The word power made easy

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  • Норман Льюис

  • 📚 Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запаса

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Л. А. Игоревский

Книга Нормана Льюиса «Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запаса» — скачать в pdf или читать онлайн. Оставляйте комментарии и отзывы, голосуйте за понравившиеся.

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Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запаса

Норман Льюис

Владейте английским в совершенстве. Наиболее полный и доходчивый самоучитель английского языка для расширения словарного запасаPDF

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How to use this book for maximum benefit — Getting off to a good start: How to test your present vocabulary — How to start building your vocabulary — How to talk about personality types — How to talk about doctors — How to talk about various practitioners — How to talk about science and scientists — How to talk about liars and lying — How to check your progress: Comprehensive test I — Gaining increased momentum: How to talk about actions — How to talk about various speech habits — How to insult your enemies — How to flatter your friends — How to check your progress: Comprehensive test II — Finishing with a feeling of complete success: How to talk about common phenomena and occurrences — How to talk about what goes on — How to talk about a variety of personal characteristics — How to check your progress: Comprehensive test III — How to check your standing as an amateur etymologist — How to keep building your vocabulary — Brief intermissions: Test your grammar — Random notes on modern usage — How grammar changes — How to avoid being a purist — How to speak naturally — Do you always use the proper word? — Some interesting derivations — How to spell a word — Take this spelling test — Another check on your spelling

Exercises designed to develop vocabulary skills present words together with their pronunciations, definitions and use in sentences


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Word Power Made Easy is a comprehensive vocabulary‑building system created by legendary grammarian Norman Lewis that provides a simple, step‑by‑step method to increase your knowledge and mastery of the English language.

Word Power Made Easy is the best and quickest means to a better vocabulary in the English language. As you complete the exercises in this book, you will learn how to tell if you’re using the right word as well as how to pronounce and spell it. You will also learn how to avoid illiterate expressions and how to speak grammatically, without making embarrassing mistakes.

A complete handbook for building a superior vocabulary, Word Power Made Easy will teach you how to speak and write with confidence as well as how to read more effectively and efficiently. It will help you to learn more quickly, develop social contacts, and increase your earning power.

Each chapter ends with review. Each section ends with a progressive check. Numerous tests will help you increase and retain the knowledge you acquired. Word Power Made Easy does more than just add words to your vocabulary; it teaches ideas and a method of broadening knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process.

Do you want to know what the terms ‘circumlocution’ and ‘perspicacious’ mean? And rest assured that they are never forgotten. The book you’ve been looking for is ‘Word Power Made Easy.’ Continue reading to learn more about Norman Lewis’ fascinating book.

Table of Contents
  1. So, why attempt summarizing Word Power Made Easy?
  2. Part One: Getting off to a good start
    1. Chapter 1 – How to test your present vocabulary
    2. Chapter 2 – How to expand your vocabulary? 
    3. Chapter 3 – How to talk about personality types
    4. Chapter 4 – How to talk about doctors
    5. Chapter 5 – How to talk about various practitioners
    6. Chapter 6 – How to talk about various science and scientists
    7. Chapter 7 – How to discuss lying and liars
    8. Chapter 8 – How to check Your progress: Comprehensive test
  3. Part Two: gaining increased momentum
    1. Chapter 9 – How to talk about actions
    2. Chapter 10 – How to discuss different speech habits
    3. Chapter 11: How to insult your adversaries
    4. Chapter 12 -How to flatter your friends
    5. Chapter 13 – Checking your progress: Comprehensive test II
  4. Part Three: finishing with a feeling of complete success
    1. Chapter 14 – How to talk about common phenomena and occurrences
    2. Chapter 15 – How to talk about what goes on.
    3. Chapter 16 – How to talk about a Variety of Personal Characteristics.
    4. Chapter 17 – How to check your progress: Comprehensive test III
    5. Chapter 18 – How to check your standing as an amateur etymologist
  5. How to read Word Power Made Easy?
  6. How long should it take to finish Word Power Made Easy with regular study?
  7. Key takeaways
  8. FAQs

Norman Lewis was a grammarian and lexicographer from the United States who was widely recognized as one of the leading authorities on English language talents. Throughout his life, he published various books on language-related topics, including Roget’s New Pocket Thesaurus in Dictionary Form and 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary.

Word Power Made Easy was initially published in 1949 and has been reprinted multiple times since then. In only the second phrase of the book, Norman Lewis says that the only thing you can do with a book like Word Power Made Easy is to engage with it, to ‘speak aloud to it, talk back to it,’ to ‘use your voice, not just your eyes and mind.’

So, why attempt summarizing Word Power Made Easy?

We want the world to know that this is one of those books that you will never tire of reading. It, like a dictionary, will undoubtedly be useful to you at some point. And here’s our summary of the book, which is chock-full of useful quizzes, exams, and progress checks – justice.

Part One: Getting off to a good start

Chapter 1 – How to test your present vocabulary

So, why should you be concerned about your vocabulary?

Lewis immediately responds to this topic by stating that there is enough evidence in favor of a close association between vocabulary and achievement. Put that into simple terms: more words are equal to more money.

How many words do you know right now?

There is no need to look any further for an answer to this question. The first chapter of Lewis’ book is essentially a barrage of tests designed to determine whether your existing vocabulary is ‘below average, average, above average, outstanding, or superior in range, verbal speed, and responsiveness.’

Chapter 2 – How to expand your vocabulary? 

Norman Lewis word power made Easy PDF Download
Word Power Made Easy is a comprehensive vocabulary‑building system created by legendary grammarian Norman Lewis.

Do you know what the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is?

If not, it argues that language impacts your ideas; in other words, a Russian genuinely distinguishes more hues of blue than an American simply because the Russian language has more terms for the subtleties.

So, what does this say about the importance of acquiring new words?

Even if the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is possibly exaggerated, it is indisputable that expanding your vocabulary can improve your thinking.


Because words are images of things, and the more things you can identify, the better your vision of – and ability to connect with – the world.

Chapter 3 – How to talk about personality types

In chapter three, you’ll discover a variety of phrases “that define all kinds and sorts of individuals, including terminology for self-interest, reactions to the world, attitudes toward others, skill and awkwardness, marital states, and hate of man, woman, and marriage.”

You’ll discover the difference between an egoist and an egotist, what an ”ambivert’ is, and that ‘misogamist’ is a term through amazing examples.

Lewis concludes the three sections of this chapter with the joyous realization that you’ve probably already learned more words through them than you would in a single year.

Chapter 4 – How to talk about doctors

Have you ever caught yourself skimming through the tedious hospital conversation in every other House episode?

Now is your time to impress your colleagues!

Many terminologies linked to pediatric illnesses and skeletal abnormalities, heart and skin problems, and nerve and mental disorders are covered in Chapter 4.

Chapter 5 – How to talk about various practitioners

This is the chapter where you may expand your vocabulary with terms like “orthodontist,” “optometrist,” “podiatrist,” and “gerontologist.” You’ll also get more familiar with several related terms and become more aware of how words operate.

Chapter 6 – How to talk about various science and scientists

Word Power Made Easy does more than just add words to your vocabulary.
Word Power Made Easy is the best and quickest means to a better vocabulary in the English language.

Here you will learn about some of the most important knowledge explorers, as well as the names of many different scientific disciplines. Words such as ‘an anthropology,’ ‘geologist,’ ‘an entomologist,’ ‘a semanticist,’ ‘a sociologist,’ and so on. As usual, Lewis includes a section in which he discusses the etymology of these internationalisms and several self-assessment exams.

Chapter 7 – How to discuss lying and liars

Not everyone who lies is the same. Some are skilled liars, while others are born liars; the flagrant liars are a narrative in and of itself, and the fluent liars can twist facts as easily as they can pronounce their names.

Chapter 8 – How to check Your progress: Comprehensive test

Each of the book’s three parts concludes with a 120-item comprehensive exam. Don’t miss this!

Part Two: gaining increased momentum

Chapter 9 – How to talk about actions

The second part progresses from nouns to other parts of speech. And the ninth chapter begins with several verbs that “accurately describe important human activities.” Through examples and amusing comments, learn what the terms “disparaging,” “equivocating,” “militating,” and “obviating” mean. Of course, all the related words and their etymologies are back for your enjoyment.

Chapter 10 – How to discuss different speech habits

This is the chapter to work with if you want to learn what “taciturn” or “garrulous” means and don’t want to sound “inarticulate” and “banal” the next time you’re out with your friends.

Chapter 11: How to insult your adversaries

So this is your opportunity to tell your enemies exactly what you think of them; if they are sycophants or ignoramuses, reprobates, or sociopaths.

Chapter 12 -How to flatter your friends

On the plus side, there are numerous words in the dictionary that you can use to flatter your friends. They’re wonderful, to be sure, but some of them are ‘ingenious,’ while others are ‘magnanimous,’ and a third may be ‘perspicacious’ – which is why you’d go to him or her for help with your problems!

Chapter 13 – Checking your progress: Comprehensive test II

Part II appears to require another 120-item self-assessment test.

Part Three: finishing with a feeling of complete success

Chapter 14 – How to talk about common phenomena and occurrences

As Robert Louis Stevenson once said, the world is full of many things, and it’s wonderful to be able to name at least some of them. This chapter introduces the terms ‘ephemerality’ and ‘cacophony,’ as well as ‘parsimonious’ and ‘opulent.’

Chapter 15 – How to talk about what goes on.

When you’re not only completely exhausted but also frustrated, you’re said to be ‘enervated.’ Other times, when you can’t make up your mind and keep changing your mind, you’re probably ‘vacillating.’ Learn more about the resemblance here.

Chapter 16 – How to talk about a Variety of Personal Characteristics.

This chapter will teach you some “adjectives that describe genuine humility, dissatisfaction, snobbery, female courtesy, financial embarrassment, sadness, and so on.” So look here if you want to learn the definitions of words like ‘impecunious,’ ‘obstreperous,’ and ‘innocuous.’

Chapter 17 – How to check your progress: Comprehensive test III

By now we don’t need to tell you what you’ll find in this chapter, do we?

Chapter 18 – How to check your standing as an amateur etymologist

The majority of the chapters in Lewis’ book begin with teaser questions; this chapter answers them.

 Some notable quotes from Word Power Made Easy

  • Words are the instruments employing which men and women grasp the thoughts of others and with which they do much of their thinking. They are the tools of thought.
  • No matter what your age, you can go on learning efficiently, or start learning once again if perhaps you have stopped.
  • Successful people have superior vocabularies.
  • If a student has a superior vocabulary, it will probably follow that he will do better work academically.
  • Educational research has discovered that your I.Q. is intimately related to your vocabulary.

How to read Word Power Made Easy?

This is a one-of-a-kind question. Reading from the first page of a book is the approach that everyone takes when reading a book. However, this book isn’t just for reading! One must take the proper approach. Instead of flipping through the first few pages that tell you “how to pronounce,” “use of schwa,” and “test your vocabulary,” JUMP to Chapter 1 of Unit 1. These first few pages are quite gloomy.

After finishing Unit-1, go over it again the next day. All of the words will stick with you. You could also keep a notebook to help you remember the words. A few units are following. You can even deduce the meaning of words you’ve never heard of. You are not required to learn words; however, a dictionary will be useful. It will teach you how to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words.

How long should it take to finish Word Power Made Easy with regular study?

A simple, step-by-step method that will increase your knowledge and mastery of written and spoken English.
Written in a lively, accessible, and timeless style, and loaded with helpful reviews, this classic resource has helped millions learn to speak and write with confidence.

Reading it for the first time would take you about 90 hours. You can divide the hours according to your available time. A second time would take between 50 and 60 hours. You would have remembered most of the words and completed most of the exercises.

The third time you would only take around 30 hours. This time you’ll be skimming the book and only unremembered words would take your major attention.

Apart from those, develop a habit of reading. It may be books, newspapers, magazines, etc. Only solving the exercises in Word Power Made Easy won’t help. Reading a lot will help you understand the usage of new words.

Also do not think Word Power Made Easy is a one-time read. You should revisit the book every few months or even years.

Key takeaways

  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis offers an alternative method for learning new words. 
  • It is also a better way to learn them because the book correctly assumes that words can only be properly absorbed when they are placed in a specific context, which is how the majority of them are introduced.
  • In this book, there are sections dedicated to rules and applied grammar. The author has presented simple techniques for improving one’s vocabulary and word skills.
  • This book has helped and improved the language of generations of students. This is a fundamental book about the English language and proper word usage. 

Was this blog informative? If yes, please let us know by sharing your thoughts in the comments below. Click here to reach out to us for more information on the book ‘Word Power Made Easy.

Liked this blog? read next: 50 daily use English words with meanings


Q1. Is Word Power Made Easy book beneficial to students?

Answer – Anyone looking to expand their vocabulary will find it extremely useful. Word Power Made Easy, written by bestselling grammarian Norman Lewis, is a handy reference for students looking to improve their English speaking, reading, and writing skills.

Q2. How many new words are there in Word Power Made Easy?

Answer – Surprisingly, it is quite engaging, to the point where you do not feel bored or pressed. By the end of the book, you’ll have learned 400-450 new words, as well as the desire to use them in sentences and brag about them.

Q3. How many sessions are there in the book Word Power Made Easy?

Answer – Power Made Easy is an excellent book. If you try it, you’ll notice that it has many sessions, each lasting half an hour, which aids in the gradual development of your vocabulary. It is made up of about 70 sessions, and by the time you get to the last page, you will be a word master if you enjoyed working with it.

  • Файлы

  • Академическая и специальная литература

  • Языки и языкознание

  • Английский язык

  • Английский язык как родной (English as a First Language)

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  • Добавлен пользователем fox72 23.11.2012 21:33
  • Описание отредактировано 24.11.2012 01:30

Lewis Norman. Word Power Made Easy

USA, 1978. – 528 p.
A great concept by Norman Lewis. This book is excellently written for improvement of vocabulary and grammar. The mechanism of the book is the easiest of all that one can find. Free eBook Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis PDF Download.
The book is divided parts, each part is divided into chapters and each chapter is divided into sessions. Now, each chapter begins with a session containing 10 basic words with detailed explanations for easy memorization. After you memorize the 10 words, you proceed to the next sessions of the chapter in which the 10 words are broken down into the root words. Now, from each root word, number of other words which are built on the same root word are explained briefly and clearly. So, this mechanism allows you to memorize more than 100 words from 10 basic words.
Further, the book has »Review» and »Test Your Learning» sessions through which you can never forget the words you have learnt.
Further, the book is written in so simple language that even a child can read it very easily.
The book is easy to avail and is much cheaper than any other books of the similiar category.

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The most effective vocabulary builder in the English language provides a simple, step-by-step method that will increase your knowledge and mastery of written and spoken English. Word Power Made Easy does more than just add words to your vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening your knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process. Do you always use the right word? Can you pronounce itand spell itcorrectly? Do you know how to avoid illiterate expressions? Do you speak grammatically, without embarrassing mistakes? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you need Word Power Made Easy. Written in a lively, accessible, and timeless style, and loaded with helpful reviews, progress checks, and quizzes to reinforce the material, this classic resource has helped millions learn to speak and write with confidence.


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The most effective English language vocabulary builder available: this time-tested classic has helped millions achieve mastery of English and improve their communications skills in business, the classroom, and in life.

The most effective English language vocabulary builder available: this time-tested classic has helped millions achieve mastery of English and improve their communications skills in business, the classroom, and in life.

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Norman Lewis
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