The word of mirrors

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I put together a new homebrew Word for my game, and I figured I’d post it up here for people to take a look at. Enjoy!

Word of Mirrors

The Word of Mirrors is about reflecting the world back at observers—showing them the truth as distorted by imperfect understanding. Those who are bound to the Word of Mirrors can become the reflections that others wish to see, altering their appearance and mannerisms to conform to others’ expectations. They can craft illusions stolen from a victim’s memories, use mirrors as portals between locations, and reflect killing intent back on an attacker. This Word is highly metaphorical in nature, as befits a power of reflection and distortion.

When a gift refers to a “mirror” as a physical object, any surface that can hold a clear reflection counts. This might be a true silvered mirror, a metal hand mirror, or a piece of highly polished glass. The GM has final say on what counts as a mirror in this case.

Godbound affiliated with the Mirrors Word have an invincible defense against any power that would read their mind or scry on them. They are instantly aware of any such attempt and may choose to project any result they wish, or no result at all.

Lesser Gifts

Masterful Mimicry (On Turn) Commit Effort for the scene and choose an individual you can see. You become aware of any Facts (or similar statements for minor characters) possessed by the character and can choose one of them to copy. As long as your Effort remains Committed, you act as though you possessed the relevant Fact. You may only copy one Fact at a time through the use of this gift.

Mirror of Fair Mien (On Turn) You may take the form of any humanoid you have observed personally, becoming a perfect replica of that individual. Voice, physical mannerisms, behavioral quirks, and speech patterns are duplicated perfectly by this power, and even your clothing is affected. Your statistics remain unchanged. If you Commit Effort for the scene, you can use this gift as an Instant action. Worthy foes with significant personal knowledge of the individual may make a Spirit save to see through the deception.

Mirror Gate (Action) Commit Effort for the scene. You flow like mercury into the surface of a mirror and emerge from the nearest one to your desired destination, provided such a surface exists within a mile. This gift can move you no more than ten miles total in any one hour.

A Mirror Never Lies (Constant) Your lies can never be detected as such by magic or other special abilities, save those of the Deception Word. Lesser foes always believe what you say to be the truth as you know it, though they might still believe that you are mistaken depending on other information they possess. When engaged in a conversation with another individual, you always know what they would most want to hear. Worthy foes can make a Spirit save to avoid this effect.

Smoke and Mirrors (On Turn) Commit Effort. You surround yourself with half-glimpsed reflections and distortions of your true position, making you nearly impossible to hit. While your Effort remains Committed, your natural AC is 3 against creatures with sight. While this gift is active, you have an invincible defense against gaze-based attacks, and such attacks are automatically turned back on their originator. Armor and shields don’t aid the AC you gain from this gift.

Window to the Truth (Action) Commit Effort for the scene to turn a mirror in your presence into a scrying window. This one-way window allows you to observe any place or individual you have ever seen in person, or a character for whom you have an arcane connection. You may move this window at a rate of 10 feet per round to observe the target from different angles or to keep pace with a moving target; a target moving faster than this breaks the connection and closes the scrying window. Both sight and sound are transmitted through the window, which remains open as long as you concentrate. A worthy foe receives a Spirit saving throw to prevent being spied upon in this manner.

Greater Gifts

Reflection of Lethal Intent (Instant) When you are struck by an attack of any sort, you may Commit Effort for the scene to instantly reflect that attack back on the character that generated it. They suffer whatever consequence you would have suffered, whether that is damage, a status condition, or some worse fate. A worthy foe may attempt a saving throw against this effect; even if they succeed, you do not suffer the attack’s effects.

Through a Mirror Darkly (Action) Commit Effort for the scene and choose an individual you can see. You become aware of any deeply-held beliefs they possess and may choose to permanently reverse one of those beliefs. Something once loved becomes hated, a drive for loyalty becomes one for treachery, and so on. The GM determines the full extent of this alteration. Worthy foes may make a Spirit save to avoid this effect, but lesser foes are affected with no defense.

Wings of the Nemesis (Action) Commit Effort for the day and choose an individual you can see. An exact duplicate of that individual is created, complete with special abilities and equipment, but has maximum Hit Dice equal to twice your level and can only take one action per round, no matter how many the target has. The duplicate is hostile toward the original and immediately attempts to destroy their counterpart by any means they possess. When the duplicate is killed (or at the end of the current scene), it vanishes along with its gear and any effects it might have generated; harm inflicted by the duplicate remains, however. Worthy foes receive a Spirit save to avoid the duplicate being created.

зеркало, зеркальце, отражение, отражать, отображать


- зеркало

hand mirror — ручное зеркало
false mirror — кривое зеркало
magic mirror — волшебное зеркальце
mirror wardrobe — зеркальный шкаф

- зеркальная поверхность
- поэт. зеркальная гладь (реки и т. п.)
- отображение

a mirror of life [of the times /of the age/] — правдивое отображение /изображение/ жизни [времени]
to hold up a mirror to smb., smth. — правдиво отражать /изображать/ кого-л., что-л.

- уст. волшебное зеркало, зеркальце (в сказках)
- спец. отражатель


- отражать; отображать

the tower is mirrored in the lake — башня отражается в озере
literature that mirrors the age — литература, правдиво изображающая эпоху

Мои примеры


a small mirror fixed to the wall — небольшое зеркало, прикреплённое к стене  
a girl preening herself in the mirror — девушка, которая прихорашивается перед зеркалом  
to give mirror finish — полировать до зеркального блеска  
illuminating mirror — осветительное зеркало  
to hang a mirror — вешать зеркало  
pocket mirror — карманное зеркало  
convergent mirror — контррефлектор  
convex mirror — выпуклое зеркало  
corner mirror — уголковое зеркало  
corrugated mirror — гофрированное зеркало  
facet cylindrical mirror — фацетное цилиндрическое зеркало; фацетное зеркало  
anti-dazzle mirror — неослепляющее зеркало  

Примеры с переводом

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Посмотри на себя в зеркало.

The building was mirrored in the lake.

Здание отражалось в озере.

The mirror was cracked and dirty.

Зеркало было треснутое и грязное.

Language is the mirror of society.

Язык является отражением общественной жизни.

She likes primping in front of the mirror.

Она любит прихорашиваться перед зеркалом.

What’s holding that mirror?

Что удерживает это зеркало?

She spent hours in front of the mirror, combing (out) her long hair.

Она часами просиживала перед зеркалом, расчёсывая свои длинные волосы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Henry’s sad smile mirrored that of his son.

…besmeared the mirror with jelly…

She spends hours primping in front of the mirror.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

mirroring  — отражающий
mirrorwise  — в зеркальном порядке, со смещением правой и левой стороны

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: mirror
he/she/it: mirrors
ing ф. (present participle): mirroring
2-я ф. (past tense): mirrored
3-я ф. (past participle): mirrored

ед. ч.(singular): mirror
мн. ч.(plural): mirrors

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