The word parliament in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word parliament, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use parliament in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «parliament».

Parliament in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word parliament in a sentence.

  1. This scheme was rejected by parliament.

  2. No parliament had sat since November 1325.

  3. Groups receive funding from the parliament.

  4. The parliament is elected every three years.

  5. Some global parliament proponents, such as Prof.

  6. The move was criticised in the Irish parliament.

  7. In parliament, he denounced the prime minister, H.

  8. He refused, and the parliament continued without him.

  9. Following Edward’s coronation parliament was recalled.

  10. The first two proposals came before parliament in 1897.

  11. He formally resigned from parliament on 7 October 1933.

  12. There was no national government or national parliament.

  13. Additionally, it was decided that parliament should be held at least once a year.

  14. Isabella and Mortimer summoned a parliament to confer legitimacy on their regime.

  15. This parliament also appointed York as Protector of the Realm from 27 March 1454.

  16. The Supreme Soviet was replaced by the National Assembly, a bicameral parliament;.

  17. Thus, when he arrived for the parliament it was with a large, heavily armed force.

  18. The League reluctantly accepted the scheme, though expressing reservations about the weak parliament.

  19. Miralles sought to design a parliament building that could represent and present a national identity.

  20. He took leave from parliament in April 1940 and was appointed the inaugural commanding officer of No.

  21. The results of the 1996 referendum led to the exclusion of opposition parties from the new parliament.

  22. As demands for a parliament grew, Charles took the unusual step of summoning a great council of peers.

  23. The envoys returned to Westminster on 12 January; by which time parliament had been sitting five days.

  24. Although they will appear before parliament after they have been appointed by the High Representative.

  25. Furthermore, elections were generally free of chicanery, engendering pride in the national parliament.

  26. Following the defeat, Hall suggested to Sheppard that a petition to parliament should be the next step.

  27. Porto Alegre later entered the lower house of the Brazilian parliament and was briefly Minister of War.

  28. According to the European Parliament website, the annual parliament budget for 2016 was €1.838 billion.

  29. On 22 February 1972, Davies attended parliament to vote against the government on an EEC-related motion.

  30. She was arrested for arson on the postbox outside parliament and admitted to setting fire to two others.

  31. Bishop Walter attended at least five meetings of the Scottish national parliament during his episcopate.

  32. The Conciliation aimed to strengthen the role of parliament in settling the country’s political disputes.

  33. Clifford was present at King Henry’s first parliament on 15 September 1485, at which time he was legally still attainted.

  34. Mowbray had taken neither side, but with the Yorkists exiled, when a parliament was called at Coventry, Mowbray attended.

  35. In 1867 the constituency of Lancaster was disfranchised because of corruption, and so lost its two members of parliament.

  36. Whitlam stepped down as leader of the party after losing again at the 1977 election, and retired from parliament in 1978.

  37. The bill was not immediately introduced into parliament, however, as Idenburg was given until 10 August to comment on it.

  38. Lancaster refused to meet with Edward in parliament for the next two years, bringing effective governance to a standstill.

  39. The roll only begins with the reassembling of parliament under Edward III in February, after the deposition of his father.

  40. The parliament was called to grant taxation, but the House of Commons took the opportunity to address specific grievances.

  41. Together Isabeau and John abolished parliament (Chambre des comptes) and turned to securing control of Paris and the King.

  42. She was elected to the TUC Council in 1918, and became its chairman in 1923, the year she was first elected to parliament.

  43. In March 1733, Walpole introduced an unpopular Excise Bill to parliament, which the Queen supported, but it gathered such strong opposition that it was eventually dropped.

  44. According to precedent, a new parliament should have been summoned with the accession of a new monarch, and this failure of process indicates the novelty of the situation.

  45. Macedonia’s parliament adopted a declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in January 1991, but it did not take effect until a referendum in September 1991 confirmed it.

  46. In 1833, William signed a new constitution for Hanover, which empowered the middle class, gave limited power to the lower classes, and expanded the role of the parliament.

  47. Maria commanded a substantial dowry and, apart from her by-now-deceased father, was related to two generals, a member of parliament and the botanist Aylmer Bourke Lambert.

Synonyms for parliament

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word parliament has the following synonyms: fantan and sevens.

General information about «parliament» example sentences

The example sentences for the word parliament that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «parliament» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «parliament».

Synonym: fantan, sevens. Similar words: amendment, tournament, fundamental, apartment, garlic, Charlie, earlier, parlance. Meaning: [‘pɑrləmənt /’pɑːl-]  n. 1. a legislative assembly in certain countries 2. a card game in which you play your sevens and other cards in sequence in the same suit as the sevens; you win if you are the first to use all your cards. 

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(1) They sent a deputation to Parliament.

(2) Parliament gave its assent to war.

(3) The issue was debated in Parliament.

(4) He was the first worker to go into parliament.

(5) Beveridge announced his intention of standing for parliament.

(6) Parliament was hastily recalled from recess.

(7) Parliament voted for the bill to become law.

(8) By telling lies he brought discredit upon Parliament.

(9) She was re-elected to parliament.

(10) They are now the majority party in Parliament.

(11) The ceremonial opening of Parliament was a fine spectacle.

(12) She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.

(13) The new Bill was rushed through Parliament.

(14) The Moldavian parliament has declared the elections unconstitutional.

(15) Women constitute about 10% of Parliament.

(16) Parliament went into its long summer recess.

(17) They demanded a free parliament and press.

(18) The new bill had a smooth passage through Parliament.

(19) It is the jobof Parliament to legislate.

(20) The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.

(21) The Parliament was prorogued to the tenth of February.

(22) Churchill’s statue stands outside the parliament building.

(23) A roar of approval resounded through the Ukrainian parliament.

(24) Ministers must appear before parliament and justify their actions.

(25) She told Parliament she had no knowledge of the affair.

(26) The new bill passed by Parliament has received Royal Assent.

(27) The Minister accused of misleading parliament was unavailable for comment last night.

(28) She firmly rejected the suggestion that she had lied to Parliament.

(29) The decision was announced after objections were raised in the Upper House of Parliament.

(30) The government had the power to legislate by emergency decree independently of Parliament.

More similar words: amendment, tournament, fundamental, apartment, garlic, Charlie, earlier, parlance, commencement, amend, particularly, entailment, entertainment, sentiment, amenable, parent, parental, apparent, parenting, mentor, comment, moment, mental, apparently, parentheses, grandparent, segment, element, mention, augment. 

parliament — перевод на русский




The Parliament declared him an adult, at his age. The regency of the Mother-Queen has ended.

Парламент объявил его совершеннолетним.

You gonna have a parliament?

Соберёте парламент?

— When I was office manager, If Parliament, following the advice of Council president, Had ratified the brave projects of the general delegation,

В бытность мою во главе, если бы парламент ратифицировал тогда те смелые проекты делегации, мы бы уже в 27-ом отбомбились.

In theses rough benches you earn… the right to intervene in parliament.

На этих грубых скамьях вы зарабатываете право… быть избранными в парламент.

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His liver is as big as the Parliament House, you should take him to Fundeni Hospital.

Везите его в Фундени. Его пецень велициной со здание парламента.

Look, we are near the Parliament House.

Смотрите, это здание Парламента.

I am here to tell you the Houses of Parliament may look normal, but all is not as it seems.

Я должен рассказать Вам кое-что… Здание Парламента выглядит нормально, но фактически… но все так, как оно кажется.

Monkeys aren’t allowed to enter the Parliament building!

Обезьян не пускают в здание парламента!

Your Honour, the video clearly implicates Mrs Mohammed in the conspiracy to blow up Parliament House.

Ваша Честь, видео ясно показывает, что миссис Мохаммед состояла в заговоре с целью взорвать здание Парламента.

Показать ещё примеры для «здание парламента»…

— for thousands of miles away here in… — In Parliament Square, W1.

— На Парламентской площади.

Make a formal request to speak to parliament in session.

Подам официальный запрос, чтобы выступить на парламентской сессии.

Make a formal request to speak to parliament in session.

Я подам официальный запрос, чтобы выступить на парламентской сессии.

The reality is, this would never have appeared in my client’s register of interests if my client had suffered his fall anywhere other than the stairs of Parliament House.

На самом деле, это никогда бы не появилось в списке активов моего клиента, если бы мой клиент упал где угодно, кроме парламентской лестницы.

Oh, wait, so there’s a sort of credit limit on crime in parliament, is there?

А, подожди, так существует некий кредитный лимит на парламентские преступления, так?

Показать ещё примеры для «парламентской»… you’re installed as a Member of Parliament,..

Потому что ты в системе, ты депутат…

The new member of parliament is coming tomorrow.

— Провал! Провал! Завтра приедет господин новый депутат.

Our new member of parliament will unveil a monument and give a speech.

Новый депутат от нашего района, для которого он откроет памятник и скажет речы.

Michael Kleiner, not the member of parliament, someone else, felt all his thoughts funneling into one sentence.:

Михаэль Кляйнер — не депутат, совсем другой, чувствовал, как все его мысли стекались в одно предложение:

Her brother’s in parliament.

Он депутат.

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The talk of his going into the army and into parliament and into a monastery had all come to nothing.

Разговоры о том, чтобы ему вступить в армию, стать членом парламента, уйти в монастырь, так и остались разговорами.

My father was in Parliament so we lived in London.

Мой отец был членом парламента, поэтому мы жили в Лондоне.

We really will be off to hell in a hand-cart if George Warleggan goes to parliament!

Мы въедем в ад на тачке, если Джордж Уорлегган станет членом парламента!

Parliament men sign themselves passes through my lines and sell corn to our enemies in Oxford.

Члены парламента выписывают себе пропуска через мои заставы и продают кукурузу нашим врагам в Оксфорде.

A contender for parliament?

Кандидат в члены парламента?

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He will never serve in Parliament again.

Он больше никогда не сможет заседать в Парламенте.

I need a seat in Parliament again.

– Я должен снова заседать в парламенте.

I say to you, he is a tyrant that will not let his Parliament sit!

Говорю вам, он тиран. Он не даст парламенту заседать.

That the King must let his Parliament sit

Что король должен позволить парламенту заседать, если хочет повысить налоги.

He’s in parliament now.

Теперь он заседает в парламенте.

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Definition of Parliament

individuals who are elected for a certain period of time in order to make laws and decisions about national concerns

Examples of Parliament in a sentence

Today, the new members of parliament will be sworn in and begin their terms as lawmakers.


After a long session, parliament adjourned without making a decision on the proposed tax increase.


There was a huge celebration when parliament passed new legislation on immigration.


While the United States’ major legislative body is called Congress, many European nations describe their groups of lawmakers as a parliament.


A member of parliament lost his voting rights and privileges when he was arrested for attempting to murder his mistress.


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Discussions on


draft were held at the Parliament session of October 21 and 22.


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Обсуждения по законопроекту состоялись на парламентской сессии 21 и 22 октября.


Member of the Parliament Commission, Protection of


Earth’s Atmosphere.


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Проректор Мангеймского университета, член парламентской комиссии по защите атмосферы Земли.


Member of


Advisory Council at the Parliament Committee on Human Rights.


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Член Консультативного совета Парламентского комитета по правам человека.



Head of


Delegation of Georgia to the Parliament Assembly of Europe, Vienna.


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Год- глава делегации Грузии в Европейской парламентской ассамблее, Вена.



document was already past


first hearing and received


support of the Parliament majority.


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Документ уже прошел первое чтение и получил поддержку парламентского большинства.


Two parties of the Parliament opposition conceptually opposed




communists and social-democrats.

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Принципиальными противниками этого документа выступили две партии парламентской оппозиции: коммунистическая и социал-демократическая.


According to



direct elections must be held for the parliament every 4 years.

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Согласно конституции прямые парламентские выборы должны проводиться каждые 4 года.

Almost all have been rejected by


electorate, the parliament or




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Почти все они были отвергнуты избирательным корпусом, парламентами или правительствами.


We invite international observers to monitor


elections to the Parliament.


Needless to say, security personnel at the Parliament buildings were initially quite tense.


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Излишне говорить, что меры безопасности возле зданий парламенты были приняты особенно жесткие.


Gamsakhurdia’s supporters occupied the parliament building and other ministerial buildings.


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Сторонники Гамсахурдиа заняли Дом правительства и здания правительственных министерств.



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Собрание может вынести вотум недоверия правительству.


Article 68 stipulates that»the Parliament of


former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia… ratifies international agreements.


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Статья 68 гласит:» Собрание бывшей югославской Республики Македонии… ратифицирует международные соглашения.


A number of important laws have


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В июле 2009 года на сессии парламента был принят ряд важных законов.


The Parliament is presided over by a speaker elected from among




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Руководит работой Меджлиса председатель, избираемый депутатами из своего состава.




same time, the parliament did not give sufficient justification

and reasons for




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При этом парламент не привел конкретных оснований и причин отказа.


Based on the Parliament decisions,


National administrations make their more

detailed action plans.


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Исходя из решений парламента, национальные администрации составляют более подробные планы действий.




same time, the parliament did not justify sufficiently its refusal.


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При этом парламент не привел конкретных оснований и причин отказа.



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Сейм в Борго- первый шаг к автономии Финляндии. pdf.


system of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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Ландтаг является центральным законодательным органом в политической системе Северного Рейна-


On 6 December 1917, the Parliament of Finland promulgated


Finnish Declaration of Independence.

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Декабря 1917 года Финский сенат подписал Декларацию независимости Финляндии.

She was reelected to the Parliament at


2016 extraordinary parliamentary elections.

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Успешно переизбран депутатом на внеочередных выборах в 2016 году.

However, the Parliament cannot alter


basic structure of



In the parliament proposed to pay compensation for


delays of flights-

Rest in Ua.

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В Раде предложили выплачивать копенсации за задержки рейсов- Отдых на

просторах Украины.

In order to control


Government the Parliament needs information about its activities.


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Для контроля за правительством парламенту нужна информация о его деятельности.



building is located in downtown Beirut, near the parliament and


office of


Prime Minister.


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Здание находится в центре города рядом с парламентом и канцелярией премьер-министра.


And, there’s


puppet theater the Parliament jesters foist on


somnambulant public.

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А здесь театр марионеток… который шуты из Парламента навязывают лунатичной публике.

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Для этого нам необходимо присутствие в Европарламенте прогрессивных сил.


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