The word news is countable or uncountable nouns

Hello students!

Here’s an interesting question: is the word news singular or plural? Should we say the news is good or the news are good?

Today I’ll answer this question as well as help you avoid a common mistake that English learners often make with “news.” And I also have a very special announcement, so make sure to watch to the end of the lesson to find out what that is!

The word “news” in English is considered singular and uncountable. So we use the singular forms of verbs, like is and was: the news is on channel 5, the news was surprising. Don’t use are or were.

But a more common mistake is saying “a news.” With uncountable nouns, we never use a or an. So don’t say, “I heard a good news” – this might be possible in your native language, but in English you should say “I heard some good news.”

So if the word news is singular and uncountable, how can we talk about more than one piece of news? Well, that’s one possibility – use the word “piece” or “bit” – for example, “I have three pieces/bits of bad news for you” if you want to talk about three distinct topics.

We could also talk about “items of news” or sometimes “news stories” – the term news stories is often used when referring to news you see on TV or read articles about.

Finally, never say “many news” – the word “many” can only be used with countable nouns. Instead, you can use “much” or “a lot of / lots of” – for example, “there wasn’t much news over the weekend” or “I have lots of news to tell you!”

Got it? News is singular, and uncountable – so make sure to say “some news” and never “a news.”

Well, I have some news to share with you – in May I’m creating a totally NEW course, and registration starts next Monday, April 22!

Make sure to check your email or check my YouTube channel on that date, because registration for the new course will only be open for a limited time. If you miss the registration period, then you’ll have to wait until next year.

What’s this course going to be about? I’m going to keep it a secret for now, so come back and watch next week’s video to find out! But the topic of today’s lesson is a big hint, so I think you might be able to guess what the new course will be. I’m really excited for this one, and I think you will be too when you see next week’s video.

Thanks for joining me today, and remember to tune in next week for all the details on our brand-new course at See you next time!

count-uncountВ английском языке имена существительные делятся на исчисляемые (Countable) и неисчисляемые  (Uncountable), и если с исчисляемыми существительными вопросов не возникает, то употребление неисчисляемых подразумевает наличие множества интересных нюансов, которые мы собираемся рассмотреть. 

Неисчисляемые существительные

Неисчисляемыми существительными являются названиями материалов  (materials), жидкости (liquids), абстрактных качеств (abstract qualities), совокупности чего-то (collections) и других предметов, которые мы не можем расценивать в качестве отдельных предметов.  Большинство неисчисляемых существительных всегда в единственном числе и не имеют множественного, например: зерно (wheat), песок (sand), погода (weather), вода (water), шерсть (wool), молоко (milk). Мы не можем сочетать числа, а также неопределенный  артикль с неисчисляемыми существительными: aid (помощь), behavior (поведение), clothing (одежда), employment (работа), equipment (оборудование), furniture (мебель), help (помощь), information (информация), pollution (загрязнение), software (программное обеспечение), transport (транспорт):

  • Such behavior is below standards. – такое поведение недопустимо.
  • Your clothing is out of fashion. – ваша одежда не модная.
  • This furniture is of famous trademark. – эта мебель известной торговой марки.

Существительные, оканчивающиеся на «–ing», и описывающие какую-то деятельность или активность, также являются неисчисляемыми: advertising (реклама), farming (фермерство), shopping (покупки), swimming (плавание), training (обучение) и т.д.

  • Swimming is good for health – плавание хорошо для здоровья.
  • You can do the best shopping in the central mall. – в этом торговом центре вас ждет лучший шопинг.

Некоторые существительные могут использоваться как исчисляемые, так и неисчисляемые, в зависимости от контекста:

  • You have no work experience in this field of activity – у вас нет опыта работы в этой сфере деятельности.
  • Staying overtime isn’t a pleasant experience. – Сверхурочная работа — не самая приятная практика.
  • How much time do you need to download this file? – сколько времени тебе нужно, чтобы загрузить этот файл?
  • How many times have you travelled abroad? – сколько раз вы путешествовали за границу?
  • At week-end we often go to the country. – На выходные мы часто едем за город.
  • He travels a lot and has visited many countries. – Он много путешествует и посетил множество стран.

Исчисляемое или неисчисляемое?

Иногда нелегко понять, какое перед нами существительное, например, «travel» считается неисчисляемым, тогда как journey – исчисляемое. Невозможно всегда знать наверняка, однако следующие правила, несомненно, помогут разобраться.

Названия болезней обычно считаются неисчисляемыми в английском, например, chickenpox (ветряная оспа), measles (корь), cancer (рак), diabetes (диабет), flu (грипп) и т.д. Однако слова, перед такими словами, как «a headache» и «a cold» сопровождаются артиклем.

Некоторые неисчисляемые существительные относятся к множественному числу. У них нет единственного числа, и они не используются с числительными: trousers (брюки), jeans (джинсы), pyjamas (пижама), pants (брюки), scissors (ножницы), spectacles (очки), glasses (очки), arms (оружие), goods (товар), customs (таможня), groceries (бакалея), clothes (одежда), thanks (спасибо).

  • Have you bought the groceries? – вы купили продукты?
  • Many thanks for your coming. –благодарю за то, что вы пришли.


Список неисчисляемых существительных в английском языке

Вот список самых распространенных  слов, относящихся к неисчисляемым, а рядом указаны соответствующие исчисляемые выражения.

  • Accommodation (жилье) —> ( a place to live)
  • Advice (совет) —> (a piece of advice)
  • baggage (багаж)—> (a piece of baggage; a bag, a case)
  • bread (хлеб)—> (a piece of bread; a loaf; a roll)
  • chess (шахматы)—> (a game of chess)
  • chewing gum (жевательная резинка)—> (a piece of chewing gum)
  • equipment (оборудование) —> (a piece of equipment; a tool)
  • furniture (мебель)—> (a piece/article of furniture)
  • information (информация)—> (a piece of information)
  • knowledge (знание)—> (a fact)
  • lightning (освещение)—> (a flash of lightning)
  • luck (удача)—> (a bit/stroke of luck)
  • luggage (багаж) —> (a piece of luggage; a bag)
  • money (деньги) —> (a note; a coin; a sum)
  • news (новости)—> (a piece of news)
  • poetry (поэзия)—> (a poem)
  • thunder (гром)—> (a clap of thunder)
  • travel (путешествие)—> (a journey/trip)
  • work (работа)—> (a job; a piece of work)
  • milk (молоко)—> a glass of milk
  • coffee (кофе) —> a cup of coffee
  • chocolate (шоколад)—> a bar of chocolate
  • rice (рис)—> a kilo of rice
  • honey (мед) —> a spoon of honey
  • cheese (сыр)—> a slice of cheese
  • dust (пыль) —> a cloud of dust
  • sugar (сахар)—> a particle of sugar
  • sand (песок)—> a grain of sand
  • scissors (ножницы) —> a pair of scissors
  • air (воздух) —> a breath of fresh air
  • petrol (бензин) —> a litre of petrol
  • salt (соль) —> a pinch of salt
  • ice (лед) —> a sheet of ice / paper
  • water (вода) —> a drop of water
  • grass (трава) —> a blade of grass
  • paper (бумага) —> a sheet / piece of paper

Для закрепления материала предлагаем пройти небольшой тест.

Countable / uncountable nouns

1. You can buy here children’s ….

a) Clothing

b) Clothings

2. I have 10 years of …

a) Experiences

b) Experience

3. Microsoft sells computer …

a) Softwares

b) Software

4. You must take this medicine three … a day.

a) Times

b) Time

5. We can’t arrange … of drinks and cigarettes as it is prohibited.

a) Advertisings

b) Advertising

6. You can go there using public …

a) Transports

b) Transport

7. It has excellent facilities, with all the latest …

a) Equipments

b) Equipment

8. I am fond of …

a) Poetries

b) Poetry

9. In future … will be successfully cured.

a) Cancers

b) Cancer

10. Some … will make you good.

a) Training

b) Trainings

prosba avtora

Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные

Видеоурок: Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные

В английском языке существительные делятся на исчисляемые (Countable Nouns) и неисчисляемые существительные (Uncountable Nouns).

Исчисляемые существительные

Исчисляемые существительные (Countable Nouns) обозначают предметы, объекты, понятия, которые поддаются счету и могут употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном числе:

a car — two cars (машина — две машины)

a book — five books (книга — пять книг)

a student — a lot of students (студент — много студентов)

an idea — my ideas (идея — мои идеи)

Особенности употребления исчисляемых существительных

Исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе могут употребляться с неопределенным артиклем a / an:

A fox is an animal. — Лиса — это животное.

Обратите внимание, что исчисляемое существительное в единственном числе всегда должно употребляться с каким-либо определителем. Таким определителем может быть неопределенный артикль a / an, определенный артикль the, указательное местоимение this или that, одно из притяжательных прилагательных my, his, her, its, our, your или their:

I have got a dogThe dog is black. This dog likes to swim. I love my dog very much.

Исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе могут употребляться с определенным артиклем the или с нулевым артиклем (то есть без артикля), а также со словами some, any, several, few или many:

Where are the keys? — Где ключи? (определенный артикль the показывает, что речь идёт о каких-то конкретных ключах)
I like dogs. — Я люблю собак.
He has got some dollars. — У него есть несколько долларов.
Have you got any pens? — У тебя есть ручки?
There are several pens on the table. — На столе несколько ручек.

I have got few best friends. — У меня мало лучших друзей.
I haven’t got many pens. — У меня нет много ручек.

Слова several (несколько), few (мало) и many (много) употребляются только с исчисляемыми существительными.

Существительное people (люди) является исчисляемым существительным, так как в этом значении people — это форма множественного числа существительного person (человек, личность):

There is one person here. — Здесь один человек.
There are three people here. — Здесь три человека.

Неисчисляемые существительные

Неисчисляемые существительные (Uncountable Nouns или Mass Nouns) — это названия понятий, явлений, веществ, которые нельзя пересчитать. Неисчисляемые существительные употребляются только в единственном числе и согласуются с глаголами в форме единственного числа.

Неисчисляемыми существительными могут быть:

абстрактные существительные (мы не можем посчитать такие понятия как «юмор, темнота»):

peace (мир), happiness (счастье), information (информация), darkness (темнота), humour (юмор)

названия предметов и дисциплин:

Maths (математика), French (французский язык), History (история), Geography (география)

вещества, материалы, жидкости (в том числе и многие продукты питания, представляющие из себя сыпучие вещества, напитки и однородную по своему составу массу в виде масла, сыра, соусов и т.д.):

gold (золото), metal (металл), wood (древесина), plastic (пластик), sand (песок), sugar (сахар), rice (рис), water (вода), tea (чай), butter (масло), cheese (сыр)

природные явления:

weather (погода), thunder (гром), lightning (молния), rain (дождь), snow (снег)

некоторые конкретные существительные с обобщенным значением:

furniture (мебель), equipment (оборудование), rubbish (мусор), luggage (багаж)

 Следует также обратить внимание на то, что те существительные, которые в английском языке являются неисчисляемыми (например, accommodation — жилье , advice — совет, furniture — мебель, information — информация, money — деньги, travel — путешествие, knowledge — знание, hair — волосы) могут быть исчисляемыми в других языках. Например, существительные advice (совет) и knowledge (знание) — неисчисляемые в английском, но исчисляемые в русском языке (совет — советы; знание — знания).

Особенности употребления неисчисляемых существительных

Неисчисляемые существительные употребляются в единственном числе и согласуются с глаголами в форме единственного числа:

This information is very important. — Эта информация очень важная.
Your luggage looks heavy. — Ваш багаж выглядит тяжелым.

Также нужно запомнить, что неисчисляемые существительные не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем a / an, но при этом могут использоваться с другими определителями: с определенным артиклем the, указательными местоимениями this или that, притяжательными прилагательными my, his, her, its, our, your, their, а также со словами some, any, little, much.

The news is good! Nick has passed the exam. — Хорошая новость! Ник сдал экзамен.
I have got some money. — У меня есть немного денег.
Have we got any sugar? — У нас есть сахар?
We’ve got little sugar. — У нас мало сахара.
We haven’t got much sugar. — У нас нет много сахара.

Слова little (мало) и much (много) употребляются только с неисчисляемыми существительными.

Если нужно передать количество, то используются выражения a piece of, an item of, a bit of, а также слова, обозначающие единицы измерения (litre, kilogram и т. д.) или ёмкости (bottle, carton, packet и т. д.). В этом случае мы считаем не предметы / явления / понятия, а то, чем они измеряются (килограммы, литры, бутылки, пакеты и т. д.).

a piece of furniture, two pieces of furniture — предмет мебели, два предмета мебели
There were only two pieces of furniture in the room. — В комнате было только два предмета мебели.
*a piece of news / a bit of news, pieces of news / bits of news — новость, новости
I have a very interesting piece of news for you! — У меня для вас есть очень интересная новость!
*a piece of advice / a word of advice, pieces of advice / words of advice — совет, советы
Let me give you a piece of advice. — Позволь мне дать тебе один совет.
I have bought one litre of milk and two bars of chocolate. — Я купила литр молока и две плитки шоколада.

*Данные выражения не являются часто употребляемыми. Чаще всего используется some, или же существительные news и advice употребляются самостоятельно. В любом случае, по контексту будет понятно, идёт речь об одной новости (об одном совете) или о нескольких. Если же все-таки нужно подчеркнуть конкретное число новостей или советов, то используйте данные выше выражения.

Исчисляемость / неисчисляемость существительного в зависимости от значения

Некоторые английские существительные, в зависимости от значения, в котором они используются, могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми. Например:

an iron — утюг (исчисляемое сущ.) / iron — железо (неисчисляемое сущ.)

We bought a new iron yesterday. — Вчера мы купили новый утюг.
The throne was made of iron. — Трон был сделан из железа.

a glass — стакан (исчисляемое сущ.) / glass — стекло (неисчисляемое сущ.)

He has broken a glass. — Он разбил стакан.
The vase is made of glass. — Ваза сделана из стекла.

a paper — газета (исчисляемое сущ.) / paper — бумага (неисчисляемое сущ.)

He is reading a paper. — Он читает газету.
We ran out of paper. — У нас закончилась бумага.

a hair — волосок (исчисляемое сущ.) / hair — волосы (неисчисляемое сущ.)

There was a hair in the soup. — В супе был волос.
Her hair is long. — Её волосы длинные.

Некоторые неисчисляемые существительные могут использоваться как исчисляемые для обозначения различных сортов / видов чего-либо или порций:

I love coffee. — Я люблю кофе. (здесь coffee обозначает напиток, поэтому это неисчисляемое существительное)
Can I have two coffees, please? — Можно мне два кофе, пожалуйста? (здесь речь идёт о порции: two cups of coffee — две чашки кофе, поэтому в данном случае это исчисляемое существительное)
We need to buy sugar. — Нам нужно купить сахар. (здесь sugar — это неисчисляемое существительное, обозначающее вещество)
How many sugars do you want in your coffee? — Сколько сахара положить вам в кофе? (здесь речь идёт о порциях сахара: сколько ложек или кусочков сахара положить в кофе, поэтому в данном случае sugar используется как исчисляемое существительное)
I love cheese. — Я люблю сыр. (cheese — неисчисляемое существительное)
Which cheeses do you like? — Какие сыры вы любите? (здесь cheese используется как исчисляемое существительное, так как обозначает сорта сыра)

Некоторые абстрактные существительные могут использоваться как неисчисляемые существительные или как исчисляемые. Если существительное употреблено в общем смысле, то оно неисчисляемое; если данное существительное обозначает конкретное проявление того или иного понятия, то в таком случае оно является исчисляемым.

beauty — красота (неисчисляемое сущ.) / a beauty — красавица (исчисляемое сущ.)

He was impressed by her beauty. — Он был поражен её красотой.
His bride was a great beauty. — Его невеста была необычайной красавицей.

time — время (неисчисляемое сущ.) / a time — период времени (исчисляемое сущ.)

Time passes quickly. — Время быстро проходит.
We had a great time in Paris. — Мы хорошо провели время в Париже. (период времени)

work — работа (неисчисляемое сущ.) / a work — книга, картина , поделка (исчисляемое сущ.)

I have a lot of work to do. — У меня много работы.
We have the complete works of Tolstoy. — У нас есть полное собрание сочинений Толстого.

 Наиболее употребительные из таких абстрактных существительных:

education (образование), experience (опыт), hatred (ненависть, отвращение), help (помощь), knowledge (знание), life (жизнь), love (любовь), sleep (сон), time (время), understanding (понимание), air (воздух), law (закон) и другие.

Существительные, употребляющиеся только во множественном числе

В английском языке, как и в других языках, есть особая группа существительных, употребляющихся только во множественном числе. К таким существительным относятся прежде всего существительные, обозначающие парные предметы:

trousers (брюки), tights (колготки), shorts (шорты), jeans (джинсы), pyjamas (пижама), scissors (ножницы), tweezers (щипчики), binoculars (бинокль), glasses (очки)

Данные существительные согласуются с глаголами в форме множественного числа, а также с указательными местоимениями во множественном числе:

These trousers are too long. — Эти брюки слишком длинные.

В английском языке мы не можем посчитать такие существительные обычным способом. Передать их количество можно с помощью слова pair (пара):

a pair of trousers — пара брюк
two pairs of trousers — две пары брюк
Нельзя сказать: two trousers

К существительным, которые имеют только множественное число и согласуются с глаголами в форме множественного числа, относятся также следующие существительные:

clothes (одежда), belongings (вещи, пожитки), сongratulations (поздравления), goods (товар, товары), earnings (прибыль, доход), outskirts (окраина), savings (сбережения), surroundings (окрестности), thanks (благодарность)

Посмотрите, как употребляются данные существительные в предложениях:

Whose belongings are these? — Чьи это вещи?
Your clean clothes are in the wardrobe. — Твоя чистая одежда в шкафу.
Many congratulations! — Мои поздравления!
He lives on the outskirts of London. — Он живет на окраине Лондона.

На заметку

Чтобы точно проверить, является то или иное существительное исчисляемым или неисчисляемым, необходимо обратиться к словарю. В словарной статье, как правило, к каждому значению слова дается пометка [countable] / [uncountable]. Если существительное имеет форму только множественного числа, то это также будет указано [plural].

Сегодня мы рассмотрим, какие существительные в английском языке поддаются счету, а какие — нет. Узнаем, что делать, если существительное может быть как исчисляемым, так и неисчисляемым. А еще запомним, какие слова-определители нужно ставить в том или ином случае.

Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке


  • 1. Исчисляемые существительные в английском языке
  • 2. Неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке
  • 3. Существительные, которые могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми

В этой статье будем учить английскую грамматику буквально на пальцах. Если количество существительных можно посчитать, они исчисляемые (countable), если нельзя — неисчисляемые (uncountable). Все просто: три яблока, два яйца и мука — навряд ли кто-то будет считать ее по крупинкам. Однако бывают исключения: какие-то существительные в русском языке поддаются счету, а в английском — нет, и наоборот. В этом случае вам поможет словарь. Также некоторые существительные в английском языке могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми — это зависит от контекста.

Хотите потренироваться в употреблении исчисляемых и неисчисляемых существительных? Записывайтесь на бесплатный пробный урок и учите грамматику без зубрежки — на простых примерах из жизни.

Исчисляемые существительные в английском языке

Исчисляемые существительные в английском языке могут употребляться как в единственном (singular form), так и во множественном числе (plural).

I have a car. — У меня есть машина.
There are 40 cars in our Nissan dealership. — В нашем дилерском центре Nissan 40 машин.

Исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе нельзя употреблять в одиночку, перед ними обязательно нужно поставить слово-определитель, например, артикль (a/an/the), притяжательное местоимение (my — мой, his — его, our — наш и т. д.) или указательное местоимение (this — этот, that — тот).

Давайте более детально узнаем, что и когда лучше использовать с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе.

  1. Неопределенный артикль a/an. Считается, что этот артикль произошел от слова one (один). Поэтому и употреблять его нужно, когда мы говорим об одном из многих — неопределенном предмете, человеке или явлении.

    She has got a car. — У нее есть машина. (какая-то одна)
    My friend is a doctor. — Мой друг доктор. (один представитель класса)

    Если мы используем прилагательное, описывая что-то в первый раз, то сначала ставим артикль a/an, затем прилагательное и только потом существительное.

    I heard a wonderful song last night. — Вчера вечером я услышал прекрасную песню.
    Rome is a beautiful city. — Рим — красивый город.

  2. Определенный артикль the. Полагают, что этот артикль берет свои корни у местоимения that (тот). Поэтому используем мы его тогда, когда говорим о чем-то конкретном, известном обоим собеседникам.

    Can you open the window, please? — Не мог бы ты открыть окно, пожалуйста? (оба знают, какое именно окно нужно открыть).
    I’m going to clean the car tomorrow. — Я завтра собираюсь помыть машину. (обоим известно, о какой машине идет речь)

  3. Притяжательные и указательные местоимения. Используйте притяжательные прилагательные (my — мой, your — твой/ваш, his — его, her — ее, its — его/ее, our — наш, their — их), если в контексте это уместно и вы хотите указать, что кому принадлежит.

    This is her daughter. — Это ее дочь.
    My dog doesn’t bite. — Моя собака не кусается.

    Или можно употребить указательное местоимение (this — этот, that — тот).

    This actor is brilliant. — Этот актер гениален.
    That man is staring at me. — Тот мужчина пялится на меня.

А с чем же употреблять исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе?

  1. Нулевой артикль. То есть просто ничего не ставим. Пользуемся этим правилом в том случае, если мы говорим о чем-то в общем, ничего не конкретизируя.

    She likes roses. — Ей нравятся розы. (розы в общем, не конкретные)
    Cars pollute our environment. — Машины загрязняют нашу окружающую среду. (машины в общем, а не конкретные)

  2. Определенный артикль the. Здесь срабатывает такое же правило, как и в случае с существительными в единственном числе — употребляем the, если говорим о чем-то конкретном или известном собеседнику.

    The children are playing in the park. — Дети играют в парке. (мы знаем, о каких детях идет речь)
    Where are the books I gave you? — Где книги, которые я тебе давал? (конкретные книги)

  3. Неопределенные местоимения some, any. Используйте эти слова-определители, если не знаете точное количество того, о чем вы говорите.

    Обычно мы употребляем some (несколько) в утвердительных предложениях.

    There are some birds in the tree. — На дереве сидит несколько птиц. (нам неизвестно, сколько птиц)
    We need to buy some balloons for the party. — Нам нужно купить несколько шариков для вечеринки.

    Any часто используется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях вместо some.

    I have not bought any apples. — Я не купил яблок.
    Do you have any questions? — У вас есть вопросы?

    Обратите внимание, что any в утвердительном предложении принимает значение «любой».

    You can buy any dress you like. — Ты можешь купить любое платье, которое тебе нравится.

  4. Слова, обозначающие количество (quantifiers). Это могут быть:
    • many, a lot of — много

      В разговорной речи мы чаще используем many в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях, a lot of — в утвердительных. В формальном стиле выражение a lot of использовать не рекомендуется.

      We didn’t take many pictures. — Мы не сделали много фотографий.
      I’ve seen a lot of great films recently. — Я посмотрел много отличных фильмов в последнее время.

    • a few — несколько, few — мало

      Интересно, что только артикль a отличает a few (немного, но достаточно) от few (мало, недостаточно).

      I have a few close friends. — У меня есть несколько близких друзей. (меня это устраивает)
      Few people know about this. — Мало людей знают об этом. (хотелось бы больше)

Неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке

Неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке имеют только одну форму и согласовываются с глаголом в единственном числе.

There is sand in my shoes. — В моей обуви песок.
Your luggage looks heavy. — Твой багаж выглядит тяжелым.

Неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке можно поделить на несколько смысловых групп:

  • еда: meat (мясо), salt (соль), bread (хлеб), chocolate (шоколад), soup (суп);
  • жидкости: tea (чай), coffee (кофе), lemonade (лимонад), petrol (бензин), oil (масло), shampoo (шампунь);
  • материалы и вещества: gold (золото), wood (древесина), sand (песок), paper (бумага), coal (уголь);
  • абстрактные понятия: happiness (счастье), love (любовь), friendship (дружба), beauty (красота);
  • предметы изучения и языки: chemistry (химия), literature (литература), Spanish (испанский язык), English (английский язык);
  • болезни: flu (грипп), mumps (свинка), measles (корь);
  • другое: money (деньги), furniture (мебель), weather (погода).

Что же можно использовать вместе с неисчисляемыми существительными?

  1. Нулевой артикль, если говорим о чем-то в общем.

    She prefers green tea. — Она предпочитает зеленый чай.

  2. Определенный артикль the, если говорим о чем-то конкретном.

    The tea that she served was delicious. — Чай, который она подала, был вкусный.

  3. Some, any. Правила использования такие же, как и в случае с исчисляемыми существительными: в утвердительной форме чаще употребляем some, в отрицательной и вопросительной — any. Используем, когда имеем в виду какое-то количество, и чаще всего на русский язык не переводим.

    I have some money in my wallet. — У меня есть деньги в кошельке.

    — Do you have any luggage with you? — У вас есть багаж с собой?
    — No, I don’t have any luggage. — Нет, у меня нет багажа.

    Обратите внимание, что some может употребляться в вопросительных предложениях, когда мы что-то предлагаем или о чем-то просим.

    Would you like some wine? — Вы не хотели бы выпить вина?
    Can you lend me some money? — Ты не мог бы одолжить мне денег?

  4. Слова, обозначающие количество:
    • much, a lot of — много

      Как и в случае с исчисляемыми существительными, в неформальной речи используем much в отрицательных или вопросительных предложения, a lot of — в утвердительных.

      Why do you need so much time for the survey? — Почему тебе нужно так много времени на опрос?
      You have a lot of furniture in your room. — У тебя в комнате много мебели.

    • a little — немного, little — мало

      Обратите внимание, что как и в случае a few / few, разница в значении между a little / little связана с артиклем: a little — немного (достаточно), little — мало (недостаточно).

      Pour a little milk in this glass, please. — Налей немного молоко в этот стакан, пожалуйста.
      I have little milk, this is not enough for coffee. — У меня мало молока, его не хватит на кофе.

    • Чтобы указать количество неисчисляемых продуктов питания и веществ, используйте исчисляемые емкости или единицы измерения. Например: a kilo of sugar — килограмм сахара, a bottle of water — бутылка воды, a slice of pizza — кусочек пиццы и т. д.

      Shall I bring a bottle of wine? — Мне принести бутылку вина?

      Если вы не можете подобрать единицу измерения, то используйте конструкцию a piece of или a bit of.

      I have two pieces of news — good and bad. Which should I start with? — У меня две новости — хорошая и плохая. С какой мне начать?

В таблице ниже вы найдете самые распространенные неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке и примеры их употребления. Обратите внимание на использование слов-определителей, неопределенных местоимений, слов «много»/«мало» и согласование с глаголом.

Существительное Пример
accommodation — жилье I need to find some accomodation for these four months. — Мне нужно найти жилье на эти четыре месяца.
advice — совет I need a piece of good advice. — Мне нужен хороший совет.
baggage (AmE), luggage (BrE) — багаж How much luggage have you got? — Сколько у вас багажа?
equipment — оборудование, снаряжение, устройство This hospital has a lot of new equipment. — В этой больнице много нового оборудования.
furniture — мебель There is little furniture in my house. — В моем доме мало мебели.
information — информация It was a helpful piece of information. — Это была полезная информация.
homework — домашняя работа She has a lot of homework to do. — Ей нужно сделать много домашней работы.
housework — работа по дому I have a little housework today. I just need to do the ironing. — У меня сегодня немного работы по дому. Мне нужно только погладить.
knowledge — знания Unfortunately, I had little knowledge to pass the exam. — К сожалению, у меня было мало знаний, чтобы сдать тест.
litter, rubbish (BrE), garbage (AmE) — мусор Our planet is full of litter. — Наша планета заполнена мусором.
luck — удача Any luck with the booking? — Есть успехи с бронированием??
news — новости The news was very exciting. — Новости были очень захватывающими.
progress — прогресс I haven’t made any progress. — Я не добился никакого прогресса.
traffic — дорожное движение Traffic was blocked by some roadworks. — Дорожное движение было заблокировано из-за дорожных работ.

Существительные, которые могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми

В зависимости от контекста одно и то же существительное в английском языке может быть как исчисляемым, так и неисчисляемым. Посмотрим на примеры их использования с соответствующими словами-определителями, местоимениями, словами «много»/«мало».

Неисчисляемое (Uncountable) Исчисляемое (Countable)
Кофе и чай как напитки, жидкости

I don’t drink much coffee. I prefer tea. — Я не пью много кофе, я предпочитаю чай.

Кофе и чай как чашка напитка

Can we have a tea and a coffee? — Можно нам (чашку) чая и (чашку) кофе?

Торт как еда

— Would you like some of my birthday cake? — Хочешь праздничного торта?
— Just a little. — Только немного.

Один целый торт

I need to buy two big cakes for the party. — Мне нужно купить два больших торта для вечеринки.

Шоколад как еда

I am allergic to chocolate. — У меня аллергия на шоколад.

Шоколадная конфета в коробке

I’ve found a box of chocolates. — Я нашел коробку конфет.


She has long hair. — У нее длинные волосы.


There is a hair in my soup! — В моем супе волос!


I don’t have much free time this week. — У меня на этой неделе немного свободного времени.

Количество раз

I go to the gym three times a week. — Я хожу в спортзал три раза в неделю.

Бумага как материал

Can you give me some paper, please? — Не мог бы ты дать мне бумагу, пожалуйста?

Газета, документ

I bought an interesting paper. — Я купил интересную газету.


I saw some glass near the broken window. — Я увидел стекло возле разбитого окна.


Can I have a glass of orange juice, please? — Можно мне стакан апельсинового сока, пожалуйста?

Свободное место, пространство

There is no room on the wall to hang a picture. — На стене нет места, чтобы повесить картину.


There are five rooms in this house. — В этом доме пять комнат.


I had troubles finding work after graduation — Мне было нелегко найти работу после окончания университета.

Произведение, изделие

There are more than one thousand works of art in this museum. — В этом музее более тысячи произведений искусства.

Камень как материал

This palace was built of stone. — Этот замок был построен из камня.

Кусок камня

A robber threw a stone at a bank’s window. — Грабитель бросил камень в окно банка.

Дела, бизнес

I have some unfinished business to go here. — У меня здесь незаконченные дела.


He runs a small business. — Он управляет небольшой компанией.

Предлагаем пройти наш тест для закрепления материала.

Надеемся, что наша статья помогла вам разобраться в разнице между исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными. Конечно, существует много нюансов и исключений, рассказать о которых в одной статье просто невозможно. Подписывайтесь на рассылку, чтобы не пропустить следующие статьи по грамматике — а их будет много, обещаем!

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«Таблица. Countable and uncountable nouns.»

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Let’s take an example:

You’re studying for a test and your classmate/roommate comes in and says:

The teacher posted a study guide for us… and, he’s pushed the test back a day, so we have more time to study.

Those are two separate things but they are related because they have to do with the test. Still, it was told to you in one event, so you can consider it to be a single «piece of news», so «That’s great news!» is still a perfectly appropriate response.

If you really want to emphasize that it’s two different things, you might consider using «some» or «both».

That’s some great news.
Both of those pieces of news are great to hear.

The latter of these options seems a little odd but I can imagine saying it if I really wanted to emphasize that both are great to know. For example, you might continue the sentence:

Both of those pieces of news are great to hear since I wasn’t sure what to study for the test and I really don’t think I’m prepared to take it tomorrow.

You could also not use «news» at all.

I’m so glad to hear that.
That’s great to hear.

Even if the two pieces of news aren’t related, it’s fine to combine them:

I got an A on my astronomy test… Also, Jane is coming to visit in a week!

Replying «That’s great news» is still perfectly acceptable. Remember, you’re likely to respond individually to both pieces of news in a following sentence:

That’s great news! I know you studied really hard for your test… and I’m so excited to see Jane. I haven’t seen her in three months.

Countable and uncountable nouns

что такое неисчисляемые существительные

In English, nouns are divided into quantifiable (Countable Nouns) and uncountable nouns (Uncountable Nouns).

Countable nouns

Countable nouns (Countable nouns) denote objects, objects, concepts that lend themselves to counting and can be used both in the singular and in the plural:

a car — two cars (car — two cars)

a book — five books (book — five books)

a student — a lot of students (student — many students)

an idea — my ideas (idea — my ideas)

Features of the use of countable nouns

Countable nouns in the singular can be used with an indefinite article a / an:

a fox is an animal… — A fox is an animal.

Note that the singular countable noun must always be used with some qualifier. This qualifier can be the indefinite article a / an, the definite article the, the demonstrative this or that, one of the possessive adjectives my, his, her, its, our, your, or their:

I have got UN ChienThe dog is black. This dog s to swim. I love my dog very much.

Countable plural nouns can be used with the definite article the or with the zero article (that is, without the article), as well as with the words some, any, several, few, or many:

Where are the keys? — Where are the keys? (the definite article the indicates that we are talking about some specific keys)
I dogs… — I love dogs.
He has got some dollars… — He has a few dollars.

Have you got any pens? — Do you have pens?
There are several pens on the table. — There are several pens on the table.
I have got few best friends… — I have few best friends.
I haven’t got many pens.

— I don’t have many pens.

The words several (several), few (few) and many (many) are used only with countable nouns.

The noun people (people) is a countable noun, since in this meaning people is the plural form of the noun person (person, person):

there is one person here. — There is one person here.
There are three people here. “There are three people here.

Uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns (Uncountable nouns or Mass nouns) — these are the names of concepts, phenomena, substances that cannot be counted. Uncountable nouns are used only in the singular and agree with verbs in the singular.

Uncountable nouns can be:

abstract nouns (we cannot count such concepts as «humor, darkness»):

Peace (peace), Happiness (happiness), information (information), Darkness (darkness), humor (humor)

names of subjects and disciplines:

Maths (mathematics), French (French), History (story), Geography (geography)

substances, materials, liquids (including many food products, which are loose substances, drinks and a mass homogeneous in their composition in the form of butter, cheese, sauces, etc.):

gold (gold), metal (metal), wood (wood), plastic (plastic), sand (sand), sugar (sugar), rice (rice), water (water), torch (tea), butter (butter), cheese (cheese)

natural phenomena:

weather (weather), thunder (thunder), lightning (lightning), rain (rain), snow (snow)

some specific nouns with a generalized meaning:

furniture (furniture), equipment (equipment), rubbish (rubbish), Luggage (baggage)

 You should also pay attention to the fact that those nouns that are uncountable in English (for example, accommodation — accommodation, advice — advice, furniture — furniture, information — information, money — money, travel — travel, knowledge — knowledge, hair — hair) can be countable in other languages. For example, the nouns advice (advice) and knowledge (knowledge) are uncountable in English, but countable in Russian (advice is advice; knowledge is knowledge).

Features of the use of uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns are used in the singular and agree with verbs in the singular:

This information is very important. — This information is very important.
Your luggage looks heavy. — Your baggage looks heavy.

You also need to remember that uncountable nouns are not used with the indefinite article a / an, but at the same time they can be used with other determinants: with the definite article the, the demonstrative pronouns this or that, the possessive adjectives my, his, her, its, our, your, their, as well as with the words some, any, little, much.

The news


Countable and uncountable nouns in English

что такое неисчисляемые существительные

All English nouns fall into two groups. Some lend themselves to counting, while others cannot be counted. It is important to take this factor into account when constructing a proposal. The agreement with one or another pronoun, verb and article depends on calculability. This category carries not only grammatical, but also semantic load. Let’s take a closer look at everything in order.

Countable nouns

These include words for people and things that can be counted. In everyday life, they are found in one copy or in a large variety. For this reason, they can be used in the plural and combined with all numbers.

I ate at the restaurant with four colleagues/ I ate at a restaurant with four colleagues

i play video games pretty often / I play computer games quite often

Compatible with articles.

We can easily imagine such words and can see them in reality every day. They mean a very specific thing or an animated person, therefore, in the singular, they always carry an indefinite article («a» or «an»).

There’s been a mistake/ It was a mistake

I’ll take to book with me for the trip / I will take a book with me on a trip

 there is an elevator/ There is an elevator

Quantifiers matching.

The nouns we can list are compatible with quantifiers, but not all. They are used in conjunction with indefinite pronouns to express a greater or lesser degree of an animate or inanimate object:

  1. Any — Any
  2. Many — Many
  3. Some — Some
  4. Few — Several

I have some friends in America / I have friends in America

do you have many sofas these in the house? / You have many of the same sofas in the house

Uncountable nouns

They express collective words, liquid substances, weather, emotions, substances, diseases. They defy counting. Some of them are difficult to imagine and impossible to see in everyday life. Such words cannot be distinguished from many others and are never used with numbers. They indicate an abstract concept, therefore they are often used only in the singular form.

Our love is something that I can’t explain

I’d cold water with a bit of ice / I would like some cold water and some ice

Nouns that cannot be counted in English are not so simple. Difficulties arise when translating such words into Russian or another language. Somewhere they are used in the plural, but somewhere they are not. In English, there is a group of uncountable, which can only be combined with verbs in the singular.

Travel Furniture / Furniture News / News Advice
Traffic Luggage Knowledge Money / Money

What is your advice for me? / What advice can you give me?

That is really bad News for me / This is really terrible news

The opposite situation is also observed. A number of uncountable are used only in the plural, in contrast to the Russian language. This must be taken into account when coordinating such words with verbs.


Countable and uncountable nouns in English

что такое неисчисляемые существительные

  1. Food and drinks (liquids): bread (bread), cheese (cheese), salt (salt), chocolate (chocolate), water (water), tea (tea), milk (milk), oil (butter).
  2. gold (gold), silver (silver), wood (wood), plastic (plastic).
  3. Subjects of study and languages: mathematic (mathematics), history (history), literature (literature), Ukrainian (Ukrainian), Russian (Russian), English (English).
  4. Diseases: flu (flu), cancer (cancer).
  5. Sports and games: football (football), golf (golf), poker (poker).
  6. Abstract concepts: music (music), advice (advice), happiness (happiness).
  7. Weather conditions: snow (snow), fog (fog), rain (rain).

But how do you describe the number of uncountable items? It’s simple — use specific notation:

  • a slice (of bread) — a slice (of bread);
  • a bit (of sand) — a little (sand);
  • a kilogram (of meat) — a kilogram (of meat);
  • a piece (of cheese) — a piece (of cheese);
  • a cup (of tea) — a cup (of tea);
  • a bottle (of milk) — a bottle (of milk).

By the way, if you want to say that there is a lot — some of the uncountable nouns — use the word much: much time — a lot of time. And with countable nouns, use the word many: many books — many books. There is a phrase that can be used with both categories, it is a lot of: a lot of documents — a lot of documents, a lot of love — a lot of love.

If you need to say that something is not enough, the word is used with countable nouns few: a few pens — a few pens, and with uncountable ones — a little: a little time — little time.

Pronoun some can be used with both forms of nouns, only in the case of those that can be counted it will mean «several», «some», «some» and with those that cannot be counted — «a little»: some workers — several workers , some pure water — some pure water.

Thus, we are very close to the topic of the singular and plural of countable and uncountable nouns. Oil oil? Let’s figure it out now, and you will understand that everything is not so confusing!

Singular and plural

Countable nouns in the singular in front of them require the setting of the article a / an. In the plural, a certain amount. At the same time, add the ending –s to countable nouns.

Read more about the formation of plural nouns in our article Plural in English.

Let’s take a look at examples:

  • I dont have a car. — I do not have a car. We have two cars. — I have two cars.
  • He doesn’t have a sister. — He has no sister. He has three brothers. — He has three brothers.

Uncountable does not require an article in any case and, naturally, such nouns are not used in the plural. Putting an article in front of an uncountable noun will change the meaning of the word: life (life) — a life (path of life), light (light) — a light (lamp).

Do not forget that in English there are words that have only the plural: scissors, pants, glasses, shorts, pajamas, tights. But they, for example, can be counted in pairs:

  • I bought a new pair of jeans. — I bought a new pair of jeans (new jeans).
  • They gave me two pairs of sunglasses. “They gave me two pairs of sunglasses.

Well, the theory is described — it’s time to move on to practice!

Exercises on andcount and uncountable nouns

  1. This bracelet is made of gold / from gold.
  2. I ate a cookies / tree cookies.
  3. I want tea / some tea.
  4. He bought ten bottles of beer / beers.
  5. Do you wear two glasses / glasses?
  6. There is some juice / little juice in the glass.
  7. My friend Tom doesn’t eat meat / meats.
  8. Would you a piece of cake / some cake?
  9. I need your advice / some advice.
  10. He looked at her with interest / an interest.

Answers: 1. of gold, 2. tree cookies, 3. some tea 4. ten bottles 5. glasses 6. some juice 7. meat 8.

both answers are correct 9. some advice 10. interest

Countable and uncountable nouns are not a difficult topic, but very important from the standpoint of understanding the English language itself, because nouns are associated with almost all parts of speech and literate people just need to be able to use them correctly.

You can put your knowledge into practice at the English language school in Kiev Native English School. Come learn and develop conversational skills with our wonderful teachers!


Countable and uncountable nouns in English

In English, all nouns are divided into countable and uncountable.

  • Countable — those that can logically be counted: individual objects, people, animals, something that has a certain physical form. Box, child, tree, table are all countable nouns.
  • The uncountable cannot be counted in the traditional way. These are bulk products, liquids, shapeless objects, gaseous states, natural phenomena, general concepts, abstract phenomena and much more. Weather, water, grass, money are uncountable nouns.

For Russian people unfamiliar with such a grammatical concept, it is initially difficult to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns. It would seem that money can be counted, but this is a deceptive assumption. You can count rubles, dollars or euros (respectively, rouble, dollar and euro are countable nouns). But the very concept of money does not lend itself to account — the expression «two moneys» is not only meaningless, but also wrong from a grammatical point of view.

Calculus as a function of value

There are a number of words in the English language that can be both countable and uncountable, depending on their meaning and context. The table shows the most common ones.

Countable Uncountable
Chocolate — chocolate as a substance that has no definite shape. I don’t milk chocolate. I don’t like milk chocolate. A chocolate — chocolate, candy: a product made of chocolate, which has a specific shape. Try these chocolates, they are delicious. Try these chocolates, they are delicious.
Fruit — fruit as a general concept. (not: I love fruits) I love fruits. A fruit is a certain type of fruit. I bought different fruits. I bought several types of fruit.
Hair — hair. In theory, all hair on a person’s head can be counted, but practically impossible. Her hair is blonde. Her hair is blonde. A hair is a hair, a few individual hairs that can really be counted. There are hairs in my soup. There are hairs in my soup.
Wine, tea, coffee, all beverages — drinks in general. He drinks wine every day. He drinks wine every day. A wine, a tee, a coffee, all beverages (except water) — individual beverages or portion if cup or glass are omitted. This is a French wine. This is French wine.
Paper — paper A paper — newspaper, document
Coal — coal A coal — coal
Wood — wood A wood — forest
Room — space A room — room
Time — time A time — times
Light — light A light — light
Iron — iron An iron — iron
Fire — fire A fire — fire, bonfire

There are a lot of such words that have a double meaning. Even the most mundane countable objects can turn out to be uncountable in a certain context (apple — an apple as a separate fruit, having a certain shape and undoubtedly subject to counting, and an apple as a substance, an ingredient in a dish). As a rule, the relationship between them is of the general-particular form, for example:

  • Substance — an object made of this substance or a piece of it: stone (stone as a material) — a stone (separate stone, pebble)
  • Product — product type: tea (tea as a drink in general) — a tea (specific type of tea)
  • Product — product portion: coffee (coffee as a drink in general) — a coffee (cup of coffee)
  • An abstract concept is a more specific concept: life (life as a phenomenon) — a life (someone’s life, a certain life path)


Many nouns that at first glance seem to be countable for Russian-speaking people turn out to be uncountable. In fact, they are not exceptions to the English rules, but for those who learn the language, it is easier to remember them as exceptions so as not to make serious mistakes.

Uncountable nouns:

  • News — although it is plural, it is actually an uncountable noun in the singular.

This news is fantastic.

This news is amazing.

Your advice wasn’t helpful. (not: Your advices, even if there were several tips)

Your advice didn’t help.

Rules for the use of countable and uncountable nouns in English

A countable noun can be used in both singular and plural forms. In the singular, an indefinite article is placed in front of it, which can be called an indicator of calculability, since in fact it replaces the numeral one.

I have a cat and two dogs.

I have a cat and two dogs.

Uncountable nouns in English cannot be plural. Even if the noun is translated into Russian by the plural word (hair — hair), in the sentence it is used with singular verbs. The indefinite article is not needed in front of uncountable nouns.

Your hair is so curly and nice.

Your hair is so curly and beautiful.

Countable nouns use the words many and few / a few, with uncountable ones — much and little / a little.

He has many books, but he doesn’t have much time to read them.

He has many books, but little time to read them.

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What is important to know about countable and uncountable nouns in English

The use of nouns in English has many nuances. But do not be discouraged: as you know, nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence! Let’s find out how countable and uncountable nouns combine with articles and adjectives, and how they form the plural.

Countable or Uncountable?

To understand the difference between countable and uncountable nouns, you just need to try to count the objects that they represent.

Countable nouns denote things that exist as separate units. Usually we can perceive such objects with the help of our senses. For example: pen, car, wall, cat, sentence, building.

Uncountable nouns refer to things that cannot be counted or divided into parts. Usually such nouns denote abstract or collective concepts. For example: water, oil, joy, happiness, collaboration, attitude, development, interaction.

Keep in mind that countable nouns in English can be uncountable in other languages, and vice versa.

Plural formation

Most countable nouns are plural by adding -s at the end of a word. Uncountable nouns have no plural at all.

An exception

This exception applies to a number of nouns in the English language, which are both countable and uncountable. Usually the countable meaning of such nouns is concrete and specific, while the uncountable carries a more abstract and general meaning. Let’s compare with examples:

Calculated value

  • Tom faced a couple of difficulties repairing his car last evening. — I mean the specific amount of difficulty in repairing the engine.
  • Having entered the Palace, Jane was delighted by the multitude of various lights. — It’s about the number of lighting elements in the palace.

Uncountable value

  • He the figure of high difficulty perfectly and won the first prize. — It’s about difficulty in general.
  • The light coming from the Sun is vitally important for our planet. — I mean light in general.

Uncountable nouns for food and drinks can sometimes be plural if they have the meaning of a separate item from a certain category of items: food (s), fruit (s), wine (s). Let’s look at examples:

  • I have tasted twelve Italian wines. — I mean the varieties of wines.
  • She ate her favorite salad consisting of four fruits. — It’s about the types of fruits.

Use with articles

Choosing the right article for a noun is not easy, as it depends on its countability (countable / uncountable) and number (singular / plural). However, all kinds of nouns can take the article.

In the form of a table, it will be easier for you to understand the features of the use of countable / uncountable nouns with articles. The pronouns this, that, these, those are also included in the table, since, similarly to the article, they indicate the definiteness of the noun.

a year the this, that these, those without article
Calculated in units. number of + + +
Calculated in plural number of + + +
Uncountable + + +

Consider examples of the use of various nouns with articles:

Countable in the singular

  • I bought a car.
  • Tom kicked the ball.
  • Does he this tall girl? No, Tom s that girl of medium height.

Plural countable

  • Jane s to water the flowers.
  • Did you plant these trees? No, I planted those trees.
  • Dogs are faithful friends.


  • The paper is white.
  • This bread is going dry.
  • Progress is inevitable.

Collective words

The use of nouns with collective words in English is presented in the form of a table. Some of them can be used in combination: many more, many fewer, much more, much less.

little, a little, much, less some, a lot of, no, any, more, most many, few, a few, a couple of, several, both one, any, each, every
Calculated in units. number of +
Calculated in plural number of + +
Uncountable + +

Consider examples of the use of nouns with different collective words:

Countable in the singular

  • Jane has online lessons every day.

Plural countable

  • Today most ESL students choose online courses by skype.
  • Tom tried a couple of online lessons by skype and was pleased with them.


  • He s to take some milk for breakfast.
  • The engine was producing little power so was delivered for repair.

Now you know how to use countable and uncountable nouns with articles, collective words. In addition, you learned what are the exceptions and special rules in the formation of plural nouns in English.

This topic is often found in entrance exams and will come in handy when preparing for an interview in English.


Lesson 23. Countable and uncountable nouns in English

Daria SorokinaLinguist-translator, teacher of foreign languages.

Countable and Uncountable nouns in English.
When using nouns in speech, we do not hesitate to put them in the right case, number, and so on. However, in English, on the one hand, everything is easier with the use of nouns, on the other hand, it is more complicated.

In English, a noun is a part of speech that denotes an object, abstract concept or process of action. There are no cases in English as such, therefore there are no case endings for nouns, which makes the task easier. Complicating this is the fact that all nouns fall into two classes: countable nouns и uncountable nouns.

Lesson assignments

Exercise 1. Determine which of the listed nouns are countable (C), which are uncountable (U).
Pen, happiness, tomato, weather, news, money, coin, pizza, meat, cheese.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the required verb is / are. 1. A carrot orange. 2. The weather fine today. 3. This furniture wooden. 4. Your advice good.5. These computers theirs. 6. The water in the lake pure.

7. This bread is fresh.

Exercise 1.
C, U, C, U, U, U, C, C, U, U.

Exercise 2.
Is, is, is, is, are, is, is.


Countable and uncountable nouns in English: differences and exceptions to the rules


Nouns can be both countable and uncountable. Countable nouns are nouns that express something / object that we can count.
sofa — sofas

  • Accordingly, uncountable nouns express an object / object that we cannot count.
  • Countable and uncountable nouns in English can be presented in singular and plural, depending on the meaning and context of the word.
  • So let’s start with the rules for using countable and uncountable nouns in English.
  • Countable nouns are very simple. If there is only one object, then we substitute one and an entity without any endings:

— Chris decided to take one book. — Chris decided to take one book.

When there are several items, then it is necessary to substitute the numeral if we know a specific amount (two, twenty, ninety, etc.). To the very essence, we add the ending s / es or use a special form, if this is an exception word.

— Chris decided to take four books. — Chris decided to take four books.
— There were two policemen in the room. “There were two police officers in the room.

As for uncountable nouns, they are more often used in singular. and have no endings.

— The truth was so painful. “The truth was so bitter.

And also you can find the formulation «countable and uncountable nouns in English», do not be alarmed, this is just a variation of the translation of countable and uncountable nouns.

Be sure to watch the video where the characters use countable and uncountable nouns.

The most common uncountable nouns

Below we have presented a list of the most popular uncountable words in the English language.

Word Translation
AdvertisingAidAdviceArtBusinessCashChildhoodClothingDataEducationElectricityFoodHappinessHealthHelpInformationLabourLiteratureMoneyMusicNatureNewsPaperPollutionProgressRainSafetyShoppinSoftwareSpeedStressTimeTravelWaterWeatherWork AdvertisingHelpAdviceArtBusinessCashChildhoodClothesDataEducationElectricityFoodHappinessHealthHelpInformationLaborLiteratureMoneyMusicNatureNewsPaperPaperPollutionProgress

Despite the fact that the table contains uncountable nouns of the English language, words related to the topic of food can also be countable.

Countable words for food

For example, the English words fish and fruit are both countable and uncountable. If we are talking about a fish / fruit as a representative of a certain type of fish / fruit, then this word is used either in singular or in plural.

— There are different fish in the aquarium. — There are different fish in the aquarium.
— I try to buy various fruits. — I try to buy different fruits.

And if we talk about fish / fruit as a dish, then this is an uncountable noun.

— I’ve had fish for dinner. — I ate fish for dinner.
— Children should eat more fruit. — Children should eat more fruits.

The same goes for the word bread, it can be countable or uncountable. If we are talking about varieties of bread, then the use of plural is allowed.

— We sell three breads: white, poppy-seed, and sesame seed. — We sell three types of bread: white, with poppy seeds and with sesame seeds.

If we consider bread as a food product, then this is an uncountable noun.

— You eat too much bread. — You eat too much bread.

What about the words news and money? Countable or uncountable? Uniquely uncountable. News (news) and money (money) are uncountable nouns that cannot be used in the plural in any way.

— He was shocked when he heard this news. — He was shocked when he heard this news.
— We had a little money left. — We have little money left.

Uncountable nouns in pictures

Recall once again that common nouns are divided into count (countable) nouns and uncount (uncountable) nouns.

And to understand what uncountable nouns are in English will not be difficult, since these are the names of objects that cannot be counted.

They can be material (silver, milk) or abstract (love, friendship). Take a look at the diagram that shows how nouns are divided in English.

  • Well, now is the time to find out which words are abstract nouns and which are real.
  • Real nouns — Material nouns
  • Academic disciplines and more

Uncountable nouns become countable in certain contexts

Both countable and uncountable nouns in English can also be time (time), truth (truth), hair (hair), room (room, space), art (art), science (science).

Let’s take a look at some examples:

— Have you had a good time at the party? — Did you have a good time at the party?

In this sentence, the word time is countable, since it is preceded by the article ‘a’ (we are talking about a specific time — spent at a party).

— I don’t think I have time to have breakfast before I Ieave. “I don’t think I have time for breakfast before I leave.

In this sentence, time is an uncountable noun, because it’s about time in general.

— There are five rooms in the house. — The house has five rooms.

With this sentence, everything is clear, the word room in the meaning of «room» is countable. However, in the meaning of «place, space» it is uncountable.

— There isn’t much room in this hall. “There isn’t much room in this hall.

As for the word hair, in the meaning of «hair» it is countable, and in the meaning of «hair» it is uncountable.

— There was a hair in her soup. — There was hair in her soup.
— That dog has a lot of hair. “That dog has a lot of hair.

Let’s take a look at the word truth as an example. It would seem that the truth cannot be counted in any way. Nevertheless, if we are talking about any facts, then it is quite possible for yourself.

— There is no truth in the rumors. — There is no truth in rumors.
— The fundamental truths about human nature. — Fundamental truths about human nature.

Comparisons of countable and uncountable nouns

You may have noticed that the quantifier word many is used with countable nouns in English, and much is used with uncountable nouns.

Despite the fact that both of them are translated as «many», there is a rule according to which many are combined only with countable, and much — only with uncountable.

Consider examples with countable and uncountable nouns in English:

— Students don’t seem to have much homework these days. “It doesn’t seem like the students have a lot of homework these days.

(homework cannot be counted, which means it is uncountable noun)

Those. this option is not possible in any way:


Countable and uncountable nouns in English: comparison table, list of popular words, exercises

Nouns can be both countable and uncountable. Countable nouns are nouns that express something / object that we can count.
sofa — sofas

Accordingly, uncountable nouns express an object / object that we cannot count.
wine (wine)

Countable and uncountable nouns in English can be presented in singular and plural, depending on the meaning and context of the word.

Countable and uncountable nouns in English

Please note that this topic only applies to common nouns.

So let’s start with the rules for using countable and uncountable nouns in English.

Countable nouns are very simple. If there is only one object, then we substitute one and an entity without any endings:

— Chris decided to take one book. — Chris decided to take one book.

When there are several items, then it is necessary to substitute the numeral if we know a specific amount (two, twenty, ninety, etc.). To the very essence, we add the ending s / es or use a special form, if this is an exception word.

— Chris decided to take four books. — Chris decided to take four books.
— There were two policemen in the room. “There were two police officers in the room.

As for uncountable nouns, they are more often used in singular. and have no endings.

— The truth was so painful. “The truth was so bitter.

And also you can find the formulation «countable and uncountable nouns in English», do not be alarmed, this is just a variation of the translation of countable and uncountable nouns.

Be sure to watch the video where the characters use countable and uncountable nouns.

What are countable nouns

Countable nouns (countable nouns) denote objects, phenomena, concepts that can be counted in the speaker’s mind. For example: egg, house, suggestion, minute. Countable nouns in English can be used in both singular and plural:

I have a puppy… — I have puppy.

My sister has puppies… — My sister has puppies.

Other examples of countable nouns:

I have a few questions… — I have some questions.

There is an old tree in the valley. — There is an old one in the valley tree.

May I have a donut? — May I donut?

take any umbrella you want. — Take any umbrella, whatever you want.

This is my sister’s Photo. — It a photo my sister’s.

As you can see, countable nouns are combined with words that in their meaning are suitable for “piece” and not abstract objects, for example, with the article: we can say “a donut”, which literally is perceived as “one donut”, the article itself “a an ”already implies“ pieceiness ”,“ separateness ”of the subject. We can say “a few question” — “a few questions”, because the questions are not solid, tangible objects, but still something that can be counted.

Uncountable nouns cannot be combined with such words.

What are uncountable nouns

Uncountable nouns (uncountable nouns) denote objects, substances, concepts that cannot be counted. These include the names of abstract concepts, substances, various masses, bulk materials and products, liquids: art — art, oil — oil, oil, salt — salt, tea — tea. Uncountable nouns are used only in the singular:


Uncountable nouns in English

Uncountable nouns are nouns that denote substances and concepts that cannot be counted. These include both material (liquid, gaseous, solid materials) and abstract nouns (natural phenomena, actions, feelings, etc.). But in English, unlike Russian, many nouns can be used both as countable and uncountable.

So, uncountable nouns are used only in the singular and, accordingly, agree with verbs in the singular. Remember that in English they are not used with the indefinite article. a or If it is necessary to distinguish an uncountable noun from a general category of substances or concepts, the definite article is used tea.

In the role of the subject, they agree with the predicate in the singular. Can be replaced by singular pronouns. In most cases, this pronoun it.

Classification of uncountable nouns

There are a lot of uncountable nouns in the English language, and in order to better remember them, you can classify them into groups. We have compiled a list of commonly used uncountable nouns in colloquial speech.

  1. Natural phenomena: darkness — darkness, snow — snow, fog — fog, gravity — gravity, heat — heat, humidity — dampness, light — daylight, hail — hail, lighting — lightning, rain — rain, thunder — thunder, sunshine — sunlight, weather — weather, wind — wind, etc.
  2. Liquids: petrol — gasoline, oil — vegetable oil / oil, coffee — coffee, water — water, tea — tea, lemonade — lemonade, milk — milk, wine — wine, blood — blood, etc.
  3. Gaseous substances: nitrogen — nitrogen, oxygen — oxygen, air — air, steam — steam, smoke — smoke, smog — thick fog, etc.
  4. Food: bread — bread, cheese — cheese, butter — butter, meat — meat, spaghetti — spaghetti, yoghurt — yogurt, etc.
  5. Languages: Russian — Russian, Greek — Greek, German — German, English — English, Arabic — Arabic, Chinese — Chinese, Spanish — Spanish, etc.
  6. Substances consisting of many small particles: semolina — semolina, rice — rice, flour — flour, corn — corn, dust — dust, salt — salt, sugar — sugar, pepper — pepper, sand — sand, etc.
  7. Diseases:


Countable and uncountable nouns

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The category of calculability and uncountability in English is quite important when studying not only nouns and articles, but also pronouns and verbs, because you have to reconcile the subject with the predicate.

In other words, more than one grammatical topic concerns this category, because many points depend on which noun we are working with — with a countable (countable noun) or uncountable (uncountable noun).

How do they differ from each other? This can be understood just by looking at their name.

Countable nouns

Countable nouns («countable») are words that denote the names of concrete objects and abstract concepts that can be counted. And since they can be counted, they are used both in the singular and in the plural. Examples of countable nouns are: table, picture, hour, holiday, offer, boy, decision, way-out, etc.

When using such words in the singular, you can use the indefinite article a / an in front of them: a table, a picture, an hour, an offer, a boy, a decision, a way-out.

Moreover, a countable noun in the singular must always be accompanied by some kind of determinative. If there is no indefinite article, either a definite article (the) or a possessive pronoun (my, his, our, etc.), a demonstrative pronoun (that, this) is needed.

Let me remind you that a determinative is a linguistic indicator for a noun, expressing the meaning of certainty. For example:

  • I saw the boy.
  • This picture is a masterpiece.
  • I approve of the decision you’ve made.
  • I broke we leg.

With countable plural nouns, we can use the indefinite pronouns some (any, many, few):

some friends of mine will come to this party. — Several of my friends will come to the party. (Some of my friends will come to the party).

Uncountable nouns

In contrast to the previous, uncountable nouns («not countable») are the names of substances, abstract concepts that cannot be counted. And, therefore, they are used only in the singular.

Examples: knowledge, silver, music, milk, water, happiness, furniture, advice, etc.

These nouns cannot be used with the indefinite articles a / an, but you can combine them with the other determinants mentioned above (definite article, possessive, demonstrative pronoun).

They are also used with some indefinite pronouns: some, any, much, little. For example:

  • These earrings are made of silver.
  • I have some news for you.
  • I don’t the music you are listening to now.
  • Her beauty attracts me.

However, there are cases in which it is allowed to use an uncountable noun with the indefinite article a / an, as well as with numerals (one / two, etc.). This can be done when ordering food in a restaurant, cafe:

We’ll have four coffees, please. — We have four coffees.

Uncountable nouns include various edible products (meat, flour, milk, salt, etc.), liquids (petrol, coffee, etc.), substances and materials (gold, wood, glass, etc.), abstract concepts (help, education, etc.) and many other words (advice, weather, hair, etc.).

What if we need to use such a word in speech? How to transfer any quantity? Certain words serve this purpose: a piece of advice, a bowl of fruit, a carton of milk, a bar of chocolate, a glass of wine ), a can of Coke, a tube of paint, a kilo of meat, a cup of tea, a loaf of bread, a rasher of bacon (thin slice of bacon).

If we are talking about real nouns, then we remember that there are nouns that denote not the substance itself, but an object that consists of this substance. Such a noun will already be countable. For example:

Their house is built of local stones. “Their house is built from local stone. (uncountable noun)

I have a stone in my shoe. — I have a pebble in my shoe. (countable noun)

In another case, real nouns can become countable: when they convey different varieties or types of a substance.

there is a live coal in the fire-place. — There is a burning ember in the fireplace.


LESSON 7 English

Abstract of the 7th lesson in PDF format can be viewed, printed and downloaded at this link

In this lesson we will study words that indicate the quantity and measure of something, as well as the degree of manifestation of any properties (qualities). In addition, let’s talk about adverbs that describe the frequency of any events (phenomena).

Countable and uncountable nouns

To begin with, let’s remember the concepts of countable and uncountable nouns. They are, to a certain extent, conditional and rather related to the linguistic tradition.

К countable noun include objects (objects) that are mainly perceived by the interlocutors as separate objects.

К uncountable noun refer to objects (objects), which are primarily perceived by the interlocutors as a single mass or volume of something (for example, liquid, air).

Of course, if we approach the question formally, then the objects described by the so-called uncountable nouns can also be counted. Milk can be three liters, work can be three hours, etc.

But uncountable nouns do not directly combine with numerals. For example, you cannot say “two money” or “three airs”. But at the same time, «two chairs» or «three cars» sounds natural.

This is one of the signs by which you can determine whether a noun is countable or not.

Why do you need to know this? Which nouns are countable and which are uncountable should be remembered without fail, since grammar rules differ for them. For each of the mentioned subspecies of nouns, different words are used denoting measure and quantity (we will consider them below).

In addition, uncountable nouns are not plural, and the indefinite article is not used with them. a/an (apparently because in the intuitive sense of the «single mass» — it is «a single mass» and is). But for countable nouns, there are no such restrictions.

All of this will be discussed below with examples.

The words ‘much’ and ‘many’

Both English words, much и manyare translated as «a lot». Choosing between words much и many is determined by whether a countable or uncountable noun was used in the construction of the sentence.

In combination with countable nouns, the word ‘many’ is used.

many students

many students

many workers

many workers

many hotels

many hotels

many countries

a lot of countries

In combination with uncountable nouns, the word ‘much’ is used.

Words much и many in modern colloquial English, they are used mainly in interrogative and negative sentences, and in affirmative sentences they correspond to the construction a lot of (lots of), which is used with both countable and uncountable nouns. A lot of means «a lot» lots of — a more expressive and more colloquial word with the meaning of «a lot», «mass».

  • You have a lot of time to find him.
  • I have lots of friends.

There is also a common design plenty of, which means «a lot» and «more than enough.»

  • He needs plenty of power.
  • They ate plenty of food.

In this case, much и many are used in affirmative sentences if they are preceded by particles very («very»), too («too much»), so («So»), as as («As well as», «as much as») and how («How») — see below.

  • There are too many people here.
  • You can take as much money as you wish.

When constructing interrogative sentences, constructions are used how much и how many… Moreover, if the question is addressed to an uncountable noun (for example, to the amount of milk, money or time), the construction is used how much… If the question is addressed to a countable noun (for example, we ask about the number of people, animals, objects), then the construction is used how many.

How much + [uncountable noun]

How many + [countable noun]

  • Do you know many people?
  • How many books does he read?
  • We will not read many books.

Word much also used with verbs.

  • How much do you draw?
  • They don’t play much.

Both English words, little и feware translated as «little». Unlike much и many («Many»), which, as a rule, are used only in questions and denials, little и few («Little») are used in statements, questions and negations. Choosing between words little и few is determined by whether a countable or uncountable noun was used in the construction of the sentence.

The word ‘few’ is used in combination with countable nouns.

few students

few students

In combination with uncountable nouns, the word ‘little’ is used.

little fruit

little fruit

NOTE! Using the indefinite article in conjunction with words few и little noticeably changes the meaning of the statement. Adding an indefinite article forms stable phrases a few («Several») and a little («Little»). At the same time, the phrase loses its negative connotation, because «a little» and «a little» sounds more reassuring than «little» (not enough).

  • They usually drink little water.
  • We will spend a little money.
  • Few students work.
  • Did he read a few books?


Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns

A lot of

many a lot oflots of

plenty of

much a lot oflots of

plenty of


a few

a little

In English, in affirmative sentences, in order to strengthen (emphasize, emphasize) a statement, reinforcing particles are used very («very»), too («Too»), and so («So»). These particles are placed in front of the words much и many («Many»), and little и few («few»).

  • You drink too much water.


Uncountable — these are usually common nouns, more often with a single agreement, not amenable to counting. They are divided into material (animate / inanimate) and abstract. They, as a rule, lack a grammatical ending and can be specified with a definite article.

I prefer rice — I prefer rice

Give me the food I prefer — Bring me the food I prefer

The only uncountable

Single uncountable can be defined by single demonstrative pronouns (this / that) and are consistent with single verbs.

  • substances (materials, food, liquids, gases)

bread, butter, sugar, tea, coffee, leather, paper, wood, silver, crystal, plastic, porcelain, metal, silver, water, air, bread, meat, butter, wine, flour, spaghetti, yoghurt, cheese, lemonade, oil, petrol, plasma, blood, carbon, steel, oak, rubber

running, swimming, shopping, singing, gardening, football, tennis, snooker, squash, badminton

news, travel, knowledge, information, education, weather, progress, intelligence, behavior, fun, research, advice, accommodation, beauty, hunger, poverty, freedom, justice, help, chaos, damage, luck, permission, scenery, work, love, hatred, joy, pleasure, strength, weakness, history, music, law, art, the Renaissance, the Reformation

London, the Mississippi, furniture, luggage, baggage, equipment, traffic, hair, rubbish, litter

Russian, Greek, German, English

Uncountable drink becomes plural in the form of drinks in containers using the definite article or numbers — a cup / glass / bottle of.

Plural uncountable

Plural uncountable ones end in — (e) s, can be defined by plural demonstrative pronouns (these / those) and indefinite pronouns some, any, much, little. Some here means some scope. Uncountable collective:

tactics, politics, maths, physics, lyrics, economics, linguistics, optics, mechanics

darts, billiards, dominoes, socks

police, clergy, gentry, cattle, poultry, the British Isles, the Azores, the Andes

Groups as collective uncountable (when the participants are divided) agree in the plural, except in cases of generalization.

The police react too slowly — Police react too slowly

Multiple games and theories (in –ics) agree in only one way except in the cases of personalization of qualities.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics — Phonetics — branch of linguistics

Her phonetics have become much better this term — Her phonetics have improved significantly this semester


English Joke

«Yes, ma’am,» the old salt confided to the inquisitive lady, «I fell over the side of the ship, and a shark he come along and grabbed me by the leg.»

«Merciful providence!» his hearer gasped. «And what did you do?»

“Let ‘im’ ave the leg, o ‘course, ma’am. I never argues with sharks. «


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