The word one in cursive

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.



в рукописном

прописными буквами

Between second and fourth grade, kids learn to write in cursive and will apply the conventions of handwriting automatically.

Между вторым и четвертым классом, дети учатся писать курсивом и стараются применять соглашения почерка автоматически.

The researchers developed a system that allows users to write in cursive on a video monitor using only their eyes.

Учёные разработали систему, которая позволяет своим пользователям писать курсивом на видеомониторе при помощи только движения глаз.

Teaching your child how to write in cursive will take a little effort and some supervision.

Обучение вашего ребенка, как писать прописью займет немного усилий и некоторые наблюдения.

I trust these instructions aren’t in cursive?

Надеюсь инструкции написаны не прописью?

classical poem in cursive script at Treasures of Ancient China exhibit

Классическая поэма в рукописном шрифте на выставке Сокровища древнего Китая

For many children, learning to write their name in cursive is a significant milestone.

Для многих детей обучение написанию своего имени курсивом становится существенным достижением.

The hryvnia symbol is the Ukraine letter ‘He’ written in cursive with two horizontal lines through the centre.

Символом гривны является украинская буква «г», написанная курсивом с двумя горизонтальными линиями, проходящими через центр.

Do you really have nothing better to do than stand there all day and watch me write in cursive?

Тебе действительно нечего больше делать чем стоят тут целый день и смотреть, как я пишу курсивом?

The numbers written in cursive on the human chart on the left (‘khor lo) are used to calculate the movements of Saturn (spen pa).

Числа, написанные курсивом на карте человека («khor lo»), используются для расчета движений Сатурна (spen pa).

To build Turry’s writing skills, she is programmed to write the first part of the note in print and then sign «Robotica» in cursive so she can get practice with both skills.

Чтобы отточить письменные навыки Тарри, она запрограммирована на написание первой части сообщения печатными буквами, а «Robotica» — курсивом, потому может оттачивать сразу оба навыка.

In its written form, the Mkhedruli letters are not connected to one another, although they can be written in cursive.

В печатном виде буквы Мхедрули не соединяются, хотя могут быть напечатаны курсивом

In the early days of the post office, letters were written in cursive — and to fit more text on a single sheet, the text was continued in lines crossing at 90 degrees from the original text. Block letters were not suitable for this.

В первые дни почтового отделения письма были написаны курсивом — и чтобы вместить больше текста на одном листе, текст был продолжен линиями, пересекающимися под углом 90 градусов от исходного текста.

In the first century, Roman scribes wrote in cursive, so when they typed the Latin word age meaning «and» they linked the e and t.

В первом веке нашей эры римские писцы писали курсивом, поэтому, когда они писали латинской союз «и», то соединяли ё и t.

The inscription in cursive Bactrian reads: «Mihira, Vishnu and Shiva».

Надпись бактрийским курсивом гласит: «Михира, Вишну и Шива».

Additionally, many historical documents, such as the United States Constitution, are written in cursive — the inability to read cursive therefore precludes one from being able to fully appreciate such documents in their original format.

Многие исторические документы, такие как Конституция Соединенных Штатов, написаны курсивом — поэтому неспособность читать курсивом лишает человека возможности полностью оценить такие документы в их оригинальном формате.

I prefer to write in cursive.

Some serekhs written on pottery vessels had hieroglyphs in cursive format, possibly a premature stage of hieratic.

Некоторые шерехи, написанные на керамике, имели иероглифы в скорописном формате, возможно, преждевременную стадию иератики.

And please sign it in cursive.

I remember when she taught me how to write my name in cursive.

They say they were born in cursive.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 45. Точных совпадений: 45. Затраченное время: 78 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

A cursive capital I is easy to write, it is similar to a lowercase cursive l. The lowercase cursive i is almost exactly like a handwritten lowercase i.

The letter i in cursive usually connects to the letter t in words like:

  • itchy
  • Item
  • it

Cursive i’s also connect to the letter l in many words. Some of these include:

  • illness
  • illusion

After you become comfortable with writing the letter i in cursive, practice writing “il” together as well as “it.” These are called “connectors” and will help you understand how cursive works to form words.

Bonus Practice: This letter is very commonly used and is in very unique words (including the word “unique”). Try practicing less common words in order to really improve your writing skill.

Writing an Uppercase I in Cursive

As you see in the diagram (above), begin the capital I at the bottom line, on the left. Beginning to bring the stroke up to the top line, looping to around back to the bottom line, on the outer right, leaving the tail for other letters to connect.

Please watch our short tutorial video showing exactly how to write both upper and lowercase.

Writing a Lowercase i in Cursive

Writing the lowercase cursive i is exactly like a handwritten lowercase i. When beginning your stroke, start below the centerline. Take your stroke to the bottom line, leaving the tail off the right side for the connecting letters in the word. Always remember to dot your lowercase i as well.

Cursive Letter I — Free Worksheet to practice the letter i in both uppercase and lowercase. Click on the image to download the pdf.

cursive letter i

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The, uh, invitation is handwritten, Serena, in cursive.

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That’s why I refuse to write my signature in cursive.

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Поэтому я отказываюсь расписываться курсивом.

I remember when she taught me how to write my name in cursive.

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Some of the letters are written


print, others in cursive.

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Некоторые буквы печатные, остальные написаны от руки.

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Надеюсь инструкции написаны не прописью?

Do you really have nothing better to do than stand there all day and

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Тебе действительно нечего больше делать чем стоят тут целый день и смотреть,

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The alphabet included many characters(a, i, k, t, p, b, m, n, r, s, z, š,

xv) from cursive Pahlavi, while some(ā, γ) are characters that only exist in the Psalter Pahlavi variant

in cursive

Pahlavi γ

and k have the same symbol.

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алфавите было много символов( a, i, k, t, p, b, m, n, r, s, z,

š, xv) из книжного пехлевийского письма, а некоторые( ā, γ)- из псалтирьского пехлеви в книжном пехлеви для обозначения γ и k

использовался один и тот же символ.

It is inscribed in Roman cursive on both sides of two small sheets of lead.

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Текст в римском курсиве нанесен на обе стороны двух небольших листочков свинца.

Latin alphabet(monumental and cursive)


use in Roman Gaul:

ABCDÐEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTVXZ abcdðefghiklmnopqrstvxz G and K are sometimes used interchangeably especially after R.

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Латинский алфавит( монументальный и скоропись) использовался наиболее активно в Римской Галлии,

кроме ее южной части, хотя и там есть тексты с латинской орфографией: ABCDÐEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVXZ abcdðefghiklmnopqrstuvxz G и K иногда использовались взаимозаменяемо особенно после R.

The text is written in the Gaulish language, with cursive Latin letters.

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Книга была написана на латинском языке в сочетании с словами каталанского диалекта.

Cursive writing applies to be used in vernacular writings and later became a basis for»nash» handwriting.


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Курсивное— использовалось в ежедневных общеупотребительных записях и


дальнейшем стало основой для почерка« насх».


When his teacher discovers that Bart cannot read cursive writing, he places him in a remedial class, much to Bart’s shock.

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Когда новый учитель узнает, что Барт не может читать текст курсивом, то отправляет его в подготовительный класс для исправления положения.

One night in 1992, Ted Stevens(of Mayday and Cursive) invited Oberst onstage to play.

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Одним вечером в 1992 Тед Стивенс( Mayday и Cursive) пригласил Оберста сыграть на сцене.

jie and ji are both written with vertical squiggles, but the horizontal strokes of the


jie are further apart and visually more distinct than the corresponding elements of


ji, with the result that the representation of jie is higher than that of ji.

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и ji изображаются с изогнутыми вертикальными ли ниями, но горизонтальные штрихи jie более отстоят друг от друга и визу ально более четкие, чем соответст вующие штрихи ji.

In the earliest part of his career he excelled at cursive calligraphy and favored a meticulous style modelled after Ni Zan.

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В начале своей карьеры преуспел


каллиграфической скорописи, предпочитая тонкий стиль, заимствованный у Ни Цзаня.

The fourth stage included the creation of the longest text in Tamgalytas, reproduced in 11 lines in cursive“clear script”.


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Четвертым этапом стало создание самого длинного в Тамгалытас текста, воспроизведенного в 11 строк курсивным« ясным письмом»; в современном переводе Н.


Russian Cyrillic


handwriting in XIX century version.


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Молитва« Отче нашъ…»( скоропись) в редакции 19 века.




script is used in handwriting.

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Наклонный шрифт применяется в чертежах.

They are written


beautiful Mongolian cursive.

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Они написаны красивой монгольской вязью.

Russian calligraphy was gravitated towards geometric accuracy of handwriting(uncial writing),

which was partially lost in semi-uncial and



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Рус. К. также тяготела к геометрич. четкости почерка( устав), к-

рая была далее отчасти утрачена в полууставе и скорописи.

Website design in hand-drawing style often uses»hand-drawn» images and


script fonts.


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Дизайн сайта в рисованном стиле использует изображения, нарисованные« от руки»,« рукописные шрифты».


Handwritten or typed entries made on

the permit shall be


Latin characters or


English cursive script.


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Вносимые в удостоверение от руки или

отпечатанные на машинке записи делаются буквами латинского алфавита или прописью на английском языке.


Two main types of Arabic writing are known


the earlier days of Islam: monumental and cursive.


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В начальный период ислама было известно два основных типа арабского письма: монументальное и курсивное.


In fact, models of Humanist


spread rapidly, thanks mainly to calligraphy treatises and manuals written by Degli

Arrighi, Tagliente, Palatino and other 16th century calligraphers.


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Образцы шрифта Humanist Cursive действительно быстро распространялись, во многом благодаря научным трудам и трактатам Людовико дельи Арриги,

Тальенте, Палатино и других каллиграфов XVI века.


This contrast between sharp and soft forms grew into the main design feature of the family,

with the balance shifted more towards soft forms in the cursive-influenced italic.


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Контраст между резкими и плавными формами стал главной особенностью этого шрифта, при этом в курсивах баланс смещен в сторону плавных форм.


Starting from the Middle Byzantine period,

they are heavily influenced by the uncial cursive, and minuscule,


particular, the characteristics that tell little about the local epigraphic habit.


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Начиная со средневизантийского времени, на них сильно воздействует унциальный курсив и особенно минускул, что вырывает их из контекста локальной эпиграфической традиции.


Examples include: 圖→図 觀→観 示(religion/ceremony radical)→礻 晝→昼 The aforementioned 门 handwritten simplification also originated from semi-cursive,

but is not generally accepted in official Japanese writing.

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Примеры включают: 圖→ 図 觀→ 観 示( радикал)→ 礻 晝→ 昼 Вышеупомянутое рукописное упрощение 门 также возникло в синшу, но не является общепринятым в официальной японской письменности.

The empty paper


Arild’s lap is soon filled with small neat cursive, as he takes the time to respond to Claude’s recent letter.

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Чистый лист бумаги, лежащий перед Арильдом, вскоре становится заполненным мелким аккуратным шрифтом. Он пишет ответ на последнее письмо Клода.

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Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does.

Nancy Cartwright



From Medieval Latin cursīvus running, ultimately from Latin currere to run.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Cursive can act as a noun and an adjective.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.




Cursive, also known as script, joined-up writing, joint writing, running writing, or handwriting is any style of penmanship in which the symbols of the language are written in a conjoined and/or flowing manner, generally for the purpose of making writing faster. However, not all cursive copybooks join all letters. Formal cursive is generally joined, but casual cursive is a combination of joins and pen lifts. In the Persian, Arabic, Latin, and Cyrillic alphabets, many or all letters in a word are connected, sometimes making a word one single complex stroke. While the terms cursive or script are popular in the United States for describing this style of writing the Latin script, this term is rarely used elsewhere. Joined-up writing is more popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland and India. The corresponding Telugu word is a transliteration of «Joined-up writing.» The term handwriting is common in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In Australia, the term running-writing is also popularly applied.

Definition of cursive in the English dictionary

The first definition of cursive in the dictionary is of or relating to handwriting in which letters are formed and joined in a rapid flowing style. Other definition of cursive is of or relating to typefaces that resemble handwriting. Cursive is also a cursive letter or printing type.


Synonyms and antonyms of cursive in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «cursive» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of cursive to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of cursive from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «cursive» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

chư viết ẩu

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

கூட்டெழுத்து முறையை

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

el yazısı

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of cursive


The term «cursive» is quite widely used and occupies the 29.704 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «cursive» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of cursive

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «cursive».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «cursive» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «cursive» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about cursive


Famous quotes and sentences with the word cursive.

Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does.

No one looks at your hands to see how much they shake when you are interviewed to be a surgeon. The physical skills required are no greater than for writing cursive script. If an operation requires so much skill only a few surgeons can do it, you modify the operation to make it simpler.

I went to an all-girls’ Catholic school for, like, six years during the time when kids actually had handwriting class. I’ve always had a propensity for getting the cursive down pretty well.

I’ve always had a propensity for getting the cursive down pretty well. What it evolved into was my pseudo-waitressing job when I was auditioning. I didn’t wait tables. I did calligraphy for the invitations for, like, Robin Thicke and Paula Patton’s wedding.

For some reason when I write in cursive, it’s easier and flows better for me to read that when I print.

I’m really interested in making a mark on a paper and letting that be cursive shorthand for an idea — that’s the origin of cartooning.

There was a mission: To match the cover of ‘Extraordinary’ to the cover of the paperback ‘Impossible,’ which was commercially successful. Consider the outdoor natural setting, the single girl in motion with her hair blowing, and the cursive font used for the title; both covers have these in common.


Discover the use of cursive in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to cursive and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Cursive Writing Practice Book (Flash Kids Harcourt Family …

Most importantly, Flash Kids products give families an easy, affordable way to bridge the gap between school and home. This book teaches cursive in a cool way.


Power Practice: Cursive Handwriting, eBook

Use activity pages to enhance students’ handwriting.


Cursive Writing: A Language Skills Workbook

This activity workbook provides a creative and motivating format for learning manuscript writing. Good cursive writing comes with practice. These pages offer a sequential program of development and practice with examples for guidance.


Cursive Letter Connections

A letter-perfect way to teach your students to write.

Milliken Publishing, 1988


Cursive Writing!: Global Edition

Cursive Writing! exercises young ESL students in the primary skill of cursive handwriting.

Donald Kinney, Robert Kinney, Michael Kinney, 2011


Cursive Letters & Numerals

Pages are conveniently arranged in alphabetical order with digit pages at the end of the books. The worksheets in this book are self-directing and ideal for both group writing sessions and for independent use.

Milliken Publishing, 1988

This unique book was created to provide practice exercises for students as they learn cursive writing.

Both teachers and parents appreciate how effectively this series helps students master skills in mathematics, penmanship, reading, writing, and grammar.

Teacher Created Materials Inc, 2002


Beginning Cursive Handwriting, Grade 3

The activities in this book are designed to promote the correct cursive formation of all twenty-six letters, both lower- and uppercase.

As their story unfolds and Ralph’s disillusionment reaches a climax, Baker spreads visceral contemporary tales of lost love and broken friendships, in a series of short stories following the pen’s journey 60 years later.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term cursive is used in the context of the following news items.

Graphic Novels and Film Inspire These Machines Are Winning’s …

Now guest players Dan Phillips and Nikki Cage of True Widow, and indie-idol Tim Kasher of Cursive have joined TMAW’s ranks. «Dallas Observer, Jul 15»

Cleveland artist Frank Oriti says London’s National Portrait Gallery …

… punk rock musician Ryan Hardwick in profile, revealing tattoos on his neck and partially shaved scalp, including the word «Clarity» in cursive. «, Jul 15»

4 Year-Old In Car Explosion To Be Sedated For Weeks, Uncle Says

Its got the cursive lettering,» says Fish as he shows the tattoos Jacob did on Jason’s chest. Jason Fish met Jacob Schell at Absolute Tattoo 6 … «WIBW, Jul 15»

East Texas parents notice increase in school supply costs

“Third and fourth grade, they’re learning really key stuff like cursive handwriting, multiplication and division, so they’re going to need stuff like 50 … «KTRE, Jul 15»

Fishing has been a staple of life in the Flint Hills for the Barr brothers

Recently a letter arrived at The Wichita Eagle, the penned cursive as neat as if from a laser printer. Jim Barr gave his age and had questions … «Bradenton Herald, Jul 15»

Masonic groups dedicated to child learning

… letters, flash cards, wall charts, dictionaries and other items presented in cursive writing to help their students pick up a new learning style. «Shreveport Times, Jul 15»

Tangerine Review

With its first image, Tangerine uses the scratched surface of a yellow diner table as a canvas for the movie’s floridly cursive credits. A Harry … «We Got This Covered, Jul 15»

New LG G4™ Smartphone Features MyScript® Handwriting …

The MyScript Text SDK enables the recognition of natural handwriting including isolated characters, print and cursive handwriting as well as … «CMO, Jul 15»

Review: Negative Space Has A Positive Charge

The letters by Ryan Ferrier (D4VE) work well within the form they’re given, with cursive-penned captions for Guy’s failed suicide note and … «Comics Beat, Jul 15»

Canning 101: Tips & Tricks for Preserving Summer’s Bounty

Ball and canning have been synonymous for decades, and you’ve likely seen the loopy cursive of their logo on more things than you can count. «Paste Magazine, Jul 15»


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Handwriting is a vital feature in learning, as it determines the quality of texts that students produce. Basically, cursive writing is one form of handwriting that is not so common in learning environments. Unlike standard writing, cursive writing requires particular skillsets. In this case, the defining feature of cursive writing is continuous texts characterized by looped and connected alphabets. When learning how to write in cursive, it is crucial that learners begin with lowercase alphabets and then move on to uppercase alphabets. In turn, some of the techniques involved include learning the correct body posture, learning the proper way to move hands, and practicing movement exercises.

General Guidelines on Cursive Writing

Handwriting is an essential exercise that determines one’s quality of writing. Like other life qualities, handwriting should be taught to children in their early years of education. The importance of this skill is that it enhances learning and communication through the literacy curriculum. Cursive writing is one of the most notable handwriting form, which entails writing continuous strokes to form words. In other words, writing in the cursive format loops and connects the alphabets to form words. There are different styles of cursive handwriting, allof which exhibit a flowing style. One of the reasons for writing in this format is to increase the speed of writing a text.

How to write in cursive

Important for Development

Like all other academic exercises, cursive writing has benefits to students and professionals. For example, the outstanding characteristic of cursive writing is that every alphabet has an approach stroke and a carry-on stroke. As such, students can join alphabets as soon as they learn about the letter usage. Basically, this aspect of joining alphabets helps students to master the art of quick and efficient writing. Then, another benefit of cursive writing is that it enables learners to produce neat and legible texts. Also, this skill is enhanced by the feature of cursive alphabets and words, where every letter and word has the same starting point – the “anchoring point.”  As a result, this feature enables authors who tend to float off over the page when writing texts.

Cursive Writing Techniques

Some characteristics of cursive writing mentioned in the preceding section give the impression that students must learn how to construct cursive letters and words. Basically, there are several techniques that tutors can use to instruct learners on how to write cursive letters, words, and sentences. Moreover, these techniques include good posturing and the use of hands. In turn, posture is all about how students sit when writing, and the use of hands is about the movement of wrists and shoulders.

Good Posturing

Instructors should teach children how to sit uprightly at a desk. Basically, proper posture involves sitting at elbow height with their feet flat on the floor. In particular, this posture affects the learner’s shoulders and wrists, both of which are vital in developing smooth handwriting. Also, once students master this posturing, instructors should proceed to teach them cursive writing, while its order is critical. Then, tutors should start teaching young learners alphabets that descend below lines on the page. In turn, examples of these are j,y,g. Moreover, once learners understand how to write these letters, tutors should make them write each letter over and over until they develop a flow.

The Use of Hands

About the use of hands, instructors need to teach learners how to move their whole hand and wrist when writing in the uppercase and how to move their fingers when writing in the lowercase. Naturally, most individuals use their fingers when writing, an aspect that constrains one’s hand and handwriting. Therefore, to avoid this aspect, instructors must teach learners how to move the whole hand and fingers. When writing in the uppercase, instructors should teach learners to focus on using their entire hand to write cursive alphabets, but only their fingers for lowercase alphabets. Hence, mastering this practice will enable them to write longer without tiring and produce more graceful handwriting.

Cursive Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Worksheet

Cursive writing worksheet sample 1
Cursive writing worksheet sample 2

Cursive Writing

A worksheet above indicates an example of cursive alphabets in both the uppercase and lowercase. When writing these alphabets, the most critical skill that learners must master is to grasp each letter’s position. As indicated in the worksheet, every cursive alphabet has its own line upon which they are constructed. Here, students must also master the shape of each alphabet. Also, cursive letters are unique and exemplify a sloping feature. Ideally, writing some letters requires a learner to begin at the base of the body line or include loops, which can appear at the top or bottom of the alphabet. Hence, students must understand how each alphabet from A to Z appears in the cursive format they have chosen to use.

Writing Cursive Letters: Step One

The standard practice in cursive writing is first to master how to construct alphabets. Basically, the age of computer usage has replaced this essential practice in many learning institutions. In this case, the best and quick approach to learning cursive writing is to start with lowercase alphabets. Here, mastering how to write b, f, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, and z is critical as they all start with the upward stroke. While some have strokes that fill up the line’s entire height, others have strokes that only reach the dashed line. In turn, some letters, like ‘f,’ go beneath the bottom line. Hence, students need to start with the letter “u,” as it is the easiest to learn in this writing style.

u cursive writing

Mastering Lowercase Cursive Alphabets

After mastering “u,” learners should proceed to “o” then “b,” “f,” “k,” and then the rest. Basically, the secret is to start with simple alphabets that have only one stroke then proceed to complex ones, still with one stroke. Moreover, the complexity is in the shape of the latter and not the number of strokes. When learning complex alphabets, a student should start with “h,” whose stroke reaches the top line. Then, a learner arcs to the left to make a downward stroke to the bottom line. Hence, individuals have to cross over the last line right near the bottom and arc up to the dash line to make a downward stroke back down to the bottom line, curling up at the end.

h cursive writing
lowercase letters

Writing Cursive Letters: Step Two

After mastering cursive writing in the lowercase, students should proceed to master writing in the uppercase. Basically, learners should begin with letters C, E, G, L, and O. Also, they should start with L and then proceed to the others in the group. In turn, these letters represent simple uppercase alphabets. After mastering this group, learners should move to try complex ones, beginning with R and then proceeding to B, D, F, I, J, P, and T.

uppercase letters

Writing Cursive Letters: Choosing a Cursive Font

About fonts, students are free to choose any when writing in cursive. Ideally, writers select a font that they intend to use for the rest of their lives. However, a student can master cursive writing in different fonts, many of which are on popular word processors, such as MS Word and Google Documents. In turn, the best way to choose a font is to study each carefully and determine which impresses or seems easy to write. Hence, below is a list of popular fonts:

  • Allura
  • Aquafina Script Pro
  • Blackjack
  • Caballero
  • Columbine Light
  • Kuenstler Script
  • Fancier Script
  • Lavender Script
  • Shelley Script
  • Citadel Script
  • Buffet Script
  • Hummingbird
  • Creamy Script
  • Ragazza Script

Writing Cursive Letters: Regular Exercise

The best approach to mastering cursive writing is for learners to practice regularly. Basically, it involves committing some time and dedication to write letters and construct words and sentences. In this case, students should prioritize this habit, starting with lowercase and then moving on to uppercase cursive alphabets. Then, perfecting this skill means a learner will have a much easier time writing texts, such as essays, in cursive. For example, students can develop the habit of writing the first draft of their articles in cursive and later typing it onto a word document. As a result, doing so would make it easier to generate ideas and, in the process, gain more experience writing cursive letters, words, and sentences, as indicated below:

Writing cursive exercise

When and How to Practice Cursive Writing

The best time for learners to practice cursive writing is when they join grade three. Basically, this practice should continue in grade four, and, by the time children are in grades five and six, they should write cursive letters with little difficulty. As discussed in the previous section, instructors should teach learners starting with lowercase alphabets and then uppercase alphabets. However, for quick perfection, students should practice regularly, both in the school environment and at home or in other social settings. In essence, proper practice is a secret to the quick mastering of the art.

1. Holding a Pen Correctly

Regarding how to practice cursive writing, learning the proper body posture and the right way to use the hand is an essential skill, as indicated earlier in a paper. Here, instructors should teach young learners how to hold a pen or pencil correctly. In essence, a learner’s penmanship can never blossom if students do not master the art of holding the pen in the right way. Moreover, the secret is to grip the pen or pencil so that it rests on the middle finger, holding it in place between the thumb and index finger. Then, students should loosen their grip on the pen or pencil as they write. In turn, a sign that learners have a tight grip on the pen or pencil is the whitening of fingernails. Also, such a grip makes the hand tired and makes the handwriting appear stiff and stilted.

2. Positioning a Paper Correctly

Properly placing a paper enhances effective cursive handwriting. Basically, if a learner is right-handed, a paper should appear in such a way that its top right and bottom left corners line up in a straight line with the learner’s nose. Meanwhile, their left arm should be holding the paper still. For a left-handed learner, instructors should, simply, flip these instructions.

3. Movement Exercises

Since cursive writing involves writing continuous strokes, learners should practice movement exercises frequently. Basically, doing so would train their hand muscles to support the wrist and shoulders, as students engage in the actual writing of cursive words and sentences. While practicing movement exercises, learners should maintain a comfortable, light touch and avoid being tense. Hence, some of the exercises that learners can follow include: 

Connecting ovals starting from the top, as below:

Connecting ovals starting from the top

Connecting ovals starting from the bottom, as below:

Connecting ovals starting from the bottom

Connecting curves, as below:

Connecting curves

How to Become a Professional Cursive Writer

Like any art, cursive writing can be perfected. Basically, the only secret for students is to develop and observe specific habits. For example one of these habits is practicing how to create a linked pattern that exhibits continuous writing as below:

Continuous cursive writing

When practicing, learners should pick an easy alphabet, such as “c” or “u,” and try writing one line using the same alphabet. In this case, students would link letters together to form a fluid pattern. Also, they should repeat the exercise by using different alphabets, moving from simple to complex ones.

Chinese and Japanese Calligraphy

One approach that students can use to master cursive writing is calligraphy, a traditional Chinese and Japanese writing style. Here, writers use various brush movements and compositions of dots and strokes to construct letters, words, and sentences. In these traditions, children learn that calligraphy and beautiful handwriting reflect their character and personality. When students use calligraphy to learn cursive writing, they, basically, learn how to write in fluid quickly. Here, flow is more important than precision. Like Chinese and Japanese martial arts, the skill should come from the heart and not the head, thus exemplifying the essence of qi’s supernatural force.

Summing Up on How to Write in Cursive Correctly

Cursive writing is a unique style of writing alphabets, words, and sentences. Unlike the standard writing style, this form of writing involves the use of continuous strokes. In urn, writers loop and connect alphabets to form words. Hence, some tips of effective cursive writing include:

  • Start mastering lowercase cursive alphabets and then uppercase.
  • Observe neatness when looping and connecting the alphabets.
  • Maintain correct body posture.
  • Learn the correct use of hands, including wrists and shoulders.
  • Select a font early on. For new learners, the font should not be complicated to use.
  • Start perfecting easy letters, such as “o” and “u,” that consists of only one stroke of a pen before proceeding to more complex letters, like “h.”
  • Avoid being tense or writing too fast.
  • Avoid gripping a pen too tightly or losing hands when writing cursive texts.
  •  Practice movement exercises regularly.
  • Consider using a lined paper because it is far better for any writing style, especially cursive.

This is a simple tool to convert regular text into cursive text and other cool fonts! Try our small text generator, bold text generator, and fancy text generator as well.

How to Use Our Cursive Text Generator

Using our cursive text generator is really easy. Just enter regular text in the first text box (Input) and see the cursive text in the left box. Then tap or click “Copy” to get the text. You can select other styles by clicking on the buttons under the “Output” textbox.

What Is Cursive Text?

Cursive text is any handwriting or penmanship where the letters or characters are joined together in a flowing manner. While designed to speed up the writing process because it is faster than writing block letters, cursive has been on the decline over the last few decades, especially with the introduction of computer keyboards which speed up writing significantly.

There has however been a recent increase in interest in cursive since it is still used for artistic purposes such as in calligraphy and graphic design.

Google Trends Decline Of Cursive

Origins of Cursive Writing

In English, cursive writing was originally developed in the 17th century to speed up the writing process since writers did not need to lift their quills until the end of a word. Quills used ink quickly and were easily broken so cursive was developed to simplify the writing process with quills. Once ballpoint pens, pencils, and computer keyboards came into existence, there was less need for cursive and so block letters became the norm since block letters are easier to read.

Where Is Cursive Still Used Today?

Typical uses of cursive today include signatures, artistic endeavors, calligraphy, invitations, and graphic design. You can also use cursive on social media using our generator above.

How Does This Tool Create Cursive Text?

We can generate cursive text that you can copy and paste thanks to Unicode.  They are unique character codes that a computer is able to understand and look cool to human eyes. They can even be copy and pasted to social media platforms and text messages so you can share with your friends. Feel free to play around with cursive text generator above to come up with fun text you can send to your friends! Create cursive letters that you can copy and paste into your favorite social media channels.

To use the cursive text generator tool, just enter your text on the left and see the result under “Output.” The other fun text options you can choose from above include:

  • Cursive Text: Generate text generates cursive letters that you can copy and paste.
  • Bold Cursive Text: Generate text that is bold cursive.
  • Strikethrough Text: Create text that is crossed out.
  • Underline Text: Generate text that is underlined.
  • Italics Text: Create text that is italicized.
  • Bold Italics Text (Sans Serif): Create text that is bold italicized with sans serif font.
  • Bold Italics Text (Serif): Create text that is bold and italicized with serif font.
  • Bold Text: Create text that is bolded.

To see what other Unicode text options are available, check out our small text generator and upside down text generator.

Cursive Letters from A to Z

The following table of cursive writing a to z shows you how each letter in the Latin alphabet can be written in cursive.

Standard Cursive Alphabet from A to Z

You may have learned a slightly different way in grade school (for example, the capital letter “A” sometimes resembled a larger version of the lowercase letter A when using D’Nealian cursive). There are no hard and fast rules about cursive letters although many will try to argue one way or the other.

Here’s another common way to write the cursive alphabet:

Where Can You Use Cursive Text from Our Generator?

The cursive text generated above can be used anywhere you want cursive text to appear. Unlike cursive font in Microsoft Word which can only be seen in the document or printed, our cursive text can be copy and pasted anywhere including social media. Here are some great places to use cursive text from our cursive text generator:

  • Social Media: You can post our Unicode cursive text on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter without loss of formatting!

cursive text generator - social media post

  • Cards and Invitations: You can use our cursive text generator to create cursive font that can be used on invitations and cards.

happy birthday invitation - cursive text generator

  • File Names: Did you know that you can even use our cursive text in file names!

filename - cursive text generator

Most Russians do not use block letters when writing by hand. You must learn to read and write a script. Because all of you will meet the situation when at some websites, journals or newspapers you will need the text written with typed cursive. And you need to be able to recognize it. Because sometimes it can be really confusing. Some letters look like English ones, for example, Russian Т — looks like English M in cursive. So you can read it wrong if you don’t know how to read it. Also for those people who would like to increase their speed of writing, I recommend learning how to write in Russian with cursive letters because it really will help you to save time. But I know that some people just do not write at all. They use just tablets, computers, cell phones and then for you it’s not necessary but at least you need to be able to read in Russian!         

Maybe in one day, you will able to read this medical handwriting: ;-)

russian awful handwriting script

Russian cursive makes me cry sometimes
  • Why should I learn to write in cursive?
  • Educational material
  • Read Russian cursive
  • Russian capital and small written letters
  • How to Write Russian Handwritten Letters Correctly
  • Russian cursive handwritten alphabet
  • Video Russian cursive letters
  • Connecting the Russian Handwriting Cursive Letters
  • Calligraphy Russian Cursive Letters
  • Russian cursive writing with printed letters.

I’ll give you a few reasons why you should learn to write in handwritten cursive:

1. The writing is very helpful for to memorize the words or at least will help you memorize even if you write things down as there’s no guarantee you memorize it. Later you still have to memorize them something through some other ways like using flashcards (I recommend Quizlet). But still writing the Russian a word down and then his translation is going to help you memorize.

2.  What if you wrote all in caps what would happen? What happens when you write everything caps in English? It looks like you’re yelling or it looks like you are four years old or five whatever right before you learn to write in cursive in kindergarten. I mean learning Russian is hard it takes a long time to put sentences together. You already sound like a little kid. So why when you’re writing?

3. Russian cursive is beautiful handwriting especially.

A lot of scientists are now discovering that learning cursive is an important tool for cognitive development because it teaches the brain functional specialization. That’s what allows your brain to integrate things like sensation movement and thinking in the most efficient way possible brain imaging.

Studies show that writing in cursive unlike typing activates multiple areas of the brain at once and is excellent for fine motor coordination. It also helps develop good thinking skills. Research finds that writing letters in a meaningful context instead of just copying or tracing them produces even more robust activity in both hemispheres of the brains.

There’s actually a study done at Indiana University where a psychologist took a group of preliterate five-year-old kids and had them perform various tasks related to reading and writing while undergoing a brain scan turns out. The kids who practiced writing even if it was in print and not cursive displayed significantly more neural activity that kids who were simply looking at letters. That’s right even writing in print is better for you that typing. But there’s something unique about cursive that makes it just so good for the brain.

According to scientists, cursive is more demanding than print in terms of movement tasks and the broad range of letter styles enhances our visual recognition skills. They also say it engages students more by giving them a better sense of style and ownership over their own handwriting. It’s also been shown to enhance creativity a 2012 study from the University of Washington found that children in grades 2 through 6 wrote more words faster and expressed more ideas when writing by hand versus with a keyboard.

A lot of experts compare writing like this to learning a musical instrument in terms of the benefits it has for your brain. Of course, not everyone has the money to pay for music lessons but you know what doesn’t cost $50 an hour a pencil and paper.

I hope one day you will write like a Russian 1-grader from 1956 :-)):

cursive handwriting russian 1 grader 1956

This is great because it’s a well-designed textbook that shows the direction of the strokes of each letter (uppercase and lowercase) with sidelines to improve the height and slope of the letters. It starts with the simple letters (which are very similar to the English letters) as «A», «M», «P», and from here you can practice connecting the letters together and working on smooth writing (i.e. H. Mama, Papa).

Russian Handwriting: Propisi (Volume 1) ->>

There are so many tracing books available for English letters and all the tracing books for Russian I had were shipped from Russia, so this workbook was a savior. Lots of tracing activities to learn the letters, there is a certain order from simpler to more complex lines and additional tracing exercising of pictures that are interesting for the kids. Lovely design. The kids practice tracing the letters and then can practice just writing them. Depending on the age, erasing and making the child redo the letter again at a later time was very helpful. It’s not a think workbook.

Propisi: Russian Letters: Trace and Learn (Propisi for Children) (Volume 1)->>

The Primer shows the directions of each letters’ stroke, upper and lower cases, with page lines to help with the height and the incline of the letters to the right. It starts with the basic elements of the letters needed to be traced over, then the letters themselves, and from this you can practice connecting the letters together and work on smooth writing in accordance with the examples.

Russian Handwriting Propisi: A beginner’s workbook with illustrations ->>

The manual is intended for bilingual students who speak Russian in the family but did not study in a Russian-language school or studied in such a school for only a short time. It can also be used for students studying Russian as a foreign language at an advanced level  (above B1).

Learn to Write in Russian: Uchimsia Pisat’ PO-Russki (Russian Edition) ->>

The workbook for learning the letters of the Russian alphabet and traditional Russian cursive writing and penmanship, developing fine motor skills.

Propisi 1: Learn Russian Alphabet (Preschool Workbook on Handwriting): A tracing workbook for Russian language learners (Volume 1) (Russian Edition)->>

You can see that the big letters are very easy recognizable because they are like the same as normal typed letters. But the small ones look a little bit different. Let’s mark those letters that you need to remember and there are only 7 small letters, not capitals letters but smaller ones that really are very confusing. So take a look at them.

It’s б — try to remember how it looks, than в — looks like in English cursive letter b.

russian cursive letter b

The most unusually is г (g) — looks like English s but to the opposite side.

russian cursive letter g

д — it looks really strange, it’s very similar to б so when you are reading the text be attentive and try to remember it. б looks at the same side as the big letter while д just looks to the opposite sides, not to the same as big letter Б in Russian.

russian cursive letter d

и and й — they are almost the same the difference is with a small sign only. You need to remember that this letter is и in Russian or й — и краткое — и short. Because sometimes people confuse it with English u because it’s very similar.

russian cursive letter i

russian cursive letter i short

т — this one is the most confused because it looks like English m (em).

russian cursive letter t

The Cyrillic cursive letter ‘т’ looks like an italic English ‘m’. The origin of such writing is the полуустав handwriting style used for writing books in Russia. ‘T’ was like this:

As you can see, it has long serifs coming down from the horizontal bar. And Russians mostly reached the line on which the letters stand, making ‘т’ look like ‘ш’ turned upside down.

You need to remember these seven Russian cursive letters. Write them down and practice recognizing them in the text.

Russian capital and small written letters

I recommend you to work with reading Russian cursive.

  1.  Put two full alphabet line, from А to Я, then from а to я, one under another or take any text in Russian which you understand, where you know the words. It can be easy sentences or even simple separate words.
  2. Put it to MS Words or to any other text editor (or on-line Russian cursive generator) and just switch it to cursive because all text editors have this option. Actual modern cursive shorthand will not be differing much from that «italic» version. 
  3. Read aloud this text a few times, at least 3 times.
  4. Do it during 2-3 days.

And you will feel that by the third day you already read in Russian in cursive really easily. So this is my task to you find the text or words of sentences to make them cursive and to practice reading them. I am sure there will be no problems at all. It’s very easy.

Yes, the Propis’ which is «official» cursive script they teach in schools, would look a bit different, but in real life adults who write a lot and have to be quick, often produce handwriting closer to that «italic» which you will see. The Propis’, for example, usually recommends that you connect one letter to the previous one. In the real script, that is hardly done for more than a few letters. Or not done at all. Just like in «Italic» version of the font.

So ensure you can read the text in «Italic» script. Then it will be much easier for you to understand real Russian handwriting.

Write in Russian cursive

Write in Russian cursive for those people who like to write, who like to include mechanical memory in their learning process. And actually, the letters in handwriting looks a little bit different than in type and cursive. You can see it clearly that all the letters: the capital ones and the small ones — they really look like absolutely different. So you can learn how to write this way and why actually I recommend doing it. Because it really saves your time. It will take some time for learning it how to do it. But in general it will help you in future and you will not spend so much time to write, of course!

And believe me, it’s a good skill and not extremely hard to learn how to do it. So actually let’s pay attention to pictures and let’s see some elements that are mainly used to form Russian cursive alphabet in handwriting.

By the way, I want to pay attention that we all are different people and will have different handwriting write. People wright absolutely different and you can meet like dozens or hundreds of different handwriting in Russian. 

Video Russian Handwriting

Proper writing of handwritten Russian letters with Cyrillic handwriting font. 

Sheet #1. Proper writing of handwritten Russian letters. Alphabet worksheets for adults

Sheet #2. Proper writing of handwritten Russian letters. Alphabet worksheets for adults.

Russian cursive handwritten alphabet 1

Russian cursive handwritten alphabet 2

How to connect each letter of the Russian Cursive alphabet:

correct connecting of Russian handwriting cursive letters

The live connecting of letters you can see at this online Russian Cursive Tutorial:

Russian cursive calligraphy letters

Russian handwriting training alphabet worksheets for improving handwriting for adults in pdf format. Propisi.


Pages 1-2 The Russian alphabet.

Pages 3-5 70 most popular Russian words.

Pages 6-7 Russian proverbs.

Page 8 Pangrams, quotes from Turgenev and Tolstoy.

Download worksheets.

The workbook (прописи) for learning and practice Russian cursive writing.

Type your text in this box below!

Select your FontTo view font names scroll to bottom of page

If you want more options, check out our signature generator where you can resize and rotate text.

How to use the cursive maker

We made the cursive generator because it is amazing that there are so few cursive fonts. Many schools even stopped teaching cursive (it is thankfully making a comeback, however). Cursive fonts are also not part of any standardized font sets, making it difficult to copy and paste.
It’s super simple to use our cursive generator tool. Just follow these steps:

First, start typing some text in the input box above.

Next, choose from one of the 8 fonts by selecting different boxes at the top of the page.

Finally, you can save or view your text so you can take it with you. You can also take a screenshot or try to copy and paste

Can I copy and Paste this text

Yes and no. Does that answer your question, LOL?! So, you can absolutely highlight the text field, copy it, and try to paste the font in another program such as Word. However, unless the font style is installed in the program that you are pasting to, it will paste as default font style.

The fonts listed with the Google Logo (G) will copy and paste into Google Docs, Sheets and perhaps many more places. The fonts listed with the Microsoft Word logo (W) will copy and paste into Microsoft Word, and perhaps other places. Again it depends on which fonts are installed in the application. Of course you can always add a font to an application like MS Word.

There is a set of «web safe fonts» — fonts that are standardized across devices and browsers and software so that the fonts can be cross compatible. Unfortunately, as of 2019/2020 there are no cursive fonts on that unoffical list.

Cursive fonts in microsoft word

If you are looking for cursive fonts that are ALREADY in Microsoft word, we recommend the following:

1) Lucida Handwriting
2) Mistral
3) Segoe Script

If you are looking to share your file, we recommend converting it to a PDF so the font style stays in place. Good luck!

Font Names

Here are the names of the fonts above:

  1. Home
  2. Printable Handwriting Sheets
  3. Cursive Writing

Printable cursive writing worksheets help you teach your students how to write in cursive. 

If your students can already write, cursive is the next step.

Cursive writing is easy! ‘Just connect the letters with five basic strokes.

  • Slant the letters, if you like.
  • Add a swoosh or a style, if you like.

Printable Cursive Writing Worksheets with instruction guides for upper and lower case alphabet cursive letters.Print these free Cursive Writing Worksheets with instruction guides for upper and lower case cursive alphabet letters.

Free Cursive Writing Worksheets

Well, some children do not think cursive writing is easy.

If so, encourage them that fancy cursive writing is simple, fun, and actually faster than manuscript.

These free PDF cursive practice sheets are easy to file, print, and use. Jump to oodles of free practice PDF worksheets below:

  1. Cursive alphabet worksheets, 
  2. Practicing cursive strokes,
  3. Cursive words worksheets,
  4. Cursive sentence worksheets,
  5. Advanced cursive practice poems and sentences,
  6. Reading and grammar sentences, 
  7. Buy handwriting bundles: for kids and adults.

All of the free printable worksheets on this page use the usual third or fourth grade sized line spacing.

See other handwriting and practice worksheets throughout

  • Writing numbers worksheets.
  • Practice math worksheets.
  • Combine handwriting and grammar.
  • Learn phonics with handwriting and dictation.
  • And other handwriting resources.

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For teachers and parents: PrintNPractice free printable worksheets are all copyright-free, digital activities for students. Use in homeschool, interactive notebooks for online classrooms, Google classroom, distance learning, tutoring and learning pods, and hybrid school. 

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Instructions For Teaching Cursive Writing

Easy Cursive Writing Instructions

Teaching cursive writing can be easy if you make it an adventure. Basically there are six strokes to connect letters:

  • A short upswing,
  • A short upswing over to two on the clock,
  • A tall upswing,
  • A short dip,
  • A short dip over to two on the clock,

See more instructions below.

If your elementary school students already know how to write in manuscript, encourage them that writing in cursive is as easy as connecting the letters together. The rest is style.

Write the manuscript alphabet on the board or a piece of paper, or some part of it. Then make the connections both on the board and in their minds by drawing the connecting strokes.

That’s it!

Truly, that’s most of writing in cursive.

How To Write Cursive For Beginners

With beginners or those who struggle, another idea for teaching cursive handwriting is to drag your lines on the board as you move to write the next letter in a word. Say the letter or its sound as you write the letters naming the strokes you’re using.

Students like seeing that 

  • Cursive is smooth and flowing. 
  • Cursive is pretty and makes fancy writing.
  • Writing in cursive is faster than manuscript writing and doesn’t use as many starts and stops.
  • Cursive writing helps children see the end of one word and the start of the next word.

What was that? 


Practicing cursive offers an «Aha!» moment for some reluctant readers. When they see the break between the words in their own handwriting, they often make a better association for where words start and where they end in their reading, certainly in their handwriting. :-)

Cursive Writing Instructions For Adults

Cursive writing instructions for adults is the same as for children. A beginner is a beginner.

Learning how to write in cursive as an adult can actually be easier, especiall if you’ve been printing with an italic hand, meaning your letters already slant as if for cursive script.

Best advice? Long story short?

Connect the letters as you write. 

You can learn style as you practice writing in cursive hand.

For adults who will be using these cursive script sheets print the pages «two-up» so that you can use the smaller font and less paper.

No sense trudging through larger handwriting to learn cursive.

It is the same for basic cursive practice sheets for older kids and high school students. Keep it short and sweet.

1. The Alphabet In Cursive

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Basically, there are five cursive strokes to add to the manuscript letters.

Romalda Spalding has an excellent description in her book at Amazon,  The Writing Road to Reading. In a way, this is my favorite cursive writing book as she makes cursive seem easy.

The whole lesson is only six pages and can be taught in just a few classes. Truly, I’ve seen even small children learn to write in cursive in just two weeks using what she wrote.

She taught several general rules like «All letters sit on the base line.» Then she writes that you should teach the terms for the five strokes as you show how to connect the letters:

  1. A short upswing from the base line
  2. A tall upswing from the base line
  3. A short upswing that curves over to 2 on the clock
  4. A short dip kept at the mid point.
  5. A short dip that curves over to two on the clock

You can read more about using her book for teaching reading by teaching writing.

Usually, the capital letters do not connect with the rest of a word, yet these capitals letters can be connected to the rest of a word:

  • A, C, E, H, J, L, M, N, R, U, X, Y, Z

Once your students have learned both upper and lower case cursive, they can stay sharp practicing this cursive sentence with all letters present:

  • The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

1.A. 26 Printable Cursive Writing Worksheets PDF For the Cursive Alphabet

The first image can be used for crayon or finger tracing «just to get the idea» of the cursive alphabet.

Each of the A-Z letters have a dotted cursive writing PDF.

These 26 PDF printable cursive worksheets show the alphabet in cursive with upper and lower case practice for each individual letter of the alphabet.

The instruction guides show the upper and lower case cursive directions for where to start and where to end each letter, A-Z.

Each page has the capital or upper case letter and the lower case letter for each letter of the alphabet.

1.B. Cursive Alphabet: Lower Case ABC Cursive Handwriting Alphabet — 5 Practice Pages

Why put upper case letters first? Children often learn best what they learn first.

Since most cursive letter writing is lower case and since most cursive words practice is lower case, it is a good idea to practice these cursive letters first.

See these worksheets for the lower case alphabet in cursive:

These five worksheets show the lower case cursive handwriting alphabet. 

Print or download five PDF pages of cursive letter writing practice worksheets.

The first letter is solid with a line of practice letters that are dashed and blank space to practice the lower case letters.

Lower case cursive Q?

Demonstrate that the flag is like the manuscript and moves forward «in the direction in which we write». 

1.C. Cursive Alphabet: ABC Cursive Uppercase Alphabet — 5 Printable Capitalization Worksheets

Cursive capital letters are often made just like the lower case alphabet in cursive. 

See five free downloads for capital letter writing practice:

Print or download five PDF pages of cursive uppercase writing alphabet practice.

The first capital letter is solid for better visualization and has a line of dashed practice letters. 

The blank space is for practicing the cursive uppercase letters.

Uppercase cursive Q?

Teach the style that you use most or use the big Quaker Oats Q. That’s what I do.

Capital Cursive Letters

Cursive A

Cursive B

Cursive C

Cursive D

Cursive E

Cursive F

Cursive G

Cursive H

Cursive I

Cursive J

Cursive K

Cursive L

Cursive M

Cursive N

Cursive O

Cursive P

Cursive Q

Cursive R

Cursive S

Cursive T

Cursive U

Cursive V

Cursive W

Cursive X

Cursive Y

Cursive Z

2. Free Cursive Writing Worksheets Using Difficult Cursive Strokes

Enter: The short dip.

Many times it’s hardest for children to get the idea of connecting letters that use the short dip or a connecting loop at the midpoint or midline. 

Staying at the mid-line is the trick, and these practice cursive worksheets are the answer. 

Since b and o each end at the mid-line, they are difficult letter combinations. Practicing letter combinations with this stroke makes the letters easier to form in everyday handwriting in a continuous stretch of letters.

Use these free cursive writing worksheets to show your students how to write cursive letters that end with a short dip at the midpoint.

See the individual pages first or download the group of five all at once at the link below the individual pages (2.F.).

2.A. Letter Pairs For Cursive Writing Practice For br, oe, we, ve, oo, on — 1 Page

These letter pairs for mixed cursive writing practice include: br, oe, we, ve, oo, on.

Focus on starting at the midpoint and dipping right back to it.

Take time to demonstrate the short dip and show how it connects the first and second letters.

The better the children can make each letter on this page, the easier the next four pages will be. Allow plenty of time.

Difficult Cursive Letter Combinations In Cursive Writing

2.B. Cursive Practice For oa, ou, ow, oi, oy, wh

2.C. Cursive Printable For wr, be, bo, bu, by, ol

2.D. Cursive Handwriting For op, ot, ve, wi, bs, or

2.E. Cursive Writing For os, wr, ws, ee, oc, and wo

2.F. Bundle of 5 Cursive Handwriting Worksheets

See all five of the above cursive handwriting worksheets in one download:

  1. br, oe, we, ve, oo, on
  2. oa, ou, ow, oi, oy, wh
  3. wr, be, bo, bu, by, ol
  4. op, ot, ve, wi, bs, or
  5. os, wr, ws — with extra space for your own combinations.

This download is a collection of all five cursive
handwriting worksheets above with some space at the end for your choice of
difficult letter combinations.

Print all five two sided for fifth and sixth
grade review work.

Older students like the elegant look of smaller cursive fonts, so
you can print these two-up for a nice effect.

3. Cursive Words Worksheets

This next set uses a larger sized font for first and second grade handwriting. 

3.A. Buy our bundled Cursive Spelling Words ListsSee our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade spelling words worksheets for cursive words. The words are printed in cursive for your students to practice writing three times each. 

3.B. See our common and compound Nouns Lists. Awesome spelling practice and awesome cursive writing practice.

3.C. Spelling and writing number words in cursive: great practice writing checks.

4. Poems And Cursive Sentences

Four 3rd grade cursive writing worksheets: These worksheets are for cursive writing for grade 3 and higher and have space for copywork underneath each line.

If you want smaller line spacing for grades 5 and 6, print the sheets two up. High school levels can be printed in multiples of four.

  1. Furry Bear, by A A Milne — 2 pages
  2. Little Things, by Julia A.
    F. Carney — 2 pages (4 extra pages blank)
  3. The Flag Goes By, by Henry Holcomb Bennett — 6 pages copy underneath
  4. Preamble to the Constitution, United States Founding Fathers — 2 pages

4.A. Furry Bear Cursive Handwriting Sheets 2 pg.

4.B. Little Things Cursive Worksheets, 2 pages

4.C. The Flag Goes By Cursive Practice Sheets 

4.D.Preamble Constitution Cursive Writing Sheet

5. Advanced Cursive Printable Handwriting Practice — Poems And Cursive Sentences

Moving up through the handwriting skills levels: These worksheets have the text to the left of the writing space.

It takes more thinking to copy the sentences this way.

These cursive writing worksheets may be best as 4th, 5th, and 6th grade cursive writing worksheets rather than 3rd grade. 

  1. October, by Rose Fyleman — 1 page
  2. Father Is Coming, by Mary Howitt — 4 pages
  3. Where’s Mother, by Anonymous — 2 pages
  4. White Snow, Bright Snow, Alvin Tresselt — 2 pages

5.A. Beautiful Cursive Handwriting: October

5.B. Cursive Handwriting Sheets: Father Is Coming

5.C. Kids Cursive Writing: Where’s Mother

5.D. Cursive Writing: White Snow, Bright Snow

6. Reading And Grammar Cursive Writing Sentences

See our Robert Louis Stephenson’s poems, A Child’s Garden of Verses, in four formats, one of which is cursive writing. You’ll find 61 cursive writing worksheets with poems and sentences here.

PrintNPractice grammar worksheets are available with cursive sentences for even more cursive writing worksheets using easy sentences for grammar lessons or handwriting practice.

7. More Cursive Writing Worksheets

7.A. Cursive And Print Handwriting For Kids

You’ll find many more cursive writing worksheets with our grammar, handwriting, and alphabet worksheets here most of which also have print handwriting worksheets.

  • Capitalization Rules and Capitalization Worksheets has a list with the rules of capitalization.
  • Simple cursive sentences for capitalization and punctuation worksheets.
  • Robert Louis Stevenson cursive handwriting practice.
  • See also our typing practice ideas.
  • Printable handwriting paper.

7.B. Cursive And Print Handwriting For Adults

Adults usually need to write smaller. They do not have the time, space, or patience for huge writing font sizes. Well, neither do children; but that’s another story.

An idea that works beautifuly to have cursive or print handwriging worksheets for adults and high school level students is to print the bundles as

  • booklets or
  • 2 up.

If there are two handwriting worksheets per page, adults have an easy model that is a grown up size, more mature and even elegant.

Simply change your printer settings to booklet, two-up, or multiples.

The print and cursive worksheets on this page are included in the phonics worksheets bundle.

Buy Print And Cursive Handwriting Worksheets — Digital And Printable PDF

Buy these printable PDF bundles with manuscript and cursive handwriting worksheets organized in files by topic. Students can practice in remote digital files offline.

Cursive writing worksheets are super helpful when you need something quick to teach how to write in cursive. See our other PrintNPractice worksheets as well. 

  • Printable math worksheets.
  • Grammar worksheets.
  • Phonics worksheets.
  • And more handwriting worksheets.

Cursive Writing WorksheetsPrintNPractice Cursive Writing Worksheets

Author and Webmaster, Mary Fifer

Mary Fifer

Mary Fifer, BSBA is webmaster, author, and researcher at She has created elementary school practice exercises using digital interactive worksheets. Printable and perfect for today’s teachers, tutors, homeschoolers, and students!

Thank you for visiting and for sharing. :-)

Other forms: cursives

Cursive is a style of writing in which all the letters in a word are connected. It’s also known as script or longhand. When the third-grade students learned cursive writing, they were excited to find that they could write entire words without lifting their pencil from the paper.

Cursive comes from the past participle of the Latin word currere, which means «to run.» In cursive handwriting, the letters all run into one another and the hand runs across the page, never lifting between letters. Every time a document asks for your signature at the bottom of a document, you are meant to use this flowing cursive writing style.

Definitions of cursive

  1. noun

    rapid handwriting in which letters are set down in full and are cursively connected within words without lifting the writing implement from the paper

  2. adjective

    having successive letter joined together

    cursive script”



    set down in writing in any of various ways

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘cursive’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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