The word obligation in a sentence

Definition of Obligation

something you must do because of a law, a promise, rule, etc.

Examples of Obligation in a sentence

Even though attendees were invited to the candle party, they were under no obligation to purchase anything.


Bradley felt he had an obligation to accept the offer to attend his father’s alma mater.


An obligation of being an employee is following standard operational procedures.


Because she was a police officer, Betty felt an obligation to uphold the law at all times.


Joe was heartbroken when he realized his girlfriend felt an obligation to stay with him because they had been together three years.


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Synonym: duty, indebtedness, responsibility. Similar words: investigation, allegation, publication, nation, donation, zonation, formation, equation. Meaning: [‚ɑblɪ’geɪʃn /‚ɒb-]  n. 1. the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force 2. the state of being obligated to do or pay something 3. a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor 4. a legal agreement specifying a payment or action and the penalty for failure to comply. 

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1. You are under no obligation to buy anything.

2. She is under an obligation to her adoptive mother.

3. I’m under obligation to him.

4. We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.

5. I have an obligation to him.

6. You are under no obligation to answer our questions.

7. Employers have an obligation to treat all employees equally.

8. She did not feel under any obligation to tell him the truth.

9. It’s her moral obligation to tell the police what she knows.

10. When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.

11. Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.

12. They felt under no obligation to maintain their employees.

13. Don’t try to duck out of the obligation.

14. His kindness places us under an obligation to him.

15. They agree to absolve us from our obligation.

16. The obligation was thrust on him.

17. Tutors have a contractual obligation to research and publish.

18. We are under an obligation to help.

19. He absolved me from further obligation.

20. She is under an obligation to her adoptive father.

21. I’m under no obligation to do it.

22. We have a moral obligation to help.

23. One has an obligation to one’s friends.

24. Our mortgage advice is given free and without obligation.

25. A lawyer owes an obligation of confidence to the client.

26. Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions.

27. Parents are under a legal obligation to educate their children.

28. I don’t want people coming to see me out of a sense of obligation.

29. We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else.

30. We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation .

More similar words: investigation, allegation, publication, nation, donation, zonation, formation, equation, national, location, operation, education, relation, inflation, isolation, radiation, sensation, variation, summation, situation, migration, violation, combination, indication, occupation, nomination, educational, negotiation, medication, inclination. 

obligation — перевод на русский


What obligation?

Какие обязательства?

I got obligations.

У меня обязательства.

— My client, being cognizant Of his obligations as a husband… wishes to assume his duties in regard to the Farley interests.

— Мой клиент осознает свои обязательства и как супруг… желает принять на себя обязанности в отношении интересов Фарли.

Haven’t you any sense of obligation to Father’s memory?

Ты не считаешь, что у тебя есть обязательства хотя бы в память об отце?

I didn’t know Rhoda had all these social obligations.

Я не знала что у Роды тоже все эти социальные обязательства.

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A man’s first obligation is to bring up his own son.

Первая обязанность человека — вырастить своего сына.

The boss has an obligation to help us, doesn’t he?

Помогать — обязанность управляющего, не так ли?

It’s kind of boring, but I figure it’s my obligation.

Скучновато, но, думаю, — это моя обязанность.

The Declaration of Human Rights: says that if a government violates a people’s rights… insurrection is a sacred right… indeed an obligation.

— Декларация Прав Человека говорит, что если правительство ущемляет права человека, восстание — сакральное право, даже обязанность.

It’s my obligation as a national hero.

Это моя обязанность как национального героя.

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Oh, Well I don’t know that I was under any obligation to report my movements to you Chesterfield.

Я не знаю, обязан ли я рапортировать о своих действиях тебе, Честерфилд.

Wrong, moral obligation Now you’re back on religion.

Не грех, не обязан, перед богом. Вы снова о религии?

If one dies, it is the other’s obligation to marry his widow.

Мы как братья. Если один из братьев умирает, другой обязан жениться на его вдове.

You’re under no obligation to shake my hand.

Ты не обязан жать мне руку.

— I have an obligation to help.

— Я обязан помочь.

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Today, the German people are spiritually and soulfully ready… to undertake their obligation in the general Labor Service.

Сегодня, народ Германии в сплоченном единодушии готов… исполнить свой долг в всеобщей Трудовой Службе.

It is your obligation, your duty.

Это твой долг.

It is my obligation to protect the lives of those in my command.

Мой долг защищать жизни всех, кто под моим командованием.

It is Jewish tradition to mourn the dead by sitting shiva so that family, friends, members of the Jewish community can gather at the home of the bereaved to offer comfort and also help fulfill the obligation of prayer for the departed.

По Еврейской традиции, что бы помянуть усопших, сидят шиву что бы семья, друзья, члены Еврейской общины могли собраться в доме понесшего утрату, выразить соболезнования и помочь исполнить долг, вознести молитву за усопшего.

-Jerry, it’s your obligation, come on.

— Джерри, это твой долг, давай.

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It’s your moral obligation as a friend, as a woman.

Необходимо! Это твой моральный долг как подруги и как женщины.

Your ex-partner just happened to stop by with a basketful of goodies and you felt it was your moral obligation to turn him in?

Что твой бывший партнер привез тебе корзину с товаром. И ты почуял, что твой моральный долг — сдать его?

If the orders of the President are illegal, it is our moral obligation to disobey them.

Если приказы президента незаконны, то наш моральный долг — не исполнять их.

So many decent people can see what the moral obligation of our Government is.

Порядочным людям видно, в чём моральный долг нашего правительства.

Your moral obligation.

Твой моральный долг.

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Oh, she spent most of the time singing Samgrass’s praises and reminding me of our obligation to him.

О, большую часть времени она пересказывала мистера Самграсса и напоминала мне, как я должен быть ему благодарен.

-I know what my obligations are… [ people arguing ]

-Я знаю, кому и что я должен … [спор людей]

I have some obligations.

Я должен…

# Preparate, you know that # is an obligation

* Подготовься, ты должен *

An election year coming up, and a politician who needs the PR, who’s willing to do whatever it takes… including bringing me down here to Pearl Harbor, where my grandfather was killed, so I might feel some kind of obligation

Что в следующем году выборы губернатора, а передо мной стоит политик, которому нужен хороший пиар. И который готов на все, даже вызвать меня сюда, на Перл Харбор, где был убит мой дед чтобы я почувствовал, что должен, как и моя семья, служить стране.

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George o’malley-— burke’s friend, burke’s guy-— staying in a marriage out of obligation?

Джордж О’Мэйли — друг Берка, человек Берка — остается в браке из чувства долга?

My wife stays with me solely out of obligation.

Моя жена осталась со мной лишь из чувства долга.

He does it out of obligation.

Он делает это из чувства долга.

I don’t want him to be with me out of obligation.

Я не хочу, чтобы он был со мной из чувства долга.

A person shouldn’t do something out of obligation.

Человек не должен делать что-то из чувства долга.

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After all, there is an obligation to having wealth.

Благосостояние к этому обязывает.

We’re brothers, and kinship has its obligations.

Как никак мы— братья, а родство обязывает.

Under Article 325 of statue of education that sets down the obligation to educational organizations that they must report all info and data to officials who control rightness of their work…

На основании статьи 325 Закона о воспитании и образовании, который обязывает воспитательно-образовательные организации предоставить лицам, следящим за законностью их работы, любые информацию и данные…

We have a legal obligation to protect that stuff.

Закон обязывает нас защищать всё это.

No strings attached, no obligations.

Это Вас ни к чему не обязывает.

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But sudden important obligations forced her to leave before dawn.

Она хитрее и вас и меня. Но…. некоторые очень важные обстоятельства вынудили ее уехать до рассвета.

The thing is, the situation has got out of hand, we’ve decided, me and my colleagues, there is no obligation of course,

Понимаете,.. …просто ситуация приняла такой оборот, что мы — я и присутствующие тут мои коллеги — решили принять во внимание обстоятельства.

Anthony Bratt cited family obligations and withdrew over the weekend.

Энтони Братт сослался на семейные обстоятельства и ухал в конце недели.

Live up to your obligations, or I’ll have a judge force you to.

Объясните Ваши обстоятельства, или я буду судиться с Вами.

A judgment forced by obligation.

Меня обязывают обстоятельства.

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Unfortunately they have important obligations tonight, so we shall only see them on the screen.

К сожалению, этим вечером у них возникли неотложные дела, поэтому мы увидим их только на экране.

— He had other obligations, regretfully.

— К сожалению, у него были другие дела.

— you have other obligations.

— у Вас есть и другие дела.

I’ve been sat here for hours waiting for my number to come up, and I’ve got obligations.

Я просидела тут вечность, пока ждала своего номера, и у меня дела.

— What other obligations?

— Не в этом дело.

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we have the obligation and the right to do all that we can to undo

In connection with every obligation which God

So far as concerns congregational obligation, and expedient is that which is in harmony with the Scriptures, in which there is inherent advantage, and which may be

selected by the elders in carrying out any obligation of the church, that obligation growing out of that for which there is approved example, necessary inference or a direct statement

We should keep in mind also that there is no expediency where there is no obligation

We have an obligation to assemble

obligation to partake of it on the first day of the week; but what about the containers?

obligation to sing (Ephesians 5:19), (Colossians 3:16) and other places

We are to be clothed in Christ – not clothed in religious obligation

«I can release you from your obligation,» he said

and the slaying of want demons without any obligation

I wonder what the situation is with regard to their house – does he have a financial obligation there? Does Karen need maintenance for Jake?

They do have paid services, but you are under no obligation to use them

ruined on account of a stupid family obligation

“That is a point, we are still wanted for running out on your obligation in Knossos

That little obligation completed, he repacked his gear once more and made for The Lake and last farewell to his little oasis

part of the obligation for running a chamber d’hote

I dutifully handed over that obligation to Robroy who took it manfully, and soon had children running all over the place playing hide and seek

had an obligation to find a bed for pilgrims, but this rule

That obligation was growing less and less

This price, however, was probably below the average market price, the obligation to deliver their wheat at this rate being considered as a tax upon the Sicilian farmers

It is my obligation to listen to you and in all honesty, and you owe me the same courtesy

Some will even claim that the society must be held fully accountable for not having fulfilled its obligation towards the accused, and will hold it financially and socially liable for all actions committed by their client

Being liberated from any obligation,

The customs of merchants, which were established when the barbarous laws of Europe did not enforce the performance of their contracts, and which, during the course of the two last centuries, have been adopted into the laws of all European nations, have given such extraordinary privileges to bills of exchange, that money is more readily advanced upon them than upon any other species of obligation; especially when they are made payable within so short a period as two or three months after their date

The obligation of building party walls, in order to prevent the communication of fire, is a violation of natural liberty, exactly of the same kind with the regulations of the banking trade which are here proposed

If bankers are restrained from issuing any circulating bank notes, or notes payable to the bearer, for less than a certain sum; and if they are subjected to the obligation of an immediate and unconditional payment of such bank notes as soon as presented, their trade may, with safety to the public, be rendered in all other respects perfectly free

“But what of the obligation toward guests? As I understood Philemon, you hold this to

As your guardians have informed you, as First Water, unlike other Enthilesté, Enthilé, or even AltaEnthilé for that matter, we are unbound by discreetly formed obligation or generic responsibilities

The colony law, which imposes upon every proprietor the obligation of improving and cultivating, within a limited time, a certain proportion of his lands, and which, in case of failure, declares those neglected lands grantable to any other person; though it has not perhaps been very strictly executed, has, however, had some effect

The graphical displays then went into further detail: a dispassionate clinical analysis from a subsentient AI, that felt no obligation to inform him

The obligation which every citizen was under, to serve a certain number of years, if called upon, in the armies of the republic, sufficiently imposed the necessity of learning those exercises, without which he could not be fit for that service

It has been taxed indirectly in two different ways; first, by requiring that the deed, containing the obligation to repay, should be written upon paper or parchment which had paid a certain stamp duty, otherwise not to be valid ; secondly, by requiring, under the like penalty of invalidity, that it should be recorded either in a public or secret register, and by imposing certain duties upon such registration

He had joined the service because he had felt an obligation to do his bit for the war

‘Let me put this question to you: The ones who were responsible for your being, what do you think they expected – a sense of obligation perhaps, gratitude? No, actually they expect none of those

‘It was their sense of obligation to recreate the dead, as a way to alleviate their guilt and appease the remaining humans on this planet

“Someone’s dying out there,” she said, more out of a sense of obligation than a genuine desire to open the door

When principles of non-violence are either self-contained or practiced unconditionally under circumstances (otherwise) calling for a measured response, (sound) judgment and common sense appealing to the requirements of a peaceful, well-ordered society that every citizen (otherwise) owes an obligation, and whose conspicuous merits, perhaps laudable in some instances, however questionable at other times, and where (such) natural impulses are routinely rejected, even more remarkably when Property and Person and at times the Nation, are at risk by (anti-social) individuals determined to provoke harm; weighs in the balance, and where (institutional) recourse is problematical or uncertain, an (individual) is required, inasmuch as it lies within that individual‘s capacity to do so, to discourage such annoyances as they may present themselves to that individual as well as that individual‘s family and friends, however contrary to that individual‘s ―nature,‖ lest that individual‘s misplaced pacifism further encourage mischief makers and bullies alike, by providing license to habitually upset the harmony and safety of private and public concerns as it (otherwise) suits their primitive whims

Although I believe that schools have a civic obligation to reinforce principles and values essential to sound citizenship, the preliminary work should begin at home, however

Legally the local Government (where the kidnapping took place or where my hostage is held) is under no obligation to ask your permission before they attempt the rescue and you may not even be aware of it until after it happened

and I know that I have completely fulfilled this obligation as well

O objective, observe, options, operation, and obligation

You are under no obligation to choose any particular way

An obligation that cannot be repaid

them and thus has no obligation for them

By the time that they were ready to cross the Jordan River, there had already been many occasions where defense was necessary, and while all men in that migration were considered to be soldiers, some were eventually chosen above others to fulfill that obligation

“If it means we’re saving them from being captured, then yes, I think we have not only the right but the obligation,” Hunter said

System fulfills the social obligation of to insert the

You are under no obligation to agree, of course

Juliet had no such obligation, working within a newly formed and unconsecrated

Presumably, he would feel some obligation to pursue a solution

Problem was that Billy Fitzwater hadn’t conveyed this obligation, let alone the fact of the party itself, to his parents

enhancement that the developer is not necessarily under any obligation to provide

He also has an obligation to understand the plight of a female professional, whether it is his wife or a colleague, and to extend his cooperation to help her fulfill her responsibilities

Even though he and Gabriel were not close friends, Luke felt as if it was an obligation to him to examine more on this case

Also, I felt an obligation as her former therapist to keep a close eye on her mental health after going through today’s ordeal

“These at least have an obligation to fight with me, though I would not force them,” he said

A man who works is paid the wages due to him by obligation in civil law, they are NOT a gift!

Ethics is a branch of philosophy or religion dealing with moral duty and obligation of human beings toward one another

Human rights include the reciprocal obligation to respect the rights of other human beings

The first obligation of the scientist, the key to the scientific method working properly, is honesty, integrity, and objectivity

He notes that such artists are fond of claiming that art has no obligation to teach morality, while at the same time denouncing the Judeo-Christian moral structure

«I didn’t mean that life is going to be easy for you, in any manner,» said Charlotte, «but if you have the will to live on, then we have the obligation to help you as much as we possibly can to meet the obstacles you will face by being confined to a wheelchair

Q: I understand everybody is under the obligation to realize

Fortunately, Roger did not have any other obligation and attended the gathering, which took place at

Our ancestors knew so much more than us, and they left us elaborate monuments of grand proportions so that we would not forget about our obligation to truth

Haggling, there, is a necessity and even an obligation that rises to the category of an art

obligation to investigate and enforce the law decided that their duty was

None that he is aware of, however, has even explored the issue of homosexuals’ obligation of responsibility, nor exposed the havoc that homosexuality causes on countless of desolate families who are left helpless in their struggling efforts to reconstruct their shattered lives

Wade decision, Professor John Hart Ely, now Dean of Stanford Law School, wrote that the opinion «is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be

And behave—what does that even mean? Such vague instructions leave me with no real sense of obligation to comply

“I believe that the right to vote and the obligation to count all the votes should be promoted not just in the Middle East, but in the

I would not feel myself to be under any obligation

It would have been easy simply not to have written it at all, but I felt that I had an obligation to explain why your daughter Emma will not be receiving any more letters from my daughter Helena

Hyrcanus was divested of his royal title, and the obligation to pay taxes to the foreign government reimposed

What had been an honor had become an onerous obligation

Do not leave your debt as your last obligation; it must be your first

He refused to limit religious obligation to the personal relationship between God and man

Then there is the obligation on the part of the person whose heart

obligation to take account of the animal’s ethological needs, including the need to

obligation to punish after the fact, which is inevitable with certain behaviors , so it is

obligation to take measures in this field

emphasizes the state‘s duty of care and its obligation to provide a general population

it was his obligation to show them the positive direction in which the

Under military law as it’s practiced in Finitra, as a member of an allied military you have no obligation to obey me unless Kevim specifically authorized me to issue you commands, or we were in an emergency or combat situation where you couldn’t contact your superiors, or you were within the sovereign territory of Hilia

obligation part of it

meeting because they had an obligation to report what went on, and Tony did not want

obligation; to them, everything they did was ethically sound, it

I never had the heart to say no—feeling a sense of obligation because of the fact that fans indirectly paid my salary

“Every man and woman in Altgeld who is able-bodied and not insane has an obligation to serve if called upon

an obligation and a commandment, where the threat of hell lies in the

give of themselves to the Other in freedom and not as an obligation

I wanted to give you this information, and please feel no obligation, but you are most

obligation to the property will be forever transferred to the society

There is no obligation to use the «How?» but no inhibition against using it

discovered it, you have an obligation to promote it; to get out there and share it with

With magic or without magic, she felt the obligation to accompany me

Г-н ТОРНБЕРРИ предлагает добавить во второй строке слово» humanitarian» перед словами» binding obligation» императивное обязательство.


context icon

Mr. Thornberry proposed inserting the word»humanitarian» before»binding obligation» in the second line.


Февраля 2007 аэропорт объявил об

открытии первых рейсов Public Service Obligation( PSO) в Уэльсе.

context icon

On 21 February 2007 the airport announced that it

would host the first Public Service Obligation(PSO) service to be operated in Wales.

Пределах имеющихся ресурсов» является» сложной», Роберт Робертсон заявляет, что» слово’ максимальных’- основной аргумент риторики в области прав человека, а слово’ имеющихся’- уловка для государства»

Robertson,» Measuring State Compliance with the Obligation to Devote the» Maximum Available Resources» to Realizing Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights», Human Rights Quarterly( 1994), pp. 693, 694.


context icon

After describing


maximum available resources phrase as“difficult”, Robert Robertson remarks:“’Maximum’ is


sword of human rights rhetoric;’available’ is


wiggle room for


state” R. Robertson,“Measuring State Compliance with the Obligation to Devote the’Maximum Available Resources’ to Realizing Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights”, Human Rights Quarterly, 1994, pp. 693, 694.


Выступление на тему» La mise en oeuvre du droit international humanitaire: une obligation des États»(» Применение международного гуманитарного права»), национальный семинар, организованный МККК,

Бамако, 25 марта 1999 года.


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Paper on the implementation of international humanitarian law as an obligation of States, at the national seminar organized by ICRC,

Bamako, 25 March 1999.


Г-н Нольте предлагает в третьей фразе текста на английском языке заменить глагол» maintain» в выражении» obligation to take action to maintain human dignity»(

обязательство принимать меры по защите человеческого достоинства) глаголом» protect.


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Mr. Nolte proposed that in the phrase in the third sentence that read»obligation to take action to maintain human dignity»,

the verb»maintain» should be replaced with the verb»protect.


Согласно существующим литературным источникам, чрезмерно большое количество необходимых статистических данных сделает процесс контроля фактически невозможным(

Robert E. Robertson,» Measuring State compliance with the obligation to devote the’ maximum available

resources’ to realizing economic, social and cultural rights», Human Rights Quarterly, vol. 16, November 1994, p. 694); поэтому число показателей должно быть весьма ограниченным.


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Literature on this issue suggests that


sheer amount of statistical data required will make


monitoring process virtually

impossible(Robert E. Robertson,“Measuring State compliance with the obligation to devote the’maximum available resources’ to realizing economic,

social and cultural rights”, Human Rights Quarterly, vol. 16, November 1994, p. 694); therefore,


number of indicators should be very limited.


Если в момент вступления данного обязательства в силу в отношении какого-либо государства обвиняемые лица уже заключены под стражу и в течение длительного времени ожидают судебного разбирательства, данный факт может быть принят во внимание при решении вопроса о том, было ли совершено нарушение, но никакая компенсация не может быть присуждена в отношении периода до вступления этого обязательства в силу: см.

J. Pauwelyn» The Concept of a’ Continuing Violation’ of an International Obligation: Selected Problems»,

BYIL, vol. 66, 1995, at pp. 443- 445.


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If, when that


enters into force for


State, accused persons have already been imprisoned awaiting trial for


long time, this could be relevant in deciding whether


breach had been committed, but no compensation could be awarded in respect


the period prior to the entry into force




see J. Pauwelyn,“The Concept


a‘Continuing Violation’ of an International Obligation:

Selected Problems”, BYIL, vol. 66, 1995, at pp. 443-445.


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