The word omitted in a sentence

Asked by: Prof. Viva Zboncak I

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(5 votes)

Omitted in a Sentence ?

  • The graduate was sad that his name was accidentally omitted from the list of people earning their degrees.
  • Because he was embarrassed that he smoked, the patient omitted that info when speaking to the doctor.

Is it omitted or omitted?

Omitted is defined as left out or left undone. When you left out facts as you were telling a story, this is an example of facts that were omitted. Simple past tense and past participle of omit.

How do you use omission in a sentence?

Omission in a Sentence ?

  1. The omission of my name from the Honor Roll List made me regret the fact I had played around all semester.
  2. Because of the omission of John’s name from the list at the door, he was not allowed inside the club for the movie’s after party.

What does it mean to omit a sentence?

To omit something is to leave it out, to forget or overlook it. The verb omit comes from the Latin word omittere, «to let go or to lay aside,» which is exactly what it means.

Should have been omitted meaning?

to neglect to do or include. 2. to fail (to do something)

24 related questions found

What is omitted in English grammar?

countable noun. An omission is something that has not been included or has not been done, either deliberately or accidentally.

Have been omitted meaning?

to fail to include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget. Important details had been omitted from the article.

Is omitting the same as lying?

Omission seems to become a lie when you intentionally hide something from someone. … The difference is that when people lie, not only are they hiding the truth, but they are also submitting another lie to be believed as truth, whereas there is no effort taken by omitting.

What is the difference between omit and emit?

The verb emit means to send out, throw off, give voice to, or issue with authority. The noun emission refers to something produced, discharged, given off, or put into circulation. The verb omit means to leave out or fail to do something.

What is the opposite omit?

Opposite of omit; do away with. include. accept. continue. hold.

What is an example of omission?

Omission is defined as the act of omitting, or leaving something out; a piece of information or thing that is left out. An example of omission is information left out of a report. An example of omission is the price of the new shoes that you didn’t reveal. noun.

What is an example of an act of omission?

Failing to pay taxes, child support, and alimony are a few recognizable examples of omission as actus reus.

What is an example of a sin of omission?

A sin of omission is a sin committed because of neglecting to do what is right. They are good works left undone. Works that God expects us to do, but we don’t do them. Examples could include not praying, not forgiving others, or not confessing your faith in Christ and His word to others when you have the opportunity.

What does omitted mean in statistics?

In statistics, omitted-variable bias (OVB) occurs when a statistical model leaves out one or more relevant variables. The bias results in the model attributing the effect of the missing variables to those that were included.

What does payment omitted mean?

A dividend that a company would have ordinarily declared and paid but decided against doing so. For example, if a company ordinarily pays a dividend each March but decides not to do so in March 2010, that dividend is said to be omitted.

What does omitted mean in a script?

When a scene is omitted, its number is preserved in the script along with the phrase (OMITTED). This effectively retires the number so that it can’t be reused by a new scene inserted later at the same location. A scene can also be unomitted, effectively bringing the retired scene out of retirement.

What is the mean of omit?

transitive verb. 1 : to leave out or leave unmentioned omits one important detail You can omit the salt from the recipe. 2 : to leave undone : fail —The patient omitted taking his medication. 3 obsolete : disregard.

What does it mean to be emitted?

Emit means to release or discharge something, such as gas, liquid, heat, sound, light, or radiation. The process of emitting is called emission. Emission can also refer to something that has been emitted.

What is emission and omission?

The word emission is derived from the Latin word emissionem, meaning releasing or sending out. Emission is related to the verb, emit. The plural form of emission is emissions. An omission is something that has been excluded, something left out either by mistake or by design.

What are the 4 types of lies?

There are four types of lie that can be characterized by naming them with four colors: Gray, White, Black and Red.

What are the three types of lies?

The three most commonly referred to are lies of commission, lies of omission, and lies of influence, aka character lies. The reading below neatly summarizes these and provides some examples.

What are the 5 types of lie?

Interview and Interrogation Training: The Five Types of Lies

  • Lies of Denial. This type of lie will involve an untruthful person (or a truthful person) simply saying that they were not involved.
  • Lies of Omission. …
  • Lies of Fabrication. …
  • Lies of Minimization. …
  • Lies of Exaggeration.

What does omitted mean on Sat?

This means that if you leave a question blank, you do not lose or gain any points, and your score remains unaffected. If you guess correctly, you gain a point – the best case scenario.

Does erroneously mean?

1 : containing or characterized by error : mistaken erroneous assumptions gave an erroneous impression.

What does omitted mean in football?

Omit/omitted: to demote a player from the team for a later game due to poor form or errors.

At present there is only one set; the previous occupant having omitted to return the second set when Stephen bought the house

Search engines should have the list below omitted

It had been omitted

Unfortunately, she omitted to mention it before we got married

Inmates routinely omitted one line in the pledge of allegiance, often

He omitted the opportunity to exercise any expression of what might be perceived to be gloating, ignored Ralph’s obvious quiet rage at the turn of events, and got straight to the task at hand

What she was able to learn; both from what Tetloan told her as well as from what he obviously and purposely omitted, was that while Whimly, the travelers and her had been engaged with the demons, Tetloan had been hiding within the forest, watching in safety as the humans were massacred

French goods have never been omitted in any of those general subsidies or duties of five per cent

But when he checked with the beacon, it had gone; curiously the suit had omitted to relay that to him

But, in compensation, there have been several joint-stock companies which have failed, and which he has omitted

B: — supernaturally preserved through the ages, ensuring that not one letter in both the Old and New Testaments was omitted, added or moved

In this account, however, the revenue of Maryland, of North Carolina, and of all our late acquisitions, both upon the continent, and in the islands, is omitted; which may, perhaps, make a difference of thirty or forty thousand pounds

[15] The final two or three sentences about the Youth Club have been omitted as having no current relevance

Everything about the original story seems to me to have dropped off into unreality, or been omitted altogether except one instance

Article 40th — The omitted cases will be resolved for the

CO2 acted as plant food, and this “fertilization” effect was often omitted from the IPCC models

In the array declaration, the size can also be omitted


so that he omitted nothing of the law and commandments of the Lord, but taught all Israel the ordinances and judgments

omitted any but the common English-keyboard symbols, as of a typewriter

5 The quarter of a day is omitted for three years, the fourth fulfils it exactly

Truths have been distorted, facts are twisted or omitted and sources may not be reliable

With 20/20 hindsight, I should have recognized that for the hyperbole it was and omitted a few items that wound up costing me the job

“The reading of the charges may be omitted,” said the president

5 The quarter of a day is omitted for three years the fourth fulfils it exactly

[contents of “books” omitted by author]

In addition, the omitted care or supervision about one‘s own animals is a

7 For Ezdras had very great skill so that he omitted nothing of the law and commandments of the Lord but taught all Israel the ordinances and judgments

» He said to them «You have omitted the one living in your presence and have spoken only about the dead ones

23:2-31 The Scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat therefore everything whatever they bid you observe that observe and do but do nothing like their works because they say and do not do it because they bind heavy burdens and too difficult to be carried and lay them on men’s shoulders but they themselves will not carry any of those things with one of their fingers but all their works they do to be seen by men; they make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garment and love the uppermost rooms at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the Markets and love to be called: “Rabbi Rabbi” by men; but do not be called Rabbi because only one is your Master even Christ and you are all brothers anyway; and call no man on the Earth your father because only one is your Father who is in Heaven; neither be called masters because the one is your Master even the Christ but he who is greatest among you shall be your servant and whoever shall exalt himself shall be degraded; and he who shall humble himself shall be exalted; but disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you block the Kingdom of Heaven for men because you neither go in yourselves nor do you allow those who are entering to enter inside; disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you devour widows’ houses and make long prayers as a pretence therefore you shall receive the greater damnation; disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you cross land and sea to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twice more the child of Hell than you yourselves; disaster to you you blind guides who say: Whoever shall swear by the temple it is nothing but whoever shall swear by the gold of the temple is a debtor! You fools and blind ones because which is greater the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? and you say: Whoever shall swear by the altar it is nothing but whoever swears by the gift that is upon it he is guilty; You fools and blind ones because; which is greater the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? Therefore whoever shall swear by the altar swears by it and by all things on it and whoever shall swear by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it and he who shall swear by Heaven swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits on it; disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you pay the tithes of mint and anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith; this you ought to have done and not left the other undone; you blind guides who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel; disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you make the outside of the cup and of the plate clean but inside they are full of extortion and excess; blind Pharisee first clean that which is inside the cup and plate so that the outside of it may be clean also; Disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you are like whitened tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly but are full of dead men’s bones and all the uncleanness inside; even so you also appear to men righteous outwardly but inside you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity; disaster to you Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the grave sites of the righteous and you say: If we had been in the days of our fathers we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets; therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are all the children of those who killed the prophets; Fulfil the stature of your fathers you serpents you generation of vipers; how can you escape the damnation of Hell? So note that I send you prophets and wise men and Scribes; and some of them you shall kill and crucify and some of them you shall beat in your synagogues and persecute from city to city so that on you may come all the righteous bloodshed on the Earth from the blood of righteous Abel until the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias whom you all killed between the temple and the altar; Truly I say to you all these things shall come on this generation

1 So far as it is possible for me to show you these things with simplicity my mind and soul hopes that I have not omitted any of the things that pertain unto salvation;

Nevertheless, authors have omitted to mention the effect of the political upheaval

I understand that since 2008 the cages have been omitted and I have not read or heard about any shark attacks

Ashon at the time, though he always omitted this part every time he told the story, was pushed by a fellow jailbird into Loco who was close to him

Alicia and Gina glanced at each other, both noticing how the doctor had omitted any information about the baby

It would not have been a great surprise to the apostles to have seen the lamb omitted even on Passover night, and since this supper was given one day earlier, they thought nothing of its absence

Some people also start with their objective; however, this one may be omitted, since it is quite obvious that the objective of your resume is to get the job, or to get interviewed

Travis mentioned the Quebec detective, Pierre Smith who had died in a blazing car north of Montreal, but omitted to mention it happened close to the home of old Auguste Kirke

A fellow director in HR told me that many of our key-punch ‘girls’, young women who worked eight hours a day pecking away at a typewriter keyboard, had deliberately omitted their degrees on their job applications, afraid that we would think them over qualified

She omitted the final ‘ g’ from all verbs, which gave her

And yes, there is something which I omitted to tell you

Shane told him the story and omitted certain things

That day, she requested that the word obey be omitted from the wedding vows

You will note that entry for the account number begins at position 36 in row number 4 but if we had omitted the (4,36), it would start in the position right after the colon following the literal

If we omitted the check and had an abend, someone would have to research the results

Any spice that is not available may be omitted

Some states protect spouses and grandchildren under the theory that they have been omitted rather than excluded

But, states have a couple different ways of handling omitted relatives

Many states assume that if the testator (the will maker) had a chance or had not forgotten to do so, that they would have included the omitted relative

This is become increasingly difficult under state laws that protect omitted relatives and disfavor no-contest clauses

De Gaulle, now promoted to the rank of general, but omitted from Petain’s cabinet, decided to leave for London and set up a government in exile; a few weeks later he was sentenced to death as a traitor by a Vichy French military court

read again, with chapter and verse indications omitted

” He paused to compose his thoughts and check that he had not omitted

I suggested that a passing pedestrian or jolly local copper could probably help us, but Mark pointed out that this was unlikely, not because of the language barrier but because we had spectacularly omitted to note the position, or name of our matchbox hotel

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Secondly, the New Age movement has distorted the original concepts, omitted the colors gold and orange, and turned red into pink

They omitted to do so, either from want of time or from want of royal permission

“Well, the one on Saint Francis de Sales has a word omitted under the drawing of Francis and the hearing-challenged young man

[63-12] las suyas (‘yours’) is more distinctive and emphaticthan suyas; but the article is usually omitted when the possessiveis in predicate

omitted from these popular accounts

He omitted the part about Kagen dismissing the incident

In discussing this matter with the client, it was disclosed that the rent expense had been omitted from the client’s information

I restore the first twowords, omitted in all previous editions, without which the passage

The usual accent is intentionally omitted from veame

The usual accent has been intentionally omitted from aerea

” She wondered if details about the anthrax antidote were omitted by the lieutenant wanting to spare her aunt, or by her aunt wanting to spare Therese

So completely did she pass from it that I omitted to tell her I was going or bid her farewell

He was long since married, but had omitted to mention it

Have you perhaps omitted to investigate the coal-hole?»

” In her fantasies last night she had intentionally omitted the supervising attorney, which in part is probably what made the daydreams so pleasant

On that score he had told the truth, though he had omitted all references to the Catskinner who had kidnapped Brigit and then hunted them after her escape

have been covered and so they are omitted by him

(Note: Paragraph 12 is omitted in some of the older

omitted beforeexclamations and interrogations if they follow

Many cognates are omitted

Tam recounted some of his adventure in the forest but omitted

Both letters center around the plight of an inmate named Richard — the whys of his incarceration are conveniently omitted as most citizens of good conscience are usually adverse to the sob stories of ax murderers or serial rapists — who contacted Prison Fellowship in the hopes of getting the Angel Tree Project to provide his daughter with a Christmas present

{7-3} Que; this expletive que is usually omitted in translation, but hereit may be rendered approximately by why

(7) The diacritic accent is omitted in certain words that require itaccording to the

tobe translated and sometimes to be omitted according to the

Ethical dative, best omitted in translation;analysis shows that the pronoun contains an idea of advantage, or atleast

Emiliaand Manuel are omitted; it is not believed that their

that have the same or almost the same form and meaningin Spanish and English are omitted, as well as

own times, to have omitted to chronicle what was matter

omitted to record the doings or mention the name of

have been possible for the historian to have omitted or

may judge for himself he should have beforehim the mysterious song itself, which, omitted in

34-2: era mía: observe that the article is usually omitted when theverb ser is followed by the

fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in

The subject of the active sentence follows by or is omitted

If an interjection is omitted, the sentence still makes sense

I once counseled a man who omitted from his list the service station owner

so he simply omitted them, although what he says

American Standard foot note says they, ―Are omitted by the best ancient Authorities

identical with verse 48) are omitted by the best ancient authorities

Why? He certainly would not have omitted such a doctrine as Hell

  • Use the word Omitted in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A lot of things you said weren’t important, so I just omitted them.

You just omitted the body of the letter, that’s all.

Yet you omitted the most important part.

There’s only one detail that you’ve omitted.

He broke a blood vessel because he found his name was omitted from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Here are one or two details which this innocent tool omitted.

That is correct, except that you omitted the last and most important word.

I asked you if I omitted anything.

Prof. Sander tells today of a strange error in his manuscript. It was found during proofreading and is omitted in the published paper, — but it appears in Lundell’s thesis. The public awaits his explanation.

All commercial announcements will be omitted.

You’ve omitted me in your analysis, Captain.

omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.

I realise it’s too late to keep the story out of the papers, but I’d appreciate it if certain details were omitted.

Had I realized she was going to materialize out of the past, claiming damages. I might have omitted the chapter.

I seem to have omitted your screen credit.

It seems you omitted a few high spots this afternoon, didn’t you?

Yes, you see, I omitted a sidelight.

-Evidently, since you omitted to knock.

However, gratitude, as Nurse Cavell omitted to add, is not enough.

I haven’t mentioned that you omitted the detector for Goodwin.

In it Giuliano omitted the names of the men behind the massacre, writing a bunch of lies in their place, telling me nothing about it and destroying his comrades’ lives!

It’s fortunate that Colonel Giraud omitted to destroy all his papers.

I’ve omitted to tell you how much I’ve always loved you, needed you desired you how impossible any kind of life would be without you.

Your Honour, I demand that the letter be produced which my client left on the table in the bar and which the witness omitted to mention.

For instance, there is the Wicked Bible, so called because the word «not» is omitted from the seventh commandment, making it read: «Thou shalt commit adultery. «

You omitted to say what city.

I knew it they omitted this, so they could bellow

There’s one thing my brother omitted to tell you…

You omitted to mention that your preliminary drive caved in. And you lost your nice cooperative General Manager.

It was a case which, though I have omitted to set down, was not without features of interest.

Have I omitted anything of importance?

That’s a minor detail these newspapers seem to have omitted.

The resulting editions omitted certain passages found in Ovid and elsewhere.

The procedure of the holding up of press releases dates back to before open government, and I unaccountably omitted to rescind it.

Now there is a name which I think has been unfortunately omitted from those invited to lunch at HRH’s table:

They omitted certain truths, which, in itself, tells us something.

I’m trying to make a serious point… which is that a masculine love of physical beauty and of moral beauty… and of the beauty of the thirst for human knowledge — you omit that and you’ve omitted the mainstay of Athenian society.

But whatever allowances I make, I cannot escape the fact that you have omitted one piece of evidence of the paramount importance.

None of which were omitted in this case.

Mr Hnizdo humbly omitted the fact that he wrote the play himself.

However, he omitted to inform us that his ex-wife had a part-time job for 11 of those 20 years.

But you omitted to make sure that the window it was left open to support this burglar theory.

[Beeping] — Something’s been omitted.

Steps 450 through 670 are omitted.

But his guide book omitted the main thing — the French occupation.

But you omitted a rather important detail…

omitted some significant liabilities.

He omitted that he asked for instructions first.

Definition of Omitted

excluded; left out

Examples of Omitted in a sentence

The graduate was sad that his name was accidentally omitted from the list of people earning their degrees.


Because he was embarrassed that he smoked, the patient omitted that info when speaking to the doctor.


The thief agreed to talk to the police but omitted several important details when telling parts of the truth.




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опустил слово

опустила слово

I have omitted the word ‘relative’ before ‘surplus population’, since it is irrelevant in the present context, and perhaps confusing.

Я опустил слово «относительное» перед словом «перенаселение», поскольку оно не существенно в данном контексте и может ввести в заблуждение.

But this year, he omitted the word «attribution.»

Однако в этом году он опустил слово «принадлежности».

I have, however, omitted the word ‘patriot’ after ‘Athenian’ since I do not fully agree with this characterization of Plato in the sense in which it is used by Taylor.

Однако я опустил слово «патриот» после слова «афинянин», так как я не полностью согласен с этой характеристикой Платона в том смысле, в котором её использует Тейлор.

13 omitted the word that should have been in there.

In repeating this, Eve omitted the word «freely» (iii.

Creators of video in the correct form emphasized the importance of the word «equality» and omitted the word «marriage».

Создатели видео в корректной форме подчеркнули важность слова «равенство» и опустили слово «брак».

Hence he omitted the word «mighty.»

In this paragraph, we inadvertently omitted the word «directly».

Subsequent printings omitted the word Lysol entirely.

Princess Diana famously omitted the word «obey» from her vows when she married Prince Charles in 1981.

Принцесса же Диана первой отказалась произносить обещание «повиноваться» мужу в своей свадебной клятве, когда выходила замуж за принца Чарльза в июле 1981 года.

It omitted the word ‘all’ merely to avoid any possible misconception that every party must individually have engaged in the practice where it suffices that it should have accepted the practice.

Она опустила слово «всех» просто для того, чтобы избежать любого возможного неправильного понимания, согласно которому каждый участник должен в индивидуальном порядке осуществлять практику, тогда как то, что оно приняло эту практику, является достаточным.

A transcript of the briefing on the Kremlin’s website and a live translation on the Kremlin-funded RT television network’s Ruptly service omitted the word «annexation» from Steinmeier’s statement to the press.

Стенограмма брифинга на веб-сайте Кремля и службе живого перевода от финансируемой Кремлем телевизионной сети RT Ruptly опустила слово «аннексия» из заявления Штайнмайера в прессе.

In this sentence the word «Moeй» is in Genitive because we omitted the word «чeй».

В этом предложении слово «моей» стоит в родительном падеже, т.к. слово «чей» опущено.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 13. Точных совпадений: 13. Затраченное время: 34 мс


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