland’s security.

  14. With pressing needs to attend to, Chkhenkeli took up his role as prime minister.

  15. It straddled the Georgia coast before pressing farther inland over South Carolina.

  16. By the time Bellerophon was launched, there was no pressing need for new warships.

  17. Puritans went on the defensive, some pressing for further reformation of the Church.

  18. The first pressing of the DVD was released in Hong Kong in November 2006 on Region 0.

  19. Workers at the pressing plant laid down their tools in protest at the song’s content.

  20. The album was released on 26 November 2007, with an initial pressing of 50,000 copies.

  21. Dawn had no knowledge of the pressing and sued the band, winning a $50,000 settlement.

  22. By the winter of 1945, there was a more pressing need for them on Kent Coast services.

  23. The single was re-released in a much larger pressing, with «Method Man» as the B-side.

  24. During the lead-up to the 1960 CCF convention, Argue was pressing Coldwell to step down.

  25. Cleopatra faced several pressing issues and emergencies shortly after taking the throne.

  26. In both, the Virgin has large, full, breasts, her fingers pressing as she nurses the Child.

  27. A pressing issue not resolved by Wilson was the question of policy towards Bolshevik Russia.

  28. This is done by pressing buttons in timely succession, making combat resemble a rhythm game.

  29. These benefits meant that, as early as 1901, Fisher was pressing the advantages of oil fuel.

  30. The naval weapons program staff decided the test was less pressing given that the entire U.S.

  31. Unknown Pleasures was released in June and sold through its initial pressing of 10,000 copies.

  32. Pierre Boulez dismissed Shostakovich’s music as «the second, or even third pressing of Mahler».

  33. Thomas and getting his letter of marque, two pressing problems now tempted him back into piracy.

  34. Kill ‘Em All was released on July 25, 1983 by Megaforce with an initial pressing of 15,000 copies.

  35. There was no pressing need to install the systems and pip-squeak continued in use during the battle.

  36. Works of the French Renaissance also depict Cleopatra slumbering while pressing a snake to her breast.

  37. Don Carlos Buell’s Army of the Ohio, the main Union force in the state, was pressing toward Louisville.

  38. The olives were first crushed into a paste, then put into woven baskets that were subjected to pressing.

  39. They «were killed in great numbers» and many surrendered to the Anglo-Gascons pressing close behind them.

  40. Foraker took the lead in drafting and pressing legislation establishing a civil government for the island.

  41. He was also tasked by Lincoln with finding deserters in North Carolina and pressing them back into service.

  42. Further upstream, the pressing environmental issues have mainly been variations in pH and dissolved oxygen.

  43. Nevertheless, the Japanese were still pressing on the 61st Infantry Battalion’s positions throughout the day.

  44. Although Philadelphia was pressing the attack, Martins scored in the 114th minute to put the Sounders up 3–1.

  45. The first pressing was made into the finest and most expensive wines which were reserved for the upper classes.

  46. Players order their armies to assume formations by pressing an assigned key or navigating through a pop-up menu.

  47. The soundtrack was re-released on August 7, 2012, by Sacred Bones Records in a limited pressing of 1,500 copies.

  48. He consistently scored last in strength tests among the Edmonton Oilers, bench pressing only 140 pounds (64 kg).

  49. His 4,500 French opposed 2,600 Russians and forced them back toward Stein while pressing an attack along the river.

  50. At this time, Jerrie Cobb, a female award-winning pilot, was pressing for women to be allowed to become astronauts.

Synonyms for pressing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word pressing has the following synonyms: urgent, imperative, press and pressure.

General information about «pressing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word pressing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «pressing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «pressing».

Synonym: compelling, crucial, driving, urgent. Similar words: distressing, processing, impression, expression, impressive, depression, oppression, suppression. Meaning: [‘presɪŋ]  n. 1. the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure 2. a metal or plastic part that is made by a mechanical press. adj. compelling immediate action. 

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1. Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.

2. Adjust the control knobs by pressing lightly.

3. The rent collector is pressing for payment again.

4. They are pressing us for an answer.

5. He left, saying he had pressing matters to attend to.

6. Night was already pressing in as we reached the small town.

7. He was totally unresponsive to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority of the population.

8. Pressing business matters prevented him from taking a holiday.

9. She is still pressing her claim for compensation.

10. The crowds were pressing against the barriers.

11. The unions are pressing for improved working conditions.

12. The olives are heat treated during the second pressing.

13. Tom humped himself with two hands pressing his stomach.

14. His body was pressing against hers.

15. They are pressing us to make a quick decision.

16. The manufacturers are pressing the government for action.

17. He was so pressing I couldn’trefuse.

18. He’s pressing me for an answer.

19. Trade unions are pressing him to stand firm.

20. The firm is pressing ahead with the modernization plan.

21. There were two main political groupings pressing for independence.

22. He is still pressing his claim for compensation.

23. They were so pressing that I couldn’t refuse.

24. You switch the radio on by pressing this button.

25. Switch it on by pressing this button.

26. There is a pressing need for more specialist nurses.

27. They retooled the forging and pressing shop last month.

28. The enemies are pressing in. What shall we do?

29. The churning,(Sentencedict) pressing crowds made her feel claustrophobic.

30. There are a few things you should check before pressing the shutter release.

More similar words: distressing, processing, impression, expression, impressive, depression, oppression, suppression, compression, inexpressible, tossing, missing, press, outgassing, canvassing, press for, compress, impress, express, suppress, aggressive, regressive, aggression, pressure, progressive, depressed, oppressor, transgression, congressional, hard-pressed. 

  • Use the word Pressing in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You know, I was only making two negatives a day, that’s all I could afford. And you would think that your days would be empty, if you’re only pressing the shutter twice, but every second was filled.

My dear, I have some pressing business and cannot go walking with you.

I’m sure someone was outside pressing the button.

This shoe is pressing on my corn.

Keep pressing ’em, Sheriff.


A hundred francs for the rent and more pressing needs.

Why? If you’re Ted Drew, why are you pressing your pants?

He kept pressing me to point out the celebrities.

And Skee Ball’s still in front, pressing into second.

The thought of seeing him free of pressing his hands in mine for the first time that will be reward enough.

I would like to very much, Dr. Mortimer, but unfortunately I have some rather pressing business here in London.

Roll slowly up the wall pressing each vertebrae as hard as you can.


I’ve been pressing it for several minutes without any answer.

Also, the x-rays showed a dislocated vertebra pressing on the spinal cord here.

But if we must leave… the most pressing need is money.

Well, your trousers need pressing.

Were it not the time is so pressing we might first put you on trial.

His pants need a bit of pressing, but a nice lad.

I don’t wanna press you, are you still pressing my coat?

Not, come to think about it, that I have any seriously pressing engagements.


How can I be interested in foreign affairs when domestic problems are so pressing?

I’m sorry to have to continue pressing these questions, Miss Starr but I think you understand the importance of your testimony in this inquiry.

Yes? Perhaps there’s something pressing on your brain.

If there were something pressing on my brain, I should have violent headaches, shouldn’t I?

An uncle of mine had a lump the size of a cricket ball pressing on his brain for years… and he never felt a thing.

Your dingy, gloomy office in that dingy, dirty street, the rotten smell from the factory chimneys pressing down on the shabby little houses?

And the trousers were a bit faded and needed a bit of pressing.

Slamming and opening… with the gown clutched in the dead woman’s hand… with its telltale streak of paint… and time pressing… so that any action was better than none and first thoughts had to be best.

A situation has risen- That is, I have a very pressing need for immediate funds. I simply cannot afford to take such a risk.

Isn’t it marvelous to be a poor relation and have people insist upon pressing gold into your little fist?

You see, Mr. Wallace, the accident following surgery formed the blood clot that’s pressing on his brain.

Where’s that pressing iron you were heating for me?

Nightingale is pressing it now.

We’re pressing him pretty closely.

You’re not pressing us down! That stuff’s no good to us.

Instead of pressing it, remove it and the vapor will diffuse and disappear!

You don’t do any cleaning and pressing, do you?

Was cleaning and pressing the gun that had brought it.

Don’t tell me Newman had a pressing engagement elsewhere too?

Well, I had no pressing engagement… except with those boys from the finance office… and she’d mentioned something to drink.

That’s why I’m pressing my pants.

But if you were to tell him that a most pressing matter concerning the university…

It was in my mouth pressing down on my tongue.

Sentences for pressing. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use pressing in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for pressing.

  • He was never intrusive, never pressing. (10)
  • The whole crowd came pressing after him. (8)
  • The occasion, he said, was most pressing. (12)
  • My aunt Dorothy listened, pressing my arm. (10)
  • A sum had been scraped up to pay pressing bills. (12)
  • But she was unable to help pressing it feverishly. (8)
  • And pressing her hands to her breast, she shivered. (8)
  • Turn them into money, and pay what is most pressing. (10)
  • Turn them into money, and pay what is most pressing. (22)
  • These are the motives which I have been pressing on you. (4)
  • Gambier was pressing his hack to keep a respectable second. (10)
  • She was pressing his hand to her cheek that felt burning hot. (8)
  • He took it, and pressing it to his lips covered it with kisses. (9)
  • His fingers kept pressing her shoulder through her thin blouse. (8)
  • Then pressing his hand down, he smoothed and stretched his leg. (8)
  • I was tremendously excited and my father kept pressing my hand. (10)
  • Pressing hands sharply for pledge of good faith, they sundered. (10)
  • At lunch he was almost cordial, and kept pressing Bosinney to eat. (8)
  • And he went about pressing the blade of this thought into his soul. (8)
  • The objection was, that his Aminta should be pressing him to do it. (10)
  • And as if warned that she had been too pressing, she recoiled humbly. (8)
  • Then came a sound as of bootless feet pressing the stairs stealthily! (8)
  • The English traders and frontiersmen were meanwhile pressing westward. (19)
  • Pressing the end of her cigarette out against the bank, she turned over. (8)
  • Soames, in the long silence that followed, felt his mother pressing his hand. (8)
  • Anyhow, there had been enough talk; time was pressing, and the end must come. (12)
  • Then she sat down again on the lounge, pressing her hands to her burning ears. (8)
  • He began to breathe as if an atmosphere thick as water were pressing round him. (10)
  • She sent me three hundred pounds; she must have supposed the occasion pressing. (10)
  • And pressing her arms tight across her breast she forced out a little light laugh. (8)
  • Mrs. Lawrence was changed, much warmer, pressing to be more than merely friendly. (10)
  • She makes a sudden movement, sitting forward, pressing her hands against her breast. (8)
  • His goods were accidents, presents, or the haphazard acquisitions of a pressing need. (8)
  • She dropped the little cross, and took hold of his hand, pressing it against her heart. (8)
  • That modern faculty of pressing on an aching nerve was assuredly not lacking to Bianca. (8)
  • And then, suddenly, I felt as if I were pressing right on the most secret nerve of my heart. (8)
  • But only by pressing her hand against her lips had she smothered a burst of bitter laughter. (8)
  • He likes my hair, she said, smoothing it out, and then pressing her temples, like one insane. (10)
  • He laid out for the plenteous harvests of usury, not pressing the seasons with too much rigour. (10)
  • His immediate pressing necessity struck like a pulse through all the chords of dismal conjecture. (10)
  • For a thousand reasons: which implies no distinct one something prophetically pressing in her blood. (10)
  • He proposed the theatre as a distraction from the anxieties that he knew were pressing equally on his wife. (9)
  • Soames must have been pressing her to go back to him again, with public opinion and the Law on his side, too! (8)
  • The little model was lying on the dismantled bed, pressing her face into the blue and white ticking of the bolster. (8)
  • It is the brain, the satanic brain which will ever be pressing to cast its shadows: the heart is clearer and truer. (10)
  • Adrian had to extemporize, that the baronet had gone down to Wales on pressing business, and would be back in a week or so. (10)
  • Conrad kept pressing his handkerchief to the cut in his temple, which he thought might be bleeding, and now she noticed this. (9)
  • Taking out his pipe, he filled it with tobacco, slowly pressing the golden threads down into the bowl with his little finger. (8)
  • The moment she felt that grasp relax she sank down and clasped his knees, pressing them to her bosom so that he could not stir. (8)
  • Pressing his hand, she turned away into the house, leaving Courtier gazing at the patch of air where her white figure had stood. (8)
  • But she would not in the morning have suspected herself of a capacity for evil, and of a pressing need to be saved from herself. (10)
  • Thus intently urged the Sun-God; but the force of his eloquence Was the pressing on of sea-waves scattered broad from the rocks away. (10)
  • Warn her, Bard, that Power is pressing Hotly for his dues this hour; Tell her that no drunken blessing Stops the onward march of Power. (10)
  • But he will always be pressing forward, and Thackeray restrained him as much as could be done, in the manner of a good-humoured constable. (10)
  • Something that was pressing her low, she knew not how, and left it unquestioned, incited her to exaggerate the indignity her pride had suffered. (10)
  • Mrs. Jenkinson was chiefly employed in watching how little Miss de Bourgh ate, pressing her to try some other dish, and fearing she was indisposed. (4)
  • Antonia was at the piano; her head was bobbing to the movements of her fingers, and pressing down the pedals were her slim monotonously moving feet. (8)
  • Vittoria sat up and tumbled questions out headlong, pressing her eyes and gathering her senses; she shook with a few convulsions, but shed no tears. (10)
  • The influences environing her and pressing her to submission sharpened her perusal of the small object largely endowed by circumstances to demand it. (10)
  • The numbers of people pressing on to the scene of action soon blocked up our retreat, and we found ourselves most unwilling spectators of the conflict. (6)
  • Wear and weather work sad havoc with resplendent uniforms and trappings of human and brute, and the need of repair or replenishment is always pressing. (21)
  • The poor thing while she talked stood leaning anxiously over toward Mrs. March, who had risen, and pressing the points of her fingers nervously together. (9)
  • Unhappily I confounded right speaking with right acting, and conceived, because I spoke so justly, that I was specially approved in pressing her to yield. (10)
  • The incorrigible cause of humiliation for everybody connected with her pictured, at a word of her name, the crowd pressing and the London world acting audience. (10)
  • Captain Cumnock emerged from the inn-yard with a dubitative step, pressing a handkerchief to his nose, blinking, and scrutinizing the persistent fresh stains on it. (10)

Also see sentences for: imperative, importunate, insistent, urgent.

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More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

Sentences starting with pressing

  • Pressing his hand upon his throbbing heart, he watched her every movement. [10]
  • Pressing their heads together, they gazed out of the open linen tilt which arched above the first cart or crowded to the little windows of the coaches to see Ratisbon. [10]
  • Pressing his lips together he made that effort for the twenty-thousandth time and lay down. [2]
  • Pressing against both sides of the window, he adjusted himself on his seat, lowered his hands, moved a little to the right and then to the left, and took up the bottle. [2]

Sentences ending with pressing

  • The need of some great act to stimulate the vitality of the Union cause seemed to grow daily more pressing. [7]
  • You will have much to tell me, my good friend; but even such important matters must give way to those that are more pressing. [10]
  • There were none in the street, and time was pressing. [11]
  • But she would first convince herself whether the time was pressing. [10]

Short sentences using pressing

  • Hodder refrained from pressing him. [9]

Sentences containing pressing two or more times

  • Something inside of me kept pressing and pressing, until I thought I would die. [9]
  • Strange and even absurd as it was, it seemed to her that a cat was pressing and pressing down upon her breast. [11]

More example sentences with the word pressing in them

  • His purse overflowed with zechins; but with the red gold, Art withdrew from him her powerful ally, necessity, the pressing need of gaining a livelihood by the exertion of his own strength. [10]
  • If the danger were pressing, there was a door, known only to the initiated, which led to the steps and out of the building. [10]
  • When Prince Andrew went in the two princesses, who had only met once before for a short time at his wedding, were in each other’s arms warmly pressing their lips to whatever place they happened to touch. [2]
  • When the biography was finished, other engagements were pressing upon his attention. [4]
  • It must be very pressing business, for the old gentleman drives off in this way somewhere almost every pleasant day, and appears to have a great deal on his mind. [4]
  • Far from pressing upon me the thoughts which moved him so deeply, it was long ere he permitted the first glimpse into his soul. [10]
  • As the gray uniforms file out of the gate, the crowd has become a mob, now flowing back into the fields on each side of the road, now pressing forward vindictively until stopped by the sergeants and corporals. [9]
  • The gentlemen took turns, and never was their business so pressing that they missed their hour. [9]
  • A shout of triumph announced that the gates, like a broken dam, had given way, and the torrent poured in between the posts, flooding the yard, pressing up the towered stairways and spreading through the compartments of the mill. [9]
  • In short, owing to the pressing nature of the occasion, the judge would take the liberty of calling the committee together immediately. [9]
  • Pierre, in order to make Boris’ better acquaintance, promised to come to dinner, and warmly pressing his hand looked affectionately over his spectacles into Boris’ eyes. [2]
  • He was glad to find some way of concealing his emotion when Mary seized his hand and, pressing a long kiss on it, wetted it with her tears. [10]
  • Another smith tried to enter the doorway, pressing against the publican with his chest. [2]
  • They took Boggs to a little drug store, the crowd pressing around just the same, and the whole town following, and I rushed and got a good place at the window, where I was close to him and could see in. [5]
  • But there are times for mourning, and we will attend to this case further on; other matters are pressing, now. [5]
  • His head was thrown far back, pressing down the stiff ruff, on which it seemed to rest as if it were a platter. [10]
  • His terrier, as though realizing exactly what he wished, seemed to guide him by rubbing against his legs, and even pressing hard against them when he was in any danger of losing the middle of the road, or swerving towards a ditch or some obstruction. [11]
  • But, without pressing this point, we hold strongly to the sacredness of correspondence. [4]
  • Creditors were pressing their claims and profits were negligible. [5]
  • He proposed the theatre as a distraction from the anxieties that he knew were pressing equally on his wife. [8]
  • That affair was the same thing as this soldier with the harsh voice, and it was that affair and this soldier that were so agonizingly, incessantly pulling and pressing his arm and always dragging it in one direction. [2]
  • Lacey had eased the Prince Pasha’s immediate and pressing financial needs—and, «Allah be praised! [11]
  • Where had been the place by pressing which the granite might be moved? [10]
  • The Emperor greeted the officers and the Semenov guard, and again pressing the old man’s hand went with him into the castle. [2]
  • All present, even the men and maid-servants, were still devoting themselves to the food, when the master of the house rose, and pressing both hands over the back of his head, which was very prominently developed, exclaimed groaning: «I can hold out no longer. [10]
  • When they reached the group of paupers they rested upon a woman with deadly pale, hollow cheeks, pressing a pitifully emaciated infant to her dry breast, and her eyes swiftly filled with tears. [10]
  • They burst open the gates of the palace and were pressing in with cries of «Death to the Magi,» when the seven princes of the Persians appeared in front of the raging crowd to resist their entrance. [10]
  • This part of the enemy seem to now be trying to work along the White Oak road, to join the main force in front of Grant, while Sheridan and Warren are pressing them as closely as possible. [7]
  • I slowed down the car; I felt her shoulder pressing against my own, and reached out my hand and found hers. [9]
  • A glance showed that the rest of the enemy—perhaps ten thousand strong—were between us and the encircling ditch, and pressing forward to the assault. [5]
  • When he learned that he was assiduously visiting The Poplars, and that he was in close communication with Miss Cynthia Badlam, he felt sure that he was pressing the siege of Myrtle’s heart. [6]
  • Then came a tenement, under which two enterprising Greeks by the name of Pappas—spelled Papas lower down—conducted a business called «The Gentleman,» a tailoring, pressing, and dyeing establishment. [9]
  • Our force is superior, yet the foe is pressing unimpeded into the midst of the army. [10]
  • The prisoner was standing at the window, pressing her brow against the iron bars and listening to the lute played by her lover, which sounded, amid the turmoil of the other prisoners, like a bell above the roar of thunder and the storm. [10]
  • She found Charley standing at a table pressing seams, and her quick eye took him in with knowledge and instinct. [11]
  • It must be something important and pressing indeed that Klea desired to tell him in such a place and at such an hour. [10]
  • I love, love…» she said, convulsively pressing her hands and setting her teeth with a desperate effort… She was overcome by sweet sorrow and tears were already rising in her eyes; then she suddenly asked herself to whom she was saying this. [2]
  • If, however, it shall not pass, I suppose the whole subject will be one of the most pressing and important for the next Congress. [7]
  • The President has set the fair in motion by pressing the button in Washington. [5]
  • And I was scarcely up again and my sword drawn, when the villains were pressing me from all sides. [9]
  • But she had scarcely heard the motive of his presence ere, pressing her hand upon her bosom with a sigh of relief, she eagerly exclaimed: «Oh, do what you can to avert this terrible deed! [10]
  • His two brothers retreated, fighting step by step, toward the bridge, we pressing their despairing forces and cutting them down by scores. [5]
  • Well, when the priest had been droning for three hours, and the good king polishing the evidences, and the sick were still pressing forward as plenty as ever, I got to feeling intolerably bored. [5]
  • If work was pressing, he could not be induced to leave the anvil, even when evening had closed in; if it was pleasant to sit over the beer, he remained till after the last man had gone. [10]
  • These are not pressing us just now. [7]
  • Why this deliberate pressing out of view the rights of men and the authority of the people? [7]
  • Several dressers were pressing on his chest to hold him down. [2]
  • The others were pressing around us by this time, and had caught the significant words which Mr. Cooke had uttered. [9]
  • The crowd halted, pressing around those who had heard what the superintendent had said, and looking at the departing trap. [2]
  • The side horses, pressing against the shafts of the middle horse, sank in the snow, which was dry and glittered like sugar, and threw it up. [2]
  • His elbow was pressing against some hard substance. [5]
  • It seemed like pressing a knife into her own bosom and turning the blade. [6]
  • Time is most precious…» The Emperor ceased speaking, the crowd began pressing round him, and rapturous exclamations were heard from all sides. [2]
  • He waited till Polykarp had picked himself up, and, without looking round, but pressing his hands to the back of his head, had tottered away like a drunken man. [10]
  • In the first place, he had been obliged to witness how earnestly Philotas was pressing his suit, and perceived that her companion Chrysilla was most eagerly assisting him. [10]
  • Rostov, smoking his pipe and turning his head about as the water trickled down his neck, listened inattentively, with an occasional glance at Ilyin, who was pressing close to him. [2]
  • Since receiving the papers, as stated, I have given the subject such brief consideration as I have been able to do, in the midst of so many pressing public duties. [7]
  • Herr Casper, deadly pale, was clinging with his right hand to the baluster, pressing his left on his brow, as he vainly struggled for composure and breath. [10]
  • Then, pressing her own beautiful face on her lover’s wound to stanch the flowing blood, she lavished upon him all the endearing names which she had bestowed on their love. [10]
  • At any rate Orion ere long forgot the incident, for matters of more pressing importance claimed his attention at home. [10]
  • Her answer, spoken or silent, could not have been a cruel one, for in another moment Clement was pressing his lips to hers, after the manner of accepted lovers. [6]
  • He was pressing one hand to his left side, while the other clutched his drooping pistol. [2]
  • With Russia pressing on one side and America competing on the other, England cannot afford to lose her military lines, her control of the sea, her prestige. [4]
  • The two pilgrims, often pressing each other’s hands, or exchanging a smile or cheerful look, pursued their way in silence. [12]
  • In the midst of pressing duties I have been unable to answer it sooner. [7]
  • He was aware of limitations and anomalies, but his faith was boundless, his energy the subject of good-natured comment by his vestry and parishioners, whose pressing invitations’ to dinners he was often compelled to refuse. [9]
  • Mr. Tooting is not leading them for the moment, but is pressing through the crowd outside the hall and flying up the street to the Pelican and the bridal suite, where he is first with the news. [9]
  • Yet they could not hinder me from pressing my lips to the hands of the beloved body in its winding-sheet. [10]
  • His work did not cease when the pressing need of money came to an end. [5]
  • The French officer nearest at hand was Guillaume Renault, who was pressing him closely. [5]
  • Mademoiselle Bourienne stood near them pressing her hand to her heart, with a beatific smile and obviously equally ready to cry or to laugh. [2]
  • Now, my friends, my public duties are pressing to-day, and will prevent my giving more time to you. [7]
  • But, Luis, you must now tell me—» «That your Majesty’s sisterly affection has discovered the only right course,» cried Quijada, deeply touched, pressing his lips respectfully to the flowing sleeve of her robe. [10]
  • There was a murmur from those listening, and I saw Tom pressing his way to the front. [9]
  • He made a mumbling sound in confirmation of this, took her hand, and began pressing it to different parts of his breast as if trying to find the right place for it. [2]
  • The blood had mounted to the man’s face and eyes, and pressing his hand to his purple forehead he sank back in his chair as if stricken with apoplexy. [10]
  • One of the most pressing needs of the early colonists must have been that of physicians and surgeons. [3]
  • With all the money at their command they will not loan me a penny in my pressing need. [9]
  • Of course these mines cave in, in places, occasionally, and then it is worth one’s while to take the risk of descending into them and observing the crushing power exerted by the pressing weight of a settling mountain. [5]
  • A very different matter occupied her thoughts, and as, pressing her hand upon her heart, she gazed at the little city, gleaming with crimson hues in the reflection of the setting sun, a strange, restless stir pervaded the former stillness of Nature. [10]
  • The whole moving mass began pressing closer together and a report spread that they were ordered to halt: evidently those in front had halted. [2]
  • Mr. Hamilton Tooting, looking the very soul of hospitality, stands by the doorway with an open box of cigars in his left hand, pressing them upon the visitors with his right. [9]
  • It was not long before we reached the coast; and then, pressing onwards in a northerly direction, we fell in with some friendly mariners, who took care of us until we were taken up by an Arabian boat. [10]
  • Nor would she listen for a moment to her friend’s pressing entreaties that she would put off this task, and pass the night, at any rate, under her roof. [10]
  • Many a bearded lip was pressed to the hem of his robe, to his feet, and to the sleek skin of the noble Libyan steed which, pressing forward with arching neck only to be curbed by its rider’s strength, bore him through the ranks. [10]
  • He did not know which way to turn, in the amount of labour pressing upon him, but he would have a hasty talk with the foreman and then try to find his friend. [10]
  • Nearer,—nearer,—the rear boat is pressing the other more and more closely,—a few more strokes, and they will be even, for there is but one length between them, and thirty rods will carry them to the line. [6]
  • The travelers were indebted to the Colonel for a delightful noonday rest, and with regret declined his pressing invitation to pass the night with him. [4]
  • The only man in the whole place who is not excited is Jethro Bass himself, who sits in his chair regardless of those pressing around him. [9]
  • Intelligence seemed pressing in from the invisible. [4]
  • These being past, I am unwilling he should now get into a general engagement on the impression that we here are pressing him, and I shall be glad for you to so inform him, unless your own judgment is against it. [7]
  • He did not, however, give Phaedime the faintest idea of the nature of his «little plan,» and only answered her pressing questions with the words: «Better lay your head in a lion’s jaws, than your secret in the ears of a woman. [10]
  • A gentle smile hovered around his pale lips, and when he tried to raise his head Elizabeth helped him, pressing it gently to her breast. [10]
  • The Rostovs’ Moscow house had not been heated that winter and, as they had come only for a short time and the countess was not with them, the count decided to stay with Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, who had long been pressing her hospitality on them. [2]
  • Prince Andrew introduced his protege, but Prince Dolgorukov politely and firmly pressing his hand said nothing to Boris and, evidently unable to suppress the thoughts which were uppermost in his mind at that moment, addressed Prince Andrew in French. [2]
  • It was in his nostrils when the hot steam rose from the clothes he was pressing, in the thick odour of the fulled cloth, in the melting snow outside the door. [11]
  • When Bias and his master were again released, Ledscha was standing, in the dusk of evening, at the foot of the mainmast, pressing her brow against the wood as if she needed some support to save herself from falling. [10]
  • It had made him so happy to think that he was all in all to the poor orphan, and could shelter her against pressing want. [10]
  • She was pressing her brow against the left post of the door, but at her feet, on the right side, cowered another figure, which could scarcely be recognised as a human being. [10]
  • Then his tortured heart seemed to shrink, and, pressing his hand on his brow, he paused some time ere he answered gloomily: «It is for them that I go. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word pressing in a sentence? How do you use pressing in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word pressing?
It contains example sentences with the word pressing, a sentence example for pressing, and pressing in sample sentence.

Definition of Pressed

pushed or pressured by a difficult or stressful situation

Examples of Pressed in a sentence

Pressed for time, businessman hurried from one meeting to the next in a mad rush.


The student felt pressed to make the grade since his parents wouldn’t accept anything less than an A.


During the interrogation, the suspect was pressed for information until he cracked.




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