The word obedient in a sentence

1. All things are obedient to money. 

2. She is an obedient woman.

3. He was always obedient to his father’s wishes.

4. What good method, can let the lonely become obedient.

5. His dog is very obedient.

6. He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents.

7. Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.

8. We’re absolutely obedient to the superior.

9. He is an obedient and well-behaved child.

10. He wanted a sweet, pliable, obedient wife.

11. They hero-worshiped their head and were absolutely obedient to him.

12. Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive.

13. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant.

14. Edmund was a cheerful and obedient student.

15. Nothing is so loved by tyrants as obedient subjects. Clarence Darrow 

16. Trigger, the palomino, was obedient to the slightest pressure.

17. Is being faithful the same thing as being obedient?

18. As a child she was obedient and truthful.

19. Bruno was a quiet and obedient little boy.

20. All my life I have been an obedient, dutiful daughter.

21. Once more Joseph is obedient and sets out for his own country.

22. I want to be strong with the cry, tears are not obedient.

23. Outside of my home, I look like a very obedient, very serious, very good kind of girl, but nobody knows what happens inside the house. Malala Yousafzai 

24. With humility she managed to convince her husband that she was obedient to his every wish.

24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

25. But in the field of statute law the judge must be obedient to the will of Parliament as expressed in its enactments.

26. Have you ever thought, ruefully, that far from raising an obedient child you’ve become an obedient parent?

27. Utterly ruthless in the methods he used, he created a highly-centralized, tightly-knit organization of professional revolutionaries obedient to his will.

28. With regard to his mental make-up, his disposition is basically friendly and peaceful; he is faithful, obedient and willing to work.

29. Between elections, a government with a sufficient parliamentary majority obedient to its will is absolute and omnipotent.

30. Will the state promote sport as a safe, numbing kind of nationalistic cocoon for healthy, obedient citizens?

Definition of Obedient

conforming or submitting to someone’s wishes or demands

Examples of Obedient in a sentence

Only obedient children were permitted to participate in the field trip since the teachers could trust their behavior to be appropriate at the museum.


When the obedient trainer commanded Max to sit, stay and roll over, the beagle complied with every request.


Since Ms. Withers was a strict woman, her household servants were very obedient because they wanted to keep the job due to its high salary.


Citizens during ancient history were required to be obedient to all church officials by paying for indulgences and worship the way they were told to do.


After the new student did not follow the teacher’s first request to sit down, the teacher decided to discuss the reasons to be obedient in school or suffer the consequences.


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obedient — перевод на русский


Never quarrels, never complains, never answers back always meek and obedient

Никогда не спорит, не жалуется, не возражает… всегда кроткая и послушная

Obedient little girl.

Послушная девочка.

And you’re obedient, too.

А вы послушная, это мне нравится.

She’s very obedient when she’s out with her mistress.

Соня послушная Конечно, если выходит с пани Карпелёвой

— And Mom thinks you’re so obedient!

— А мама думает, ты такая послушная!

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«I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,.»

С уважением, ваш покорный слуга,…

Your obedient servant, ma’am!

Ваш покорный слуга, мадам!

I have the honour to remain, sir… -1 7. 25 1 /2. -…your humble and obedient servant.

Примите уверения в совершеннейшем к вам почтении, сэр, ваш смиреный и покорный слуга…

Your obedient servant, Karl.

Ваш покорный слуга, Карл.

Sounding board, companion, ever obedient and faithful.

Звуковой резонатор, компаньон, всегда покорный и верный.

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A wife should be obedient to her husband.

Жена должна слушаться своего мужа.

You have to be obedient and behave.

слушаться всех и хорошо себя вести.

Then will you be obedient to me?

Тогда ты будешь меня слушаться?

— You’ll have to be very obedient.

— Тебе придётся меня слушаться. — Да, вот как?

I’m totally ok, but you should be obedient to man.

Мне все равно, но тебе надо слушаться мужчин.

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послушный, покорный, послушник


- послушный, покорный

obedient child — послушный ребёнок
your obedient servant — ваш покорный слуга (в официальном письме)


- ист. послушный, покорный человек
- послушник

Мои примеры


citizens who are obedient to the law — граждане, которые соблюдают законы  
a little man obedient to his wife — маленький человек, послушный своей жене  
a gentle old horse, docile and obedient — смирный старый конь, послушный и покорный  
grow to be more obedient — становиться более послушным; делаться более послушным  
law obedient person — лицо, соблюдающее закон; законопослушный человек  
be obedient / submissive — покорствовать  

Примеры с переводом

The dog was always obedient to its master.

Собака всегда слушалась своего хозяина.

The dog was always obedient to its master and mistress.

Собака всегда слушалась своего хозяина и хозяйку.

That boy is so obedient that he does everything the first time he is asked.

Этот мальчик такой послушный, что делает всё, о чём его просят, с первого раза.

The obedient colonies are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened.

Послушные колонии обложены тяжёлыми налогами; непокорные же остаются свободными.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Second, it gave the Jews a reason to remain obedient to the priestly leaders. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum – even encourage the more critical and dissident views. ❋ Richard (2006)

This revolutionary change has, not surprisingly, been opposed by many elements that are recalcitrant, those who remain obedient to dogma, to tradition and the heavy legacy of past conditioning. ❋ Unknown (1990)

` No, no, ‘I answered; ` if the ship was going down, and you had to take your chance in one of the boats, which would you choose, the one manned by those fellows you anathematise, or with the men you call obedient sons of the Church?’ ❋ William Henry Giles Kingston (1847)

I call it obedient patience because he was patient with an eye to his Father’s will, thus pleading with himself, This commandment have I received of my Father, and thus submitting to God, Not as I will, but as thou wilt. ❋ Unknown (1721)

As the good Spirit works that which is good in obedient souls, so this evil spirit works that which is evil in wicked men; and he now works, not only heretofore, but even since the world has been blessed with the light of the glorious gospel. ❋ Unknown (1721)

The subjects didn’t want to shock the other person, they just felt compelled to follow orders and remain obedient. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If you try to keep people totally dependent and obedient, that is slavery. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Maester Luwin to Little and Big Walder: «He’s a goodhearted lad, dutiful and obedient, which is more than I can say for either of you.» ❋ Unknown (2009)

Persian army are for the most part ignorant and inefficient, while the soldiers are described as obedient, sober, intelligent and capable to endure great fatigue. ❋ Mooshie G. Daniel (N/A)

The sound of trumpets recalled his obedient hordes. ❋ Charles Morris (1877)

Seine and make his escape through the isle of France and Southern Picardy back to the so-called obedient provinces. ❋ John Lothrop Motley (1845)

Corbett and Morrison; his other men are good seamen, active, and obedient, which is all that he requires. ❋ Frederick Marryat (1820)

The First Business of all Governments, I mean the Task which all Rulers must begin with, is, to make Men tractable and obedient, which is not to be perform’d unless we can make them believe, that the Instructions and Commands we give them have a plain ❋ Bernard Mandeville (1701)

‘Asked again if she had given Manning any spiritual guidance, the woman replied,’ I met with him on five occasions, I told him certain things but he was not obedient, that is why things are the way it is now in the country. ‘ ❋ Tony Deyal (2010)

(texting your friend) OMG did you see [obedie’s] [outfit]? oh i mean [maddie]. ❋ Maddieeeeeee (aka Mad Dawgg) (2008)

[That girl] [maddie], obedie! ❋ Amanning (2008)

a good [obedient] [prostitute] [dosen’t] care what you do to her billy ❋ Dr. Pussystien (2017)

It was all I [could do] [to get her] to obediate my [instructions]. ❋ Pop Oracle (2010)

Male: Go get me a Fillet [Mignon], Medium Rare, pepper [flaked], with a side of asparagus.
OB: Yes, master.
Male: What an [obedient bitch]! ❋ Bitch Expert (2019)

Salman Obedi is a [suicide bomber] ❋ Al-qaeda-are-shit (2022)

I used an Obedient Breath to spread the [threads] [farther] apart, too subtle to [trigger] it. ❋ Kwing (2009)

[Mildred]: “I can’t believe the IT Department insists on designing our web site without consulting you, the Graphic Designer, but then expects you to create the lame artwork for it the day before we go live.”
Trev: “I have [pledged] them my full and complete [malicious obedience]. It’ll be a disaster, fo’ shizzle.” ❋ The Handy Writer (2009)

«I heard local [PD] harassing [long haul] [truckers] who were trying to catch some sleep. Why are they such obedience monkeys?» ❋ Aliel The Heretic (2020)

Because [that slut] knew [my name] and wasn’t [on the pill], i was forced to take her to obedience training. ❋ Mr. McPersonality (2010)

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