The word objective in a sentence

Antonym: subjective. Similar words: objection, detective, protective, perspective, collective, effectively, respectively, effectiveness. Meaning: [əb’dʒektɪv]  n. 1. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable) 2. the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed. adj. 1. undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena 2. serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes 3. emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation 4. belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events. 

1, Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement.

2, It is impossible to be completely objective.

3, His objective was to finish by October.

4, Winning is not the prime objective in this sport.

5, We should make an objective appraisal of his job.

6, Try to be objective if you want to spend your money wisely.

7, Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well.

8, The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.

9, The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans.

10, Her main/prime objective now is simply to stay in power.

11, My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.

12, The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.

13, We must hold by the objective laws to do anything.

14, A clear objective was set and adhered to.

15, Her principal objective was international fame as a scientist.

16, Their primary objective is to make money.

17, The cultivation in good taste is our main objective.

18, An objective test can be quite comprehensive.

19, He kept on towards his objective.

20, Everest is the climber’s next objective.

21, She gives an objective report of what has happened.

22, Our main aim/objective is to improve the company’s productivity.

23, We thought it was a worthy enough objective.

24, His objective was to play golf and win.

25, Our objective is a free,( open and pluralistic society.

26, His objective was to tire out the climbers.

27, We need to establish a clear objective.

28, I believe that a journalist should be completely objective.

29, We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.

30, A jury’s decision in a court case must be absolutely objective.

Definition of Objective

that which is sought; a particular task or goal

Examples of Objective in a sentence

The objective of my resume is to obtain a position in the company’s quality assurance department.


Obviously the objective of the maximum-security prison is to keep all inmates imprisoned.


The objective of the video game is to eliminate the witch’s henchmen and rescue the princess.


If Matt passes five out of six classes, he will have met the objective for promotion to the seventh grade.


The objective of the triage unit is to assess an individual’s need for emergency treatment.


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Our objective is 500 miles to the south.

Наша цель в 500 милях к югу

In so doing one must be aware… that Miss Sturgis’ considerable fortune may be the main objective.

В таком деле нужно убедиться, Что главная цель — не состояние мисс Стёрджес

But we are in sight of objective!

Но мы видим цель!

Can you pinpoint objective for me?

Можете ли Вы для меня указать цель?

Objective is at 27 14 52 North.

Цель находится 27 14 52 от Севера.

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It can only be decided objectively, in years to come, in the true perspective of history.

Этот вопрос должен решаться объективно, с точки зрения истории…

objectively speaking, things aren’t so tragic.

Объективно говоря, всё не так трагично.

You’ve got to look at the torkenson case objectively.

Взгляни на дело Торкенсена объективно.

Ty being objective for once in— — Oh?

Ты можешь хоть раз объективно оценить ситуацию?

As a result, Japanese cinema finally succeeded in departing from the constraints… imposed by stringent theatrical conventions or ideological agenda, and started… to explore objectively the very foundation of Japanese society: personal life within a family.

В результате, Японские кинематографисты наконец смогли уйти от ограничений, навязанных жесткой структурой театра или требованиями идеологии и начали объективно изображать саму основу японского общества — жизнь личности в доме.

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That’s an objective not for a hundred years but for a thousand or for 10 thousand but it also is possible.

Это задача не на столетие, а на тысячу или 10 тысяч лет, но это также возможно.

Your objective is to effectively neutralize the situation.

Ваша задача — адекватно устранить угрозу.

A very straightforward objective:

Задача формулируется просто:

Our first objective will be to secure the main entrance to the ziggurat.

Наша первая задача — обеспечить главный вход в зиггурат.

Colonel, I’d like to remind you… .. that rescuing Dr Jackson’s wife is a secondary objective.

Полковник, я напоминаю вам, что… ..спасение жены доктора Джексона, задача вторичная.

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You are our military objective.

Вы — военный объект.

Right, now you know the main objective — the Morok barracks.

Так, теперь вы знаете, главный объект — это казармы Морока.

Probe will obtain objective in five seconds.

Зонд достигнет объект через 5 секунд.

Marker lights on the objective.

Прицел на объект.

Well, Mr. Hornblower, there is our objective.

«то ж, мистер ‘орнблауэр, это наш объект.

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I’m trying to listen objectively, and my conclusion is that this investment transforms your town, which was perfect.

Я стараюсь беспристрастно выслушивать ваши аргументы. Можно подумать, что все изменения произошли в нашем городке из-за этой инвестиции, а до этого всё было идеально.

You think objectively.

Подумайте беспристрастно.

Look him over, only objectively.

Присмотрись к нему, только беспристрастно.

These decisions have to be made objectively, rationally.

Но такие решения надо принимать беспристрастно, рационально.

Okay, I’m gonna ask this in the most friendly and objective way possible, and just understand, this is not a prod to do anything, um, but is there anything in that file there any notes or receipts or nasty little memos that could make you look bad? Yeah.

Хорошо, я спрошу это настолько дружелюбно и беспристрастно, насколько возможно, просто поймите, это не толчок что-либо делать, но есть ли что-то в этой папке, какие-то записи или квитанции или неприятные записки, которые могут выставить вас в неприятном свете?

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Just bear in mind your ultimate objective.

Просто держите в уме вашу полную объективность.

Or objective.

И объективность.

It’s my job to keep an objective stance.

Моя работа состоит в том, чтобы сохранять объективность.

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to assure you that no media pressure will influence my objective judgment.

Дамы и господа, я уверяю вас. что давление прессы никак не повлияет на объективность моих решений.

I’m sure the Secretary-General remains… objective.

Я уверена, что Генеральный Секретарь стремится соблюсти… объективность.

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Move in and secure the objective.

Выполняйте дальнейшее задание.

No, we’ve achieved the mission objective.

Нет, мы выполнили задание операции.

In at least one case, the Zatarc lost control when it became evident they could no longer achieve their objective.

По крайне мере в одном случаи Зетарк вышел из себя… когда стало ясно, что задание ему не выполнить.

— What’s the objective?

— Каково задание?

Our objective remains getting into that A-O, securing that bridge over the Euphrates, and holding it for the main Marine Force.

Наше задание продолжать двигаться в точку A-O, для обороны моста через Евфрат, и удерживать его до прибытия основных сил.

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How the hell was that objective?

Как это может быть объективным?

— How objective can he…

– Как он может быть объективным…

House thinks avoiding patients allows him to stay as objective as possible.

Хаус думает, что избегая пациентов, он может быть объективным насколько это возможно.

I’ve been staring at them for, like, ten days now, you know, trying to stay objective about it, but, you know, it’s really hard.

Я выбирал их где-то дней десять, пытался быть объективным, но, блин, это сложно.

I’m not objective.

Ты моя дочь и я не могу быть объективной.

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The objective comes first in our work.

Цель — главное в нашей работе.

The primary objective is no proceeding into defence — no way. We must continue a risking but we should do it very carefully.

Главное — не уходить, не уходить в оборону, продолжать рисковать и быть предельно внимательными.

Have objective and subjective conditions been fulfilled?

Значит, главное условие мы выполним.

He liked you, and the whole objective was to woo the client.

Ты ему понравилась, и главное ведь, чтобы он стал нашим клиентом.

My primary objective Is to protect the reputation

Главное для меня — защитить репутацию

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He’s not irrational.—He’s not objective.

— Он не слабоумный… — Он необъективен.

I know you think what I did is different than what he did, but let’s face it, you can’t be objective because you’re my awesome boyfriend.

Я знаю, что ты считаешь, то что я сделала, и то, что он — разные вещи, но мы же оба знаем, что ты необъективен, потому что ты мой фантастически милый бойфренд.

I wasn’t objective.

что я необъективен.

He didn’t buy my evaluation. He said I wasn’t objective.

Моему заключению он не поверил, решив, что я необъективна.

Because it’s impossible for you to be objective under the circumstances.

Потому что при сложившихся обстоятельствах, ты необъективна.

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Some words have the tendency of possessing a similar sound and sometimes share a syllable or two. This common ground between words welcomes confusion and at times requires some form of explanation and separation. Words like «objective» and «subjective», are part of that group. Here we will go over their differences and how to use them correctly in a sentence.

The word «objective» is when used as an adjective it means to be uninfluenced by personal feelings or opinions, considering the facts. The word «subjective» , means the exact opposite as «objective», we will use it to refer to someone heavily influenced by personal feelings and opinions, completely biased. 

As we move forward in the article we will explore the origin and meaning of these words and we will provide examples and more details to keep present when using these words in different contexts.

objective word separated by sounds in dictionary

Objective: Definition

The word «objective» is defined as an unbiased and true balanced statement that represents facts about something or someone. When a statement is said and it is not colored by personal experiences, and it is free from assumptions, prejudices, perceptions, and desires, or knowledge of the truth, it is said to be «objective».

The word «objective» can be used both as an adjective and as a noun. In the adjective form it stands for the definition provided above. However, when the word «objective» is used as a noun it refers to a goal, a pursuit in life that a person seeks to achieve. This could be of personal nature, academic, work related or even romantic.

The word «objective» also has a place in grammar rules, when speaking of «Objective Pronouns». Which act as the object of a sentence, these receive the action offered by the verb in a sentence.

Subjective: Definition

We define «subjective» as a personal or emotional response to an event. Using «subjective» as an adjective is when you get to be influenced by personal emotions and beliefs in decision making or opinion regardless of facts the main drive is of a personal source .

Using the word «subjective» as a noun is a lack of freedom of action or belonging to an independent mind.

When using the word «subjective» one makes a point of assuming someone’s character by past experiences, sometimes incorrect knowledge, low perceptions, understanding someone’s belief.

The Origin of the Word «Objective»

The word «objective» originated from the Latin word «objectum» which translates as «thing presented to the mind». The first use of the word dates back to the 1600s, and it was used in the philosophical sense and it meant «considered in relation to its object» This formed a pattern and then connected to the Medieval Latin word «objectivus», also connected to «objectum» which meant «impersonal and unbiased». Part of this meaning is of German influences, and it started to be used around 1855 from the root word «objektiv».

The Origin of the Word «Subjective»

The term subjective was formed within the late Latin language from the word «subjects» which means «below» or «lying under something.» In the 1500 century, the word «subjective» meant someone obedient or submissive. In 1707, the early Modern English meaning «exiting the mind» as in «thinking subject» which was generalized by Kant in modern art and stories which is personally unusual relating to «subjectively» or «subjectiveness.»

How to use «Objective» in a Sentence?

The use of «objective» is very straight forward. The adjective form of the word is the one used most often, to imply that a decision, choice or comment has been made without passion or personal feelings or other considerations of the sort.

The second most common use of the word «objective» is the one that signifies a goal or purpose.In this case the word changes and it is no longer an adjective, this is its noun form.

How to use «Subjective» in a Sentence?

To ensure that you are using «subjective» in the right context, it should be used when you have feelings, influenced by emotions and opinions.

The important thing to remember is that subjective is not only an adjective but also the opposite of objective and has different meanings. It can also relate to some being smart and intelligent.

The noun «subject» is also rooted in «subjective» in this case it means «a certain important topic or idea that one person needs to address» this could be at a meeting, event or assembly of people where an item or list of items is to be discussed.

Ultimately, you need to take note that this word is always used in different types of content and to imply different contexts.

subjective word sign in neon letters

«Objective» vs «Subjective»: The Difference between Them

The difference is dead on that these words are the exact opposite of each other.

«Subjective» is made of personal opinions, people’s points of view, emotional interpretations, judgment, and ingrained beliefs. «Objective» is not, it is based on measurable facts that are found in news, textbooks, and reports.

Synonyms of «Objective» And Their Meanings:

  1.  Detached- separation, no connection, no emotions, or no personal interest towards someone.
  2.  Real – something that has facts, that can be verified in reality, significant and of importance.
  3.  Actual– current facts, reality, reluctant to assumptions, or merely happen and to possibly exist.
  4.  Scientific-based on the principles related to the scientific method  investigation, systematic, of science and nature.
  5.  Accurate– free from errors, failure, and defects.
  6.  Purposeful-primarily target, object, aim, or goal oriented.
  7.  Certain-having no doubt, a positive attitude, and no hesitation.

Synonyms of «Subjective» And Their Meanings:

  1.  Introspective- someone who focuses on their thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, experiences, and emotions.
  2.  Emotional-connection towards feelings. Involving reasons that are moved by feelings.
  3.  Biased-previously affected by a precedent event or opinion. Unfair treatment, favoritism towards something, or somebody.
  4.  Partial to- showing favoritism towards one person or another.
  5.  Egotistic- focused on themselves, narcissistic, the only relevant person is themselves and no one else matters.
  6.  Non Arbitrary-not random, carefully selected, predetermined, planned, biased.
  7. Prejudiced-not free from being biased, with preconceived notions and ideas that impact their judgement.

Example Sentences Using «Objective»

  1. An objective mind does not exist where religion and cultural values are set in stone.
  2. The final objective is the finishing product, but the process to get to it is so long one could lose sight of what is being done.
  3. The main objective of my application is to get a job that will allow me to provide for my family.
  4. The opinion offered by the jury was completely objective, based solely on the information and evidence that had been provided throughout the case.
  5. A triage’s objective is to assess the state of the patient before receiving emergency treatment.
  6. I always pride myself on being the most objective and impartial person when it comes to choosing who has to go next. I intend to keep it that way.
  7. The telescope’s objective was the lunar eclipse that was taking place that night.
  8. She planned, and planned but the year came to an end and she barely had crossed out the first two objectives from her list.
  9. Keep an objective mind, otherwise you will hurt more people than you will benefit in the process of deciding what to do.
  10. He claimed to be objective at the time of choosing who received the promotion but everyone knew his selection was biased.

Example Sentences Using «Subjective»

  1. The value of a purchase is often subjective, sometimes the buyer is not paying thinking of the money they will invest but the enjoyment they will receive from their purchase.
  2. I am in a very subjective position to decide who gets this job, both my brother and my best friend have applied for the same post.
  3. The reason why doctors should not operate on their relatives and loved ones is clear, your decisions become subjective and you can not do a good job when clouded by emotions.
  4. He admitted that no matter how much he tried his choice was subjective. He knew all too well the struggles of that person and he decided to act on their favor.
  5. Any science that begins with the prefix pseudo- can not be fully trusted or taken literally because it is subjective in its nature.
  6. Artists are rarely objective, their work is subjective to their feelings, the muse, the environment, their feelings. A work of art that outlives the artist is usually the one where the most emotion was placed.
  7. I am not interested in subjective opinions when it comes to my money, I need facts, proof and reliability.
  8. It is common to see how subjective a person is when giving an opinion of another person by the tone of their voice to say the person’s name.
  9. She said that whatever referred to her children she would always be subjective to decide.
  10. I asked my friends their opinion on whether I should go back with my ex or not, I knew my head was not clear and my decision would be subjective and free from facts.

glass half full or half empty


With all these tools and clarification provided here, you should be prepared to use these words correctly going forward without hesitation.

Remember, «objective» is always free from feelings and passion, based only on facts, and «subjective» ridden with emotion and biases. Now go on and give it a try!

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

In This article, we will learn how to use Objective in a sentence with simple 50+ examples. We will also learn the synonyms, definitions, and related words of Objective.

  1. The goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)
  2. The lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
  3. A thing aimed at or sought; a goal.
  4. The objective case.
  5. The lens in a telescope or microscope nearest to the object observed.
  6. (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
  7. Relating to or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns used as the object of a transitive verb or a preposition.
  • Aim
  • Intention
  • Purpose
  • Target
  • Goal
  1. We have achieved our objectives.
  2. The objective is to prevent accidents.
  3. The situation was objectively assessed by him.
  4. Punishing offenders should not be the objective.
  5. We must consider our main objective at all times.
  6. One of our main objectives is to cultivate good taste.
  7. A high power objective is recommended for examination.
  8. You can’t do anything without following objective laws.
  9. We need to assess his performance objectively in the job.
  10. The primary objective of these companies is to make money.
  11. Doctors’ objective is to determine how tissues were damaged.
  12. The primary objective of her career was fame as a scientist.
  13. Your objective perspective on this would really be appreciated.
  14. Our main objective was the recovery of the child safe and well.
  15. Her objective analysis is important to understand what happened.
  16. A wide range of information can be covered by an objective test.
  17. There were a clearly defined objective and people adhered to it.
  18. We will utilize all means necessary to accomplish our objectives.
  19. Those statistics give an objective picture of changing lifestyles.
  20. It is our objective to recycle as much domestic waste as possible.
  21. It was difficult to determine how this objective would be attained.
  22. Defendant’s knowledge might be used to draw an objective conclusion.
  23. The campaign came off as a disaster, based on any objective standard.
  24. He finds it difficult to remain objective where his son is concerned.
  25. Making the information more accessible was one of my main objectives.
  26. Our main objective at this meeting is to let you know about our plans.
  27. Retaining her current position as prime minister is her main objective.
  28. A sport’s primary objective is the enjoyment of the sport, not winning.
  29. An objective probability is determined by the results of repeated tests.
  30. The objective needs to be explicitly stated, even if it is questionable.
  31. The objective tests may provide a better assessment of trivial pursuits.
  32. Many people have negative experiences with the objective-setting process.
  33. Someone who does not have an agenda can provide me with objective advice.
  34. Increasing company productivity is the primary objective of our business.
  35. Regardless, you have to find someone who provides objective, solid advice.
  36. The seeds of an idea that could one day become an objective of the nation.
  37. Because they are not affiliated with banks, they can give objective advice.
  38. Politicians with a clear objective tend to treat their opponents as hostages.
  39. Securing the community’s energy supply remains an objective of energy policy.
  40. Current objectives include maintaining the grip we already have on the market.
  41. A major objective of his was to stop the space station project in its entirety.
  42. Basically, the main objective is to find the cheapest solution for the company.
  43. Although we might wish for that objective, i do not believe we could deliver it.
  44. Despite the lack of objective scientific evidence, our belief is one of opinion.
  45. It would be possible for them to achieve their objectives without too much bloodshed.
  46. An important objective of the program was to improve geography knowledge in children.
  47. A development that doesn’t contribute to, or directly target, this objective is defective.
  48. The second objective was met by the introduction of a betterment levy on development value.
  49. One of the objectives of this research is to gain better insight into employment processes.
  50. Furthermore, a state will impose constraints on management if they fail to meet an objective.
  51. Throughout each of these processes, the main objective has been to boost both profits and productivity.
  52. The main objective is to find a solution agreeable to the company in terms of its feasibility and cost.
  53. Since then, the objective has evolved into helping suppliers gain maximum exposure at the point of sale.
  54. Congress receives an objective analysis of issues and legislation from the congressional research service.
  55. For any society to function smoothly, objective rules must be accepted by all the members of that society.
  56. The book’s objective is to provide him or her with the resources they need to do their studies on their schedule.
  57. Aside from job satisfaction, personal objectives include potential career advancement as well as achieving job satisfaction.
  58. They could not sacrifice their objective of lowering electricity prices, so the interest rates and price had to be kept down.
  59. Specifically, program evaluations seek to determine whether certain actions would accomplish a specific objective or purpose.
  60. Likewise, when you’re preparing for your meeting, make sure that you are clear on the objectives and take into account the scope of the discussion.
  • KSAT
  • TEPS
  • SAT
  • GRE

More Similar/Related Words to Objective

Intent, Object, End, End in view, Grail, Holy grail, Impartial, Unbiased, Unprejudiced, Non-partisan, Disinterested, Non-discriminatory, Neutral, Uninvolved, Even-handed, Equitable, Fair, Fair-minded, Just, Open-minded, Dispassionate, Detached, Impersonal, Unemotional, Clinical

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