The word of god for you today


September 14, 2021

written by GOD TV

September 14, 2021

identify your gold

Today’s Verse:

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2

Today’s Message:

The Word of God is alive and active. It guides us in our steps and directs us with our decisions.

Sometimes, we take for granted the access we have to God’s Word. The Bible is precious. It is not a decoration nor a mere display inside the house. It is transformative and contains the answers to our questions in life.

Because of the beauty and ingenuity of the Bible, it is to be studied carefully. It has the power to address issues for generations. At the same time, it is sacred and divine.

Today, God is reminding you to take time to read and obey His Word.

Read More God’s Word for the Day >>

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Have you ever wondered why you’re here on earth, what the point of your life is, or whether there’s a life after this one? God has the answers to these questions, and He wants you to know the truth for yourself. You can learn His message for you by studying the scriptures, communing with Him through prayer, and listening to the words of the prophets.

A couple sit together at their kitchen table studying God's message for them

God still speaks

During hard times, we can feel lost or even abandoned by God. Many people question if God is aware of us and if He leads and guides us.

But God truly does live, and He speaks to us. He is the same God who saved Noah from the flood, parted the Red Sea, and led Israel into the promised land. And He has the power to work miracles in your life too. He will hear and answer your prayers. He will guide you through life. He will help you learn His message for you if you seek Him out.

Ask questions in prayer

God always hears and answers our prayers. In the book of Matthew, Jesus makes this promise: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). God wants to bless us. He wants to lead us, guide us, and teach us. But He doesn’t often answer questions that we never ask Him. Show your faith in God by communicating with Him through prayer. Ask Him what He wants for you in life. Your answer may not come right away or in the way you expect, but it will come.

Read God’s word

The holy scriptures are full of God’s dealings with His children. The Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon both teach us about who God is, how we can develop a relationship with Him, and how we can return to live with Him one day. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Hebrews 13:8), so His words and commandments are important to us.

Grow Closer to Jesus by studying the Bible and the Book of Mormon

Find new spiritual insights as we study the life and teachings of Jesus from the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Request an online or in-person study with missionaries.

Listen to prophets

Since ancient times, God has called prophets to lead His people. A prophet is someone who has been called by God to give guidance to the entire world. Though God’s commandments never change, the circumstances we encounter in the world are always changing. Through prophets, God helps us know how to navigate the unique challenges and trials of our day. By studying the words of prophets, apostles, and other inspired leaders, you can learn what God’s message is for you today.

Hear How Others Have Felt Direction and Love from God


“I feel God’s love the most when I pray with a sincere and humble heart. He’s been leading me every step of the way, even all those years before I got baptized. I am so grateful!”

Farmington, UT


“I feel God’s love by counting my blessings and realizing that even though we struggle, God is always there to help. When I kneel in prayer and sincerely talk to Him, I feel an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for everything He has blessed me with.”

Charleston, SC


“I feel God’s love by reviewing the blessings He’s given me thoughout my day.”

Kansas City, MO


“I often feel God’s love in my life through other people. He always knows when I am feeling low and prompts others to reach out to me.”

Wildwood, MO


“I feel God’s love in my life through my family. I feel His love through the knowledge I have of Him being there for me.”

New Delhi, India

What does God want you to know?

While you’ll certainly encounter unique situations and challenges in your life, there are certain important gospel truths that are true for everyone. God wants you to know that you are His child. He has a plan for you. He wants you to feel hopeful, important, and loved—because you are. 

You have a purpose

Both the Bible and the Book of Mormon teach that before this life, we lived with God. None of us are here by accident. We came to earth to receive a body, learn how to make good choices, be tested, and grow. Our existence won’t end after death. We will all be resurrected as Jesus was. If we choose to follow Jesus in this life, we will be able to return to live with Him and our Heavenly Father.

You can be happy

The Book of Mormon teaches, “Men are, that they might have joy” (2 Nephi 2:25). God wants you to be happy, and you’re meant to be. When you believe in Him and do your best to keep His commandments, you will find joy and have hope for the future.

Find Other Ways to Build a Relationship with God

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of the bible or the phrase ‘Word of God’?

We know its that thick book that you can purchase in many different sizes, versions, and colors, that we’re supposed to bring with us to church on Sundays.  We know it was written a long long time ago.  But, is that all?  I mean really, what is the bible for you?  What is the importance of the Word of God in your life?

Unfortunately, we live in a world today where the bible is depicted as being outdated, fictional, having little value, and to some, completely irrelevant.  The sad part, is that we as Christians are adapting to that same line of thinking, without even realizing it.

Some of the most googled questions on this topic include:

  • Is the bible relevant today?
  • Is the bible outdated?
  • Is the bible really inspired?
  • Why is the bible important today?

If these questions sound familiar (whether you find yourself asking them, or whether you’ve had someone else ask and you didn’t know how to answer), then its time to take a step back to re-affirm the foundation of your Christian faith.  If you want to be victorious in your walk with God, everything starts from acknowledging the importance of the bible.

open bible with coffee cup

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What is the Bible?

Having been translated into thousands of different languages, and with millions of copies sold every single year, everyone has at least heard of what Guinness World Records has declared the best-selling book of all time – The Bible.

However, despite it’s worldwide popularity and availability, many Christians fail to grasp the true relevance and importance of bible.  It is vital that we understand what the bible is, and what it is not.

The Bible is Not Just a Book

If we are being honest, many of us have carried our childhood perspective of the bible into our adulthood thinking.  

We remember the Sunday school stories about creation, Adam and Even, Noah, Moses, David and Goliath.  We remember being taught the 10 commandments.  We remember memorizing the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer.

As a result, we tend to view the bible as just a book:

  • a storybook of nothing more than a collection of outdated stories designed to interest and entertain
  • a rule book of primitive, unnecessary, and even ridiculous rules that simply aren’t realistic for today’s modern woman

When we approach the bible with this type of mindset, it’s no surprise that we’re not motivated to read it.  After all, why re-read old Sunday school stories when we can get far better entertainment from social media through news stories, videos, memes and inspirational quotes?

In doing so, we miss out on what the bible truly is, and the amazing power it can have in our lives.

The Bible is the Word of God

The first step in changing our perspective of what the bible is, and recognizing that it’s not just an ordinary book, is to acknowledge the fact that it is the Word of God.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

2 Timothy 3:16 NIV

For no prophecy recorded in Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself.  It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God.  

2 Peter 1:20-21 TLB

Although physically, the sixty-six books of the bible were written by a variety of authors (including kings, prophets, priests, leaders, apostles, and other followers of God), each word of the original manuscripts were ultimately inspired by God Himself.  

In some cases, as with Moses and the law (Exodus 34:27), God dictated while he transcribed.  In other cases God gave each author their own message to share, which that individual wrote with their own words, personality, perspective, and experience shining through.

Because the entire bible was inspired by God Himself, despite all the diversity among the individual books (authorship, stories, theme, setting, etc.), the bible as a whole maintains a consistent message:  God is our creator, we are all sinners, He loves us, and wants to restore us to a right relationship with Him.

Every time we open our bibles, it is essential that we look at it as God speaking to us.  It’s when we begin to do this regularly that we begin to grasp the importance of the word of God, and are able to hear what He has to say.

The Uniqueness of the Bible

Aside from the bible being the Word of God, it is also unique in several other ways that distinguishes it from any other book that exists.  Let’s take a further look.

The Word of God is Authoritative

As stated before, since the bible is the Word of God, then there is no difference between God speaking and scripture speaking.  Therefore, as Christians, we are to submit to its authority in our lives.

God told the prophet Isaiah:

So is my word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  

Isaiah 55:11 NIV

The words in the bible are not just characters on a page.  The word of God has such authority that it accomplishes whatever God sets out for it to do.   

We have all read self-help and motivational books, but no book has more authority in our lives than the bible.     It is our true guide book for life.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.  

Psalm 119:105 NIV

The bible is our ultimate authority, and we should always seek its guidance and direction on any subject matter.

The Word of God is Alive

The bible is alive!  No, your physical bible is not going to get up and start walking across the floor, or gliding through the air in your room.  It means the Word of God is living and active in our lives.

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.  The words I have spoken to you – they are full of the Spirit and life.

John 6:63 NIV

God’s Word gives life to those things which are otherwise considered spiritually dead.    Why do you think when we become Christians, the bible says we become a “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The Holy Spirit changes us through the Word of God and gives us true life.

For the word of God is alive and active.  

Hebrews 4:12a NIV

The more we embrace the bible in our lives, the more it actively works in our lives.  Then we begin to tap into the true power of the Word of God.

woman reading God's Word

The Word of God is Powerful

Remember the story of creation?  God literally spoke everything into existence.   He said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light.

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.  

Psalm 33:6 NIV

That’s how powerful the Word of God is!  Having authority is one thing, but having authority, along with being alive and powerful, magnifies the effectiveness of the bible.  This is why, just by simply hearing or reading God’s Word it has the power to prompt conviction and change in our hearts and minds.

Let’s take a look at Hebrews 4:12 in full:

For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 NIV

Now I have sat through many amazing motivational speeches, and read some very inspirational books, none of which have ever changed my life the way the bible has.  No book has the authority or power to dig into the depths of our soul and spirit, and convict us towards life-altering changes the way the bible does!

The Word of God is Flawless

The bible is without error:

  • Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.  Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.  Proverbs 30:5-6 NIV
  • Do not add other laws or subtract from these; just obey them, for they are from the Lord your God.  Deuteronomy 4:2 TLB

God doesn’t make mistakes, and despite popular belief, the bible does NOT contradict itself!

We don’t have to add in our own words to make it sound better, or dress it up nicely for others.  As you begin to read, learn, and study the bible, even difficult passages, or seemingly contradictory passages will begin to make sense as you look at the Word of God as a whole, rather than random stand alone verses.

The bible is flawless, and we cannot improve upon the God’s Word.

The Word of God is Eternal

The bible is timeless.  The following three verses say it all:

  • The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.  Isaiah 40:8 NIV
  • Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.  Matthew 24:35 NIV
  • All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.  Psalm 119:160 NIV

I love this, because it shows us that regardless of whether we want to learn God’s word or not, that His Word will last forever.  It also shows that God’s Word is, and always will be relevant.  Even in our modern society where people our convinced that the bible is nothing but ancient truth.

We can tear up, burn up, or throw away every physical bible that exists, but the Word of God itself will never fade, vanish or be destroyed!  People can even stop believing in the bible altogether, and that still, won’t negate its existence or make it any less true.

God’s Word does not have an expiration date!

The Importance of the Word of God in the Life of a Believer

We have covered what the bible is, and what makes it unique and unlike any other book that exists.  But, how and why is the bible important for Christians?  What is the purpose of the Word of God in our lives?  How does it benefit us directly?

The bible is full of powerful stories, prophecies, and insights into who God is and who we are in Him.  What we often overlook is the fact that our Christian faith is built upon the Word of God.  Without it, we wouldn’t know who God is, how he wants us to live, or anything about our spiritual heritage.

Again the bible is NOT just a book of stories and rules.  It reveals God’s character, records the history of the our Christian religious faith, and shows us how to have a meaningful life, and a close relationship with God Himself.

The goal of reading, learning and studying the bible is to build our faith, deepen our relationship with God, and change our lives for the better in the process.

The fact is, the Word of God has the power and ability to impact every area of our lives, but only if we allow it to.

Be sure to also read: 

  • 30 Bible Verses About Spending Time With God
  • 10 Amazing Benefits of Reading the Bible Regularly

Embrace the Word of God

If we don’t acknowledge the importance of scripture, we will continue to remain stagnant in our walk with God.

We can’t profess to be Christians and neglect the Word of God.  We must acknowledge it’s importance and relevance, and make reading it a priority in our lives.

The bible hasn’t lost its power or relevance.  God’s Word is every bit as powerful today as it’s always been.  We are simply not accessing it’s power.  There are some powerful promises in the bible, and they’re all ours when we believe the Word and commit to live according to it.

I promise, that once you begin to shift your attitude toward the bible, and decide to embrace it for what it is, and make it a regular priority in your life, that you won’t regret it.  Give God the opportunity to do something new and amazing in your life.

Additional Resources to Help You Embrace the Word of God:

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What is the Importance of the Word of God for Today’s Christian?

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