The word present in spanish

present [ˈpreznt]


1 [+person]

to be present (in place) estar presente; (at function) asistir; estar presente; he insisted on being present se empeñó en estar presente or en asistir; the whole family was present estaba toda la familia presente; how many others were present? ¿cuántos más había?; ¿cuántos más estuvieron presentes?; nobody else was present no había nadie más; nadie más estuvo presente; is there a doctor present? ¿hay un médico (presente)?; present! ¡presente!

negotiations cannot continue as long as the police are present

ssh! there are ladies present ¡sss! hay señoras delante

to be present at [+function] asistir a; estar presente en; [+scene, accident] presenciar

Lord Owen was present at the meeting he was present at the accident nearly 85 per cent of men are present at the birth of their children

present company excepted exceptuando a los presentes

«it’s no wonder they’re despised,» Sinclair began to smile but Velma clapped him briskly on the back. «Present company excepted, Donald!» she laughed. I can’t stand people whose only topic of conversation is football; present company excepted, of course!

all present and correct (Mil) todos presentes

all present and correct, sir!

somos todos los que estamos y estamos todos los que somos

if we are all present and correct, perhaps I could begin

those present los presentes

many of those present were new members among those present at today’s discussions was Alexander Yakovlev correct: ever present and correct


to be present [+thing, substance] encontrarse; in some areas, fluoride is naturally present in the water supply en algunas zonas, el flúor se encuentra de forma natural en el agua

the virus was found to be present in some tissue samples in soils where heavy metals are present then fat deposits are broken down in the liver, in the blood vessels and in all other organs where fat deposits are present it can’t be a coincidence that most of the infested counties where the pest is present are round the Great Lakes to be present [in] sth

to be ever present estar siempre presente

I am afraid the risk of a relapse will be ever present

3 (current) actual

how long have you been in your present job? ¿cuánto tiempo llevas en tu puesto actual?

present methods include … its present value in the present economic climate

in its present form en su forma actual

the present Queen of England

the present government el actual gobierno

in its present form, the bill is unlikely to become law the house was rebuilt in its present form in 1839 without them, the company in its present form cannot continue he has brought much of the present crisis on himself the government’s present economic difficulties it has been skilfully renovated by the present owners if you are unhappy with the present situation you can contact your local MP if present trends continue, Hispanic-Americans will outnumber blacks within about 20 years he said inflation would not have reached its present level if sterling had entered the ERM when he proposed it he conceded that in the present climate Ethiopia’s economic policy did not mean much in the present case, I think you may be right the court has no jurisdiction in the present case in (the) present [circumstances] I am sure there is no alternative to devaluation in the present circumstances Schlesinger agreed that in present circumstances the Bundesbank had no plans to raise interest rates

from Roman times to the present day desde los tiempos romanos hasta nuestros días

this tradition has continued to the present day esta tradición sigue vigente; a solution to the problems of the present day una solución a los problemas actuales or de nuestros días

modern research shows that these ancient techniques are very effective approaches to the illnesses of the present day

at the present time (at this instant) en este momento; (currently) actualmente; hoy día

no statement can be made at the present time the biggest problem facing Europe at the present time

(up) to the present time hasta nuestros días; hasta los tiempos actuales

it remains unchanged (up) to the present time the present [writer] it was revised in 1990 with the help of the present writer house prices rose consistently for the first three months of the present year in during the present [year]

4 (Gram) presente


1 (present time)

the present el presente

his struggle to reconcile the past with the present British industry from 1880 to the present then her thoughts would switch to the present Naomi does not enjoy talking about her past, preferring to live in the present There were two children, Richard, at present out of the country, and Paula he is at present serving a life sentence there is no way at present of predicting which individuals will develop the disease at present children under 14 are not permitted in bars

for the present de momento; por lo pronto

for the present, you need to rest and sleep

that will be all for the present de momento or por lo pronto esto es todo; I’ll say goodbye for the present me despido hasta la próxima

but for the present the police were content to do nothing the ministers had expressed the unanimous view that sanctions should remain in place for the present for the present she continues with the antibiotics that’s all for the present, Miss Livingstone nothing more can be done for the present

up to the present hasta ahora

it hasn’t happened up to the present it has continued right up to the present

to live for the present vivir el momento

if you can’t live for the present, there’s no point in living at all I strongly believe in living for the present — tomorrow you could be dead

(there’s) no time like the present no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy

don’t wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life — there’s no time like the present «I’ve been wanting to go to Japan for years» — «well, why not? — there’s no time like the present» «leave the washing-up till later» — «no, I’ll do it now: no time like the present»


at present (at this instant) en este momento; (currently) ahora; actualmente; Mr Young isn’t here at present el Sr. Young no está aquí en este momento; I don’t want to get married at present de momento no me quiero casar; as things are at present como están las cosas ahora; como están las cosas actualmente

3 (Gram) (tiempo (m) ) presente (m)

put the following verbs into the present

4 (Jur)

by these presents por los aquí presentes

the [parties] presents


the present continuous (n) el presente continuo

the present indicative (n) el presente de indicativo

present participle (n) participio (m) activo; participio (m) (de) presente

the present perfect (n) el pretérito perfecto

the present simple (n) el presente simple

the present subjunctive (n) el presente de subjuntivo

the present tense (n) el (tiempo) presente

[in] the present tense it’s written in the present tense we still refer to him in the present tense, even though he’s retired

present [ˈpreznt]


(gift) regalo (m); obsequio (m) (formal); presente (m) (formal) (literary)

it’s for a present es para (un) regalo; she gave me the book as a present me regaló el libro; it was a present from Dad era un regalo de papá

she bought us all a present he had brought home a present for her the Queen bought the house in 1976, as a present for the couple

to give sb a present hacer un regalo a algn

I’ll give you your Christmas present early don’t you think we ought to give her a present, as it’s her birthday?

to make sb a present of sth regalar algo a algn; dar algo a algn medio regalado; servir algo a algn en bandeja

when she admired the ring he simply made her a present of it if I’d known you liked it I would have made a present of it to you

we did rather make them a present of the match didn’t we? by squabbling amongst themselves our countries are making the Russians a present of the whole of Europe

present [prɪˈzent]

transitive verb

1 (give) [+prize, award] entregar; hacer entrega de

the awards were presented by Sir Robin Day the mayor came to present the prizes

to present sth to sb entregar algo a algn; hacer entrega de algo a algn; they have presented a petition to Parliament han hecho entrega de or han presentado una petición al parlamento

Bob Dawson presented the trophy to the winning team two-year old Kerry Hawkins presented a posy to the Queen Mother


to present sb with sth present sth to sb regalar algo a algn; obsequiar a algn con algo (formal); obsequiar algo a algn; (LAm)

he was presented with a gold watch on his retirement President Reagan presented Ford with the Medal of Freedom Queen Alexandra presented him with a special gold cup a woman approached him and presented him with a single rose

2 (introduce) presentar

may I present Miss Clark? allow me to present Miss Clark permítame presentarle a or le presento a la Srta. Clark

it gives me great pleasure to present … es para mí un honor or placer presentarles a …

Fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack to present X [to] Y

he presented Jane to his mother presentó a Jane a su madre; to be presented at court (Britain) ser presentada en la corte

Margaret had been presented at Court

3 (offer formally)

to present one’s apologies (to sb) presentar sus excusas (ante algn)

my parents asked me to present their apologies, but they had a pressing engagement elsewhere allow me to present my sincerest apologies

to present one’s compliments (to sb) presentar or ofrecer sus saludos (a algn)

/Dr Maturin presents his compliments/, and would be happy to visit Sir Joseph Blaine as soon as it may be convenient he was just passing and wished to present his compliments

to present one’s credentials (to sb) [+diplomat] presentar sus credenciales (ante algn)

the new ambassador presented his credentials to the Austrian president Harry went to the White House to present his credentials foreign representatives presenting their credentials

4 (show) [+documents, tickets] presentar; mostrar

all passports must be presented at passport control at the other end stood a porter’s lodge, where visitors presented their permits before they could enter they were frequently stopped by the police and required to present evidence of their identity passengers must present their tickets if required by an inspector

5 (put forward, communicate) [+report, proposal, evidence] presentar; [+case, argument] exponer; (Parl) [+bill] presentar

figures can be presented in many ways hay muchas maneras de presentar las cifras

the party has to present a more professional image el partido debe presentar or proyectar una imagen más profesional

she presented her plan to the meeting expuso su proyecto a la reunión

an opportunity to present his views to the public the team presented its findings to the government in a paper presented to the second World Climate Conference in Geneva we present the information in a variety of chart forms we presented three options to the unions for discussion he was doing his best last week to present an image of a happily married man presenting a calm and dignified face to the world at large the commission has presented new proposals aimed at reassuring a number of countries they will have nine months in which to gather and present evidence against him he is expected to present evidence that Altman’s various deals were legal they did not base their verdict solely on the evidence presented in the courtroom on the evidence presented in this book, he would seem to have a strong case unquestionably the author presents a powerful case I need a good lawyer to present my case we have to ensure that the prosecution presents the case in an intelligible way but that can be overruled by a magistrate if the person presents a reasonable case don’t waste time with small talk — /you will have only five minutes to present your case/ I thought he presented his argument very well /when the 1989 Dock Work Act was presented as a Bill to Parliament/, MPs were told that it would probably lead to 1,500 to 2,000 redundancies Congress has presented a bill that it knows the president will veto

6 (pose) [+challenge] representar; [+opportunity] presentar; ofrecer; [+sight] ofrecer

if you are old, getting fit can present a challenge si es usted mayor, ponerse en forma puede representar un reto; the bay presents a magnificent sight la bahía ofrece una vista maravillosa

the boy presents a problem el chico nos plantea un problema

the patrol presented an easy target la patrulla era un blanco fácil

the future will present many challenges Brittany, which has few hills, presents no challenge to the serious walker such complicated rhythms would present a challenge for any singer such conditions present a challenge to medical technology this summer school presents an opportunity to experience all aspects of dance the small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight the warriors presented an awesome spectacle to present the [appearance] of sth he presents the appearance of someone living a life of luxury they abandoned the neighbourhood, presenting an appearance of panic

7 (provide, confront)

to present sb with sth: the author presents us with a vivid chronicle of contemporary America el autor nos brinda or ofrece una vívida crónica de la América contemporánea

she bought a new car and presented me with the bill se compró un coche nuevo y me pasó la factura

public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma it presented him with an opportunity to make a great deal of money

to present sb with a daughter/son ofrecer a algn una hija/un hijo

Henry married Jane Seymour, who presented him with a male heir, Edward he made no secret of his delight when girlfriend Annie Benn presented him with a beautiful baby daughter

8 (represent, portray) presentar

the report presents her in a favourable light el informe presenta una imagen favorable de ella

the government has presented these changes as major reforms her lawyer wanted to present her in the most favourable light it is customary to present the British as the colonialist oppressor her report presents the matter in another light

9 (Comm) (tender, submit) [+bill] presentar; pasar

don’t wait until he presents his bill before you ask for a reduction the Iraqis have presented a bill for nearly £150,000 for the costs of holding British nationals in a hotel in Baghdad

[+cheque] presentar

the cheque was presented for payment on 24th el cheque se presentó para el cobro el día 24

he calculated that the cheque would not be presented for three days

10 (Rad) (TV) [+programme] presentar

she presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC the programme is presented by Dr Brian Smith we present «My Music», and here’s your chairman, Steve Race

(Teat) [+play] presentar; ofrecer el montaje de

the Lyric Theatre is presenting a new production of «Over the Bridge»

(Art) [+exhibition] exponer; presentar

the Museum of Modern Art is presenting a complete retrospective of Ray’s work

presenting Garbo as Mimi con Garbo en el papel de Mimi

11 (Mil)

to present arms presentar las armas; present arms! ¡presenten armas!

the Officer in Charge commands all guards to present arms with a rhythmic stamp and clash the Marines presented arms


to present o.s. [+person] presentarse; how you present yourself is extremely important la manera de presentarse es muy importante

I presented myself at their offices in Europe, Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light all those tricks which would help him to present himself in a more confident way in public she was told to present herself at the Town Hall at 11.30 for the induction ceremony two detectives presented themselves on her doorstep present yourself at reception when you arrive

to present o.s. as sth

he presents himself as a moderate, but he’s not se define a sí mismo como un moderado, pero no lo es; she’s thinking of presenting herself as a candidate está pensando en presentarse como candidata

the British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers

to present o.s. for examination presentarse a (un) examen

to present o.s. for (an) interview presentarse a una entrevista

you may be required to present yourself for (an) interview


to present itself [+opportunity, problem] surgir; presentarse

he would do it again if the opportunity presented itself their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself the opportunity has never really presented itself for me to say certain things she would have only the slimmest of chances of getting away, if an opportunity presented itself at all

a problem has presented itself ha surgido or se ha presentado un problema

a further obstacle has presented itself, however

intransitive verb


to present with sth [+patient] presentarse con algo

she presented with post-natal depression

to present with or as sth [+condition] presentarse en forma de algo

shingles often presents with a rash over the face a placenta previa is not as dramatic and usually presents as repeated small hemorrhages

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Specific amounts involved cannot reliably be projected at the present stage.

En el momento presente resulta imposible estimar con exactitud las cifras concretas.

This matter is considered in depth later in the present report.

Esta cuestión se analiza en detalle más adelante en el presente informe.

Many reasons have been proffered for the present state of affairs.

Se han dado muchas razones para explicar el actual estado de cosas.

The present design of trains already takes these risks into account.

El diseño actual de los trenes ya tiene en cuenta estos riesgos.

In any case, you take advantage of my bourgeois present.

En todo caso, te aprovechás bastante bien de mi presente burgués.

The asset ceiling is the present value of those future benefits.

El límite del activo es el valor actual de dichos beneficios futuros.

Dilbaug, all the women present here have a loose character.

Dilbaug, todas las mujeres presentes, han perdido el buen humor.

The annex to the present addendum contains models of various aquifers.

En el anexo de la presente adición figuran modelos de diversos acuíferos.

The question is this man’s authority in his present position.

Se trata de la autoridad de este hombre en su cargo actual.

But they are questions best discussed when your mother is present.

Pero son preguntas que es mejor hablarlas cuando tu madre esté presente.

The present case does not involve such a scenario, however.

Sin embargo, en el presente caso no se da dicha hipótesis.

Past and future intertwine to become part of a timeless present.

Pasado y futuro se entrelazan para formar parte de un presente eterno.

Kowalski, calculate the furthest trip possible from our present location.

Kowalski, calcula el viaje más lejano respecto a nuestra posición actual.

The present programme review is a first step in this direction.

El presente examen del programa es un primer paso en esa dirección.

A delicacy no longer present at the moment in my house.

Una delicadeza que ya no está presente de momento en mi casa.

These responses form the basis for much of the present report.

El presente informe se ha basado en gran parte en esas respuestas.

In summary the present policy is not delivering the desired results.

En definitiva, la política actual no permite obtener los resultados esperados.

The present proposal does not include an alert threshold for benzene.

La presente propuesta no incluye un umbral de alerta para el benceno.

These elements were taken into account when drawing the present proposal.

Se han tenido en cuentas estos aspectos al elaborar la presente propuesta.

No results found for this meaning.

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Principal Translations Inglés Español present n (gift) regalo nm    (formal) presente nm   The birthday present was just what she wanted.   El regalo de cumpleaños fue justo lo que ella quería. present n (grammar: tense) presente nm   This paragraph is in past tense, but that paragraph is all in present.   Este párrafo esta en pasado, pero ese párrafo está todo en presente. the present n (current time) el presente nm   Try to stop worrying about tomorrow and keep your thoughts in the present.   Deja de preocuparte por el mañana y concéntrate en el presente. present adj (in attendance) presente adj mf   The company director thanked all those present for making the conference a success.   El director de la empresa agradeció a todos los presentes por hacer de la conferencia un éxito. be present at [sth] v expr (attend) estar presente en loc verb + prep     asistir a vi + prep   It is essential that the entire team be present at this meeting.   Es esencial que todo el equipo esté presente en la reunión. present n as adj (moment, time: current) presente adj     actual adj   At the present moment, we don’t need anything.   En este presente momento, no necesitamos nada.   En el momento actual, no necesitamos nada. present [sb] vtr (person: introduce) presentar⇒ vtr Note: Ante complemento directo de persona debe usarse la preposición «a».   Dad, allow me to present my boss, Mr. Smith.   Papá, te presento a mi jefe, el señor Smith. present [sb] to [sb] vtr + prep formal (person: introduce to [sb]) presentar⇒ vtr   Governor, may I present Mr. Johnson to you?   Gobernador, permítame que le presente al señor Johnson. present [sth] vtr (confer, give) hacer entrega loc verb     otorgar⇒ vtr     entregar⇒ vtr   The previous year’s winner presented the award.   El ganador del año anterior hizo entrega del premio. present [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (confer, give to) presentar algo a alguien loc verb     otorgar algo a alguien loc verb   It gives me great pleasure to present this award to you.   Es un gran placer presentarle esta condecoración.
Additional Translations Inglés Español present adj (in mind) presente adj mf   With the failures of past governors constantly present in his mind, the politician vowed to do better.   Con los errores de sus predecesores siempre presentes en su mente, el político juró hacerlo mejor. be present vi + adj (existing now) existir⇒ vi     estar presente v cop + adj mf   Wild buffalo are no longer present in North America.   El búfalo salvaje ya no existe en América del Norte. present [sth] vtr (show: stage, put on) presentar⇒ vtr   We now present our musical extravaganza!   Y ahora le presentamos, ¡nuestro musical! present [sth] vtr (plan, idea: introduce) presentar⇒ vtr     exponer⇒ vtr   Allow me to present my findings.   Presentó a sus compañeros su plan para incrementar las ventas.   Expuso a sus compañeros su plan para incrementar las ventas. present [sth] vtr (put on display) mostrar⇒ vtr     enseñar⇒ vtr   The museum plans to present the new statue as part of an upcoming exhibit.   Tengo que mostrar la nueva estatua a los trabajadores del museo. present [sth] vtr (invoice) (ES) presentar⇒ vtr    (MX, facturación) entregar⇒ vtr   The vendor presents his invoice weekly.   El vendedor presenta su factura cada semana. present [sth] vtr (law: charges) presentar⇒ vtr   The district attorney presented charges of assault.   El fiscal presentó cargos por agresión. present [sb] with [sth] vtr (give) otorgar⇒ vtr   For his years of service, they presented him with a gold watch.   Ellos le otorgaron un reloj de oro en agradecimiento por todos sus años de servicio. present [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (give as a gift) regalar⇒ vtr    (formal) ofrecer un regalo loc verb   They presented a bouquet of flowers to the winner.   Regalaron un ramo de flores al ganador. present [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (plan, idea: introduce) presentar⇒ vtr   He presented his plan to increase sales to his co-workers.   Él presentó su plan para incrementar las ventas a sus compañeros de trabajo. present [sth] to [sb] vtr + prep (perform for [sb]) presentar⇒ vtr   We are proud to present the play «Hamlet» to you tonight.   Estamos orgullosos de presentarlos «Hamlet» esta noche.
Compound Forms:
present Inglés Español at present adv (currently) por ahora loc adv     actualmente adv   At present, there are six students enrolled in the phonetics course.   Por ahora, hay seis estudiantes inscritos en el curso de fonética. at the present time adv (now, currently) actualmente adv     en el presente loc adv   At the present time, there are many migrating birds here.   Actualmente hay muchas aves migratorias aquí.     en estos tiempos loc adv     en los tiempos que corren loc adv   En estos tiempos hay muchas aves migratorias aquí.     en este momento loc adv   En este momento hay muchas aves migratorias aquí.     justo ahora loc adv   Justo ahora hay muchas aves migratorias aquí. Christmas present,
Christmas gift
n (festive gift) regalo de navidad nm + loc adj     regalo navideño nm + adj   The family spent Christmas Eve wrapping their Christmas presents. ever-present adj (always existing) siempre presente loc adj     constante adj mf for the present expr (for now, temporarily) por la presente expr     por ahora expr historical present (linguistics) presente histórico loc nom m in the present day expr (in the modern era, now) hoy día expr     hoy en día expr     en la actualidad expr   The main action of the film takes place in the present day, with flashbacks to the 1970s. ppr,
n written, abbreviation (present participle) participio presente nm + adj present company excepted,
present company excluded
expr (excluding the people present) (plural) exceptuando a los presentes, exceptuando a las presentes expr    (singular; tuteo) exceptuándote a ti expr    (plural) exceptuándolos a ustedes, exceptuándolas a ustedes expr    (ES; plural) exceptuándoos a vosotros, exceptuándoos a vosotras expr   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. En esta empresa nadie se esfuerza, exceptuando a los presentes.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. No suelo confiar en mis vecinos, exceptuándote a ti, desde luego. present continuous n (grammar: current progressive tense) (tiempo verbal) presente continuo loc nom m   «I am writing a sentence» is an example of the present continuous tense.   «Estoy escribiendo una oración» es un ejemplo de presente continuo.    (tiempo verbal, coloquial) estar más gerundio grupo nom   «Estoy escribiendo una oración» es un ejemplo de una perífrasis de estar más gerundio. the present day n (modern age) presente nm     actualidad nf   The historian was only interested in the past and not at all in tune with the present day.   El historiador solo se preocupaba por el pasado y no estaba en sintonía con el presente. present-day n as adj (of, in the modern age) actual adj mf     de nuestros días loc adj   Present-day medicine uses a lot of sophisticated equipment.   La medicina actual usa muchos equipos sofisticados. present participle n (grammar: -ing form of a verb) participio de presente nm + loc adj     participio presente nm + adj mf     participio activo nm + adj   In English, you use the present participle to form continuous tenses. present perfect n (tense: have been doing, etc.) pretérito perfecto loc nom m   The present perfect is used for situations that began in the past and have continued until the present. present perfect tense,
present perfect
n (grammar: have been, etc.) pretérito perfecto nm + adj     pretérito perfecto compuesto loc nom m    (gramática inglesa) presente perfecto nm + adj   In this exercise, students have to decide whether to use the present perfect tense or the past simple tense.   En este ejercicio, los estudiantes deben elegir si usar el pretérito perfecto o el pretérito indefinido. present progressive (linguistics) presente progresivo loc nom m     presente continuo loc nom m present simple n (grammar: indicative tense) (gramática) presente nm     presente del indicativo loc nom m   The present simple is one of the first tenses which students are taught when they are learning English. present tense n (grammar) (Gramática) presente nm   In this lesson, the students learn how to use the present tense.   En esta lección, los estudiantes aprenden a usar el presente. present value n (current monetary worth) valor actual nm   The present value of many homes has dropped considerably during the housing bust.   El valor actual de la propiedad es casi el doble de lo que pagué por ella hace dos años.     valor corriente nm present yourself v expr (give an appearance or impression) dar una impresión loc verb     presentarse⇒ v prnl   Graham likes to present himself as a highly educated person.   A Graham le gusta dar la impresión de ser una persona educada. present yourself v expr (introduce yourself) presentarse⇒ v prnl   Make sure that you present yourself with confidence.   Debes manifestar seguridad a la hora de presentarte. up to the present adv (until now) hasta ahora loc adv   I’ve worked for six weeks but haven’t been paid up to the present.   He trabajado durante seis semanas pero hasta ahora no me han pagado.     hasta este momento loc adv   He trabajado durante seis semanas pero hasta este momento no me han pagado.

Contraception technology: past, present and future.

Download now English Worksheets Present Simple.

Tammy Hurley will present the program.

The present method obscures this information.

Complex infrastructure programs present complex challenges.

Thymomas present with many different symptoms.

How does mental illness present itself?

Specifically, the present study examined stressors.

Understanding that car fobs present an.

However, they also present potential hazards.

Our competition will present an application to declare bankruptcy.

Nuestra competencia va a presentar una solicitud para declararse en quiebra.

I like the Christmas present.

Me gusta el regalo de navidad.

At present, I work at a bank.

En la actualidad trabajo en un banco.

You all don’t look for a present.

Ustedes no buscan un regalo.

Would you like to present a complaint?

¿Quisiera usted presentar una queja?

…and to have an attorney present during questioning.

…y a que esté con usted cuando sea interrogado.

Currently several highways are being built in the northern part of the country.

Actualmente están siendo construídas varias carreteras en el norte del país.

He will send the Minister of Communications to present his advantages.

Él enviará al ministro de Comunicaciones para que exponga sus ventajas.

This year I did not buy you a present.

Este año no te compré regalo.

Introduce that one to him.

Presentadle aquél.

When he learned the many people that will be present, he got nervous.

Al enterarse cuanta gente estará presente se puso nervioso.

Clients are requested to present their bags at the entrance.

Se ruega a los clientes que presenten sus bolsos a la entrada.

Many times, the words that we would have to have said don’t present themselves.

Muchas veces las palabras que tendríamos que haber dicho no se presentan.

We didn’t know who the present was for.

Nosotros no sabíamos para quién era el regalo.

Present yourselves at the office.

Preséntese en la oficina.

Are you sure you want to present a bankruptcy application?

¿Está seguro de que quiere presentar una solicitud para declararse en quiebra?

I want you to present them to Amelie.

Quiero que les presentes a Amélie.

He will present you the notebook to sign.

Te presentará el cuaderno para firmar.

The project is based on the present economy.

El proyecto está basado en la economía actual.

Present yourselves at the central office at ten.

Preséntense en la oficina central a las diez.

We do not have that at present.

Y actualmente no la tenemos.

At present, they are not.

En este momento no lo son.

But she is present, there she is.

Pero está presente, ahí.

This is where we are at present.

Ahora estamos aquí.

That is not, of course, what we are doing at present.

Algo que hoy no hacemos.

But the legislation is present.

Pero la legislación existe.

At present, they are not available.

Y, de momento, no se cuenta con ellos.

This is not clear at present.

Por el momento eso no está claro.

That is not the case at present.

Esto no es así en la actualidad.

We do not have this capacity at present.

Actualmente no disponemos de esta capacidad.

What is it we want at present?

¿Qué deseamos ahora?

That was with the tariffs as they are at present.

Eso ocurrió con los aranceles en el nivel en que se encuentran hoy.

He is the interlocutor at present.

En la actualidad es nuestro interlocutor.

That is the situation at present.

Esa es la situación actual.

The Council is not present.

El Consejo no está presente.

It is not satisfactory at present.

La situación actual no resulta satisfactoria.

That is not the case at present.

Esto no es así en la actualidad.

We are going to present it.

Vamos a presentarla.

For the present we have our own job to do.

Por el momento, tenemos una tarea propia que cumplir.

We do not have any such headings at present.

Actualmente no disponemos de tales líneas presupuestarias.

I was present when it was adopted, and you were not.

Yo estaba presente cuando se aprobó, al contrario que su Señoría.

At present there is barely any at all.

Actualmente apenas se encuentra.

At present they are only proposals.

Por el momento no hay más que propuestas.

It is not as if there are no anomalies at present.

No es que en la actualidad no existan anomalías.

On his behalf, I present this to you.

Así pues intervengo en su nombre.

That is what we are doing at the present time.

Eso es lo que estamos haciendo actualmente.

At present, we have no such regulator.

En la actualidad, no tenemos tal regulador.

Croatia at present does not do this.

Éste no es el caso de Croacia actualmente.

That is the present position.

Este es el estado del asunto.

If we all did that, what a spectacle we should present!

¡Si estuviéramos todos, qué espectáculo daríamos!

She is very sorry that she cannot be present.

Se siente muy afligida por no poder estar aquí.

It does not apply to the present.

No es este el caso de hoy.

That is the arrangement at present.

Esta es la regulación actual.

This is what we are working on at present.

A esto dedicamos nuestros esfuerzos en la actualidad.

That would not be realistic at present.

No viene al caso en el mundo real en el momento actual.

But there is no such request at present.

Una solicitud de tal tipo no se ha presentado sin embargo hasta el momento.

That is not the issue at present.

Por ahora no se trata de eso.

But at present we do not have such a right.

Pero actualmente no tenemos ese derecho.

That is not the case at present.

Éste no es el caso.

This is not the case at present.

No es así en la actualidad.

Over 400 of those present this morning were present for voting yesterday morning.

En la sesión de por la mañana vio usted que allí había más de 400 miembros de esta Asamblea para la votación.

The present directive has three aims.

Esta directiva tiene tres objetivos.

The President of the Commission and some secretaries were present.

Sí estuvieron presentes el Presidente de la Comisión y algunos secretarios.

That is the state of play at the present time.

Eso es todo por ahora.

But so too must the present Member States.

Y así también han de hacerlo nuestros países miembros.

We do not know exactly what the situation is at present.

Ahora ya no sabemos bien cuál es la situación actualmente.

That is not easy, but the present system is untenable.

No es fácil, pero nuestro sistema actual no es defendible.

I do not remember Mr Berlusconi being present.

En efecto, en mi opinión, el Sr. Berlusconi no estuvo presente ayer.

(The number of Members present was counted)

(Se recuentan los miembros presentes.)

At present, there is no European research area as such.

Ahora mismo no se puede afirmar que exista una política europea de investigación.

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Spanish grammar

Grammar: Spanish verbs

In Spanish, the present tense is called “Presente”. Its forms might seem a bit complicated because we use a different ending for each pronoun. It’s important to remember that Spanish verbs have 3 types of conjugation: those that end in “-ar” (hablar), those that end in “-er” (beber) and those that end in “-ir” (escribir). Once you’ve memorized the endings for each type you can apply them to all Spanish verbs.

Who? -ar: hablar (to speak) -er: beber (to drink) -ir: escribir (to write)
yo hablo bebo escribo
hablas bebes escribes
él, ella, usted habla bebe escribe
nosotros hablamos bebemos escribimos
vosotros habláis bebéis escribís
ellos, ustedes hablan beben escriben

Most Spanish verbs are “regular”. It means that they follow the rules of the table given above. All you need to do is identify the type of conjugation (comer –> ending “-er”) and choose the proper ending (yo como, tú comes etc.). However, there are verbs with “irregular” endings and you’ll have to memorize them.

Let’s take a look at the most important changes:

o ⇒ ue : poder (can) e ⇒ ie : entender (to understand) e ⇒ i : repetir (to repeat)
puedo entiendo repito
puedes entiendes repites
puede entiende repite
podemos entendemos repetimos
podéis entendéis repetís
pueden entienden repiten

Besides, there are verbs that have only one irregular ending (1st person singular). Remember them:

  • saber (to know) ⇒
  • caber (to fit) ⇒ quepo
  • hacer (to do, to make) ⇒ hago
  • salir (to leave, to go out) ⇒ salgo
  • poner (to put) ⇒ pongo
  • caer (to fall) ⇒ caigo

Some verbs have irregular forms that are difficult to classify. They should also be memorized:

Who? ser (to be) ir (to go) tener (to have) venir (to come) decir (to say) oir (to hear) seguir (to follow)
yo soy voy tengo vengo digo oigo sigo
eres vas tienes vienes dices oyes siges
él, ella, usted es va tiene viene dice oye sige
nosotros somos vamos tenemos venimos decimos oímos seguimos
vosotros sois vais tenéis venís decís oís segís
ellos, ustedes son van tienen vienen dicen oyen siguen

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How to say PRESENT in Spanish?
ˈprɛz əntpresent

Would you like to know how to translate PRESENT to Spanish? This page provides all possible translations of the word PRESENT in the Spanish language.

  • presente, presentar, actual, mostrar, ahoraSpanish

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