The word of work in russia

Презентация 9 класса на тему: «The world of works in RUSSIA Выполнил ученик 9 Б класса МОУ СОШ 31 Харламов Кирилл.». Скачать бесплатно и без регистрации. — Транскрипт:


The world of works in RUSSIA Выполнил ученик 9 Б класса МОУ СОШ 31 Харламов Кирилл


The most popular professions: — a manager — an economist — a programmer — a lawyer — a PR-manager — a manager — an economist — a programmer — a lawyer — a PR-manager


A MANAGER Now it is one of the most popular professions. It is not important what kind of manager you are. Every organisation needs manager. You can find a lot of advertisements in the Internet or in the press.


AN ECONOMIST Now this profession is highly-paid and prestige. It stills popular for last years. This profession has good career opportunities.


A PROGRAMMER Programmers are valued now, because the 21th century is the century of high technology. Skilled programmers have very good salary. More than that, you can find a place in the biggest corporations of Russia and Europe.


A LAWYER It is also one of the most popular professions because of its salary. But the salary in private organisations is often higher that the salary in state organisations.


A PR-MANAGER This profession is considered to be creative and it attracts young people. This profession is valued and its easy for young pr-managers to get a place. But if you want to be a skilled pr- manager you should practice more.

Презентация на тему: «Популярные работы в России»

27.04.2017 22:04

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«Презентация на тему: «Популярные работы в России»»

The world of work in Russia Подготовил ученик 9 класса: Баринов Алексей

The world of work in Russia

Подготовил ученик 9 класса: Баринов Алексей

Popular works in Russia In Russia, a huge number of professions. The most popular professions are: Journalist, lawyer, programmer, teacher, manager, engineer and architect. I'll tell you more about them.

Popular works in Russia

  • In Russia, a huge number of professions. The most popular professions are: Journalist, lawyer, programmer, teacher, manager, engineer and architect. I’ll tell you more about them.

Lawyer Lawyer - specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences; Practical practitioner in the field of law. In the Russian Federation, a lawyer may be a person who has received a secondary or higher professional legal education. A lawyer can provide legal assistance and legal services in criminal, civil, tax, labor, family, hereditary, housing, corporate, administrative and other cases in the field of law.


  • Lawyer — specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences; Practical practitioner in the field of law. In the Russian Federation, a lawyer may be a person who has received a secondary or higher professional legal education. A lawyer can provide legal assistance and legal services in criminal, civil, tax, labor, family, hereditary, housing, corporate, administrative and other cases in the field of law.

Journalist A journalist (correspondent) is a person who collects, creates, edits, prepares and formats information for the editorial office of a registered media outlet, is associated with labor or other contractual relations, or engages in such activities on his own initiative.


  • A journalist (correspondent) is a person who collects, creates, edits, prepares and formats information for the editorial office of a registered media outlet, is associated with labor or other contractual relations, or engages in such activities on his own initiative.

 Programmer A programmer is a specialist who writes computer programs. Programming as a profession can be the main professional activity of a specialist, or be used as an auxiliary activity for solving other professional tasks, or be used in the nonprofessional sphere (as a tool for solving problems or for gaining pleasure from the programming process).


  • A programmer is a specialist who writes computer programs. Programming as a profession can be the main professional activity of a specialist, or be used as an auxiliary activity for solving other professional tasks, or be used in the nonprofessional sphere (as a tool for solving problems or for gaining pleasure from the programming process).

Teacher The teacher is now one of the most widespread public professions, a teacher, a teacher who has emerged as a result of both the need to educate and train the next generation for a more successful and quicker entry into public life, and the growth of social opportunities for the maintenance of individuals who perform these tasks.


  • The teacher is now one of the most widespread public professions, a teacher, a teacher who has emerged as a result of both the need to educate and train the next generation for a more successful and quicker entry into public life, and the growth of social opportunities for the maintenance of individuals who perform these tasks.

Manager The manager is a specialist in management. There are three levels of manager positions : Entry-level ; Medium ; Top level ;


  • The manager is a specialist in management.
  • There are three levels of manager positions :
  • Entry-level ;
  • Medium ;
  • Top level ;

Engineer Engineer - a specialist engaged in engineering activities. Engineers are involved, as a rule, in all processes of the life cycle of technical devices that are the subject of engineering, including applied research, planning, design, design, development of manufacturing technology


  • Engineer — a specialist engaged in engineering activities. Engineers are involved, as a rule, in all processes of the life cycle of technical devices that are the subject of engineering, including applied research, planning, design, design, development of manufacturing technology

Architect The architect is the


  • The architect is the «chief builder» — a qualified specialist who, on a professional basis, carries out architectural design, including the design of buildings, including the development of space planning and interior solutions.

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Text of The world of work in Russia

  • 1. ProjectThe world of work inRussiaSecondary school 3Form 9B
    Bachurina Alexandra

2. There are many professions that you canchoose. And one of the
main reason is actuality. Many Russian peopletoday became a lawyer
or a programmer. Yes, thisprofessions have some advantages, for
example big salary, but there are too many people withthese
professions and geta job became harder. 3. To find a job is a
problem for every person withoutexperience, especially ifthere are
many specialists in your profession. But if you are really a
goodexpert in your sphere youfind a job easily and fast. 4. There
are someprofessions which is notvery popular amongteenagers. They
areteachers, doctors,policemen. These professions are associated
with responsibility, risk andbesides, a salary is small and labor
of thesepeople isnt treasure. 5. The end 6. The end

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The world of work in Russia Comprehensive secondary school №3 Form: 9 “B” Name: Migunov Nicolay

Author: -3

Post on 16-Jun-2015


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Page 1: The world of work in Russia

The world of work in Russia

Comprehensive secondary school №3 Form: 9 “B”

Name: Migunov Nicolay

Page 2: The world of work in Russia

What job to choose?

•In my country, we are surrounded by a large number of jobs. But each person has to choose a profession that suits him.

Page 3: The world of work in Russia

Which professions are popular?

In Russia the most popular professions are the most paid.

The list of the most popular works in accordance with the people’s opinion:


Page 4: The world of work in Russia


•Today, to be economist is prestigious and profitable. This profession in the last years is one of the most popular. An economist, is not only in demand, but well paid.

Page 5: The world of work in Russia


•Today, the profession is at the peak of popularity. No company can’t make anything without a good specialist in area of management.

Page 6: The world of work in Russia


•Lawyers take one of the first lines in the rankings of the most popular , but also the most well paid professions.

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Social survey

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