The word nominal in a sentence

Definition of Nominal

incredibly small

Examples of Nominal in a sentence

Despite his immense wealth, Frank is a selfish man who gives a nominal amount to charities each year.


The court gave me a nominal award that did not cover the cost of my car repairs.


Jim did not get a lot of job applicants because he offered only a nominal salary to his employees.


Fortunately, I have a credit card with only a nominal interest rate.


The fine for an overdue book is pretty nominal at twenty cents a day.


Even though my grandmother knows her antique lamp has only a nominal value, she still will not part with it.


There is a nominal fee added to the ticket price of all 3D movies.


With my coupons, my groceries cost me a nominal amount this week.


I need only a nominal amount of gasoline to start my lawnmower.


While there are some very expensive apps, there are also apps with only a nominal purchase price.


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In English grammar, the term nominal is a category that describes the usage of parts of speech in a sentence. Specifically, the nominal definition is a noun, noun phrase, or any word or word group that functions as a noun. It is also known as a substantive. The term comes from the Latin, meaning «name.» Nominals can be the subject of a sentence, the object of a sentence, or the predicate nominative, which follows a linking verb and explains what the subject is. Nominals are used to give more specifics than a simple noun.

Key Takeaways: Nominal

  • Nominal is a grammatical category for words or groups of words that function as nouns in a sentence.
  • Nominals can do whatever nouns can. They can be a subject, an object, or a predicate nominative.
  • Nominal groups give more specifics about a noun.
  • Nominal groups can contain other parts of speech such as prepositions, articles, adjectives, and others.

What Is a Nominal?

As a grammatical category, nominal describes words or groups of words that function together as a noun. The words in a nominal grouping give more detail about the noun (the headword), making it specific. Nominal phrases and clauses can include other parts of speech such as articles, prepositions, and adjectives.

«For example, in the noun phrase a nice cup of tea, it makes sense to say that nice is a modifier of a cup of tea, rather than just the head noun cup,» says Author Geoffrey Leech in «A Glossary of Grammar.» In this phase, «nice cup of tea» is a nominal; it provides more description than simply saying «cup.» Using a nominal gives the reader a more complete sense about what the writer is trying to convey.

Nominal Phrases

When constructing a nominal phrase, the headword for the phrase is a noun or pronoun, though it may not always be at the front of the phrase, as you would think from just looking at the term. Headwords can have articles, pronouns, adjectives, or even other phrases before them, and they may be followed by prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and more.

Author G. David Morley gives these examples of nominal phrases. The headwords are in italics.

  • This Russian course
  • My most enjoyable climb
  • Her sister’s new bicycle
  • All of our recent holidays
  • A voice from the past
  • The song that Jill sang
  • The secretary general

In all of these examples, the nominal gives more context to the noun. It’s not just a course; it’s this Russian course. It’s more than just a climb; it was my most enjoyable climb. And, it’s much more than just a bicycle; it’s her sister’s new bicycle.

To illustrate how nominals can function in a sentence just like nouns, here are ways to use «the attorney general» as a nominal phrase in different parts of the sentence:

  • The attorney general is running for reelection. (It’s the subject.)
  • We took our concerns to the attorney general. (It’s the indirect object.)
  • A bulletproof limo took the attorney general to the conference. (It’s the direct object.)
  • The staff members went to lunch with the attorney general. (It’s the object of a preposition.)

Authors have made great use of nominal phrases in literature. For example, using a version of the nominal phrase from the last section, authors Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin authored a book called «Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace — One School at a Time.» The book is about one man’s quest to promote peace by sharing «three cups of tea» (together with thoughts of friendship and peace) with various individuals in Pakistan. In this title, «Three Cups of Tea» is the nominal phrase. It’s not just a cup, but three cups of tea that Mortenson shared with others.

Nominal Clauses

Nominal clauses contain a verb and often begin with words such as what (or other wh- words) or that. These are called that— clauses and wh- clauses or relative clauses. Consider, for example, the sentence «He can go wherever he wants.» The clause starts with a wh- word, contains a verb, and functions, taken whole, as a noun. You can tell it functions as a noun because you could replace it with a noun or a pronoun. For example, you could say, «He can go home,» «He can go to Paris,» or «He can go there.» 

Because the wh- clause doesn’t have a headword, it’s called a free (nominal) relative clause. 

Nominal clauses are dependent clauses. They cannot stand alone as a sentence but do contain a verb.

  • I believe that grammar is easier than it seems. (The noun clause acts as an object, as in «I believe it.»)
  • What I had for lunch was delicious. (The noun clause acts as a subject, as in «The soup was delicious.»)
  • Beth is whom I was referring to. (The clause acts in this sentence as a predicate nominative. First, it’s a wh— clause because it has a subject and a verb. Next, it follows a linking verb. Third, it fills in information about the subject, as in «Beth is she» or «She is Beth.»)


The act of creating a nominal from a verb, adjective, or other words (even another noun) is known as nominalization. For example, take blogosphere. It’s a new noun created from another plus the addition of a suffix. It’s easy to create nouns (nominals) in English from other words. Even just adding —ing to a verb to make a gerund is nominalization, such as firing from fire. Or adding a suffix to an adjective, such as adding —ness to lovely to make loveliness


Mortenson, Greg. «Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace — One School at a Time.» David Oliver Relin, Paperback, Penguin Books, January 30, 2007.

The quantity of silver, however, contained in that nominal sum was, during the course of this period, continually diminishing in consequence of some alterations which were made in the coin

But the increase of the value of silver had, it seems, so far compensated the diminution of the quantity of it contained in the same nominal sum, that the legislature did not think it worth while to attend to this circumstance

Six shillings and eightpence, therefore, containing about the same quantity of silver as thirteen shillings and fourpence of our present money (one-third part less than the same nominal sum contained in the time of Edward III), had, in those times, been considered as what is called the moderate and reasonable price of wheat

In 1554, by the 1st and 2nd of Philip and Mary, and in 1558, by the 1st of Elizabeth, the exportation of wheat was in the same manner prohibited, whenever the price of the quarter should exceed six shillings and eightpence, which did not then contain two penny worth more silver than the same nominal sum does at present

In 1562, therefore, by the 5th of Elizabeth, the exportation of wheat was allowed from certain ports, whenever the price of the quarter should not exceed ten shillings, containing nearly the same quantity of silver as the like nominal sum does at present

But in 1562, the year at which he ends with it, it contained no more than the same nominal sum does at present

Silver sunk in its real value, or would exchange for a smaller quantity of labour than before; and corn rose in its nominal price, and, instead of being commonly sold for about two ounces of silver the quarter, or about ten shillings of our present money, came to be sold for six and eight ounces of silver the quarter, or about thirty and forty shillings of our present money

There was a third event which occurred in the course of the same period, and which, though it could not occasion any scarcity of corn, nor, perhaps, any augmentation in the real quantity of silver which was usually paid for it, must necessarily have occasioned some augmetation in the nominal sum

But the nominal sum which constitutes the market price of every commodity is necessarily regulated, not so much by the quantity of silver, which, according to the standard, ought to be contained in it, as by that which, it is found by experience, actually is contained in it

This nominal sum, therefore, is necessarily higher when the coin is much debased by clipping and wearing, than when near to its standard value

Through the greater part of Europe, too, the expense of land-carriage increases very much both the real and nominal price of most manufactures

In China and Indostan, the extent and variety of inland navigations save the greater part of this labour, and consequently of this money, and thereby reduce still lower both the real and the nominal price of the greater part of their manufactures

Gold rose in its nominal value, or in the quantity of silver which was given for it

It is not their nominal price only, but their real price, which rises in the progress of improvement

The rise of their nominal price is the effect, not of any degradation of the value of silver, but of the rise in their real price

Their real price, the quantity of labour and subsistence which was given away for them, was about one-third more than their nominal price is apt to express to us in the present times

This rise, too, in the nominal or money price of all those different sorts of rude produce, has been the effect, not of any degradation in the value of silver, but of a rise in their real price

This degradation, both in the real and nominal value of wool, could never have happened in consequence of the natural course of things

Its nominal price was a good deal lower than at present

Through its nominal price, therefore, is higher in the present than it was in those ancient times, its real price, the real quantity of subsistence which it will purchase or command, is rather somewhat lower

Its nominal value, the quantity of gold and silver by which this annual produce could be expressed or represented, would, no doubt, be very different ; but its real value, the real quantity of labour which it could purchase or command, would be precisely the same

above the same nominal sum of the gold and silver currency of the country

The nominal value of all sorts of goods would be greater, but their real value would be precisely the same as before

What is called bank money, is always of more value than the same nominal sum of common currency

It is not the real, but the nominal price of corn, which can in any considerable degree be affected by the bounty

The loss which Spain and Portugal could sustain by this exportation of their gold and silver, would be altogether nominal and imaginary

The nominal value of their goods, and of the annual produce of their land and labour, would fall, and would be expressed or represented by a smaller quantity of silver than before; but their real value would be the same as before, and would be sufficient to maintain, command, and employ the same quantity of labour

The bounty, as it raises in the home market, not so much the real, as the nominal price of our corn; as it augments, not the quantity of labour which a certain quantity of corn can maintain and employ, but only the quantity of silver which it will exchange for ; it discourages our manufactures, without rendering any considerable service, either to our farmers or country gentlemen

But if this money sinks in its value, in the quantity of labour, provisions, and home-made commodities of all different kinds which it is capable of purchasing, as much as it rises in its quantity, the service will be little more than nominal and imaginary

When, either by the monopoly of the home market, or by a bounty upon exportation, you enable our woollen or linen manufacturers to sell their goods for somewhat a better price than they otherwise could get for them, you raise, not only the nominal, but the real price of those goods; you render them equivalent to a greater quantity of labour and subsistence; you increase not only the nominal, but the real profit, the real wealth and revenue of those manufacturers ; and you enable them, either to live better themselves, or to employ a greater quantity of labour in those particular manufactures

But when, by the like institutions, you raise the nominal or money price of corn, you do not raise its real value ; you do not increase the real wealth, the real revenue, either of our farmers or country gentlemen ; you do not encourage the growth of corn, because you do not enable them to maintain and employ more labourers in raising it

Some of the foregoing reasonings and observations might, perhaps, have been more properly placed in those chapters of the first book which treat of the origin and use of money, and of the difference between the real and the nominal price of commodities

It is necessary to take into account that at production conditions, sand and crushed stone (gravel) have some humidity unlike laboratory (nominal) compositions of concrete, which define for dry initial materials

nominal, or as a “friendly” bet

Perhaps that was part of the ―glamour‖ that attracted the working classes who were able to ―connect‖, in some manner, with hungry boxers fighting for nominal purses; average Joes that they could otherwise relate to

The de-emphasizing of Christ‘s Divinity by nominal ―Christians,‖ (Protestants and sadly, Catholics alike), stressing His good works and moral teachings (only); that is to say, His ―Humanism‖ in contrast with His Divinity, is troubling to traditional believers who correctly understand that without the Resurrection, the redemption of sin occasioned by His own self-sacrifice is meaningless

Christ‘s principled teachings are oftentimes questioned by Secularists, Atheists and (nominal) ―Christians‖ alike who routinely disclaim their authenticity by either challenging scriptural interpretations or biblical precedence(s) mentioned in His teachings; that is to say, questioning whether or not Christ specifically said this or said that or whether His (contemporary) followers/biographers simply put words in His mouth in order to lend legitimacy to an incipient religious movement inasmuch as Christ, Himself, never 122

Boyce senior owns a nominal three percent of the shares, and does not have a seat on the board,” admitted Clive

Each vehicle had a battery pack consisting of eighteen cells, each of which had a nominal capacity of two-point-one volts

In time, many things were declared as doctrine by papal decree alone, according to those who occupied this office, the nominal head of all Christendom

Bank3Sector of Japan acquires the foreign debt securities of Brazil with discount in yens, even if the securities have nominal value in dollar, euro or other coin with free world circulation

The solution of the payment of the national debt: With the implantation of the Computational Monetary System, the Virtual Central Bank substitutes all the national debt securities for Virtual Coin and it deposits its nominal values in Current Account “Personal” of its title-holders in a linked way, without there is issue of physical money to cover those securities in the Virtual Bank of the country

Every deposited amount in Bank3Sector will be transformed in public certificate or certificate of bank deposit without nominal endorsement, in other words, in guaranteed certificates for the Central Bank of the country in that the Project is implanted

Nominal: Categorical data where the order of the categories are arbitrary ex: development type, defect type

In my suit jacket’s pocket were the two receipts, nominal amount, say 50 cents, for each incline

It was bad enough that Joseph copied the French; at least they were nominal Catholics

Even though his father is estimated to sit on a fortune worth some $515 million, Park says he received only a nominal gift from his dad

from 1980 to 2006 than nominal growth in the economy, which averaged 6

find had been the wind-up walkie-talkies with a nominal

“The present peace is only nominal, for by it we have become emasculated and cowardly

If this list is too long, the group can pare it down with a tool such as multi-voting or prioritize it with a tool such as nominal group

between the two are nominal in the case of the economy of the United States

Not only was she the nominal head of her clan, her powers as a witch woman was both well known and feared

As the Tsar abdicated a Provisional Government assumed nominal control of the country

Religion has become more and more a nominal influence, largely a ritualistic exercise

All systems checked nominal,” the computer replied in its HAL voice

Taking his cues from the officer holding the nominal list, De Gaulle then distributed French War Crosses and War Crosses with Leaves to the members of the Time Patrol, with the field agents receiving the medal of Knight of the Legion of Honor on top of their War Cross with Leaves

mother accommodates all of this for a nominal fee

Usually, there is a nominal annual fee paid to

1) The Nominal Cost- This is the “up front”, accounting cost of an action which will be

determine the cost of debt in both nominal and default forms

The nominal cost is affected

control is an issue, then a few shareholders at the top can profit by issuing debt instead of equity, even if it means a nominal decrease in the stock price

security is truly “risk-free”, because of inflation and the nominal probability of

Ben would be easily satisfied with a nominal payment to compensate the surrender of his waterfront dream

With its flight plan in automated mode and with all the parameters double-checked and all systems showing nominal, Tina spoke six words in a calm voice to her pilot

The return message also gave a nominal value per carat for those diamonds, based on their quality, color and quantity compared to what was available on the diamond market

at a nominal $10

» In short, real Christians are regenerate, and merely nominal Christians are not

TPiE nominal y appoints the members of the Cabinet (‘Kashag’ in

have to be just the nominal agent of their destruction

As bridegroom and nominal head of the house in his father’s absence, he had pride of place at the high table

Returns the nominal annual interest rate, given the effective

Returns the effective annual interest rate, given the nominal

Returns the effective annual interest rate of a given nominal rate with its compounding frequency

Returns the nominal rate equivalent to a given annual effective with a given compounding frequency for the nominal rate

Still thinking of spike-harpon, the second hi-man team member looked over at her nominal leader

interest payable in the account will be reduced and some nominal penalty charged

Face value :The nominal amount assigned to a security by the issuer

The Ghandharvas among their ranks had dispersed, providing only nominal resistance

would pay a nominal tribute of a hundred thousand gold coins to Meluha, which Daksha

And then, I hope, it will be even easier for you to understand all this nominal structure of terms

This skrruullerrt system provides the considered nominal Stereo-Type with the possibility of a choice of any Direction of the “psychic creativity” inertially realized by it out of all of the quality Directions peculiar to the skrruullerrt system

That is, there is the factor of “Death” in them as a fact of a nominal end of one intermediate part of a rotation Cycle and an incessant continuation of one of its other parts

Thus, neither Life in general, nor the Existence of Forms, nor our synthetic Creativity, ends beyond the nominal border (inaccessible to our Understanding and Perception) of wave states common to diapasons of “the first” or “zero” dimension

Thus, the objective dynamic Process under the nominal name “Existence of Everything in Time” starts its implementation

Everything really exists only for one nominal Moment and subjectively ALWAYS IS — SIMULTANEOUSLY AND EVERYWHERE!

I designate all this in whole, which is individually and “very specifically” expressed at one and the same nominal instant, by such notion as “a Formo-system of Worlds” which is more objective than “a World”

So, I hope that it is now clear to you why you should not forget that besides our outward and incessantly inertially changing (in Time) subjective reality types formed only by typical “human” SFUURMM-Forms, there are also a great number of other nominal types of realities formed by systems of Perception of other Forms of Collective Intelligences that “inhabit” the same Formo-systems of Worlds everywhere in parallel with us, together with us, and near us: viruses and bacteria, worms and insects, wild and domestic animals, river fish and river animals, sea fish and sea animals, plants, minerals, molecules, atoms, elementary particles and many other particles

You should understand that the terms “dominance” of Aspects of some Qualities and “recessiveness” of Aspects of others, which I introduced in order to explain the dynamics of more “internal” states of Energy-Plasma, are very nominal notions, because in each case we have no real possibility to take into account the innumerable influences of other quality factors expressed by the infinite n-set

The bank, while operating electronic accounts (nominal money equivalents), also constantly develops, gains new experience, lives its own, banking Life, which is completely unlike yours, although it happens with your direct participation (your desire to borrow money and payments of interest rates)

In fact, each NUU-VVU-Form exists at a particular narrow-frequency range of the creative dynamics of Energy-Plasma approximately for one nominal second, during which, in each of Worlds that inertially and rotationally change each other, there is a frequency (rezonational), “moment-by-moment”, slloogrent manifestation (“unpacking-unfolding”) — from TEC of the general information “space” of a Stereo-Form — of the NUU-VVU-Configuration only of one of the Stereo-Doubles that duvuyllerrtly structure the general wave dynamics of this NUU-VVU-Form

Suppose that in strict compliance with a scenario of development of a certain Stereo-Form, the duvuyllerrt group of its Stereo-Types achieves the age that equals, for example, 832 192 967 040 SSFU-UNGSS (this is approximately 80 years 4 months 23 days 16 hours and 28 minutes — according to the nominal parameters of “linear” time keeping acknowledged in this Formo-system of Worlds), and “dies”

By the way, it’s very important to remember what I told you not so long ago: while, within the vibration range up to the fifth synthesized Level of ARGLLAAMUNI and INGLIMILISSA, the nominal information volume of UU-VVU-copies (their “number”) in the structures of the Self-Consciousness of one “personality” is expressed by three-digit numbers, owing to the sharp increase of “the information capacity” of Configurations from the fifth to the seventh Level of these Centers, it decreases down to two-digit numbers, and from the first to the third Level of the third and fourth Centers it gradually decreases to one-digit numbers

The early months of Dawson City were the only time when the worth of dollar bills actually exceeded their nominal value

It depends on the likely scale of your operations, but a nominal minimum, say a thousand dollars, might be realistic

only paid a nominal sum for service to the community

  • Use the word NOMINAL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Congratulations. — New candidates you will report to the officer of supplies, who’ll issue your Black Legion uniform for the nominal sum of $6.50.

I’ve been making a night of it with the nominal head of this household, that’s all.

For them, we could bottle the miraculous water… and it could be sold, at a nominal fee, all over the world!

You shall be the nominal owner of the ticket.

But that’s just a nominal formality.

And the laws of your country only allow you to take a nominal amount.

No. Mr. Korvo reads souls, guides human destinies with the aid of the stars… and makes fortunes for other people… at a nominal fee.

It’s only that with the mortgage holders and the death duties… my inheritance of Hurstwood is purely nominal.

When I first started, it was nominal.

If you came here to park this i’ll just charge you nominal rates but if you’re here to sell it you’ll have to give me three and a half minutes for my little laugh.

Well, something nominal, let’s say $200 a month…

Feathersmith. Now, the cost for what you ask is nominal. The entire cost, and that includes transportation back, clothing, retaining of your memory, maintenance of the town in its historically accurate form including its citizenry is, uh, $36,890,000 leaving you a balance of…

Now, under certain circumstances, we might even allow you to remain in nominal control. That’s assuming that you don’t give us any trouble. Now, that’s unofficial.

The nominal leader of the Tokugawa espionage network was Munenori Yagyu, but in reality the network was run by somebody else.

This £20,000 will grow and grow, under astute management, who will charge but a nominal fee, and this by then great sum will be handed to the one amongst you who is the last surviving member of the tontine.

nominal, but a definite drain.

Yes. Did you remember to suppress the nominal factors when you fed those figures in?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I remembered to suppress the nominal factors.

You see, my mother sold the place to Hector Jonas for such a nominal sum that, uh, he allowed us to live upstairs in perpetuity.

-In a program of this magnitude in which all nominal safety factors are disregarded I calculate 02 percent of the workforce—

well, with nominal oxygen usage, I make it 36 hours left

Do you really believe we’re going to turn this school over to a bunch of kids who pay a few hundred dollars a year nominal tuition and that that qualifies them to run a university that has produced four governors, three senators and a president of the United States?

One of our R.F. S shows six points over nominal at pressure 3.

Check with Wildfire Message Center, Delta Five. Make sure everything there is nominal.

All circuit banks nominal.

Copies of today’s lecture may be obtained for a nominal fee by writing to this station.

It’s only a nominal ┬ú130,000 for a study… of paranoid, schizophrenic rats.

Roger, Houston, we read nominal A.L.C.S.

Motor burns on all rocket engines for both satellites appear nominal.

Life-support system, nominal.

The nominal leader of the Heike, the emperor of Japan was a 7-year-old boy named Antoku.

We are nominal on all systems here.

For a nominal charge, our staff photographer will be happy to prepare a special souvenir album of your honeymoon stay.

Brain waves, pulse, all nominal.

Pennsylvania USA there is a vacancy open which entitles a member of the league to a salary of four pounds a week for purely nominal services.

Yes, but what do you call purely nominal?

Tank #1 internal pressure, nominal.

Main support inclination nominal to spec.

Environment’s as programmed, temperature 97 degrees Kelvin, radiation flux zero, stasis field nominal, everything as it should be, right down the line.

Antonym: practical, real, veritable. Similar words: nominally, nominal interest rate, nominate, nomination, denominator, denomination, nominee, ignominy. Meaning: [‘nɑmɪnl /’nɒ-]  n. a phrase that can function as the subject or object of a verb. adj. 1. relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name 2. insignificantly small; a matter of form only (`tokenish’ is informal) 3. pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun 4. being value in terms of specification on currency or stock certificates rather than purchasing power 5. named; bearing the name of a specific person 6. existing in name only. 

Random good picture Not show

1 Food is supplied at a nominal cost.

2 She is only the nominal chairman: the real work is done by somebody else.

3 The shares were sold for well below their nominal value.

4 A nominal charge is made for use of the tennis courts.

5 She’s the nominal head of our college — the real work is done by her deputy.

6 The king was only the nominal head of the state.

7 He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years.

8 The charge of the box lunch was nominal.

9 This service is available at a nominal charge.

10 We only pay a nominal rent.

11 She charged only a nominal fee for her work.

12 The settler got the house at a nominal price.

13 Their conversion to Christianity was only nominal.

14 I was brought up a nominal Christian.

15 The charity pays a nominal sum to lease the premises.

16 We had to pay a nominal fee to join the club.

17 We make a nominal charge for use of the tennis courts.

18 For a nominal fee,[] they will deliver orders to customers’ homes.

19 The managing director has the nominal power but he is a paper tiger, and it is his assistant who actually runs the company.

20 Inflation would be lower and so nominal rates would be rather more attractive in real terms.

21 If prices rise and the nominal wage remains constant, the real wage falls.

22 Clinton has nominal opposition in the Democratic primary.

23 The nominal rate of interest has two components.

24 It is misleading, however, to compare nominal interest rates.

25 Emap will acquire nominal net assets.

26 All levy a nominal admission fee.

27 It’s fairly clear that he is only the nominal head of the local party — in fact he’s got no authority at all.

28 As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.

29 All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.

30 Guy was elected leader and then found to have the highest EQ on a nominal measure.

More similar words: nominally, nominal interest rate, nominate, nomination, denominator, denomination, nominee, ignominy, ignominious, dominant, dominate, ignominiously, dominance, domination, abominable, abominably, germinal, criminal, abomination, predominate, predominant, predominance, economic, economics, economist, polynomial, economical, ergonomics, economically, coming. 

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