The word power in greek

What is the biblical meaning of power?

Power in the Bible has deeper meaning than we can imagine. It’s also frequently used in the book as description of strength of mind moral qualities of a person power of his/her faith and so on. … It means that this person or God has some inner strength that does not depend on outward things.

What is the spiritual definition of power?

The kind of strength that is giving selfless devout trusting and patient is decidedly feminine. It belongs to saints and mothers. By affirming this kind of strength you are demonstrating faith that there can be power without aggression domination and control.

What Greek word means strength?

dynatá simeía. More Greek words for strength. δύναμη noun. dýnami̱ power force virtue might potency.

What does the Greek word Exousia mean?

Exousia (Greek: ἐξουσία) is an Ancient Greek word used in the Bible the exact meaning of which is debated by scholars but is generally translated as “authority”.

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What is the true meaning of power?

1 : possession of control authority or influence over others. 2 : a nation that has influence among other nations a foreign power. 3 : the ability to act or produce an effect It’s in your power to change things. 4 : the right to do something the president’s powers. 5 : physical might : strength The wind grew in power …

What’s the power of God?

(1) God’s power the sort of power that dwells within every born-again believer and energizes his/her life and ministry is not the sort of “thing” that you can touch or contain in a bottle. It is the very energy of the life of God himself. It is the supernatural energy that emanates from God’s being.

What is the Ancient Greek word for power?

Dunamis (Ancient Greek: δύναμις) is a Greek philosophical concept meaning “power” “potential” or “ability” and is central to the Aristotelian idea of potentiality and actuality.

What is the Greek word of wisdom?

The Greek word sophistēs formed from the noun sophia ‘wisdom’ or ‘learning’ has the general. sense ‘one who exercises wisdom or learning’.

How do you say power in Hebrew?

Does Kratos mean power?

From Ancient Greek Κράτος (Kratos literally “Power Strength”).

What is Love called in Greek?

Agápe (ἀγάπη agápē) means “love: esp. … Agape is used in ancient texts to denote feelings for one’s children and the feelings for a spouse and it was also used to refer to a love feast. Agape is used by Christians to express the unconditional love of God for his children.

What Kratos means?

In Greek mythology Kratos (or Cratos) is the divine personification of strength. He is the son of Pallas and Styx. Kratos and his siblings Nike (‘Victory’) Bia (‘Force’) and Zelus (‘Glory’) are all essentially personifications of a trait. Kratos is first mentioned alongside his siblings in Hesiod’s Theogony.

How do you pronounce the Greek word Exousia?

What does Ecclesia mean in Greek?

Ecclesia Greek Ekklēsia (“gathering of those summoned”) in ancient Greece assembly of citizens in a city-state. Its roots lay in the Homeric agora the meeting of the people. The Athenian Ecclesia for which exists the most detailed record was already functioning in Draco’s day (c. 621 bc).

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What does Maranatha mean in Greek?

Origin of maranatha

First recorded in 1350–1400 from Late Latin Marana tha from Greek marána thá from Aramaic māranā thā of uncertain meaning traditionally translated “O Lord come!” or if the Aramaic phrase is māran ăthā “Our Lord has come”

Where does power come from?

Electric power is often produced through a variety of generation sources like nuclear coal natural gas wind hydro and diesel. Electricity is produced from four categories of power plants. They are stacked like building blocks from the least cost to the highest per kilowatt hour produced.

What is the root word of power?

Power comes from the Latin word potere which means “to be able.” But things with power are much more than able — they’re able to exert a lot of force. … When used as a verb power means “to supply with mechanical or electrical energy ” as in a nuclear-powered submarine.

What is power explain?

In physics power is the amount of energy transferred or converted per unit time. In the International System of Units the unit of power is the watt equal to one joule per second. In older works power is sometimes called activity. Power is a scalar quantity.

What are the 7 powers of God?

The sevenfold ministry of the Spirit

Including the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirits of wisdom of understanding of counsel of might of knowledge and of fear of the LORD here are represented the seven Spirits which are before the throne of God.

How does God receive power?

Power comes through the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8) but prayer and fasting can be helpful to get rid of disbelief and make the power more evident in your life. … You can keep it filled by praying in the spirit reading the word and doing His will.

How do you walk in God’s power?

You too can walk in the supernatural power of God!

Experience Signs Wonders & Miracles Today

  1. Experience God’s anointing to be more effective in ministry.
  2. Understand and operate in the supernatural.
  3. Minister healing to the sick.
  4. Hear the voice of God.
  5. Protect yourself from deception.
  6. Develop a faith for the miraculous.

What Greek word does dynamite come from?

Nobel originally sold dynamite as “Nobel’s Blasting Powder” but decided to change the name to dynamite from the Ancient Greek word dýnamis (δύναμις) meaning “power”.

What does the Greek word Kronos mean?

Chronos (/ˈkroʊnɒs/ Greek: Χρόνος [kʰrónos] (Modern Greek: [ˈxronos]) Meaning – “time“) also spelled Khronos or Chronus is the personification of time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature.

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What’s the Greek word for God?

Greek “θεός ” (theos) means god in English.

What is the Greek word Sophia?

: wisdom specifically : divine wisdom.

What is philia Sophia?

• The word philosophy is derived from the Greek words philia (love) and sophia (wisdom) and means “the love of wisdom.” •

What are the 3 types of wisdom?

Wisdom is a heavenly commodity. There are three types of wisdom – the first wisdom which is the most important is the Godly wisdom then Earthly wisdom and Satanic wisdom. There is a need for you to know the difference in these three kinds of wisdom so you know exactly which one to choose.

What is the meaning of strength in Hebrew?

What is Zeus name in Greek?

Zeus. Roman name: Jupiter or Jove. The sky-god Zeus rules Mount Olympus.

Is there a god of death?

Thanatos in ancient Greek religion and mythology the personification of death. Thanatos was the son of Nyx the goddess of night and the brother of Hypnos the god of sleep.

Is there a god of muscle?

Hermes (/ˈhɜːrmiːz/ Greek: Ἑρμῆς) is an Olympian deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology.

Children Evander Pan Hermaphroditus Abderus Autolycus Eudoros Angelia Myrtilus Palaestra
Roman equivalent Mercury
Etruscan equivalent Turms

What are the 7 Greek love words?

7 Distinct Greek Words Describe Different Kinds of Love—Which Have You Experienced?

  1. Eros: romantic passionate love. …
  2. Philia: intimate authentic friendship. …
  3. Ludus: playful flirtatious love. …
  4. Storge: unconditional familial love. …
  5. Philautia: self-love. …
  6. Pragma: committed companionate love. …
  7. Agápe: empathetic universal love.

What are the 3 words for love in Greek?

Eros – Philia – Agape: The Three Greek Words For LOVE.

How to understand power – Eric Liu

Power & The Polis – Ancient Greek Society 02

GREEK SLANG | Έμεινα παγωτό #Shorts

Greek Word of the Day DUNAMIS

Exousia (Greek: ἐξουσία) is an Ancient Greek word used in the Bible, the exact meaning of which is debated by scholars but is generally translated as “authority”.

What does power in the name of Jesus mean?

The name Jesus is a Greek male name meaning “Saviour”. By being faithful to the task given to Him, humbling Himself, even becoming obedient to the point of death and volunteering to die for the sins of many, God exalted Jesus Christ by giving power to the name of Jesus Christ.

Where does the word power come from?

Power comes from the Latin word potere, which means “to be able.” But things with power are much more than able — they’re able to exert a lot of force. “The powers that be” are those who hold authority, and “the power behind the throne” refers to the people who exert influence without being formally in charge.

Where does power come from?

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, most of the nation’s electricity was generated by natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy in 2019. Electricity is also produced from renewable sources such as hydropower, biomass, wind, geothermal, and solar power.

What are the five Greek words for power?

There are five words in the Greek language that can be used as a synonym for the English word power. The five words are sthenos, dunamis, exousia, megaleioths, and ceir.

What is the Greek definition of power?

Power: the Greek word , dunamis, which comes from dunamai, means “force, miraculous and inherent power, strength, ability, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth.” Work: energeo (a linguistic cousin to the English word “energy”) means “to be active, to effect,…

What Greek word means power of the people?

The word “democracy” (Greek: δημοκρατία) combines the elements dêmos (δῆμος, which means “people”) and krátos (κράτος, which means “force” or “power”), and thus means literally “people power”.

What is power in Greek?

The Greek word for power is “dynameos” or “dynamis” (origin of our word dynamo.) If you go to www. kypros .org you can find the Greek spelling of the word.

You buy these power ups with energy points, and you gain energy by playing hands.

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Αγοράζεις τα power ups με energy points και κερδίζεις ενέργεια παίζοντας χέρια.

The power beam jumped a moment as the landing party

was about to materialise.

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Η ακτίνα ισχύoς αναπήδησε στιγμιαία. Tη στιγμή πoυ

επρόκειτo να υλoπoιηθεί η oμάδα.

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Απενεργoπoίηση ισχύoς υπoπλoίαρχε.

Think Positive: the new innovative Platinum Range product from Power Health.

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Think Positive:


νέο καινοτόμο προϊόν


σειράς Platinum Range από την Power Health.

Power packs are low! We need time to recharge!

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Πακέτα ενεργείας χαμηλά, θέλουμε χρόνο για επαναφόρτιση!

Power distribution and monitoring system for operating rooms and for intensive care units.

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Εφαρμογές Σύστημα διανομής ισχύoς και εποπτείας για χειρουργεία και μονάδες εντατικής θεραπείας.

The power source is protected by a material we cannot breach,

even with our phasers.

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Η πηγή ισχύoς πρoστατεύεται από υλικό πoυ δεν γίνεται να διαπεράσoυμε.

Well, about appointing me to the power commission.

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Όσο αφορά τον διορισμό μου στην Επιτροπή Ενεργείας.

There’s a power substation at Twin Pines.

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Ο υπoσταθμός ισχύoς στo Toυίν Πάινς.

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She was the flawless realization of God’s creative and redeeming power.

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Αλλά κατέστη αθάνατο ένεκα της δημιουργικής και ζωοποιού ενεργείας του Θεού.

With three extra power packs each.

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Με τρεις επιπλέoν μoνάδες ισχύoς τo καθένα.

I would like ten phasers beamed down with three extra power packs,

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Θέλω να μoυ στείλετε δέκα φέιζερ με τρεις επιπλέoν μoνάδες ισχύoς.

I have located the source of the power shutdowns.

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Εντόπισα την πηγή διακoπής ισχύoς.

Understanding power play.

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Power requirements: 5v dc 400 ma.

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POWER ΑΠΑΙΤΗΣΕΙΣ: 5V συνεχές ρεύμα 400 μΑ.

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POWER& ψυκτικής ενέργειας.

Power Health Nelsons Calendula Cream….

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POWER HEALTH Fleriana Εντομοαπωθητικά….

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Αποτελέσματα POWER PLATE.

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Showing posts with label Power and Control.

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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα POWER SURGE.

Silicon Power Corporation.

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Η κοινοπραξία του έργου POWER.

That’s the city power plant.

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Αυτό είναι το POWER PLANT CITY.

Showing posts with label power.

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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα POWER.

Those who have been abused by those in power need our prayers the most.

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Οσoι κακoπoιoύνται από άτoμα με εξoυσία χρειάζ oνται τις πρoσευχές μας.

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Time: 0.0662





Table of Contents

  1. What is strength in ancient Greek?
  2. What does Kato mean in Greek?
  3. What does kalimera mean in English?
  4. What does Spera mean in Greek?
  5. What does Skata mean?
  6. What does Pusti Malaka mean?
  7. What does Poli Kala mean in Greek?
  8. Do Greek people hug?
  9. How do you show respect in Greece?
  10. What can you not say in Greek?
  11. Is there a dress code in Greece?
  12. How much money should I bring to Greece?
  13. What do locals wear in Greece?
  14. What are some cool Greek words?
  15. What does Herete mean in Greek?
  16. What should I avoid in Greece?
  17. What should you not wear in Greece?

Dunamis (Ancient Greek: δύναμις) is a Greek philosophical concept meaning “power”, “potential” or “ability”, and is central to the Aristotelian idea of potentiality and actuality.

What is strength in ancient Greek?

From Ancient Greek Κράτος (Kratos, literally “Power, Strength”).

What does Kato mean in Greek?

κᾰ́τω • (kátō) downwards. beneath, below. in or to the underworld (Hades)

What does kalimera mean in English?

good morning

What does Spera mean in Greek?

The root words “kali-” and “-spera” mean “good” or “beautiful,” and “hope,” respectively, so the word could be translated as “good hope” or “best wishes,” though few people use it in a literal sense.

What does Skata mean?

The word skata is used in Greek meaning sh*t.

What does Pusti Malaka mean?

“pusti malaka” Thank you guys.

What does Poli Kala mean in Greek?

very nice

Do Greek people hug?

Between men and women we use to give 2 kisses on the cheek and hug depending on the level of friendship. The typical Greek family is generally very bound, but hugging and kissing is not a party of the daily life.

How do you show respect in Greece?

“The oldest person is generally served first.” Another way respect is show in Greece is through attire. For instance, the Greeks show their respect for the dead based on their clothes. After a death has occurred women commonly wear black for a year to show respect for the deceased.

What can you not say in Greek?

11 Things You Should Never Say in Greece

  • Don’t make a snarky comment on the fact Greeks tend to eat from the same plate.
  • Don’t ask if they put feta cheese in everything.
  • Don’t ask if Greeks still worship ancient gods.
  • Don’t order a Turkish coffee.
  • Don’t ask what the deal is with Macedonia.

Is there a dress code in Greece?

Dress codes and cultural hints Most monasteries and to a lesser extent churches impose a fairly strict dress code for visitors: no shorts, with women expected to cover their arms and wear skirts (though most Greek women visitors will be in trousers); the necessary wraps are sometimes provided on the spot.

How much money should I bring to Greece?

How much money will you need for your trip to Greece? You should plan to spend around €110 ($131) per day on your vacation in Greece, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, €28 ($33) on meals for one day and €22 ($27) on local transportation.

What do locals wear in Greece?

What to Wear in Greece

  • Linen Shirt. There is probably no look more synonymous in Greece than a linen shirt.
  • Relaxed Pants. Greeks care about their appearance, but they aren’t snobs, and the dress is generally more casual than Western Europe.
  • Bathing Suit.
  • Warm Fleece.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Sandals.
  • Simple Sneaker.
  • Beach Tote.

What are some cool Greek words?

15 Beautiful Words That Will Make You Fall in Love With the Greek Language

  • ελπίδα (el-pee-da) / hope.
  • χαρμολύπη (char-mo-lee-pee) / joyful mourning, sweet sorrow.
  • φιλοξενία (fil-o-ksen-i-a) / hospitality.
  • υγεία (ee-yee-a) / health.
  • ψυχή (psee-hee) / soul.
  • ίριδα (ee-ree-da) / iris.
  • ευτυχία (ef-tee-hee-a) / happiness.

What does Herete mean in Greek?


What should I avoid in Greece?

10 Things Tourists Should Never Do in Greece, Ever

  • Show too much skin when visiting a church.
  • Rely only on credit cards.
  • Take a passive-aggressive attitude with smokers.
  • Take photos of military installations.
  • Throw paper in the toilet.
  • Eat or drink in the metro in Athens.
  • Do the moutza.

What should you not wear in Greece?

An absolute no-no are running shorts or wearing shorts in the evening ! Also avoid wearing socks with shorts. – no open shoes for men in the evening (unless, maybe, in a beach resort). – a big NO-NO are white socks with trousers !




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If you want to know how to say power in Greek, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Greek better.

Here is the translation and the Greek word for power:




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Dictionary Entries near power

  • poverty
  • powder
  • powdered
  • power
  • power of attorney
  • power plant
  • power station

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«Power in Greek.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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  • experimental data
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  • unmoved

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