The word no in several languages

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This is a guide to saying no in different languages broken up by language family including the Indo-European languages of the Americas and Europe; the Afro-Asiatic languages of Arabic, Hebrew, Maltese and Swahili; the Sino-Tibetan languages of Mandarin Chinese and Burmese or Myanmar; and finally, learn how to say no in Vietnamese, part of the Austroasiatic language family. Learn how to say and pronounce no, yes, and other related words and phrases in each language. Learn a little bit about the history of the language and read a saying or proverb from that language that includes a negative word like no, nor, or none.

  1. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 1


    Say nee in Afrikaans to say no. No in Afrikaans is pronounced differently than it is spelled and should sound like nee-yu. [1]
    To say yes you say ja. It is a long and low sound with an h sound like ya-hu. [2]
    Afrikaans is one of the languages of South Africa. It is a descendant of Dutch, a West Germanic language, brought to the Dutch colony of the Cape of Good Hope in Africa by European settlers in the 17th century.[3]
    Afrikaans evolved from a mixture of Dutch and other languages including Bantu, Khoisan languages, and English. [4]
    There are approximately 10 million people total who speak Afrikaans as a native language. It is spoken mostly in South Africa, but it is also spoken some in Botswana, Namibia and Eswatini.[5]

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    Say não in Portuguese to say no. The pronunciation of não is nõw, and you say it as you would in English but the ow is more nasalized. In Portuguese yes is sim, and it is pronounced as see or as if you are saying the first half of the word sing in English. Portuguese is a Romance language with Latin roots spoken by around 220 million people in the world mainly in Portugal and Brazil but also in other countries like Mozambique, Cape Verde, and Angola Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé and Príncipe.[6]
    Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language in the world. [7]

    • A Portuguese quote containing the word no is, Não há remédio para o amor, exceto amar ainda mais, meaning that there is no remedy for love but to love more.


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    Say niet to say no in Russian. No is pronounced nyet. [8]
    Niet is written Нет in Russian and is the most common Russian word. The Russian word for yes is da. It is pronounced duh. Yes written in Russian is Да. Russian is the eighth most spoken language in the world with 145 million native speakers and 110 second language speakers. It is an official language in the following countries: Abkhazia, which is a part of Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Transnistria, which is a part of Moldova.[9]

    • An expression with the word no in Russian is, Нет. Без муки нет науки. Directly translated this means “without torture no science.” The equivalent meaning in English is something like, “adversity is a good teacher.”
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    Say nein to say no in German. The emphasis is on the «ei» sound when you pronounce the word nein. Ja is how you say yes in German. German is the tenth most spoken language in the world with 101 million native speakers and 128 million second language speakers. It is an official language of Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy (South Tyrol), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland.[10]

    • You can say “no way” in German by saying, Auf keinen Fall. [11]
    • Nicht is the equivalent of not in English.
    • Kein is another word for no and can mean not any, no one, nobody, none, and not.[12]
      Niemals means never in German. [13]
    • A saying with a negation in German is, Wenn der Reiter nichts taugt, ist das Pferd schuld. The literal translation of this saying is, “If the rider is no good, it’s the horse’s fault.” This means that one should take responsibility for his/her actions and not blame others or the circumstances for one’s loses.
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    Say nahi to say no in Hindi. In Hindi, no is written नहीं. No is pronounced nahin and the pronunciation is soft. The emphasis is on the na at the beginning of the word, and the n is nasal. Yes in Hindi is pronounced haa and is spelled हाँ. Hindi is the second most spoken language in the world. 370 million people speak Hindi as their native language and 120 million speak it as a second language. It is an official language in Fiji and India. [14]

    • To say no more politely, add ji to the beginning or end of nahi. This is the same for yes, haa.
    • Although Hindi is the official language of India, there are 22 major languages and 720 dialects spoken in India. [15]
    • A quote that says no in Hindi is, जल में रहकर मगर से बैर ठीक नहीं which translates to you should not have enmity with the crocodile if you are living in the water and means that you should strive to have good relationships with the people you have to live or work with.[16]
    • There are 3 stylistic varieties of Hindi: one used in high courts, journalism, literature, philosophy and religion; another Persianized version that is used in lower courts, films and some genres of literature; and a third Anglicized version for business administration, colleges, and science and technical journals. [17]
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    Say voch to say no in Armenian. In Armenian, no is written as ոչ and is pronounced votch. Ha is how you say yes in Armenian. Che and ayo are another way to say no and yes in Armenian, respectively. There are approximately 6.7 million people who speak Armenian in the world. 3.4 million live in Armenia and the majority of the remainder live in Georgia and Russia. However, there are also smaller populations of Armenians in Lebanon, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Iraq, France, the United States, and Bulgaria.

    • In Modern Armenian there are two written versions, Western Armenian, Arewmtahayerên, and Eastern Armenian, Arewelahayerên. There are also many dialects of Armenian although the number has been drastically reduced since 1915 when the massacres in Turkey began an exodus.[18]
    • A quote that includes no in Armenian is, Ոչ իմ հալը, ոչ քո հարսանիք գալը, or Voch im hal, voch qo harsaniq gal. The literal translation means, neither my situation, nor you coming to a wedding. And it means something like, I am not in the mood for what you’re doing right now.[19]
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    Say non in French. Non is «no» in French.

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  1. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 8


    Say lo to say no in Hebrew. Lo is pronounced loh. The oh has a low tone, and the emphasis in the pronunciation is on the «L» sound. In Hebrew, yes is written כן, and it is pronounced ken. In ancient times, Hebrew was spoken in Palestine and was starting to be replaced by the Western Aramaic dialect by the 3rd century. In the 9th century, the spoken language of Hebrew declined except in liturgical practices and literature. It wasn’t until the 19th and 20th century that the language was revived and made the official language of Israel when it became a nation in 1948. There approximately 5 million native speakers of Hebrew.[20]

    • Hebrew has 22 letters and is written from right to left in a Semitic script. [21]
    • In Hebrew, “I have no idea” is transliterated as, ein li mu-sag and is written, אין לי מושג.[22]
    • A Hebrew saying with lo is, מרוב עצים לא רואים את היער, and it is transliterated as merov etzim lo ro’im eth ha’ya’ar. Directly translated it means that the trees can’t see the forest,and is the same as the English saying that means you should be careful to keep the big picture in mind when struggling through day-to-day life.[23]
  2. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 9


    Say la in Arabic to say no. You pronounce la with a glottal stop at the end of the word laa’. An example of a glottal stop is between the words “uh” and “oh” in “uh-oh.”[24]
    To say “no thank you” in the Lebanese dialect of Arabic you would say la` cukran. It is written in Arabic, لا شكرا. To say yes in Arabic is na’am’ or نعم and is pronounced naäam. The middle “a” has a sound like a soft aargh.[25]
    Arabic is the language of the Qurʾān and the religious language of all muslim people, and it is the most developed of the Semitic languages.

    • Arabic is spoken in Northern Africa, the Arabian peninsula, and parts of the Middle East.There are many countries with Arabic as an official language including Algeria, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Palestinian Territories, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, and Yemen.
    • Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world with 206 million native speakers and 24 million second language speakers.[26]
    • To say, “I have no idea,” you would say, La adril! In Arabic it is written as, لاأدري.
    • A quote in Egyptian Arabic with la is transliterated as la yuldaġ il-mo’men min goHr marratein. Written in Arabic it is, لا يلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين, and it literally means the believer is not bitten from the same hole twice. Which is the equivalent to the saying in English, «Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.[27]
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    Say le in Maltese to say no. Le is pronounced as it looks. [28]
    Iva is yes in Maltese and it is pronounced Eve-a. The Maltese language is close to being a dialect of Arabic, being most closely related to Algerian or Tunisian dialects of Arabic, and it is a Semitic language spoken on the island of Malta. Unlike dialects of Arabic, however, Maltese is heavily influenced by Italian and Sicilian. Also unlike Arabic, Maltese is written in a Latin script. There are two dominant variations of Maltese split by class between the educated upper and middle classes living near cities like the capital, Valletta, and the industrial and agricultural classes that speak a dialect closer to the Arabic roots of Maltese. There are roughly half a million people who speak Maltese in the world.

    • Malta is an archipelago located in the Mediterranean sea between the Northern coast of Africa and Sicily. Malta was first populated by Arabs in 870 CE who stayed until 1090 when it was taken over by Europeans. Malta was ruled by various Europeans including the Sicilians until 1530, the Italians until 1798, and finally the British until 1964 when Malta gained independence.
    • To say, never you would say quatt pronounced ’at. Nothing in Maltese is xejn pronounced sheyn. To say, none you would say hadd pronounced had.
    • A quote from Maltese is, Hadd ma jiehu xejn mieghu, and it means something like no one takes anything with him after he dies.[29]
  4. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 11


    Say hapana in Swahili to say no. The emphasis is on the «AP» when you pronounce the word hapana. To say yes in Swahili, you would say ndiyo. Swahili is a Bantu language that is the native language of around 10 million people. Most importantly, Swahili is the lingua franca of Eastern Africa and is used to as a bridge language for Africans of different dialects and languages that is used to communicate all the way from Kenya to Tanzania, including the African Great Lakes region.[30]

    • Swahili is a hybrid between the Arabic and Bantu languages. In its beginning, Swahili developed through the contact of Arabic traders with the Bantu-speaking tribes. Much of its vocabulary is borrowed from Arabic while the grammar is from the Bantu language. The original scripts that are found of Swahili were written in Arabic but Swahili now uses the Roman alphabet.[31]
    • To say, «No thank you» in Swahili you would say, Hapana asante. [32]
    • A quote with hapana in Swahili is kuambizana kuko kusikilizana hapana. and means that no one ever listens to advice.
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  1. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 12


    Say to say no in Mandarin Chinese. No is written 不 and pronounced bu4. [33]
    «Not» in Mandarin is very similar and is written 不是 and pronounced bu2shi4. The 4 in the pronunciation means that it is a high tone falling and should be said like a curt command in English. In Mandarin, there are five tones which determine the meaning of words. The tone determines the meaning of the word as much as the difference between the words horse and mother. For example, depending on the tone given to the word «ma» in Mandarin, it could mean mother (妈), flax (麻), horse (马), scold (骂), or a question participle (吗). [34]

    • Mandarin is the most spoken language in China as well as the world. There are 873 million native speakers of Chinese and 178 million second language speakers. It is an official language in China and Singapore. People in the north of the Yangtze River in China speak Mandarin along with other parts of the population, and overall, it is the native language of ⅔ of the population.
    • There are four types of Mandarin spoken in China with the most prominent form being the form in the capital, Beijing. The form in Beijing is considered Modern Standard Chinese or Guoyu.[36]
    • To say “No, thank you,” you would say bu2xie4, and it is written as 不谢. The tone 2 means that the pronunciation of bu2xie4 is a middle pitch that is rising, much like a question in English. The 4 means that it is a high tone falling and should be said like a curt command in English. An informal way to say, “No need to thank me” or “Not at all” in Mandarin is bu2yong4xie4. It is written, 不用谢.
    • A quote with bù in Mandarin is 不作死就不会死 or bù zuō sǐ jiù bú huì sǐ. Literally translated it means «no zuo no die» which means that if you don’t do foolish things, you won’t be in danger of the repercussions of your folly. [37]
  2. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 13


    Say ma ho bu in Burmese, or Myanmar, to say no. When using a negation in Burmese, you use the structures, ma + ___ + bu or ma + ___ + neh. The first indicates that the verb did not accomplish what it does, for example, nei ma kaing bu means you did not touch it. Nei ma kaing neh structure means that the verb must not be successful, and the translation is “you do not touch it.” To say yes in Burmese, you say ho de.[38]
    Burmese is spoken in Myanmar, which was formally known as Burma, and it is located in the western part of mainland Southeast Asia.[39]

    • “Never” in Burmese is be daw hma. “No problem” in Burmese is pyat tha nar ma hoat ba bu.
    • The rounded script of written Burmese comes from the use of palm leaves as the original writing materials. Early Burmese script can be found from as early as the 11th century, and this script was a derivative of the Pāli alphabet of India and Taiwan.[40]
    • Burmese is a tonal language like Mandarin and has three tones, high, low, and creaky as well as a stopped and reduced tone.
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  1. Image titled Say No in Various Languages Step 14


    Say không to say no in Vietnamese. No is pronounced khong. To say “No, thank you” in Vietnamese you would say, Da Không Cảm ơn which is pronounced «Ya’a kohng gam uhhn.» [41]
    The respectful way to say yes in Vietnamese is to say, da pronounced ya’a. Another way to give an affirmative is vâng pronounced vuhng.[42]

    • Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam and is spoken by approximately 70 million people. The dialects in Vietnamese do not differ much more than those of the various parts of the United States except for two rural dialects, Hue and Vinh. Standard Vietnamese is the dialect of the educated near Hanoi, the capital. As a language, much of Vietnamese vocabulary has been borrowed from Chinese.
    • A quote with Không is, Điếc không sợ súng and it means that he who knows nothing doubts nothing. [43]

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    How do you say no in Japanese?

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    いいえ。It’s pronounced as iie. Note: If you don’t hold the «ii» long enough where it sounds like «ie», you’ll be saying house. Don’t mix them up.

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    What is the Greek word for «no?»


    It’s pronounced «OH-khee.» The «kh» is a very soft «k» mixed with an «h.»

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    Where can I find out how to say «no» in other languages?

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    Try Google Translate.

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  • Practice a particular way to say no every day, and/or try to incorporate in your daily life by substituting your own way of saying no with the foreign language’s word for no.

  • Try finding a site that has an audio system so you can hear how the word is pronounced, like, or a foreign language site.

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Article SummaryX

To say no in French, say “Non.” In German, say “Nein,” just like the number. In Russian, you’d say “Niet.” In Hindi, which is the official language of India, you say, “Nahi.” In Arabic, you say “la.” Arabic is spoken in Northern Africa and some Middle Eastern countries. To learn to say no in Mandarin and Vietnamese, read on!

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how to say no in different languages

There are many different reasons to say the word “no”. Whether you are trying to tell your Russian date rapist that the backdoor is off limits, or simply letting your server in Amsterdam know that you are too high to suck on another weed lollipop, the word “no” is something you need to know how to say in any language.

how to say no in different languages

Luckily, most people (except Ivy League Lacrosse players, and Florida frat boys) understand the word “no” regardless of where in the world you are, but just in case you find yourself in Armenia trying to keep yourself from being sold into the sex trade, here are a few ways to say the word “no” in different languages:

Fuck No-English

Goodness gracious, no thank you-British

Nah, brother- Ebonics

Voch’ – Armenian

Nie – Belarusian

Ne – Bulgarian

Bù – Chinese

Nej – Danish

Nee – Dutch

Hindi – Filipino

Non – French

Nein – German

Ohee – Greek

Lo – Hebrew

Tidak – Indonesian

Aniyo – Korean

Nu – Romanian

Hapana – Swahili

Hayır – Turkish

Nid oes – Welsh

May your vagina be protected, always.

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About the author


Gary is the gay guy that every girl wants to be, and every guy wants to be with (Mostly because he can’t get pregnant). He is based in Manhattan, but loves traveling to exotic new people, and sleeping with interesting new places. He is an adventurous writer, digital artist, and game designer that will try almost anything if it makes a good story.
—Instagram: @garyadrianrandall —Twitter: @gadrianrandall

Look up yes in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Look up no in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Yes and no, or word pairs with similar words, are expressions of the affirmative and the negative, respectively, in several languages, including English. Some languages make a distinction between answers to affirmative versus negative questions and may have three-form or four-form systems. English originally used a four-form system up to and including Early Middle English and Modern English has reduced to a two-form system consisting of ‘yes’ and ‘no’. It exists in many facets of communication, such as: eye blink communication, head movements, Morse Code, and sign language. Some languages, such as Latin, do not have yes-no word systems.

Answering yes/no question with single words meaning ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is by no means universal. Probably about half the world’s languages typically employ an echo response: repeating the verb in the question in an affirmative or a negative form. Some of these also have optional words for ‘yes’ and ‘no’, like Hungarian, Russian, and Portuguese. Others simply don’t have designated yes/no words, like Welsh, Irish, Latin, Thai, and Chinese.[1] Echo responses avoid the issue of what an unadorned yes means in response to a negative question. Yes and no can be used as a response to a variety of situations – but are better suited when asked simple questions. While a yes response to the question, «You don’t like strawberries?» is ambiguous in English, the Welsh response ydw (I am) has no ambiguity.

The words yes and no are not easily classified into any of the eight conventional parts of speech. Sometimes they are classified as interjections, although they do not qualify as such,[fact or opinion?] and they are not adverbs. They are sometimes classified as a part of speech in their own right, sentence words, or pro-sentences, although that category contains more than yes and no, and not all linguists include them in their lists of sentence words. Sentences consisting solely of one of these two words are classified as minor sentences.

Classification of English grammarEdit

Although sometimes classified as interjections, these words do not express emotion or act as calls for attention; they are not adverbs because they do not qualify any verb, adjective, or adverb. They are sometimes classified as a part of speech in their own right: sentence words or word sentences.[2][3][4]

This is the position of Otto Jespersen, who states that «‘Yes’ and ‘No’ … are to all intents and purposes sentences just as much as the most delicately balanced sentences ever uttered by Demosthenes or penned by Samuel Johnson.»[5]

Georg von der Gabelentz, Henry Sweet, and Philipp Wegener have all written on the subject of sentence words. Both Sweet and Wegener include yes and no in this category, with Sweet treating them separately from both imperatives and interjections, although Gabelentz does not.[6]

Watts[7] classifies yes and no as grammatical particles, in particular response particles. He also notes their relationship to the interjections oh and ah, which is that the interjections can precede yes and no but not follow them. Oh as an interjection expresses surprise, but in the combined forms oh yes and oh no merely acts as an intensifier; but ah in the combined forms ah yes and ah no retains its stand-alone meaning, of focusing upon the previous speaker’s or writer’s last statement. The forms *yes oh, *yes ah, *no oh, and *no ah are grammatically ill-formed. Aijmer[8] similarly categorizes the yes and no as response signals or reaction signals.

Ameka classifies these two words in different ways according to the context. When used as back-channel items, he classifies them as interjections; but when they are used as the responses to a yes–no question, he classifies them as formulaic words. The distinction between an interjection and a formula is, in Ameka’s view, that the former does not have an addressee (although it may be directed at a person), whereas the latter does. The yes or no in response to the question is addressed at the interrogator, whereas yes or no used as a back-channel item is a feedback usage, an utterance that is said to oneself. However, Sorjonen criticizes this analysis as lacking empirical work on the other usages of these words, in addition to interjections and feedback uses.[9]

Bloomfield and Hockett classify the words, when used to answer yes-no questions, as special completive interjections. They classify sentences comprising solely one of these two words as minor sentences.[3]

Sweet classifies the words in several ways. They are sentence-modifying adverbs, adverbs that act as modifiers to an entire sentence. They are also sentence words, when standing alone. They may, as question responses, also be absolute forms that correspond to what would otherwise be the not in a negated echo response. For example, a «No.» in response to the question «Is he here?» is equivalent to the echo response «He is not here.» Sweet observes that there is no correspondence with a simple yes in the latter situation, although the sentence-word «Certainly.» provides an absolute form of an emphatic echo response «He is certainly here.» Many other adverbs can also be used as sentence words in this way.[10]

Unlike yes, no can also be an adverb of degree, applying to adjectives solely in the comparative (e.g., no greater, no sooner, but not no soon or no soonest), and an adjective when applied to nouns (e.g., «He is no fool.» and Dyer’s «No clouds, no vapours intervene.»).[10][11]

Grammarians of other languages have created further, similar, special classifications for these types of words. Tesnière classifies the French oui and non as phrasillons logiques (along with voici). Fonagy observes that such a classification may be partly justified for the former two, but suggests that pragmatic holophrases is more appropriate.[12]

The Early English four-form systemEdit

While Modern English has a two-form system of yes and no for affirmatives and negatives, earlier forms of English had a four-form system, comprising the words yea, nay, yes, and no. Yes contradicts a negatively formulated question, No affirms it; Yea affirms a positively formulated question, Nay contradicts it.

  • Will they not go? — Yes, they will.
  • Will they not go? — No, they will not.
  • Will they go? — Yea, they will.
  • Will they go? — Nay, they will not.

This is illustrated by the following passage from Much Ado about Nothing:[13]

Claudio: Can the world buie such a iewell? [buy such a jewel]
Benedick: Yea, and a case to put it into, but speake you this with a sad brow?

Benedick’s answer of yea is a correct application of the rule, but as observed by W. A. Wright «Shakespeare does not always observe this rule, and even in the earliest times the usage appears not to have been consistent.» Furness gives as an example the following, where Hermia’s answer should, in following the rule, have been yes:[13][14]

Demetrius: Do not you thinke, The Duke was heere, and bid vs follow him?
Hermia: Yea, and my Father.

This subtle grammatical feature of Early Modern English is recorded by Sir Thomas More in his critique of William Tyndale’s translation of the New Testament into Early Modern English, which was then quoted as an authority by later scholars:[13]

I would not here note by the way that Tyndale here translateth no for nay, for it is but a trifle and mistaking of the Englishe worde : saving that ye shoulde see that he whych in two so plain Englishe wordes, and so common as in naye and no can not tell when he should take the one and when the tother, is not for translating into Englishe a man very mete. For the use of these two wordes in aunswering a question is this. No aunswereth the question framed by the affirmative. As for ensample if a manne should aske Tindall himselfe: ys an heretike meete to translate Holy Scripture into Englishe ? Lo to thys question if he will aunswere trew Englishe, he must aunswere nay and not no. But and if the question be asked hym thus lo: is not an heretike mete to translate Holy Scripture into Englishe ? To this question if he will aunswere trewe Englishe, he must aunswere no and not nay. And a lyke difference is there betwene these two adverbs ye and yes. For if the question bee framed unto Tindall by the affirmative in thys fashion. If an heretique falsely translate the New Testament into Englishe, to make his false heresyes seem the word of Godde, be his bokes worthy to be burned ? To this questyon asked in thys wyse, yf he will aunswere true Englishe, he must aunswere ye and not yes. But now if the question be asked him thus lo; by the negative. If an heretike falsely translate the Newe Testament into Englishe to make his false heresyee seme the word of God, be not hys bokes well worthy to be burned ? To thys question in thys fashion framed if he will aunswere trewe Englishe he may not aunswere ye but he must answere yes, and say yes marry be they, bothe the translation and the translatour, and al that wyll hold wyth them.

— Thomas More, The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer, pp. 430[15][16]

In fact, More’s exemplification of the rule actually contradicts his statement of what the rule is. This went unnoticed by scholars such as Horne Tooke, Robert Gordon Latham, and Trench, and was first pointed out by George Perkins Marsh in his Century Dictionary, where he corrects More’s incorrect statement of the first rule, «No aunswereth the question framed by the affirmative.», to read nay. That even More got the rule wrong, even while himself dressing down Tyndale for getting it wrong, is seen by Furness as evidence that the four word system was «too subtle a distinction for practice».

Marsh found no evidence of a four-form system in Mœso-Gothic, although he reported finding «traces» in Old English. He observed that in the Anglo-Saxon Gospels,

  • positively phrased questions are answered positively with gea (John 21:15,16, King James Version: «Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee» etc.)
  • and negatively with ne (Luke 12:51, KJ: «Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division»; 13:4,5, KJ: «Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.»), nese (John 21:5 «Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.»; Matthew 13:28,29, KJ: «The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.»), and nic meaning «not I» (John 18:17, KJ: «Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, Art not thou also one of this man’s disciples? He saith, I am not.»);
  • while negatively phrased questions are answered positively with gyse (Matthew 17:25, KJ: «they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? He saith, Yes.»)
  • and negatively for example with , meaning «no one» (John 8:10,11, «he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord.»).[14]

Marsh calls this four-form system of Early Modern English a «needless subtlety». Tooke called it a «ridiculous distinction», with Marsh concluding that Tooke believed Thomas More to have simply made this rule up and observing that Tooke is not alone in his disbelief of More. Marsh, however, points out (having himself analyzed the works of John Wycliffe, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, John Skelton, and Robert of Gloucester, and Piers Plowman and Le Morte d’Arthur) that the distinction both existed and was generally and fairly uniformly observed in Early Modern English from the time of Chaucer to the time of Tyndale. But after the time of Tyndale, the four-form system was rapidly replaced by the modern two-form system.[14]

Three-form systemsEdit

Several languages have a three-form system, with two affirmative words and one negative. In a three-form system, the affirmative response to a positively phrased question is the unmarked affirmative, the affirmative response to a negatively phrased question is the marked affirmative, and the negative response to both forms of question is the (single) negative. For example, in Norwegian the affirmative answer to «Snakker du norsk?» («Do you speak Norwegian?») is «Ja», and the affirmative answer to «Snakker du ikke norsk?» («Do you not speak Norwegian?») is «Jo», while the negative answer to both questions is «Nei».[14][17][18][19][20]

Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese, Hungarian, German, Dutch, French and Malayalam all have three-form systems. Swedish and Danish have ja, jo, and nej. Norwegian has ja, jo/jau, and nei. Icelandic has , , and nei. Faroese has ja, , and nei. Hungarian has igen, de, and nem. German has ja, doch, and nein. Dutch has ja, jawel, and nee. French has oui, si, and non. Malayalam has അതേ, ഉവ്വ് and ഇല്ല. Though, technically Malayalam is a multi-form system of Yes and No as can be seen from below, the former are the formal words for Yes and No.

Swedish, and to some extent Danish and Norwegian, also have additional forms javisst and jovisst, analogous to ja and jo, to indicate a strong affirmative response. Swedish (and Danish and Norwegian slang) also have the forms joho and nehej, which both indicate stronger response than jo or nej. Jo can also be used as an emphatic contradiction of a negative statement.[18][21] And Malayalam has the additional forms അതേല്ലോ, ഉവ്വല്ലോ and ഇല്ലല്ലോ which act like question words, question tags or to strengthen the affirmative or negative response, indicating stronger meaning than അതേ, ഉവ്വ് and ഇല്ല. The words അല്ലേ, ആണല്ലോ, അല്ലല്ലോ, വേണല്ലോ, വേണ്ടല്ലോ, ഉണ്ടല്ലോ and ഇല്ലേ work in the same ways. These words also sound more polite as they don’t sound like curt when saying «No!» or «Yes!». ഉണ്ട means «it is there» and the word behaves as an affirmative response like അതേ. The usage of ഏയ് to simply mean «No» or «No way!», is informal and may be casual or sarcastic, while അല്ല is the more formal way of saying «false», «incorrect» or that «it is not» and is a negative response for questions. The word അല്ലല്ല has a stronger meaning than അല്ല. ശരി is used to mean «OK» or «correct», with the opposite ശരിയല്ല meaning «not OK» or «not correct». It is used to answer affirmatively to questions to confirm any action by the asker, but to answer negatively one says വേണ്ടാ. വേണം and വേണ്ട both mean to «want» and to «not want».

Other languages with four-form systemsEdit

Like Early Modern English, the Romanian language has a four-form system. The affirmative and negative responses to positively phrased questions are da and nu, respectively. But in responses to negatively phrased questions they are prefixed with ba (i.e. ba da and ba nu). nu is also used as a negation adverb, infixed between subject and verb. Thus, for example, the affirmative response to the negatively phrased question «N-ai plătit?» («Didn’t you pay?») is «Ba da.» («Yes.»—i.e. «I did pay.»), and the negative response to a positively phrased question beginning «Se poate să …?» («Is it possible to …?») is «Nu, nu se poate.» («No, it is not possible.»—note the use of nu for both no and negation of the verb.)[22][23][24]

Related words in other languages and translation problemsEdit

Bloomfield and Hockett observe that not all languages have special completive interjections.


Finnish does not generally answer yes-no questions with either adverbs or interjections but answers them with a repetition of the verb in the question,[25] negating it if the answer is the negative. (This is an echo response.) The answer to «Tuletteko kaupungista?» («Are you coming from town?») is the verb form itself, «Tulemme.» («We are coming.») However, in spoken Finnish, a simple «Yes» answer is somewhat more common, «Joo.»

Negative questions are answered similarly. Negative answers are just the negated verb form. The answer to «Tunnetteko herra Lehdon?» («Do you know Mr Lehto?») is «En tunne.» («I don’t know.») or simply «En.» («I don’t.»).[3][26][27][28] However, Finnish also has particle words for «yes»: «Kyllä» (formal) and «joo» (colloquial). A yes-no question can be answered «yes» with either «kyllä» or «joo«, which are not conjugated according to the person and plurality of the verb. «Ei«, however, is always conjugated and means «no».


Estonian has a structure similar to Finnish, with both repetitions and interjections. Jah means «yes». Unlike Finnish, the negation particle is always ei, regardless of person and plurality. Ei ole («am/are/is not») can be replaced by pole (a contraction of the ancient expression ep ole, meaning the same).

The word küll, cognate to Finnish kyllä, can be used to reply positively to a negative question: «Kas sa ei räägi soome keelt?» «Räägin küll!» («You don’t speak Finnish?» «Yes, I do!») It can also be used to approve a positive statement: «Sa tulidki kaasa!» «Tulin küll.» («You (unexpectedly) came along!» «Yes I did.»)


Up until the 16th century Latvian did not have a word for «yes» and the common way of responding affirmatively to a question was by repeating the question’s verb, just as in Finnish. The modern day was borrowed from Middle High German ja and first appeared in 16th-century religious texts, especially catechisms, in answers to questions about faith. At that time such works were usually translated from German by non-Latvians that had learned Latvian as a foreign language. By the 17th century, was being used by some Latvian speakers that lived near the cities, and more frequently when speaking to non-Latvians, but they would revert to agreeing by repeating the question verb when talking among themselves. By the 18th century the use of was still of low frequency, and in Northern Vidzeme the word was almost non-existent until the 18th and early 19th century. Only in the mid-19th century did really become usual everywhere.[29]


It is often assumed that Welsh has no words at all for yes and no. It has ie and nage, and do and naddo. However, these are used only in specialized circumstances and are some of the many ways in Welsh of saying yes or no. Ie and nage are used to respond to sentences of simple identification, while do and naddo are used to respond to questions specifically in the past tense. As in Finnish, the main way to state yes or no, in answer to yes-no questions, is to echo the verb of the question. The answers to «Ydy Ffred yn dod?» («Is Ffred coming?») are either «Ydy» («He is (coming).») or «Nac ydy» («He is not (coming)»). In general, the negative answer is the positive answer combined with nag. For more information on yes and no answers to yes-no questions in Welsh, see Jones, listed in further reading.[28][30][31]

Goidelic languagesEdit

The Goidelic languages (Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx) do not have words for yes or no at all. Instead, an echo response of the main verb used to ask the question is used. Sometimes, one of the words meaning «to be» (Irish or is, see Irish syntax § The forms meaning «to be»; Scottish Gaelic tha or is see Scottish Gaelic grammar § verbs; Manx ta or is) is used. For example, the Irish question «An bhfuil sé ag teacht?» («Is he coming?») may be answered «« («Is») or «Níl« («Is not»). More frequently, another verb will be used. For example, to respond to «Ar chuala sé?» («Did he hear?»), «Chuala» («Heard») or «Níor chuala» («Did not hear») are used. Irish people frequently give echo answers in English as well, e.g. «Did you hear?» Answer «I heard/I did».


Latin has no single words for yes and no. Their functions as word sentence responses to yes-no questions are taken up by sentence adverbs, single adverbs that are sentence modifiers and also used as word sentences. There are several such adverbs classed as truth-value adverbs—including certe, fortasse, nimirum, plane, vero, etiam, sane, videlicet, and minime (negative). They express the speaker’s/writer’s feelings about the truth value of a proposition. They, in conjunction with the negator non, are used as responses to yes-no questions.[3][32][33][34][35] For example:

«Quid enim diceres? Damnatum? Certe non.» («For what could you say? That I had been condemned? Assuredly not.»)

Latin also employs echo responses.[34][36]

Galician and PortugueseEdit

These languages have words for yes and no, namely si and non in Galician and sim and não in Portuguese. However, answering a question with them is less idiomatic than answering with the verb in the proper conjugation.


In Spanish, the words ‘yes’ and no ‘no’ are unambiguously classified as adverbs: serving as answers to questions and also modifying verbs. The affirmative can replace the verb after a negation (Yo no tengo coche, pero él = I don’t own a car, but he does) or intensify it (I don’t believe he owns a car. / He does own one! = No creo que él tenga coche. / ¡ lo tiene!). The word no is the standard adverb placed next to a verb to negate it (Yo no tengo coche = I don’t own a car). Double negation is normal and valid in Spanish, and it is interpreted as reinforcing the negation (No tengo ningún coche = I own no car).


Speakers of Chinese use echo responses.[37] In all Sinitic/Chinese languages, yes-no questions are often posed in A-not-A form, and the replies to such questions are echo answers that echo either A or not A.[38][39] In Standard Mandarin Chinese, the closest equivalents to yes and no are to state «» (shì; lit.‘»is»‘) and «不是» (búshì; lit.‘»not is»‘).[40][41] The phrase 不要 (búyào; ‘(I) do not want’) may also be used for the interjection «no», and (ǹg) may be used for «yes». Similarly, in Cantonese, the preceding are 係 hai6 (lit: «is») and 唔係 (lit: «not is») m4 hai6, respectively. One can also answer 冇錯 mou5 co3 (lit.‘»not wrong»‘) for the affirmative, although there is no corresponding negative to this.


Japanese lacks words for yes and no. The words «はい» (hai) and «いいえ» (iie) are mistaken by English speakers for equivalents to yes and no, but they actually signify agreement or disagreement with the proposition put by the question: «That’s right.» or «That’s not right.»[37][42] For example: if asked, Are you not going? (行かないのですか?, ikanai no desu ka?), answering with the affirmative «はい» would mean «Right, I am not going»; whereas in English, answering «yes» would be to contradict the negative question. Echo responses are not uncommon in Japanese.


These differences between languages make translation difficult. No two languages are isomorphic at the most elementary level of words for yes and no. Translation from two-form to three-form systems are equivalent to what English-speaking school children learning French or German encounter. The mapping becomes complex when converting two-form to three-form systems. There are many idioms, such as reduplication (in French, German, and Italian) of affirmatives for emphasis (the German ja ja ja).

The mappings are one-to-many in both directions. The German ja has no fewer than 13 English equivalents that vary according to context and usage (yes, yeah, and no when used as an answer; well, all right, so, and now, when used for segmentation; oh, ah, uh, and eh when used an interjection; and do you, will you, and their various inflections when used as a marker for tag questions) for example. Moreover, both ja and doch are frequently used as additional particles for conveying nuanced meaning where, in English, no such particle exists. Straightforward, non-idiomatic, translations from German to English and then back to German can often result in the loss of all of the modal particles such as ja and doch from a text.[43][44][45][46]

Translation from languages that have word systems to those that do not, such as Latin, is similarly problematic. As Calvert says, «Saying yes or no takes a little thought in Latin».[35]

Colloquial formsEdit


Linguist James R. Hurford notes that in many English dialects «there are colloquial equivalents of Yes and No made with nasal sounds interrupted by a voiceless, breathy h-like interval (for Yes) or by a glottal stop (for No)» and that these interjections are transcribed into writing as uh-huh or mm-hmm.[47] These forms are particularly useful for speakers who are at a given time unable to articulate the actual words yes and no.[47] The use of short vocalizations like uh-huh, mm-hmm, and yeah are examples of non-verbal communication, and in particular the practice of backchanneling.[48][49]

Art historian Robert Farris Thompson has posited that mm-hmm may be a loanword from a West African language that entered the English vernacular from the speech of enslaved Africans; linguist Lev Michael, however, says that this proposed origin is implausible, and linguist Roslyn Burns states that the origin of the term is difficult to confirm.[50]

Aye and variantsEdit

The word aye () as a synonym for yes in response to a question dates to the 1570s. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, it is of unknown origin. It may derive from the word I (in the context of «I assent»); as an alteration of the Middle English yai («yes»); or the adverb aye (meaning always «always, ever»), which comes from the Old Norse ei.[51] Using aye to mean yes is archaic, having disappeared from most of the English-speaking world, but is notably still used by people from Scotland, Ulster, and the north of England.[52]

In December 1993, a witness in a Scottish court who had answered «aye» to confirm he was the person summoned was told by a sheriff judge that he must answer either yes or no. When his name was read again and he was asked to confirm it, he answered «aye» again, and was imprisoned for 90 minutes for contempt of court. On his release he said, «I genuinely thought I was answering him.»[53]

Aye is also a common word in parliamentary procedure, where the phrase the ayes have it means that a motion has passed.[54] In the House of Commons of the British Parliament, MPs vote orally by saying «aye» or «no» to indicate they approve or disapprove of the measure or piece of legislation. (In the House of Lords, by contrast, members say «content» or «not content» when voting).[55]

The term has also historically been used in nautical usage, often phrased as «aye, aye, sir» duplicating the word «aye».[56] Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926) explained that the nautical phrase was at that time usually written ay, ay, sir.[54]

The informal, affirmative phrase why-aye (also rendered whey-aye or way-eye) is used in the dialect of northeast England,[57][58] most notably by Geordies.[58]


Other variants of «yes» include acha in informal Indian English and historically righto or righty-ho in upper-class British English, although these fell out of use during the early 20th century.[52]

See alsoEdit

  • Affirmation and negation
  • Thumb signal
  • Translation
  • Untranslatability


  1. ^ Holmberg, Anders (2016). The syntax of yes and no. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 64–72. ISBN 9780198701859.
  2. ^ E. A. Sonnenschein (2008). «Sentence words». A New English Grammar Based on the Recommendations of the Joint Committee on Grammatical Terminology. READ BOOKS. p. 54. ISBN 978-1-4086-8929-5.
  3. ^ a b c d Leonard Bloomfield & Charles F. Hockett (1984). Language. University of Chicago Press. pp. 176–177. ISBN 978-0-226-06067-5.
  4. ^ Alfred S. West (February 2008). «Yes and No. What are we to call the words Yes and No?». The Elements Of English Grammar. p. 173. ISBN 978-1-4086-8050-6.
  5. ^ Xabier Arrazola; Kepa Korta & Francis Jeffry (1995). Discourse, Interaction, and Communication. Springer. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-7923-4952-5.
  6. ^ Giorgio Graffi (2001). 200 Years of Syntax. John Benjamins B.V. p. 121. ISBN 1-58811-052-4.
  7. ^ Richard J. Watts (1986). «Generated or degenerate?». In Dieter Kastovsky; A. J. Szwedek; Barbara Płoczińska; Jacek Fisiak (eds.). Linguistics Across Historical and Geographical Boundaries. Walter de Gruyter. p. 166. ISBN 978-3-11-010426-4.
  8. ^ Karin Aijmer (2002). «Interjections in a Contrastive Perspective». In Edda Weigand (ed.). Emotion in Dialogic Interaction. John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 102. ISBN 978-1-58811-497-6.
  9. ^ Marja-Leena Sorjonen (2001). Responding in Conversation. John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 19. ISBN 978-90-272-5085-8.
  10. ^ a b Henry Sweet (1900). «Adverbs». A New English Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 126–127. ISBN 1-4021-5375-9.
  11. ^ Henry Kiddle & Goold Brown (1867). The First Lines of English Grammar. New York: William Wood and Co. p. 102.
  12. ^ Ivan Fonagy (2001). Languages Within Language. John Benjamins B.V. p. 66. ISBN 0-927232-82-0.
  13. ^ a b c d William Shakespeare (1900). Horace Howard Furness (ed.). Much Ado about Nothing. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. p. 25. (editorial footnotes)
  14. ^ a b c d George Perkins Marsh (1867). «Affirmative and Negative Particles». Lectures on the English Language. New York: Charles Scribner & Co. pp. 578–583.
  15. ^ Robert Gordon Latham (1850). The English language. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly. p. 497.
  16. ^ William Tyndale (1850). Henry Walter (ed.). An Answer to Sir Thomas More’s Dialogue. Cambridge: The University Press.
  17. ^ Åse-Berit Strandskogen & Rolf Strandskogen (1986). Norwegian. Oris Forlag. p. 146. ISBN 0-415-10979-5.
  18. ^ a b Philip Holmes & Ian Hinchliffe (1997). «Interjections». Swedish. Routledge. p. 121. ISBN 978-0-415-16160-2.
  19. ^ Nigel Armstrong (2005). Translation, Linguistics, Culture. Multilingual Matters. p. 95. ISBN 978-1-85359-805-0.
  20. ^ Greg Nees (2000). Germany. Intercultural Press. p. 74. ISBN 978-1-877864-75-9.
  21. ^ Philip Holmes & Ian Hinchliffe (2003). «Ja, nej, jo, etc.». Swedish. Routledge. pp. 428–429. ISBN 978-0-415-27883-6.
  22. ^ Ramona Gönczöl-Davies (2007). Romanian. Routledge. p. 135. ISBN 978-0-415-33825-7.
  23. ^ Graham Mallinson (1986). «answers to yes-no questions». Rumanian. Croom Helm Ltd. p. 21. ISBN 0-7099-3537-4.
  24. ^ Birgit Gerlach (2002). «The status of Romance clitics between words and affixes». Clitics Between Syntax and Lexicon. John Benjamins BV. p. 60. ISBN 90-272-2772-1.
  25. ^ «Yes/No systems». Aveneca. Archived from the original on 15 December 2019. Retrieved 16 June 2018.
  26. ^ Carl Philipp Reiff (1862). «The Adverb and the Gerund». English-Russian Grammar. Paris: Maisonneuve and Co. p. 134.
  27. ^ Wendy G. Lehnert & Brian K. Stucky (1988). «Understanding answers to questions». In Michel Meyer (ed.). Questions and Questioning. New York: de Gruyter. pp. 224, 232. ISBN 3-11-010680-9.
  28. ^ a b Cliff Goddard (2003). «Yes or no? The complex semantics of a simple question» (PDF). In Peter Collins; Mengistu Amberber (eds.). Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society. p. 7.
  29. ^ Karulis, Konstantīns (1992). Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca [The Etymological dictionary of Latvian] (in Latvian). Rīga: Avots. ISBN 9984-700-12-7.
  30. ^ Gareth King (1996). «Yes/no answers». Basic Welsh. Routledge. p. 111. ISBN 978-0-415-12096-8.
  31. ^ Mark H Nodine (2003-06-14). «How to say «Yes» and «No»«. A Welsh Course. Cardiff School of Computer Science, Cardiff University.
  32. ^ Dirk G. J. Panhuis (2006). Latin Grammar. University of Michigan Press. p. 184. ISBN 978-0-472-11542-6.
  33. ^ a b Harm Pinkster (2004). «Attitudinal and illocutionary satellites in Latin» (PDF). In Aertsen; Henk-Hannay; Mike-Lyall; Rod (eds.). Words in their places. A Festschrift for J. Lachlan MackenzieIII. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. pp. 191–195.
  34. ^ a b George J. Adler (1858). A Practical Grammar of the Latin Language; with Perpetual Exercises in Speaking and Writing. Boston: Sanborn, Carter, Bazin, & Co. p. 8.
  35. ^ a b J. B. Calvert (1999-06-24). «Comparison of adjectives and adverbs, and saying yes or no». Latin For Mountain Men. Elizabeth R. Tuttle.
  36. ^ Walter B. Gunnison (2008). Latin for the First Year. READ BOOKS. p. 300. ISBN 978-1-4437-1459-4.
  37. ^ a b Rika Yoshii; Alfred Bork; Alastair Milne; Fusa Katada; Felicia Zhang (2004). «Reaching Students of Many Languages and Cultures». In Sanjaya Mishra (ed.). Interactive Multimedia in Education and Training. Idea Group Inc (IGI). p. 85. ISBN 978-1-59140-394-4.
  38. ^ Stephen Matthews & Virginia Yip (1994). Cantonese. Routledge. p. 311. ISBN 978-0-415-08945-6.
  39. ^ Timothy Shopen (1987). «Dialectal variations». Languages and Their Status. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-8122-1249-5.
  40. ^ Mandarin Chinese. Rough Guides. 1999. ISBN 978-1-85828-607-5.
  41. ^ Bingzheng Tong; Ping-cheng T’ung & David E. Pollard (1982). Colloquial Chinese. Routledge. p. 25. ISBN 0-415-01860-9.
  42. ^ John Hinds (1988). «Words for ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’«. Japanese. Routledge. p. 45. ISBN 978-0-415-01033-7.
  43. ^ Robert Jeffcoate (1992). Starting English Teaching. Routledge. p. 213. ISBN 0-415-05356-0.
  44. ^ Carol Erting; Robert C. Johnson & Dorothy L. Smith (1989). The Deaf Way. Gallaudet University Press. p. 456. ISBN 978-1-56368-026-7.
  45. ^ Kerstin Fischer (2000). From Cognitive Semantics to Lexical Pragmatics. Berlin: Walter de Gryuter. pp. 206–207. ISBN 3-11-016876-6.
  46. ^ Sándor G. J. Hervey; Ian Higgins & Michael Loughridge (1995). «The Function of Modal Particles». Thinking German Translation. Routledge. pp. 152–154. ISBN 978-0-415-11638-1.
  47. ^ a b James R. Hurford (1994). «Interjections». Grammar: A Student’s Guide. Cambridge University Press. pp. 111–112. ISBN 978-0-521-45627-2.
  48. ^ «Back-channel».
  49. ^ Arnold, Kyle (2012). «Humming Along». Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 48: 100–117. doi:10.1080/00107530.2012.10746491. S2CID 147330927.
  50. ^ Kumari Devarajan (August 17, 2018). «Ready For A Linguistic Controversy? Say ‘Mhmm’«. NPR.
  51. ^ aye (interj.), Online Etymology Dictionary (accessed January 30, 2019).
  52. ^ a b «Yes (adverb)» in Oxford Thesaurus of English (3d ed.: Oxford University Press, 2009 (ed. Maurice Waite), p. 986.
  53. ^ «Sheriff judges aye-aye a contemptible no-no». Herald Scotland. 11 December 1993. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
  54. ^ a b Fowler, H. W. (2010) [1926]. A Dictionary of Modern English Usage: The Classic First Edition. Oxford University Press. pp. 39–40. ISBN 9780199585892.
  55. ^ «Rules and traditions of Parliament». Parliament of the United Kingdom.
  56. ^ Oxford English Dictionary. «Aye Aye». Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved 18 November 2014.
  57. ^ Perspectives on Northern Englishes (eds. Sylvie Hancil & Joan C. Beal: Walter de Gruyter: 2017), table 4.2: «North-east features represented in the LL Corpus.»
  58. ^ a b Emilia Di Martino, Celebrity Accents and Public Identity Construction: Analyzing Geordie Stylizations (Routledge, 2019).

Further readingEdit

  • Bob Morris Jones (1999). The Welsh Answering System. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-016450-3.—Jones’ analysis of how to answer questions with «yes» or «no» in the Welsh language, broken down into a typology of echo and non-echo responsives, polarity and truth-value responses, and numbers of forms
  • George L. Huttar (1994). «Words for ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘maybe’«. Ndyuka: A Descriptive Grammar. Routledge. p. 42. ISBN 978-0-415-05992-3.
  • Holmberg, Anders (2016). The syntax of yes and no. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198701859.
  • Kulick, Don (April 2003). «No». Language & Communication. Elsevier. 23 (2): 139–151. doi:10.1016/S0271-5309(02)00043-5. Pdf. Archived 2015-02-27 at the Wayback Machine

  • #1

Anybody knows the origins of this two words?

Old English for example etymology for «nay» says it originates from «ne»-not, and -ei (Greek «ever»).

What about Slavic «ne»? and «da»?

Thank you!

Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2009

  • sokol

    • #3

    Old English for example etymology for «nay» says it originates from «ne»-not, and -ei (Greek «ever»).

    To my knowledge «Nay» is indeed derived from ne (not) + a (ever). But both parts are Germanic. I see no Greek influence.

    • #4

    To my knowledge «Nay» is indeed derived from ne (not) + a (ever). But both parts are Germanic. I see no Greek influence.

    Well, «aei» (αεί) spoken «a-i» means «ever» in Greek, however the word is of a simple form and could just be originating from the same Proto-IE root, which may be the same in other languages, as are other words of same origin, e.g. numbers one-uno-ena-jenas, two-due-duo-dvo, three-tre-tria-tri, tessera-cetiri, pente-pes, etc.

    Mostly I am interested in the Slavic «ne» which means «no», but must have a different etymology of English «nay», as the two languages didn’t come in contact at that time.

    Thank you.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2009

    • #5

    Slavic da and ne are cognates to Latvian ‘so, that, thatwise’ and ‘no, not’, Lithuanian taip/ne.
    English nay, imho, derives from nē(i), cf. Latvian nē, ne’e and German convers. Ne [ne:].


    • #6

    Russian да is rather strange word because in the sense of «yes» it used only since the end of the 17th century. Anyway, it derives from the PIE *do — to here (Lith. do, Rus. до, Germ. zu, Eng. to).

    • #7

    Russian да is rather strange word because in the sense of «yes» it used only since the end of the 17th century.

    Do we know how people used to answer polar questions before da came into use? Exclusively by repeating the verb or did they use another particle?


    • #8

    As far as I know Russians use the same word as some other Slavic people: так (tak).

    • #9

    This must mean that the same development happened separately in different places. In Bulgarian да was used in texts much earlier then the 17th century. There also isn’t a earlier attested form such as так. There is така, but it means ‘this way’ and it has never been attested to substitute yes. I think да is much older then the 17th century.


    • #10

    I meant only Russian. In Russian «да» existed from the very beginning, i.e. since separating from Old-Slavonic languages, and in quite a few senses — but of «yes» however. The latter was first attested only in the end of the 17th century. Maybe this sense of да was loaned from Bulgarian.


    • #11

    «DA» in the sense of «affirmative», «yes» has its origins in the Thraco-Dacian language from where it was borrowed by Bulgarian Slavic settlers in the Balkans and made standard by Cyril and Methodius when they invented the Cyrillic alphabet and translated the Bible into Slavonic. There was no precise, separate word for «Yes» in any of the Slavic languages so they used «tak», «taka» — the word that meant «so», «like that», «like this», «this way», in the sense of agreeing, of giving an affirmative answer to the person asking a question and expecting a simple answer of yes or no. So the original Slavic affirmative answer would literally mean «it is so».
    Nowadays, looking for a proof of that, there is no «DA» for yes in the Slavic languages that never had anything to do with Cyrillic alphabet or with Old Church Slavonic. The Polish language still uses «Tak» while Slovenian uses a Germanic «Ja», the Czech and Slovak use «Ano» — an old Indo-European word for «Yes».
    The direct descendants of Thraco-Dacians, the Romanians have always used «Da».

    • #12

    «DA» in the sense of «affirmative», «yes» has its origins in the Thraco-Dacian language …
    The direct descendants of Thraco-Dacians, the Romanians have always used «Da».

    Do we have any written source for this Thraco-Dacian word «da»?
    In fact there are no many surviving texts from Thraco-Dacian at all (Ezerevo ring inscription — is the longest text which has not been yet acceptably translated).
    As for the Romanians who have ‘always’ used «DA»: the oldest surviving Romanian document is from 1521 AD.

    The online Romanian dictionary gives the etymology:
    rom. da < Old Slavic да (also bg. and srb. да )
    DEX online — DA

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020


    • #13

    Some Romanian countryside old people never use «Da». Instead they use «dară» (in Maramureș) or «dare» (in Oltenia and Banat). At least that is what a massive lot of Romanian nationals reported in their comments to a YouTube video on this matter. There is this American philologist married to a Romanian woman and he tries to demonstrate the latin origin of «da». He fails remarkably, imho. What he managed to do instead is to draw attention to Romanian alternatives to «da» which seem to be much stronger and definitive in expressing affirmative answer.
    The fact that those Slavs who never converted to Orthodoxy nor adopted Cyrillic alphabet don’t have «da» should ring a bell.


    • #14

    The fact that those Slavs who never converted to Orthodoxy nor adopted Cyrillic alphabet don’t have «da»

    Slovenians do have «da». EDSL indicates «da» in the meaning «so» in Lower Sorbian as well.
    Technically all Slavic language have the word, it’s just not all of them having it in the meaning «yes».


    • #15

    Exactly! German language has a «da» but it has nothing to do with «yes». Italian has «da» but it doesn’t mean «yes». The «da» which means «yes» was promoted by the Cyrillic alphabet founders. They didn’t invent it. They either borrowed it from the local population (Thracian, Daco-Romanian or Wallachian) or they borrowed it and shortened it to «da» from the strongest word for yes in the world «dare» in Oltenia or «dară» in Transilvania.

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020

    • #16

    That is not the point Awwal made. The meaning (not the word, the meaning!) «yes» is not native in many IE language families. It developed in 1st millenium AD and different languages within the group used different words for this new meaning «yes». Eastern and southern Slavic languages used da. In some Western Slavic languages the root survived in a meaning closer to the original proto-Slavic one.

    • #17

    They either borrowed it from the local population (Thracian, Daco-Romanian or Wallachian) or they borrowed it and shortened it to «da» from the strongest word for yes in the world «dare» in Oltenia or «dară» in Transilvania.

    And where did Slovene borrow it from?


    • #18

    And where did Slovene borrow it from?

    You may know that the main word for «yes» in Slovenian is «Ja», of German origin. Of course they also use «da» in more official occasions, because of historical circumstances and other neighboring slavic peoples that used it before them.


    • #19

    Slovenian is strange, «ja» is not used in writing other than in informal language, meanwhile «da» is never used in speaking.


    • #20

    Slovenian is strange, «ja» is not used in writing other than in informal language, meanwhile «da» is never used in speaking.

    And that’s because none of the two were always present in the language. «JA» is a Germanic loanword while «DA» was borrowed from their Orthodox, Cyrillic alphabet using neighbours purely for official purposes.

    • #21

    Anybody knows the origins of this two words?

    Old English for example etymology for «nay» says it originates from «ne»-not, and -ei (Greek «ever»).

    What about Slavic «ne»? and «da»?

    Thank you!

    All words meaning «no» and resembling no, ne etc can be tracked back to PIE.
    Here a list of «no» in several IE languages:
    Afrikaans: nee

    Albanian: nuk
    Belarusian: ня ‎(nja‎)
    Bengali: না ‎(na‎)
    Breton: nann
    Bulgarian: не
    Catalan: no
    Czech: ne (cs)
    Danish: nej
    Dutch: nee
    Esperanto: ne
    Faroese: nei
    French: non
    Galician: non
    German: Nein
    Gujarati: નથી ‎(nathī‎)
    Hindi: नहीं ‎(nahī̃‎)
    Icelandic:, nei
    Italian: no (it)
    Latvian: nav, ne
    Lithuanian: ne
    Lombard: nò
    Macedonian: не ‎(ne‎),
    Marathi: नाही ‎(nāhī‎)
    Norwegian: nei
    Novial: no
    Pashto: نه‎ ‎(na‎)
    Persian: næ
    Polish: nie
    Portuguese: não
    Punjabi: ਨਹੀਂ ‎(nahī̃‎)
    Romanian: nu
    Romansch: na
    Russian: нет ‎(nyet‎)
    Silesian: ńy
    Slovak: nie
    Slovene: ne
    Spanish: no
    Swedish: nej
    Ukrainian: не ( ‎(ne‎)
    Welsh: na

    The supposition that «nay» may have been influenced by Greek is very fancy, but rather fantastic.

    • #22

    Technically all Slavic language have the word, it’s just not all of them having it in the meaning «yes».

    No trace of it in Czech with any meaning whatsoever.


    • #23

    No trace of it in Czech with any meaning whatsoever.

    ESSJa claims it’s present in some of the Czech dialects.

    • #24

    I’ve found tons of errors in dictionaries. This could be one of them.

    Edit:complementing what I wrote above. No definition for da in this somewhat modern Czech dictionary: Slovník spisovného jazyka českého

    Da is mentioned in this respected Czech-German dictionary published around 1840 but as belonging to Russian (I’d have to know the work more deeply to understand what motivated this inclusion):
    Slovník česko-německý, Díl… [323]

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020

    • #25

    Here a list of «no» in several IE languages:

    Esperanto: ne

    What about Klingon language?

    • #26

    Do you want to start a row by nitpicking?

    • #27

    The direct descendants of Thraco-Dacians, the Romanians have always used «Da».

    Bulgarians descend from Thracias.


    • #28

    Pretty much all the population of historical Thracia are descendants of Romanized or Grecized Thracians at least to some extent. What’s the point?..


    • #29

    funny that tak is «yes» in Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia, official dialect since the Dutch rule). Could there be a connection?


    • #30

    funny that tak is «yes» in Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia, official dialect since the Dutch rule). Could there be a connection?

    Not really likely. :)


    • #31

    Besides да (da) in Macedonian is used така (taka) in the meaning which @benjyster explained:

    There was no precise, separate word for «Yes» in any of the Slavic languages so they used «tak», «taka» — the word that meant «so», «like that», «like this», «this way», in the sense of agreeing, of giving an affirmative answer to the person asking a question and expecting a simple answer of yes or no.

    But, in some Macedonian dialects was/is used ја (ja) too, instead да (da). In Macedonian it for sure is not a German influence, like @benjyster said for the Slovene language:

    while Slovenian uses a Germanic «Ja»

    Maybe we should also mention here the Serbian/Croatian: јесте /jeste.

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020

    • #32

    All words meaning «no» and resembling no, ne etc can be tracked back to PIE.
    Here a list of «no» in several IE languages:

    νη- (nē-) exists also in Greek as a negative prefix: From Proto-Indo-European *n̥- (“not, un-”) …
    νη- — Wiktionary

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    на нескольких языках

    на разных языках

    на различных языках

    на многих языках

    на несколько языков

    в нескольких языках

    на различные языки

    на ряде языков

    на нескольких европейских языках

    на нескольких мировых языках

    в ряде языков

    на нескольких иностранных языках

    несколькими языками

    The novel has since been published in several languages and editions.

    Guided excursions are usually available in several languages.

    Many of his pictures now illustrate Wikipedia articles in several languages.

    Около тысячи этих изображений уже используются для иллюстрации статей Википедии на разных языках.

    You just have to watch the satellite broadcast television channels for a day to see the same campaigns shown in several languages.

    Вам стоит только день посмотреть каналы спутникового радиовещания, чтобы увидеть одни и те же рекламные кампании на разных языках.

    More than 250 publications, articles and notes, in several languages.

    A 45 minute guiding tour is offered in several languages.

    Вы можете совершить экскурсию продолжительностью 45 минут, которая доступна на нескольких языках.

    The content can be displayed in several languages if required.

    The bot may well communicate in several languages.

    They would speak in several languages, adjusting a device in their hands after each one.

    Они говорили на нескольких языках, каждый раз настраивая что-то в устройстве, которое было у них в руках.

    We present the project in several languages.

    The site has versions in several languages.

    This is why it’s name includes «night» in several languages.

    You improve your chances of ranking for a specific region and in several languages.

    Вы повышаете свои шансы на ранжирование для определенного региона и на нескольких языках.

    Communication — the child receives a large amount of information and learns to express ideas in several languages.

    Коммуникация — ребенок получает большой объем информации и учится выражать идеи на нескольких языках.

    You can take a guided tour of 45 minutes which is available in several languages.

    Вы можете совершить экскурсию продолжительностью 45 минут, которая доступна на нескольких языках.

    If you are visiting a tourist area you will find people who are fluent in several languages.

    Если вы приедете в какой-нибудь туристический центр, то встретите людей, бегло говорящих на нескольких языках.

    Learn more about the city through the commentary, offered in several languages.

    Узнать больше о городе через комментарии, которые проводятся на разных языках.

    Useful leaflets in several languages are available free just inside the door by which visitors enter.

    Полезные листовки на нескольких языках доступны бесплатно прямо за дверью, через которую заходят посетители.

    In addition to the above works, the city printed 23500 information booklets and brochures in several languages for the convenience of foreign guests.

    Кроме вышеописанных проведенных работ, в городе распечатали 23500 информационных буклетов и брошюр на нескольких языках для удобства иностранных гостей.

    It remains to add that this remarkable book has already appeared in several languages.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 816. Точных совпадений: 816. Затраченное время: 164 мс


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