The word possess in a sentence

Definition of Possess

to have or own something

Examples of Possess in a sentence

Most families in America possess at least one car, but many have two.


It is important to possess a cell phone so you can communicate with others in an emergency.


Many young children would like to possess a pet such as a dog or cat.


Stores want to possess more goods so they can cater to more customers and make more money.


Many of us will one day possess our own home, but few of us will ever possess a mansion.


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Synonym: control, have, hold, maintain, occupy, own. Similar words: assess, obsessed, assessment, sunglasses, colosseum, engrossed, session, possible. Meaning: [pə’zes]  v. 1. have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill 2. have ownership or possession of 3. enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas. 

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(1) He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge. 

(2) Mercury was believed to possess magical properties.

(3) We possess ten acres of plow.

(4) I’m afraid this is the only suitcase I possess.

(5) Different workers possess different skills.

(6) Not all of us possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do.

(7) Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully-fledged rail network.

(8) The analysis of what kind of temperament you possess is vital.

(9) We possess ten acres of plough.

(10) She pretends to various abilities she doesn’t possess.

(11) They possess property all over the world.

(12) The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

(13) Vowels possess greater sonority than consonants.

(14) What attributes should a good manager possess?

(15) Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.

(16) Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.

(17) I’m afraid he doesn’t possess a sense of humour.

(18) He is said to possess a fortune of more than two-and-a-half-thousand million dollars.

(19) The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their community.

(20) Students need to possess certain basic skills by the time they finish school.

(21) Does he possess the necessary patience and tact to do the job well?

(22) Possess yourself in patience until I tell you the good news.

(23) The country did not possess the modern guns to equip the reserve army properly.

(24) Insects possess a biological clock that programmes the insect’s growth(,reproduction and dormant periods.

(25) She pretends to various abilities she doesn’t, in fact, possess.

(26) You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.

(27) In the past the root of this plant was thought to possess magical powers which could cure baldness.

(28) In case both parties agree to let the alienator continuously possess the chattel when the real right of a chattel is alienated, the real right shall go into effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement.

(29) She had endowed Marcus with the qualities she wanted him to possess.

(30) He credited her with a maturity she did not possess.

More similar words: assess, obsessed, assessment, sunglasses, colosseum, engrossed, session, possible, impossible, impossibly, possibility, vessel, dressed, dessert, essence, finesse, stressed, as soon as possible, essential, addressed, depressed, essentially, blood vessel, essentiality, tactlessness, closest, analyses, parentheses, diagnoses, toss. 

обладать, владеть, овладевать, захватывать, сохранять, удерживать


- обладать, владеть

to possess property [wealth] — владеть имуществом [богатством]
to possess courage [good qualities] — обладать мужеством [хорошими качествами]
to possess sprinting ability — спорт. обладать сильным рывком

- арх. брать; овладевать

to possess oneself of smth. — приобретать что-л.; овладевать чем-л.

- сохранять (спокойствие, терпение, самообладание и т. п.); владеть (собой)

to possess oneself /one’s soul, one’s mind/ — владеть собою, сохранять хладнокровие /спокойствие/
to possess one’s soul in patience — запастись /обладать/ терпением
he possesses his soul in peace — душа у него спокойна

- овладевать, захватывать (о чувстве, настроении и т. п.)

melancholy possesses him — он погружён в меланхолию
a demon possessed her — в неё бес вселился
what possessed him to act so? — что дёрнуло /заставило/ его поступить таким образом?

- редк. владеть (языком); знать, уметь

to possess Greek poetry — знать греческую поэзию

- (of, with) уст. сообщать, извещать

he possessed them of the facts — он сообщил /представил/ им факты

- овладеть женщиной

Мои примеры


he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East — Он обладает огромными знаниями о Ближнем Востоке.  
to have / possess charm — обладать обаянием, быть обаятельным  
to possess dignity — обладать чувством собственного достоинства  
to possess oneself / one’s soul / one’s mind — владеть собою, сохранять хладнокровие  
to possess property — владеть имуществом  
to possess courage — обладать мужеством  
possess property — владеть имуществом  
possess wealth — владеть богатством  
to possess [to take on] value — мат. принимать значение  
possess nuclear capability — обладать достаточной промышленной и военной мощью, чтобы вести ядерную войну  
possess considerable merit — обладать значительным преимуществом  

Примеры с переводом

Different workers possess different skills.

Разные работники обладают разными умениями и навыками.

He possesses a keen wit.

Он обладает острым умом. / У него очень острый ум.

A terrible rage possessed her

Страшный гнев овладел ею.

Cats possess a natural hunting instinct.

Кошки обладают врождённым охотничьим инстинктом.

Neither of them possessed a credit card.

Ни у кого из них не было кредитной карты.

At what date do you intend to possess yourself of the house?

Когда ты вступаешь во владение домом?

These things possess no moral interest.

Эти явления не представляют никакой важности с точки зрения морали.

ещё 19 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

dispossess  — лишать собственности, выселять, лишать владения, лишать права владения
possessed  — одержимый, ненормальный, рехнувшийся
possession  — владение, обладание, одержимость, зависимая территория
possessive  — притяжательный, собственнический, притяжательный падеж
possessor  — обладатель, владелец, владетель
possessing  — владеющий
repossess  — снова вступать во владение, изымать за неплатеж, вещь

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: possess
he/she/it: possesses
ing ф. (present participle): possessing
2-я ф. (past tense): possessed
3-я ф. (past participle): possessed

in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it

disobeyed Him, which cost him to enter and possess

that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it

We possess a great deal of knowledge, mental power, and capacities, which have never been drawn forth from the realm of the subconscious into objective usefulness; anyone who has watched the effect of Meditation upon the beginner will substantiate this statement

Parasites who feed off the poor after the banks have already stripped them of everything they possess

His strange new work colleague Moses Tah, an immigrant from the battle-scarred West African state of Liberia claims the ability to give him these powers, but is he for real? If Moses does possess the powers that Michael wants, will he be able to gain them? If he can learn them in time, will they be enough to change the destiny of the people around him? Lives are at stake; families, friends, colleagues, innocent bystanders

What did I have? What does a shadow-man possess or need?

Stu represented the epitome health and vitality, walking with all of the swagger that a broad shouldered and confident young man at ease amid a timeless landscape should possess

The nickname comes from Deuteronomy 7:1 where God says that Israel will possess the land of “seven nations mightier than you

And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors

” If that God, and that King, can reign over that stiff-necked people, a people whose last national statement towards God was, «We have no king but Caesar» (John 19:15), then what do you think will be the disposition of other nations? If God can possess Israel, a people who, in all their unbelief and opposition to Him, have blasphemed His name in the nations, then He will have all the nations

She wasn’t about to abandon her own ship no matter where you’re from or what plutonic powers of how many dark lords you possess

That still awaits him in the Millennial Kingdom to possess as his inheritance

He seemed to possess a sublime accuracy and alacrity with a football that he had never been aware of before

The only one of the four Musketeers who did not possess his

to possess a sublime accuracy and alacrity with a football that he

possess an ability that requires many years of training for us

All possess the technology

“She was still Tdeshi then, they hadn’t let the Yingolian ghost possess her yet

possess the land and shall inherit my

possess – the usual thing and the lieutenant had only

memory – the most painful a mother could possess

She told me she could not marry a man who did not possess himself; for if he were unable to do that, how could he possess anything? She had me there by simple reason, sheer reason

I don’t possess the beauty that other girl has

I was pretty good at that game and now I think most of the time my sixth-graders to beat the seventh graders in which we possess the ball longer than they did

The natives do not possess the technology to record sound and video from the back of a Tawny Springkette and could not have made that documentary, but they know those numbers and adjust for them in their calculations

A public mourning raises the price of black cloth ( with which the market is almost always understocked upon such occasions), and augments the profits of the merchants who possess any considerable quantity of it

«I tell you they don’t have the Instinct and they do possess some potent technology

treasure, he didn’t yet possess that treasure

The great property which they possess both in French and English funds, about forty millions, it is said in the latter (in which, I suspect, however, there is a

«You wish to possess my knowledge? Then have it

If they could kill him themselves they would, but unfortunately their touch drained life, which was something LeCynic did not possess

With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches ; which, in their eye, is never so complete as when they appear to possess those decisive marks of opulence which nobody can possess but themselves

This, too, used to happen almost constantly in Hispaniola, while it was infested by the buccaneers, and before the settlement, improvement, and populousness of the French plantations ( which now extend round the coast of almost the whole western half of the island) had given some value to the cattle of the Spaniards, who still continue to possess, not only the eastern part of the coast, but the whole inland mountainous part of the country

blooms and you’ll possess a beautiful thing

Those metals frequently abound in countries which possess no mines

Spain and Portugal, the countries which possess the mines, are, after Poland, perhaps the two most beggarly countries in Europe

He had expected the fiend would be pushing him into the servants of Sevron by now, being all too eager to possess a new master

Parents must however possess the knowledge and ability to intervene with efficiency

To possess a human and have that human, mate with another

possess all the money in the world

» Country gentlemen and farmers, dispersed in different parts of the country, cannot so easily combine as merchants and manufacturers, who being collected into towns, and accustomed to that exclusive corporation spirit which prevails in them, naturally endeavour to obtain, against all their countrymen, the same exclusive privilege which they generally possess against the inhabitants of their respective towns

Were it possible, indeed, for one great company of merchants to possess themselves of the whole crop of an extensive country, it might perhaps be their interest to deal with it, as the Dutch are said to do with the spiceries of the Moluccas, to destroy or throw away a considerable part of it, in order to keep up the price of the rest

To remedy this disorder, for such it was supposed to be, a law was made, restricting the quantity of land which any citizen could possess to five hundred jugera; about 350 English acres

In proportion to the extent of the country which they in some measure possess, the Spanish colonies are considered as less populous and thriving than those of almost any other European nation

He could possess a body but that was too

It can possess a mind before it is aware of even the slightest change

He approaches more to the condition of a free servant, and may possess some degree of integrity and attachment to his master’s interest ; virtues which frequently belong to free servants, but which never can belong to a slave, who is treated as slaves commonly are in countries where the master is perfectly free and secure

hundred others were waiting to possess

It is important to note that a medium may possess more than one gift i

was given a new super body to possess! The

The countries which possess the colonies of America, and which trade directly to the East Indies, enjoy indeed the whole show and splendour of this great commerce

Though the Europeans possess many considerable settlements both upon the coast of Africa and in the East Indies, they have not yet established, in either of those countries, such numerous and thriving colonies as those in the islands and continent of America

inhabitants of a town, though they frequently possess no lands of their own, yet draw to themselves, by their industry, such a quantity of the rude produce of the lands of other people, as supplies them, not only with the materials of their work, but with the fund of their subsistence

The soldiers of a standing army, though they may never have seen an enemy, yet have frequently appeared to possess all the courage of veteran troops, and, the very moment that they took the field, to have been fit to face the hardiest and most experienced veterans

In an opulent and civilized society, a man may possess a much greater fortune, and yet not be able to command a dozen of people

The second period of society, that of shepherds, admits of very great inequalities of fortune, and there is no period in which the superiority of fortune gives so great authority to those who possess it

He chose you because you possess the qualities needed to raise His son

Among other nations, whose vigorous government will suffer no strangers to possess any fortified place within their territory, it may be necessary to maintain some ambassador, minister, or consul, who may both decide, according to their own customs, the differences arising among his own countrymen, and, in their disputes with the natives, may by means of his public character, interfere with more authority and afford them a more powerful protection than they could expect from any private man

They were said, at the same time, to possess another revenue, arising partly from lands, but chiefly from the customs established at their different

In such a society, indeed, no man can well acquire that improved and refined understanding which a few men sometimes possess in a more civilized state

The clergy of an established and well endowed religion frequently become men of learning and elegance, who possess all the virtues of gentlemen, or which can recommend them to the esteem of gentlemen; but they are apt gradually to lose the qualities, both good and bad, which gave them authority and influence with the inferior ranks of people, and which had perhaps been the original causes of the success and establishment of their religion

D: — If the Bible was truly God’s Word, would it not possess qualities that no other book on Earth possessed?

The luxuries and vanities of life occasion the principal expense of the rich ; and a magnificent house embellishes and sets off to the best advantage all the other luxuries and vanities which they possess

Those must be paid indifferently, from whatever revenue the contributors may possess ; from the rent of their land, from the profits of their stock, or from the wages of their labour

The people who possess the most extensive property in the dependant, will, in this case, generally chuse to live in the governing country

That debt has been contracted in support of the government established by the Revolution ; a government to which the protestants of Ireland owe, not only the whole authority which they at present enjoy in their own country, but every security which they possess for their liberty, their property, and their religion; a government to which several of the colonies of America owe their present charters, and consequently their present constitution; and to which all the colonies of America owe the liberty, security, and property, which they have ever since enjoyed

We are created after the kind of God and therefore possess the ability to call those things that be not as if they are – Romans 4:17

All feline acrobats possess raw talent

Either this is something you do not possess, or you are deliberately not bothering to use that thing inside your head

‘This being that is Zolla, he has significant differences to the humans I possess

Even they possess a sense of morality

You have bright eyes, and judging by your presence here, you possess a letter that caused my guard at the bottom of the gangplank let you up

Some cadets in my platoon did not possess a high school pass, which meant that they never finished high school and by default did not meet the minimum standards for enlistment

Sicarius followed the intermittent traces with some sense she did not possess

I don’t remember their speeches, so they must have been boring and pathetic since I possess an excellent ability to recall things I hear or read (but apparently not spelling so much — it is unfortunate)

Character, on the other hand, is a qualitative or subjective standard incapable of being measured although it is correctly understood that some people possess more Character than others

Such commodities could be said to possess an

«Legend has it that these carvings were worked by Boddaert himself and possess magical properties which produce illusions if you stare hard enough

Women, most notably those whose mindsets haven‘t been utterly corrupted by feminist attitudes, possess a maternal instinct that is quite formidable and…

That an individual may possess more of a particular something than another individual desiring that same something is limited or qualified, however, by their (private) designs; that is to say, each may be equally satisfied with the quantity each acquired of that same something

‖ There is no disputing the fact that Dickens did indeed possess keen insight into the behavioral aspects and designs of Human Nature; that is to say, the ―Hearts and Minds of Men

“The knowledge they possess is earthly, but I am heavenly

For in knowing Me you possess all things

It can not be manufactured or conditioned inasmuch as it is indigenous to individuals who naturally possess it

It is arguably the most important faculty we possess as human beings in the manner it controls or directs behavior by giving pause to questions relating to right and wrong and good and evil, even when such distinctions are oftentimes unclear

While on the subject of numbers, please explain how African Americans, who comprise approximately 12% of America‘s population, are over-whelming represented in most major sports? Do they possess genetic traits indigenous to their (own) race or is desire the key motivating factor? I will readily allow that sports have traditionally provided many under-privileged people, from all walks of life, a viable means of escaping poverty

The year 2004 being a year of presidential elections in the United States, the debate started and continued with respect to the exact and correct “intelligence” about the “weapons of mass destruction” that Saddam Hussein was believed to possess

farming operations, you need to possess the necessary skills and

Though he was starting to find some sounds common, the Pilgrim did not possess the wisdom of an elder or the eloquence of their Prime

The Holy Avatar must indeed have the blessings of the Gods, why not shouldn’t it possess some of their power?”

I do possess that kind of power

But he who takes refuge in me shall possess the land and shall inherit my holy mountain

I considered you as the rightful one to possess its power

Red said Billy had found a gold nugget weighing three point six kilos, but was unable to get it out for fear that the other gold diggers would hear of the find and kill to possess it

The gangway itself was as nondescript as the walls they had seen so far but what had genuinely picked Amonas’ interest, apart from the immensity of all that surrounded them was that the gangway did not possess any guardrails, as if it was impossible for someone to trip and hurl himself down to certain death

Colling decided it was useless to argue with Frau Bergheim about her perception that he had influence that he did not actually possess

What has happened here? he wondered, this fantastic spaceship must possess an unimaginably advanced technology, and yet it’s been defeated without any sign of battle

already possess — all you have to do is learn to harness it and use it

When he began to replace that predator in the world of the hunt, that unseen Something began to take on the form of an Essence of his still dangerously large and powerful prey that gave them abilities that he recognized that he did not possess

Jorma and Ava had sparred about what was Tdeshi and what was a new personality before Jorma learned that Tdeshi’s body was possessed by a Yingolian ghost

He would listen to nothing, but drove like he was possessed

‘ It was decorated to look as much like one as possible, and possessed of sensitive eyes and ears

Stiffened his neck and hardened his heart — 2 Chronicles 36:16 offers the tragic comment upon this attitude that Zedekiah possessed

He wasn’t sure his present personification even possessed the strength to bend up and get the rope off his feet

“And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which they possessed was his own; but they had all things common” (Acts 4:32)

After all, the political and media establishment knew about the magic powers this wonderful document possessed and the great politician knew that these people, who generally failed to see the bigger picture, would be as keen as mustard to see how unfit or stupid various members of the government might be

He had brought forth his ability and almost fainted when he truly ‘saw’ her; her aura was glowing with the same intense light that Serena had possessed

young man who either possessed or was heir to a significant wedge

knew about the magic powers this wonderful document possessed

be given the baggage of having it exclusively possessed

You seem to think I’m some demon-lab weirdo who’s possessed her body

He’d been under no illusions when he’d had Chrissie … he might have possessed her body but she’d gone off somewhere in here head

a woman and possessed a strength of character the equal

He had heard stories of possessed teddy-bears and walking trees

He knew that his employer possessed

who met her, and possessed a smile that could light up

possessed an intimate knowledge of the countryside

For as big as he was and the strength he possessed, Johnson was every

As a result of the sale, he possessed unlimited funds; without which, his rise to power in Shattered Rock would not have occurred quite so swiftly and peacefully

The body he possessed was ancient and held unknown powers

This happened because the very smallest bit of the mirror had the same power which the whole mirror had possessed

«Boy’s possessed by the demons,» one of the men said, his face nearly buried in the fluff of his fur lined collar

that you’ve been possessed by devils

She was possessed of a steadfast

He would be possessed by the darkness within him

But he had never backed down from the impossible before, and now with the power he possessed was there anything he could not do?

that knowledge of its various and complicated operations which is commonly possessed even

The youngest of them however, was half their height, plump, entirely bald and possessed a white eyed gaze that Katrina could not bear to behold

As a result, they still possessed some of their former intelligence, though their desire for flesh often overrides their intellect

The sugar colonies possessed by the European nations in the West Indies may be compared to those precious vineyards

It is sometimes found in pieces of some bulk ; and, even when mixed, in small and almost insensible particles, with sand, earth, and other extraneous bodies, it can be separated from them by a very short and simple operation, which can be carried on in any private house by any body who is possessed of a small quantity of mercury

The only major difference being that they were possessed of two fully adult sets of genitalia

Softly, the hooded figure spoke in elvish, then, possessed by a sudden madness, he slammed his staff down upon the demon, grinding the tip in the creature’s body

I don’t know what possessed me to think I could convince him to stop without telling him the truth, I just thought he’d never believe it and probably think I was burned out on ‘acid

seemed ill fed, even though most homes also possessed a

At first it had been believed that they were asteroids that had been trapped in the gravitational null, but it seemed that the natives not only possessed telescopes that could see the ship, they possessed enough understanding of gravitational mathematics to know that the bodies could not have come to rest in that spot by natural means

Solo Ki was on the other handle, tugging with all the strength his thin arms possessed

When it became clear that none of them possessed the

Though not necessarily possessed by evil, the boy was inflicted with more of an emptiness

But the Elf Prince was already possessed by madness, steeled by the hate in his heart; he faced the horrors, unflinching

Alana was gone, the Dead Tree now fully possessed her

However, he possessed a raw elemental energy that he somehow enhanced by channeling it into his crystalline hammer

His arms were disjointed at some locations, while possessed with multiple malfunctioning joints in other locations

it filled him, possessed him and bound him to its cause

He possessed armies upon armies, which he could virtually throw them upon the Giants until the end of time

On their journey to the Hangar, they shared a theory; if Adros’ staff of King’s Wood could control the Dead Tree, could its power extend to those the Dead Tree possessed as well?

I came to the bonfire expecting to be bored, feigning interest in a teenage girl, who possessed gifts she didn’t understand

An angel had possessed my mother without her knowledge

He possessed no sword or knife

With his inner garments plastered tight against him, Nerissa could see that Homer possessed a fine physique

But for someone who seemed a hapless traveler on the surface, she certainly possessed conviction

Even as they shook hands in acknowledgement of the deal, he nearly felt that she possessed a knowledge of him that opposed all logic

Not only the highest jurisdictions, both civil and criminal, but the power of levying troops, of coining money, and even that of making bye-laws for the government of their own people, were all rights possessed allodially by the great proprietors of land, several centuries before even the name of the feudal law was known in Europe

That the most extensive authority and jurisdictions were possessed by the great lords in France allodially, long before the feudal law was introduced into that country, is a matter of fact that admits of no doubt

It does not, perhaps, relate to the present subject, but I cannot help remarking it, that very old families, such as have possessed some considerable estate from father to son for many successive generations, are very rare in commercial countries

No vestige now remains of the great wealth said to have been possessed by the greater part of the Hanse Towns, except in the obscure histories of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries

show him later that he alone possessed Smyrna’s greatest treasure

this man, but to the evil spirit that possessed him

To dream that you are possessed by demons indicates helplessness

To dream that you buy a house that is possessed or haunted suggests that you are trying to run away from the past

But Andrastus thought it was an ancient staff possessed of wondrous magic

The towering automaton would hiss and clank and grumble as it staggered, possessed by uncanny determination to stay on its feet and to keep fighting

Stenarch must have pressed into service all of the men in Polis who possessed war bows

have possessed a sword or long knife capable of cutting bone

Society determines that we live by certain rules, and that where judgements need to be made, decisions are taken only by those persons possessed of the impeccable good sense to take them

All the different states of ancient Greece possessed, each of them, but a very small territory; and when the people in anyone of them multiplied beyond what that territory could easily maintain, a part of them were sent in quest of a new habitation, in some remote and distant part of the world ; the warlike neighbours who surrounded them on all sides, rendering it difficult for any of them to enlarge very much its territory at home

Though, he possessed neither an eye nor an eager mind for intellectual pursuits

Apparently, humankind had possessed ruro once but it had been misused

Thomas and Santa Cruz, are the only countries in the new world that have ever been possessed by the Danes

In the plenty of good land, the English colonies of North America, though no doubt very abundantly provided, are, however, inferior to those of the Spaniards and Portuguese, and not superior to some of those possessed by the French before the late war

It wasn’t until Uar possessed the body and

They began to move as though possessed of some intelligence

He seemed possessed of an enormous amount of cock juice and all of it was streaming out of his prick, flying off in every direction, up in the air, off the side of the bed, on her belly, once again on her face, and when it struck her there for the second time, Doris could be still no longer

As we have noted throughout, there are many types of older women who are greatly excited by making love to young boys, and while each case history, each woman, was different, each also possessed certain similar attributes

But their situation alone, without education, experience, or even example, seems to have formed in them all at once the great qualities which it required, and to have inspired them both with abilities and virtues which they themselves could not well know that they possessed

The disorders in the government of Indostan have been supposed to render a like precaution necessary, even among that mild and gentle people; and it was under pretence of securing their persons and property from violence, that both the English and French East India companies were allowed to erect the first forts which they possessed in that country

In order to vote upon this qualification, too, it was declared necessary, that he should have possessed it, if acquired by his own purchase, and not by inheritance, for at least one year, instead of six months, the term requisite before

With all the knowledge he now possessed, what they’d gain would be more than worth it

In the ancient philosophy, the perfection of virtue was represented as necessarily productive, to the person who possessed it, of the most perfect happiness in this life

In the attention which the ancient philosophers excited, in the empire which they acquired over the opinions and principles of their auditors, in the faculty which they possessed of giving a certain tone and character to the conduct and conversation of those auditors, they appear to have been much superior to any modern teachers

The degree, however, which is commonly possessed, is generally sufficient for conducting the whole simple business of the society

Over and above the rents of those estates, the clergy possessed in the tithes a very large portion of the rents of all the other estates in every kingdom of Europe

D: — If the Bible was truly God’s Word, would it not possess qualities that no other book on Earth possessed?

They possessed, too, in a much higher degree than their adversaries, all the arts of popularity and of gaining proselytes; arts which the lofty and dignified sons of the church had long neglected, as being to them in a great measure useless

The Elusivers had once seemed like gods to him; dazzled and possessed by their preternatural powers, which they ensured appeared limitless

I felt He was afraid to let go of the supreme discipline He possessed

His houses were all built in the form of castles, and seem to have been the principal fortresses which he possessed

“Well let me tell you we didn’t spare a one of the crew or their guard we gave them the cold steel and Snowy was like a man possessed and kept jabbing at this Turk until his body looked like an old bloody rag

Or a man possessed with the hope of ameliorating them

Had it really occurred to him that Raiya was truly in love with Roidon? Torbin had told himself – created the logical narrative – that it was merely infatuation with a young-looking man who possessed an undeniable charisma

I heard of Mary Magdalene whom he cured of demons that possessed her body

The control room possessed what he thought must be the finest monitoring equipment the B’tari could muster

In the duchy of Milan, the lands which the church possessed before 1575, are rated to the tax at a third only or their value

Her intense desire to show Rex’s collection gave her more tenacity than she usually possessed

Instead I sat at the table scared for her and for myself and trying to gather every bit of inner strength I possessed to help me cope with what was happening

sword, one of the only clean things he possessed, which immediately found its point directed

case he became possessed

He drove home like a man possessed

He was possessed! He had only met her for the first time, not twenty four hours before and already he felt as if they had been together for a lifetime and that they would be together for the rest of his lifetime and he didn’t want to be out of reach of her for longer than necessary

We have no evidence that the Curitiba or the Pink Dawn possesses that technology,» Ava said

It is rumored that he possesses the ‘sight’; he reads people quickly and accurately

consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses

He still possesses half

But he possesses

possesses a relic of Saint Jacques, and that he was

When the stock which a man possesses is no more than sufficient to maintain him for a few days or a few weeks, he seldom thinks of deriving any revenue from it

But when he possesses stock sufficient to maintain him for months or years, he naturally endeavours to derive a revenue from the greater part of it, reserving only so much for his immediate consumption as may maintain him till this revenue begins to come in

Secondly, of all those profitable buildings which are the means of procuring a revenue, not only to the proprietor who lets them for a rent, but to the person who possesses them, and pays that rent for them; such as shops, warehouses, work-houses, farm-houses, with all their necessary buildings, stables, granaries, etc

The interest of whoever possesses it requires that it should be employed; but having no employment at home, it will, in spite of all laws and prohibitions, be sent abroad, and employed in purchasing consumable goods, which may be of some use at home

Italy still continues to command some sort of veneration, by the number of monuments of this kind which it possesses, though the wealth which produced them has decayed, and though the

They are founded upon the most absurd of all suppositions, the supposition that every successive generation of men have not an equal right to the earth, and to all that it possesses ; but that the property of the present generation should be restrained and regulated according to the fancy of those who died, perhaps five hundred years ago

A tenant at will, who possesses land sufficient to maintain his family for little more than a quit-rent, is as dependent upon the proprietor as any servant or retainer whatever, and must obey him with as little reserve

In 1 Timothy 6:15-16 Paul says that God alone possesses immortality

Like the Beloved, we possesses the authority to grant gifts and boons, and like them, we are compelled to bestow those blessings for the asking to those whose need is real

anywhere in the world, and possesses a blend of power, beauty, mental balance,

If the employer already possesses the said skill and is able to undertake all the tasks at hand, would he then need to employ others? Likewise the world economy can only function with the existence of two distinct groups i

If every country possesses the same goods and services and is self sufficient, the world economy would certainly come to a standstill! Thus, all of us rely on this dualistic nature for our job, purpose and self-worth

lives forever, the body that it possesses can be

Whether or not any b’tari possesses fully operational trans-space tech is not withstanding the fact that it will never be available to me

“Hold fire!” Sebastian realized gunfire would give away their position, so the Arrows watched as the Guardians lifted their Swords of Light and attacked the demons with the kind of flawless grace only a Guardian possesses

Can we scientifically prove that the Bible possesses qualities that would confirm that it had its origin from outside our dimensionality of space-time? Is there evidence of supernatural design contained within? Can we prove that no other book exhibits the qualities that are found in the Bible? Should we be able to do this, it naturally follows that an Intelligent Being, who is not limited to our physical constraints, guided its design and construction over approximately 1,600 years, employing about 40 different authors

In my studies I have come to realise that the Bible possesses qualities that no other book has

From a scientific perspective, if we compare the Bible to any other book in the world, based on the information provided above, we can without any doubt say that whoever created this book is endowed with abilities that no one on Earth possesses

First, the quantity and value of the land which any man possesses, can never be a secret, and can always be ascertained with great exactness

But the whole amount of the capital stock which he possesses is almost always a secret, and can scarce ever be ascertained with tolerable exactness

of all that he possesses; and as the wealth of the people of Hamburg consists principally in stock, this tax maybe considered as a tax upon stock

of all that he possesses, but without declaring what it amounts to, or being liable to any examination upon that subject

In that rude state of society which precedes the extension of commerce and the improvement of manufactures ; when those expensive luxuries, which commerce and manufactures can alone introduce, are altogether unknown ; the person who possesses a large revenue, I have endeavoured to show in the third book of this Inquiry, can spend or enjoy that revenue in no other way than by maintaining nearly as many people as it can maintain

And to assure you that your computer also possesses the capabilities to present the lessons in the way they are meant to be viewed

In other words, every one of us possesses an innate capacity to make the right decisions

Humankind, however, possesses another ―remarkable‖ attribute uncommon to Beast, the capacity to render extinct, members of its own species for reasons (oftentimes) considered dubious at best

Unless a teacher possesses extraordinary talent and endurance, he or she may only hope to be as effective as his or her ―material‖ will allow

“Why does any reminder of France bother you so much?” I explained to him that I do not like war, but that in the case of Iraq, the opposition that French president Jacques Chirac leads against it will have as a consequence a greater catastrophe because Saddam Hussein can put in the hands of terrorists weapons of mass destruction that he possesses

, as one who possesses in his soul the organ of purely human cognition, but who has not yet the organ of religious cognition in the spirit

One never truly possesses anything one has not

away but the only real way to kill it is to kill the man it possesses before it can move to another

(which principle possesses

This current economic model possesses serious systemic errors because it is based on the destruction for the consumption to generate income and mistakenly to move the economy; this destruction is corroborated in any country because it was built in a botchy way, which creates economic fundamentals with harmful results

It possesses million of volunteers, it acts with million of organizations and it moves trillion dollars, everything is collected lost fund

possesses 42% of the valid votes

“You can’t survive the death serum without an inoculation, and I’m the only person in the compound who possesses that substance

You need not suppose you are the only person in the world who possesses self-respect

But you can’t deny that your younger brother possesses a great deal of spiritual potential

instinct and it is the most powerful success tool that man possesses

because my soul possesses the only Wonder in the

But anyone who possesses the old-fashioned “beef-tea” jar needs nothing else

23 Now when he returns he will give to me all that he possesses, to inherit after him, for I am his first born

24 And Eliezer answered Ishmael and said, Surely Abraham did throw you away with your mother, and swear that you should not inherit any thing of all he possesses, and to whom will he give all that he has, with all his treasures, but to me his servant, who has been faithful in his house, who has served him night and day, and has done all that he desired me? to me will he bequeath at his death all that he possesses

directed consciousness) possesses the innate ability to influence,

Buhlman answered simply the soul possesses no inherent shape or form

There is a Yogi living not far from Bombay who possesses

Each of the structures possesses multiple self-sufficient lines of defense, so that if one of the units falls into the hands of the enemy, the other can carry on the combat independently and without great difficulty

Currently, every farmer or agriculturist possesses his own lot of land

For man possesses something that no other animal shares: reason

Now that Roger is retired, he has decided to dedicate some of his time, every now and then, to write poems about topics that penetrate his heart, for poetry possesses that special capacity to communicate passion and sadness, beauty and love, joy and nostalgia… Perhaps these poems, all originally written in Spanish, do not deserve prizes in modern poetic contests, but they reflect in the author an eagerness to mix the old cannons of rhyme and rhythm with the metric flexibility of the modern free verse

8 And every daughter, who possesses an inheritance in any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife to one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his fathers

disobey? If you mean that the room possesses the property or a disposition of whiteness, then

possesses no palpable counterpart is merely that—an apple color-pattern alone that happens to be

God is not only radically non-anthropomorphic, but radically non-creaturomorphic, not only in respect of the properties he possesses, but in his manner of possessing them

23 Now when he returns he will give to me all that he possesses to inherit after him for I am his first born

24 And Eliezer answered Ishmael and said Surely Abraham did throw you away with your mother and swear that you should not inherit any thing of all he possesses and to whom will he give all that he has with all his treasures but to me his servant who has been faithful in his house who has served him night and day and has done all that he desired me? to me will he bequeath at his death all that he possesses

How he wishes for a sword at his belt, or at least a strong knife, but he possesses neither weapon, just the overarching desire to stop what it is they are doing, to stop them and tear them apart if he can

The only power he has is his ancient connection to the emeralds, but Gelahn possesses them and knows their strength

If ground is what this mystical place possesses

15 He said to them «Beware! Keep yourselves from covetousness for a man’s life doesn’t consist of the abundance of the things which he possesses

» «I should like to know» said I «O Lady what power each one of them possesses

Though whether this is because the villagers are cowed by the air of authority he possesses, or because they are eager to hear him out, Simon cannot tell

Luke 12:14-30 Man who made Me a judge or a distributor for you? take heed and beware of covetousness because a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things which he possesses

Isn’t it interesting and significant that there is no push for the reverse, that is, to infiltrate Socialism by stealth and “permeation” to change it little by little and bit-by-bit until everyone possesses property

They possess their lives like a shadow possesses a life, but they will never know

created, it lives forever and enjoys forever the new life it possesses, and the subjects that created it live within it forever, and enjoy it as well

she possesses the child’s life forever, did you mean this on both a symbolic

Matter resists acceleration not because it possesses some innate thing called mass, but because the zero point field exerts a force whenever acceleration takes place

possesses her child: she has almost complete power over its life

way affects the ‘undoubted fact’ that that stone at the same time possesses

was ‘alive’ and that plasma possesses some of the traits of living things 13

that in this other realm one possesses a ‘subtle body’ and relies on senses

“heartfelt prayer is undoubtedly the most potent instrument that man possesses for overcoming cowardice and all other bad old habits

“Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable

He who is discontented with however much he possesses, becomes a slave to his desires

He possesses his omm’s ability to control fire

He possesses the ability to control water

This city is developed and possesses unique architecture

He possesses, too, a quantity of

accurate to say that all powers which a man possesses are the powers of the

he possesses that title, but that is quite different from what we mean when we

The saint possesses harmonious relationships with people, and his over-abundant love extends even to

As faithful of the Orthodox Church we have the unshakable certainty that the Church possesses

The impatience which possesses him

Only when one religion assumes that it is in some way superior to all others, and that it possesses exclusive authority over other religions, will such a religion presume to be intolerant of other religions or dare to persecute other religious believers

Conan had shielded Natala all he could, and the rough life of the camp had given her more stamina and strength than the average woman possesses; but even so, she was not far from collapse

11 The parable also possesses the advantage of stimulating the memory of the truth taught when the same familiar scenes are subsequently encountered

I would have Jesus cast out this devil that possesses my child

Rethymno itself was fine, although a little too bookish for his taste, possessing insufficient an air of debauchery despite Crete’s bloody history

Mastecus and those who sought atonement were clearly outnumbered, but they had the advantage of possessing free-will

As he assumed, the servants had a lot of their hopes invested in possessing the giant

Fourthly and lastly, some part even of the rent of land belongs to the same rank ; a considerable part to those who are somewhat below the middling rank, and a small part even to the lowest rank ; common labourers sometimes possessing in property an acre or two of land

angels and those possessing knowledge

Cool when the woman with luxuriant platinum blonde hair, possessing the beauty of a siren from an archive Hollywood movie, sat beside him, smiled and introduced herself

In its quixotic attempt to eliminate handguns, New York City has conceived a hare brained plan whereby any citizen possessing a firearm may redeem it, no questions asked, in exchange for gift certificates

“Creatures possessing all the evil of man without any of the restraints society places on us?” Books suggested

Neither are polite manners nor social refinement nor moral righteousness (Egads!) readily perceptible to individuals possessing limited insight into the essential Nature of Things

Old habits are hard to break, especially for a majority party possessing a minority mindset

It raises the question, however, what does ―better off‖ really mean? Who is to argue that someone with more of something is comparatively speaking, better off than someone possessing less of that same something?

That a firearm may be used (illegally) by a criminally minded individual in a manner contrary to its intended purpose(s) counts against the potential action of that individual possessing the firearm rather than that individual possessing a firearm or the firearm itself or any other ―potential‖ weapon for that matter

A Perfect Being cannot ―cause‖ its own creation inasmuch as (the) subsequent effects of Creation imply an (existing) potential for movement or change and/or possessing a set of predicates or determinants otherwise lacking in a Perfect Being that is ―entirely without limit or incapable of any infallibility, whatsoever

It may be reasonably argued that the Private Sector traditionally attracted (more) talented individuals (less) averse to risk taking in exchange for the prospect of potential advancement while other individuals possessing less capacity (perhaps) or who, lacking the requisite skills demanded by most companies, generally opted for quasi-guaranteed job security provided by the Public Sector

―I will vote for the best candidate,‖ the best qualified to lead our nation, possessing the highest credentials, of unblemished character ad nauseam, are worthy sentiments that in practice, however, oftentimes succumb to the temptations of party loyalties

I find it interesting how many modern biographers oftentimes portray Charles Dickens as a (minor) social revolutionary or a man possessing what is commonly referred to by ―progressives,‖ a ―social consciousness

In other words, to consider them material, however quasi/spiritual ―beings‖ possessing Free Will

How ironic, it seems, that as American families continue to grow smaller, that many are moving into larger homes in upscale, ―sanitized‖ suburban ―neighborhoods‖ possessing less character and more property than most know what to do with for the sake of ―Quality of Life

I believe that you are incorrectly assuming that possessing a soul provides an automatic passport to heaven

Using this method she could impose her physical and mental reality temporarily upon the animal, possessing its body

Those of the Agogeia students who were energetic, athletic students, and showed exceptional stamina and strength; those who exemplified martial prowess both with blade and bare hands, those who were blessed with possessing a sharp and decisive mind, those having proven their faith to be unfailing with a stone-hard dedication to the Pantheon, those were in the end chosen as fit for service in the Army

He believed that possessing the Golden Fleece would enhance their leader’s right to rule over all nations

military personnel possessing American currency

the wealth instead of possessing it as

wealth instead of possessing it as definitive

It was pressing on him, possessing him

in Christ, possessing the mind of Christ, inward

Possessing the truth causes you to respond

Salvation is nothing short of possessing the Father

the eyes of man you don’t stand out, possessing no

It is nice to consider the concept of possessing truth, and employing it, and cultivating it

And, «If possessing a higher degree of intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his or her own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit non-humans?» wrote Peter Singer in the twentieth century

Objects within the attentional field may also be interpreted as possessing a degree of directedness toward other objects in that field, independent of the self-object

God is not only radically non-anthropomorphic, but radically non-creaturomorphic, not only in respect of the properties he possesses, but in his manner of possessing them

possessing all of these characteristics

Sarah then told me that 74 huge ships, each with a Mother aboard, had left the Station and were taking him to a convenient location, where they had situated a star possessing the required amount of radiation

I correctly surmised they were being caused by a possessing spirit who had committed suicide upon the death of her mate

As many therefore» says he «as are empty fear the devil as possessing power

Killing the father and possessing the mother are two drives

What good is it to kill the father to obtain the pleasure of possessing the

example, the child asks the father for the gift of possessing the mother, a gift

In fact possessing a single attribute of God is more valuable than all the money in the world! Why then do so many run after earthly possessions, desiring God to bless them with earthly things, and yet barely pursue the priceless and eternal attributes of His infinite love? These are so much more valuable than any earthly things, and are what enable us to know God, and be like Him! That’s why Jesus said:

It is as though by possessing them completely the

It is not easy to free oneself of the conviction that by possessing someone

own solitude, by possessing the life of her child

In the opposite case, I will fill my loneliness by possessing the life of my

‘You have only to name your price Titus and it shall be paid to you,’ replied Saznack a victorious smile on his face, elated at the thought of possessing Queen Soredamor’s old blade and becoming her favourite

The dominant left brain, possessing serial perception, oscillates between two contradictory concepts or images

destination he renounces possessing the beauty of Circes and the divine

It was totally banned throughout all jurisdictions in Australia and anyone caught possessing one was subject to heavy fines and possible imprisonment

On the contrary, as if struck by lightning, and as if possessing neither eyes nor understanding they slighted the proclamations of God

“Just what I thought,” he teased, slanting his lips across mine and possessing my

or be placed in a category distinguished for being «without» the feature, or one possessing other

Only through not possessing a handful of things will you realize that all things are appearing equally in your awareness

His body automatically reacted to the thought of her possessing him in the most carnal of ways

fools had lost their balloons without possessing them

The part-timers will, hopefully, fill up the middle ground, possessing an idea of both worlds and hopefully amalgamating the group into a cohesive working unit

” “Having nothing yet possessing everything,” as St

The saints are gifted, possessing the varied charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit

Possessing the same physical and optical properties as mined gems

and Happiness, not wish for them but see himself possessing them, don’t you

3 On this same occasion the Master talked to the group about the desirability of possessing well-balanced characters

The Shemites are the only armed force in Khauran, and the most hellish punishment is inflicted on any Khaurani found possessing weapons

2 This sale of animals in the temple prospered because, when the worshiper purchased such an animal, although the price might be somewhat high, no more fees had to be paid, and he could be sure the intended sacrifice would not be rejected on the ground of possessing real or technical blemishes

possessing all that is female and male

“Based on our research and background checks, you were the only recruit identified as possessing magical abilities in any quantity significant enough to pose the risk of harm to others

Wielding was a world of difference from possessing

In May of 2011 Lahey pleaded guilty to possessing child

Stone will appear on the Day of Judgement possessing 2 eyes

Lezura was a room about half the size of her bedroom back at the inn, painted light green with cracked stone walls with an ornate brown ceiling possessing a single fan rusted and spinning slowly above her

or shines, or what changes come to those possessing these

The nuclear arsenals of the large and medium powers had also grown, with Great Britain now possessing ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, on top of her submarine-launched missiles

Michael was described as highly inquisitive, nosy, sensitive, possessing a great sense of humor and a first class prankster

This could create an unbearable existence; almost like non-being by force of possessing crucial knowledge that most of mankind would kill to learn, and being unable to do anything with it

“Let’s expand that depth,” she said, passing on the negative insinuation of possessing knowledge no one would believe

He was ruthless in the pursuit of his goals, while possessing the sweetness to talk a baby out of his bottle

50 caliber machinegun, apart from possessing wing pylons for light bombs

Possessing such data was dangerous to the holder, especially if those in Whitehall who sought to keep such facts privy only to the most discreet, most trustworthy subjects discovered the breach of security

possessing zero separation

unification possessing zero separation; every bit of that matter, energy and force would

possessing zero separation; every bit of the matter, energy and force directed by

A great loss will face that who spends his life for fun and diversion or for possessing its vanities things

possessing the very best in potential health care and many other

Here, as in his preface, he insisted that ‘culture is the creation of society as a whole; it is that which makes it a society ; it is important to remember that we should not consider the upper levels as possessing more culture than the lower but representing a more conscious culture and a greater specialization of culture

� For that, I owe it to what I call �The One�, essentially an entity formed of pure spiritual energy and possessing incredible powers

individuals only possessing the civic duty to assume any official

with some few only possessing the obvious negative traits and

he was raised in a shattered back alley possessing least

The German ship was far superior to the Hood, possessing excellent up-to-date electronics and superb armour protection

The wise were distinguished from the foolish by possessing oil, and refused to give their oil to the others, but instead told them to go back to the world and buy oil for themselves

The foolish, knowing the teaching of the higher level still chose to get theirs from the world of buying and selling, from reputation, from having good morals, having respect, moving up in this world and conforming to the social rules of society, therefore not possessing oil, or the understanding of the higher level of truth

These elite companies are usually good investments, possessing what Warren Buffett would

threshold amount that must be exceeded by possessing a higher earnings capability than a

Since viruses are considered neither cellular nor possessing of internal metabolism, they’re said by many to be merely infectious microscopic microbes

from random atomic attractions to possessing magnificent abilities to move, gather food, avoid predators, build shelter, find mates, and interact socially

It was the name of an ancient book on supernatural secrets and below the name of the book, the name and address of the person currently possessing that book was given

And the only possible explanation to all this, no matter how improbable it seemed was that someone was indeed possessing her body and her name was Vaidehi and in order to give birth to Ansh and Vaidehi’s baby, her body was used

Asked by: Virginie Beer

Score: 4.6/5
(47 votes)

«She possesses the right qualifications for the job.» «He was arrested for possessing drugs.» «She possesses great wealth.» «Applicants must possess great communication skills.»

What is the example of possess?

Possess means to own or to have. An example of possess is when you own a house. An example of possess is when you have a quick temper.

When I use the word possess?

verb (used with object) to have as belonging to one; have as property; own: to possess a house and a car. to have as a faculty, quality, or the like: to possess courage. (of a spirit, especially an evil one) to occupy, dominate, or control (a person) from within: He thought he was possessed by devils.

Do you posses mean?

To possess something is to have or own it. You can possess a physical object, you can possess a particular quality or skill, or you can possess control or influence over someone.

How do you use meaning in a sentence?

Meaning sentence example

  1. She says He ( meaning God) is my dear father. …
  2. There is more than one meaning of Annapolis discussed in the 1911 Encyclopedia. …
  3. The loss of charge is due to more than one cause, and it is difficult to attribute an absolutely definite meaning even to results obtained with the cover on.

33 related questions found

What are sentences 10 examples?

10 example of simple sentence

  • Does he play tennis?
  • The train leaves every morning at 18 AM.
  • Water freezes at 0°C.
  • I love my new pets.
  • They don’t go to school tomorrow.
  • We drink coffee every morning.
  • 7.My Dad never works on the weekends.
  • Cats hate water.

What is another word for posses?

In this page you can discover 37 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for possess, like: acquire, occupy, owned, hold, own, control, bewitch, boast, exhibit, maintain and have.

Is it possess or posses?

«posses» is incorrect here. «posses» is the plural for «posse» — a group of friends, an organized force. possess — to own, to have I possess. You possess He possesses.

What does it mean to want to possess someone?

Possession has been defined by people as owning and controlling someone or something.

What is the verb of possession?

possess. (transitive) To have; to have ownership of. (transitive) To take control of someone’s body or mind, especially in a supernatural manner.

What is possession example?

When the possessor himself possesses the property or thing, we call it immediate possession or direct possession. For example: when I buy a pen from a shop and keep it for myself.

What is this word possess?

1a : to have and hold as property : own. b : to have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill. 2a : to seize and take control of : take into one’s possession.

What is the suffix of possess?

Answer: Possesses . Using suffix es. kvargli6h and 4 more users found this answer helpful.

What does in the world of possessions mean?

Complete answer:

The phrase «in the world of possessions» refers to the abundance of materialistic items on the globe. The desire to acquire or possess things drives people, and in such a world, losing something valuable is unavoidable.

What are three possible meanings of the word possession?

2 : something owned, occupied, or controlled : property. 3a : domination by something (such as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea) b : a psychological state in which an individual’s normal personality is replaced by another. c : self-possession.

How do you spell possess singular?

Spelling of Possess: Possess is spelled p-o-s-s-e-s-s. There are two sets of double “-s’s”; one in the middle and one at the end. Definition of Possess: Possess means to have and hold, either property, a skill, ability or knowledge.

How do you make a simple sentence?

The most common order for parts of a sentence is: subject, verb, object (if present).

  1. Steve kicked the ball.
  2. People who practice a lot get higher scores.
  3. I bought some flowers for my mother.
  4. I bought my mother some flowers.
  5. I cooked dinner and my father bought some drinks.

  • Use the word possess in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He kidnapped those creatures for the powers they possess… powers that will allow him to survive the arduous quest for all of the pieces of the map.

I may still possess some talent in that direction.

Though Torarin was a man of little means, he had no desire to possess this fortune, for he had heard that Sir Arne had taken the money from the large monasteries that once flourished in this country and that the old monks had prophesied that the money would bring ill-fortune.

«Whoever does not possess the soul of his companion, has nothing …

To possess Bagdad I have now a two-fold reason.

Here the pharmacy won’t be auctioned off to you just yet. now that I possess the mortgages.

I possess a land more vast than Europe, yet to live there without you would be a harsh exile.

Many monasteries and libraries possess in their secret archives…

Everything that I possess, I offer you

Why boast of the wealth you possess

It may be good to possess power based on strength… but it is better to win and hold the heart of a People.

possess away then, but get out of my sight, the lot of you!

I am, my lord, as nobly born as he, as well possess‘d.

But you yourself admit it that there is no official reason why Captain Nieterstein should possess a reagent.

All of a sudden he knew that when… one woman gives herself to you… you possess all women.

If we possess nothing else, we possess finesse.

Yet today, you possess the fast automobile worth a small fortune.

Who, beside honorable secretary, possess key to bag?

Then only you and messenger possess keys?

The desire to possess something owned by another.

# That everybody can possess #

#That everybody can possess#

# Same for you and me that everybody can possess #

Perhaps that great desire will give me the talent that I may not truly possess.

It didn’t possess the force to vibrate all around the theater.

The more unattainable the object, the more determined he grows to possess it.

Now suppose for a moment that I were a thiefÔÇö — [All Chuckle] — And that I were fortunate enough to possess this key.

You’re the only woman created by God courageous, strong and bold to possess you, to make love to you

What does Your Highness possess?

Besides, she must also possess a certain something in the tone of her voice, in her address, in her expressions, as well as, in her figure and carriage.

I could wish that I might possess a friend who’d defend me as ably as Mr. Wickham was defended today.

I’m afraid I don’t possess one.

I’m proud pretty, young countrywoman possess alert mind.

Miss Dean possess fine jewels? — Yes.

Would like to know if you possess wooden leg.

All who possess map fragments stand in danger of death.

Killer now possess three pieces of treasure map but secret cannot be read without fragment in parent’s pocket.

Astounding recuperative powers you possess, Mr. Leland.

Think that she can be yours or yours or yours to possess for all time.

Friend of stars may possess unusual wisdom.


And that’s a talent that very few people possess.

And when I realize the infinitesimal part of this I possess, it makes me shudder.

Have you forgotten that those you possess even once must be mine forever?

From this day on, you and I are partners in every theater and theatrical property I possess.

1  The kingdom is upwards of three hundred leagues in diameter, and divided into thirty provinces; there the Fathers possess all, and the people nothing; it is a masterpiece of reason and justice.

2  It is sad to think that the love of a mother can possess villainous aspects.

Les Misérables (V1) By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 4: CHAPTER III—THE LARK

3  Gross natures have this in common with naive natures, that they possess no transition state.

Les Misérables (V2) By Victor Hugo

4  These words possess the mysterious and admirable property of swelling the bill on the following day.

Les Misérables (V2) By Victor Hugo

5  They possess nothing of their own, and they must not attach themselves to anything.

Les Misérables (V2) By Victor Hugo

6  The nuns here possess one privilege, it is to be taken to that cemetery at nightfall.

Les Misérables (V2) By Victor Hugo

7  Nevertheless, whatever may be the contrast, all these toilers, from the highest to the most nocturnal, from the wisest to the most foolish, possess one likeness, and this is it: disinterestedness.

Les Misérables (V3) By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 7: CHAPTER I—MINES AND MINERS

8  Gold and silver possess an odor for them.

Les Misérables (V3) By Victor Hugo

9  The unfortunate convict is supposed to possess merely a sou; not at all, he possesses liberty.

Les Misérables (V3) By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 8: CHAPTER XX—THE TRAP

10  The wine-shops of the Faubourg Antoine, which have been more than once drawn in the sketches which the reader has just perused, possess historical notoriety.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo

11  Parted lovers beguile absence by a thousand chimerical devices, which possess, however, a reality of their own.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo

12  We have happiness, we desire paradise; we possess paradise, we desire heaven.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo

13  These lamentable tribes of darkness have no longer merely the desperate audacity of actions, they possess the heedless audacity of mind.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo

14  So Marius possessed Cosette, as spirits possess, but he enveloped her with all his soul, and seized her jealously with incredible conviction.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo

15  To have Cosette, to possess Cosette, this, to him, was not to be distinguished from breathing.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo

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