The word orbit in a sentence

Definition of Orbit

to move around something in a circular path

Examples of Orbit in a sentence

The earth continues to orbit around the sun in a circular pattern.


According to the space center, a new satellite was sent to orbit and collect information as it circles.


Jupiter has 69 moons that orbit around the planet on a sphere-shaped path.




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орбита, сфера, глазница, глазная впадина, выводить на орбиту


- орбита

the orbit of the Earth [of the Moon, of a planet] — орбита Земли [Луны, планеты]
to be in orbit — быть на орбите
to place /to put/ in(to) orbit — вывести на орбиту
to settle into orbit — выйти на орбиту
to go into orbit — выйти на орбиту
to woo smb. into one’s orbit — распространить (своё) влияние (на кого-л.); подчинить кого-л.

- жизненный путь
- сфера, размах деятельности

to be outside the orbit of modernity — быть в стороне от современных идей или взглядов
this is within the orbit of the Ministry — это входит в компетенцию данного министерства
their orbits do not touch — сферы их деятельности не пересекаются

- анат. глазная впадина; орбита, глазница
- глазная плева (у птиц и насекомых)
- элк. орбита движения электрона


- выводить на орбиту

to orbit a satellite — запустить искусственный спутник
we have orbited several spaceships — мы вывели на орбиту несколько космических кораблей

- выходить на орбиту
- вращаться или двигаться по орбите

to orbit (around) the Earth — вращаться вокруг Земли

Мои примеры


the orbit of the Moon around the Earth — орбита вращения Луны вокруг Земли  
a perturbation in the planet’s orbit — возмущение планетной орбиты  
a definitive orbit of the comet — определённая орбита кометы  
to orbit the Earth — выйти на орбиту  
inclined orbit — наклонённая орбита  
to inject into orbit — выводить на орбиту  
to put / place in orbit — вывести на орбиту  
to abort from the orbit — покидать орбиту  
to place a rocket in the orbit — выводить ракету на орбиту  
to launch / orbit a satellite — запустить искусственный спутник  
to place a satellite in orbit — запустить спутник на орбиту  
circular orbit — круговая орбита  

Примеры с переводом

The satellite orbited the Earth several times.

Спутник несколько раз обогнул Землю по орбите.

The Moon orbits the Earth.

Луна вращается по околоземной орбите.

The spaceship orbited successfully.

Корабль успешно вышел на орбиту.

The moon orbits around the Earth.

Луна вращается вокруг Земли.

The shuttle can remain in orbit around the earth for up to 9 days.

Космический корабль многоразового использования может находиться на орбите Земли до девяти дней.

We had been orbiting in our helicopter for about forty-five minutes.

Мы уже минут сорок пять кружились на своём вертолёте.

The Space Shuttle is now in orbit.

Космический шаттл сейчас находится на орбите.

The satellite orbits the Earth every 48 hours.

Спутник облетает вокруг Земли каждые 48 часов.

For years Mongolia remained within the orbit of the Soviet Union.

На протяжении многих лет Монголия находилась в сфере влияния Советского Союза.

The planets are orbiting the sun.

Планеты вращаются вокруг Солнца.

The Moon orbits around the Earth.

Луна вращается вокруг Земли.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The satellites orbit at different heights.

That planet has a more circular orbit than our planet does.

There have been slight deviations in the satellite’s orbit.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

orbital  — орбитальный, глазной, глазничный, орбиталь
orbiting  — орбитальный, движение по орбите, вывод на орбиту
orbiter  — орбитальный летательный аппарат, орбитальный аппарат, орбитальное средство
orbitary  — произвольный, случайный, капризный, непостоянный, деспотический

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: orbit
he/she/it: orbits
ing ф. (present participle): orbiting
2-я ф. (past tense): orbited
3-я ф. (past participle): orbited

ед. ч.(singular): orbit
мн. ч.(plural): orbits

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The study focused on one particular electron orbit: a zero-energy orbit that is unique to graphene.

Целью исследования была орбита одного конкретного электрона: орбита нулевой энергии, которая является уникальной для графена.

The current network includes six satellites in geostationary orbit and three in polar orbit.

В настоящее время в эту систему входят шесть спутников на геостационарной орбите и три спутника на полярной орбите.

In such an orbit, the observation satellite moves in particularly advantageous orbit to receive electromagnetic energy transmitted in the direction of the geostationary orbit.

В такой орбите спутник наблюдения движется в особенно предпочтительной орбите для приема электромагнитной энергии, передаваемой в направлении геостационарной орбиты.

The question of the geostationary orbit deserved special attention as it was the orbit most used for peaceful purposes.

Вопрос о геостационарной орбите заслуживает особого внимания, поскольку эта орбита используется в мирных целях наиболее часто.

Although the graveyard orbit itself seems to be relatively stable, one has to take into account not only orbit perturbations.

Хотя орбита захоронения сама по себе, видимо, является относительно устойчивой, следует учитывать не только возмущения орбиты.

The new definition required the planet to have a clear orbit and be the largest gravitational force in its orbit.

Определение требовало, чтобы планета «очищала» свою орбиту, была самой большой гравитационной силой на своей орбите.

Its orbit passes in threatening proximity from the orbit of our planet.

Его орбита проходит в угрожающей близости от орбиты нашей планеты.

A repeated orbital correction was performed during the seventeenth orbit in order to finalize the assembly orbit.

Повторная коррекции орбиты была проведена на семнадцатом витке, чтобы окончательно сформировать монтажную орбиту.

Remember that a circular orbit is simply a special case of an elliptical orbit.

Кроме того, следует иметь в виду, что круговая орбита представляет собой особый случай движения по эллиптическим орбитам.

The true orbit is the shape of the orbit viewed perpendicular to the plane of the orbital motion.

Истинной орбитой является форма орбиты, рассматриваемая перпендикулярно плоскости орбитального движения.

Geostationary orbit is a specialized case of geosynchronous orbit.

Геостационарная орбита — это лишь частный случай эллиптической орбиты.

The star orbit was reconstructed to a high accuracy and the gravitational potential variations along the orbit were found.

С высокой точностью была реконструирована орбита звезды и найдены вариации гравитационного потенциала при её движении по орбите.

Problems involving either comparatively small orbit corrections or transfers to a completely different orbit can be posed.

Могут ставиться задачи как о сравнительно небольшом исправлении (коррекции) орбит, так и о переходе на совершенно другую орбиту.

There is a very small window of opportunity where the moon’s orbit crosses the elliptical orbit of the spacecraft.

Существует очень маленький участок, где орбита Луны пересекает эллиптическую орбиту космического аппарата.

In some cases, an intermediate orbit known as the geostationary transfer orbit of a satellite placed in GSO is provided.

В некоторых случаях представляются данные промежуточной орбиты, известной как геостационарная переходная орбита спутника, размещаемого на ГСО.

This orbit is usually reached from a standard geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) provided by a large launch vehicle.

Вывод на такую орбиту обычно осуществляется со стандартной геостационарной переходной орбиты (ГПО) с помощью крупной ракеты-носителя.

The new orbit indicates that this object is in a long-period, near parabolic orbit about the sun.

Новая орбита показывает, что этот объект вращается по долгопериодической, почти параболической орбите вокруг Солнца.

This orbit cuts through the lunar orbit around four times a year.

Эта орбита пересекает орбиту Луны примерно раз в четыре года.

Its orbit is inclined 103.5º to the plane of the Earth’s orbit, or ecliptic.

Его орбита находится под наклоном 103.5º к плоскости земной орбиты или эклиптике.

Because 2015 BZ509 is in a stable orbit, the team was able to «rewind» its calculated orbit into the past.

Поскольку 2015 BZ509 находится на стабильной орбите, команда смогла «перемотать» свою рассчитанную орбиту в прошлое.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word orbit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use orbit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «orbit».

Orbit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word orbit in a sentence.

  1. Gordon remained in lunar orbit.

  2. It remains in solar orbit as of 2020.

  3. Such systems orbit their host galaxy.

  4. Roosa took pictures from lunar orbit.

  5. They orbit each other every 180 years.

  6. The orbit is highly eccentric, e = 0.9.

  7. The two orbit each other every 50 years.

  8. Peters computed an orbit for it in 1851.

  9. The two orbit each other every 1.4 hours.

  10. It decayed from orbit on 15 January 1968.

  11. As noted above, the Moon’s orbit is also elliptical.

  12. In lunar orbit, the crew faced a series of problems.

  13. Its orbit is far more inclined than Pluto’s, at 29°.

  14. No Space Shuttle was ever launched into a polar orbit.

  15. Its orbit lies partially outside Uranus’s magnetosphere.

  16. Between the bony nostril and the orbit (eye opening) was the antorbital fenestra.

  17. Instead, its orbit would decay and it would be dumped in the ocean after 30 days.

  18. Discovered by the Doppler method in 2010, it takes 176 days to complete an orbit.

  19. The third ringlet is found inward of the central gap, outside the orbit of Metis.

  20. This requires the dimensions and inclination of the orbit to be accurately known.

  21. The trapped body will librate slowly around the point of equilibrium in a tadpole or horseshoe orbit.

  22. In December 2023, Halley’s Comet is calculated to reach the farthest point in its orbit from the Sun.

  23. One of them, Tau Ceti e, appears to orbit about half as far from Tau Ceti as Earth does from the Sun.

  24. A faint companion is in orbit around the red giant star, although it is not visible to the naked eye.

  25. After the departure of Falcon, Worden in Endeavour executed a burn to take the CSM to a higher orbit.

  26. Later, after its eccentricity decreased, Neptune’s orbit expanded outward toward its current position.

  27. The binary’s orbit is extremely close, at 650 km, compared to 35,000 km for the primary’s Hill sphere.

  28. The system is composed of stars of spectral types F0 and G0, which orbit each other every 0.7473 days.

  29. The Moon’s orbit is subtly perturbed by the Sun and Earth in many small, complex and interacting ways.

  30. Halley is classified as a periodic or short-period comet; one with an orbit lasting 200 years or less.

  31. Most large objects in orbit around the Sun lie near the plane of Earth’s orbit, known as the ecliptic.

  32. This was a change from Apollo 11 and 12, on which the LM made the burn to bring it to the lower orbit.

  33. Throughout the flight, they were used for orbit changes, as well as the deorbit burn prior to reentry.

  34. Due to the precession of the orbit, the location of the CVZ moves slowly over a period of eight weeks.

  35. After LM separation, the third stage of the Saturn V, the S-IVB, was intended to fly into solar orbit.

  36. In October 1968, Apollo 7 evaluated the command module in Earth orbit, and in December Apollo 8 tested it in lunar orbit.

  37. The orbit was positioned lower than the upper margin of the nasoantorbital fenestra, and therefore very low on the skull.

  38. The object was initially in a highly inclined orbit (71°) and ended in an orbit with a slightly higher inclination (74°).

  39. Transits of Venus occur when the planet’s inferior conjunction coincides with its presence in the plane of Earth’s orbit.

  40. The outward flight to the Moon’s orbit saw only minor difficulties, and the mission entered lunar orbit without incident.

  41. In 1995, the Galileo spacecraft entered orbit around Jupiter and between 1996 and 2000 made six close flybys of Ganymede.

  42. Three planets orbit it with periods of 12, 59.5 and 459 days, successively larger as they are further away from the star.

  43. Klein endorsed a plan whereby the Space Shuttle lifted a NERVA engine into orbit, then returned for the fuel and payload.

  44. The Eagle then continued to its rendezvous in lunar orbit, where it docked with Columbia, the command and service module.

  45. Instead of repeating the flight of Apollo 7, it could be sent to the Moon, entering lunar orbit before returning to Earth.

  46. It is actually a complex system composed of two stars around as massive as the Sun that orbit each other every 1.14 days, orbited by a third Sun-like star every 726 years.

  47. Apollo 10 completed one midcourse correction, and Young performed the retrograde maneuver to bring the spacecraft into orbit 110 kilometers (68 mi) above the lunar surface.

  48. The jugal bone had two upwards pointing processes, the first of which formed part of the lower margin of the antorbital fenestra, and part of the lower margin of the orbit.

  49. This seemed acceptable because the systems of Apollo 11’s LM, once jettisoned in lunar orbit, had continued to operate for seven to eight hours even with the water cut off.

  50. The normal procedure, in lunar orbit, was to release the LM and then use the service module’s RCS to pull the CSM away, but by this point, the SM had already been released.

Synonyms for orbit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word orbit has the following synonyms: celestial orbit, electron orbit, eye socket, cranial orbit, orbital cavity, scope, range, reach, compass, ambi, sphere, domain, area, field, aren, orb and revolve.

General information about «orbit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word orbit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «orbit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «orbit».

orbit — перевод на русский


Maybe we should put in two flies and see if they’ll propagate in orbit.

А можно засунуть две мухи, и проверить, смогут ли они размножатся на орбите.

And it takes a lot of power to send this projection. I’m in orbit around a supernova.

Для этой проекции требуется очень много энергии, поэтому я на орбите сверхновой.

I’m now in orbit for…

Для чего я на орбите…

I’m told they have only three days of orbit left before they start spiraling in.

Насколько я слышал, они продержатся на орбите три дня, прежде чем они перейду в спиральное падение.

We are orbiting an uninhabited planet in the Omicron Delta region, a planet remarkably like Earth, or how we remember Earth to be:

Мы на орбите необитаемой планеты в регионе Омикрон Дельта. Планеты, удивительно похожей на Землю, какой мы ее помним:

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Ribos orbits its sun elliptically, so its climate is one of extremes.

Рибос вращается вокруг солнца эллиптически, таким образом, его климат — это одна из крайностей.

There’s a large potato orbiting the planet Mars.

Эта огромная картошка вращается вокруг планеты Марс.

For example, we know that there once existed here a book by the astronomer Aristarchus of Samos who apparently argued that the Earth was one of the planets that, like the other planets, it orbits the sun and that the stars are enormously far away.

Например, известно, что здесь были труды астронома Аристарха Самосского, который утверждал, что Земля – одна из планет, которая, как другие планеты, вращается вокруг солнца. И что звезды невообразимо далеко.

But from a planet orbiting a star in a distant globular cluster a still more glorious dawn awaits.

Но с планеты, которая вращается вокруг звезды в шаровом скоплении, открывается еще более великолепный рассвет.

P3W-451 was orbiting its companion star.

P3W-451 вращается вокруг звезды-близнеца.

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They did scan us when we assumed orbit. Obviously, they know we’re here.

Нас сканировали, когда мы вышли на орбиту и они знают, что мы здесь.

Orbit’s established, and according to Slave’s detectors, your customer should be with you any time now.

Мы вышли на орбиту и, согласно детекторам Раба, наш клиент должен появиться с минуты на минуту.

We’ve settled into orbit, sir.

Мы вышли на орбиту, сэр.

We’ve achieved orbit, but we can’t make it back.

Мы вышли на орбиту, но вернуться не можем.

We’ve entered orbit around Ilari and sent a message to the Autarch inviting him to visit the ship.

Мы вышли на орбиту Илари и отправили сообщение автарху, с приглашением посетить наш корабль.

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Satellites in orbit allow us to reflect light from anywhere on the planet.

Спутники позволяют улавливать свет из любой точки планеты.

As soon as we input the instructions into our console, they are relayed back to this device by a number of satellites in orbit over your planet.

Как только мы вводим инструкции на нашей консоли, они передают их на это устройство через спутники над вашей планетов.

And when the engineers designed the system… they knew the satellites would be orbiting… at nearly 7,000 miles an hour.

Когда проектировали систему, инженеры знали что спутники будут иметь скорость почти 11 000 км/час

There must be satellites orbiting every one of these stars.

Должно быть, это спутники, обращающиеся вокруг звезд.

Our primary data comes from seven orbiting satellites, but at any given time, as many as four… are surveilling one area.

Первичная информация идет с семи орбитальных спутников, но в любое время одна зона отслеживается четырьмя.

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Among the most explosive collisions modelled by astrophysicists is the clash of two orbiting neutron stars.

Одно из самых сильных столкновений, которое моделировали астрофизики, это столкновение двух вращающихся нейтронных звезд.

Ghez noticed that there was a large cluster of stars Orbiting around an invisible object at the center of our galaxy

Чез заметила, что есть большое скопление звезд, вращающихся вокруг невидимого объекта в центре нашей галактики.

When two black holes come close to one another, these two orbiting wells stir up space-time and send out ripples that can travel clear across the universe.

Когда сближаются две черные дыры, то эти два вращающихся колодца возмущают пространство-время, рождая волны, которые могут пересекать всю вселенную.

Our solar system is made up of eight planets orbiting around the sun.

Наша солнечная система состоит из 9 планет, вращающихся вокруг Солнца

Looks like he’s trying to land on one of the moons orbiting that gas giant.

Пытается приземлиться на одной из лун, вращающихся вокруг того газового гиганта. Лечу за ним.

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Orbit shot in 10 minutes.

Орбитальный выстрел через 10 минут.

Orbit shot?

Орбитальный выстрел?

-What’s that supposed to mean? -I’m going to drop our next orbit shot into the neck of that overgrown jellyfish.

— Я собираюсь направить наш следующий орбитальный выстрел в шею этой медузы-переростка.

Sheldon, like it or not, until you manage to upload your intelligence into a self-sustaining orbiting satellite, equipped with high-speed Internet and a cloaking device, you will be dependent on other members of the human race.

Шелдон, нравится тебе или нет, но пока ты не сумел загрузить свой интеллект в автономный орбитальный спутник, снабженный скоростным интернет-каналом и устройством невидимости, ты будешь зависеть от других членов человеческой расы. Хватит.

The orbiting devices would be controlled from that point then?

Значит, орбитальные устройства управляются из этой точки.

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When you think about it, you both circle the Earth in similar orbits.

Когда я думаю о вас обоих, мне кажется, что вы прилетели на Землю с одной планеты.

Netu is a moon that orbits Sokar’s home planet.

«Нету» — это луна родной планеты Сокара.

Prepare to break orbit and lay in a course. I’m reading an ion storm on that trajectory, sir.

Я понимаю, есть населенные планеты несколько световых лет отсюда.

Confirmed the rings’ existence. And observations made in 2005 From the Hubble Space Telescope Found a second set of rings Orbiting almost twice

Наблюдения, проведенные с помощью телескопа Хаббл, показали еще одну систему колец, расположенную в два раза дальше от планеты, чем прежде известная.

You would have to conclude that there is a central object with one solar mass, around which the planets orbit.

Вы тем не менее сделаете вывод о том, что все равно имеется центральный объект с массой равной солнечной, вокруг которого планеты совершают обращение.

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They are constructed in Earth orbit and from there they venture on their great interstellar journeys.

Они должны собираться на околоземной орбите и уже оттуда отправляться в долгие межзвездные путешествия.

There would now be great fleets of interstellar transports being constructed in Earth orbit small, unmanned survey ships liners for immigrants, perhaps great trading ships to ply the spaces between the stars.

На околоземной орбите строились бы огромные эскадры межзвездных кораблей: небольшие беспилотные разведчики, возможно, лайнеры для переселенцев, громадные торговые суда, курсирующие по межзвездному пространству.

The telescope then passes the information via communications satellite in Earth orbit to Southern California.

Затем телескоп передаёт информацию через спутник связи на околоземной орбите в Южную Калифорнию.

Telescopes in orbit around the Earth can detect light from the furthest parts of space, like X-rays and gamma rays.

Телескопы на околоземной орбите способны обнаружить свет из самых дальних уголков космического пространства, такой как рентгеновское излучение и гамма-излучение.

I’m in orbit around Earth.

Я на околоземной орбите.

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— We’re entering standard orbit, nurse.

— Заходим на стандартную орбиту.

Entering standard orbit around Pollux IV, sir.

Заходим на стандартную орбиту Поллукса-4, сэр.

Plot a standard orbit, Mr. Chekov, and take us in.

Курс на стандартную орбиту, мистер Чехов.

Prepare to enter standard orbit.

Готовлюсь выйти на стандартную орбиту.

Now in standard orbit, sir.

Сейчас мы на стандартной орбите.

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Completed The Liberator is in stationary orbit, one thousand spacials above the planet’s surface.

Выполнено. Освободитель на стационарной орбите, тысяча спашлов над поверхностью планеты.

We’re in synchronous orbit above the Hutet labour camp.

Мы на стационарной орбите над трудовым лагерем Хутет.

Successful landing will score 30% more than stable orbit.

Благополучная посадка принесет на 30% больше баллов, чем стационарная орбита.

Take us into orbit above their location.

Стационарная орбита над их положением на поверхности.

The Enterprise has moved into a synchronous orbit near the southern polar region.

«Энтерпрайз» вышел на стационарную орбиту над регионом южного полюса.

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Synonym: circle, circuit, path, revolution, route. Similar words: forbid, bit by bit, absorb, disturbing, bitch, rabbit, a bit of, a bit of a. Meaning: [‘ɔrbɪt /’ɔːb-]  n. 1. the (usually elliptical) path described by one celestial body in its revolution about another 2. a particular environment or walk of life 3. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: «the range of a supersonic jet» 4. the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom 5. the bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball. v. move in an orbit. 

Random good picture Not show

1 Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway.

2 Mercury’s orbit is fairly eccentric.

3 The satellite is now in a stable orbit.

4 The space rocket was launched and went into orbit.

5 ime orbit we just one solitude of the subway.

6 They put a weather satellite into orbit round the earth.

7 The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth.

8 John was afraid his father would go into orbit when he found out about the car accident.

9 Prices have gone into orbit this year.

10 The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

11 They successfully lofted a spaceship into orbit.

12 The orientation of the planet’s orbit is changing continuously.

13 Our team has gone into orbit.

14 The spaceship made an orbit of the moon.

15 The satellite will remain in orbit for several years.

16 How many planets orbit the sun?

17 The Space Shuttle is now in orbit.

18 The two spacecraft will link up in orbit.

19 Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune in 1846.

20 Marketing does not come within the orbit of his department.

21 The Russians plan to put a satellite into orbit round Mars.

22 How many satellites have been put into orbit round the earth?

23 On this mission the Shuttle will orbit at a height of several hundred miles.

24 A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.

25 The telecommunications satellite went into orbit at the end of last year.

26 Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit.

27 Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.

28 Ground controllers will then fire the booster,[] sending the satellite into its proper orbit.

29 In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth.

30 The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit.

More similar words: forbid, bit by bit, absorb, disturbing, bitch, rabbit, a bit of, a bit of a, exhibit, habitat, prohibit, every bit, ambitious, exhibition. 

«You know that asteroid at Cynd that fell out of its orbit

While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline ‘Killer Asteroid on the Way?’ and found that «One of Cynd’s larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

«Herndon; I’ve had a geosynchronous out there since 2267, its still operational,» Ava in heaven said, «I have all the probes that can pick up its signature in close orbit, no point on the surface will be out of sight for much more than an hour at a time

Glenelle wondered at the folly of a nation consisting of one pill-shaped space colony three miles in diameter and forty miles long that passes in close orbit less than five hundred miles above, declaring war on a glowing industrial belt holding half a billion mortals that was longer than the distance to that orbit

It was built in low orbit and could be seen from the ground for it was nearly the size of a hundred story office building

She could see how the ship was eroded from the sand that happened by in this orbit as she went into the airlock

«It’s been under observation two thirds of a decade already,» Ava said, «since it was knocked out of its original orbit

He could have come thru the probes anywhere this orbit crossed the far side

«It sounds like you are now much more concerned about that fact that my sister has come to her senses about you than you are about the fact that the shuttlecraft is in orbit

What orbit is it in?»

Sure enough, when the shuttlecraft’s orbit re-aligned with its original parking site, they both watched it as it prepared to re-enter

On their first orbit within landing distance of their old site, they did not descend

«The shuttlecraft is in orbit again

By this time she had figured the shuttlecraft would have to intercept that wagon on its next orbit or do some serious maneuvering, or wait another native week

But as the shuttlecraft made that one more orbit, Narrulla swung too far east to observe the Gengee chaparral, and its scope could no longer see what was happening out in the wilds of that basin

She saw the shuttlecraft re-enter, it did come in on this orbit, it was already committed when it came over the horizon, heat-shields glowing in the northwestern sky

As they watched these events unfolding on the planet’s terminator, a remote probe in low orbit got thru on a laser-beam and brought them closer, close enough that its scope could detect the dots that were people on the ground, even without enhancements

The asteroid is a giant snowball that had been growing in space for billions of years in orbit around the brown dwarf

Herndon could still remember the construction of the Presidente Lula in low orbit above the Sao Luis Megalopolis, then a sprawling collection of seventeen million in balconied skyscrapers overlooking yacht basins all around the bay, the whole peninsula nothing but skyscrapers along the reconstituted beaches, or industrial plant in the interior

The governor failed to see the significance of that data, even when native astronomers noticed a large member of Cynd’s asteroid belt had been knocked from its orbit on a course to plunge deep into the gravity well of the brown dwarf

Native astronomers assumed it had collided with a smaller asteroid in a solar orbit and that had changed its orbit

Ernesto had claimed Isabel’s affection before they even entered orbit of the planet, she was pregnant before the shuttlecraft first landed

Alfred had no choice but to give up this attempt with the shuttlecraft and sent it back to low orbit

He can also see that the shuttle is now in low orbit

and the endless orbit of the draining board,

By then the string of asteroids with the plasma plume had swung close by Narrulla, then become much more spread out and had moved off almost to the orbit of Onchegeela

In this one Narrulla and the asteroid remaining at the null point had swung around in it’s orbit so it was opposite the string of asteroids that were moving away in the direction of Kunae

«Morg was asked to calculate what it would take to put us in a parking orbit in the Kuiper belt instead of the asteroid belt

He knew how little a ship like this could change course, a parking orbit in the Kuiper Belt was at least three billion miles from Sol and that was a significant change of course when they were only forty three billion miles away

They were coming straight up the Orion Arm on the way home, everything, snowflakes and stars included, was orbiting the galaxy in this direction, Sol was eleven light years ahead of 61 Cygni in the galactic orbit

Wasn’t Gordon’s Lamp the same? Did they have anything to come back to? Sometimes he wished Ava had never discovered Alan’s hack and they had stayed in orbit studying the planet at 61 Cygni

This room had been in zero gee during the years they were being duped at the study planet, it was now at one percent gravity with Sol directly below them as they decelerated into its orbit

If it does no more than it is doing now, it is preventing us from achieving a parking orbit in the Kuiper Belt

Gymnastics was both a required activity and also the center of an orbit of students who were highly proficient in the more strenuous disciplines of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics

She feared she might go into orbit, before pulling her down to rest against his chest

At least the remote was parked in a geosynchronous orbit over the planet, much farther out than this moon, so he could remain in their sight

But then there was quite an involved proof that not even one body could have come to rest in that point without colliding with another in a nearby orbit

A probe in a polar orbit at that longitude soon found it

I followed that from orbit until he got to the city of the pyramid

However, what they couldn’t fathom was the presence of six small evenly spaced ‘moons’ joining Elenessa’s two larger moons in orbit around her

Isin announced, “Coming out of wrinkle just within the orbit of Corona Zed gamma

as he brings his Crystal City into an orbit

city into orbit between your moon and the

“When will the city orbit our Earth

completion as it was told; it would orbit

Earths orbit and the cold plasma

Flights into orbit continue and we still service Mars colony and the Galilean mining operations, but now only probes ever go further, manned exploration or colonisation missions are deemed too expensive and a waste of resources

We’ll be in an orbit near this station for the next ten days and then I’ll be off back to Earth

You will receive new orders as soon as Vanguard has achieved Earth orbit

You will still be permitted to trade with operations on Mars, and to communicate with them, but Jupiter vessels travelling within Martian orbit will be deemed hostile and be treated accordingly

Yet the slow-down penumbra had expanded to encompass as far as the orbit of Mars

When we measure distances to nearby celestial objects in the universe, we make use of the distance of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun to give us the base of a triangle, which is then used to calculate the difference in angle when the object is viewed, six months apart

The ship left orbit, approaching within a safe communications range with Central Council

right into orbit about enemy planets without much risk of detection

“You were actually in orbit about Chastity?” the second officer, Erin Chen, was asking as

the Confederation rained its terror as it swept into orbit, grazing through the upper layers of the

Besides, they were in orbit about a planet

The number of deaths that his moral high road represented was still staggering, but whenever he spoke of it, I felt myself sliding into his way of thinking, like a rock caught in the orbit of the sun

He managed to get the ship slowly moving out of orbit

The actual machine was temporarily placed in orbit around Saturn

He examined their positions, determined their speed of orbit and rotation, magnetic field, proximity of dust clouds, and looked for nearby cometary bodies

Basically just curious, he was looking for two planets sharing an orbit without actually rotating about one another

Brendan would bet a hundred bucks there was an ambush just waiting in low orbit

Sucking the tanks out, scraping the space encrustations from the hulls, sometimes going out with his employer into orbit to recover a derelict, old Vink patiently letting him fly the tug once in a while when he’d had a couple of pipes

Sometimes when they were nosing up to a big freighter and nudging them into a secure orbit, it felt pretty good

I tried to explain how a simple bomb-blast behind the comet, up nice and close, in the cone of shadow where the sun’s light pressure was shielded by the body of the comet itself, would inevitably guarantee that the comet would pass behind and outside the orbit of the Earth harmlessly, but I don’t think he was actually capable of understanding that part

Look there, the Wayfarer has gone into orbit around it, as if it’s found a new parent to snuggle up against for comfort and protection… As if it knows

He has looked up into the heavens and learned to calculate the track and/or orbit of many celestial bodies

They say it was blasted off Mars’s surface by another meteorite and went into orbit around the sun for millions of years before crashing onto the ice about thirteen thousand years ago

A sense of fulfilled mission and the allure of new challenge perturbed his orbit and caused his escape, but not before his reputation was firmly in place

Indeed, we would be in orbit in about an hour

Pilot, I want you to set the Dark Talon to return to orbit under full stealth once we are off

This would be hard since I still was unsure how they had found us under complete stealth in orbit

That was probably the same thing the Magi had brought against us in orbit

Yesterday it was still in orbit around the planet, so we sent it away from the area to a safer location

Some of that footage was very troubling, especially your dogfight with nothing in orbit

theory, the body is considered to be an electrical orbit and this so-

playtime and hadn’t noticed a lone boy sitting there willing a small rock the size of a bus out of its orbit within the Asteroid Belt

but it must have been on a wider orbit which was a blessing

The ship passes tons of space debris as it passes through lower orbit and higher orbit

There are pieces of satellites, non-functioning satellites, engines and metal floating in orbit around Earth

The ship changes direction to leave Jupiter’s orbit

3 And there my eyes saw the secrets of the lightning and of the thunder, and the secrets of the winds, how they are divided to blow over the Earth, and the secrets of the clouds and dew, and there I saw from where they proceed in that place and from where they saturate the dusty Earth; And there I saw closed chambers out of which the winds are divided, the chamber of the hail and winds, the chamber of the mist, and of the clouds, and the cloud of it hovers over the Earth from the beginning of the world; And I saw the pathways of the sun and moon, where they proceed and where they come again, and their glorious return, and how one is superior to the other, and their stately orbit, and how they do not leave their orbit, and they add nothing to their orbit and they take nothing from it, and they keep faith with each other, in accordance with the oath by which they 6 are bound together; And first the sun goes out and traverses his path according to the commandment of the Lord of Spirits, and mighty is His name forever and ever; And after that I saw the hidden and the visible path of the moon, and she accomplishes the course of her path in that place by day and by night-the one holding a position opposite to the other before the Lord of Spirits; And they give thanks and praise and rest not; For to them is their thanksgiving rest; For the sun changes often for a blessing or a curse; And the course of the path of the moon is light to the righteous; And darkness to the sinners in the name of the Lord, who made a separation between the light and the darkness; And divided the spirits of men, and strengthened the spirits of the righteous, in the name of His righteousness; for no angel hinders and no power is able to hinder; for He appoints a judge for them all, and He judges them all before Himself

The mother ship in orbit powers the nanomoles in the brain for a complete mind take over

On that day the day is equalized with the night, and becomes of equal length, and the night amounts to nine parts and the day to nine parts; And the sun rises from that portal and sets in the west, and returns to the east and rises thirty mornings in the third portal and sets in the west in the third portal; And on that day the night becomes longer than the day, and night becomes longer than night, and day shorter than day till the thirtieth morning, and the night amounts exactly to ten parts and the day to eight parts; And the sun rises from that third portal and sets in the third portal in the west and returns to the east, and for thirty mornings rises in the second portal in the east, and in like manner sets in the second portal in the west of the heavens; And on that day the night amounts to eleven parts and the day to seven parts; And the sun rises on that day from that second portal and sets in the west in the second portal, and returns to the east into the first portal for one-and-thirty mornings, and sets in the first portal in the west of the heavens; And on that day the night becomes longer and amounts to the double of the day, and the night amounts exactly to twelve parts and the day to six; And the sun has therewith traversed the divisions of his orbit and turns again on those divisions of his orbit, and enters that portal thirty mornings and sets also in the west opposite to it; And on that night has the night decreased in length by a ninth part, and the night has become eleven parts and the day seven parts; And the sun has returned and entered into the second portal in the east, and returns on those his divisions of his orbit for thirty mornings, rising and setting; And on that day the night decreases in length, and the night amounts to ten parts and the day to eight; And on that day the sun rises from that portal, and sets in the west, and returns to the east, and rises in the third portal for one-and-thirty mornings, and sets in the west of the heavens

They continue past the first planets orbit at 186,019 mps

We will be in the planet’s orbit in less than a minute,’ AI says

moving in a stable 3-dimensional orbit around the nucleus of the atom at near the speed of light

Unfortunately in Roger’s view, most people are convinced that the United States did, in fact, force Castro in the Soviet Union’s orbit

axis for several seconds and was pushed out of its normal orbit

was getting colder because it had been knocked out of orbit by the

caught within the orbit of Jupiter, both

into their own orbit heading towards the Sun

3 And there my eyes saw the secrets of the lightning and of the thunder and the secrets of the winds how they are divided to blow over the Earth and the secrets of the clouds and dew and there I saw from where they proceed in that place and from where they saturate the dusty Earth; And there I saw closed chambers out of which the winds are divided the chamber of the hail and winds the chamber of the mist and of the clouds and the cloud of it hovers over the Earth from the beginning of the world; And I saw the pathways of the sun and moon where they proceed and where they come again and their glorious return and how one is superior to the other and their stately orbit and how they do not leave their orbit and they add nothing to their orbit and they take nothing from it and they keep faith with each other in accordance with the oath by which they 6 are bound together; And first the sun goes out and traverses his path according to the commandment of the Lord of Spirits and mighty is His name forever and ever; And after that I saw the hidden and the visible path of the moon and she accomplishes the course of her path in that place by day and by night-the one holding a position opposite to the other before the Lord of Spirits; And they give thanks and praise and rest not; For to them is their thanksgiving rest; For the sun changes often for a blessing or a curse; And the course of the path of the moon is light to the righteous; And darkness to the sinners in the name of the Lord who made a separation between the light and the darkness; And divided the spirits of men and strengthened the spirits of the righteous in the name of His righteousness; for no angel hinders and no power is able to hinder; for He appoints a judge for them all and He judges them all before Himself

On that day the day is equalized with the night and becomes of equal length and the night amounts to nine parts and the day to nine parts; And the sun rises from that portal and sets in the west and returns to the east and rises thirty mornings in the third portal and sets in the west in the third portal; And on that day the night becomes longer than the day and night becomes longer than night and day shorter than day till the thirtieth morning and the night amounts exactly to ten parts and the day to eight parts; And the sun rises from that third portal and sets in the third portal in the west and returns to the east and for thirty mornings rises in the second portal in the east and in like manner sets in the second portal in the west of the heavens; And on that day the night amounts to eleven parts and the day to seven parts; And the sun rises on that day from that second portal and sets in the west in the second portal and returns to the east into the first portal for one-and-thirty mornings and sets in the first portal in the west of the heavens; And on that day the night becomes longer and amounts to the double of the day and the night amounts exactly to twelve parts and the day to six; And the sun has therewith traversed the divisions of his orbit and turns again on those divisions of his orbit and enters that portal thirty mornings and sets also in the west opposite to it; And on that night has the night decreased in length by a ninth part and the night has become eleven parts and the day seven parts; And the sun has returned and entered into the second portal in the east and returns on those his divisions of his orbit for thirty mornings rising and setting; And on that day the night decreases in length and the night amounts to ten parts and the day to eight; And on that day the sun rises from that portal and sets in the west and returns to the east and rises in the third portal for one-and-thirty mornings and sets in the west of the heavens

Up in the heavens, in the skies above the village, several ships of Love made sure that the village was not attacked, while at the same time ensuring that the monsters were not spying on what went on there, including creating an energy field that formed an effective barrier against their spy satellites, which always polluted the Earth’s orbit, attempting to violate the privacy of the Love Spirits

It left its orbit around a giant outer world, and took up an orbit much closer to its star

«Tallyho, Zero Three,» Darlington transmitted and began a left orbit over the FAC

Travers smiled to himself as he set up his orbit

Court had his two planes in orbit at 13,000 feet, Ramrod 44 in trail

From what he read, it seemed that it had orbited the planet twice and then disappeared

They had increasingly become the followers of men, not the Word as the Apostle Paul had warned against many times, and their strivings divided the very strength of the movement into warring factions that weakened the core around which they orbited

So looking up I could see the blue-green ball that was the planet we orbited

orbited close to Mars and the single hard object was heading on its way on a direct collision course with Earth

The orbital forces of it were obviously carefully planned, since it was done in a manner that caused almost no disturbance in the other worlds and moons that orbited that star

They orbited lower than normal, at 5,000 feet, to see the final flicker of flames and the eerie tongues of fire from the flame gun as Rover consolidated their position for the night

A radio was tuned to the Spooky gunship channel as he orbited War Zone C shooting as required for Troop A while listening for a possible call from the missing China Boy

He orbited the plane at 1000 feet to better see from where the VC were mounting their attack

The planet Saturn once orbited Danas, the sister to your own Sol, which captured it in the distant past

astronauts having ‘hallucinations’ as they orbited the earth at that altitude

A black silhouette of once human origin orbited the Earth

The pirates orbited the planet several times

Grailem had situated himself on the bridge of the flagship of the fleet; a starship twice the size of the other Starship‘s that orbited the planet and the most fortified

The Buidshee had evolved on the inner planet in this system; the planet that was orbited by the three moons and had been Grailem’s main destination

undefended, it orbited the planet waiting to send reinforcements wherever they might be needed

He had orbited other planets and had taken a peek from his spaceship, but this was the first time Orakne had experienced his hidden ability of dreaming the past

He then maneuvered the ship and orbited the planet once

As we orbited in space above Earth, I looked down upon the dome as often as I could from a large clear screen that was the floor of my chambers

The ships that had been patrolling linked together to the big ship as it orbited in space

The second part orbited the moon and was where the freighters too big to land on the moon could be serviced and their loads transferred

They orbited the planet for two days until, as dawn broke over one of the airports, they saw letters that had been painted on one of the runways

And strangely, almost as if having orbited full circle around the invisible, magical world of the child, we return to the two fundamental questions, the ones we asked in the first seconds of our life

that’s orbited by electrons

Hydrogen, the lightest element, usually consists of one proton orbited by one electron

surface, at least for a moon, and orbited the planet in a bit over seven and a half hours, a very fast orbit indeed

The asteroid belt, which is not common to most solar systems, orbited between the fourth and fifth planet and contained hundreds of millions of asteroids

It had one small, irregularly-shaped moon named Dysnomia, which measured from 100 to 250 kilometers and orbited around Eris in 15

Dows’ first objective was successfully fulfilled on October 30th of last year, when the satellite EXPLORER 1 was orbited using a modified medium range ballistic missile

It was like standing in a cavern, looking up at a ship tethered by girders to keep it in place as the asteroid orbited the center of mass of the nebula

orbited the ship at high velocity

These objects orbited outside the range of the shields, making their orbits more elliptical than they would be had they just been going around the Path Finder

Or, was he still, and the images orbited him? He could easily bring her back with her hair down and wearing a cosmic cheerleader outfit if he so

The rest followed suit and dozens of crows orbited around over me, and all of them shrieked at me

The Vallians claimed the last of the six smaller planets and the two moons that orbited it

when I suddenly felt that I had tapped into an „outside’ intelligence that orbited his own

Three Zeros orbited it, spewing streams of bullets and cannon shells

Then in 1961 the Russians got the first man into space, a fighter pilot called Yuri Gagarin who orbited the earth and reported back that God couldn’t exist or he’d have bumped into him

He knew what Cynd was and knew it had thousands of asteroids orbiting it

«Darryl is plotting the motions of every snowball we pass, they are all in two families, those orbiting in the galactic plane and those of the halo

We aren’t encountering any that appear to be orbiting Sol

They were coming straight up the Orion Arm on the way home, everything, snowflakes and stars included, was orbiting the galaxy in this direction, Sol was eleven light years ahead of 61 Cygni in the galactic orbit

The large space laboratory orbiting Aura, (in a cloaked state), was in a constant state of activity

The communications center, Com Central, orbiting above Aura received a cryptic message from deep space and word was immediately sent word to the Queen’s Hold

But the worst thing of all was the black satellite orbiting the Earth

Filling her attentions however was what lay beyond the orbiting stations

capable of building orbiting space stations, defining the

Although there are numerous theories, none of them properly fits or explains the fact that we have a rather large celestial body orbiting us and are unable to explain through scientific observations how it came to be there and has remained there over millennia

Until Earth had been purified from its radiation and chemical pollution all but the highest echelons of the committee would remain in stasis, orbiting invisibly in their fleet of ark-ships

From an orbiting starship, Monique and the elders of Central Council watched the holo-projection display the hyper-thermo missile as it approached its target

They were still flying level, but orbiting at about two hundred kilometres up

we are orbiting the binary star widely known as Behenii-1 in most tourist star maps, also known to some of you colloquially as Persebs or Binary 888

From these they could detect small perturbations in the orbiting stars, suggesting the presence of planets

“Thomas had been around since high school, orbiting me

«If you see the horseshoe bend in the river with the rice paddies to the north, I’m orbiting south at fifteen hundred

Myers was on the radio in the Huey orbiting at 2000 feet over the jungle of War Zone C, with China Boy 3, SFC George Spears

Monaghan overheard Slingshot Chief himself orbiting the site, wisely letting the ground commanders make the battle decisions, and reporting the good news to Slingshot Base

An orbiting axis of life cycles

Thirty minutes later they were orbiting over triple canopy jungle

commercial satellites that were left orbiting the earth

One is orbiting the dwarf planet and three others are holding position one point five million mc’s out

lites orbiting the Earth and more detailed calculations

The Sun is orbiting the galaxy at about 220 kilometers per second when it should

accelerations, observed during fly-bys of spacecraft orbiting the Earth, suggest that the

2003 alone, astronomers discovered 23 new moons orbiting the giant

orbiting the Sun near the edge of the Sun’s gravitational influence

Besides orbiting the Sun in less than 20 years (as opposed to 200

orbiting them or selecting other objects (such as moons and asteroids)

They have a special purpose keeping the orbiting nightlights from arcing off at will

The object orbiting our Moon has just disappeared

This world should be as airless as the other two satellites orbiting the gas giant

This is the same craft that was orbiting the Moon last year, wasn’t it? No, you don’t have to answer

“I’ve been orbiting the Moon for hours

(She was the same little girl that had seen the ‘sparkly thing’ about a year ago orbiting the Moon

Every time he came to a Federation base, he communicated his suggested changes and software ideas with the project members, most of whom had since moved on to the construction of Saturn’s huge new orbiting shipyard project

Orbiting closer to the sun the display shows a planet with a large moon that has an atmosphere of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide

I would later come to see these conditions as satellites orbiting the huge central black hole of Depression, but not yet

The idea that someone would seriously consider commandeering and moving an entire orbiting shipyard was so outrageous and so preposterous that the news raced through the community

One by one, the crew members made their way from the ships that had been their homes for the last several weeks to the orbiting fortress that was Nuclear Power School

They moved their orbiting manufacturing plant from its previous location and linked it to what had once been Saturn’s office complex, commercial center and living quarters

They and their ships were “recruited” and taken to Commodore Townsend’s orbiting base of operations

Since the ship was still orbiting at the shipyard, it was weightless

They thought I was a lost slave, having disembarked from the arrival ship, still orbiting Earth

They have a system defensive network that uses orbiting observation platforms

The plan for the battle in space was for the destroyers to attack the heavily defended orbiting observation platforms

Stellar Interstellar Corporation’s headquarters and shipyard was built on a moon orbiting a planet the size of Earth

Larger ships like the biggest freighters were built in sections on the surface of the moon, and those sections were assembled at the orbiting station

The problem they discovered was that while that solved the operating room problem, the rest of the ship was designed with “down” being toward the stern when the ship was not orbiting in weightlessness

He was built in an orbiting ship yard

When the mountain exhibited no more activity by nightfall, Wren and Kim returned to their orbiting patrol stations

this push, their orbiting speeds stabilise the

Like the earth orbiting the sun, there would be a

Those fighters then started orbiting the invasion fleet to provide it with a potent air cover

Most of the talking was in fact done by the female air controller aboard the EC-140E orbiting about thirty kilometers away and directing the various elements of the armada from Guadalcanal

����������� �Tell First RCAF, 303 and 504 squadrons to leave their orbiting stations and dive on the Bf 110 force following the railway track near Guildford

With the supporting American E-3B AWACS surveillance aircraft now orbiting safely from the proximity of Taiwanese airspace, the Japanese fighters had been ready for the Chinese onslaught and had shot down dozens of Chinese warplanes before they could even get within visual distance from the Senkakus

Four minutes after the arranged rendezvous time with the escorting Spitfires the Swordfish were still orbiting over the coast of Kent

In the meantime, keep eight of your YF-10s in interceptor configuration, to defend Da Nang and our EC-200R orbiting over Vietnam against more Soviet air attacks

Aristarchus of Samos (310 – 230 BC) placed the planets in order orbiting the central sun and calculated the ratio of earth’s circumference and the distance to the moon, almost two thousand years before the rest of the world would share his opinion

Once activated they will hopelessly jam out to a radius of a couple of kilometers the signals emitted by orbiting GPS satellites, signals that are used by the American JDAM smart bombs to guide themselves to fixed targets

‘’Alright! Start moving the ship by gravity sail to close to the orbital cargo terminal, but make sure we keep at the same time a clear line of sight to where any ship orbiting above Callisto Prime would have to be

now a mess of boulders orbiting the sun

The remaining 3,640 Morg ships needed only one hour afterwards to silence the few defensive batteries located on the surface of the fourth planet or on space stations orbiting around it

Our orbiting gunship will help your job by retransmitting any call from you or from the local Australian commander to Port Moresby

Kinsler watched for a moment the fire lance of 40mm tracer shells coming down from an orbiting AC-142G that was otherwise invisible in the dark sky, creating a carpet of small explosions among a group of barrack buildings 400 meters away, then looked at Elizabeth

In these conditions, calling for fire support from the two heavy gunships orbiting over Lae would most probably result in American soldiers getting hit as well as the Japanese

«Sir,» said Xilil, «the flag ship is orbiting Galactus VII, but it will not respond to the given code

This was well within the technological means of the Iotians at the time the Enterprise was orbiting their planet

The wave impacted first the big moon orbiting Shouria, then swept over the surface of the third planet, blowing away its atmosphere and oceans

orbiting air starts to dry their drenched clothes

their place when they arrived in the shadow of moon orbiting planet Bliss

She immediately made her planes split by pairs and started orbiting her target zone near the Soviet city of Volochisk, looking down at the darkened ground below and trying to locate the enemy units

Even the holographic orbiting projectiles had

“The orbiting bombardment will stop as soon as the population is subdued,”

Atoms are composed (in this 3rd dimensional realm) of heavy particles in the nucleus, with light electrons orbiting around the outside

The debris field consisted of rocks of varying sizes that had spread out into a halo around the planet, suggesting that there had once been a moon orbiting this planet

“Plus a total of sixty orbital batteries orbiting the planet

As the Gorn ship approached, intending to ram the SaLing, the holographically generated projectiles orbiting the two ships shredded the forward section of the Gorn ship as if it had come in contact with a high speed propeller

Through a telescope, if one was good at tracking such a fast orbiting object, one could detail the surface features of its asteroid appearance

As they had planned, it was orbiting Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons

9th ENTRY – DATE: 337/59 – LOCATION: Mother Ship, Orbiting Earth

The electrons within the plasma sheet produce strong radio emissions from the polar regions of Jupiter, the very region around which we are currently orbiting

When the ship reached the orbiting space station, it slowly eased its approach, preparing to dock

with a single orbiting residence way up there?

How in the nine realms are they slipping over here? They certainly didn’t come from Asgard’s orbiting garbage heap

Wherever the earth moves, the moon follows, always accompanying the earth, orbiting around it and never leaving it

theory of the earth orbiting the sun as a plausible one

Neural binding attaches positive and negative reactions to images and ideas orbiting these attractors, thus making the latter triggers and the former conditionals

Here the heavens are silent with an unattended signal, dead metal deaf and mute, the detritus of satellite communication, global positioning, star wars threatening, EM-pulsing, orbiting tumors of Eartheart’s emerging global brain damage

“Why not cling to hope, Stedder? If it is truly as you claim, and there will be nothing for us beyond this miserable clod of dirt orbiting a slowly dying sun, then why do we even bother with such a meaningless existence?”

were orbiting the moon, Apollo 8 astronauts were

The flies appear to be orbiting her

Bode’s Law stimulated the search for a planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter that led to the

Debris orbiting in space at a

news than the declassification of Pluto from planet status to orbiting rock fragment

They just approached the orbiting

A one percent error in our mass estimates could also account for the perturbations we see in the dark bodies’ orbits

then was it strong enough to distort the orbits of

The flame was being kept alive by this ring which pulsed with an electron like ball which did perfect orbits around it

The not insubstantial figure of Mr Rudolph Snickerty was as familiar a landmark as the spire of St Jasper’s to those various persons within the orbits of the little house at the corner of Bimini Square

“Rex, what Crystal City orbits our Earth?”

Jim was the current elected head of the Jupiter Trade Bureau, a loose union of the various private trade organisations working in a wide range of orbits around the gas giant Jupiter

With its discovery, Marsh and Butler, at Berkeley, California went back over their decade-long collection of search data, and when they expanded their ideas about orbits, size, and composition, they found several planets they overlooked hidden in their trove

Observe you everything that takes place in the heavens, how they do not change their orbits and the luminaries which are in the Heaven, how they all rise and set in order each in its season, and transgress not against their appointed order

And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order prescribed; And these shall alter their orbits and tasks,

electron orbits behave as if they were solid objects

Observe you everything that takes place in the heavens how they do not change their orbits and the luminaries which are in the Heaven how they all rise and set in order each in its season and transgress not against their appointed order

And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order prescribed; And these shall alter their orbits and tasks

You see now the path of their flight and their present positions, and now their projected paths, taking them within the orbits of the inner worlds, where they will certainly execute final maneuvers, for their present courses and decelerations would have them both eventually impact with the sun

Phil the FAC had Toby Parker fly the O-1E in lazy orbits several miles off to the west with the sun at his back so as to not give away the location of the Mike Force

It carries with it a planet that will pass through your solar system and cause major shifts in the orbits of the planets, just as it has done in the past

wobbling orbits of the planets, the spinning galaxies, in the

Moving among all orbits would enable electrons to emit all energies of light

Using the idea of interference, de Broglie showed that the discrete values of radii of Bohr’s orbits are a natural consequence of standing electron waves

Sun will alter the orbits of planets in the Solar System, including the Earth’s

blobs have been detected in the form of anomalous accelerations of spacecraft during fly-bys and orbits

the form of anomalous accelerations of spacecraft during fly-bys and orbits of Earth

…the earth orbits the Sun, which itself is moving through the

as earth orbits around the centre of the galaxy, the planet flies through

that Mercury completes three rotations for every two orbits around the

orbits the Sun every 225 days — its day is longer than its year! Besides

5 billion kilometers from the Sun, Neptune orbits the Sun

asteroid change the asteroids’ orbits, knocking them out of the Main

Belt and hurling them into space across the orbits of the planets

their orbits lie near the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun

guard last on duty stared at me with its empty orbits

orbits for millions of years before everything settled and

reached the orbits they occupy at this moment

violence when their elliptical orbits crossed, causing massive

The Genie listened carefully and with each sentence of my story, further opened the orbits of his eyes indicating with this gesture his astonishment, terror and fright

From the mass of its star and the rate that it orbits around its star, it has the mass as an average small planet

Given the religious assertion that God is the personification of perfection, one needs to reckon whether He would have created an imperfect world such as ours! Besides, how come His intellect that placed planets in the orbits failed to visualize a quake-free earth that is volcano-prone as well! The scriptures that picture Him as the All Merciful, however, prevaricate when it comes to the unjust ‘species feeding upon species’ way of His creation

The view is from a satellite high above the plane of Starship‘s showing every ship as it orbits the planet

Detecting no life or power output Grailem orders his navigator to another huge vessel of a similar size that orbits a large asteroid

The Space Force armed craft settled into orbits around the planet and established a defensive perimeter alert for the potential threat of more of those diabolical containers

The defenders sat quietly, patiently floating in their respective orbits radiating as little emissions as possible to minimize their ability to be located

The system is populated with an unusually high number of astral bodies traveling in elliptical orbits that carry them across the orbits of the larger planets

Since nothing appeared threatening, the rest of the battle group came closer to the planet and settled into parking orbits

calculations occurring eg the subroutines involved in the orbits of planets around stars

applies to orbits of stars and planets, electromagnetic currents within subatomic particles,

Using this model, we can regard orbits, currents and instant communication as

special orbits or stationary states which Danish

and to ―quantise‖ electron orbits – the ―quantum

condition of allowed and forbidden electron orbits

forbidden orbits since the electron can be

with its allowed and forbidden electron orbits,

‘’Our electronic reconnaissance plane is presently flying orbits around that point, far enough away from Guadalcanal to stay out of range of the enemy while being able to keep the Japanese ships and planes inside radar range

A few more minutes and the KOSTROMA would find itself inside a three-pincer pocket, with a powerful Terran force heading towards the low orbits of Mars

His flanking forces and his deep attack force were also under missile fire, trapped in pockets of expertly chosen killing zones between the equatorial geosynchronous orbit and the high altitude orbits of Mars

That deep strike force is still pushing towards Mars lower orbits

After seven hours of methodical destruction and three completed orbits by the mother asteroid, all of the original 26 orbital fortresses were reduced to twisted, lifeless hulks

Now, our fleet orbits Earth, unable to return to its proper time and still carrying millions of refugees in need of a new home

Retrograde: occurs at various times of the year in the orbits all of the planets in the solar system—excluding the sun and moon

«I will need men to navigate and fly the G15 to the outer orbits of Janus V,» he answered

The orange sky above is clear, except for the panoply of moons that dot the heavens and slowly coast along their orbits

will altering their orbits

A number of circles and symbols drawn on the map described distance from Earth, vectors, and orbits

Once fully operational and launched on polar or highly inclined orbits, space planes would be able on demand and on short notice to photograph in detail about any spot on the planet, thus constituting an invaluable strategic reconnaissance asset in times of crisis

After 46 hours in space and 29 orbits completed around Earth, Ingrid and Cape Canaveral Control finally decided that it was time for her to come back down

These objects orbited outside the range of the shields, making their orbits more elliptical than they would be had they just been going around the Path Finder

They had to be; low level orbits

have very eccentric orbits indeed, approaching very close to the Sun and out

Michael skilfully matched relative orbits with the other craft so that they were

The voyage continued past the orbits of Venus, Earth and Mars and as they

orbits amongst a group of boulders and to the observer was quite

Ten minutes later he had safely matched orbits with the large cluster of rocks,

between the lines of any normal astrological cluster – red-hot survival in sacred orbits

This means the orbits are so close to their stars they are heated

Then he continued his lazy orbits

This will drag small matter to bigger matter and will cause the spinning that perpetuates the various orbits and rotations that we witness throughout our known universe

own movement, planets revolve in their orbits, the sun rises and

These stars run within their special orbits and never deviate from them

When there is no I’mage pursued, then the voice you can hear and freely choose to follow is your distilled will: the choices your gravity permit you according to the design your lifestyle creates as it orbits the deposited attractor of its hypothetical ideal

like a top while it orbits around the sun

Earthquakes and tectonic shifts or mall demolitions and nuclear testing the stretching of its limbs? Is it our artificial electrical grid or thunderstorms and hurricanes that comprise Eartheart’s higher nervous system? Our field is the lab, our flesh a sensor net, but certainly, the soil, not the dump, is Eartheart’s digestive tract; water, not monergy, its circulatory system; weather patterns, not satellite orbits, its respiration; until we’re all resourcefully recycled as excrement, decay and death becoming soil once again, where microbial life crawls the face of all the skin of this mother we sprawl across, until we rise, again, as food and stomach both reproducing as sustenance for each other, the carriers of essential vitamins and minerals feeding the many organs comprising its biodiversity

You will see the heavenly bodies swimming within their orbits, and witness the sun sending its rays and heat, the clouds having moved agitated from their hidden sites, the winds running violently towards their directions, the waters of the large seas scrambling and their waves chopping, the rivers flowing out of their sources running to their mouths with their falling cataracts, even the terrestrial globe, you will see it swimming within its space and its orbit and circulating around itself with all the creatures it carries on its surface: you will see all of that moving but by God’s Command and Power

When you get at believing in that there is no God but Al’lah and become one of those who see that God’s Hand controls the movement of all universe, when your spirit becomes immersed in this viewing and you become witnessing that no winds blow, no clouds cover the sky or stick together, no rains flow, no lightning flashes or shimmers, no thunder resounds, no sea runs high and low with restless waves, no water of river flows in constant flax, no volcano breaks out angrily, no flood streams in force and intension, no earthquake shakes the land making forgetful and heedless hearts tremble scared, no earth circulates in order to cause Night and Day and four seasons, no stars swim shining within systematic orbits: that is to say, if you become of those who witness that the universe with all its creatures is but one unit directed by a Hand of Wise and Peerless One and a Will of Cognizant and Omniscient One, according to your efforts, and your Daily-contemplations, and without Him even your hand does not move, your eye does not blink, your ear does not hear a sound or a noise, your heart does not beat pulsing between systole and diastole, your stomach does not secrete its gastric juice over the foods inside it, your liver does not store substances or secrete others according to a firm standards, your lungs do not expand and contract between inspiration and expiration, your blood does not flow in arteries and veins, the red corpuscles do not carry what they carry to and fro, the white corpuscles do not fight and struggle with microbes, the germs do not attack the body severely: I say, if you become sure of that by minding and spiritual witnessing, not by hearing from specialists or reading in volumes and books so that you become seeing that everything is controlled by God’s Hand and that all people, notables or commoners, near or far, strong or weak, and even all the creatures, can not render you a benefit nor protect you from an evil, nor hurt you or cause any change in your state except by Al’lah’s Leave, there; you will enter the fort of straightness and will never exceed God’s bounds

This orbit is different from the orbits of all the other planets and the earth also rotates on itself in a way that is different from the other planets

4) Astronauts and cosmonauts have traversed space using rockets, space shuttles, and satellites, seeking information about the scientific facts relating to the planets, such as their locations and their orbits

“There is a sign of the orbits in heaven,

We can have the full compliment of 24 satellites in geo-stationary orbits by the end of next year

This means that every circle forms a straight line when an object orbits another object and every object in

the Universe orbits some other object while being the centre of something else around which that object

Currently, using conventional technology and adjusting for the orbits of

can vary greatly depending on where the two planets are in their orbits around

fit in the orbits of

This is the reason why stars and planets have orbits, this is the reason why planets rotate, this is the reason why electrons orbit around atoms

4π2a3 = P2G (M + m) indicates that the circle in which the planet orbits (4π2a3) is the result of (=) the position of the body (P2) positioned by the mass of both bodies (M + m) in terms of the gravitational constant (G)

6 fit in the orbits of1427 x 10 first three planets

The orbits of all stars, planets and galaxies work in predictable vicious cycles without ever slowing down because they have the best oil in-between them to insulate them from each other: Space

orbits that lasted 4 hours and 56 minutes, he returned to earth when his capsule

After a trip of 134 orbits and 3

elliptical orbits that have two centers, one occupied by the sun

By this time, the state of technical advances would be such that the next deployment could be directly to the orbits of all planets in our solar system

Our mechanical orbits do not

Since the temperature of a baby star is higher than an adult star, the place where the temperature is equivalent to the Earth will be around the orbit of Mars in analogy to our solar system.


Back in 1993, an Indian physicist considered whether the Earth could be cooled by somehow increasing the radius of the planet’s orbit around the sun.


When planetesimals collided, sometimes they cohered into bigger ones and sometimes they split anew; newly formed planets that were not lucky enough to find stable orbits cycled down into the sun or were flung deep into interstellar space.


With growing Russian and Chinese threats to U.S. satellites in geosynchronous orbit, the Air Force is keeping the Boeing WGS-8 checkout location and later operational location secret.


Additionally, you could reach beyond the employee population as a trusted source for referring and open the ability to thought leaders, clients, and others in your professional orbit.


It was to me a very big testament to her friendship and her love and I think the desire to be around Carol and in Carol’s orbit no matter what.


Our MX family of flexible, scalable robotic explorers are capable of reaching the Moon and other solar system destinations from Earth orbit.


Some other mechanism no longer active in the solar system today is required to emplace Sedna on its orbit.


Jumping into this game is like jumping from a ship, completing Titanfall, all the way in orbit.


Finally, the NPP will be replaced by NPOESS C3; the operational replacement for the DMSP, NOAA N ′, and EOS Aqua satellites, all operating in midafternoon orbits.


Pluto’s orbit is quite elliptical, taking the dwarf planet as close as 2.75 billion miles (4.43 billion km) to the sun, and as far away as 4.5 billion miles (7.31 billion km) from our star.


Guests will also be able to take part in research experiences such as growing food while in orbit, a virtual reality experience on the «holodeck,» and stay in touch with loved ones back home via high-speed wireless Internet access.


In 2014, they began running low Earth orbit missions, like those to supply the ISS.


I got pretty deep into the math of the barycentric orbit of the sun, wrote an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the barycenter by actually calculating planetary positions as a matter of fact, no small bit of spreadsheeting requiring a host of specialized user functions.


Enceladus circles Saturn twice for every orbit of the larger moon Dione, inducing a gravitational interaction that melts ice inside both moons.


John Glenn’s orbit has a particular majesty, as Glenn’s awestruck face and the glowing Earth are captured in the same frame.


JPL also is providing precision orbit determination, scientific and operational planning support to the Japanese, and advice to U.S. astronomers who wish to observe with the satellite.


Like I said, it’s in the universe but is kind of in its own orbit, so I didn’t really think about it.


Knud Jahnke and Rasmus Benestad says «The rotation is not rigid, but depends on the encircled mass inside the orbit of a star, including the Dark Matter, a yet unknown but solidly established source of gravitational attraction.»


NASA plans to send astronauts to Mars orbit by the 2030s.


The researchers» new «yarn» solution looks like a ball of yarn on the shape-sphere, although its real space orbit looks even more complex — rather like a huge mass of spaghetti.


They soon fell into the orbit of the governor’s hard-charging son, their contemporary and a no-nonsense guy who cast himself as a doer who rolled his eyes at the endless negotiations and parsing of details by his father’s circle of advisers.


The twist, however, relies on the rotational pull around a central, vertical fulcrum to keep its outermost reaches within gravitational orbit.


It’s also been decades since space travel has meant anything other than uninspiring low Earth orbit.


Jupiter gravity field estimated from the first two Juno orbits.


But this is not the case with the microlensing technique, which can find more distant and colder planets in long-period orbits that other methods can not detect.


Our galaxy has about 200 globular clusters, most in highly eccentric orbits that take them far outside the Milky Way.


So if that’s all you’re dealing with, the cost of refilling your spaceship on orbit is tiny, and you can get 150 tons all the way to Mars.


Press the crouch button while in orbit and you come thundering back down to the surface.


Unidentified Photographer Launch of Friendship 7, the first spacecraft carrying an American astronaut in Earth orbit, Mercury-Atlas 6, February 20, 1962.


As companies like SpaceX aggressively seek to drive down the cost of space access, new opportunities — and new threats — are emerging in orbit.


The members of the American commentariat most attuned to this plague of Euro-childlessness tend to discuss its impacts in terms of the rapidly growing Muslim population in Europe and the difficulties so many European states seem to have in assimilating immigrants from a different civilizational orbit.


Its orbit around 54 Piscium has a high eccentricity (e = 0.63 + / — 0.04) but takes only around 62.2 days to complete (


The main difference at that time (or «forcing» compared to present) is that our orbit brought the earth was closest to the sun during summer in the Northern Hemisphere.


Earth’s orbit is pulling the Earth AWAY from that «thingy» yet, temperatures are RISING.


JNA can spread into a variety of compartments in the head — including the sinuses, the orbit (where the eye is located), and the brain — which can make it very difficult to treat.


Not only do you need permission to launch satellites but you need agreement of regulators that you can occupy a spot in orbit.


Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lurk millions of asteroids, the relics of planet formation.


And on and on it went, just one little Tweet and simulator swing sending all of golf twitter into orbit for the entire morning.


Jackson Pollock, the leader of this abstract expressionist movement, was by origin a westerner who had grown up mostly in Los Angeles, but like his peers, such as Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko, he lived and worked in the orbit of Manhattan.


Until now, researchers thought that the orbits of the electrons that contribute to the defect’s electronic structure and spin dynamics were localized to the area immediately surrounding the vacancy.


«Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Edmond Halley were pioneers in describing the orbits of comets and planets.


MARCI will recover the objectives of the Mars Climate Orbiter MARCI wide angle camera, which was lost during orbit insertion in September 1999.


It is well known from astronomical calculations that periodic changes in characteristics of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun control the seasonal and latitudinal distribution of incoming solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere (hereafter called «insolation»).


Geosynchronous orbit for the Moon can be calculated as being at Earth distance, with the overlap of the Earth’s and Moon’s gravitational spheres of influence making things messy.


Skylab remained in orbit unmanned until the second crew arrived on July 28, 1973.


Many of the satellites in NASA’s Earth Observing System have a nearly polar orbit.


Processes that have historically altered the face of the planet, like cycles in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun or shifts in continental tectonic plates, occur over tens of thousands to millions of years.


Outside the hearing room, Democrats are trying to weigh down the Gorsuch nomination with the baggage of investigations into the president’s orbit and Russia.


It’s a test chamber that simulates the grueling operating conditions they will face after Webb is launched into orbit in 2018.


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