The word on poop

A man with glasses holding the book Flush

Bryn Nelson is a Seattle-based science writer whose book, Flush: The Remarkable Science of an Unlikely Treasure, came out September 13. Yes, that’s right–it’s a book about poop. So of course, Helen and Cameron wanted to take a deep dive into this important (seriously!) topic. Here’s our conversation with Bryn, which has been lightly edited and improved with additional poop puns.

Helen: Why poop? Why a whole book about poop?

Bryn: Ha, maybe not your typical protagonist? I trained as a microbiologist in graduate school, though, so I was already all about microbes, and it turns out that a good chunk of your poop is made up of living and dead bacteria. 

After I wrote a feature about fecal microbiota transplants for the magazine Mosaic, I began to pay more attention to other poop-related stories and studies, and realized how amazing and completely misunderstood it is as a natural resource. 

I became kind of obsessed with the idea of writing a book about it as a quirky, but hopefully accessible, way of highlighting our dysfunctional relationships with our own bodies and the rest of nature and how we might rebalance those interactions. 

Cameron: I really loved that the book gave an overview of how the GI system works fairly early on (I’d forgotten how a lot of this worked), and then went into detail later about the many ways the gut and the immune system are linked. (It’s pretty amazing that the gut microbiome could even affect brain development in young kids!) Do you think knowing more about how much gut health is tied to overall health will bring more respect (or at least less squeamishness) to poop?

Bryn: I hope so! The connections between the microbiome, health, and development are so fascinating to me – there was so much I didn’t know before starting this project and I think the research will surprise a lot of readers. 

Thinking about gut health in ecological terms – like the need for balance – may help people grasp how gut dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the microbial community, can lead to all kinds of radiating harm to other parts of the body. And if we think about poop as basically the growing medium or container for our amazing collection of inner microbes that really do function like an organ, maybe it will earn poop just a bit more respect. 

Helen: Did you have to overcome any disgust while you were doing the reporting for this book? Or were you already over it before you started? 

Bryn: It’s funny, poop doesn’t disgust me that much – except for maybe stepping in dog poop. I guess I’ve just gotten over it through my career in science and science writing and by having a dog that poops a lot. But I’m pretty disgusted by other things, like beets, cockroaches, dead slugs, runny eggs, and hair in the shower drain. 

In my own gardens, I had to get comfortable with using composted biosolids, which are basically a combination of treated poop, bacteria, and other solid organic matter left over after the wastewater treatment process. I decided that I needed to use it myself if I was going to suggest that other people try it. Fortunately, I was able to overcome any hesitancy pretty quickly once I read about the science and testing requirements and then saw and smelled for myself that the compost was very soil-like; my plants loved it, of course, which also helped. 

basket of peas
This produce from Bryn’s garden was brought to you in part by composted biosolids

The same thing for drinking recycled water and beer: seeing for myself how thoroughly it was treated, understanding how all water on Earth is recycled, and hearing about the testing made me much more comfortable trying it. 

Helen: So when you say “recycled water” I’m guessing you mean…water that used to be pee? Also, I have a follow-up question: Ew? 

Bryn: Haha. Yes, exactly! In fact, several researchers have suggested that everything we drink used to be dinosaur pee, among other things. But I think it’s way less gross if you consider that this is how nature works: everything we’re using now will be reused again too – it’s just a matter of whether you can take it all the way back to pure H2O. And we definitely can. 

I think beer is an especially clever way to get people past disgust because it makes people really curious and open to hearing about the process of stripping everything down to those water molecules and then adding back minerals to create different brews. Plus, the beer I tried was super tasty! 

Cameron: It was so fun to see the connection to (LWON alum) Michelle Nijhuis’ book Beloved Beasts and the importance of bison poop in shaping the prairie. (And also to LWONer Emma Marris’ book Wild Souls. LWON should sponsor you or something!) And you also wrote about how prehistoric poop affected the ecosystem. This made me wonder, are people using poop now to restore habitat?  

Bryn: What I love about this is that it’s flipping the notion of poop as an environmental pollutant on its head. Giant animals have dispersed nutrients for millions of years through their dung! If we do it right, we can use the carbon and nutrients in our own regular output to heal degraded or sterile environments, like gravel pits, old mines, and some landscapes contaminated with things like lead and arsenic. 

Unlike synthetic fertilizers, which focus mainly on phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen, recycled biosolids provide a wider array of nutrients – because they’re coming from us – and help nurture the soil. That’s what you want if your goal is to literally help restore an ecosystem from the ground up. Among other applications, recycled biosolids can be applied to fire-scarred forests to help speed the healing, and to degraded prairies to help nurture native plants – especially since the bison population that used to provide that service is only a fraction of what it used to be. And because of their physical properties, clay-like biosolids can lock up some contaminants too and prevent them from being taken up by plants. It’s such a fascinating and underappreciated area of research.

Cameron: Also, I keep writing “poop,” but do you have a preferred poop word? Is poo better? Or crap? Or shit? Can we say shit here?

Bryn: Ha, I hope so! I do use several different words in the book. “Poo” is the preferred word for many British readers, but it’s a bit too cutesy for most of us in the U.S. I don’t use “feces” or “excrement” that often because they seem overly clinical to me. “Biosolids” is fine, but that term is generally tied to the wastewater treatment process and it can contain other things as well. 

Some people may think “poop” is too juvenile, but it seems to be what most people use in their conversations, and I wanted this book to be approachable. So poop – and occasionally shit – is my go-to word.  

Helen: I find the word “poop” endlessly amusing, but using the word “shit” in this context makes me so uncomfortable! I only use it as an occasional swear, not as an actual reference to feces. Anyway. Enough about me. What is your favorite poop fact? I assume you have a favorite poop fact now. 

Bryn: Helen, you’re asking me to choose just one? I’m so fascinated by poop that it’s hard to pick a favorite here. One that comes to mind is related to the fecal transplants used to cure C. diff bacterial infections. Stool banks like OpenBiome collect and distribute the fecal samples used for these treatments, which save lives. Only about 3% of prospective donors pass the screening process – less than the acceptance rate at Harvard! Super donors, who donate several times a week can cure many hundreds of patients every year. 

Another fun fact is that dogs have such a keen sense of smell that research suggests they can tell one individual human or animal from another by the distinctive smell of our poop! 

Helen: Are you super fun at parties now? 

Bryn: I suppose there are limits at dinner parties. But my friends are quite amused by my obsession at the moment. 

It’s pretty funny how even people who are initially, “Ewwww! That’s gross!” are then like, “But tell me more!” Maybe that says something about my friends? Ha. Many of them are the kind of people who send me emails or DMs whenever they come across a poop story, with a “Thinking of you” note. Thoughtful, right? I guess I have my own Poop Patrol.  

Cameron: I want to go to a party with Bryn! Yes, can you turn everything into a poop joke?

Bryn: Cameron, did you hear about the boy who ate four cans of alphabet soup? He had a very long vowel movement. 

OK, OK! But when I try to suppress the puns and jokes, they seem to tumble out anyway. Poop’s funny! If I can make someone laugh and engage them long enough to surprise them and get them to see our natural output in a new light, that’s a win for me.

Helen: What was the most surprising thing you learned while doing the reporting for the book? 

Bryn: One of the biggest surprises was how much we still have yet to learn, certainly about what many of the microbes in our microbiome actually do, but even about how the process of digestion works in detail and which chemicals are most responsible for poop’s distinctive eau de toilette. I love that researchers are still fighting over which chemicals are the main constituents of its odor. We’re also still learning about the physical and chemical properties of poop. For example, scientists think its consistency, how it’s sticky like clay, can act like Velcro to bind up metal contaminants. Also, biosolids can actually change the soil structure to retain more water, air, and nutrients. That’s so amazing to me.  

Cameron: For someone who reads your book and is super inspired to learn even more about poop –where would you send them? What’s next in the poop world? And what’s next for you?

Bryn: NIH should have a National Institute of Poop! NIP? NIP! 

A life ring next to a pool in a cave
This life ring at Oslo’s wastewater treatment plant really makes you think, huh?

In the meantime, my book includes an extensive bibliography and some specific suggestions for further reading. 

One very cool trend in the poop world is that some wastewater treatment facilities are transforming themselves into resource recovery facilities that can reclaim everything from biogas and biosolids to drinking water, phosphorus, and even precious metals–while being carbon neutral! I hope to write more about this. 

As to whether I have a book #2 in me (sorry), we’ll have to wait and see.   

  • excrement
  • feces
  • number two
  • poo
  • shit
  • BM
  • crap
  • defecation
  • discharge
  • dung
  • excretion
  • fecal matter
  • feculence
  • manure
  • stool
  • waste
  • facts
  • information
  • intelligence
  • lowdown
  • news
  • communication
  • inside story
  • scoop
  • bankrupt
  • cripple
  • drain
  • draw
  • fag
  • fatigue
  • frazzle
  • overwork
  • sap
  • tucker
  • burn out
  • conk out
  • debilitate
  • disable
  • do in
  • enervate
  • enfeeble
  • impoverish
  • overdo
  • overexert
  • overextend
  • overfatigue
  • overtire
  • peter out
  • poop out
  • prostrate
  • run ragged
  • suck dry
  • take it out of
  • tire out
  • use up
  • weaken
  • wear down
  • wear out
  • weary

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 73 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to poop, such as: excrement, feces, number two, poo, shit, and bm.


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How to use poop in a sentence

Other useful optionsA harness and leash are the bare minimum you need to walk a dog, but you should bring a bunch of bags along to pick up your pup’s poop, too.


It’s also super important to remember that whether it’s a destroyed couch or a pile of poop on the floor, your pet isn’t trying to get back at you for leaving them, says Leanne Lilley, a vet and professor of behavioral medicine at Ohio State.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • BM
  • crap
  • dung
  • excrement
  • excretion
  • fecal matter
  • feces
  • feculence
  • manure
  • number two
  • poop
  • shit
  • stool
  • waste
  • cow pies
  • cowplop
  • crap
  • dung
  • feces
  • fertilizer
  • guano
  • manure
  • meadow muffin
  • night soil
  • ordure
  • poop
  • cow pies
  • cowplop
  • crap
  • droppings
  • feces
  • fertilizer
  • guano
  • manure
  • meadow muffin
  • night soil
  • ordure
  • poop
  • bankrupt
  • burn out
  • conk out
  • cripple
  • debilitate
  • disable
  • do in
  • drain
  • draw
  • enervate
  • enfeeble
  • fag
  • fatigue
  • frazzle
  • impoverish
  • overdo
  • overexert
  • overextend
  • overfatigue
  • overtire
  • overwork
  • peter out
  • poop
  • poop out
  • prostrate
  • run ragged
  • sap
  • suck dry
  • tucker
  • use up
  • weaken
  • wear down
  • weary
  • bottom lines
  • brass tacks
  • certainties
  • clues
  • cues
  • data
  • details
  • dopes
  • gospels
  • infos
  • inside dopes
  • like it is
  • lowdowns
  • numbers
  • poop
  • realities
  • scoops
  • scores
  • stories
  • whole stories
  • bedraggle
  • burn out
  • bush
  • conk out
  • debilitate
  • deplete
  • disable
  • drain
  • droop
  • drop
  • enervate
  • exhaust
  • fag
  • fizzle
  • flag
  • jade
  • knock out
  • languish
  • overtire
  • peter out
  • poop
  • poop out
  • prostrate
  • sag
  • sink
  • succumb
  • take
  • tucker
  • weaken
  • wear down
  • weary

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

poop — перевод на русский


— This looks like poop.

Это похоже на какашки.

You probably still poop green.

Дитя! Наверное, у тебя до сих пор зеленые какашки.

You cover it to cough, you can do so for a «poop.»

Ты же прикрываешь его, когда кашляешь, вот и для «какашки» прикрывай.

Check for poop.

Проверь какашки.

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I think you want to poop, Daisy.

Что ты хочешь какать, Дейзи.

— Monsieur, I need to poop.

«Месье, я хочу какать.»

— It’s gonna poop.

— Он будет какать.

God, I swear that kid is gonna poop an ornament.

Этот малыш будет какать мозаикой.

He cannot bark, nor pee nor poop… no matter what.

Он не может лаять, ни мочиться, ни какать… что бы ни случилось.

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But my stomach hurts. I had to burp, but I need to poop.

Хочу покакать, но там пробка.

I strained to poop, and washed my own hands

Я старался покакать и помыл руки.

False alarm. It turns out I just had to poop.

Нужно было просто покакать.

Maybe he just needs to poop. Evan.

Может, ему просто надо покакать.

Not like last night when I didn’t have time to poop before the guests arrived.

Не как вчера, когда я не успел покакать из за гостей.

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Bad guy falls in poop.

Мерзавец падает мордой в дерьмо.

Is that poop?

Это что, дерьмо?

Someone have poop on their shoe?

Эй, у кого-то на ботинках дерьмо, что-ли?

— Someone has poop on their shoe!

— У кого-то на ногах дерьмо!

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Everybody Poops is still the standard, of course.

«Все ходят в туалет» — обычно берут эту.

Hmm! No time to poop. I’ll just do it on the way down the stairs.

В туалет сходить не успею — придётся по дороге на лестницу наложить.

Shot in the head, punched in the face, and dumped in the poop.

Выстрелили в голову, ударили кулаком в лицо, и спустили в туалет.

He went to take a long poop, and when he came back it was there.

Он вышел надолго в туалет, и когда вернулся-он уже был там.

No pooping!

Никаких в туалет!

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That would be like me hiring that mouse that keeps pooping in my slippers.

Это все равно что мне нанять того мыша, который постоянно гадит мне в тапочки.

He doesn’t hog the covers, and he poops in a box.

Он не гадит на обивку, а ходит в коробочку.

I want to see him poop!

Хочу увидеть, как он гадит!

Oh, yeah, and maybe we’ll win the lottery later and then get a ride home on unicorns that poop money.

Конечно, и может мы сегодня выиграем в лотерею а потом отправимся домой на единороге, что гадит деньгами.

— He poops on people.

— Он гадит на людей.

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Anyway, you pick up the poop and you’ve got yourself a movie studio.

Ну, в общем, уберете говно, и считайте что у вас есть павильон для съемок.

But it’s not the poop.

Это не говно.

Okay, well… it’s definitely poop.

Что ж… это определённо говно.

And I swear, if you tell me they clean my poop or whatever shit they do, I will kill you.

И я клянусь, если ты скажешь, что они очищают моё говно или делают ещё какую-нибудь херню, я убью тебя.

You don’t go around poop because you’re afraid of it.*

Говно не трогаешь — не воняет!

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One time my dad pooped in the neighbours’ yard, then lied about it.

Один раз мой папа нагадил у соседа во дворе, а потом соврал на счет этого.

Did Rojo poop inside?

Рохо нагадил в доме?

Oh, it appears the goalie has pooped his pants.

Хм, похоже вратарь нагадил себе в штаны.

That one reindeer just kind of pooped in the other reindeer’s face, and…

Один олень только что нагадил на морду другого оленя и…

I left my shoebox diorama for a minute and someone pooped in it.

Я оставила свою диораму на минутку, и кто-то нагадил в неё.

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The goat’s poop?

Козий корм?

Your mommy eats cat poop!

Твоя мама ест кошачий корм!

No, Scooby-Doo, your mom eats cat poop!

Нет, Скуби, это твоя мама ест кошачий корм!

It’s where dreams come true and pigeon poop tastes like tapioca.

Там сбываются все мечты, и корм для голубей на вкус как тапиока.

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You’re a real party pooper!

Вы настоящий зануда!

You goddamn poop!

Ты жуткий зануда!

— Boo.! — Party— pooper.


I don’t like parties… ’cause I’m a big, bald, party pooper!»

Я не люблю гулянки, потому что я лысый здоровый зануда!»

— Party pooper.


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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

poop1 /pup/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. Nautical, Naval Termsa raised structure at the rear of a vessel.

poop2 /pup/USA pronunciation  
v. [+ object][Informal.]

  1. Slang Termsto cause to become out of breath or exhausted:I was pooped after the long hike.
  2. poop out:
    • to (cause to) become exhausted: [no object]Don’t poop out now.[+ object + out]A long run will really poop you out.
    • [no object] to give up or stop working or participating;
      stop functioning.

poop3 /pup/USA pronunciation  
n. [uncountable][Slang.]

  1. Slang Termsa truthful, factual report;
    the lowdown:Give us the straight poop.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(po̅o̅p),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Nautical, Naval Termsa superstructure at the stern of a vessel.
  2. Nautical, Naval TermsSee poop deck. 


  1. Nautical, Naval Terms(of a wave) to break over the stern of (a ship).
  2. Nautical, Naval Termsto take (seas) over the stern.
  • Latin puppis stern of a ship
  • Middle French
  • late Middle English pouppe 1375–1425

(po̅o̅p),USA pronunciation v.t. [Slang.]

  1. Slang Termsto cause to become out of breath or fatigued;
    exhaust:Climbing that mountain pooped the whole group.
  2. poop out:
    • to cease from or fail in something, as from fear or exhaustion:When the time for action came, they all pooped out and went home instead.
    • to break down;
      stop functioning:The heater has pooped out again.

  • perh. to be identified with poop4 1885–90

(po̅o̅p),USA pronunciation n. [Slang.]

  1. Slang Termsrelevant information, esp. a candid or pertinent factual report;
    low-down:Send a reporter to get the real poop on that accident.
  • 1945–50, American; apparently extracted from poop sheet; compare poop4

(po̅o̅p),USA pronunciation [Slang.]

  1. Slang Termsexcrement.


  1. Slang Termsto defecate.
  • 1735–45; earlier «to break wind,» probably the same word as Middle English powpen, popen to sound or blow a horn; uncertain if poop2, poop3 are sense developments or parallel expressive coinages

(po̅o̅p),USA pronunciation n. [Slang.]

  1. Slang TermsSee party pooper. 
  2. Slang Termsa stupid, fussy, or boring person.
  • perh. shortening of nincompoop 1910–15

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

poop /puːp/ n

  1. a raised structure at the stern of a vessel, esp a sailing ship


  1. (transitive) (of a wave or sea) to break over the stern of (a vessel)
  2. (intransitive) (of a vessel) to ship a wave or sea over the stern, esp repeatedly

Etymology: 15th Century: from Old French pupe, from Latin puppis poop, ship’s stern

poop /puːp/ vb US Canadian slang

  1. (tr; usually passive) to cause to become exhausted; tire: he was pooped after the race
  2. (intransitive) usually followed by out: to give up or fail, esp through tiredness: he pooped out of the race

Etymology: 14th Century poupen to blow, make a sudden sound, perhaps of imitative origin

poop /puːp/ informal vb (intransitive)

  1. to defecate


  1. faeces; excrement

Etymology: perhaps related to poop²

poop‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

полуют, корма, захлёстывать, заливать корму, черпнуть кормой, простофиля, дурачок


- мор. полуют; ют, ютовая надстройка (на торговых судах)
- корма

poop ladder — кормовой штормтрап
poop lantern — ист. кормовой фонарь

- звукоподр. пиф-паф, звук выстрела
- дурачина, олух
- информация, сведения, получаемые из официальных или достоверных источников


- заливать корму, захлёстывать с кормы (о волне)
- черпнуть кормой (о судне)
- «тонуть», не справляться (с потоком впечатлений, информации и т. п.)
- стрелять

the guns were pooping away like mad — орудия бешено бухали

- изматывать, изнурять

the work in the hot sun really poops me — работа на палящем солнце меня совершенно изматывает

- выдыхаться; увядать (тж. poop out)

Мои примеры


poop deck — мор. палуба полуюта  
poop bulkhead — переборка у среза полуюта; переборка у среза юта; переборка юта  
poop-front bulkhead — фронтальная переборка полуюта; переборка у среза полуюта  
poop-chute — анус  
poop covering — кормовой тент  
poop erection — ютовая надстройка; полуют; ют  
poop framing — набор кормы  
monkey poop — низкая рубка на юте; утопленный ют; пониженный ют  
poop scooper — специальная лопата для чистки улиц от собачьих экскрементов  
poop sheet — расписание занятий; съёмочный план; распоряжение  

Примеры с переводом

The work in the hot sun really poops me.

Работа на жарком солнце выматывает меня.

Фразовые глаголы

poop out — выдыхаться, увядать, струсить, спасовать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: poop
he/she/it: poops
ing ф. (present participle): pooping
2-я ф. (past tense): pooped
3-я ф. (past participle): pooped

ед. ч.(singular): poop
мн. ч.(plural): poops

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