The word only in spanish

only [ˈəʊnlɪ]



your only hope is to hide la única posibilidad que te queda es esconderte

it’s the only one left es el único que queda

«I’m tired» — «you’re not the only one!» —estoy cansado —¡no eres el único!

the only thing I don’t like about it is … lo único que no me gusta de esto es …

their only son his only response was to laugh I was the only one who turned up the only thing is that it’s too late


The adverb [only] commonly translates as [solo]. In the past, when this was used as an adverb, it was usually written with an accent ([sólo]). Nowadays the [Real Academia Española] advises that the accented form is only required where there might otherwise be confusion with the adjective [solo].

1 (no more than) solo; sólo; solamente

he’s only ten solo or solamente tiene diez años; we only have five solo or solamente tenemos cinco; what, only five? ¿cómo, cinco nada más?; ¿cómo, solo or solamente cinco?

it will only take a minute it weighs only a few ounces

2 (merely)

I’m only the porter no soy más que el portero; I’m only a porter soy un simple portero; I only touched it no hice más que tocarlo; it’s only to be expected cabe de esperar

I can only say how sorry I am at the moment it is only a theory it’s not like that — it only seems that way we can only hope the police can only guess at the scale of the problem she appeared to have changed considerably, which was only to be expected legalizing prostitution will only cause problems only think of the situation! only [to] think of it!

he raced onto the platform only to find the train pulling out llegó corriendo al andén para encontrarse con que el tren estaba saliendo

you only have to askyou have only to ask no tienes más que pedirlo; solo tienes que pedirlo

it’s only fair to tell him lo mínimo que puedes hacer es decírselo

it’s only fair to tell him that you’ve had a sex change

I was only joking lo he dicho en broma

that only makes matters worse eso solo empeora las cosas

I will only say that … diré solamente que …; solo diré que …

I only wish he were here now ojalá estuviese ahora aquí

3 (exclusively) solo

a ticket for one person only un billete para una persona solo

only when I …

members only solo socios

God only knows! ¡Dios sabe!

only time will tell solo el tiempo puede decirlo

a women-only therapy group un grupo de terapia solo para mujeres

4 (not until)

I’ve only recently met him hace poco que lo conocí

5 (no longer ago than)

I saw her only yesterday ayer mismo la vi; la vi ayer nomás; (LAm) recién ayer la vi; (LAm) it seems like only yesterday that … parece que fue ayer cuando …

6 (in phrases)

only just

the hole was only just big enough el agujero era lo justo; I’ve only just arrived acabo de llegar ahora mismo; no he hecho más que llegar; it fits him, but only just le cabe pero le queda muy justo

not only … but also

not only was he late but he also forgot the tickets no solo llegó tarde sino que además olvidó las entradas; a machine that is not only efficient but looks good as well una máquina que no solo es eficaz sino también atractiva

only too

I’d be only too pleased to help estaría encantado de or me encantaría poder ayudar(les); it is only too true por desgracia es verdad or cierto; I knew only too well what would happen sabía demasiado bien lo que iba a pasar

they were only too happy glad to oblige


solo que; pero

it’s a bit like my house, only nicer es un poco como mi casa, solo que or pero más bonita; I would gladly do it, only I shall be away lo haría de buena gana, solo que or pero voy a estar fuera

it’s very good only rather dear drop in and see me when you’re ready — only don’t take too long about it I’d be quite happy to go, only I don’t know what my kids would say about living there you can play outside, only don’t go into the street


only child (n) hijoahija (m) (f) únicoaúnica;a hija a única

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
only adv (simply) solo, sólo adv
    solamente adv
  I only want a sandwich for lunch.
  Solo quiero un emparedado para almorzar.
  Solamente quiero un emparedado para almorzar.
only adv (exclusively, solely) solo, sólo adv
    únicamente adv
    solamente adv
  Only family members attended the funeral. Only we are allowed in this room.
  Solo miembros de la familia asistieron al funeral.
only adv (merely) solo, sólo adv
    solamente adv
  It’ll only make things more complicated.
  Solo hará las cosas más complicadas.
only adv (as recently as) acabar de vi + prep
  But I saw him only yesterday!
  ¡Pero lo acabo de ver ayer!
only adv (very) sencillamente adv
  She loves him only too well.
  Ella sencillamente lo ama muchísimo.
only adj (one or one of few) único/a adj
  She was the only girl in the class with red hair.
  Ella era la única chica pelirroja de la clase.
only adj (best) único/a adj
  Low-cut jeans are the only kind to wear these days.
  Los vaqueros de tiro bajo son los únicos que se usan hoy en día.
only conj (but) pero conj
  I’d give him a lift; only my car’s being repaired.
  Le daría un aventón pero mi automóvil está averiado.
Additional Translations
Inglés Español
only adj (without siblings) único/a adj
  She was an only child.
  Ella era hija única.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
Inglés Español
adults only,
(not for under-18s) solo para adultos, solo para mayores loc adj
Note: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun
all too,
only too
disapproving (overly) demasiado, excesivamente adv
  She is all too eager to help.
  Está demasiado ansiosa por colaborar.
from only prep (price, etc.: starting at) desde solo, desde solo loc prep
  Rooms are available from only €20 per person per night.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Pasen y vean, todos los artículos desde solo dos pesos.
girls only,
(restricted to young females) solo para chicas loc adj
have only yourself to blame,
only have yourself to blame
v expr
(be at fault, responsible) ser el de la culpa loc verb
    ser culpa de uno ser el de la culpa
if and only if conj (on the strict condition that) solamente si loc conj
  I’ll help you, if and only if, you promise to do your part.
  Solamente si prometes poner de tu parte, te ayudaré.
    si y solo si loc conj
  La premisa se cumple, si y solo si A es mayor que B.
if only interj (expressing a wish) si solo expr
    si tan solo expr
   (informal) ay, si expr
  If only I had a million dollars!
  ¡Si solo tuviera un millón de dólares!
if only conj (on the single condition that) si conj
    solo si loc conj
  This plan will work if only we get enough funding for it.
  El plan funcionará si conseguimos financiación suficiente.
in name only adv (not in fact or in practice) sólo de palabra, solo de palabra loc adv
    sólo de nombre, solo de nombre loc adv
   (ES) de boquilla loc adv
  Some products promoted as green are green in name only.
  Algunos productos promocionados como ecológicos, son ecológicos sólo de palabra.
men only,
(restricted to adult males) solo para hombres loc adj
   (competición, torneo) masculino/a adj
not only adv (not being restricted to) no solo, no solamente loc adv
  Stargazing is not only educational, it’s fun.
  Observar las estrellas no solo es divertido, si no educativo.
not only… but also,
not only …,
(not just [sth], but [sth] else too) no solo… sino también expr
  Not only is Jack good at soccer, but he is also good at basketball and running.
  Jack es bueno no solo en el fútbol sino también en básquet y corriendo.
only child n ([sb] without siblings) hijo único grupo nom
  My mother’s an only child, but my father has five siblings.
  Mi mamá es hija única pero mi papá tiene cinco hermanos.
only choice n (only available option) única opción adj + nf
  There is no public transport round here so my only choice is to go by car.
  Aquí no hay transporte público así que mi única opción es ir en coche.
    única posibilidad adj + nf
  Aquí no hay transporte público así que mi única posibilidad es ir en coche.
only have eyes for [sb],
have eyes only for [sb]
v expr
informal (find attractive) (figurado) solo tener ojos para loc verb
  Edward only has eyes for Julia.
  Edward solo tiene ojos para Julia.
only hope n informal (sole potential solution or remedy) única esperanza adj + nf
  There’s no other choice; this is our only hope.
  No hay ninguna otra posibilidad, ésta es nuestra única esperanza.
only if conj (not unless) solo si, solamente si loc conj
  I’ll go, but only if you go with me.
  Iré, pero solo si tú me acompañas.
    con la condición de que loc conj
  Iré, pero con la condición de que tú me acompañes.
only just adv (by slight margin) (coloquial) por los pelos loc adv
    por un pelo loc adv
    ajustadamente adv
  She won the race, but only just.
  Ganó la carrera, pero por los pelos.
only just adv (very recently) apenas adv
   (AmL) recién adv
  I have only just begun to learn French; I’m on lesson three.
  Apenas empiezo a aprender francés: estoy en la tercera lección.
only once adv (on one occasion only) solamente una vez loc adv
  I’ve been to Paris only once but would like to return some day.
  He estado en París solamente una vez pero me gustaría regresar algún día.
    una vez nada más loc adv
  He estado en París una vez nada más pero me gustaría regresar algún día.
    una sola vez loc adv
  He estado en París una sola vez pero me gustaría regresar algún día.
    solo una vez loc adv
  He estado en París solo una vez pero me gustaría regresar algún día.
only once adv (a single time without repetition) solamente una vez loc adv
  Press the «enter key» only once.
  Pulsa la tecla solamente una vez.
    solo una vez loc adv
  Pulsa la tecla solo una vez.
only time will tell expr (will know in the future) solo el tiempo lo dirá expr
  Whether or not the football player recovers from his injury—only time will tell.
only too … to do [sth] adv (especially) demasiado… por loc adv
    muy… por loc adv
Note: Followed by an adjective.
  He is only too keen to leave school.
  Está demasiado ansioso por dejar la escuela.
only when necessary adv (strictly as required) solo en caso de necesidad, únicamente en caso de necesidad loc adv
  You must take the pain killers only when necessary.
  Debes tomar los analgésicos solo en caso de necesidad.
    solo cuando sea necesario loc adv
  Debes tomar los analgésicos solo cuando sea necesario.
    solo si es necesario loc adv
  Debes tomar los analgésicos solo si es necesario.
    según sea necesario loc adv
  Debes tomar los analgésicos según sea necesario.
only-begotten Son of the Father n Bible (Christianity: Jesus Christ) (cristianismo) Hijo Unigénito del Padre n propio m
   (cristianismo) Hijo Único de Dios n propio m
   (cristianismo) Hijo Unigénito n propio m
read-only memory (computing) memoria de solo lectura loc nom f
standing room only expr (event: no seats available) (no sentados) localidades de pie nfpl + loc adj
standing room only expr (public transport: no spare seats) (transportes) sitio solo de pie expr
the one and only adj (incomparable and unique) incomparable adj mf
    único/a adj
    inigualable adj mf
    sin igual loc adj
to be expected,
only to be expected
(what should, usually happens) es de esperarse expr
    es de esperar expr
    se espera expr
women only
(restricted to adult females) solo para mujeres loc adj
Note: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.

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The only word that has more than a day-to-day value is the




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The only word around is that you live in trash!

Outrage» is the only word to describe how I’m feeling, and how every person in this country will be feeling.

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Indignación» es la única palabra que describe cómo me siento y cómo tienen que sentirse todas las personas en este país.

Some writer once said that reality is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.

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Un escritor dijo que la realidad es la unica palabra en el lenguaje que siempre deberia cotizarse.

The only word we get is from Pax Christi

and the Pope on World Day of Peace.


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y el Papa en el Día Mundial de la Paz.


It is the only word that can give you a sense of playfulness,

can make you again a child.


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Es la única palabra que puede darte un sentido de diversión,

que puede hacerte de nuevo un niño.


It is. Because»Jew» is the only word That is the polite thing to call a group of people.

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Porque»judío» es la única palabra… es la manera educada de llamar a un grupo de personas…

y de calumniar al mismo grupo.

I looked straight into his blue eyes and the only word that came out of my mouth was, Yes.


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Le miré a los ojos y la única palabra que salió de mi boca fue, Sí.


As a matter of fact,»Cicchaktiḥ» is not an only word but it consists of two different terms.


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En realidad,»Cicchaktiḥ» no es una única palabra sino que está compuesto por dos diferentes términos.


It was once shown that the only word he understands is his own name

but other times he seems to understand exactly what he’s being told.

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Una vez se demostró que la única palabra que entiende es su propio nombre,

pero otras veces, parece entender exactamente lo que se está hablando.

The only word that was originally pronounced as m̩ is»唔»(not)

and it is not used in place names.

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La única palabra que era originalmente pronunciada como m̩ es»唔(no)»,

que no es usada en un conjunto de nombres.

And you know that’bookkeeper’ is the only word in the English language with three sets of double letters all next to each other?

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¿Sabes que»bookkeeper»…(contador) es la única palabra en el lenguaje inglés con tres grupos de dobles letras todas juntas una de la otra?

Just to tell you that for that proposal, the only word in blue was« email».


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Sólo para decirles que a esta propuesta, la única palabra en azul era“correo electrónico”.


When people ask me how I feel

I say»tired», because I think that’s the only word anybody can relate to.


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Cuando la gente me pregunta cómo estoy, digo»cansada»,

porque creo que esa es la única palabra con la que cualquiera se puede identificar.


SCENT: Max’s meatball smells hearty—


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SCENT: la albóndiga de Max huele apetitosa,


You know, there’s just something about the struggle of man against beast that, I don’t know,

I guess the only word for it would be primal.

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Ya sabes, hay algo sobre la lucha de un hombre contra la bestia, no sé,

supongo que la única palabra para ello sería primitivo.

Remember, rich people don’t like to hear the


no, and since that’s the only word you know, best just keep it zipped.

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Recuerda, a los ricos no les gusta oír la


no, y ya que es la única palabra que sabes, mejor quédate callada.

Captain James Cook recorded tatau as the Tahitian term when he arrived there in 1769,

although tatau is not the only word for this art form.

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El capitán James Cook registró«tatau» como el término tahitiano cuando llegó allí en 1769,

aunque tatau no es la única palabra para esta forma de arte.

Among the


mumbled by the dying man. The only word that young McCarthy could understand was the



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Por las


murmuradas por el moribundo la ùnica palabra que el joven McCarthy pudo entender fuè la palabra»rat.

The only word sex can deviate the eye,

the ear or the hand to whoever that sees it, hears it or touches it.


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el oido o la mano a quien sea que la vea, la oiga o la toque.


as I think the representative of Iran mentioned— was»also», which was in the text that I received.


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como creo que mencionó el representante del Irán— fue»también», la cual figuraba en el texto que recibí.


My only word of advice would be to take a look

around the internet before buying in the stores because you can often find much better deals online than you can in the stores.


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Mi única palabra de consejo sería echar un vistazo alrededor de la Internet

antes de comprar en las tiendas, porque a menudo se pueden encontrar ofertas mucho mejores en línea de lo que puede en las tiendas.


About five minutes into it, this shadow, is the only word to describe it, came flying in and slammed Charlie against

the wall, and then it was gone.

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A los cinco minutos, esa sombra, la única palabra para describirla, vino volando y lanzó a Charlie contra la pared,

y entonces ya se había ido.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken,

and the stillness gave no token, And the only word there spoken was the whispered word,»Lenore?

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Profundamente en esa oscuridad mirando, por mucho tiempo estuve allí preguntándome, temiendo, Dudando, soñando sueños, ningún mortal se ha atrevido a soñar antes; Pero el silencio fue ininterrumpido,

y la quietud no dio señal, Y la única palabra que se habló allí fue la



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The only words in that sentence that mean anything are»another woman.

Results: 88,
Time: 0.1305

That’s the only word for it.

That’s the only word for it.

The only word that comes to mind!

Haunting is the only word for it.

The only word that fits is “sad”.

Amazing is the only word good enough.

Magnificent is the only word for her!

Only Word and PDF documents are accepted.

Steve Rogers: Only word I care about.

The only word for it was brilliant.





Have you ever thought about untranslatable Spanish words? What about words like this in your native language? Every language has plenty of words that can’t be translated into English; there are even some words that just can’t be translated into any other language.

Maybe there aren’t that many Spanish words that are untranslatable, as most of them can probably be translated into other languages, but we definitely have plenty of Spanish words with no English equivalent.

That’s actually ironic, because English has a lot more words than Spanish. What do we mean when we say “a lot”? Well, thousands! The official dictionaries of each language list 150,000 words in Spanish and 600,000 words in English. However, it’s true that many of those English words aren’t currently in use and don’t even include definitions. In fact, there are only about 230,000 words with definitions in the Oxford Dictionary. That’s still 80,000 more words than there are in the Spanish dictionary. So yes, English has more words. Despite that, Spanish has many words that can’t be expressed in only one word in English. Most of them are basic concepts that do exist in English, but there’s just not a word for them.

That’s why we’ve prepared, specifically for you, the ultimate guide of Spanish untranslatable words that don’t exist in English, but should. Let’s get started with our list of untranslatable words in Spanish!

Table of Contents

  1. Ten Untranslatable Spanish Nouns
  2. Five Untranslatable Spanish Verbs
  3. Five Untranslatable Spanish Adjectives
  4. Three Extra Untranslatable Words in Other Languages Spoken in Spain
  5. How Can Help You Learn More Spanish

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1. Ten Untranslatable Spanish Nouns

1- Anteayer

Meaning: The day before yesterday.

Example Situation: This word is pretty easy to understand, as it actually has a basic meaning and does exist in languages other than English. The concept obviously exists in English, but we can’t express it in a single word.

Usage in a Sentence: Mi cumpleaños fue anteayer. → “My birthday was anteayer.”

2- Botellón

Meaning: Party in the street. (Literal translation: “big bottle.”)

Example Situation: In Spain, it’s rather common for young people to get together to get drunk in a quiet street (well, we can’t say it’s quiet after they get there) or in a park, because it’s a lot cheaper than going to bars or clubs. It’s not something we Spaniards are proud of, as in most cases these people don’t pick up the bottles after they’re done and leave their mess behind.

Usage in a Sentence: ¿Te vienes al botellón de esta noche en el parque? → “Are you coming to the botellón in the park tonight?”

3- Chapuza

Meaning: Something that’s badly made or fixed.

Example Situation: This can refer to a lot of things. The most common is something that’s been built or fixed either really fast, without the proper equipment, or without having any idea how to do it. You know, like those times something in your house broke down and your dad tried to fix it. And hey, maybe he managed, maybe he didn’t, but it just doesn’t look that neat. It can be a machine, a car, some sort of object, the new floor… Well, those are all examples of chapuzas.

Usage in a Sentence: Esta cocina es una chapuza. No hay nada que funcione. → “This kitchen is a chapuza. Nothing works.”


4- Consuegro

Meaning: Your son or daughter’s parent-in-law.

Example Situation: Instead of saying, for example, “my daughter Anna’s husband’s parents,” all you need to say is mis consuegros. It makes your whole life easier, doesn’t it?

Usage in a Sentence: Mis consuegros vienen esta noche a cenar. → “My consuegros are coming over for dinner tonight.”

5- Entrecejo

Meaning: The space between both eyebrows.

Example Situation: We don’t use this word that much, unless we want to point out to someone that they have something between their eyebrows. As we’ll mention soon, we also have a couple of different words for those who don’t have an entrecejo, which are cejijunto and unicejo.

Usage in a Sentence: Ey, perdona, tienes una mancha en el entrecejo. → “Hey, excuse me, there’s a stain on your entrecejo.”

6- Puente

Meaning: Long weekend. (Literal translation: “bridge.”)

Example Situation: When there are only one or two days between a holiday and the weekend, or another holiday, we call it a puente. People sometimes take those days off to make a longer holiday.

Usage in a Sentence: Este puente de cuatro días me lo voy a pasar en la playa. → “I’m going to spend this four-day puente at the beach.”

7- Resol

Meaning: The reflection of the sun.

Example Situation: We use this word when the sun’s reflected in a mirror or in a glass, for example. You can use it to say that the reflection is bothering you, as in the following example, but it isn’t necessarily negative.

Usage in a Sentence: Me voy a cambiar de asiento, porque aquí me da el resol en los ojos. → “I’m going to switch seats, because here I get the resol on my eyes.”

8- Sobremesa

Meaning: When everyone stays seated after a meal just to keep chatting.

Example Situation: It’s very common when having a meal with friends or family, especially when there’s a lot of people (but not necessarily), to stay seated and talk to everyone. They can go on for hours and there is often drinking involved.

Usage in a Sentence: Cada vez que vamos a cenar a casa de Pablo y Marta la sobremesa se alarga durante horas. → “Every time we go to Pablo and Marta’s for dinner the sobremesa lasts for hours.”

9- Tocayo

Meaning: A person who has the same name as you.

Example Situation: This word isn’t as widely used as it used to be. It’s used to refer to someone who shares a first name with someone else.

Usage in a Sentence: Creo que te confundes con mi tocayo: yo soy Juan García y me parece que buscas a Juan López. → “I think you’re mistaking me with my tocayo: I’m Juan García and I think you’re looking for Juan López.”

10- Vergüenza ajena

Meaning: When you’re embarrassed by someone else’s actions.

Example Situation: Do you know that feeling when you’re with someone and they do something so embarrassing that it makes you wish you could run away from them, even though it might have nothing to do with you? That feeling, that’s exactly what vergüenza ajena is.

Usage in a Sentence: Mamá, ¡deja de bailar! Te está mirando todo el mundo y me das vergüenza ajena. → “Mom, stop dancing! Everyone is looking at you and you’re giving me vergüenza ajena.”

2. Five Untranslatable Spanish Verbs

1- Estrenar

Meaning: To wear something new for the first time.

Example Situation: You can use this verb when you want to tell someone you want to wear something you just bought for the first time, but it’s also used when talking about movies or books being released.

Usage in a Sentence: Me he comprado un vestido precioso y tengo muchas ganas de estrenarlo. → “I bought myself a beautiful dress and I can’t wait to estrenar it.”


2- Madrugar

Meaning: To wake up early.

Example Situation: You’ll use this verb when you want to tell someone that you woke up early that day, or that you wake up early every day.

Usage in a Sentence: Madrugo todos los días: a las 5 de la mañana ya estoy despierto. → “I madrugo every day: I’m always up by 5 a.m.”

Note: A person who always wakes up early is called a madrugador.


3- Merendar

Meaning: To eat a snack in the afternoon.

Example Situation: In Spain, we have a meal between lunch and dinner which is called merienda and it usually consists of a snack. This snack can be either sweet or savory, and is usually had with a cup of coffee, tea, or maybe just milk. A common merienda for kids, for example, is to have cookies and milk, but it could also be a sandwich. The act of eating your merienda is the verb merendar.

Usage in a Sentence: Hoy he ido a una cafetería nueva a merendar y me he comido un cruasán buenísimo. → “Today I went to a new café to merendar and I ate a delicious croissant.”

4- Trasnochar

Meaning: To stay up all night.

Example Situation: It can be used any time someone’s up during the night. That means it includes people who work night shifts, people who have insomnia, people who go out to party, etc.

Usage in a Sentence: Tengo que terminar un proyecto para mañana por la mañana; parece que me va a tocar trasnochar. → I need to finish a project for tomorrow morning; I think I’m going to have to trasnochar.

Note: A person who tends to stay up most nights is called a trasnochador.

5- Tutear

Meaning: To use the common pronoun tú instead of the formal usted and conjugate verbs accordingly.

Example Situation: We only use the form usted in formal situations, for example, when talking to someone who’s more important than us. While we’re talking to this person, maybe they decide that the conversation doesn’t require this form, and might ask you to use the common to refer to them.

Usage in a Sentence: No hace falta que me hables de usted: puedes tutearme. → “You don’t need to use the form usted: you can tutearme.”

3. Five Untranslatable Spanish Adjectives

1- Cejijunto/a

Meaning: To have both eyebrows connected.

Example Situation: You can use this word to describe someone who has such hairy eyebrows that they meet or nearly meet in the middle.

Usage in a Sentence: Mi marido es cejijunto de toda la vida y parece que nuestro hijo también empieza a tener las cejas pobladas. → “My husband has been cejijunto all his life and it looks like our son is starting to get hairy eyebrows too.”

Note: It’s also called unicejo.

2- Estadounidense

Meaning: Demonym for a person from the United States of America.

Example Situation: Isn’t it unbelievable that people from the U.S. just call themselves Americans and don’t have an actual demonym for their own country? America is the continent, not the country! What if Germans decided to ditch the word “German” and exclusively called themselves Europeans? Anyway, Spanish, just like most languages probably do, does have a word for it: estadounidense.

Usage in a Sentence: Mi nuevo jefe es estadounidense, creo que es de Seattle. → “My new boss is estadounidense, I think he’s from Seattle.”

3- Friolero/a

Meaning: Sensitive to the cold.

Example Situation: This adjective can be used to describe yourself or somebody else who’s sensitive to the cold, or someone who’s always cold, even in the summer.

Usage in a Sentence: Soy muy friolera, así que nunca salgo de casa sin una chaqueta. → “I’m very friolera, so I never leave my house without a jacket.”

Note: There’s also a word that describes someone who’s sensitive to the heat, which is caluroso/a.


4- Manco/a

Meaning: A person who’s missing a hand or an arm.

Example Situation: Just like the meaning of this word states, it’s used to describe a person who only has one hand or arm.

Usage in a Sentence: Mi abuelo se quedó manco tras un accidente en la fábrica donde trabajaba. → “My grandfather was left manco after having an accident in the factory he used to work at.”

5- Tuerto/a

Meaning: A person who can only see with one eye.

Example Situation: You can use this adjective when you want to describe someone who’s blind in one eye.

Usage in a Sentence: Mi hermano es tuerto: perdió la visión en el ojo derecho cuando era muy pequeño. → “My brother is tuerto: he lost his sight in his right eye when he was very little.”

4. Three Extra Untranslatable Words in Other Languages Spoken in Spain

You might not know this, but Spanish isn’t the only language spoken in Spain. There are a few regions that have co-official languages. But no need to worry; everyone speaks Spanish, no matter where you travel in Spain.

All you need to know is that if you travel to cities like Bilbao, Valencia, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, or San Sebastián, you might hear people speaking a different language, or you might see signs written in those languages. Again, there’s nothing to be scared of.

Out of these three words, which are also untranslatable in Spanish, the first and the third words are sometimes used in Spanish. The second word, somiatruites, has probably never been used in Spanish, and it might never be, except for in the example we’re going to give you—but we love this word too much not to include it. You’ll know why very soon.

1- Morriña (Galician)

Meaning: The feeling you have when you miss your homeland.

Example Situation: Galicians use this word when they travel out of their homeland and feel homesick.

Usage in a Sentence: Hace una semana que salí de Galicia y ya empiezo a sentir morriña. → “It’s been a week since I left Galicia and I’m already starting to feel morriña.”

2- Somiatruites (Catalan and Valencian)

Meaning: A person who gets overly excited over anything, even if it’s impossible. (Literal meaning: omelette dreamer.)

Example Situation: We all have that one friend (or hey, maybe YOU’RE that friend) that gets way too excited over every little thing. For example, a girl who sees a cute boy for the first time and she’s already imagining what their wedding would look like, or someone who’s always daydreaming about things that might never happen.

Usage in a Sentence: ¿Pero no ves que nunca te va a hacer caso? Eres una somiatruites. → “Can’t you see he’s never going to pay attention to you? You’re a somiatruites.”

Note: If we wanted to translate this word into Spanish, it would be sueñatortillas. Sadly, it doesn’t exist.

3- Zirimiri (Basque)

Meaning: Very soft but constant rain, typical in the Basque Country (region in the North of Spain).

Example Situation: They say that when you visit the Basque Country, in the North of Spain, there’s often this kind of rain that they call zirimiri, which is constant, but very soft. You might not even realize it’s raining until it’s been a few minutes and you’re starting to get wet.

Usage in a Sentence: Aún no voy a sacar el paraguas, esto solo es zirimiri. → “I’m not going to take my umbrella out yet, this is just zirimiri.”

Note: In Spanish, it has been accepted as sirimiri.


5. How Can Help You Learn More Spanish

We truly hope our list of untranslatable words from Spanish to English helped grow your interest for both languages!

After learning all these untranslatable Spanish words, we’re sure you wish some of them did exist in English! All of these words will make a huge difference in your conversations and will make you sound more fluent in Spanish. We suggest that you also think of untranslatable words in your native language. It’s not as easy as it seems, but it’s definitely very interesting to think of.

There’s so much more you can learn at, no matter your current skill level or what you’re interested in. If you just can’t live without knowing what to call all the different bugs and insects in Spanish, then this list is made for you. Check out our lessons and our vocabulary lists and get learning!

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Put on your learning cap, grab a cup of coffee, and get comfy because we’re about to cover the 1,000 most common Spanish words for beginners! There are nearly a million words in the Spanish language, but luckily you don’t need to memorize them all to speak Spanish.

We’ve picked out the 1,000 most common Spanish words and created this categorized vocabulary guide so that you can effectively communicate in Spanish—even as a beginner!

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The Essentials

For any Spanish beginner, it’s always important to know the essentials. These are must-know words and phrases if you’ve just started learning. Take a look at these first words in our guide of the 1,000 most common Spanish words. 

  • — yes
  • no — no 
  • ¿entiende(s)? — do you understand?
  • no entiendo — i don’t understand
  • no (lo) sé — i don’t know
  • no tengo ni idea — i have no idea
  • no hablo español — i don’t speak spanish
  • estoy perdido(a) — i’m lost

Introduce Yourself

Introducing yourself is always one of the best ways to start speaking Spanish! That’s why we included these essential conversation starters into our list of the 1,000 most common Spanish words. 

  • me llamo — my name is
  • mi nombre es — my name is 
  • soy…  — i’m…
  • ¿cómo te llamas? — what is your name?
  • (yo) soy de… — i am from…

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What’s Up

  • ¿cómo está usted? — how are you? (formal)
  • ¿cómo estás? — how are you? (informal)
  • ¿qué tal? — how are you? (informal) / what’s up?
  • ¿cómo te va? — how ‘s it going?
  • ¿qué haces? — what are you doing?
  • ¿qué pasa? — what ‘s happening?

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These common Spanish words and versatile replies make for an easy response to dozens of questions!

  • ¿y tú? — and you?
  • muy bien — very well
  • así, así — so, so
  • mal — bad
  • como siempre — as always

Etiquette Words

  • ¡de nada! — you’re welcome! / no problem!
  • por favor — please
  • ¡perdon! — excuse me!
  • ¡disculpe! — excuse me!
  • ¡lo siento! — sorry! 
  • gracias  — thank you
  • salud — bless you

Question Words

  • ¿qué…? — what?
  • ¿quién…? — who?
  • ¿cuándo…? — when?
  • ¿dónde…? — where?
  • ¿por qué…? — why?
  • ¿cuál? — which?
  • ¿cómo…? — how?

Spanish Pronouns

  • Yo — I
  • tú (informal) — you
  • usted (formal) — you
  • él — he
  • ella — she
  • nosotros/nosotras — we
  • ustedes — you all
  • ellos — they
  • ellas(females) — they 


  • hola — hello
  • buenos días — good morning
  • buenas tardes — good afternoon
  • buenas noches — good evening / good night
1000 Most Common Spanish Words

Talking About Age

  • (yo) tengo … años — i am … years old.
  • old — viejo/a
  • young — joven
  • middle-aged — de mediana edad
  • youthful — juvenil
  • nuevo/a – new  


  • ¡feliz cumpleaños! — happy birthday!
  • ¡felicitaciones! — congratulations!
  • ¡diviértete! — have fun!
  • ¡buen provecho! — bon appetit!
  • ¡bienvenidos! / ¡bienvenidas! — welcome!
  • salud! — cheers!

Say Good-Bye

  • adiós — goodbye
  • chao — goodbye
  • hasta luego — see you later (most likely today)
  • hasta mañana — see you tomorrow
  • nos vemos — see you (informal)
  • ¡cuídate mucho! — take care!
  • ¡tenga un buen día! — have a nice day!
  • ¡hasta luego! — see you soon!
  • ¡buen viaje! — have a good trip!

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Time Words

No list of the 1,000 most common Spanish words would be complete without time words. 

Days of the Week

  • Domingo — Sunday
  • Lunes — Monday
  • Martes — Tuesday
  • Miércoles — Wednesday
  • Jueves — Thursday
  • Viernes — Friday
  • Sabado — Saturday

Months of the Year

  • Enero — January
  • Febrero — February
  • Marzo — March
  • Abril — April
  • Mayo — May
  • Junio — June
  • Julio — July
  • Agosto — August
  • Septiembre — September
  • Octubre — October
  • Noviembre — November
  • Diciembre — December

Other Time Words

  • anteayer — day before yesterday
  • ayer — yesterday
  • el año — year
  • el día — day
  • el mes — month
  • el siglo — century
  • la hora — hour
  • hoy — today
  • la semana — week
  • madrugada — dawn, very early in the morning
  • mañana — tomorrow
  • mañana — morning
  • medianoche — midnight
  • mediodia — noon
  • el minuto — minute
  • la noche — night
  • el pasado mañana — day after tomorrow
  • los segundos — seconds
  • la tarde — afternoon

Family Words

This Spanish vocab helps you talk about your relatives.

Nuclear Family

  • el padre — father
  • el papá —  dad
  • la madre  — mother
  • la mamá — mom
  • el hermano —  brother
  • la hermana — sister
  • el hijo  — son
  • la hija  — daughter
  • la familia cercana —  close family

Extended Family

  • el abuelo  — grandfather
  • la abuela  — grandmother
  • el bisabuelo — great-grandfather
  • la bisabuela — great-grandmother
  • la nieta — granddaughter
  • el nieto — grandson
  • el tío — uncle
  • la tía — aunt
  • el tío abuelo — great-uncle
  • la tía abuela — great-aunt
  • el primo — cousin (male)
  • la prima — cousin (female)
  • mis parientes — my relatives

Family Verbs

  • abrazar — to hug
  • amar — to love
  • reír — to laugh
  • perdonar — to forgive

Action Verbs

  • empezar —  to start
  • seguir — to follow
  • abrir —  to open
  • buscar — to search
  • cantar — to sing
  • cerrar — to close
  • destruir — to destroy
  • dormir — to sleep
  • encontrar — to find
  • esconder — to hide
  • esperar — to wait
  • faltar — to miss
  • hacer — to do 
  • intentar — to try
  • llamar — to call
  • llevar — to take
  • llorar — to cry
  • luchar — to fight
  • mentir — to lie
  • odiar — to hate
  • recibir — to receive
  • reconocer — to recognize
  • robar — to steal
  • salvar — to save
  • sonreír — to smile
  • soñar — to dream
  • tomar — to take
  • Vivir — to live

The Five Senses

Spice up your Spanish with these common words for your senses. 


  • tranquilo/a – quiet
  • ruidoso/a – loud
  • gritar — to shout
  • escuchar — to hear
  • silencio — silence
  • alto loud
  • bajo — soft
  • ensordecedor — deafening
  • agudo — sharp, high-pitched
  • grave — low-pitched
  • melodioso — melodious
  • armónico — harmonic
  • zumbido — buzz
  • sordo deaf
  • duro de oíd — hard of hearing
  • oído fino acute hearing
  • problemas de audición — hearing-impaired
  • fuera de alcance —  out of earshot


  • ver — to see
  • mirar — to look
  • de colores— colorful
  • blanco y negro black and white
  • brillante — bright
  • apagado — dim
  • claro — light
  • oscuro — dark
  • ciego blind
  • mirar fijamente to stare
  • echar un vistazo to glance
  • bizquear — to squint
  • guiñar — to wink
  • parpadear to blink


  • tocar — to touch
  • agarrar — to grab
  • suave — soft
  • áspero(a) — rough
  • liso(a) — smooth
  • rugoso(a) — wrinkled
  • pegajoso(a) — sticky
  • punzante — sharp
  • sedoso(a) — silky
  • esponjoso(a) — spongy
  • mullido(a) — fluffy
  • hormigueo — tingle
  • entumecido(a) — numb
  • rozar — to touch gently
  • acariciar — to caress
  • agarrar — to grab


  • olor — smell
  • el perfume — scent
  • la fragancia — fragrance
  • el hedor — stench
  • apestoso(a) smelly
  • fresco(a)   fresh
  • acre — pungent
  • húmedo(a) — musty
  • podrido(a) — rotten
  • ahumado(a) — smoky
  • apestar — to stink


  • gusto —- taste
  • sabor — flavor
  • probar — try
  • sabroso  — está sabrosa
  • delicioso —  delicious 
  • perfecto  —  perfect
  • apetitoso  — appetizing
  • dulce  — sweet
  • dulzón —  sugary 
  • soso  — bland

Describing Words


  • abierto/a – open 
  • ancho/a – wide
  • estrecho/a – narrow
  • lejano/a – far
  • cercano/a – close

Personality and Emotions

  • alegre – joyful
  • gracioso/a – funny, amusing
  • serio/a – serious
  • tímido/a – shy
  • valiente – brave
  • loco/a – crazy
  • contento(a) — content
  • feliz — happy
  • preocupado(a) — worried
  • nervioso(a) — nervous
  • tranquilo(a) — tranquil
  • calmado(a) — calm
  • emocionado(a) — excited

Physical Adjectives


  • largo/a — long
  • corto/a short
  • liso/a — straight
  • rizado/a curly
  • ondulado/a — wavy
  • castaño/a — brown
  • rubio/a — blonde
  • pelirrojo/a red
  • negro/a — black
  • canoso/a — grey
  • abundante — thick
  • fino/a — thin
  • escalado/a layered
  • teñido/a — dyed
  •  saludable — healthy
  • claro/a — light
  • encrespado/a — frizzy
  • brillante — shiny
  • calvo/a bald


  • grande – big
  • pequeño/a – small  
  • enorme – huge 
  • delgado/a — lean
  • esbelto/a — slender
  • flaco/a — skinny
  • menudo/a — petite
  • alto/a — tall
  • bajo/a — short


  • hermoso/a — beautiful 
  • guapo/a — handsome 
  • feo/a — ugly  
  • adorable — cute  
  • bonita — pretty  
  • impresionante — stunning
  • poco atractivo/a — plain  
  • promedio/a — average  
  • atractivo/a — attractive  


  • negro —  black
  • marrón / café —  brown
  • gris — grey
  • blanco — white
  • amarillo —  yellow
  • anaranjado — orange
  • rojo — red
  • rosado —  pink
  • morado / púrpura — purple
  • azul —  blue
  • verde — green

Arts and Crafts

  • colorear — to color
  • construir — to construct
  • cortar — to cut
  • coser — to sew
  • dibujar — to draw
  • pintar — to paint


  • cero — zero
  • uno — one
  • dos — two
  • tres — three
  • cuatro — four
  • cinco —  five
  • seis — six
  • siete — seven
  • ocho —  eight
  • nueve — nine
  • diez — ten


This animal vocab will help you talk about animals both on land and in the ocean!

Farm Animals

  • el gato — cat
  • el perro — dog
  • el conejo — rabbit
  • el pollo — chicken
  • la gallina — hen
  • el gallo —  rooster
  • la vaca —  cow
  • el toro —  bull
  • la oveja —  sheep
  • el caballo — horse
  • el cerdo — pig
  • la cabra —  goat
  • el burro —  donkey
  • el ratón —  mouse

Forest Animals

  • el ciervo —  deer
  • el mapache —  raccoon
  • la ardilla -— squirrel
  • el búho —  owl
  • el zorro —  fox
  • el lobo —  wolf
  • el oso —  bear

Ocean Animals

  • el cangrejo — crab
  • la medusa — jellyfish
  • el delfín —  dolphin
  • la ballena —  whale
  • el tiburón —  shark
  • la foca —  seal
  • el lobo marino —  sea lion
  • la morsa —  walrus
  • el pingüino — penguin


  • el viaje — trip
  • el equipaje  — bags
  • la salida — exit
  • la llegada — arrival
  • los documentos de identidad — id papers
  • el billete de avión — boarding pass
  • el hotel — hotel
  • el permiso de conducir — driver’s license
  • echar gasolina — to get gas
  • viajar — to travel
  • volver — to return
  • ir — to go
  • salir — to leave
  • parar — to stop
  • partir — to depart
  • porter(a) — doorman
  • hostia — hostess
  • botones — bellhop
  • anfitriona— airline hostess


  • el avión —  airplane
  • el coche —  car
  • la bicicleta — bicycle
  • la motocicleta — motorcycle
  • el tren —  train
  • el metro/subte —  subway
  • el autobús — bus
  • el barco — ship
  • taxista — taxi driver
  • revisor(a) — train conductor
  • dependiente de gas — gas station attendant
  • conductor(a) — driver, chauffeur 
  • camionero(a) — truck driver


  • el sol —  the sun
  • las nubes —  the clouds
  • la niebla — the fog
  • la neblina — the mist
  • la lluvia —  the rain
  • la llovizna — the drizzle
  • la tormenta —  the storm
  • el tornado —  the tornado
  • el trueno — the thunder
  • el relámpago — the lightning strike
  • el rayo — the lightning bolt
  • el viento — the wind
  • la brisa — the breeze
  • el granizo — the hail
  • el hielo — the ice
  • la nieve —  the snow
  • el calor —  the heat
  • el frío —  the cold
  • la humedad — the humidity
  • la temperatura — the temperature
  • el pronóstico — the forecast

Weather Verbs

  • llover  —  to rain
  • lloviznar  —  to drizzle
  • diluviar  — to pour down
  • granizar  — to hail
  • nevar  —  to snow


  • el invierno  —  winter
  • la primavera  —  spring
  • el verano —  summer
  • el otoño  —  fall


  • carta de motivación  — cover letter
  • el cv  — resume
  • la firma  — firm
  • el negocio  — business
  • la compañía  — company
  • el jefe  — boss
  • el empleado  — employee
  • trabajar  — to work
  • negociar — to negotiate
  • consultor(a) —  consultant
  • dueño(a) — owner


  • abogado(a) — lawyer
  • arquitecto(a) — architect
  • bombero(a) — fireman
  • campesino(a) — farm worker
  • carpintero(a) — carpenter
  • cartero(a) — postal worker
  • casero(a) — landlord
  • científico(a) — scientist
  • cocinero(a) — cook, chef
  • consejero (a) — counselor  
  • constructor (a) — construction worker
  • contador(a) — accountant/bookkeeper 
  • doméstico(a) —  maid
  • detective — detective
  • director, revisor, redactor(a) — editor
  • electricista — electrician
  • escritor / autor(a) — writer / author
  • vaquero, tropero(a) — cowboy
  • manejador(a) — manager
  • granjero(a) — farmer
  • ingeniero(a) — engineer
  • jardinero(a) — gardener
  • jefe — boss
  • juez — judge
  • lavandero(a) — laundry person
  • marinero(a) —  merchant marine
  • mecánico (a) — mechanic
  • camarero(a) — waiter
  • padre — priest
  • panadero(a) — baker
  • pastor(a) — pastor/minister
  • periodista reporter/journalist
  • pescador(a) — fisherman
  • pintor(a) — painter
  • plomero(a) — plumber
  • Policía — policeman
  • programador(a) — computer programmer 
  • dueño(a) — owner
  • químico(a) — chemist
  • ranchero(a) — rancher
  • rebuscador(a) — researcher
  • reparador(a) — repairman
  • técnico(a) de laboratorio — lab technician
  • trabajador(a) de fábrica — factory worker
  • veterinario(a) — veterinarian


  • ir al gimnasio — go to the gym
  • ir de caminata — go hiking
  • levantar pesas — lift weight
  • mantenerse en forma — to stay in shape
  • practicar — to practice
  • nadar — to swim
  • el yoga — yoga
  • el fútbol — soccer
  • el fútbol americano — football
  • el béisbol — baseball
  • el baloncesto — basketball
  • el golf — golf
  • el hockey — hockey
  • el tenis — tennis
  • el voleibol — volleyball
  • luchar — to wrestle/to fight
  • correr — to run
  • esquiar — to ski
  • el partido — game/match
  • la carrera — race
  • el torneo — tournament

Sports Verbs

  • patear — to kick
  • saltar — to jump
  • parar — to stop/to block
  • balancear — to swing
  • servir — to serve
  • rematar — to spike
  • pegar — to hit
  • driblar — to dribble
  • tirar — to throw
  • agarrar — to catch
  • ganar — to win
  • perder — to lose
  • empatar — to tie
  • caminar — to walk
  • bailar — to dance
  • jugar — to play
  • competir — to compete

Time to Eat!

These common Spanish words for food will leave you hungry for more Spanish!

Food and Drink

  • la comida — food 
  • las bebidas — drinks
  • las verduras — vegetables
  • las frutas — fruits
  • cocinar — to cook
  • tengo hambre — i’m hungry
  • tengo sed — i’m thirsty


  • la res  beef
  • el pollo — chicken
  • la gallina — chicken 
  • el cordero  lamb
  • la barbacoa  grilled
  • el cerdo — pork
  • el perrito caliente — hot dog
  • el jamón — ham
  • la hamburguesa — hamburger
  • el tocino  bacon
  • el pescado — fish


  • la zanahoria  carrot
  • la lechuga  lettuce
  • el tomate — tomato
  • la maíz — corn
  • la papa — potato
  • la patata  — potato
  • las papas  french fries
  • las patatas fritas  french fries
  • el brocoli  broccoli
  • la espinaca  spinach
  • la cebolla  onion
  • la col  cabbage
  • la ensalada — salad
  • la aceituna  olive
  • las calabacitas  squash
  • el hongo  mushroom
  • el pepino  cucumber


  • la manzana  apple
  • la pera  pear
  • la fresa  strawberry
  • la frambuesa  raspberry
  • la zarzamora — blackberry
  • el arándano  blueberry
  • el arándano rojo — cranberry
  • la naranja  orange
  • la mandarina  tangerine
  • la toronja  grapefruit
  • el limón  lemon
  • la lima  lime
  • el plátano  banana
  • la piña  pineapple
  • el coco  coconut
  • el mango  mango
  •  la papaya — papaya


  • la cerveza —  beer
  • el refresco —  pop, soft drink
  • el té  tea
  • el té helado  iced tea
  • el café  coffee
  • la leche  milk
  • el agua  water
  • el jugo — juice
  • el batido —  milkshake


  • el chocolate  chocolate
  • los dulces  candy
  • el pastel  cake
  • las galletas  cookies
  • el helado   ice cream
  • el churros con chocolate  chocolate churros
  • el basque cheesecake  cheesecake


  • el plato  plate
  • el plato hondo  bowl
  • el vaso  glass
  • la copa —  cup
  • el tenedor  fork
  • la cuchara  spoon
  • el cuchillo  knife
  • la servilleta  napkin


  • dulce — sweet
  • salado(a) — savory
  • rico(a) — delicious


  • el desayuno — breakfast
  • el almuerzo — lunch
  • la cena — dinner
  • el tentempié — snack


  • la prenda, la ropa — clothes
  • los zapatos — shoes
  • el pantalón — pants
  • la camiseta / la camisa — shirt
  • la chaqueta — jacket
  • la falda — skirt
  • el suéter — sweater
  • el vestido — dress

Holidays and Parties

  • la navidad — christmas
  • el año nuevo— new year
  • la pascua —  easter
  • el día de san valentín — valentine’s day
  • el día de la madre — mother’s day
  • el día del padre — father’s day
  • el día de la independencia — independence day
  • el día de acción de gracias — thanksgiving
  • el cumpleaños — birthday
  • la fiesta — the party
  • la boda — the wedding

Parts of the Body

  • el cuerpo humano — the human body
  • la cabeza — head
  • el pecho — chest
  • el oído / la oreja — ear
  • el ojo — eye
  • la cara — face
  • la mano — hand
  • la boca — mouth
  • el pie —  foot
  • la espalda —  back
  • el pelo  —  hair
  • el codo — elbow
  • el dedo — finger
  • la pantorrilla — calf
  • la pierna — leg
  • la muñeca — wrist
  • el talón — heel
  • el brazo — arm
  • el cuello — neck
  • el tobillo — ankle
  • la frente — forehead
  • el muslo — thigh
  • la barba — beard
  • el bigote — mustache
  • la lengua — tongue
  • el dedo del pie — toe
  • la cintura — waist
  • la cadera — hip
  • las nalgas — buttocks
  • el pulgar — thumb
  • la rodilla — knee
  • la nariz — nose
  • la mejilla, el cachete — cheek
  • los labios — lips
  • el hombro — shoulder
  • la barbilla, el mentón — chin
  • las cejas — eyebrows
  • las pestañas — eyelashes
  • el ombligo  — belly button
  • la piel  — skin
  • el vientre — stomach
  • la garganta — throat
  • los dientes/las muelas — teeth

Transition Words

Connect your Spanish ideas with these transition words and your sentences will begin to flow with ease!

Time and Place

  • al principio — at the beginning
  • en primer lugar — firstly
  • para comenzar — to start
  • antes — before
  • después — after
  • a continuación  — in continuation
  • mientras tanto — meanwhile
  • al final — at the end

Add an Idea

  • además — additionally
  • aparte de — apart from
  • asimismo — at the same time
  • también — also
  • de igual manera  — in the same way

Compare contrast

  • pero  — but
  • sin embargo  — however
  • no obstante  — nevertheless
  • por otro lado  — on the other hand
  • aunque  — even though
  • a pesar de  — despite

Location Words

Wherever you are, you’ll want to be able to talk about your location in Spanish. 


  • dentro de — inside of
  • encima de/sobre — on top of
  • debajo de — underneath of
  • delante de — in front of
  • detrás de — behind
  • entre — between
  • en — in/on/at
  • dentro de — inside of
  • fuera de — outside of
  • arriba de — above
  • en medio de — in the middle of
  • cerca de — close to
  • lejos de — far from
  • al lado de — next to
  • alrededor de — around
  • a la izquierda de — to the left of
  • a la derecha de — to the right of

Location Verbs

  • estar — to be
  • colocar — to place
  • ubicar — to position
  • poner — to put
  • situar — to place

Here and There

  • aquí, acá — here
  • ahí — there
  • allí — there
  • allá — over there


  • el este — east
  • el norte — north
  • el oeste — west
  • el sur — south


Classroom Objects

Check out this classroom vocabulary for some of the 1,000 most common Spanish words.

  • la clase classroom
  • el aula — classroom
  • la pizarra — blackboard
  • el pizarrón — whiteboard
  • la tiza chalk
  • el marcador marker
  • el borrador — eraser 
  • el escritorio desk
  • el pupitre — desk
  • la silla — chair
  • la mochila —  backpack
  • el libro — book
  • el cuaderno notebook
  • el papel paper
  • el lápiz pencil
  • los lápices de colores coloring pencils
  • el sacapuntas pencil sharpener
  • el bolígrafo pen
  • la goma — eraser 
  • las tijeras — scissors
  • la cola/el pegamento glue
  • la regla — ruler
  • la grapadora — stapler
  • el estuche — pencil case

Classroom Activities

  • estudiar — to study
  • repasar — to revise
  • aprender —  to learn
  • saber — to know
  • hacer los deberes — to do homework
  • hacer la tarea  — to do homework
  • leer — to read
  • escribir — to write
  • hablar — to speak
  • decir — to say
  • preguntar — to ask
  • charlar — to chat
  • dictar — to dictate
  • deletrear —  to spell
  • contar — to count
  • faltar — to miss school
  • aprobar —  to pass a subject/a test
  • reprobar— to fail a subject/a test
  • prestar —  to lend
  • tomar prestado to borrow
  • traer — to bring
  • enseñar — to teach
  • mostrar — to show
  • nombrar — to name
  • ayudar — to help

Places in a School

  • la escuela — school
  • el colegio — school
  • el gimnasio — gym
  • el patio — playground
  • el baño — restroom
  • el pasillo — hallway
  • la biblioteca — library
  • la oficina  —  office
  • la sala de profesores — staff room
  • el comedor — cafeteria
  • la cocina — kitchen
  • la enfermería — infirmary
  • el laboratorio — lab

People in a School

  • maestro/a — teacher (primary school)
  • profesor/a — teacher (secondary school)
  • entrenador/a — coach
  • enfermero/a — nurse
  • director/a —  principal
  • alumno/a — student
  • estudiante —  student

More School Words

  • el almuerzo —  lunch
  • el recreo —  recess
  • las vacaciones —  vacations
  • la comida —  food
  • el casillero —  locker
  • la materia —  subject
  • la matemática —  math
  • la biología —  biology
  • la química —  chemistry
  • la física —  physics
  • la educación física —  physical education
  • la historia —  history
  • la literatura —  literature
  • la prueba — test
  • el examen —  exam
  • la nota — grade
  • la calificación — grade


  • un ordenador (Spain)  — a computer
  • una computadora (Latin America) —  a computer
  • una tableta  —  a tablet
  • una impresora  —   a printer
  •  el ratón  —   the mouse
  • apagar  —   to turn on
  • encender  —   to turn off
  • el disco duro   —  the hard drive
  • el teclado   —  the keyboard
  • la tecla  —   the key
  • los auriculares   —  headphones
  • el micrófono  —   the mic
  •  la pantalla  —   the screen
  •  la cámara  —   the camera
  • los altavoces  —  the speakers
  • una aplicación  —   an app
  •  base de datos  —   database
  • las redes sociales  —   social networks
  • el enlace   —  the link
  • subir  —   to upload
  • guardar  —   to save
  • borrar  —   to delete
  • hacer click  —   to click
  • bajar/descargar   —  to download
  • buscar en Google   —  search on Google
  • pirata informático —   hacker
  • contraseña   —  password

Home Sweet Home!

Household vocabulary is an important part of the 1,000 most common Spanish words so that you can talk about the place where you spend most of your time.

  • la casa — house, home
  • el hogar — home
  • la habitación  — bedroom
  • el cuarto  — bedroom
  • el dormitorio  — bedroom
  • la sala  — living room 
  • el comedor  — dining room
  • la cocina  — kitchen
  • el baño  — bathroom
  • el pasillo  — hallway 
  • el jardín  — yard, garden
  • el garaje  — garage
  • cómodo/a  — comfortable  
  • acogedor  — cozy
  • desordenado/a  — messy
  • limpio/a  — clean 


  • la pasta de dientes — toothpaste
  • el cepillo de dientes — toothbrush
  • el jabón — soap
  • el secador de pelo — hair dryer
  • el champú — shampoo
  • el cepillo — brush
  • el papel higiénico — toilet paper
  • la toalla — towel
  • el agua jabonosa — soapy water
  • la bolsa de basura — trash bag
  • el cubo de basura — trash can
  • el cesto de la ropa sucia — laundry basket
  • la navaja de afeitar — razor
  • la maquinilla de afeitar eléctrica — electric razor
  • la crema de afeitar — shaving cream
  • el enjuague bucal — mouthwash
  • el cepillo de pelo — hair brush
  • el peine — comb
  • el limpiador facial — facial cleanser
  • la balanza— scale
  • el pañuelo de papel — tissue
  • los juguetes de baño — bath toys
  • la alfombra de baño — bath mat
  • la ducha — shower
  • la bañera — bathtub
  • el fregadero — sink
  • el inodoro — toilet
  • el grifo — faucet
  • el espejo — mirror
  • peinar — to comb

Kitchen Verbs

  • cocinar —  to cook
  • comer — to eat
  • adobar —  to marinate
  • sazonar —  to season
  • lavar — to wash
  • cortar —  to cut
  • pelar —  to peel
  • picar —  to chop
  • moler —  to grind
  • incorporar — to add
  • mezclar — to mix
  • catir —  to whisk
  • licuar —  to blend
  • combinar —  to combine
  • freír — to fry
  • hervir —  to boil  
  • colar — to strain
  • cocer — to cook
  • hornear — to bake 
  • asar —  to grill / roast
  • saltear — to saute
  • preparar — to prepare
  • descongelar — to defrost
  • quemar —  to burn
  • tostar —  to toast
  • derretir — to melt
  • rodajear —  to slice
  • calentar —  to warm up / heat
  • rellenar —  to fill / stuff
  • lavar —  to wash
  • limpiar —  to clean
  • desayunar — to have breakfast
  • cenar — to have dinner


  • la puerta —  the door
  • el armario — the wardrobe
  • la estantería — the shelf
  • la ventana — the window
  • las cortinas —  the curtains
  • el escritorio —  the desk
  • el ordenador —  the computer
  • la cama — the bed
  • el cojín — the pillow
  • el edredón — the quilt
  • las sábanas — the bedding
  • la almohada — the pillowcase
  • la lámpara — the lamp
  • la mesilla de noche — the night table or nightstand
  • el espejo — the mirror
  • el cuadro — the painting

Living Room

  • la puerta — the door
  • el armario —  the wardrobe
  • la estantería the shelf
  • la ventana —  the window
  • las cortinas — the curtains
  • la mesa —  the table
  • la silla — the chair
  • el sillón — armchair
  • la alfombra — the carpet or rug
  • la lámpara — the lamp
  • la planta — the plant
  • las flores — the flowers
  • la chimenea — the chimney
  • el suelo — the ground
  • el techo — the ceiling


  • dependiente/a — shop assistant
  • caja — checkout
  • rebajas — sales
  • ocasión — bargain
  • recibo — receipt
  • probadores — dressing room
  • tamaño — size
  • tienda de ropa — clothing store
  • zapatería — shoe store
  • librería — bookstore
  • almacén — department store
  • supermercado — supermarket
  • joyería — jeweler
  • juguetería —  toy store
  • almacenero(a) — grocer
  • comerciante (a) — merchant
  • tendero(a) — shopkeeper
  • dependiente — clerk
  • cajero(a) — cashier

Talk About Your Health in Spanish

If you ever get sick abroad or have an emergency in a Spanish-speaking country, these health words will come in handy! Health vocabulary is an essential part of the 1,000 most common Spanish words.

Healthcare Professionals

  • los cuidados de la salud — healthcare
  • el dentista — dentist
  • el doctor/a — doctor
  • el enfermero/a — nurse
  • el médico general — general practitioner
  • el médico de cabecera — general practitioner
  • el médico especialista — specialist
  • el/la nutricionista — nutritionist
  • el/la paciente — patient
  • el/la paramédico — paramedic
  • quiropráctico(a) — chiropractor 
  • el/la pediatra — pediatrician 
  • el psicólogo/a — psychologist
  • los primeros auxilios — first aid
  • la salud — health

Healthcare Services

  • la ambulancia — ambulance
  • la aseguradora — insurance carrier
  • el centro de salud — clinic
  • la clínica — clinic
  • la farmacia — drug store
  • droguería — drug store
  • el hospital — hospital
  • el pabellón — ward
  • la sala de espera — waiting room
  • la sala de operaciones — operating room
  • el sanatorio — sanatorium

Illnesses and Injuries

  • la alergía allergy
  • la  asfixia — suffocation
  • el asma — asthma
  • el ataque al corazón/paro cardiaco — heart attack
  • el calambre — muscle cramp
  • el cancer — cancer
  • el chinchón— head bump
  • el corte — cut
  • la deshidratación — dehydration
  • la diabetes — diabetes 
  • la diarrea — diarrhea
  • el dolor — ache/pain
  • el dolor de cabeza — headache
  • el dolor de garganta — sore throat 
  • el dolor de estómago — stomach ache
  • el dolor de diente — toothache
  • la enfermedad — disease
  • la enfermedad cardiaca — heart disease 
  • la enfermedad infecciosa — infectious disease
  • los escalofríos— shaking chills
  • la fractura — fracture
  • la fiebre — fever
  • la gripe — flu
  • la herida — wound
  • la hipotermia — hypothermia
  • la infección — infection
  • el malestar — discomfort
  • el morete/moretón — bruise
  • la náusea — nausea
  • el raspón — graze
  • el resfriado — cold
  • el sangrado — bleeding
  • la tos — cough
  • el virus — virus
  • el vomito — vomit

Start Today!

You now have the 1,000 most common Spanish words in your language toolbox! Start practicing these new words with a professional teacher today. Sign up for a free trial class and find out for yourself just how easy it is to learn Spanish. Our friendly, native-speaking teachers are experienced at working with beginners and will have you speaking Spanish in no time! 

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

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Faustina Mulnik

As a native English speaker, I’ve spent over 6 years perfecting my Spanish. My studies have led me to major in Spanish, translate documents at a local museum, and communicate with people I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to know. I’ve studied abroad in Spain, lived in Yellowstone National Park for a summer, and volunteered in Costa Rica. I’m a passionate travel enthusiast seeking to share my love for all things Latin America.

Faustina Mulnik

I don’t know why

I just know I do

I just can’t explain

In this language that I use

Something leaves me speechless

Each time that you approach

Each time you glide right through me

As if I was a ghost

If I only could tell you

If you only would listen

I’ve got a line or two to use on you

I’ve got a romance we could christen

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

But I heard it in a film one time,

spoken by the leading man

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

And the words he spoke in Spanish

brought the female lead to tears

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

If you can’t comprehend

Read it in my eyes

If you don’t understand it’s love

In a thin disguise

And what it takes to move you

Each time that you resist

Is more than just a pretty face

To prove that I exist

If I only could tell you

If you only would listen

I’ve got a line or two to use on you

I’ve got a romance we could christen

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

But I heard it in a film one time

spoken by the leading man

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

And the words he spoke in Spanish

brought the female lead to tears

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

When manners make no difference

And my gifts all lay undone

I trade my accent in on chance

And fall back on a foreign tongue

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

But I heard it in a film one time

spoken by the leading man

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

And the words he spoke in Spanish

brought the female lead to tears

Oh! A word in Spanish, uh-uh, a word in Spanish

There is a word in Spanish, uh-uh, a word in Spanish

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