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Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008.

    Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn, practise and revise new vocabulary.
Each book contains 80 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are between one and three pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of five to ten units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008

I can talk about vocabulary learning.
Replace the words in italics with a single word that has the same meaning.
I looked at the pictures but didn’t understand the written part.      
1 I understood the general meaning of the text.    
2 We couldn’t recognize and decide what language they were speaking      
3 The way you use words together to make a sentence in German is different.    
4 He is from another country.    
5 You can guess the meaning from the words before and after the new word.   
6 There was a text which I had to change from one language into another.     

Circle the correct answer.
If you explain something, you make it easy to say/understand)
1 If you revise something, you say it again/study it again.
2 If something works, it is successful/difficult.
3 If you experiment with something, you try something/find something.
4 You can do/make a mistake.
5 A method is an opportunity to do something/а way of doing something.
6 A chat is a formal/an informal conversation.

Starter unit.
Abbreviations and symbols.
1 I can talk about vocabulary learning.
2 I can describe my progress and aims.
3 I can understand a learner’s dictionary.
4 I can talk about English punctuation.
5 I can talk about appearance.
6 I can talk about character.
7 I can describe my feelings.
8 I can talk about relationships.
9 I can talk about families.
10 I can talk about weddings and funerals.
The world around us.
11 I can describe the universe.
12 I can talk about rivers and the sea.
13 I can describe the climate.
14 I can describe natural disasters.
15 I can describe animals and insects.
Daily life.
16 I can describe a range of food.
17 I can talk about diets and cooking.
18 I can talk about money.
19 I can talk about sleep.
20 I can talk about injuries.
21 I can talk about cars and driving.
22 I can describe travel problems and accidents.
23 I can talk about clothes and fashion.
Getting things done.
24 I can describe a visit to the dentist.
25 I can describe hospital procedures.
26 I can explain household tasks.
27 I can describe housework.
28 I can talk to a hairdresser.
Describing things.
29 I can describe urban life.
30 I can describe parts of a building.
31 I can describe objects.
32 I can describe the senses.
33 I can describe a painting.
34 I can describe actions.
Social and political issues.
35 I can talk about crime.
36 I can describe the justice system.
37 I can discuss health issues.
38 I can talk about politics.
39 I can talk about war and peace.
40 I can talk about events in history.
Media and entertainment.
41 I can understand newspapers.
42 I can talk about films.
43 I can talk about art and photography.
44 I can talk about music.
45 I can talk about people and places in sport.
46 I can describe sporting events.
47 I can talk about books.
48 I can describe festivals.
Work and study.
49 I can get through exams.
50 I can describe university life.
51 I can apply for a job.
52 I can describe jobs.
53 I can describe a career.
54 I can describe working conditions.
55 I can talk about finance.
56 I can talk about companies.
57 I can describe a successful business.
58 I can discuss marketing.
Social English.
59 I can express probability.
60 I can explain similarities and differences.
61 I can make arrangements to meet.
62 I can discuss my likes and dislikes.
63 I can give my opinion.
64 I can talk about rules.
65 I can discuss hopes and plans.
66 I can express dissatisfaction.
67 I can understand warnings.
68 I can use link words.
69 I can use a range of adjectives.
70 I can express time and place.
71 I can use prepositions in phrases.
72 I can use prefixes.
73 I can use suffixes.
74 I can use verb patterns.
75 I can use phrasal verbs.
76 I can use a range of adverbs.
Styles of English.
77 I can recognize informal English.
78 I can write a formal letter.
79 I can understand abbreviations and short forms.
80 I can understand American English.
Vocabulary building tables.
Answer key.
Answer key to-review units.
List of spotlight boxes.
Word list / Index.

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Дата публикации: 27.02.2022 12:18 UTC


учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Gairns :: Redman

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Some books require a lot of the introduction but some of the books are having the names which can introduce the complete book by themselves. SO is the one we are talking about. Saying that the horror book’s readers are going to love this novel will not be wrong. Basically, The novel we are talking about is written by the world-famous writer Stephen King. Which makes it way more interesting and way more amazing than all the other horror novels. Talking about the counting of his books, This book takes the 22nd number in his writings. If we say that it was a groundbreaking novel then it will not be wrong. The main theme of the novel we are talking about is the phobias and the fears of the people. And by the word people, this novel means kids. It deals with the fears of the kids about different characters like the jokers etc. Talking about the name of the book it tells/refers us to the clown in the story.

The story in this novel is all about a small kid. The name of this kid is George. But the nickname of the boy is “Georgie”. The story starts is a very heavy rain when this kid is playing with his paper boat. Suddenly the boat starts floating in the water very fast and starts traveling to a sewer opening at the side of the road. While chasing the boat he meets this clown in the sewer opening whose name is “Pennywise the Dancing Clown”.


The writer of “It” is an American writer. Stephen King is a very well known writer. Not just in a single genre but he is known as the very good writer in many genres as well. Like the horror, fiction, thriller and the suspense as well.

Features of It pdf:

  • English is the original language of this book.
  • The original publishing year of the book is 15th September 1986.
  • The United States is the original publishing place of this book.
  • There are 1138 pages in this book.

You can download It PDF free and read it online via the download button below.

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Do you have strong feelings about the word “irregardless”? Have you ever tried to define the word “is”? Brimming with intelligence and personality, this vastly entertaining account of how dictionaries are made is a must-read for word mavens.

Many of us take dictionaries for granted, and few may realize that the process of writing dictionaries is, in fact, as lively and dynamic as language itself. With sharp wit and irreverence, Kory Stamper cracks open the complex, obsessive world of lexicography, from the agonizing decisions about what to define and how to do it, to the knotty questions of usage in an ever-changing language. She explains why small words are the most difficult to define, how it can take nine months to define a single word, and how our biases about language and pronunciation can have tremendous social influence. And along the way, she reveals little-known surprises—for example, the fact that “OMG” was first used in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917.

Word by Word brings to life the hallowed halls (and highly idiosyncratic cubicles) of Merriam-Webster, a startlingly rich world inhabited by quirky and erudite individuals who quietly shape the way we communicate. Certain to be a delight for all lovers of words, Stamper’s debut will make you laugh as much as it makes you appreciate the wonderful complexities and eccentricities of the English language.

Book Source: Digital Library of India Item 2015.173078 Eric Partridge
dc.contributor.other: State Central Library, Hyderabad. 2015-07-07T03:36:58Z 2015-07-07T03:36:58Z 0000-00-00 1938
dc.identifier.barcode: 2990110002886
dc.identifier.origpath: /data/upload/0002/887
dc.identifier.copyno: 1
dc.description.scanningcentre: State Central Library, Hyderabad
dc.description.main: 1
dc.description.tagged: 0
dc.description.totalpages: 366
dc.format.mimetype: application/pdf
dc.language.iso: English
dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Bis/chief Librarian, Scl, Hyderabad.
dc.publisher: George Routledge And Sons, Ltd., Broadway House
dc.rights: Out_of_copyright
dc.source.library: State Central Library, Hyderabad.
dc.subject.classification: Languages
dc.title: The World Of Words

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