The word nice in english

  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice

  • 2
    Nice And Fuzzy

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice And Fuzzy

  • 3
    Nice And Simple

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice And Simple

  • 4
    Nice Ass

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Ass

  • 5
    Nice Ass Teasing

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Ass Teasing

  • 6
    Nice Cheerleaders Administration

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Cheerleaders Administration

  • 7
    Nice Classification

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Classification

  • 8
    Nice Fink

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Fink

  • 9
    Nice Fuckin Life

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Fuckin Life

  • 10
    Nice Normal Dinner

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Normal Dinner

  • 11
    Nice One

    1) Abbreviation: NO

    2) Chat: N1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice One

  • 12
    Nice Planetary Contrast

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Planetary Contrast

  • 13
    Nice Simple

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Simple

  • 14
    Nice Skate Shoes

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Skate Shoes

  • 15
    Nice Smart

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Smart

  • 16
    Nice Target

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Target

  • 17
    Nice Tits

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Tits

  • 18
    Nice Try

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Try

  • 19
    Nice White Adults

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice White Adults

  • 20
    Nice Young Episcopalian

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Nice Young Episcopalian


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • nice — W2S1 [naıs] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(good)¦ 2¦(friendly)¦ 3¦(something you want)¦ 4 it s nice to know (that) 5 have a nice day! 6 nice to meet you 7 (it s been) nice meeting/talking to you 8¦(not nice)¦ 9 nice try 10 ni …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Nice — (n[imac]s), a. [Compar. {Nicer} (n[imac] s[ e]r); superl. {Nicest}.] [OE., foolish, fr. OF. nice ignorant, fool, fr. L. nescius ignorant; ne not + scius knowing, scire to know. Perhaps influenced by E. nesh delicate, soft. See {No}, and {Science} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • NICE — Chef lieu du département des Alpes Maritimes, Nice est , avec 345 675 habitants en 1990 (516 740 pour la conurbation), l’une des grandes villes françaises. Mais elle est la seule qui doive sa rapide croissance à la fonction touristique fondée ici …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nice — [ naıs ] adjective *** ▸ 1 attractive/enjoyable ▸ 2 friendly/kind ▸ 3 for showing you like something ▸ 4 with small difference ▸ 5 skillful ▸ 6 with high moral standard ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) attractive, enjoyable, or pleasant: Your hair looks nice.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • nice´ly — nice «nys», adjective, nic|er, nic|est, adverb. –adj. 1. that is good or pleasing; agreeable; satisfactory: »a nice face, a nice child, a nice ride, a nice day …   Useful english dictionary

  • NICE — (Heb. ניצה), capital of the Alpes Maritimes department, on the Mediterranean coast of France. The first specific mention of Jews can be found in the Statutes of Nice, enacted in 1342 while the town belonged to Provence, which compelled the Jews… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • nice — The word nice is the great cause célèbre of meaning change in English. In medieval and Renaissance literature, nice (derived from Latin nescius meaning ‘ignorant’) has a wide range of generally unfavourable meanings such as ‘foolish, stupid’ and… …   Modern English usage

  • Nice — Эта статья об утилите Unix; о британской прогрессив рок группе конца 1960 х см.: The Nice. nice  UNIX утилита, запускающая программу с измененным приоритетом для планировщика задач. Если не указано ни одного аргумента, команда nice выводит… …   Википедия

  • nice — 1 Nice, dainty, fastidious, finicky, finicking, finical, particular, fussy, squeamish, persnickety, pernickety can all mean exacting or displaying exacting standards (as in selection, judgment, or workmanship). Nice (see also CORRECT, DECOROUS)… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Nice — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Lugares 2 Música 2.1 Grupos 2.2 Discos 3 Otros …   Wikipedia Español

  • NICE — ist der englische Name der südfranzösischen Stadt Nizza der Name der Musikgruppe The Nice das englische Wort für nett die Programmiersprache Nice (Programmiersprache) einen Unix Befehl, der das Prioritätsscheduling eines Prozesses verändern kann… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

History of nice:

Nice is a highly polysemous word. A polysemous word has more than one meaning.

Origin: Ne- (not) + scire (know, same root as ‘science’) -> nescire (not know) -> nescius (ignorant) -> nice (careless, clumsy, stupid — late 13c). In 14th century, its meaning was foolish, ignorant and stupid —> semantic change (amelioration) —> fastidious (late 14c) -> precise, careful (1500’s) -> agreeable, delightful (1769) -> kind, thoughtful (1830’s) -> pleasant, agreeable and then respectable (19c) -> pleasant and other positive meanings (20c onwards).

Nice and another English word nescience (meaning: ignorant) have the same origin (nescire).

Brief answer:

It was borrowed from French, meaning silly and stupid. Years later, nice meant dissolute or extravagant in dress and fashionable. From there, the word went on to mean finely dressed or precise about looks. And then, precise about looks changed to precise about reputation.
As time went on, ‘nice’ meant something like to have a refined taste. From here, the positive connotations continued with the idea of being cultured, respectable and agreeable.

Finally, after this perplexing history, ‘nice’ remains a term of approval today. We use it all the time to compliment people.

It entered Modern English through Old French and Middle English from Latin so its meaning has changed over time. This is because of semantic change.


From Merriam Webster:

It is a bit difficult to say with much certainty what the earliest meaning of nice was in Modern English, since by the end of the 14th century there were already a number of different senses of the word — [M-W]

Some other meanings of ‘nice’:

  • ‘Nice’ has meant ‘tarty’:

Sometimes it went further than this pejorative sense — it had the sense of the modern British slang ‘tarty’, or ‘[appropriate to] a woman of promiscuous sexual behaviour’.) — [AWE]

  • ‘Nice’ has meant ‘fastidious’ (around 1500):

Its second main meaning was that of ‘precise’ or ‘fastidious’ — [AWE]

  • ‘Nice’ has meant ‘dissolute’:

May we not this day read our sin in our punishment? O what nice and wanton appetites, what curious and itching ears, had thy people in the dayes of plenty? — John Flavel, Husbandry Spiritualized, 1674 — [M-W]

  • ‘Nice’ has meant ‘chaste’:

“But Reddy Wheeler knew Daisy. We were properly introduced. It was quite all right!”
“Yes, but nice girls don’t do this sort of thing, you know—unchaperoned, and so late at night, and all that.” — Fred Jackson, “Young Blood,” Munsey’s Magazine, 1917 — [M-W]

‘Nice’ has meant ‘finicky’:

By the 16th century, the sense of being «very particular» or «finicky» had developed — [Word Central]

Why did the meaning of ‘nice’ change:

The meaning of nice changed because of a common phenomenon called Semantic change.

Semantic change

In semantics and historical linguistics, semantic change refers to any change in the meaning(s) of a word over the course of time. Also called semantic shift, lexical change, and semantic progression. Common types of semantic change include amelioration, pejoration, broadening, semantic narrowing, bleaching, metaphor, and metonymy.

1. Amelioration:

When a word with negative meaning develops a positive meaning, the process is called ‘amelioration’.

The literal meaning of ameliorate is to make something unpleasant better.

Example: The best example of amelioration is ‘nice’.
‘Nice’ had negative meanings (ignorant, stupid and silly in 14th century), now it’s used in positive sense (pleasant, excellent, admirable etc).

The opposite of amelioration is pejoration

2. Pejoration:

When a word with positive meaning develops a negative meaning, the process is called ‘pejoration’.

The literal meaning of pejorate is to make something worse.


A very common example of pejoration is the word ‘gay’.

‘Gay’ originally meant lighthearted and joyous in 13th century. In 14th century, its meaning was bright and showy. It acquired negative connotations (immorality) around 1637. Presently, it’s used to mean homosexual. See how it developed negative meaning. It’s called pejoration.


  • Merriam Webster
  • Wikipedia
  • ADW Blog
  • Maitland Mercury
  • Amelioration — ThoughtCo
  • Mental Floss
  • ADW blog


Alternative forms[edit]

  • nyc (non-standard)
  • noice (slang)


  • enPR: nīs, IPA(key): /naɪs/
  • (India) IPA(key): /nɑɪs/, /nɑjs/
  • (Falkland Islands English) IPA(key): /nəɪs/
  • Rhymes: -aɪs
  • Homophone: gneiss

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English nyce, nice, nys, from Old French nice, niche, nisce (simple, foolish, ignorant), from Latin nescius (ignorant, not knowing); compare nesciō (to know not, be ignorant of), from ne (not) + sciō (to know).


nice (comparative nicer, superlative nicest)

  1. (chiefly informal) Pleasant, satisfactory. [from 18th c.]
    • 1998, Baha Men – “Who Let the Dogs Out?”
      When the party was nice, the party was jumpin’ (Hey, Yippie, Yi, Yo)
    • 2008, Rachel Cooke, The Guardian, 20 Apr.:
      «What’s difficult is when you think someone is saying something nice about you, but you’re not quite sure.»
  2. (chiefly informal) Of a person: friendly, attractive. [from 18th c.]
  3. Respectable; virtuous. [from 18th c.]

    What is a nice person like you doing in a place like this?

  4. (with and, chiefly informal) Shows that the given adjective is desirable, or acts as a mild intensifier; pleasantly, quite. [from 18th c.]

    The soup is nice and hot.

    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 8, in Mr. Pratt’s Patients:

      We toted in the wood and got the fire going nice and comfortable. Lord James still set in one of the chairs and Applegate had cabbaged the other and was hugging the stove.

  5. (chiefly informal) Showing refinement or delicacy, proper, seemly
    a nice way of putting it
  6. (obsolete) Silly, ignorant; foolish. [14th–17th c.]
  7. (now rare) Particular in one’s conduct; scrupulous, painstaking; choosy. [from 14th c.]
    • 1603, Michel de Montaigne, chapter 2, in John Florio, transl., The Essayes [], book II, London: [] Val[entine] Simmes for Edward Blount [], →OCLC:

      There is nothing he seemed to be more carefull of than of his honesty, and observe a kinde of decencie of his person, and orderly decorum in his habits, were it on foot or on horsebacke. He was exceeding nice in performing his word or promise.

    • 1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling:

      Mr Blifil, I am confident, understands himself better than to think of seeing my niece any more this morning, after what hath happened. Women are of a nice contexture; and our spirits, when disordered, are not to be recomposed in a moment.

    • 1999, Joyce Crick, translating Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Oxford 2008, p.83:
      But if I dispense with the dreams of neurotics, my main material, I cannot be too nice [translating wählerisch] in my dealings with the remainder.
  8. (dated) Having particular tastes; fussy, fastidious. [from 14th c.]
  9. (obsolete) Particular as regards rules or qualities; strict. [16th–19th c.]
    • 1815, Jane Austen, Emma, volume II, chapter 14:

      “Well, my dear,” he deliberately began, “considering we never saw her before, she seems a very pretty sort of young lady; and I dare say she was very much pleased with you. She speaks a little too quick. A little quickness of voice there is which rather hurts the ear. But I believe I am nice; I do not like strange voices; and nobody speaks like you and poor Miss Taylor. …»

    • 1818, Jane Austen, Persuasion, chapter 16:
      «Good company requires only birth, education and manners, and with regard to education is not very nice. Birth and good manners are essential.»
  10. Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment; subtle. [from 16th c.]
    • 1914: Saki, Laura:
      «It’s her own funeral, you know,» said Sir Lulworth; «it’s a nice point in etiquette how far one ought to show respect to one’s own mortal remains.»
    • 1974, Lawrence Durrell, Monsieur, Faber & Faber 1992, p.131:
      It would be a nice theological point to try and establish whether Ophis is Moslem or gnostic.
    • 2006, Clive James, North Face of Soho, Picador 2007, p.242:
      Why it should have attained such longevity is a nice question.
  11. (obsolete) Easily injured; delicate; dainty.
  12. (obsolete) Doubtful, as to the outcome; risky. [16th–19th c.]
    • c. 1597 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The First Part of Henry the Fourth, []”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act IV, scene i]:

      [W]ere it good / To ſet the exact wealth of al our ſtates / Al at one caſt? to ſet ſo rich a maine / On the nice hazard of one doubtfull houre?

      Is it good / To bet all of our wealth / On one throw of the dice? To place so high a stake / On the risky hazard of one doubtful hour?
    • 1822, T. Creevey, Reminiscences, 28 Jul.:
      It has been a damned nice thing — the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life.
Usage notes[edit]

Sometimes used sarcastically to mean the opposite or to connote excess:

  • 1710, Jonathan Swift, The Examiner No. XIV
    I have strictly observed this rule, and my imagination this minute represents before me a certain great man famous for this talent, to the constant practice of which he owes his twenty years’ reputation of the most skilful head in England, for the management of nice affairs.
  • 1930, H.M. Walker, The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case
    Here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten us into.
  • 1973, Cockerel Chorus, Nice One, Cyril!
    Nice one, Cyril!
  • (easy to like: person): charming, delightful, friendly, kind, lovely, pleasant, sweet
  • (easy to like: thing): charming, delightful, lovely, pleasant
  • (having a pleasant taste or aroma): appetising/appetizing, delicious, moreish (informal), scrummy (slang), scrumptious (slang), tasty
  • (subtle): fine, subtle
  • (easy to like: person): horrible, horrid, nasty
  • (easy to like: thing): horrible, horrid, nasty
  • (having a pleasant taste or aroma): awful, disgusting, foul, horrible, horrid, nasty, nauseating, putrid, rancid, rank, sickening, distasteful, gross, unsatisfactory
  • (respectable; virtuous): naughty
Derived terms[edit]

Terms derived from nice (adjective)

  • nicety
  • Dutch: nice
  • German: nice
  • Danish: nice
  • Japanese: ナイス
  • Swedish: najs, nice
  • Norwegian:
    • Norwegian Bokmål: nice


  • American Sign Language: OpenB@BasePalm-PalmDown-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp OpenB@Finger-PalmDown-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp
  • Arabic: حَسَّن (ar) (ḥassan), لَطِيف(laṭīf)
  • Azerbaijani: gözəl (az), qəşəng (az)
  • Basque: atsegin
  • Belarusian: до́бры (be) (dóbry), мі́лы (míly), прые́мны (pryjémny), фа́йны (fájny)
  • Belizean Creole: nais
  • Bulgarian: симпати́чен (bg) (simpatíčen), мил (bg) (mil), любе́зен (bg) (ljubézen), прия́тен (bg) (prijáten)
  • Chickasaw: chokma (to be nice)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 美好的 (zh) (měihǎo de)
  • Czech: hezký (cs), příjemný (cs), milý (cs)
  • Dutch: leuk (nl), aangenaam (nl), fijn (nl)
  • Esperanto: agrabla (eo)
  • Estonian: meeldiv
  • Finnish: kiva (fi), mukava (fi), sympaattinen (fi)
  • French: gentil (fr), sympathique (fr), sympa (fr), agréable (fr)
  • German: freundlich (de), sympathisch (de), lieb (de), nett (de)
    Alemannic German: nett
  • Greek: καλός (el) (kalós)
  • Hebrew: נֶחְמָד (he) (nekhmád)
  • Hungarian: kellemes (hu), szép (hu)
  • Irish: deas
  • Italian: simpatico (it), piacevole (it), gentile (it)
  • Japanese: 快い (ja) (こころよい, kokoroyoi), 可愛い (ja) (kawaii)
  • Korean: 좋은 (ko) (jo’eun)
  • Latin: lepidus
  • Louisiana Creole French: joli, jenti, vayan
  • Maori: hūmārika, hūmārie
  • Middle English: wynly
  • Norman: genti
  • Norwegian: hyggelig (no), sympatisk
  • Persian: دلپذیر (fa) (delpazir), ناز (fa) (nâz)
  • Polish: miły (pl), przyjemny (pl), fajny (pl), dobry (pl)
  • Portuguese: bonito (pt), agradável (pt), simpático (pt)
  • Romanian: simpatic (ro)
  • Russian: ми́лый (ru) (mílyj), прия́тный (ru) (prijátnyj), хоро́ший (ru) (xoróšij)
  • Scottish Gaelic: laghach
  • Slovak: príjemný, milý
  • Somali: fiican
  • Spanish: simpático (es), agradable (es), amable (es), bueno (es)
  • Swahili: nzuri (sw)
  • Swedish: vänlig (sv), sympatisk (sv), trevlig (sv)
  • Tok Pisin: naispela
  • Turkish: hoş (tr), güzel (tr), iyi (tr)
  • Ukrainian: до́брий (uk) (dóbryj), фа́йний (fájnyj), приє́мний (pryjémnyj), ми́лий (mýlyj)
  • Vietnamese: tốt (vi)


  • American Sign Language: OpenB@BasePalm-PalmDown-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp OpenB@Finger-PalmDown-OpenB@CenterChesthigh-PalmUp
  • Basque: eder
  • Belarusian: мі́лы (míly), фа́йны (fájny)
  • Bulgarian: ху́бав (bg) (húbav), краси́в (bg) (krasív)
  • Czech: hezký (cs), pěkný (cs), krásný (cs),
  • Danish: pæn (da)
  • Dutch: aantrekkelijk (nl), mooi (nl), knap (nl)
  • Estonian: kena
  • Finnish: nätti (fi), viehättävä (fi), mukava (fi), kiva (fi)
  • French: beau (fr), joli (fr)
  • German: schön (de), hübsch (de), nett (de)
  • Greek: ωραίος (el) (oraíos)
  • Hebrew: יָפֶה (he) (yafé), נָאֶה (he) (na’é)
  • Hungarian: szép (hu)
  • Irish: deas
  • Italian: bello (it)
  • Korean: 착하다 (ko) (chakhada)
  • Latin: pulcher
  • Maori: ranginamu
  • Norwegian: pen (no)
  • Persian: پسندیده (fa) (pasandide), ناز (fa) (nâz)
  • Portuguese: bom (pt), agradável (pt)
  • Russian: симпати́чный (ru) (simpatíčnyj), ми́лый (ru) (mílyj)
  • Scottish Gaelic: snog
  • Slovak: pekný, krásny
  • Spanish: bonito (es), bello (es), lindo (es)
  • Swahili: nzuri (sw)
  • Swedish: fin (sv), vacker (sv)
  • Telugu: ఆకర్షణీయమైన (te) (ākarṣaṇīyamaina)
  • Tok Pisin: naispela
  • Ukrainian: ми́лий (mýlyj), фа́йний (fájnyj), прива́бливий (pryváblyvyj)

having a pleasant taste or aroma

  • Arabic: طَيِّب(ṭayyib), عَطِر(ʕaṭir)
  • Bulgarian: вкусен (bg) (vkusen)
  • Dutch: lekker (nl), aangenaam (nl)
  • Estonian: maitsev (et)
  • Finnish: maukas (fi) (tasty), hyvä (fi), herkullinen (fi)
  • French: bon (fr)
  • German: lecker (de), angenehm (de)
  • Greek: νόστιμος (el) (nóstimos)
  • Hebrew: נָעִים (he) (na’ím)
  • Italian: buono (it)
  • Maori: kakara
  • Persian: خوشمزه (fa) (xošmaze), خوشبو (fa) (xošbô)
  • Polish: miły (pl)
  • Portuguese: agradável (pt)
  • Russian: (tasty) вку́сный (ru) (vkúsnyj)
  • Spanish: rico (es), bueno (es)
  • Swahili: nzuri (sw)
  • Swedish: god (sv), smaklig (sv), läcker (sv)
  • Telugu: పసందైన (te) (pasandaina)


nice (comparative nicer, superlative nicest)

  1. (colloquial) Nicely.

    Children, play nice.

    He dresses real nice.

    • 2002, Gina Riley; Jane Turner, That’s Unusual: Scripts from Kath and Kim, Series 2, page 245:

      This riesling’s going down nice.



  1. Used to signify a job well done.

    Nice! I couldn’t have done better.

  2. Used to signify approval.

    Is that your new car? Nice!



nice (uncountable)

  1. niceness.
    • 2000, Dana Stabenow, Midnight Come Again, →ISBN, page 111:

      She had refused as kindly as she know how, using up as much nice as she had energy for because she was glad of his company when three o’clock rolled around and she started thinking about September.

    • 2013, Todd Whitaker, What Great Teachers Do Differently: 17 Things That Matter Most, →ISBN:

      We could debate forever about whether we have enough of one or too much of another. But I know one thing for sure: We never have too much nice.

    • 2014, Jean Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson, &David Bredehoft, How Much Is Too Much?, →ISBN:

      It is the absence of rules and too much nice that are more likely to produce terror.

Etymology 2[edit]

Name of a Unix program used to invoke a script or program with a specified priority, with the implication that running at a lower priority is «nice» (kind, etc.) because it leaves more resources for others.


nice (third-person singular simple present nices, present participle nicing, simple past and past participle niced)

  1. (transitive, computing, Unix) To run a process with a specified (usually lower) priority.
Derived terms[edit]
  • renice

Further reading[edit]

  • nice in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “nice”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
  • nice at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • Nice at


  • Ince, Niec, cien, cine, cine-, icen



  • IPA(key): [ˈnɪt͡sɛ]
  • Rhymes: -ɪtsɛ
  • Hyphenation: ni‧ce



  1. dative/locative singular of nika


  • Ince



Borrowed from English nice.


nice (used only predicatively, not comparable)

  1. (slang) nice

    Haar nieuwe album is echt nice.

    Her new album is really nice.



From Old French nice, inherited from Latin nescius.


  • IPA(key): /nis/


nice (plural nices)

  1. (archaic) candid, naive
    • 1907, Colette, La retraite sentimentale, page 41:

      Oui, crédulement, vous ne comprenez pas? Entendez donc que j’ai cru, plus nice qu’une pensionnaire, au pouvoir exclusif de cet inconnu que je fuyais !

      (please add an English translation of this quote)

Derived terms[edit]

  • nicet

Further reading[edit]

  • “nice”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



Unadapted borrowing from English nice.


  • IPA(key): /naɪ̯s/


nice (strong nominative masculine singular nicer, comparative (rare) nicer, superlative (extremely rare) am nicesten)

  1. (colloquial) good, nice
    • 2020 December 8, Sara Tomšić, “Die Zukunft, das ist die grüne Samtcouch”, in ZEITmagazin[2]:

      Na gut. Und auch, wenn ich nur das eine Regal hatte – in der Schule konnte ich durch dich mitreden. Ja, Pax, voll nice und geräumig, der Poäng-Sessel, mega gemütlich.

      Fine. And even if I only had that one shelf – thanks to you, I had a say in conversations at school. Oh, Pax, all nice and spacious, and the Poäng armchair, super comfortable.
    • 2021, “Feeling”, performed by Fatoni & Dexter:

      Ich steh’ im Club / Seh’ ziemlich nice aus / Ah, wobei, die Schuhe / Ne, scheiß drauf, ich seh’ nice aus

      I’m at the club / Lookin’ pretty good / Actually, these shoes / Nah, fuck it, I look good


Comparative forms of nice

Superlative forms of nice

Further reading[edit]

  • “nice” in Duden online
  • “nice” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • “nice”, in Online-Wortschatz-Informationssystem Deutsch (in German), Mannheim: Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 2008–

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of nyce


Etymology 1[edit]

From Ottoman Turkish نیچه(nice, how much), from Proto-Turkic *nēče, equative form of *nē (what). See ne (what), cognate to Karakhanid ناجا(nēčē, how much).


  • IPA(key): [niˈd͡ʒe]



  1. many
  • çok

Etymology 2[edit]

Ultimately from Proto-Turkic *nē- (interrogative archetype).



  1. (dialectal or poetic) how
  • nasıl


I hope you all had a nice time.

It’s so nice to see you again.

It’s nice to be back home.

It’s nice to know that you’re all right.

It would be nice to try something different.

We had a very nice dinner.

“Hello, my name is Sara.” “It’s nice to meet you, Sara.”

It’s nice to see you, Luis. How have you been?

She wears the nicest clothes.

He looks nice in his new suit.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

But getting that next reliable wave would be nice, too.

Nick Piecoro, The Arizona Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

The zipper is very nice and helps make the jacket look like a higher-end piece.

Gabrielle Porcaro, Travel + Leisure, 4 Apr. 2023

The living quarters also feature lofty, eight-foot-high ceilings that create a nice and breezy feel throughout.

Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 3 Apr. 2023

Some of those people are probably nice and dateable.

Meredith Goldstein,, 2 Apr. 2023

Cake and cookies came out evenly browned and had a fine texture with few air pockets, meanwhile broccoli came out nice and consistently crisp, too.

Good Housekeeping, 31 Mar. 2023

Yes Adding powder to smoothies is nice and all, but this one can be baked into peanut butter bars or even tossed into a tomato sauce.

Jasmine Gomez, Women’s Health, 31 Mar. 2023

Your forearms should be nice and tall and your elbow up against your rib cage.

Jeff Tomko, Men’s Health, 31 Mar. 2023

The video is stylized and slick, with some very nice luggage on display.

Emily Zemler, Rolling Stone, 31 Mar. 2023

The Terran 1 rocket sure cleans up nice.

Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 24 Mar. 2023

The concept is simple: Each episode is an in-depth journey on a notable train somewhere around the world, with likable and very-earnestly-excited-about-trains-but-in-a-nice-calming-way host Teddy Wilson acting as a tour guide and pal throughout each trip.

Vulture Editors, Vulture, 11 Nov. 2022

Ryan Reynolds cleans up nice, to say the least.

Lydia Price, Peoplemag, 7 Nov. 2022

The other nice-yielding REIT making 52-week highs of late is outlet mall giant Tanger Factory Outlet (SKT, 4.6% yield).

Brett Owens, Forbes, 12 Feb. 2023

Why does this perfectly nice-seeming man never get a line, let alone a storyline?

Emma Specter, Vogue, 28 Nov. 2022

Amazon has instead offered up a steady stream of nice-sounding anecdotes about plastic use that don’t add up to much.

Matt Littlejohn, Fortune, 16 June 2022

Irish Spring featured a somewhat strange gathering of nice-smelling people on an island.

Tim Calkins For Cnn Business Perspectives, CNN, 14 Feb. 2022

Most of them are feeding off a neither-candidate-is-good-enough syndrome that makes people vote for mystery men and women who come attached to a nice-sounding party label.

Gail Collins New York Times, Star Tribune, 17 Sep. 2020

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘nice.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

хороший, приятный, милый, красивый, славный, добрый, любезный, вкусный, элегантный


- хороший, приятный, милый, славный

- ирон. хорошенький

you’ve got us into a nice mess! — в хорошенькую историю вы нас втянули!
a nice state of affairs! — хорошенькое дело!
here is a nice muddle! — ну и путаница!
a nice one to talk — ему хорошо говорить; ≅ ему бы помолчать

- изящный, элегантный; сделанный со вкусом

very nice in one’s dress — изящно /элегантно/ одетый

- вкусный, аппетитный

nice cooking — хорошая кухня

- (of, to, about) любезный, внимательный, тактичный

this is very nice of you — это с вашей стороны очень любезно /мило/
he was very nice to me — он был со мной очень любезен /приветлив, мил/
he was very nice about the incident — во время этого инцидента он проявил большой такт

- скромный, благовоспитанный

nice people — порядочные люди
nice girls do not do that — порядочные девушки так не поступают

- требующий большой точности, осторожности, щепетильности; трудный, сложный (о вопросе и т. п.)

nice question — щекотливый /деликатный/ вопрос
negotiations needing nice handling — переговоры, требующие осторожного и тонкого подхода
a nice point of law — сложный юридический вопрос
one of the nicest problems for a man to solve — одна из труднейших задач, которые приходилось решать человеку

- (преим. с отрицанием) щепетильный; (морально) безукоризненный, безупречный

he is not too nice in his business methods — он не слишком щепетилен в деловых вопросах
to be not too nice about the means — не особенно стесняться /не быть слишком щепетильным/ в выборе средств

- уместный, тактичный

not a nice remark — не очень уместное замечание
it is not a nice song — это неподходящая /не вполне пристойная/ песня

- острый; тонкий; чуткий

nice distinction — тонкое различие
nice ear — тонкий /острый/ слух, чуткое ухо
nice judgement — тонкое и верное суждение
a nice shade of meaning — тонкий оттенок значения
nice eye for distances — хороший глазомер
he has a nice eye for these delicate differences — он хорошо разбирается в этих тончайших оттенках
a nice sense of honour — обострённое /высокоразвитое/ чувство чести

- точный; тщательный, подробный, скрупулёзный

nice inquiry — тщательное /подробное/ расследование
nice observer — внимательный наблюдатель, наблюдательный человек
weighed in the nicest scales — взвешенный на самых точных весах

- разборчивый, взыскательный; придирчивый; изысканный (о манерах, слоге)

nice critic — взыскательный /разборчивый/ критик
nice in one’s food — привередливый /разборчивый/ в еде
nice taste — изысканный вкус
nice taste in art — тонкое понимание искусства
too nice in her dress — слишком разборчива /придирчива/ в отношении одежды; ≅ на неё трудно угодить

- эмоц.-усил. (в конструкции с союзом and и вторым прилагательным)

the place is nice and healthy — это очень здоровая местность
I hope it will be nice and fine — надеюсь, что погода не подведёт /что всё будет в порядке/
you’ll be nice and ill in the morning — к утру вы обязательно расхвораетесь
aren’t we going nice and fast? — хорошая скорость, правда?
I didn’t like his speech but at least it was nice and short — его речь мне не понравилась, но, к счастью, она скоро кончилась

- уст. (притворно)-застенчивый; жеманный

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Have a nice day!

Всего доброго! / Всего хорошего! / Хорошего дня! / До свидания!

She’s a really nice person.

Она очень хороший человек.

It was nice to see you again.

Приятно было снова с вами встретиться.

It looks real nice.

На вид — очень красиво.

What a nice surprise!

Какой приятный сюрприз!

He’s a nice bloke.

Он хороший парень.

The baby’s nice and plump.

Ребенок миленький и пухлый.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mm, something smells nice!

The new bed is nice and bouncy.

Their backyard is nice and shady.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

nicely  — приятно, хорошо, славно, мило, любезно, тонко, хорошенько, деликатно
nicety  — привередливость, тонкости, тонкость, точность, щепетильность, осторожность
overnice  — слишком разборчивый, придирчивый, изощренный

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): nicer
прев. степ. (superlative): nicest

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


They had been there already couple of years before, nice climate for children, nice healing muds.

Пару лет назад там уже были: для ребенка климат хороший и лечебные грязи подходят.

He does something nice for three people.

Идея состоит в том, что он делает что-то хорошее для троих людей.

I thought he was such a nice nice guy.

Мне он показался таким милым парнем.

Got a nice house nice wife nice kid.

I knew I had to choose nice girls, nice nice nice girls.

Я понимала, что мне нужно выбрать милых, хороших девушек.

It’s a nice blend and a nice balance.

I mean certainly I always had nice suits and a nice haircut.

То есть, я всегда носил хорошие костюмы и хорошую прическу.

My grandmother is also a nice woman and tells us nice stories every night.

Моя бабушка тоже хорошая женщина и рассказывает нам приятные истории каждый вечер.

They were not nice boys: nice boys don’t play rock&roll.

Они не были хорошими мальчиками: хорошие мальчики не исполняют рок-н-ролл.

Be nice and people will be nice.

Meet a nice guy, meet a nice girl…

Встретить милого парня, встретить милую девушку…».

Surely, it’s nice when people come up to you and say nice things.

But I can be nice, if you’re nice in return.

Но я могу быть милым, если ты будешь милой взамен.

Maybe now you buy nice car, and go out to meet nice lassie.

Может быть, теперь ты купишь хорошую машину и познакомишься с хорошей девушкой.

Inhibitions are always nice because they’re so nice to overcome.

Запреты всегда хороши, потому что их так приятно нарушать.

That one nice thing you made me do turned into another nice thing.

Та единственная хорошая вешь, что ты заставил меня сделать превратилась в другую хорошую вещь.

You talk in nice voices, but you don’t sound so nice.

Ты говоришь приятным голосом, но это вовсе не звучит приятно.

A nice man that part of the time likes to sleep with other nice men.

Хороший парень, который временами спит с другими хорошими парнями.

She was a nice person… smart and nice.

Someplace nice, but not too nice so there’s room for growth.

Хорошее место, но не слишком хорошее, чтобы было куда расти.

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adjective, nic·er, nic·est.

pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit.

amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers.

characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis.

showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments: a job that requires nice measurements.

minute, fine, or subtle: a nice distinction.

having or showing delicate, accurate perception: a nice sense of color.

refined in manners, language, etc.: Nice people wouldn’t do such things.

suitable or proper: That was not a nice remark.

carefully neat in dress, habits, etc.

(especially of food) dainty or delicate.

having fastidious, finicky, or fussy tastes: They’re much too nice in their dining habits to enjoy an outdoor barbecue.

Obsolete. coy, shy, or reluctant.

Obsolete. unimportant; trivial.

Obsolete. wanton.


What’s So Wrong With «Nice»?

Why does the word «nice» rub us the wrong way? Why don’t people want to date the nice guy? What’s so wrong with nice? Doesn’t every mom wish you would meet a nice guy?




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Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about nice

    make nice, to behave in a friendly, ingratiating, or conciliatory manner.

    nice and, sufficiently: It’s nice and warm in here.

Origin of nice

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English: “foolish, stupid,” from Old French: “silly, simple,” from Latin nescius “ignorant, incapable,” equivalent to ne- negative prefix + sci- (stem of scīre “to know”; see science) + -us adjective suffix

usage note for nice

The semantic history of nice is quite varied, as the etymology and the obsolete senses attest, and any attempt to insist on only one of its present senses as correct will not be in keeping with the facts of actual usage. If any criticism is valid, it might be that the word is used too often and has become a cliché lacking the qualities of precision and intensity that are embodied in many of its synonyms.


nicely, adverbniceness, nouno·ver·nice, adjectiveo·ver·nice·ly, adverb

o·ver·nice·ness, nounun·nice, adjectiveun·nice·ly, adverbun·nice·ness, noun


1. nice , niceness , nicety2. gneiss, nice

Words nearby nice

Nicaean, NICAM, Nicaragua, Nicaraguan, niccolite, nice, Nice guys finish last, nice-looking, Nicene, Nicene Council, Nicene Creed

Other definitions for nice (2 of 2)


a port in and the capital of Alpes-Maritimes, in southeastern France, on the Mediterranean: known as a vacation resort.

Origin of Nice

From French, (Provençal Niça ), from Latin Nīcaea, from Greek Nīkaía, proper noun use of adjective nīkaía “victorious,” from nī́kē “victory” Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to nice

cordial, ducky, fair, friendly, good, kind, lovely, okay, superior, swell, welcome, winning, dainty, fine, hairsplitting, minute, particular, right, tidy, trim

How to use nice in a sentence

  • A design that matches the gaming equipment is always a nice bonus.

  • We don’t recommend relying on magic scrapers in areas where thick ice and heavy snow are a regular occurrence, but it’s nice to have them around for lighter snowstorms.

  • It took everything I saved up and sacrificed, but now we got a nice little place going on.

  • The spicy version, with a nice complex burn in the seasoning, is even better.

  • This particular tool is inexpensive, available in two sizes, and has a nice ergonomic handle.

  • From there we took the train to Nice, France, but the French border control caught us and sent us back to Italy.

  • Another beautiful Eminor number, with a nice shift up to the major for the chorus.

  • Champagne, which is also acidic, offers a nice complement to anything from tuna tartare to beef bourguignon.

  • And there are a few nice things buried beneath the rubble that I could use in my apartment.

  • It was also nice to have a place where my family and friends could see what was going on in my life.

  • There is more of artfulness in the flatteries which appear to involve a calculating intention to say the nice agreeable thing.

  • I don’t care, it ain’t nice, and I wonder aunt brought us to such a place.

  • And right after that, some nice sour milk would come splashing down into the trough of the pen.

  • The boy backed away from him, and stood a little distance off, holding out a nice, juicy potato this time.

  • «I don’t think that is a very nice taste,» said Davy, beginning to feel very uneasy.

British Dictionary definitions for nice (1 of 3)


pleasant or commendablea nice day

kind or friendlya nice gesture of help

good or satisfactorythey made a nice job of it

subtle, delicate, or discriminatinga nice point in the argument

precise; skilfula nice fit

rare fastidious; respectablehe was not too nice about his methods


  1. foolish or ignorant
  2. delicate
  3. shy; modest
  4. wanton

nice and pleasinglyit’s nice and cool

Derived forms of nice

nicely, adverbniceness, nounnicish, adjective

Word Origin for nice

C13 (originally: foolish): from Old French nice simple, silly, from Latin nescius ignorant, from nescīre to be ignorant; see nescience

British Dictionary definitions for nice (2 of 3)


a city in SE France, on the Mediterranean: a leading resort of the French Riviera; founded by Phocaeans from Marseille in about the 3rd century bc . Pop: 342 738 (1999)

British Dictionary definitions for nice (3 of 3)

n acronym for

(in Britain) National Institute for Clinical Excellence: a body established in 1999 to provide authoritative guidance on current best practice in medicine and to promote high-quality cost-effective medical treatment in the NHS

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for nice

notes for Nice

Nice is the most famous resort of the French Riviera.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

    • See Also:
      • nibs
      • NIC
      • nicad
      • Nicaea
      • Nicaean
      • NICAM
      • Nicaragua
      • Nicaraguan
      • niccolite
      • NiCd battery
      • NICE
      • Nice
      • nice
      • nice nelly
      • nice-looking
      • nice-nellyism
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      • Nicene
      • Nicene Council
      • Nicene Creed
      • Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed
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Inflections of ‘nice‘ (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

nice /naɪs/USA pronunciation  
adj., nic•er, nic•est. 

  1. pleasing;
    delightful:We had a nice visit.[It + be + ~ + to + verb]It was so nice to see you again.
  2. kind;
    thoughtful:[be + ~ (+ to)]Be nice to guests.
  3. requiring or showing great skill, care, or tact:a nice handling of a crisis.
  4. fine;
    subtle:a nice distinction.
  5. refined;
    discriminating:a nice sense of color.


  1. Idioms nice and, (used with an adjective to express stronger sufficiency, pleasure, comfort, or the like):It’s nice and warm in here.

nice•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(nīs),USA pronunciation adj., nic•er, nic•est. 

  1. pleasing;
    delightful:a nice visit.
  2. amiably pleasant;
    kind:They are always nice to strangers.
  3. characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy:nice workmanship;a nice shot;a nice handling of a crisis.
  4. showing or indicating very small differences;
    minutely accurate, as instruments:a job that requires nice measurements.
  5. minute, fine, or subtle:a nice distinction.
  6. having or showing delicate, accurate perception:a nice sense of color.
  7. refined in manners, language, etc.:Nice people wouldn’t do such things.
  8. virtuous;
    decorous:a nice girl.
  9. suitable or proper:That was not a nice remark.
  10. carefully neat in dress, habits, etc.
  11. (esp. of food) dainty or delicate.
  12. having fastidious, finicky, or fussy tastes:They’re much too nice in their dining habits to enjoy an outdoor barbecue.
  13. [Obs.]coy, shy, or reluctant.
  14. [Obs.]unimportant;
  15. [Obs.]wanton.
  16. Idioms make nice, to behave in a friendly, ingratiating, or conciliatory manner.
  17. Idioms nice and, sufficiently:It’s nice and warm in here.
  • Latin nescius ignorant, incapable, equivalent. to ne- negative prefix + sci- (stem of scīre to know; see science) + -us adjective, adjectival suffix
  • Old French: silly, simple
  • Middle English: foolish, stupid 1250–1300

nicely, adv. 
niceness, n. 

    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged friendly.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged delicate, exact, exacting, critical, scrupulous, discriminating, discerning, particular.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged polite.
    • 10, 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged finical.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged unpleasant.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged unkind.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged careless.
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged improper.

    The semantic history of nice is quite varied, as the etymology and the obsolete senses attest, and any attempt to insist on only one of its present senses as correct will not be in keeping with the facts of actual usage. If any criticism is valid, it might be that the word is used too often and has become a cliché lacking the qualities of precision and intensity that are embodied in many of its synonyms.

(nēs),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Place Namesa port in and the capital of Alpes-Maritimes, in SE France, on the Mediterranean: resort. 346,620.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

nice /naɪs/ adj

  1. pleasant or commendable: a nice day
  2. kind or friendly: a nice gesture of help
  3. good or satisfactory: they made a nice job of it
  4. subtle, delicate, or discriminating: a nice point in the argument
  5. precise; skilful: a nice fit
  6. rare fastidious; respectable: he was not too nice about his methods
  7. obsolete foolish or ignorant
  8. delicate
  9. shy; modest
  10. wanton

Etymology: 13th Century (originally: foolish): from Old French nice simple, silly, from Latin nescius ignorant, from nescīre to be ignorant; see nescience

ˈnicely adv ˈniceness n ˈnicish adj

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

NICE /naɪs/ n acronym for

  1. (in Britain) National Institute for Clinical Excellence: a body established in 1999 to provide authoritative guidance on current best practice in medicine and to promote high-quality cost-effective medical treatment in the NHS

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

Nice /French: nis/ n

  1. a city in SE France, on the Mediterranean: a leading resort of the French Riviera; founded by Phocaeans from Marseille in about the 3rd century bc. Pop: 342 738 (1999)

nice‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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