The word orchestra in a sentence

оркестр, партер, место для оркестра или хора


- оркестр

string [symphony, dance] orchestra — струнный [симфонический, эстрадный] оркестр

- место для оркестра или хора; оркестровая яма (тж. orchestra pit)
- амер. первые ряды партера (тж. orchestra chairs, orchestra stalls)

two seats in the orchestra — два билета в первых рядах партера

- орхестра (место хора в древнегреческом театре)

Мои примеры


the reed section of the orchestra — секция деревянных духовых инструментов оркестра  
an unenthusiastic performance by the orchestra — игра оркестра, в которой не было огонька  
to conduct an orchestra — дирижировать оркестром  
to lead a band / an orchestra — руководить оркестром, дирижировать оркестром  
pops orchestra — эстрадный оркестр  
lead an orchestra — руководить оркестром  
leader of an orchestra — концертмейстер оркестра; руководитель оркестра  
arrange of music for an orchestra — оркестровка  
a thirty piece orchestra — оркестр в составе тридцати человек  
arrange for symphony orchestra — симфонизировать  
court orchestra — придворная капелла  
he directed the orchestra — он дирижировал оркестром  

Примеры с переводом

A small orchestra was playing.

Играл небольшой оркестр.

He plays violin in the school orchestra.

Он играет на скрипке в школьном оркестре.

The orchestra was playing our song.

Оркестр играл нашу песню.

The orchestra will give two more performances this week.

На этой неделе оркестр даст ещё два концерта.

The boxes were empty, and only a few of the orchestra stalls were taken.

Ложи пустовали, в первых рядах партера было занято всего несколько мест.

The orchestra played a modern composition.

Оркестр играл современную композицию.

The orchestra will be performing a suite.

Оркестр будет исполнять сюиту.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The orchestra played a minuet.

The City of Cleveland Orchestra is celebrating its 200th birthday.

Moore pledged $100,000 to the orchestra at the fund-raising dinner.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): orchestra
мн. ч.(plural): orchestras

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word orchestra, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use orchestra in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «orchestra».

Orchestra in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word orchestra in a sentence.

  1. The orchestra had recognized the signs.

  2. He conducted 999 concerts with the orchestra.

  3. His newly adopted orchestra responds admirably».

  4. The orchestra declined to proceed on these lines.

  5. The chorus and orchestra were recorded separately.

  6. The reviews of the new orchestra were enthusiastic.

  7. Only the best musicians were in Morelli’s orchestra.

  8. The use of the large orchestra in modern Warner Bros.

  9. The orchestra, which Sibelius praised as «wonderful ..

  10. Hindemith «thinned» the orchestra, especially the horns.

  11. Jeremy Lubbock worked with the musician in arranging and conducting an orchestra.

  12. It opens with a fade-in bass section, heavily processed to resemble an orchestra.

  13. While he did this, the orchestra provided an accompaniment of «till ready» music.

  14. He wrote a «jazz band piece» that Imogen later arranged for orchestra as Capriccio.

  15. Creating the orchestra admired by Strauss had not been achieved without a struggle.

  16. Three fully-fledged cantatas for soloists, orchestra and choir have, however, entered the repertoire.

  17. The phrase is reprised a fifth higher by the first solo violin, again answered by the full orchestra.

  18. The movement concludes with a coda, where the entire orchestra restates the first theme centered on G.

  19. In February 1959 Charles and his orchestra finally recorded «What’d I Say» at Atlantic’s small studio.

  20. The program, which The Oceanides opened, also included the two Serenades for violin and orchestra (Op.

  21. It took just over a week to record with a 90-piece orchestra at Abbey Road Studios in London, England.

  22. When Liszt started writing symphonic poems, «he had very little experience in handling an orchestra ..

  23. Kamen approached Metallica in 1991 with the idea of pairing the band’s music with a symphony orchestra.

  24. Lukas the church choir and the municipal orchestra (Städtische Kapelle), with Georg Stolz at the organ.

  25. Charles and his orchestra had exhausted their set list after midnight, but had 12 minutes left to fill.

  26. The orchestra in Dublin comprised strings, two trumpets, and timpani; the number of players is unknown.

  27. He asked the orchestra if any of them could take over as conductor; there was a chorus of «Oui Monteux!

  28. Simpsons composer Alf Clausen secured the rights to the score, along with the original orchestra charts.

  29. The orchestra had declined from its peak of the 1930s, but under his guidance its fortunes were revived.

  30. Messiaen stated that the commission did not specify the length of the work or the size of the orchestra.

  31. The soundtrack was composed by Mahito Yokota and Koji Kondo, using a symphony orchestra for the first time in the series.

  32. He composed it in Jena, a year before his own death, this time for a solo voice (alto or baritone), chorus and orchestra.

  33. Wood bore no grudge and attended their first concert, although it was 12 years before he agreed to conduct the orchestra.

  34. The Hallé Orchestra honoured him with two special concerts in April 1966 to mark his long association with the orchestra.

  35. The movement opens with the soloist playing the four-measure principal theme alone; it is then repeated by the orchestra.

  36. The Eighth, marking the end of the middle period, returns to a combination of orchestra and voice in a symphonic context.

  37. Other classical composers influenced by the play include Henry Hugh Pearson (Romeo and Juliet, overture for orchestra, Op.

  38. Their recording of «A Day in the Life» required a forty-piece orchestra, which Martin and McCartney took turns conducting.

  39. The pounding, militaristic orchestra tunes accompanying the action further enhanced the critics’ experience with the game.

  40. He had an astonishing baton technique and great command of the orchestra: everything was indicated with absolute precision.

  41. Kennedy speculates that Boult’s change of mind was due to a growing conviction that the orchestra would be «seriously jeopardized financially» if Russell remained in post.

  42. The bandshell’s brushed stainless steel headdress frames the 120-foot (37 m) proscenium theatre; the main stage can accommodate a full orchestra and chorus of 150 members.

  43. His most commonly performed work that is not an extract from an opera is the Siegfried Idyll for chamber orchestra, which has several motifs in common with the Ring cycle.

  44. Chrisye performed a set that included his greatest hits and several duets, among them «Malam Pertama» with Ruth Sahanaya, in front of a full orchestra conducted by Gutawa.

  45. The German composer Paul Hindemith went to a BBC studio on the morning after the King’s death and in six hours wrote Trauermusik (Mourning Music), for viola and orchestra.

General information about «orchestra» example sentences

The example sentences for the word orchestra that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «orchestra» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «orchestra».

orchestra — перевод на русский


There’s going to be a joint orchestra with the girl’s grammar.

У нас организуют оркестр вместе со школой для девочек.

I want a full rehearsal, ballet, full orchestra….

Соберите оркестр, балет, весь оркестр.

? Then the village orchestra played in harmony ?

И так гармонично заиграл весь деревенский оркестр…

? Then the village orchestra played in harmony ?

Так гармонично заиграл весь деревенский оркестр…

If the orchestra is trying to make conversation difficult, they are successes.

Наверно, оркестр задался целью помешать нам.

Показать ещё примеры для «оркестр»…

The Grand Guignol has 100 orchestra seats… 200 with the balcony.

Значит, в «Гран-Гиньоле» чуть больше двухсот мест в партере, около шестидесяти на балконе.

«My seat in the blasted orchestra stalls marked with a blasted X.»

Мое место в этом чертовом партере помечено .

Your father and I have orchestra seats… for Wagner’s «Und Isolde» tomorrow at the Met.

У нас с твоим отцом билеты в партере… на «Тристана и Изольду» Вагнера, завтра, в Метрополитен-Опера.

— Hi. Oh, um… two orchestra seats to the Met’s Don Giovanni, as promised.

Вот..два билета в партере на «Дон Жуана» в Метрополитэн Опера, как и обещал.

You, a guy who went to a second-rate law school, is getting orchestra seats to physics history?

Парень, закончивший второсортный университет займет место в партере на празднике физики.

Показать ещё примеры для «партере»…

I’m sure they’ll stop the orchestra, and announce our wedding.

Музыканты останавливаются и кто-то объявляет эту новость.

Gentlemen of the orchestra, just through here.

Господа музыканты, сюда.

There is the orchestra and the staff.

Настоящая. Музыканты, обслуга?

Let’s go there, blindfold the orchestra and tango till dawn.

Идем туда. У музыкантов завязаны глаза, танго звучит до рассвета.

To meet the orchestra comrade lieutenant colonel.

— Пойду встречать музыкантов.

Показать ещё примеры для «музыканты»…

If you let a good-for-nothing join the orchestra, what is he going to play?

Если мальчишке разрешить войти к оркестрантам, куда он сразу направится?

But with an operetta, you have to pay singers, and the orchestra.

Но в оперетте вы должны платить певцам и оркестрантам.

I’ll have the orchestra adjust its time signature, sir.

Я пойду скажу оркестрантам добавить эти временные обозначения, сэр.

Eleanor was in a relationship with someone from the orchestra.

У Элеонор был роман с одним из оркестрантов.

Someone in the orchestra had a passionate and unrequited crush on Eleanor.

Кто-то из оркестрантов был страстно и безответно влюблён в Элеонор.

Показать ещё примеры для «оркестрантам»…

Who does the orchestra director shake hands with at the end of the concert?

— Кому подает руку дирижер в конце концерта, когда аплодируют?

Head? Orchestra?


Here, give this to the orchestra leader and tell him… -to play the same number again.

Передайте это дирижеру, и скажите, чтобы повторил эту мелодию.

I’ve reserved a room for the conductor of the symphonic orchestra. And what do you think is conductor’s name?

Фамилия дирижера знаете как?

— The Israeli orchestra conductor.

— Израильском дирижере.

Показать ещё примеры для «дирижёр»…

— Ah, an orchestra conductor?

— А, дирижер оркестра?

Jiro is like the maestro of an orchestra.

Дзиро — как дирижер оркестра.

Felix, the orchestra conductor.

Феликс, дирижер оркестра.

I’ll need one copy for my television producer… and my orchestra leader and my arranger… and for the guys from the agency.

Мне понадобится копия для телепродюсера,.. для дирижера оркестра и для аранжировщика,.. и ребятам в агентство.

On that rostrum stood the greatest orchestra directors

Через этот подиум прошли величайшие дирижеры оркестров.

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1. The orchestra will give two more performances this week.

2. She plays the flute in an orchestra.

3. The orchestra is currently on tour in Germany.

4. The orchestra is preparing for a concert.

5. The Lithuanian Philharmonic Orchestra played Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

6. The orchestra has grown in stature.

7. The full orchestra includes two pairs of French horns.

8. The orchestra played with great panache.

9. The orchestra played with a winning combination of gusto and precision.

10. The orchestra is unrivalled in terms of technical mastery and sheer vitality.

11. After the orchestra had tuned up, the conductor walked on to the stage.

12. I’ve got an audition for the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra on Friday.

13. She plays the flute in the school orchestra.

14. He plays in the brass section of the orchestra.

15. They danced to Ruby Newman’s orchestra .

16. The school choir stood on risers behind the orchestra.

17. The orchestra were beginning to tune up.

18. The orchestra went on/off stage to great applause.

19. The orchestra struck up a military march.

20. The orchestra had a distinctively warm and mellow sound.

21. The orchestra did Beethoven no favours.

22. The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.

23. She plays viola in a string orchestra.

24. The orchestra played to a capacity crowd .

25. A small orchestra was playing.

26. The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.

27. The orchestra played brilliantly under Previn’s baton.

28. The orchestra played before an enraptured audience.

29. He will be giving his farewell concert as Music Director of the Ulster Orchestra.

30. She’s a cellist in the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.

More similar words: orchestrate, war chest, chest, restrain, dire straits, unrestrained, sequestration, extraterrestrial, porch, torch, scorch, orchard, scorching, chess, arched, catches, parched, chessman, researcher, behest, archetypal, archeological, chemistry, outstretched, stray, straw, strap, astray, strain, destroy. 

The Fruit and Vegetable market is an orchestra of colours and smells of big, fat sacks showing shiny black and green olives

There was a chorus using multi-part harmonies, the orchestra played chords and she was reminded of the folk music of Kassidor Yakhan

Symphony Orchestra in a stirring rendition of his brand new

Desa did a quick little tinkle, Klegnif’s drone metamorphosed into an orchestra and Alan got blown halfway back to YingolNeerie because suddenly that yandrille was screaming in all colors and the whole room was stomping with it

Nerissa knew this area was called the orchestra, from the Ionian word that meant “to dance

Theoton, Stenarch, and Aetes assembled in a small building behind the orchestra called

As the amphitheater rumbled with hostile voices, the guardsman left the orchestra

Orchestra, with the instruments aligned in

To dream that you are in an orchestra represents inner integration, resolution, and harmony

Alternatively, an orchestra refers to your desires to fit in and be accepted by society

The royal orchestra was seated on a platform at one side of the hall and they were playing another melody that Zarko hadn’t heard before

Rex led her to the orchestra platform

the time the opening orchestra strains were heard, she

When the day arrived it was a hugely impressive spectacle, with the mounted platoon and genuine (not the Cadet one) Police Orchestra marching up front playing music

I stayed in my car rather than sit on the wall, and stared at the white foam on the water, moving and reforming into shapes as the current directed the liquid orchestra

me of a Christmas celebration with a priest and a huge orchestra,

I could hear the chatter of the guests below and the quiet playing of a small orchestra

When they reached their room, Elizabeth turned on the radio and adjusted the dial until the sounds of a symphony orchestra filled the room

‘You are the conductor and Aidme is the orchestra

The thing about old Edith Piaf was that she’d been singing those songs so damned long that some of them would have probably been better if she’d just been accompanied by a piano player, a drummer, and a base rather than by a big full orchestra and a choir

Professor Q, its head and chief conductor of the orchestra, led the panel of eight who were auditioning the hopefuls

in the Bath Symphony Orchestra, where she regularly performed as the second

was found a seat in the orchestra, where, probably to keep me quiet while the

Performers like the Amarillo Youth Choir, the Harrington String Quartet, the Amarillo Symphony Youth Orchestra, and Chamber Music Amarillo add to the opportunities Amarilloans have for high caliber entertainment

McDonald himself conducted the orchestra

orchestra of the port of Cebu

Her speed almost in tune with the orchestra, she pins her hair into an elegant up-do, stumbles as she shoves the right foot then left into the silver heels

” Zachary laughs with his eyes on mine and rushes over as the orchestra plays a happy-birthday rhythm

The entire Pink Orchestra was weaned on this material

“At the appointed moment, the chandelier there will chime, and out by the podium, the Orchestra of The High People will begin to play the music that Talia and Nemia have chosen

I’m so glad the orchestra played through it

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him like their lives depended on it, and so it was a pair of minutes later that they first noticed the roar of millions of elven voices shouting approval, and that everyone else in the wedding party was pulling flowers of every variety from out of thin air and tossing them upon the pair and that the pile was up to Mark’s knees, and that Theramin was waiting patiently with a huge grin on his face, and that the orchestra was now playing a joyous and lively refrain, and that the ribbons overhead were dancing almost frantically to the tempo in beautiful abstract patterns

Also in the troupe were Charmaine the dancer, Miss World, two NFL football players, a magician, a six-member dance troop, and an eight-piece orchestra

orchestra took up his introduction

The posh US officers’ club in Speckenbüttel had expropriated the palatial home of one of my school mates, and if you walked past it very slowly you could sometimes hear the cultivated sounds of a superb salon orchestra

The orchestra filed in with typical Prussian punctuality, and by the time our suds arrived most tables had been taken and all eyes focused on the stage where the announcer with hunched shoulders and a hangdog expression was getting ready for his humorous monologue

During a lunch break of the ship’s dance orchestra she borrowed the fiddler’s violin and guitar, and with me at the keyboard we kept the party going until the musicians had eaten their sausages and drank their beer

The orchestra, such as it was, consisted of a couple of guitars, a bass, an accordion, drums, a fiddle and lots of human voices

information This is how an entire orchestra (a complex ‘sound image’) can

Unlike an orchestra conductor who is trying to make the notes on paper sound beautiful and as planned, his task was to make beautiful music

It was a duet sung with a full orchestra

Sensations from all our senses; sight, sound, smell, taste and touch, combine and recombine in our heads like a complex orchestra

oratorio, which here would occupy a full orchestra for many hours in the

orchestra of musicians based on their

create a great orchestra

The tables were overflowing with tastefully arranged dishes and snacks, whilst a 3-piece orchestra played softly in the background

Back to the orchestra, if there are

“Okay Dad! Sheesh! How’s this?” A wave of strings supported by a full orchestra inundated the cabin

the walls though there was no sign of an orchestra

Stay on the orchestra leader

The organ and orchestra played the first note of the

They neared some lankers and sent them flying in an orchestra of squawking, and some hairless, blue-skinned monkeys with longs snouts and clawed tails howled chaotically and swung out of the way

Besides his involvement in the computer science program, he was also the director of the symphony orchestra at the university

The Duke Ellington Orchestra traveled to Europe and was well received there with only one case of racism

At nineteen she married orchestra leader, Ted Steele, who was twice as old as she

A few years after his death, The Music of Jim Pepper was recorded with a jazz group and symphony orchestra under the direction of Gunther Schuller

Duke was dedicated to being a success and played piano, led an orchestra, composed and made arrangements for the group

In 1943, his orchestra – the first African-American group to play at Carnegie Hall – performed Black, Brown and Beige, a merging of classical, jazz and spirituals

I won’t list all the awards that Duke and his orchestra accumulated, since there are so many – you can find more than three hundred of them at the Smithsonian Institute

Mantovani and his orchestra, played in my head

He was intelligent, kept the class so interesting that you really didn’t want to miss it and he also was director of the university orchestra

the common guests, they were both slightly surprised to find most of the women in formal gowns accompanied by men wearing either formal suits or tuxedos; obviously, many of these were members of the Charleston Symphony, and those not accounted for by the orchestra were evidently not from the hotel register but rather from the local social elite

Unfortunately, Lady Jane’s train of thought was interrupted by the sound of her name being called out from this side of the room closer towards the orchestra

When the next tune began, they both sat slightly more upright and focused their attentions on the orchestra

Returning her attention to the orchestra, the subject was dismissed having revealed nothing

The lounge area was abuzz with laughter and lively chatter that seemed to drown out the gentle music from the small orchestra that was largely concealed in a dark corner of the room adjacent to the long mahogany bar

The whole Orchestra of Life is built on the principle that each

They were singing and dancing with the beating of orchestra

Mozart of the body and her orchestra was playing perfectly yet stil the pain never

Remember, nature is an orchestra,

The floor show that night was Professor Jaxon Sax And His Automatic Orchestra

“From Hollywood USA, on the Red White and Blue Network, it’s Lucy Liberty, with music by Glenn Miller and his orchestra

Aaron thought that it was as though an orchestra was hidden somewhere deep behind the trees and it was guiding them along the way

listening to the names of the graduates as they were called forth for duty, complemented and or praised for their contributions and personal distinctions, and when the orchestra played and the choir sung, he allowed the music to fill him and connect him to the

Garcia raised his hands suddenly and the orchestra flooded the Hall with what

By the time Garcia was in place and motioning to the choir, there were several patterns evolving in the various type of instruments in the orchestra

Then they, too, faded, leaving only the orchestra

” The crowd cheered as the orchestra began to play

Maybe send him to karate, or put him in the orchestra,” Juan said

The video was of a young boy pretending to conduct an orchestra, which McCoy found rather humorous

He started a full orchestra in his head as he began connecting pieces of his rocket

closed his eyes as he neared the end of the movement, imagining how glorious it would be with a full orchestra resounding to life in the second part

thought he had imagined it, but indeed, a small orchestra ensemble had assembled itself while he had been focused on the theme

It didn’t matter that it was not a full orchestra because of their superior ability to perform

Soon, part of the orchestra adapted to that new theme and incorporated it into their performance, while the others carried on with the original plan

He ignored the orchestra as they started up a new song, focusing only on Deanna

“I’ve seen you in the recital hall, listening to the orchestra practice

Modi understands all this well and plays an audience like a conductor leads an orchestra

The orchestra began to play some nondescript music, mostly on stringed instruments

Bet the Gay Symphony Orchestra are not coming in here to rehearse

‘There’s a whole orchestra for me to play with, remember

‘There were plenty in earlier, including a few of the Gay Symphony Orchestra

It was to be an apocalyptic orchestra of chalkboard scratching

We will start with a special piece performed by our orchestra

At the end of the performance, the orchestra got up and took a bow, and the crowd showered them with applauses and flowers in appreciation

Listening to the nature and the orchestra of

to simply hear the orchestra of sounds around you

Definition of Orchestra

a group of people who play musical instruments together

Examples of Orchestra in a sentence

The trumpet could be heard over all of the other instruments in the orchestra.


Classical tunes played by the orchestra echoed throughout the auditorium.


Before they began playing music, the different instruments of the orchestra had to be arranged in sections.


Playing in a small band was a start, but the musician hoped to one day play with a great orchestra.


Of all of the wood-wind instruments played by the orchestra, the clarinet reached the highest decibels.


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The pieces were recorded during orchestra weekends of the Circle of Friends by Bruno Gröning friends.


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Работы были записаны во время оркестровых выходных Круга Друзей Бруно Гренинга.


The front part of the stage has an orchestra pit with a capacity for 70 musicians.


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На фронтальной части сцены расположена оркестровая яма, рассчитанная на размещение 70 оркестрантов.


Orchestra rehearsal of the participants of the 3rd round junior group.


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M- the area from a general curtain to an orchestra pit.


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М- площадь от генерального занавеса до оркестровой ямы.


Orchestra rehearsal of the participants of the 3rd round senior group.


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Among them were opera singers, chorus, orchestra and ballet companies.


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Среди них были оперные певцы, хор, оркестровая и балетная труппы.


Diablo Swing Orchestra Announces New Album’Pacifisticuffs.

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DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA Announces New Album’ Pacifisticuffs’ англ.

Organizing choirs, orchestra and theatre activities, etc.


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Создание хоров, оркестров и театральных групп и т. д.


He continues to work with the orchestra as a guest conductor.

The orchestra tours to other towns and cities in the UK and abroad.

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Гастролировал с оркестрами по городам СССР и за рубежом во многих странах мира.

But I want to applaud to Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra— they are brave and daring musicians!


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Но я хочу поаплодировать Новосибирскому филармоническому оркестру— они бравые и смелые музыканты!


I send my warmest wishes and my deep love to Novosibirsk orchestra.


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Новосибирскому оркестру от меня самые сердечные пожелания, самая беззастенчивая любовь.


Glinka orchestra faculty, class of V. Tolkachev.


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Glinka orchestra faculty, class of the professor P.F.


The orchestra mostly consists of first-year students from the orchestra department.


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Коллектив состоит в основном из студентов первых курсов оркестрового факультета.


We have been

working quite hard on the current ZHdK orchestra project since last Friday.


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Начиная с пятницы, мы упорно работали над текущим оркестровым проектом ZHdK.


And the‘Clever Kidders’

will have a video tour of the symphony orchestra.


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А еще, ребята отправятся в видео- путешествие по симфоническому оркестру.


We’re not even going to imitate this orchestra in its glory days.

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Мы даже не будем подражать этому оркестру в его лучшие дни.

There he led student orchestra, opera and orchestra classes, taught instrumentation.

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Здесь он руководит студенческим оркестром, оперным и оркестровыми классами, преподает инструментоведение.

In 1932, Antonio Rodríguez Lesende joined the orchestra as a singer.

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В 1932 Антонио Родригес Лесенде( Antonio Rodríguez Lesende) присоединился к оркестру в качестве первого постоянного певца.

Benny also donated a Stradivarius violin(purchased in 1957)

to the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.

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Принадлежавшая Бенни скрипка Страдивари, приобретенная в 1957 году,

была подарена Лос-Анджелесскому филармоническому оркестру.

As a consequence the orchestra was enriched with new instruments and musical scores.

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Таким образом, очевидно, что оркестры обогатились новыми инструментами.

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The orchestra performed in Belgium, Switzerland and Germany.


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Башмета гастролировал в Бельгии, Швейцарии и Германии.


At present, the orchestra is directed by Honoured Artist of Russia Arkady Steinlucht.


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В настоящее время Камерным оркестром руководит заслуженный артист России Аркадий Штейнлухт.


The orchestra records exclusively on Sony Classical,

one of the world’s leading labels.


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У оркестра подписан эксклюзивный контракт с лейблом Sony Classical.


During those years, the orchestra became a state orchestra, and I became a soloist of the orchestra.


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Ансамбль в те годы стал государственным, а я- его солисткой.



Example Sentences

Sentences with Orchestra, Orchestra in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Orchestra

Sentences with Orchestra, Orchestra in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Orchestra

1. My soul is a hidden orchestra.

2. The guitar is a miniature orchestra in itself.

3. May night continue to fall upon the orchestra.

4. To lead the orchestra, you have to turn your back on the crowd.

5. We do not realize the sound the world makes — unless, of course, it comes to a stop. Then, when it starts, it sounds like an orchestra.

6. Beauty and fullness of tone can be achieved by having the whole orchestra play with high clarinets and a carefully selected number of piccolos.

7. I heard the universe as an oratorio sung by a master choir of stars, accompanied by the orchestra of the planets and the percussion of satellites and moons.

8. The body is an instrument which only gives off music when it is used as a body. Always an orchestra, and just as music traverses walls, so sensuality traverses the body and reaches up to ecstasy.

9. My relationship with the Philharmonia Orchestra brought me many times to London and I will always reflect positively on that early period of development with them – their patience, their warmth, their dedication.

About The Author


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What do we mean by orchestra?

A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including strings, woodwinds, brass instruments, and percussion instruments. noun

The instruments played by such a group. noun

The area in a theater or concert hall where the musicians sit, immediately in front of and below the stage. noun

The front section of seats nearest the stage in a theater. noun

The entire main floor of a theater. noun

A semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in ancient Greek theaters. noun

The part of a theater or other public place appropriated to the musicians. noun

In modern music, a company of performers on such instruments as are used in concerted music; a band. ; ; noun

In the early New England churches, the choir-gallery at the end opposite the pulpit: so called because in it were stationed the instrumentalists by whom the singing was accompanied. noun

The space in a theater between the stage and the audience; — originally appropriated by the Greeks to the chorus and its evolutions, afterward by the Romans to persons of distinction, and by the moderns to a band of instrumental musicians. Now commonly called orchestra pit, to distinguish it from the section of the main floor occupied by spectators. noun

The space in the main floor of a theater in which the audience sits; also, the forward spectator section of the main floor, in distinction from the parterre, which is the rear section of the main floor. noun

The place in any public hall appropriated to a band of instrumental musicians. noun

Loosely: A band of instrumental musicians performing in a theater, concert hall, or other place of public amusement. noun

Strictly: A band suitable for the performance of symphonies, overtures, etc., as well as for the accompaniment of operas, oratorios, cantatas, masses, and the like, or of vocal and instrumental solos. noun

A band composed, for the largest part, of players of the various viol instruments, many of each kind, together with a proper complement of wind instruments of wood and brass; — as distinguished from a military or street band of players on wind instruments, and from an assemblage of solo players for the rendering of concerted pieces, such as septets, octets, and the like. noun

The instruments employed by a full band, collectively. noun

A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including some from strings, woodwind, brass and/or percussion; the instruments played by such a group. noun

A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including some from strings, woodwind, brass and/or percussion; the instruments played by such a group.

A semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in Ancient Greek and Hellenistic theatres.

The area in a theatre or concert hall where the musicians sit, immediately in front of and below the stage, sometimes (also) used by other performers.

1)A group of strings-players that come together to play music
2)The most unrecognized group in High School. Like band, there are very memorable experiences that involve losing your virginity and long trips on the bus. Everyone lets loose in this cursed bus. Also, most of the insanity comes from the antics of the Cello and Bass sections, and sometimes by the Principal Violinist. Urban Dictionary

An ensemble which plays clssical music. Instruments include the strings (violins, violas, cellos, double basses), the woodwinds (flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons), the brass (trumpets, trombones, tuba, french horns), the percussion (timpani, snare drum, bass drum, celesta, etc.).
Also called a ‘Symphony Orchestra’ or a ‘Philharmonic Orchestra’. Urban Dictionary

Made up of string instruments…
The band sounds much better than the orchestra but the orchestra is much cooler. The orchestra obviously has the most amazing people because who would have the guts to play in an orchestra in the first place?? Full of amazing inside jokes and wonderful awkward and random moments, orchestra is the coolest, most carnactic music group of all!! Urban Dictionary

A musical ensemble originating from as far back as the early 1600s. Orchestras vary from the traditional String Quartet (consisting of a 1st and 2nd violin, viola, and cello), to a full, Symphonic Orchestra.
A Symphonic Orchestra normally consists of 4 families:
— The String family; violins, violas, cellos, and basses.
— The Brass family; trombones, trumpets, tubas, french horns, etc.
— The Woodwind family; single-reed instruments (saxophones, clarinets, the english horn, or «cor anglais»), and double-reed instruments (bassoon, and contrabassoon).
— The Percussion family; piano, tympani, snare drums, marimba, xylophone, vibraphone.
And of course, a Symphonic Orchestra always has a conductor, normally armed with the traditional «baton», a stick, normally white, used to conduct the beat of the song, and give cues.
A string quartet/quintet, also known as a Chamber Orchestra, has no conductor, and normally the 1st violinist cues the group. These small ensembles are responsible for a genre of music called «Chamber Music», music that is normally played within a home, or other small area, as opposed to an auditorium or major recital hall. Most high school orchestras are, in fact, Chamber Orchestras, normally quintets, consisting of several 1st violins, several 2nd violins, a much less number of violas, an almost equal number of cellos, and anywhere from 3 to 4 basses. Urban Dictionary

A natural habitat where Asians reside. Urban Dictionary

«A symphony orchestra consists of one hundred egomaniacs, each of whom believes they play better than everyone else. The only thing uniting them is their common hatred of the conductor.»—(My father was a professional symphonic musician; this was his definition.) Urban Dictionary

Three or more people involved in a “rusty trombone” circle. A group of people receiving and giving rim job while playing each others dongs. Urban Dictionary

Once a great orchestra, now members and subscribers leaving like rats running from a sinking ship. The orchestra has suffered for a few decades with «Wernick-ites» (translation: endless horrible orchestral commission to make anyone with taste just vomit), and any attempt to reclaim these subscribers will never happen. No recording contracts, no radio broadcasts, a tragic loser now in its final stage of existence. Urban Dictionary

Kaizers Orchestra is a Norwegian band that uses the most unusual and creative ways of creating amazingly original music. Their lyrics deal with different issues then love, like most artists. Instead, Kaizers sing about Heaven, Hell, Russian Roulette, and they tell strange stories of quirky characters and their adventures. They are a great band, one of the best ever, despite being different. Urban Dictionary

Sharing a music stand or some other sharing within an orchestra. Urban Dictionary

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