In Dota 2 tons of abbreviations and shortcut words exist.
As a beginner it’s really hard to understand the Dota slang, but these words allow a better and faster communication inside the game.
The Dota 2 vocabulary is a long list of technical terms of the game mixed with acronyms that describe a specific scenario or tactical behavior. To get better in ranked matchmaking you need to know all the words in an out. After a while it will also be super easy for Dota 2 beginners! 😉
Basic Dota 2 Words for Beginners:
Chat Word: | Meaning: |
miss | A missing hero is absent on his lane, this is often used in the early game. When one hero is missing take care he might be ganking other lanes. |
tp | A teleport scroll. |
creeps | All of the units that are no heroes and are not summoned by a hero are called creeps. They can belong to one team or be neutral creeps. |
feeder | When a player is frequently dying, and the enemy is getting fat. Sometimes feeders do it on purpose. |
micro | Shortword for micromanagement, it means how fast you are are with your mouse and keyboard to click the right things. |
apm | APM is directly connected to the micro, it means actions per minute. It describes all of your clicks and keyboard hits per minute. |
aggro | Aggro means to have the focus of the enemy or by Roshan. Tower aggro has it’s own mechanics and you need to learn how to get the aggro and how to avoid it. |
disable | Disables are spells or bashes that make the enemy hero unable to fight. |
fog of war | The area that you can’t see in Dota 2 is called the fog of war. |
jungle | The jungle is between the lanes and is full of neutral creeps. |
lasthit | If you make the very last hit on a creep you will get the gold for it, but only then. The amount of lasthits describes how good you farm. |
offlane/hardlane | The offlane is the lane where the creeps are far away when they meet the enemy creeps. For the Radiant this is the top lane and for the Dire it’s the bottom lane. The offlane is the most dangerous one and the importance is often underestimated. |
safelane/easylane | The safelane is the opposite to the offlane and on the other end of the map. The creeps meet near the tower and the lane is comparatively easy. On this lane the carry has a good time farming. On the Radiant side it is the bottom lane on the Dire side the top lane. |
ragequit | Ragequiters/ragers are players that accidently leave the game on purpose, because of something that has happened. Shock-excited through a death or a big fail, some choleric players tend to the attitude of leaving an active game. |
carry/hard carry | The carry player is the one who can scale a lot through farming and can win a teamfight in the late game. Significant examples are Phantom Assassin, Juggernaut, Chaos Knight, and Slark. |
semi-carry | Semi-carry is a role that is often taken by the Offlaner (Position 3 of the Dota 2 roles). Prominent semi-carries are Clinkz, Winr Runner and Riki. |
tank | A tank hero acts as a shield for the team and often initiates team fights. The perfect examples are Bristle Back, Axe, and Mars. |
core | A hero that has a core function in the team and has enough sustain to scale and have a good impact on to the game. |
smurf | A user that is not playing on his main Dota 2 Steam account. He is using a smurf account for several reasons. |
Tactical Behaviour
Dota 2 Vocabulary:
Chat Word: | Meaning: |
GPM | Gold per minute. |
XPM | XP per minute. |
KDA | Kill Death Assist ratio. This ratio is telling a lot about your playstyle and your performance in a match. Read more about the KDA and other ranking factors here. |
farming | Farming is all about making gold in Dota 2. The main aspects of having a high income is about killing creeps through lasthitting. |
pulling/stacking | Pulling means to attract the allied creeps towards a jungle camp to reduce the amount of XPM and GPM of the enemy. Stacking is to increase the number of creeps in a jungle camp. |
harass | Harassing is about putting pressure on to an enemy hero by pushing him away or making a lot of damage over time. |
ganking | Grouping one or more enemies and executing an offensive move. In the early game, it is primarily done by the roamer. |
pushing | Taking down enemy objectives like towers and barracks to make the game more intense. Fewer towers will keep your enemy under pressure. |
roaming | Roamers wander around and try to gang the enemy hero. Through this technique the enemy is under permanent pressure, because he never knows when the roamer will engange. |
supporting | Supports keeps their allies alive and create map vision through wards. Position 4 and 5 are the support positions (one for the safe lane and one for the offlane). |
jungling | If you are farming creeps in the jungle it’s called jungling, this can be done as a complete role, or between creep waves on the lane – especially when the supporters have stacked creep camps to increase the GPM. |
scouting | Scouting is mostly performed by invisible heroes such as Riki, Bounty Hunter, and Clinkz. However, late-game scouting is quite dangerous. The whole map can be filled with sentry wards. |
Dota 2 Slang
Words and Acronyms:
Chat Word: | Meaning: |
gg | Stands for “good game”. |
ff | finish fast / giving up |
deny | Killing a creep for |
b | Stands for “back”. |
gl hf | Stands for “good luck and have fun”. |
cd | Stands for “cooldown”. |
afk | Stands for “away from keyboard”. |
re | Stands for “I am back”. |
omg | Stands for “oh my god”. |
wtf | Stands for “what the f*ck”. |
proc | Something that happend randomly through the game software and is not dependend on a player. This can be a random amount of damage for example through a critical strike. |
nuke | Nuking describes focussed damage onto a specific hero. |
rat | Rat tactics try to win the game through dodging fights. Dota can also be won through sneeky plays with annoying harassment of buildings. |
lame | Laming is about abusing a mechanic of the game, trying to be unfair and to avoid real fights. |
ez | Stands for “easy”. It’s about making fun of the enemy that the game was won too easy. Some people love to provoke the enemy. |
skill shot | Formerly known from League of Legends, the skill shot describes a spell that needs skill to make it hit: Good examples are Pudge’s Meat Hook or Priestress of the Moon’s Arrow. |
juking | Performing movements that irritate the enemy or avoid skill-shots. |
mind games | Mind games in Dota 2 are the psychological tricks to manipulate or irritate the enemy or to make fun of him. 😉 Find a detailled Dota mind games guide here. |
wipe | A wipe or teamwipe describes the elimination of the full team (5 heroes). |
ss | A hero is missing on the lane of the reporter. |
oom | Stands for “out of mana”. |
tbh | Stands for “to be honest”. |
throwing | People who are constantly losing or who lost the trust into the win throw away the game: They start to sell their items or go afk. An action mostly performed by noobs/crying babies who start dying intentionally. |
Dota2freaks | Insider page for the best Dota 2 guides out there! 😉 You can find the Dota 2 overview here. |
What are the most common Words
that are used in Dota 2?
The most common words in games with manners are of course “glhf” and “gg”. In unmannered games, the most common Dota 2 words are “ez” and “wtf”. 😉
Do you know more shortcut words that people use in Dota 2?
If I missed some, please comment and I will add them! 🙂
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Words highlighted bold have a definition within this page, letting you search for it here.
A — E[]
- AA
- Initialism for Ancient Apparition.
- AC
- Initialism for Assault Cuirass.
- Aggro
- Abbreviation for aggression. The programmed aggression of AI controlled towers and creeps. Refers to getting the attention of a particular hostile unit, e.g. «I have aggro» means a hostile unit is focusing on attacking you.
- AM
- Initialism for Anti-Mage.
- AoE
- Initialism for Area of Effect. It refers to a spell, attack, or effect that affects an area around a point (for example, Dragon Slave is an «AoE spell»). Also used to refer to the range or size of one such spell/attack/effect, for example Reverse Polarity affects enemies in a 410 radius, therefore it has an AoE of 410, or «410 AoE».
- AW
- Initialism for Arc Warden.
- B
- Initialism for «Back» or «Get Back«. Used to call for a retreat. A player saying «b» is usually suggesting that everyone back up or run away.
- Abbreviation for Base Attack Time, which determines how long an unbuffed unit with 0 agility and 0% bonus attack speed has to wait to attack again. Lower BAT units are able to attack more frequently. Most heroes have a BAT of 1.70. It is considered better to have a lower BAT and worse to have a higher BAT.
- Backdoor
- The act of attacking enemy structures while a player’s own lane creeps have not reached the structure yet. Usually ineffective due to backdoor protection.
- Ball
- May refer to Io or snowballing or close positioning of teammates when pushing highground (‘don’t ball for ravage’)
- Bara, Barathum
- Refers to Spirit Breaker’s name as he was commonly referenced in Dota 1.
- Barracks
- Structures found in each lane that when destroyed permanently grant super creeps to the team that destroyed it.
- Basi
- refers to Ring of Basilius
- BB
- Initialism for Bristleback or Buyback.
- BD
- Initialism for backdooring.
- BF
- Initialism for Battle Fury, also often referred to as «bfury», or Butterfly.
- BH
- Initialism for either Bounty Hunter, or Enigma’s ultimate, Black Hole.
- Bird
- May refer to Phoenix, Skywrath Mage (and his spells), Visage’s Familiars, or the flying courier.
- Initialism for Black King Bar.
- Blocking
- Refers to one of the following: the act of «blocking» creeps with your hero’s body as they run down the lane, impeding their movement so that the creeps meet closer toward your tower; the act of deliberately and repeatedly moving directly in front of an enemy hero (in the same manner as creep blocking) to impede their movement, often to help allies attack them; the act of «blocking» a neutral camp with a unit or a ward — because if there is a unit or ward in the spawn box at X:00 on the clock, the camp will not spawn new creeps.
- BM
- Initialism for Beastmaster, Brewmaster, Broodmother, Blade Mail or «bad manners».
- Bot
- Refers to either the bottom lane of the map, or an AI-controlled hero.
- BoT, BoTs
- Initialism for Boots of Travel.
- Book
- Refers to Necronomicon, short for «necro book». Can also be referred to as book1, book2, or book3 based on its level.
- Bottle Crow
- The tactic of giving one’s Bottle to the courier, then sending it on a round trip back to base to refill the bottle and give it back to the owner. This keeps the player’s HP/MP healthy, and they do not have to miss any exp/gold from lane refilling it themselves. Note that any bottle that is not full slows the courier by 30%, and the act of bottle crowing may hamper player’s allies as it gets harder to deliver their own items while the courier is making trips. (no longer possible, patched out)
- Initialism for «be right back«.
- Break
- Refers to either the effect of disabling the effects of a hero’s passive abilities or the other passive ability of Tranquil Boots.
- BS
- Initialism for Bloodseeker or Bloodstone. May also be used as an acronym for «bullshit«.
- Buff
- A beneficial spell or effect placed on a unit. Refers to the opposite of a debuff.
- Burst or Burst Damage
- Refers to a high amount of damage dealt over a short period of time. Usually involves nukes.
- Carry
- A type of hero which can overpower the enemy team in the late game. These heroes tend to scale very well with gold and experience, and thus require large sums of it in order to be successful.
- Caster
- Either refers to a hero whose primary function is to cast spells prolifically, or a live person who commentates on an ongoing game.
- CC
- Initialism for Crowd Control. See disable.
- CD
- Initialism for cooldown or Captain’s Draft.
- Initialism for cooldown reduction.
- Chicken or Chick
- Refers to Animal Courier.
- Chieftain
- See Tauren Chieftain.
- CK
- Initialism for Chaos Knight. May also refer to «creep kill» (see CS or last hit).
- CM
- Initialism for Crystal Maiden or Captain’s Mode.
- Comeback
- A situation when a team is performing poorly for most of the game, but has managed to fight back, turn the tide of battle and ultimately win the game.
- Crow
- Refers to Flying Courier, which upgrades a walking courier. A player asking to «please crow it» is asking for someone to upgrade the courier.
- CS
- Initialism for Creep Score, the amount of last hits a player has, or the amount of last hits and denies a player has. In DotA 1, typing -cs would show the player’s last hits and denies count. May also refer to «creep steal», the act of stealing last hits from an allied player.
- CW
- Initialism for Centaur Warrunner or Clockwerk.
- DD
- Initialism for Rune of Double Damage.
- Debuff
- A detrimental spell of effect placed on a unit. Refers to the opposite of a buff.
- Deny
- Killing your allied unit, hero or building, in order to prevent an enemy from gaining the gold and experience it gives. You can manually attack your own creeps if their health is below 50%, your own towers below if they are below 10%, and heroes affected by certain DoTs. A hero can also be said to be denied if they die to neutral creeps instead of to an enemy unit.
- Deward
- The act of removing enemy wards, usually mostly pertaining to Observer Wards.
- Initialism for «Don’t give up«.
- Dieback
- When a player dies after using their Buyback, resulting in a much longer respawn time and them unable to use it once more as it will most definitely be on cooldown.
- Disable
- A catch-all term referring to any spell, ability, or effect that otherwise prevents an enemy hero from moving, casting, and/or attacking, leaving them helpless for a short period of time or in general impeding their ability to act. See the main article for more information.
- Dive
- The act of running at a hero that is within their tower range in order to attempt to secure a kill. This can sometimes be a risky play in the early stages of the game when tower damage output is more significant. Dives are usually attempted by more than one hero, but can also be done by a single hero. Also referred to as a «tower dive».
- DK
- Initialism for Dragon Knight.
- DoT
- Damage over Time, an applied effect that repeatedly inflicts damage at a regular interval for a specific duration. A classic example would be Venomancer’s Poison Nova.
- DP
- Initialism for Death Prophet.
- Initialism for damage per second, a measure of the damage dealt by a hero or unit over one second. Usually refers to heroes with consistent damage output over a period rather than heroes with high burst damage periodically.
- Dunk
- Refers to either Axe’s ultimate, Culling Blade, or Earthshaker’s ultimate, Echo Slam.
- Durable
- A hero that can take a lot of damage and abuse before dying. See the main article for more information.
- Dust
- Abbreviation for the item, Dust of Appearance.
- Easy lane
- See Safe Lane.
- Egg
- Refers to Phoenix’ ultimate, Supernova.
- Epi
- Refers to Sand King’s ultimate, Epicenter.
- ES
- Initialism for Earthshaker, Earth Spirit, or Ember Spirit.
- ET
- Initialism for Elder Titan.
- Exp or XP
- Experience, the resource used by heroes to gain levels, level skills, and otherwise increase in power over the course of a game.
- ez
- «Easy«, typically said to mock the enemy team’s lesser power.
F — J[]
- Fade time
- The amount of time it takes for a unit to become completely invisible following the activating of an invisibility effect.
- Farm or Farming
- The process of steadily earning gold and experience by killing lane creeps and/or neutral creeps. This tactic is often slow and tedious, but is usually necessary for Carries to reach their full potential.
- FB
- Initialism for First Blood.
- Feed
- The act of «feeding» gold and experience to the enemy team by dying repeatedly. Can be intentional or unintentional. Those who feed are called «feeders».
- Flash Farming
- A style of farming when you farm your lane creeps until the enemy tower and then proceed to clear neutral creep camps in quick and efficient rotations. This is often the fastest method of farming, but it also allows the enemy to farm your creeps freely by their tower and can be risky, as being near the enemy tower is often an easy gank, or the enemy might know exactly where you are clearing the camp closest to the lane tanking creeps and losing health, etc.
- Flash Farming Skill/Ability
- An AoE ability that facilitates flash farming by allowing a hero to quickly clear lane creeps or groups of neutrals. The classic flash farming ability is Shadow Fiend’s Shadowraze which allows him to mow down wave after wave of creeps with ease. It is common to hit lane creeps below threshold and then clear them all in one shot with the flash farming ability, and then go off to check rune, kill neutrals, etc.
- FF
- According to DotA history, «ff» appeared on (at this time it was for DotA 1), and it means «forfeit». You had to type «-ff» in the game so it can detected and recorded by the dota-league plugin and save the data to your dota-league profile. If all 5 members of one team type it the game would end. Now replaced by calling «gg» if the surrender option is enabled in a lobby. More commonly used as abbreviation to «finish fast», asking enemy team to end the game that’s already unwinnable for other side.
- Fortification/Fortify
- The Glyph of Fortification is the button in the bottom right hand of the screen that renders all allied buildings invulnerable for 5 seconds on a 5 minute cooldown. If a player says «don’t fort», they are telling the team to save the glyph for later. Towers are «fortified» for the 5 seconds that the glyph is active.
- FoW
- Initialism for Fog of War. Refers to the portion of the map that is dark and unseen. If you cannot see an area, then it is said to be «fogged». Most of the map is «fogged» by default, such as Roshan’s lair, and the enemy base.
- Furion
- Nature’s Prophet’s name in WC3 DotA. Still referenced in the game’s files for the hero.
- Gank
- Abbreviation for Gang Kill, but over time the term has come to refer to any time a hero or group of heroes attempts to pick off an enemy hero (or enemy heroes) by surprise, but usually with superior forces (such as 2v1).
- Gem
- The Gem of True Sight. Most commonly means to either buy a gem, or to be careful of the enemy team as they possess a gem (especially for allied invisible heroes).
- gg
- «Good game«. Said by either team when they are winning or losing and the match is close to ending, or when a team or a player gives up or claims victory. For example, both teams might say «gg» to congratulate each other after a hard fought match, or a team might call out «gg» after their ally abandons in an assumption that they can no longer win.
- ggwp
- «Good game, well played«. Used in a similar fashion as «gg», but also congratulates the enemy for skillful play.
- gj
- «Good job«, typically said to compliment an ally.
- glhf
- «Good luck, have fun«. Usually said at the start of a game to encourage other players, or just to be courteous.
- Golem
- Refers to Mud Golems, Ancient Golems, or Warlock’s ultimate summon through Chaotic Offering.
- Gs
- Initialism for Grimstroke.
- Guinsoo
- A reference to Scythe of Vyse’s full name in WC3 DotA, which in turn references one of the developers of the original DotA maps.
- Hard Carry
- A type of carry hero which scales incredibly well with items and requires a substantial amount of farm to be effective. Examples of this are Anti-Mage and Spectre. Hard carries are usually weaker than other semi-carry or non-carry heroes at the early-mid stages of the game, when they do not yet have their core items.
- Hard Lane
- The lane of either faction where the creep wave meets up furthest from the tower, making those who lane in it more susceptible to ganks (top lane for Radiant, bottom lane for Dire). See Lane.
- HH
- Initialism for the item Heaven’s Halberd.
- Hook
- Refers to either Pudge’s signature ability, Meat Hook, or Clockwerk’s ultimate, Hookshot.
- HP
- Health/hit points, referring to the health a unit has.
- inc
- Abbreviation for «incoming», usually referring to enemy players heading to a lane to gank.
- Initiation
- The act of starting (initiating) a teamfight. A good initiation can catch the enemy team off-guard, possibly losing quickly to the attacking team. A hero adept at performing this is called an initiator.
- Janggo
- Drums of Endurance’s former name in WC3 DotA.
- Juking
- Running and weaving around trees, fog and other obstacles in such a manner to avoid and possibly escape an enemy.
- Jungling
- The process of killing the neutral creeps in the woods (aka «jungle») between the lanes. Killing ancient creeps also counts as jungling, but is more often referred to as ancienting or «clearing ancients». A hero adept at jungling (be it by having summons to absorb the creeps’ attacks or having good durability/self-sustain) is termed a jungler.
K — O[]
- Kick
- More commonly used to refer to Earth Spirit’s Boulder Smash. May also refer to removing a player from a lobby or game or Tusk’s Walrus Kick.
- Kite or Kiting
- See pulling. A technique where a hero gets the attention of a hostile unit to draw them away or force them to follow. Can also be used to refer to a period of repeated hit-and-run attacks where the target is kept out of range.
- KotL
- Initialism for Keeper of the Light.
- KS
- Either means «kill steal» or, usually jokingly, «kill secure». Firstly, it refers to the act of one hero stealing the kill of another hero that could have easily taken it themselves. Secondly, it refers to when another hero «secures» the kill if the carry or another hero could not do so themselves. The latter meaning is also sometimes interchangeably used with the former meaning in a satirical or comedic way.
- LC
- Initialism for Legion Commander.
- Leoric
- Wraith King’s name in WC3 Dota.
- Long lane
- See Hard Lane.
- Lothar’s or Lothar’s Edge
- Shadow Blade’s name in WC3 DotA.
- LS
- Initialism for Lifestealer.
- Initialism for Lina’s ability, Light Strike Array.
- Manfight
- Refers to when two heroes, usually melee, continuously attack one another without kiting (see above) until one hero either dies or retreats. Often implies a 1v1 battle without allies of either hero nearby. Heroes such as Ursa and Troll Warlord excel at manfights.
- Meatball
- Refers to Invoker’s Chaos Meteor.
- Micro
- Micromanagement. Refers to (effective) control and usage of multiple units, items, and abilities in quick succession. Bad micromanagement can result in the many units becoming a hindrance or a liability rather than an asset or ability combos being wasted and/or used in the wrong situations, while a good one can easily overpower an enemy in seconds. Meepo, Invoker, and Chen are good examples of heroes who require good «micro».
- Mid/Middle
- The middle of the three lanes in the map.
- Miss, Missing, or MIA
- Mentions that a particular hero has gone absent (missing) from their lane, and is probably setting up for a gank. Warning missing enemy heroes is crucial to warn your allies of a possible ambush in any of the lanes. «MIA» is an acronym for «Missing In Action».
- MK
- Initialism for Monkey King.
- Initialism for Monkey King Bar.
- MP
- Mana points, referring to the amount of mana a unit has.
- MS
- Initialism for Movement Speed, or sometimes «missing».
- Mute
- Refers either to the effect that prevents item usage, or blocking any means of communication from a player in the game to avoid harassment.
- N’aix Bomb
- Refers to when Lifestealer uses his ultimate, Infest, on an allied hero, preferably one with high mobility or with a Blink Dagger (and perhaps a disable), so that Lifestealer bursts out of his ally upon arrival, dealing additional damage and having two heroes down their target.
- Necro
- May refer to Necrophos or the Necronomicon. Rarely used to refer to Visage, the Bound Form of Necro’lic.
- Nerubian/Nerub
- Refers to Nyx Assassin and Weaver’s former titles in WC3 DotA (the Nerubian Assassin and Nerubian Weaver, respectively).
- nj
- «Nice job«, analogous to gj.
- NP
- Initialism for Nature’s Prophet or «no problem».
- Nuke
- A spell whose purpose is to deal a large amount of damage immediately or in a very short span of time. Heroes adept at nuking are referred to as nukers.
- OC
- Initialism for Octarine Core.
- OD
- Initialism for Outworld Destroyer.
- Offlane
- See Hard Lane.
- Offlaner
- A hero sent down to the offlane/hard lane, usually on their own. These heroes usually have good escape abilities or are naturally durable to withstand being alone and facing usually two enemy heroes (and being more vulnerable to ganks).
- Omni
- Refers to Omniknight or Juggernaut’s ultimate, Omnislash.
- OoM
- Initialism for «out of mana».
- OoV
- Initialism for Orb of Venom.
- Orb effect
- The name used for unique attack modifiers in WC3 DotA.
- Orb walk
- Using your orb effect (aka autocast) ability, i.e. Frost Arrows, Searing Arrows, to harass the enemy while moving forward to gain distance on the target and also preventing enemy creep aggro.
P — T[]
- P
- Abbreviation for «push» or «pause«. Players saying «p» means they are either suggesting the team to push an enemy lane or asking for a pause.
- PA
- Initialism for Phantom Assassin.
- Panda/Pandaren
- Brewmaster’s former title in WC3 DotA.
- Pet
- A creature that a hero can summon or convert to their side. For example, the Eidolons are Enigma’s pets. Could also refer to the cosmetic pets that follow your hero in-game.
- Pit Lord
- Underlord’s former title in WC3 DotA.
- PL
- Initialism for Phantom Lancer.
- PP
- Initialism for «pause please«.
- PotM
- Initialism for Mirana, the Princess of the Moon.
- Proc
- Short for «Programmed Random Occurence». It refers to the triggering of effects, whether the occurence is random (such as Wraith King’s critical strikes on attack) or regular (such as Bristleback’s quill spray every 250 damage he takes). When these effects trigger or «process», they are said to «proc». The rate of occurence for random effects is termed the «Proc rate».
- Pull or Pulling
- A technique where a hero gets the attention of a hostile unit to draw them away or force them to follow. This more usually refers to «creep pulling», which involves pulling lane creeps away from their lane by aggroing nearby creep camps into the chosen lane, which attracts the lane creeps and forces them to fight the aggroed creep camp for some time, which in turn makes the enemy creeps push forward, closer to the player’s tower, letting them (or their carry) gain gold and experience underneath the safety of their tower.
- QoP
- Initialism for Queen of Pain.
- Rat
- A strategy in which heroes avoid 5-man teamfights, and focus on pushing other lanes instead.
- Rax
- Abbreviation for barracks.
- Recrow
- To reuse the courier after it has finished performing one of its deliveries/tasks. Since the courier can only perform one task for one player at a time, this is mentioned to remind/alert other players that the courier is now free to use.
- Reuse
- See recrow, usually mentioned by Southeast Asian players.
- Ricer
- Hardcore farmer whose main goal is to be extremely strengthened by the time they come out of their farming.
- Ring or RoB/RoH/RoR/RoT
- Refers to Ring of Basilius, Ring of Health, Ring of Regeneration, and Ring of Tarrasque respectively. «Ring» usually refers to one of these, based on context.
- Random Number Generation, referring to the proc chance of abilities and items such as Bash or Evasion.
- Ro3
- See Roshan, usually mentioned by Chinese players.
- Roamer
- A hero that jumps between lanes, especially in the early game, in order to gank enemy heroes or defend allies.
- Rock
- May refer to Warlock’s ultimate: Chaotic Offering, Earth Spirit’s Stone Remnants, the Ancient Rock and Granite Golems, or the Mud Golem’s ability: Hurl Boulder.
- Rosh or RS
- Roshan is a difficult-to-kill neutral creep that drops the Aegis of the Immortal when killed (or Refresher Shard on his third death and afterward). Spawns at the beginning of the game, respawns 8-11 minutes after he is killed.
- RP
- Magnus’ ultimate, Reverse Polarity.
- Safe lane
- The lane of either faction, where the creep wave meets closest to the tower, making farming easier and less risky for those in the lane (bottom lane for Radiant, top lane for Dire). See Lane.
- SB
- Initialism for Spirit Breaker or Shadow Blade.
- Scepter
- Mostly refers to Aghanim’s Scepter, although can also refer to Eul’s Scepter of Divinity or Ghost Scepter.
- SD
- Initialism for Shadow Demon or «self denial» (see suicide).
- SF
- Initialism for Shadow Fiend.
- Sheepstick
- Refers to the Scythe of Vyse, since back in WC3 DotA, it actually turned the target into a sheep (unlike in Dota 2, where the hex model is a pig).
- Short lane
- See Safe Lane.
- Silence
- The effect of preventing a unit from casting spells, but can still allows item usage and passive abilities are unaffected. See the main article for more information.
- SK
- Initialism for Sand King. May also refer to Wraith King in reference to his former title, Skeleton King, or Terrorblade, in reference to his former title Soul Keeper.
- Skillshot
- An ability that requires proper aim and timing to hit an enemy. Some examples would be Sacred Arrow and Powershot.
- Smoke
- Refers to either Smoke of Deceit, or Riki’s ability Smoke Screen.
- Snowballing
- The situation where a hero or team just gets stronger as the games goes on (usually through getting kills) to the point where it is very difficult to stop them, much like a snowball rolling down a hill getting bigger.
- SnY
- Initialism for Sange and Yasha.
- Initialism for Smoke of Deceit.
- Solo
- Being the only hero on the lane. A player may call for «solo» to prevent other players from interrupting their lane and splitting experience and gold.
- Soul Keeper
- Terrorblade’s former title in WC3 DotA.
- Spirit Hero
- Shorthand for Ember Spirit, Storm Spirit, and Void Spirit. These three heroes share many attributes, such as typically being played mid, and having versatile kits featuring heavy burst damage and extremely reliable long-range engagement/escape tools. Earth Spirit is generally not included in this definition, as he is more often played as a support.
- Squishy
- A hero that can only take relatively little damage or abuse before dying.
- SR
- Initialism for status resistance.
- SS
- See missing. Mentions that a particular hero has gone missing and is probably setting up for a gank, e.g. «Earthshaker ss» means that Earthshaker isn’t visible to the team. Also refers to the ultimate of a hero («special/super skill»), usually mentioned by Southeast Asian players. May also refer to Storm Spirit, Shadow Shaman or Sun Strike.
- Stacking
- May also be referred to as «creep stacking», it is a technique where a creep camp is aggroed at a certain time before neutral spawning, pulling them away from their camp’s area and allowing a new set of creeps to spawn. This can be done multiple times, usually up to three at maximum, then letting their team’s carry farm the stacked creeps for a massive gold and experience gain.
- Static Farming
- A sub-type of farming where you aim to only kill enemy lane creeps when they have low health and deny the allied lane creeps whenever possible, with the goal of maintaining an equilibrium of the lane creeps in a safe position. This is often a slower method of farming, but allows you to farm safely with little risk of dying to a gank.
- Stygian
- References the Desolator’s former full name in WC3 DotA.
- Suicide
- The act of killing oneself to deny the enemy of gold and experience. May also directly refer to Techies’ ability Blast Off! (formerly Suicide Squad, Attack!).
- Suicide lane
- See Hard Lane.
- Summoner
- A hero whose primary function is summoning or controlling creeps.
- Support
- A hero whose primary function is to help their own team through heals, buffs, and detection, or sabotaging the enemy team through disables, slows, or debuffs.
- TA
- Initialism for Templar Assassin.
- Tank
- See Durable.
- Tauren Chieftain (or simply Tauren)
- Elder Titan’s former title in WC3 DotA.
- TB
- Initialism for Terrorblade.
- Teamwipe
- The act of an entire team dying at once.
- Twin Head Dragon, the title of Jakiro.
- Throw
- The act of giving a supreme advantage to the supposedly losing team, letting them win the match instead. This can be intentional or unintentional.
- Throne
- See Ancient. Remnant of WC3 DOTA in which the Scourge’s (Dire) Ancient is using the Frozen Throne model.
- Top
- Refers to the top lane of the map. For the Radiant, this is the lane to the North. For the Dire, this is the lane to the West.
- TP
- Initialism for Teleport or Town Portal Scroll.
- True Sight
- Anything invisible caught in the radius of a True Sight source gets revealed. Towers, a Gem of True Sight, Sentry Wards, Dust of Appearance, and some abilities of certain heroes (such as Slardar’s Amplify Damage and Zeus’ Lightning Bolt) all provide True Sight. See the main article for more information.
- Turnaround
- The act of a team facing the enemy in a situation where they might be expected to run, such as when a team initiates on the other. Instead of running away, they try to turn the battle around and fight back, possibly even winning the battle themselves.
U — Z[]
- Initialism for unique attack modifier.
- Ult or Ulti
- Abbreviation for Ultimate.
- Veno
- Abbreviation for Venomancer. Rarely used to refer to Orb of Venom.
- VS
- Initialism for Vengeful Spirit or Void Spirit. Less commonly used to mean «versus».
- Wards
- Items that can be placed almost anywhere on the map and provide vision around the location for a few minutes. May also refer to the unit type of the same name.
- WD
- Initialism for Witch Doctor.
- Well
- The fountain from either team. Derived from its name in WC3 DotA, «Well of Eternity».
- Wipe
- See teamwipe.
- WK
- Initialism for Wraith King.
- wp
- «Well Played». Usually said by either teams when they are winning or losing and the match is either about to end or when a player did something skillful. Usually paired up with «gg«.
- WR
- Initialism for Windranger.
- WW
- Initialism for Winter Wyvern. It also may refer to «Wind Walk» abilities, which is derived from the common DotA name of the invisibility spells of Bounty Hunter, Clinkz, Shadow Blade and Storm, and the invisibility spells of Nyx Assassin and Invoker (which already had unique names in DotA). All 6 of them are based on the Warcraft 3 spell named «Wind Walk».
- Zoning
- The act of harassing an enemy hero away from the creep zone in order to prevent them from gaining experience.
Сообщения: 843
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Сообщения: 843
Рейтинг: 264
собственно сабж, знаю что дота оллстарс расшифрововалась как как defense of the ancient. скажите дота 2 также расшифровывается или права на это есть только у близардов?
Сообщения: 7799
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Сообщения: 7799
Рейтинг: 4932
какое отношение дота имеет к близам ?
Сообщения: 53
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Сообщения: 53
Рейтинг: 119
4elovek55 сказал(а):↑
собственно сабж, знаю что дота оллстарс расшифрововалась как как defense of the ancient. скажите дота 2 также расшифровывается или права на это есть только у близардов?
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Официальное название — Dota 2, а не DotA 2, так что никак не расшифровывается.
nancy wheeler
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Сообщения: 3223
Рейтинг: 6468
почему права на это название есть у близардов, если не они его придумали?
Сообщения: 7799
Рейтинг: 4932
Сообщения: 7799
Рейтинг: 4932
izigame сказал(а):↑
Официальное название — Dota 2, а не DotA 2, так что никак не расшифровывается.
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Нет , это аббревиатура
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Сообщения: 7079
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aps сказал(а):↑
какое отношение дота имеет к близам ?
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насколько я помню д1 — собственность близов, не?
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Сообщения: 7799
Рейтинг: 4932
Night_H4nter сказал(а):↑
насколько я помню д1 — собственность близов, не?
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дота1 — это карта , сделанная другом айсфрога
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Сообщения: 282
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parselina сказал(а):↑
почему права на это название есть у близардов, если не они его придумали?
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Близзарды же после того как валве сделали 2 доцку забрали все права на кастомки которые были созданы в варкрафте 3
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Сообщения: 1183
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overtikus сказал(а):↑
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>Верит википедии.
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Сообщения: 2214
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aps сказал(а):↑
дота1 — это карта , сделанная другом айсфрога
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1) Гуинзо не друг фрога
2) Карта сделана на движке варика -> у них есть на неё некоторые права. К слову, любая пользовательская карта сделанная на движке валв — собственность Валв
Сообщения: 7799
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Сообщения: 7799
Рейтинг: 4932
Uruchai сказал(а):↑
1) Гуинзо не друг фрога
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да друг , я думаю ты точно знаешь что он его не друг
и думаю что это не совсем важно
Сообщения: 2214
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Сообщения: 2214
Рейтинг: 1138
Neels99 сказал(а):↑
>Верит википедии.
Достаточно.Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…
что за мода «не верить википедии». там как бы обычно есть ссылки на официальные источники
My Heart Is Grey
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Сообщения: 7775
Рейтинг: 4997
4elovek55 сказал(а):↑
собственно сабж, знаю что дота оллстарс расшифрововалась как как defense of the ancient. скажите дота 2 также расшифровывается или права на это есть только у близардов?
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В общем, как пристарелый фан этой игры — заявляю(А верить или нет — твоё решение). Когда-то давным давно на базе варкрафта появилась DotA — Deffense of the ancients All stars. Приставка All stars — появилась из-за того, что тогда на этапе старта героев брали из популярных кастомок на то время и собственно самого варика, вот и появилась приставка all stars(все звёзды). Это присказка — а сказка, что близы, видя как прошляпили свою(Сделанную на основе их игры) самую популярную кастомку — решили выкатить яйца и сказать, что это их колбаска, поэтому теперь легион — это баба и без коня, поэтому врач кинг, а не мега скелет, ну и +++ нюансов, а в частности и тот, что теперь DotA — не deffense of the ancients, а просто Dota без расшифровки, собственно и приставку all stars близы тоже захватили авторскими правами, если вдруг кто помнит они хотели сделать игрульку с названием Blizzard All Stars. Так что Dota 2 — просто Dota 2 без официальной расшифровки, хотя все всё понимают)
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Сообщения: 7799
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Сообщения: 53
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И что? Найди мне источник, где говорится, что Dota 2 = Defence of the Ancients 2. Не статью на википедии, которую кто угодно может редактировать, а что-нибудь поавторитетнее.
Сообщения: 1960
Рейтинг: 1179
Сообщения: 1960
Рейтинг: 1179
Night_H4nter сказал(а):↑
насколько я помню д1 — собственность близов, не?
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Сообщения: 7079
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Сообщения: 7079
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как нет, если у них по лиц. соглашению написано, насколько я помню, что любые кастомки на платформе вк3 — собсность близов. где я ошибаюсь?
_MrReaktiv_ сказал(а):↑
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Сообщения: 1960
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Сообщения: 1960
Рейтинг: 1179
Night_H4nter сказал(а):↑
как нет, если у них по лиц. соглашению написано, насколько я помню, что любые кастомки на платформе вк3 — собсность близов. где я ошибаюсь?
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в том, что сначала в 2010-ом был суд с Вальвами за брэнд Дота, но они его в хламину проиграли и после этого добавили пункт о кастомках
Сообщения: 1022
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Сообщения: 1022
Рейтинг: 207
izigame сказал(а):↑
которую кто угодно может редактировать
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ну так попробуй отредактировать, не смог? балабол. во всем вашем споре маслят, вики самый авторитетный аргумент. написано там что расшифровывается, значит расшифровывается!
Сообщения: 7079
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Сообщения: 7079
Рейтинг: 2623
_MrReaktiv_ сказал(а):↑
в том, что сначала в 2010-ом был суд с Вальвами за брэнд Дота, но они его в хламину проиграли и после этого добавили пункт о кастомках
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но он (пункт) все же есть.
Сообщения: 6136
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Сообщения: 6136
Рейтинг: 1926
Нарушения: 90
Dota 2- Doteri only terpyat anal 2
Сообщения: 1960
Рейтинг: 1179
Сообщения: 1960
Рейтинг: 1179
Night_H4nter сказал(а):↑
но он (пункт) все же есть.
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Вы что, не поняли, что я сказал? Сначала Близзард судились с Валв за права на доту, но проиграли суд и, чтобы такого больше не случилось, они внесли в соглашение пункт о кастомках, но, если не ошибаюсь, пункт не распространяется на кастомки, созданные до этого
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