The word predict means



- предсказывать; прогнозировать; пророчить

to predict the future [the weather] — предсказать будущее [погоду]
I predict she’ll be a success at the party — я тебе точно говорю, она произведёт впечатление /будет иметь успех/ на вечеринке

- предварять, упреждать
- рассчитывать; предвычислять

Мои примеры


an uncanny ability to predict the weather — невероятная способность предсказывать погоду  
to predict the future — предсказывать будущее  
predict closely that — точно предсказывать, что  
predict the future — предсказать будущее  
it is impossible to predict — нельзя предсказать  
ability to predict — способность бухгалтерской информации участвовать в прогнозировании  
carry predict — предварительный просмотр в схеме ускоренного переноса  
it is unsafe to predict at this stage that… — пока ещё нельзя безошибочно предсказать, что…  
models to predict — модели для прогнозирования  
over-predict — давать завышенное предсказание  
predict the weather — предсказать погоду  

Примеры с переводом

We cannot predict future events.

Мы не можем предсказать будущие события.

It’s hard to predict how the election will turn out.

Трудно предсказать, чем обернутся выборы.

It’s impossible to predict the future.

Будущее предсказать невозможно.

I predict that someone tall, dark, and handsome is going to come into your life.

Я предсказываю, что в вашей жизни появится кто-то высокий, темноволосый и красивый.

How often an observer can predict man’s actions better than the man himself.

Как часто наблюдатель может предсказать действия человека лучше, чем сам человек.

Sales are predicted to be the same as last year.

Предполагают, что продажи будут такими же, как и в прошлом году.

It’s hard to predict voters’ whims.

Трудно предсказать желания избирателей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Newspapers predicted that Davis would be re-elected.

As Liz had predicted, the rumours were soon forgotten.

Weather forecasters predict heavy rains and consequent flooding.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

predicted  — предсказанный, прогнозированный
prediction  — прогноз, предсказание, пророчество, предвычисление, предварение
predictive  — предсказывающий, пророческий
predictor  — предсказатель
predictable  — предсказуемый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: predict
he/she/it: predicts
ing ф. (present participle): predicting
2-я ф. (past tense): predicted
3-я ф. (past participle): predicted

  • predict — pre‧dict [prɪˈdɪkt] verb [transitive] to say what you think will happen: • Wall Street had been predicting a quarterly profit of 5 cents per share. predict that • Economists are predicting that growth will slow. • Unemployment is predicted to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Predict — Pre*dict , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Predicted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Predicting}.] [L. praedictus, p. p. of praedicere to predict; prae before + dicere to say, tell. See {Diction}, and cf. {Preach}.] To tell or declare beforehand; to foretell; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Predict — Pre*dict , n. A prediction. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • predict — I verb adumbrate, advise, announce in advance, anticipate, augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, divine, envision, forebode, forecast, foreknow, foresee, foreshadow, foreshow, forespeak, foretell, foretoken, forewarn, give notice, herald, indicate,… …   Law dictionary

  • predict — (v.) 1620s, foretell, prophesy, from L. praedicatus, pp. of praedicere foretell, advise, give notice, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + dicere to say (see DICTION (Cf. diction)). Scientific sense of to have as a deducible consequence is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • predict — *foretell, forecast, prophesy, prognosticate, augur, presage, portend, forebode Analogous words: *foresee, foreknow, divine: *warn, forewarn, caution: surmise, Conjecture, guess …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • predict — [v] express an outcome in advance adumbrate, anticipate, augur, be afraid, call, call it, conclude, conjecture, croak, crystal ball* divine, envision, figure, figure out, forebode, forecast, foresee, forespeak, foretell, gather, guess, have a… …   New thesaurus

  • predict — ► VERB ▪ state that (a specified event) will happen in the future. DERIVATIVES predictive adjective predictor noun. ORIGIN Latin praedicere make known beforehand, declare …   English terms dictionary

  • predict — [prē dikt′, pridikt′] vt., vi. [< L praedictus, pp. of praedicere < prae , before (see PRE ) + dicere, to tell: see DICTION] to say in advance (what one believes will happen); foretell (a future event or events) predictability n.… …   English World dictionary

  • predict — verb ADVERB ▪ correctly, reliably, successfully ▪ incorrectly, wrongly ▪ accurately, exactly, precisely, with accura …   Collocations dictionary

  • predict — predictable, adj. predictability, n. predictably, adv. /pri dikt /, v.t. 1. to declare or tell in advance; prophesy; foretell: to predict the weather; to predict the fall of a civilization. v.i. 2. to foretell the future; make a prediction. [1540 …   Universalium

  • predict — перевод на русский


    Then you could have predicted what happened today?

    Значит, вы могли бы предсказать то, что случилось сегодня?

    — I could have predicted it this morning.

    — Я могла предсказать это еще утром.

    Mrs. Osborne… did you come to me to predict my death?

    Миссис Осборн… вы пришли, чтобы предсказать мне мою смерть?

    None can predict the outcome of this audacious venture to the very stars.

    Никто не может предсказать исход этого смелого путешествия к звёздам.

    I don’t know about the General, but I can predict that the experiment will be a 1 00% success.

    Не знаю, как насчет Генерала, но я могу предсказать, что эксперимент будет успешен на 100%.

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    How could you… You’re an intelligent man? How could you believe that we could predict anything that we don’t know nothing about?

    Вы же умный человек, ну как мы можем предсказывать то, чего не знаем?

    They had learned to predict the changing of the seasons.

    Они научились предсказывать смену времен года.

    It was literally a matter of life and death to be able to predict the seasons.

    Это было буквально вопросом жизни и смерти — уметь предсказывать смену времен года.

    They built observatories and computers to predict the changing of the seasons by the motions in the skies.

    Они строили обсерватории и вычислительные машины, чтобы предсказывать смену времен года по движению небес.

    You can come in here and start predicting Armageddon if you want to, Barry.

    Ты можешь прийти сюда и начать предсказывать Армагеддон, если захочешь, Барри.

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    I can predict his every reaction.

    Я могу предвидеть его реакцию.

    Because we can Nothing predict.

    Потому что мы ничего не можем предвидеть.

    But it’s difficult to predict the actions of a man who’s brain is damaged by a profound delirium.

    Другое дело, что трудно предвидеть, каким будет поведение человека, которым полностью овладела бредовая идея.

    They could not predict the changing of the climate and the failure of the rains.

    Но они не могли предвидеть изменение климата и отсутствие дождей.

    Who could’ve predicted this?

    Думал, что принимал правильные решения, но кто может это предвидеть?

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    But if Miranda is as sweet as you say… and understands a joke is a joke, and it’s difficult to predict her reactions…

    Но если Миранда так мила как вы говорите… и знает толк в шутках, трудно предугадать её реакцию…

    The targets you are suggesting are hidden in the dark, it is difficult to predict their actions.

    Мишени, которые ты мне предлагаешь, скрыты от нас как бы в темноте, их поступки трудно предугадать.

    It’s impossible to predict, but if you think well, it lies in the base of everything.

    Его нельзя предугадать, но если разобраться, случай лежит в основе всех вещей.

    They’re impossible to predict.

    Их невозможно предугадать.

    I’ve known him 40 years. Any given day, there’s no predicting what he’ll choose to care about.

    Я его знаю 40 лет, Си Джей, и я знаю, что абсолютно невозможно предугадать, что в каждый конкретный момент будет его беспокоить.

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    I mean most of marketing was looking at people’s actions and trying to figure out what to do, but what we were doing was we were trying to look at people’s underlying values so that we could predict what is their lifestyle,

    Это позволило взлянуть на людей не просто как на демографические группы по возрасту и доходу или чему то ещё, но действительно понять лежащие в основе движущие силы. Я имею в виду что большинство маркетинговых исследований наблюдало за действиями людей и пыталось понять что делать, но мы пытались увидеть внутренние ценности людей, чтобы таким образом прогнозировать их стиль жизни, в каком доме они жили, какую машину они водили.

    It’s ability to predict what new products, self-actualizers would choose.

    Её способность прогнозировать какие товары будут выбирать люди, стремящиеся к самовыражению.

    I can spend hours predicting figures and results, but not their reaction.

    Я могу часами прогнозировать цифры и результаты, но не мог предсказать их реакцию. Это так глупо!

    The demand to build more powerful and efficient steam engines in turn created an urgent need to understand and predict the behaviour of water and steam at high temperatures and pressures.

    «ребование построить более мощные и эффективные паровые двигатели, в свою очередь, создало насущную необходимость понимать и прогнозировать поведении воды и пара при высоких температурах и давлени€х.

    Shows an inability to predict the future.

    Это показывает неспособность прогнозировать будущее.

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    They had no choice but to act as we predicted.

    У них не было другого выбора, кроме как действовать, как мы и предполагали.

    As predicted, the UNIT forces have moved to the penultimate stage.

    Как мы и предполагали, силы ЮНИТ перешли к предпоследней стадии.

    He is behaving exactly as predicted, sir.

    Он ведёт себя так, как мы и предполагали.

    As you predicted,

    Как вы и предполагали,

    I thought I saw you bite your tongue to fool the polygraph, but as you predicted when you visited my home the other night, your cell phone activity said you were telling the truth.

    Я думал, вы прикусили язык, чтобы обмануть полиграф, но как вы и предполагали, когда пришли ко мне домой недавно вечером, активность ваших звонков подтвердила, что вы говорите правду.

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    It’s like… predicting the future.

    Это похоже … на предсказание будущего.

    I said they predicted WRONGLY…

    Помимо всего прочего, я скажу, что их предсказание оказалось неверным…

    otherwise known as Mad Walter, who has been sentenced to death for various offences such as sodomy, raping his daughter, and paying magicians to predict the date of the King’s death.

    также известный как Безумный Уолтер, которого приговорили к смерти за различные преступления такие как содомия, изнасилование собственной дочери, оплата магам за предсказание даты смерти короля.

    The odd intervals and variety of her crimes make it extremely difficult to predict.

    Расстояние и разнообразие улик в тех преступлениях усложняет предсказание.

    There’s no such thing as predicting the future!

    Не существует такой вещи, как предсказание будущего!

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    All those electronic devices… we’ve bought from that race of yellow rats… since the death of General Douglas McArthur… about 100 years ago… had been predicted.

    Все эти электронные штуковины… что мы покупаем у этой расы жёлтых крыс… со дня смерти генерала Дугласа МакАртура… около ста лет назад… было предсказано.

    Good. I believethatthe amountofdebt of investment capital … at 13 million euros higher than had been predicted.

    Я полагаю, что сумма долга от инвестиционных капиталовложений… на 13 миллионов евро выше, чем было предсказано.

    As predicted, they died of heart attacks.

    На следующий день они оба умерли, как и было предсказано.

    It’s been said that they would shine like a Christmas tree and you would be able, not only to detect the black holes, you would be able to detect the evaporation of the black hole as predicted by Hawking.

    Предполагают, что они будут сиять, как рождественская елка, и что будет можно не только выявить черную дыру, можно будет выявить испарения черной дыры, как предсказано Хокингом.

    They have predicted the exact location of impact, but the government is refusing to release this information to the public to avoid creating an even greater sense of panic.

    «Уже предсказано место столкновения метеорита с Землей,» «но правительство отказывается раскрывать эту информацию» «во избежание нарастания панических настроений.»

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    Can we predict the same for you, captain?

    Мы можем предположить такое и о вас, капитан?

    And as for this car and this tree, you can predict it.

    А что касается машины и дерева, это можно было предположить. Гравитация.

    But he could not possibly predict what kind of failure you would become!

    Мог ли он предположить возможность провала всех его замыслов.

    Nor could he have predicted that you would commit incest.

    И мог ли он предположить, что ты совершишь инцест.

    But obviously what you couldn’t predict was that it would trigger Lieutenant Lockford’s PTSD.

    Но конечно, вы не могли предположить, что это станет спусковым крючком для ПТСР у лейтенанта Локфорда.

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    He predicted that I’d do time.

    он говорил что у меня все будет хорошо.

    We went head-to-head… and I came out the better man, just as I predicted I would.

    Мы шли ноздря в ноздрю ПРОСТО я оказался ловчее — как и говорил до того.

    Huh, I wonder if that’s the woman Lundy predicted.

    — Неужели эта девушка, о которой говорил Лэнди?

    Just like the director predicted.

    Как директор и говорил.

    Well, as predicted, my agent dumped me. No, with the furniture. Oh!

    Что я говорил тебе, когда ты была маленькой?

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    What makes this hard to predict is that much of it depends on the nature of the artistic activity in question. ❋ Matthew Guerrieri (2009)

    Could it again predict the outcome prior to what Prudhomme hopes will be a decisive third week? ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Where he will fail, I predict, is in actually believing his own left wing cant. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    This, I predict, is exactly what will happen if single-payer is passed. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Suffice it to say that it was very well done, and that there was a piece of the subject matter (not the piece you will be able to predict from the first page) that was particularly difficult at this moment in my life. ❋ Wshaffer (2009)

    The fact that we have not had as much warming as models predict is an indication that damping mechanisms are involved that the models do not account for properly. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Now they predict crime will rise because of the recesion, does this mean that what the actually predict is in a recession, police will not work as hard and allow crime to rise thus failling the public. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)

    This post, I predict, is going to get an IFA link after I hit some deadlines later today. ❋ Unknown (2008)

    Could it be that at least one of the «curled up» dimensions that theories such as «String Theory» predict is stuck within our heads? ❋ Code Monkey (2008)

    One thing that science allows us to predict, is that the irrational will remain defiant, and in denial, right up until the very end. ❋ Unknown (2008)

    Which would you predict from a hypothesis of intelligent design? ❋ Unknown (2007)

    The thing you need to predict is how much, not when. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    Of all the possible uses for mobile phones, the use that will have the greatest impact on the world in the long run, I predict, is just emerging — using mobile phones for worldwide teaching and learning. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    Of all the possible uses for mobile phones, the use that will have the greatest impact on the world in the long run, I predict, is just emerging — using mobile phones for worldwide […] ❋ Unknown (2005)

    There are also a seven and five megapixel models, the story says, going on, The 8-megapixel camera phone will sell at higher than 1 million won (about $950), a price local analysts predict is implausible for a cell phone. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    In like manner, when a trait is obviously very costly to maintain, Darwinists again predict a strong correlation between that trait and reproductive success. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    What we can reasonably predict is that the rate of change will continue to accelerate, that knowledge work will become ever more important, and that increasing globalization will heighten international competition for the world’s brightest and best. ❋ Unknown (2003)

    You can’t predict [the future](as [far] as [i can]) ❋ Fred The3rd (2006)

    That [nun] is predict ❋ Chief80 (2007)

    «[Kari’s] seemingly reflexive need to [hijack] a Facebook post and/or be the first to [comment] had become all-too-predictable.» ❋ AbuName (2016)

    Prediction: «[Facebook] is gonna be [a big deal] in [2011].» ❋ @LenKendall (2010)

    I’m [seeing] a [prediction] of your [future].That you’re gonna become a great bussinessman. ❋ BlackPohatu (2016)

    [Man], your so predictable. ❋ Fred The3rd (2006)

    After [realizing] how [accurate] her predictation was, Emily could not wait to have [Johns] cock inside her. ❋ Care-bare (2018)


    On his [wedding night], Harry discovered much to his [chagrin] that his new bride had been [predict]. ❋ GrimmTidings (2016)

    [Michelle] broke up with me [’cause] while I was watching the game the predictive texting on my phone called her [Michaela] instead. ❋ Dookeyboy (2010)


    Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]


    Глагол, правильный.

    Корень: .


    • МФА (США): [prɪ’dɪkt

    Семантические свойства[править]


    1. предсказывать, пророчить; прогнозировать ◆ How often an observer can predict man’s actions better than the man himself. — Как часто наблюдатель может предсказать действия человека лучше, чем сам человек.


    1. augur, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, prognosticate, prophesy, divine




    Родственные слова[править]

    Ближайшее родство


    Происходит от лат. praedicāre «провозглашать, объявлять во всеуслышанье», из prae- «перед» (восходит к праиндоевр. *prai-) + dicere «говорить, произносить», из праиндоевр. *deik- «указывать». Англ. predicate — с XVI века, predict — с 1620-х. Использованы материалы Online Etymology Dictionary Дугласа Харпера. См. Список литературы.

    Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]

    Predict, prophesy, foresee, forecast mean to know or tell (usually correctly) beforehand what will happen. Forecast has much the same meaning as predict; it is used today particularly of the weather and other phenomena that cannot easily be accurately predicted: Rain and snow are forecast for tonight.

    Can predict the future word?

    A soothsayer is someone who can foretell the future. A fortune teller is also known as a soothsayer, or someone who claims to be able to predict the future. Long ago, a soothsayer might have been considered a useful consultant, even for a government, but today soothsayers are more likely to be scoffed at.

    What is the best definition for the word prediction?

    A prediction is what someone thinks will happen. A prediction is a forecast, but not only about the weather. Pre means “before” and diction has to do with talking. So a prediction is a statement about the future. It’s a guess, sometimes based on facts or evidence, but not always.

    How do we predict scientifically?

    A scientific prediction is based on a scientific theory. That means in particular it is reproducible (by everybody with the appropriate education), consistent, and the theory it is based on is not in conflict with available data already.

    How do you teach difference between will and going to?

    Will + infinitive Be going to + infinitive
    A prediction based on opinion: I think the Conservatives will win the next election. A prediction based on something we can see (or hear) now: The Conservatives are going to win the election. They already have most of the votes.
    A future fact: The sun will rise tomorrow.

    Will and going to rules?

    Going to is used with predictions. When you are making a decision use will; use going to after the decision has been made. We sometimes also use the present continuous for planned events in the near future. When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use will.

    Other forms: predicted; predicts; predicting

    To predict is to say what you think is going to happen in the future. If you predict that you’ll win the poker championship, you’re either really confident in your poker skills or you’re cheating.

    The prefix pre means «before.» Dict comes from the Latin dicere, which means «to say,» yet you can use predict to refer to things that can’t say anything at all. Darkening skies can predict a coming storm, for example, and a runny nose can predict a cold. You can predict something based on factual evidence, or on a crystal-ball reading, or just on plain intuition.

    Definitions of predict

    1. verb

      make a prediction about; tell in advance


      anticipate, call, forebode, foretell, prognosticate, promise

      see moresee less


      show 9 types…
      hide 9 types…

      interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior

      outguess, second-guess

      attempt to anticipate or predict


      predict from an omen

      bet, wager

      maintain with or as if with a bet

      calculate, forecast, project

      predict in advance

      prophesy, vaticinate

      predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration


      divine by gazing into crystals


      foretell through or as if through the power of prophecy

      enlighten, irradiate

      give spiritual insight to; in religion

      type of:

      guess, hazard, pretend, venture

      put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation

    2. synonyms:

      augur, auspicate, betoken, bode, forecast, foreshadow, foretell, omen, portend, prefigure, presage, prognosticate

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘predict’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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