The word prejudice in a sentence

The word «prejudice» is one that most of us have come across in the popular book of Shakespeare titled «Pride and Prejudice.» However, we still need to fully understand everything about this word and how to use it correctly. So, the question of when should we use «prejudice» in a sentence and when not to will be answered in this article.

The word «prejudice» refers to an opinion or judgment given without any sufficient basis, knowledge, reason, or experience. An example of using the word «prejudice» is: He had great prejudice against people from different cultures and backgrounds from his family.

It seems exciting to use the word «prejudice» in a sentence now that the meaning has been provided. However, it would be best if you understood the basics of the word before using it. Everything you need to know about the word «prejudice» will be explained in this article.

prejudice dictionary

What Does The Word «Prejudice» Mean?

At times, we make a grammatical error that affects our communication because we lack the proper knowledge on how to use some words correctly. However, to avoid making these errors, you have to learn about a word before using it when writing.

We may misuse the word «prejudice» when writing. However, to avoid making these errors, we will be explaining the meaning, nature, and origin of the word «prejudice.»

We will start by giving different meanings to the word «prejudice.»

The word «prejudice» refers to being biased in your judgment or opinion about someone or something. An example is: The explanation provided by the head boy might prejudice the headmaster. In this case, the word «prejudice» means influencing or swaying someone’s decision or judgment.

It also refers to the harm, damage, or injury that can be caused by someone’s judgment, action, or decision. Another definition of the word «prejudice» is a feeling of dislike for a particular group of people or things.

The word «prejudice» also means having a preference for a particular group of people or thing over the other. It also refers to an act of influencing someone, either by your words or actions, to act unfairly to someone else.

You can also describe the word «prejudice» as doing something to make another person’s situation worse than it is supposed to be. An example is Victoria claimed that Victor prejudiced her health condition by refusing to pay for her surgery.

It also means having an irrational attitude or behavior of hostility targeted at an individual, a group of people, a race, or their supposed characteristics. In other words, it means to discriminate against people.

The word «prejudice» is a preconceived idea or preconception based on inadequate knowledge of something or about someone. «Prejudice» is often based on stereotypes.

In the legal world, «prejudice» often means the final dismissal of a court case. So when a judge dismisses a case «with prejudice,» it means the court wants that case to be dismissed in every other court and should not be on trial again.

The nature of the word «prejudice» refers to the function it performs in a sentence. It is also the part of speech it is categorized under.

Now, what is the nature of the word «prejudice»?

The word «prejudice» is a dual functional word. This means it performs more than one function in a sentence. The word «prejudice» performs the function of a noun and a verb in a sentence. This means it is a naming word and also an action word.

An example of the word «prejudice» as a noun is she has a prejudice against local dishes. An example of «prejudice» functioning as a verb is everything I heard about the new manager prejudiced me against him even before we met.

Next, we will talk about the origin of the word «prejudice.»

The word «prejudice» is a borrowed word from the Old French, which is from the Latin word «prejudicium» (which means injustice), from the Latin word «praeiudicium» (which means prior judgment, damage, or harm), from the word «prae-» (meaning before) and «iudicium» (meaning judgment), from the word «iudex» (which means a judge.)

prejudice word wall

Synonyms and Antonyms of the Word «Prejudice»

Now, we will be discussing the synonyms and antonyms of the word «prejudice.» When we talk about the synonyms of «prejudice,» we refer to the words that are similar in meaning to the word «prejudice.»

The synonyms of the word «prejudice» are:

  • Preconception
  • Partiality
  • Discrimination
  • Unfairness
  • Detriment
  • Influence
  • Bias
  • Damage
  • Criticism
  • Damage
  • Favoritism
  • Resentment
  • Misinterpretation
  • Purpose
  • Manipulate

We will be looking at some examples that show how we use the synonyms of the word «prejudice» correctly in a sentence.

Examples with «prejudice»

  1. Most of my classmates were scared that our class captain’s conversation with the teacher will prejudice his decision to punish them.
  2. Julia’s prejudice against black people created a huge dislike towards Mary and her family.
  3. Her prejudice about the disagreement between her parents caused some confusion in the family.

Examples with the synonyms of «prejudice»

  1. Most of my classmates were scared that our class captain’s conversation with the teacher will manipulate his decision to punish them.
  2. Julia’s resentment against black people created a huge dislike towards Mary and her family.
  3. Her misinterpretation of the disagreement between her parents caused some confusion in the family.

Moving on, we will look at some of the antonyms of the word «prejudice,» i.e., words that are opposite in meaning to «prejudice.» The antonyms of the word «prejudice» includes;

  • Neutral
  • Fairness
  • Impartial
  • Equality
  • Justness
  • Tolerant
  • Open-minded
  • Attraction
  • Admire
  • Friendship
  • Certainty
  • Fact
  • Reality
  • Blessing
  • Kindness

Examples with the antonyms of «prejudice»

  1. Drake the white boy showed kindness to the old lady by helping her cross the road even though she is a black woman.
  2. The judge was impartial in his judgment, so he let the innocent go free, and the guilty were sentenced to some years in prison.
  3. One of the reasons he got a high score in his essay was because he stated all the facts required.
  4. I admire Jane a lot because she is hard-working, humble, obedient, respectful, and courageous.
  5. When his two best friends started arguing about which basketball team is better and asked for his opinion, he said he was neutral and not supporting any.

How To Properly Use «Prejudice» In A Sentence

You use the word «prejudice» to describe someone who takes action or judges, someone without properly understanding the situation. It is also used to describe hostility to someone without having a valid reason.

Another way to use the word «prejudice» is to describe someone as unfair or biased in his decisions and judgment, especially through someone else’s influence. It is when there is partiality or favoritism in treating others.

The word «prejudice» is used when someone is caused harm or injury due to another’s action, decisions, or judgment. It also refers to a complete dismissal of something, especially a case in the court.

It is also used to describe the discrimination of a particular race, gender, or color of other people. There are different types of prejudice, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, religious prejudice, and social prejudice.

prejudice discrimation hands

Illustrative Examples on how to use the word «Prejudice»

Below are some examples that will clarify the correct use of the word «prejudice» in a sentence.

  1. Ever since the new inspector general of the police force has been in power, none of the police officers has to prejudice a case for fear of being sacked.
  2. I talked to one of my friends, and I told him that it would be stupidity to prejudice a person simply because of their nationality or race.
  3. During our research, we found out that during the olden days, lots of people prejudice women.
  4. During the visitor’s speech to the students, he stated strongly that one of the greatest obstacles to progress today is prejudice.
  5. One of the new law implementations in my country is that racial prejudice will no longer be allowed and is strictly prohibited.
  6. Because June was born in the ’90s, she had a prejudice against modern music until she listened to one and began to love modern music.
  7. Their decision to return the child to foster care was based on a lack of knowledge and prejudice.
  8. In the world we live in today, there is prejudice everywhere, against the poor, against the less educated, against the opposite gender, and others.
  9. Our prejudice has always hindered success, and unless we work and strive to overcome them, we will never move forward.
  10. The prejudice against former convicts has made it difficult for them to live normally and be reacquainted with old friends.
  11. Because Dicky’s mother was white and his father was black, he had to put up with the prejudice from children throughout his whole educational journey.

Final Thoughts

Using the word «prejudice» is not at all difficult once you have an understanding of how to use the word. This article covers everything you need to know to use the word correctly when writing.

There is no doubt that you need to follow principles that will make you understand when to use the word «prejudice» in a sentence and when you should not. Learning new words is fun, but using them correctly when communicating is much fun.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Definition of Prejudice

hatred directed at a particular culture or group or at a specific individual

Examples of Prejudice in a sentence

Jane’s prejudice led her to dislike Mary simply because of the color of her skin.


After all these years, prejudice in the small southern town has continued to keep African Americans from holding political office.


Judge Barnes should not hear this case because of the prejudice he bears for the prosecuting attorney.


Rather than display a prejudice toward older people, Jim should think about his life forty years from now.


It is obvious from the way the man talks down to the Hispanic people that he holds a prejudice against them.


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1, The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice

2, Prejudice is the reason of fools. 

4, Her friendliness soon overcame the prejudice of her stepchildren.

5, There is widespread prejudice against workers over 45.

6, Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.

7, A judge must be free from prejudice.

8, Women still face prejudice in the workplace.

9, The party’s policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.

10, Prejudice sometimes hampers a person from doing the right thing.

11, He continued to smoke, to the prejudice of his health.

12, Your bad spelling may prejudice your chances of getting the job.

13, They accused him of having a prejudice against his women employees.

14, Prejudice remains deeply ingrained in many organizations.

15, People from ethnic minorities often face prejudice and discrimination.

16, Asian pupils complained of racial prejudice at the school.

17, She has a prejudice against modern music.

18, His voice and manner prejudice his audience against him.

19, He was a victim of racial prejudice.

20, The speech was just pandering to racial prejudice.

21, Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition.

22, What he said was tinctured with prejudice.

23, I try to rise above prejudice.

24, She had never encountered such deep prejudice before.

25, You should liberate the mind from prejudice.

26, Their decision was based on ignorance and prejudice.

27, The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice,[] and her constant companion is humility. 

28, If democracy is to survive, it is the task of men of thoughts, as well as men of action, to put aside pride and prejudice; and with courage and single-minded devotion—- to find the truth and teach the truth that shall keep men free. 

29, This part of the community needs to be protected from racial prejudice .

30, She criticized the government for trying to whip up anti-German prejudice.

предубеждение, ущерб, предрассудок, вред, наносить ущерб, предубеждать


- пристрастное, предвзятое мнение; предубеждение

without prejudice — беспристрастно, без предвзятого мнения
a prejudice in favour of smb. — пристрастное /незаслуженно хорошее/ отношение к кому-л.
to have a prejudice against smth. — иметь предубеждение против чего-л.

- предрассудок

to be steeped in prejudice — погрязнуть в предрассудках

- вред, ущерб, причинённый (кому-л.) несправедливым решением суда; несправедливость

to the prejudice of smb., smth., in prejudice of smb., smth. — в ущерб кому-л., чему-л.
without prejudice to — а) без ущерба для (кого-л., чего-л.); б) юр. сохраняя за собой право; не отказываясь от своего права (на что-л.);
we offer you, without prejudice, $1000 in settlement of your claim — ком. мы предлагаем вам, без ущерба для наших прав /оставляя незатронутыми наши права/, 1000 долларов в урегулирование вашей претензии


- предубеждать; создавать предвзятое мнение (у кого-л.)

to prejudice smb. against smb. — восстановить /настроить/ кого-л. против кого-л.
to prejudice smb. in favour of smb., smth. — (заранее) расположить /настроить/ кого-л. в пользу кого-л., чего-л.
you are prejudiced in his favour [against him] — вы расположены /не беспристрастны/ [пристрастны] к нему

- наносить ущерб, причинять вред; портить; уменьшать (шансы, возможности и т. п.)

a prejudiced action — действие, наносящее ущерб
to prejudice one’s chances of success — ставить под сомнение свои шансы на успех
he prejudiced his reputation — он подпортил себе /подмочил свою/ репутацию
without prejudicing my rights — юр. без ущерба для моих прав

Мои примеры


prejudice hiding under the cloak of religion — предрассудок, который прячется под маской религии  
the old nativist prejudice against the foreign businessman — старое шовинистическое предубеждение против иностранных бизнесменов  
prejudice in favour of smb. — пристрастное отношение в пользу кого-л.  
deep / deep-rooted / deep-seated / ingrained / strong prejudice — сильное, глубокое предубеждение  
race / racial prejudice — расовые предрассудки  
religious prejudice — религиозные предрассудки  
to the prejudice of, in prejudice of — в ущерб  
to prejudice smb. in smb.’s favour — настроить кого-л. в пользу кого-л.  
to unfetter the mind from prejudice — освобождать разум от предрассудков  
to prejudice a case — относиться к делу с предубеждением  
fair prejudice — предубеждение при наличии повода  
unfair prejudice — предубеждение при отсутствии повода  

Примеры с переводом

Prejudice feeds on ignorance.

Предрассудки подпитываются невежеством.

The sad fact is that prejudice still exists.

Печальный факт заключается в том, что предрассудки по-прежнему существуют.

Prejudice do not blindfold you.

Предрассудки не должны мешать вам.

These crimes are motivated by prejudice and hate.

Мотивами этих преступлений являются предрассудки и ненависть.

His unhappy childhood prejudiced him against having children.

Его несчастливое детство создало у него предубеждение против того, чтобы иметь детей.

We have to begin by purging our minds of prejudice.

Мы должны начать с освобождения наших умов от предрассудков.

The pursuit of high productivity is prejudicing the quality of service.

Погоня за высокой производительностью наносит ущерб качеству обслуживания.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He prejudiced his reputation.

I had led a sheltered life and had never met prejudice before.

It’s just prejudice from educated people who should know better.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): prejudice
мн. ч.(plural): prejudices

prejudice — перевод на русский


Except that dr. Rudd, my predecessor, Had some sort of prejudice against her.

— Ничего такого, … кроме того, что у доктора Радда, моего предшественника, … было предубеждение против неё.

So perhaps you will swallow your prejudice against a humble astrologer… whose only medical diploma is the gratitude of his patients.

Возможно, ты переборешь своё предубеждение против скромного астролога, чей медицинский диплом — благодарность его клиентов.

This whole thing is judgment by prejudice, and i resent it.

Предубеждение — очень серьёзная вещь. И я это ненавижу.

Within a country where there is still racial and social prejudice, where there is still a shortage of housing and living space, a number of measures would almost certainly be necessary in attempting the evacuation of an estimated 10 million people.

В стране, где все еще существует расовое и социальное предубеждение, где все еще чувствуется нехватка жилья, определенные жесткие меры наверное необходимы для обеспечения эвакуации почти 10-ти миллионов человек.

Your honour, we simply want to establish motivation for what they stand accused of. The defence counsellor’s concerned that if his clients are forced to answer questions concerning their political affiliations, presumably the unpopularity of these affiliations would prejudice the minds of the jury.

Защита обеспокоена тем, что если ее клиенты будут вынуждены отвечать на вопросы об их политической принадлежности, предположительно непопулярность такой принадлежности создаст предубеждение у присяжных заседателей.

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We’re the victims of a foul disease called social prejudice, my child.

Мы жертвы ужасной болезни, которая называется общественные предрассудки.

-And narrow prejudices.

-И узколобые предрассудки.

In my view, your mother might have some bourgeois prejudices.

Я думаю, у твоей мамы буржуазные предрассудки.

It’s all prejudice.

Это всё предрассудки.

The protests of the librarian hardly constituted a serious challenge to prevailing prejudices.

Возражения одного библиотекаря едва ли могли пошатнуть укоренившиеся предрассудки.

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Terminate with extreme prejudice.

Не бойтесь предвзято к нему отнестись и сделать больше. чем он заслужил.

There is nothing in that transcript that would prejudice a jury.

Нет ничего в этой расшифровке, что предвзято настроит жюри.

Jane is negotiating with extreme prejudice.

Джейн ведет переговоры очень предвзято.

It’s awful to be prejudiced towards young people.

Нельзя так предвзято судить о молодёжи.

In the music business, they were just prejudiced.

В музыкальном бизнесе к нам отнеслись предвзято.

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When it comes to art, you’re a prisoner of Federation dogma and human prejudice.

Когда дело касается искусства, вы — заложник федеральных догм и земной предвзятости.

Looking back on my life without prejudice is there one single point on which I made a mistake or was to blame?

Оглядываясь на свою жизнь, вот так, без предвзятости … есть ли хоть один момент, про который я могу сказать: это я сделал не так, я виноват, я заслужил это?

Ms. Pokorová, you accused the judge of prejudice.

Госпожа Покорова, вы обвинили судью в предвзятости.

Judge, Mr. Kajínek’s attorney accused you of prejudice.

Госпожа судья, адвокат господина Каинека обвинила вас в предвзятости.

I pray that, this time, the Police Service can see past its own prejudice and its own desire to seek a sacrificial lamb.

Я молюсь, чтобы на этот раз полиция увидела последствия своей предвзятости и своего собственного желания найти козла отпущения

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You’re prejudiced because he spoke against women’s suffrage.

Вы предвзято относитесь к нему, потому что он выступал против избирательного права для женщин.

You seem prejudiced against the sight-challenged.

Вы слишком предвзято относитесь к воспитанным людям.

It’s really difficult to make friends because people are totally prejudiced against Christians, so I just thought maybe we could be friends.

Это очень трудно, заводить друзей, потому что люди очень предвзято относятся к христианам, поэтому я подумала может мы сможем стать друзьями

These people are prejudiced against fashion

Эти люди слишком предвзято относятся к моде.

He’ll think I’m prejudiced against the deaf.

Он подумает, что я предвзято отношусь к глухим.

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I did… With extreme prejudice.

Я отменила… с огромным ущербом.

— The official show choir rule book states that «any real or perceived threat of violence, «vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift «and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party’s team with extreme prejudice.»

— Официальные правила конкурса гласят, что любые проявления жестокости или насилия, вандализма или унижения грозят немедленной дисквалификацией угрожающей команды с максимальным ущербом.

I’m gonna pee with extreme prejudice is what I’m gonna pee with.

Я буду писать с максимальным ущербом. Вот как я буду писать.

Terminate with extreme prejudice.

Устранить с максимальным ущербом.

I’m not really clear on how you can terminate someone with mild prejudice, but I guess that’s not the point.

Не представляю, как можно устранить кого-то с лёгким ущербом, но дело не в этом.

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You’re prejudiced.

Он твой брат. У тебя предвзятое мнение.

Your Honor, she’s trying to prejudice the jury.

Ваша Честь, она пытается настроить присяжных на предвзятое мнение.

Your prejudice is clear.

Ваше предвзятое мнение ясно.

Counsel is trying to prejudice the jury.

Попытка составить предвзятое мнение у жюри.

My men were left there to stir Catholic prejudice against me.

Мои люди были там оставлены, чтобы всполохнуть предвзятое мнение католиков ко мне.

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But he does have influence, or so they say. He certainly isn’t sticking up for the examining magistrate. And god knows my case is prejudiced enough already…

Но он человек влиятельный, так говорят, и со следователем накоротке, а против меня и так все предубеждены.

You’re prejudiced against me because i’m a teen mother.

Вы предубеждены против меня, потому что я мать-подросток.

No. Uh, Detective, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were prejudiced against exotic dancers.

Детектив, не знай я вас, сказал бы, что вы предубеждены против экзотических танцовщиц.

You’ve been prejudiced since this case started.

С самого начала ты был предубеждён по поводу этого дела.

I don’t think he’s prejudiced.

Я не думаю, что он предубежден.

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Prejudiced, you know.

У него предвзятое отношение.

No, that’s prejudice talking, not science.

Нет, это уже не наука, а предвзятое отношение.

Pure prejudice, stupid assumptions.

Предвзятое отношение, глупое высокомерие.

I’m prejudiced?

У меня предвзятое отношение?

Prejudice, simply because he’s a soldier.

Предвзятое отношение, ведь он солдат.

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Oh,Joe is prejudiced.

— Он необъективен.

Captain Kirk, I direct your attention to the fact that you have a right to ask for substitute officers if you feel that any of these named harbour prejudiced attitudes to your case.

Капитан Кирк, обращаю ваше внимание на то, что вы можете попросить о замене членов трибунала, если считаете, что кто-либо из них будет необъективен к вашему делу.

She’s prejudiced, my dear, just because I once showed her a certain courtesy.

Она необъективна, моя дорогая, но это только потому, что однажды я оказал ей определенную любезность.

You know, when we first got together, I thought that you were pretty prejudiced…

Знаешь, когда мы впервые столкнулись, я думал, ты необъективна.

You say men are chauvinists, but women are prejudiced.

Вы говорите, что мужчины — шовинисты, но женщины просто необъективны.

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  • предубеждение
  • предрассудки
  • предвзято
  • предвзятости
  • предвзято относитесь к
  • ущербом
  • предвзятое мнение
  • предубеждены
  • предвзятое отношение
  • необъективен

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word prejudice, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use prejudice in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «prejudice». In addition, we also show how different variations of prejudice can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are prejudiced and prejudices. If you click on the variation of prejudice that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Prejudice in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word prejudice in a sentence.

  1. It was against religious prejudice that she argued,.

  2. Anti-negro prejudice doubtless figured in adult antagonism.

  3. Most were ardently anti-Serb, a prejudice that the historian Stevan K.

  4. Goldman was also an outspoken critic of prejudice against homosexuals.

  5. He displayed no racial prejudice, sleeping with both black and white women.

  6. There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet.

  7. Julian Goodman, president of NBC, stated that Agnew had made an «appeal to prejudice ..

  8. Boyce’s racial prejudice was revealed when the racial tensions in Chicago increased in the 1920s.

  9. And she was also entirely free from prejudice about politics or colour and things of that kind.».

  10. From the early drafts, Hammerstein and Logan made the issue of racial prejudice central to the story.

  11. The Baháʼí writings emphasize the essential equality of human beings, and the abolition of prejudice.

  12. To teach and share in the spirit of friendship, and with the goal of eliminating racism and prejudice.

  13. In the staged version, Emile’s expressions are limited to two lines arguing that prejudice is not inborn.

  14. The riot was the result of a combination of racial prejudice and general resentment against Union Pacific.

  15. Even during their journey together through Scotland, Johnson «exhibited prejudice and a narrow nationalism».

  16. Queercore lyrics often treat the themes of prejudice, sexual identity, gender identity, and individual rights.

  17. The year he arrived he organized the Cross Cut Club, an inter-faith group intended to counter religious prejudice.

  18. Today, nearly all historians hold the view that the prime factor which contributed to the riot was race prejudice.

  19. Living in Haslingden where there were few, if any, other black people, Headley faced some prejudice from residents.

  20. She compares her experiences of American racism with Germany’s history of racial prejudice and military aggression.

  21. After his death, he was largely forgotten by art history for almost a century, principally due to racial prejudice.

  22. The book is widely taught in schools in the United States with lessons that emphasize tolerance and decry prejudice.

  23. As the coin did not circulate in the South and West due to prejudice against base-metal money, they choked commerce.

  24. His action was at least partially driven by prejudice; Edwards scorned those who were poorer or of a different race.

  25. As a consequence, race prejudice has been more excited against them, notably among aliens of other nationalities …

  26. Ezra, working in a surveyor’s camp, decided that he did not like Iowa’s winters—a prejudice shared by his pregnant wife.

  27. However, he encountered southern prejudice because he was the son of a Union Army officer, and requested to be relieved.

  28. Measures to curtail the impact of the pandemic were hampered by fear and prejudice and stigmatisation of infected people.

  29. The Daily Mirror and The Sun were found guilty of contempt of court for reporting information that could prejudice a trial.

  30. Simkins noted that it would be a «gross oversimplification to ascribe Kitchener’s decision merely to prejudice and ignorance».

  31. The years had not lessened Porto Alegre’s prejudice against Hispanic-Americans; on the contrary, his antagonism had increased.

  32. The prejudice against re-association first highlighted in «Rejoined» was mentioned in seventh season episodes such as «Afterimage».

  33. Howard, though, denied that Stengel had shouted racial epithets at the Dodgers, and said «I never felt any prejudice around Casey».

  34. The cause of Smart’s eclipse may be traced in part to a prejudice of the age, one which was founded in reason but developed in fear.

  35. Fone concludes, «It is not only the poem that is an effective attack on homophobic prejudice, but the example of the poet himself.».

  36. The covers affair resulted in prejudice in the Air Force against former astronauts (all three Apollo 15 astronauts had served there).

  37. Dahl denies that prejudice was his motivation for the event: «The worst thing is people calling Disco Demolition homophobic or racist.

  38. A study of prejudice, fear, and isolation in a rather small town, the novella was first published in Harper’s Magazine in August 1898.

  39. Gaga also stated «I am a Christian woman, and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice, and everybody is welcome».

  40. Scholars argue that Lee’s approach to class and race was more complex «than ascribing racial prejudice primarily to ‘poor white trash’ ..

  41. The story follows the love affair between Raj and Bobby in the face of his parents’ disapproval of their relationship due to class prejudice.

  42. I was prepared to use whatever means necessary to speed up the erasure of human prejudice and the end of chauvinistic and violent nationalism.

  43. Humanities electives include American foreign policy; civil and criminal law, prejudice and persecution, and race, ethnicity and gender issues.

  44. As Hagen states, Angelou «is not yet ready to toss off the stings of prejudice, but tolerance and even a certain understanding can be glimpsed».

  45. He is subjected to prejudice from those around him, including from his wife, because of strong social taboos against people who deal with death.

  46. Rico’s ancestry is depicted to be a thing of no consequence; the society he lives in appears to have abandoned racial and gender-based prejudice.

  47. As Hagen stated, Angelou was «not yet ready to toss off the stings of prejudice, but tolerance and even a certain understanding can be glimpsed».

  48. Russell, who was sensitive to any racial prejudice, was enraged by the fact that owner Abe Saperstein would only discuss the matter with Woolpert.

  49. As a consequence, Russell was extremely sensitive to all racial prejudice: according to Taylor, he often perceived insults even if others did not.

  50. Leigh explained that she played «as many different parts as possible» in an attempt to learn her craft and to dispel prejudice about her abilities.

Prejudiced in a sentence

Prejudiced is a variation of prejudice, below you can find example sentences for prejudiced.

  1. Michael Pate said that Rafferty «wasn’t a prejudiced person ..

  2. Examination of family papers by Jennifer Kloester confirms she held prejudiced personal opinions.

  3. Arthur Sullivan claimed that Bennett was «bitterly prejudiced against the new school, as he called it.

  4. Clare debates slavery with his Northern cousin Ophelia who, while opposing slavery, is prejudiced against black people.

  5. An Athenian logographer could remain anonymous, which enabled him to serve personal interests, even if it prejudiced the client.

  6. While at least some of his observations may seem distorted and prejudiced, he also mentions some details which ring clear and true.

  7. Yazid remained with Sulayman for nine months, or until al-Hajjaj died in 714, and highly influenced and prejudiced him against al-Hajjaj.

  8. Rasporich described his editorials on Jews, Catholics, French Canadians and black people as prejudiced and in opposition to reform causes.

  9. Radford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was willing to help so long as the dormant American claim to the island was not prejudiced.

  10. The public’s expectations were still prejudiced by Cold Comfort Farm, which by 1949 had sold 28,000 copies in hardback and 315,000 in paperback.

  11. He was prejudiced against television appearances, considering such speeches the equivalent of carefully planned performances, such as stage shows.

  12. He wrote that it had been «reframed» as prejudiced by a 1996 VH1 documentary about the 1970s, in a move he described as «a cheap shot made without exploration».

  13. It is, no doubt, a very comfortable arrangement for all parties concerned», while even The New York Times, normally sympathetic to Edward, foresaw political problems if the trial was prejudiced by such actions.

  14. Additionally, Longacre had no training, prior to his appointment, in coin or medal design, being a successful plate engraver, and Lange states that the Mint officers were «understandably» prejudiced against him.

  15. Writing in the same newspaper, Takashi Suzuki thought the film memorable but predictable, and Yūji Takahashi opined that the film’s ability to find nobility in a prejudiced subject was an excellent accomplishment.

  16. Fielding had a noted tendency to be prejudiced toward certain authors too Rabelais and Aristophanes were always met harshly, while Jonathan Swift, Miguel de Cervantes, and Lucian were praised as a «great Triumvirate».

Prejudices in a sentence

Prejudices is a variation of prejudice, below you can find example sentences for prejudices.

  1. Waugh has been criticised for expressing racial and anti-semitic prejudices.

  2. Griswold», he wrote, «has allowed old prejudices and old enmities to steal ..

  3. Cable, aware of his family’s prejudices, says he cannot marry a Tonkinese girl.

  4. This popular treatment reinforced and reinvigorated public prejudices towards Stevens.

  5. Frustrated and uncomprehending, Emile asks Cable why he and Nellie have such prejudices.

  6. In both, the main character deals with societal prejudices and misunderstandings over his profession.

  7. Emile has returned to discover that Nellie has overcome her prejudices and has fallen in love with his children.

  8. Young views the novel as «an act of humanity» in showing the possibility of people rising above their prejudices.

  9. Sold to a London public which was mostly patriarchal, its listings reflect the prejudices of the men who authored them.

  10. Sidorkin suggests that Steiner had to «explore his own inner Hitler», his suppressed prejudices, to bring Hitler’s speech to life.

  11. Lyman agrees and points out that Angelou must re-examine her lingering prejudices when faced with the broader world full of whites.

  12. Many were slave owners, and most brought with them significant prejudices against other races, attitudes often applied to the Tejanos.

  13. The music critic Peter Gammond writes of «misapprehensions and prejudices, delivered to our door by the Victorian firm Musical Snobs Ltd.

  14. Whatever prejudices may exist therefore against this mode of trial, still as it is the law of the land, the Court must pronounce judgment for it.

  15. In fiction, Neal explored the differences between Northern and Southern prejudices against Black Americans, particularly in The Down-Easters (1833).

  16. Hagen agreed and pointed out that Angelou had to re-examine her lingering prejudices when faced with a broader world full of different kinds of white people.

  17. However, in 2005, Lee stated that she had in mind something less sensational, although the Scottsboro case served «the same purpose» to display Southern prejudices.

  18. An early review, for example, criticized historian Edward Gibbon for «so frequently and unnecessarily obtruding his particular prejudices on the eye of his readers».

  19. Lang was deeply disappointed, writing that «the gusts of Protestant convictions, suspicions, fears [and] prejudices swept through the House, and ultimately prevailed.».

  20. Conversely, once the commanding officers found that they had women who proved they could properly replace the men who were not available, their prejudices were often set aside.

Synonyms for prejudice

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word prejudice has the following synonyms: bias, preconception and prepossess.

General information about «prejudice» example sentences

The example sentences for the word prejudice that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «prejudice» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «prejudice».

How do you use the word prejudice in a sentence?

Prejudice sentence example

  1. The police do not want to prejudice an investigation.
  2. There was prejudice in the workplace culminating in her resignation a year ago.
  3. We don’t want to prejudice law enforcement against doing the right thing.

What is the prefix of the word prejudice?

The prefix pre- means “before,” and the second part of the word derives from the Latin jūdex, which means “judge” and is the basis of many law-related words, such as judicial. When you hold a prejudice against someone, you prejudge them—you make up your mind about what they’re like before you even know them.

What name was Jesus baptized in?

The Baptist Standard Confession of 1660 declares baptisms in the name of “Jesus Christ” to be valid.

What did Jesus do at the age of 12?

Jesus at the age of twelve accompanies Mary and Joseph, and a large group of their relatives and friends to Jerusalem on pilgrimage, “according to the custom” – that is, Passover. The losing of Jesus is the third of the Seven Sorrows of Mary, and the Finding in the Temple is the fifth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary.

What is infant baptism in Christianity?

Christians believe that baptism welcomes the child into the Church, and removes from the baby original sin that was brought into the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden . Christian denominations that practise infant baptism include Anglicans , Roman Catholics , Presbyterians and Orthodox .

Do unbaptized infants go to heaven?

While the Catholic Church has a defined doctrine on original sin, it has none on the eternal fate of unbaptized infants, leaving theologians free to propose different theories, which magisterium is free to accept or reject.

Is infant baptism in the Bible?

Through Baptism the Holy Spirit works rebirth (Titus 3:4–7), creates faith in them, and saves them (1 Peter 3:21). Although some deny the possibility of infant faith, the Bible clearly teaches that babies can believe (Mark 9:42, Luke 18:15–17).

Who is present at an infant baptism?

During the service of dedication, the parents present their child in church. The story of Jesus’ presentation in the Temple as told in Luke is often read. The parents promise to bring the child up according to Christian values, in a Christian home and as part of the church community.

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