The word nuclear in a sentence

nuclear — перевод на русский


Specialized in nuclear physics at Los Alamos.

Специализировался в ядерной физике в Лос-Аламосе.

We’re heading for rain. it will be coming down with clouds facturated with nuclear death.

Скоро будет дождь, чья вода просто насыщена ядерной смертью.

I just finished a screenplay about nuclear warfare.

Я только что завершил сценарий о ядерной войне.

In order to guard against surprise nuclear attack…

Для предотвращения неожиданной ядерной атаки

Heck, I reckon you wouldn’t be human beings… if you didn’t have pretty strong personal feelings about nuclear combat.

Черт, я думаю вы не были бы людьми Если бы у вас не было бы чертовски сильных чувств по поводу ядерной войны.

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It’s believed the bomb contained R.D.X. Outside of nuclear energy, R.D.X. Is the most deadly explosive per pound of weight.

Известно, что бомба содержала RDX, взрывчатое вещество, уступающее по мощности только атомной энергии.

Nuclear powered.

На атомной подлодке…

In this time of cybernetics and nuclear energy, feeding people in a shack!

— Работаете в век кибернетики и атомной энергии, а людей кормите в хижине.

Although there has been no official statement… the light flashes and the resulting cloud formations… would indicate that Los Angeles and surrounding areas… have been attacked by nuclear bombs or missiles.

Хотя еще не было официального заявления вспышки света и формирующиеся облака указывают на то, что Лос-Анджелес и окружающие районы былы атакованы атомной бомбой или ракетами.

With a nuclear bomb!

— С помощью атомной бомбы!

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Not somebody nuclear.

— У них же ядерное оружие.

They agree we must counterattack with a full nuclear strike.

Они тоже считают, что надо использовать ядерное оружие.

The nuclear bomb brought it back to life!

Ядерное оружие вызвало его к жизни!

The nuclear weapons are in Kazakhstan.

Ядерное оружие есть в Казахстане.

You have nuclear missiles.

У вас есть ядерное оружие. Выжить!

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This station has learned that a crisis is in progress… at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Серьезный кризис на АЭС Спрингфилда.

I want you to meet-— Aristotle Amadopolis… owner of Shelbyville’s nuclear power facility.

Аристотель Амадополис, владелец АЭС Шелбивиля.

We hacked into the J? ich nuclear plant.

— Мы взломали систему АЭС Юлих.

nuclear power is dangerous.

— Эти АЭС действительно опасны.

I’m using the rocket to dispose of Springfield’s nuclear waste by sending it straight to the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

Я использую ракету, чтобы избавиться от отходов со спрингфилдской АЭС, отправив их прямиком в самое сердце тропических лесов Амазонки.

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Now, don’t try escaping from here because this room doubles at a nuclear bunker

И не пытайтесь сбежать, это место защищено так же, как убежище от ядерного взрыва.

Get as far away from the nuclear explosion as possible.

Отлететь как можно дальше от ядерного взрыва.

There is radioactive fallout coming from the nuclear blast.

Со стороны ядерного взрыва приближаются радиоактивные осадки.

The people who survived the nuclear blast.

Люди выжившие после ядерного взрыва.

When I do that, the bomb cannot reach critical mass and will no longer be nuclear.

В этом случае бомба не сможет набрать критическую массу, и ядерного взрыва не будет.

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With all that’s goin’ on up in the world, you bring a nuclear weapon

Нам было мало проблем? И ты притащил атомную бомбу?

I should go. One of the lifeguards was just about to dismantle a nuclear device.

Один из спасателей сейчас будет разбирать атомную бомбу

We dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan.

Мы сбросили атомную бомбу на Японию.

You brought a nuclear bomb…

Ты притащил сюда атомную бомбу…

It’s probably just as well, the Russians are gonna drop a nuclear bomb on us any day now.

Это даже хорошо, что русские собираются сбросить на нас атомную бомбу.

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I was doin’ that guy from that movie, you know… Slim Pickens, where he rides it all the way in— the nuclear warhead.

Слим Пикенз оседлал ядерную бомбу.

I can’t find Cabot. The Air Force has a nuclear assessment team.

Ядерную бомбу так не перевезёшь.

We can’t go nuclear. We don’t have the defense codes.

Ядерную бомбу мы не получим, у нас нет кодов.

But what if I said I knew how to go nuclear?

А если я скажу, что знаю, где раздобыть ядерную бомбу?

I planted a nuclear device in a white van parked in the Glenbrook Station CCR parking lot.

Я заложил ядерную бомбу в белом минивэне, припаркованном около ж/д станции Гленбрук.

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It usually doesn’t matter because a nuclear weapon destroys everything.

Обычно это неважно, ведь бомба уничтожает всё.

PRESIDENT: Chief, I’m not buying it. With all our satellites, there’s no way anybody could possibly have nuclear bombs that we wouldn’t know about.

— Шеф, я не могу в это поверить, столько спутников летает, не может быть, чтобы у кого-то появилась ядрёная бомба, а мы об этом не знаем.

That nuclear bomb must be let off in Seoul

Эта бомба… поднимет Сеул на воздух.

That nuclear bomb where is it now

А эта бомба… Где она?

I don’t know where the nuclear bomb is either

Я не знаю, где эта бомба.

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But there are tens of thousands of nuclear weapons.

Но ведь существуют десятки тысяч ядерных боеголовок.

There are still some 50,000 nuclear weapons in the world.

В мире еще остается около 50 000 ядерных боеголовок.

Well, it hasn’t stopped the Soviet Union from stockpiling record amounts of nuclear weapons.

Впрочем, это не остановило Советский Союз от рекордного накопления ядерных боеголовок.

prepare to launch nuclear weapons.

Приготовиться к запуску ядерных боеголовок.

It’s not like we’re passing nuclear codes.

Это же не тоже самое, что передать коды ядерных боеголовок

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Nuclear waste.

Радиоактивные отходы.

«Materials including chlorine gas «anhydrous ammonia and medical nuclear waste «have been passing through residential areas in violation of federal standards.»

«Материалы, включающие газообразный хлор, безводный аммиак и медицинские радиоактивные отходы проходят через жилые комплексы с нарушениями государственных стандартов»

You got F5 tornadoes, solar flare, black holes, nuclear fallout.

Может быть торнадо Ф5 (прим. торнадо со скоростью ветра до 512 км/ч), солнечная вспышка, черная дыра, радиоактивные осадки.

Where you put all your nuclear waste.

Где поставить все свои радиоактивные отходы.

trafficking in nuclear materials, assassination, conspiracy.

перевоз радиоактивных материалов, убийство, заговор.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word nuclear, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use nuclear in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «nuclear».

Nuclear in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word nuclear in a sentence.

  1. Zinc has 10 nuclear isomers.

  2. This was known as nuclear blackout.

  3. Bolte proposed sending nuclear weapons.

  4. Navy to initiate its own nuclear project.

  5. In 2021, the nuclear genome was sequenced.

  6. This idea became the nuclear missile carrier.

  7. At least 21 metastable nuclear isomers exist.

  8. Francium has seven metastable nuclear isomers.

  9. Britain became the world’s third nuclear power.

  10. He watched the Trinity nuclear test from a B-29.

  11. King cloned a frog by somatic cell nuclear transfer.

  12. The story is set on Earth after a nuclear holocaust.

  13. The Heeler family are presented as a nuclear family.

  14. Oliphant was an advocate of nuclear weapons research.

  15. It uses three mitochondrial genes and two nuclear ones.

  16. Booth, a nuclear physicist and Manhattan Project developer, lived in the village.

  17. Newly formed astatine-211 is the subject of ongoing research in nuclear medicine.

  18. Chambers headed a team dealing with nuclear accidents, including the Thule crash.

  19. Kiwi A was considered a success as a proof of concept for nuclear rocket engines.

  20. The actual separation of technetium-99 from spent nuclear fuel is a long process.

  21. The British and Americans exchanged nuclear information, but did not initially combine their efforts.

  22. Blandy rather than by the Manhattan Project, which had developed nuclear weapons during World War II.

  23. These results are similar to those reported in 1992 that compared sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA.

  24. Radford advocated the use of nuclear weapons and a firm military and diplomatic stance against China.

  25. Occasionally a nuclear medicine bone scan is used to assess the degree of loosening within the joint.

  26. The subcommittees looked into the implications of the decision with regards to nuclear proliferation.

  27. Somervell’s Services of Supply, who had been designated the Army’s representative on nuclear matters.

  28. The «Complex Modernization» initiative expanded two existing nuclear sites to produce new bomb parts.

  29. After the war ended, the laboratory supported the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll.

  30. This phenomenon was a new type of nuclear disintegration, and was more powerful than any seen before.

  31. The two agreements have been «the cornerstone of the UK-US nuclear relationship for nearly 60 years».

  32. In the 1970s the island was designated as a possible site to store low and medium grade nuclear waste.

  33. Safety procedures were reviewed, and more stable explosives were developed for use in nuclear weapons.

  34. Six ships were lost in combat and two were expended in the postwar Operation Crossroads nuclear tests.

  35. The Einstein–Szilard letter resulted in the establishment of research into nuclear fission by the U.S.

  36. These were new B(I)8 models, which came straight from the manufacturer for modification to carry the Mark 7 nuclear bomb.

  37. These systems used short and medium-range missiles equipped with nuclear warheads to attack incoming enemy ICBM warheads.

  38. The core involved was intended to be used in the Able detonation, during the Crossroads series of nuclear weapon testing.

  39. Fossils from Africa and some tests of nuclear DNA suggest that lemurs made their way to Madagascar between 40 and 52 mya.

  40. The committee pushed for rapid development of nuclear weapons using gaseous-diffusion as their isotope separation device.

  41. The first nuclear reactor in the UK, a small research reactor known as GLEEP, went critical at Harwell on 15 August 1947.

  42. Toward the end of his life, Fermi questioned his faith in society at large to make wise choices about nuclear technology.

  43. The Sun is not massive enough to commence the fusion of heavier elements, and nuclear reactions in the core will dwindle.

  44. The story is set after a nuclear holocaust that «destroyed everyone who knew or cared about the reasons it had happened».

  45. Operation Buffalo was the first nuclear test series to be conducted at Maralinga, and the largest ever held in Australia.

  46. The ability of the new reactors to create radioactive isotopes in previously unheard-of quantities sparked a revolution in nuclear medicine in the immediate postwar years.

  47. The interceptors and Bomarc missiles with which Canada was being supplied as a NORAD member were either of no use or of greatly diminished utility without nuclear devices.

  48. A related experiment which also had Teller’s endorsement was a plan to extract oil from the tar sands in northern Alberta with nuclear explosions, titled Project Oilsands.

  49. Filaments of mating «type a» ordinarily have haploid nuclei, but they can become diploid (perhaps by endoduplication or by stimulated nuclear fusion) to form blastospores.

  50. In 2006, BAE Systems was excluded from the portfolio of the government pension fund of Norway «because they develop and/or produce central components for nuclear weapons».

Synonyms for nuclear

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word nuclear has the following synonyms: atomic, thermonuclear, center, centre, midpoint, central, organelle, cell organelle and cell organ.

General information about «nuclear» example sentences

The example sentences for the word nuclear that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «nuclear» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «nuclear».

Synonym: atomic. Similar words: clear, clear up, clear off, unclear, clear out, clear away, learn, learn from. Meaning: [ˈnjuːklɪə]  adj. 1. (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy 2. of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom 3. of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell 4. constituting or like a nucleus. 

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1) 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.

2) The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.

3) He’s very interested in nuclear physics.

4) Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.

5) They campaigned for nuclear disarmament.

6) Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?

7) The submarine is driven by nuclear power.

8) Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?

9) Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.

10) They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.

11) The party’s position on nuclear weapons is deeply ambivalent.

12) At worst,[] nuclear war could be unleashed.

13) The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament.

14) The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.

15) Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.

16) It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.

17) The carrier is armed with nuclear weapons.

18) The threat of nuclear war has diminished.

19) The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.

20) Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.

21) The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday.

22) How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?

23) The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue.

24) France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few days.

25) The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war.

26) Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.

27) The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.

28) In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.

29) The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.

30) Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.

More similar words: clear, clear up, clear off, unclear, clear out, clear away, learn, learn from, year after year, cycle, uncle, clerk, muscle, circle, manacle, vehicle, miracle, article, particle, obstacle, spectacle, lead, plea, lean, leap, leave, plead, leather, least, lead to. 

Definition of Nuclear

pertaining to an atomic binding that can be dangerous

Examples of Nuclear in a sentence

After North Korea was found making nuclear weapons which scared the rest of the world that a disaster might take place.


When the nuclear power plant exploded, investigators realized that the accident was caused by a mix-up with the steps.


Electricity can be created using a process that begins with nuclear energy generating heat and steam.


Nearing the end of World War II, the United States dropped a nuclear bomb on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.


It’s hard to believe that the smallest building block of science can become such a disaster at a nuclear power plant.


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ядерный, атомный, нуклеарный, содержащий ядро


- физ. ядерный

- относящийся к ядерному оружию

- обладающий ядерным оружием
- биол. содержащий ядро, относящийся к ядру

nuclear membrane — оболочка ядра клетки
nuclear cell division — деление ядра клетки, кариокинез

Мои примеры


the nuclear core of the congregation — самое ядро данной конгрегации, основные учреждения сената  
the operator of a nuclear power plant — оператор атомной электростанции  
nuclear bomb — ядерная бомба  
nuclear capability — ядерные резервы, ядерные возможности  
concentrated nuclear fuel — обогащённое ядерное топливо  
aboveground nuclear tests — наземные ядерные испытания  
detection of nuclear explosions — обнаружение ядерных взрывов  
nuclear deterrent — средство ядерного сдерживания  
nuclear dwelling — основное жилое помещение  
atomic, nuclear energy — атомная энергия  
entering the atomic / nuclear age — вступая в атомный век  
nuclear scientist — учёный-ядерщик  

Примеры с переводом

This train is carrying nuclear waste.

Этот поезд перевозит ядерные отходы.

We exploded the nuclear bomb.

Мы взорвали ядерную бомбу.

Britain’s nuclear arsenal

ядерный арсенал Великобритании

We must not proliferate nuclear arms.

Мы не должны раcпространять ядерное оружие.

We deplore the development of nuclear weapons.

Мы осуждаем разработку ядерного оружия.

Who would think it sane to use nuclear weapons?

Кто скажет, что использование ядерного оружия разумно?

Archaeologists advise on nuclear waste disposal.

Археологи дают рекомендации по вопросам захоронения ядерных отходов.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy

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