The word ness means

Understanding suffixes is a great way to increase your English vocabulary. I will explain the meaning of the suffix ness and show you how to use it with more than 60 real example sentences.

The suffix –ness means state (condition) or quality. Words (usually adjectives) with the suffix ness become nouns that mean – Having the quality of the root word. – The noun happiness is the quality of being happy. Fitness is the quality of being fit.

Keep reading for lots more helpful tips on spelling and download the suffix ness worksheet that I made for you to use in your study or with your own students.

The Suffix -ness Meaning

The suffix -NESS means – the quality, state, or character of

ness suffix – Definition, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

When you add the suffix to the end of adjectives the new word will become a noun that means having the quality of the adjective root word.

Happiness is a noun that means having the quality of happy.

  • We are all searching for happiness in our lives.

Money can’t buy happiness.

Adjective + ness = noun Example sentences 
kind kindness – the quality of being kind Thank you for your kindness.
happy happiness – the quality of being happy  I wish you lots of love and happiness.
dry dryness – the quality of being dry This medicine may cause dryness of the mouth. 
silly silliness –  the quality of being silly I’ve tolerated your silliness long enough.
blind blindness – the quality of being blind Drinking wood alcohol may cause blindness.
dark darkness –  the quality of being dark Darkness is falling, we should get home.
aware awareness – the quality of being aware Airport security needs a high level of awareness to be good at their job.
ill illness –  the quality of being ill I missed a lot of school because of illness last year.
fit fitness – the quality of being fit  I’m strong but I’d like to improve my fitness

The following nouns all mean the quality, state, or character of the root word.
Some of the words have different uses and I tried to show these meanings in the examples. Each word is linked to its dictionary definition. [Click the word to visit the link.]

  • awareness – The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of the disease in the community. 
  • blindness – Drinking wood alcohol may cause blindness.

An article in Nature Medicine reports the first case of eyesight recovery using a new experimental technique to cure blindness. SOURCE

  • brightness – If you use your smartphone before you go to bed should reduce the brightness of your screen. 
  • calmness – I always admired his calmness, even in the most stressful situations.

suffix ness - Donovan believes the only way to achieve calmness is through guided meditation.

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  • cleanliness – The restaurant chef was always concerned with the cleanliness of his kitchen. 
  • She valued cleanliness and always made sure to keep her house spotless.

    – The adjective clean is a special example. We add the letters L I before adding the suffix ness to become the noun cleanliness.
    (The pronunciation also changes, clean sounds like KLEN after we add the suffix.)

suffix ness - cleanliness, the quality of being clean

  • consciousness – After the head injury, the patient fell in and out of consciousness
  • The patient regained consciousness after being in a coma for several days.
  • crispness – The lettuce leaves were soggy and had lost all their crispness.
  • The autumn morning air had a crispness to it that was refreshing.
  • dampness – There was a dampness in the old house which made it very uncomfortable. 
  • darkness – Darkness is falling, we should get home.
suffix ness - darkness, the state of being dark

4 days after the storm many houses were still in darkness. (The houses still do not have power.)

  • eagerness – The boss admired Jacob’s working style and his eagerness to learn new things.
  • She showed her eagerness to learn by asking many questions in class. 
  • fairness – The teacher was admired for his fairness. All his students were treated the same.
  • The judge was known for her fairness and impartiality in court.

In (all) fairness (to somebody) – used to introduce a statement that defends somebody who has just been criticized, or that explains another statement that may seem unreasonable

In all fairness, I don’t think that was the right thing to do.”

  • firmness – Peter loves his new mattress. The size and firmness are perfect. 
  • She spoke with firmness and conviction when expressing her opinions.
  • fitness – I’m strong but I’d like to improve my fitness.
  • You can improve your fitness in just 20 minutes, three times a week.

suffix ness - fitness, the quality of being fit

  • fondness – Since living in Japan I have developed a real fondness for raw fish. 
  • She had a fondness for cats and adopted several from the local shelter.
  • forgiveness – After the affair, he begged for his wife’s forgiveness.
  • fullness – I was attracted to her bright eyes and the fullness of her lips.

suffix ness - fullness, the state of being full

  • goodness – Optimists believe that some goodness can be found in everyone. 
  •  Kindness and generosity are qualities that embody the goodness of humanity.
  • gracefulness – The quality of being graceful
  • The ballerina moved with gracefulness and elegance across the stage.

“Every time I got to meet with Her Majesty, her generosity and her gracefulness made that moment the most important ever.”
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau LINK

  • greatness – The president’s goal was to return the country to its former greatness.
  • Achieving greatness requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance
  • happiness – I wish you lots of love and happiness.
  • She felt a sense of happiness and contentment after spending time with her family.
  • holiness – His Holiness Pope Francis will visit my country this year.
  • The temple was considered a place of holiness and reverence.
  • illness – I missed a lot of school because of illness last year.

suffix ness - illness, the state of being ill

Staff missing work due to illness cost the company $200,000.00 last year. We need to do more to promote a healthy work culture.

  • joyfulness – Our boss started off the meeting with a funny joke, and the level of joyfulness in the room went up. 
  • kindness – I will always remember your kindness.
  • Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can have a big impact on someone’s day.

suffix ness - kindness, the quality of being kind

  • likeness – Chip bears a strong likeness to his older brother.
  • There was a strong likeness between the two sisters in both appearance and personality.

The Suffix -NESS In the News

Bruce Willis Sells Rights To His Likeness For Use In Movies & Commercials [LINK]

  • loneliness – Many cases of depression stem from loneliness, especially around the holidays. 
  • He felt a sense of loneliness after moving to a new city where he didn’t know anyone.
  • madness – This plan will never work, it’s madness.
  • The character in the book descended into madness as the plot unfolded.

There’s (a) method in somebody’s madness

​there is a reason for somebody’s behavior and it is not as strange or as stupid as it seems

– Travis it’s methods are unusual but he always gets the job done. There’s a method to his madness

My favorite scene from the movie 300.
This is madness.”
Madness? This is SPARTA!”

  • neatness – When I was in junior high school and had to write a report, all my teachers gave extra marks for neatness. They really disliked messy reports. 
  • Jane appreciated neatness and organization and kept her desk tidy at all times.
  • nervousness – Michael’s nervousness was showing during his entire speech. I felt bad for him. 

    Do a deep dive into the suffix -OUS at my blog post – 50 ways the suffix -OUS can Increase your vocabulary (Free PDF)

  • openness – Sandy’s openness to trying new things made her popular around the office.
  • She approached the new opportunity with openness and a willingness to learn.
  • restlessness – Restlessness is often associated with youth. 
  • Negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, or restlessness can be signs of a deeper issue.

suffix ness - restlessness, the state of being unable to stay still or be happy where you are

  • righteousness – Felix’s sense of righteousness makes him hard to reason with. He isn’t very accepting of other people’s ideas. 
  • sadness – When I left my hometown, a real sense of sadness came over me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to see my friends again for a very long time. 
  • She couldn’t shake off the feeling of sadness after the death of her beloved pet dog.
  • sharpness – I uploaded the photo to my computer and ran it through my photo editing software. Inside the software, I could adjust the sharpness and improve the picture’s quality. 
  • sickness – Logan missed 3 days of school due to sickness.
    We can add other nouns to make compound nouns with sickness. 

suffix ness - sickness

altitude sickness – sickness from being at high altitudes 
decompression sickness – severe pain and difficulty in breathing experienced by divers who come back to the surface of deep water too quickly
homesickness – the feeling of being sad because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends
morning sickness – the need to vomit that some women feel, often only in the morning, when they are pregnant, especially in the first months
motion sickness – the unpleasant feeling that you are going to vomit, that some people have when they are moving, especially in a vehicle (See also seasickness, car sickness)

suffix ness - decompression sickness - severe pain and difficulty in breathing experienced by divers who come back to the surface of deep water too quickly

  • shortness – The patient complained of chest pains and shortness of breath. 
  • short-sightedness – There have been many complaints about the government’s short-sightedness in recent years. 
  • shrewdness – In business, Kyle was always highly regarded for his shrewdness.
  • His shrewdness and cunning helped him succeed in the business world.

suffix ness - shrewdness, the quality of being clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation

  • softness – The softness of this sweater is second to none. It’s my favorite. 
  • stillness – I’ve tolerated your silliness long enough.
  • sweetness – I add honey to my coffee to give it a little sweetness. Processed sugar is not good for you.
  • The cake’s sweetness was perfectly balanced with the strong, bitter coffee that was served after the meal.

I add honey to everything. More honey = more sweetness.

A pound of honey is made by 2 million flower visits. The bees fly 55,000 miles back and forth to bring that honey. SOURCE

  • swiftness – McKenzie’s size and swiftness meet him an obvious choice for team captain. 
  • tenderness – Showing some tenderness doesn’t make you weak, it shows that you care about others. 
  • thickness – The length of time you need to barbecue a steak depends on its thickness
  • tightness – The day after the marathon, Murphy could feel a real tightness in the back of his right leg. 
  • unhappiness – Many people deal with their unhappiness by overeating. This is a negative cycle because overeating causes weight gain and health issues which will add to your unhappiness
  • usefulness – My washing machine is 11 years old. I have no complaints but it has outlived its usefulness. Time to buy a new washing machine. 
  • weakness – My manager’s biggest weakness is his stubborn attitude. 
  • wellness – We should choose a diet and lifestyle that promotes wellness
  • wilderness – He wrote a book about how we survive in the wilderness alone for 7 months. 

Wilderness World Origin
Old English wildēornes ‘land inhabited only by wild animals’, from wild dēor ‘wild deer’ + -ness.

suffix ness - wilderness, a large area of land that has never been developed

A noun with the suffix -NESS that is only used in British English

poshness meaning – the quality of being from a high social class

  • The new BMW is the perfect combination of simplicity and poshness, making it great for anyone.
  • willingness – The best students are the ones who have a willingness to learn. They study because they want to not because they have to. 

Several of my English students have asked me “Should I use HAVE TO or MUST?” Learn how with this Easy Grammar guide. 

The Suffix -NESS on medicine labels

It’s common to see adjectives written as nouns with the suffix -ness on medicine labels listing the side effects.

  • dizziness – You may experience a loss of appetite and dizziness.
  • drowsiness – These pills may cause drowsiness.
  • dryness – This medicine may cause dryness of the mouth.
  • gassiness – Patients may experience bloating and gassiness
  • redness – A good face cream can reduce redness of your skin. 
  • soreness – This website list five tips to reduce muscle soreness after exercise. 

The most common side effect of medicine is an upset stomach or nausea. SOURCE

The words ache, pain, sore, and hurt all describe an unpleasant feeling in our bodies. They can be easy to confuse. Learn how to use these words FAST with lots of real examples from a Native English Teacher. 

Suffix -ness Spelling note

If a two-syllable adjective ends in the letter Y, the Y will change into an I before adding NESS.

happy – happiness
friendly – friendliness
lonely – loneliness 

Three-letter adjectives ending in Y don’t often change to an I.

shy – shyness

  • After high school, Brendan overcame his shyness and became a popular singer at local clubs. 

sly – slyness 

  • Herman was known for his slyness which is really not a good quality to have. 

Suffix -ness FAQ

suffix ness - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between business and busyness?

business VS busyness

suffix ness -

The noun business is used for a company, store, or service that supplies something in exchange for money.
“Kirk opened a new business.”

The noun busyness is the state of being busy.
“Some people confuse busyness with productivity.”

The noun business has 8 uses. Here are a few:

1) the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money

  • Running a store in a crowded shopping mall is a tough business.

2) a commercial organization such as a company, shop or factory

  • After graduating from university Regan joined the family business.

3) something that a particular person or organization is responsible for

  • That’s none of your business, stop asking. 

The noun busyness has two main uses.
1) the state of being busy

  • Christmas can be a stressful time. The stress and busyness of the season can be too much for some people.

2) the state of having many details

  • His artwork is popular but I find his use of color and the general busyness of his paintings distracting.

Word Origin
Old English bisignis ‘anxiety’ (see busy, -ness); the sense ‘state of being busy’ was used from Middle English down to the 18th cent., but is now differentiated as busyness. The use ‘appointed task’ dates from late Middle English, and from it all the other current senses have developed.

suffix ness examples

Looking for more useful English suffixes? Try these other awesome posts on my blog!
79 Common Adjectives with the Suffix -less (PDF download)
32 Common Examples of the Suffix ~ABLE (With Definitions)
Learn The English Suffix -y (60 examples + Free PDF download)

Suffix -ness Worksheet

Suffix ~NESS Infographic

Suffix ~NESS Infographic

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Erling Renner

Score: 4.2/5
(18 votes)

-ness. noun suffix. Definition of -ness (Entry 2 of 2) : state : condition : quality : degree goodness.

What suffix means ness?

When you add «-ness» to an adjective, it becomes a noun. The suffix «-ness» means «state : condition : quality» and is used with an adjective to say something about the state, condition, or quality of being that adjective. For example, redness is a red quality, and redness means «the quality of being red.»

What is a noun that ends in Ness?

There are lots of adjectives in English that we can convert into nouns by using ‘ness’. A noun ending in ‘ness’ literally means the state of the original adjective. For example, hungriness means ‘the state of being hungry. Below are ten sentences which require a noun ending in ‘ness’.

What is a word with Ness?

15 letter words containing ness. restrictiveness. retentivenesses. righteousnesses. resourcefulness.

Is Ness an affix?

a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state): darkness; goodness; kindness; obligingness; preparedness.

31 related questions found

What word ends with ish?

8-letter words that end in ish

  • flourish.
  • diminish.
  • sluggish.
  • childish.
  • demolish.
  • goldfish.
  • feverish.
  • starfish.

What word ends with less?

8-letter words that end in less

  • wireless.
  • homeless.
  • seamless.
  • needless.
  • helpless.
  • harmless.
  • reckless.
  • hopeless.

Is Ly a prefix or suffix?

-ly, a suffix forming adverbs from adjectives:gladly;gradually;secondly. a suffix meaning «every,» attached to certain nouns denoting units of time:hourly; daily.

What is the example of suffix?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘-ly’ or ‘- ness’, which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, often of a different word class. For example, the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to ‘ quick’ to form ‘quickly’. Compare affix and , prefix.

What does suffix mean?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters placed at the end of a word to create a new word. … Sometimes, a suffix changes the meaning of the word it is attached to. For example, the word defense means protection, but if you add the suffix -less, you end up with the adjective defenseless, which means unprotected.

What is suffix Ian?

-an, -ean, -ian suffix. (forming adjectives and nouns) belonging to or relating to; a person belonging to or coming from: European. (forming adjectives and nouns) typical of or resembling; a person typical of: Elizabethan. (forming adjectives and nouns) adhering to or following; an adherent of: Christian.

Is est a suffix?

-est 1 : a suffix forming the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs:warmest;fastest;soonest.

Is Ed a suffix?

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word. … -ed is a suffix that is used in many words. Acted, finished, and decided are all words that have the suffix -ed in them.

What is the root word of less?

«less, smaller, fewer» (Northumbrian leassa), from Proto-Germanic *laisizan (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian les «less;» Middle Dutch lise «soft, gentle,» German leise «soft»), from PIE root *leis- (2) «small» (source also of Lithuanian liesas «thin») + comparative suffix.

What word ends with est?

8-letter words that end in est

  • interest.
  • manifest.
  • conquest.
  • furthest.
  • farthest.
  • reinvest.
  • posttest.
  • slugfest.

How do you use the word less?

According to usage rules, fewer is only to be used when discussing countable things, while less is used for singular mass nouns. For example, you can have fewer ingredients, dollars, people, or puppies, but less salt, money, honesty, or love. If you can count it, go for fewer. If you can’t, opt for less.

Do adverbs have to end in ly?

The majority of adverbs do end in ”ly” but it is not a set rule. There is more to consider than just the ending spellings of words to determine what meaning to apportion to them. Not all words that end in ly are adverbs, for example sly and lily, and not all adverbs end in -ly – for example never and very.

Why do we use the suffix ly?

Adding -ly to the end of a noun turns the word into an adjective. The adjectives now have the meaning of «like (the noun), or something that is characteristic of (the noun)». … Adding -ly to the end of an adjective turns the word into an adverb. The meaning of the word does not change, or comes from the same idea.

Why do we say ish?

The canonical use of -ish is as a suffix meaning “approximately,” as in bluish, tallish, sixish, or even hungry-ish. … As a word by itself—which is to say, not as a suffix—ish means more or less the same thing: kind of, thereabouts, in a way. And imagining how it broke free to become syntactically stand-alone isn’t hard.

What is a word with ish?

The suffix -ish is flexibly used with a base word to denote «somewhat, somewhat prone to, or somewhat like.» For example, we have ticklish, reddish-blue, stylish, childish, boyish, a waspish tongue, a foolish old woman, a coldish wind. …

What words end in Ash?

5-letter words that end in ash

  • crash.
  • flash.
  • clash.
  • trash.
  • smash.
  • slash.
  • awash.
  • leash.

Last Updated: April 20, 2022 | Author: howto-Trust


  • 1 What does Ness mean as a suffix for kids?
  • 2 What words have the suffix ness?
  • 3 What do the suffixes less and Ness mean?
  • 4 What does the suffix ness mean in place names?
  • 5 How do you use the suffix ness?
  • 6 What is the example of suffix?
  • 7 What does Ness mean in Scotland?
  • 8 What’s Neff mean?
  • 9 What do you mean by Cape?
  • 10 What does the word Ness mean in Hebrew?
  • 11 What does Ness mean in Gaelic?
  • 12 What does Ness mean in Loch Ness?
  • 13 What’s the Greek word for miracle?
  • 14 What name is Ness short for?
  • 15 What kind of last name is Ness?
  • 16 What does Ness mean in Norwegian?
  • 17 Why is ness named?
  • 18 What country is ness from?

What does Ness mean as a suffix for kids?

The suffix -ness means a state or quality. This suffix turns the word into a noun.

What words have the suffix ness?

The suffix -ness changes adjectives into nouns.

Review (Answers)

Noun = Adjective + Suffix
1. smoothness = smooth + ness
2. stubbornness = stubborn + ness
3. exactness = exact + ness
4. brightness = bright + ness

Feb 10, 2016

What do the suffixes less and Ness mean?

1)One can use suffix -ness with adjectives to make nouns that will bear a meaning of “a state or quality”. E.g. Happiness (derived from the adj. “happy”+suffix “ness”-the state of being happy; straightforwardness -straightforward+ness -the quality of being clear and honest etc. 2)Suffix -less basically means “without”.

What does the suffix ness mean in place names?

ness (plural nesses) (geography) A promontory; a cape or headland. ( Frequently used as a suffix in placenames.)

How do you use the suffix ness?

When you add “-ness” to an adjective, it becomes a noun. The suffix “-ness” means “state : condition : quality” and is used with an adjective to say something about the state, condition, or quality of being that adjective. For example, redness is a red quality, and redness means “the quality of being red.”

What is the example of suffix?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘-ly’ or ‘- ness’, which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, often of a different word class. For example, the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to ‘ quick’ to form ‘quickly’. Compare affix and , prefix.

What does Ness mean in Scotland?

Ness (given name)

Word/name Scottish
Meaning From the headland
Other names
See also Nestor, Irnes

What’s Neff mean?


Acronym Definition
NEFF North Eastern Fly Fishing
NEFF Never Ending Friends Forever
NEFF Non-Essential Functional Failure
NEFF New Equipment Fielding Facility (Fort Hood, TX)

What do you mean by Cape?

1 : a point or extension of land jutting out into water as a peninsula or as a projecting point.

What does the word Ness mean in Hebrew?

Ness = Miracle in Hebrew.

What does Ness mean in Gaelic?

noun + grammar. (geography) A promontory; a cape or headland. (

Loch Ness is named for the River Ness which flows from the loch’s northern end. The river’s name probably derives from an old Celtic word meaning “roaring one”.

What’s the Greek word for miracle?

Nature and significance

A miracle is generally defined, according to the etymology of the word—it comes from the Greek thaumasion and the Latin miraculum—as that which causes wonder and astonishment, being extraordinary in itself and amazing or inexplicable by normal standards.

What name is Ness short for?

What kind of last name is Ness?

Ness was first used as a surname by descendants of the Pictish people of ancient Scotland. The ancestors of the Ness family lived in any of a number of places called Ness, in Scotland and England. In this case, the surname Ness comes from the Old English word, ness, which means headland.

What does Ness mean in Norwegian?

Scandinavian (especially Norwegian), Scottish, and northern English: topographic name for someone who lived on a headland or promontory, Old Norse nes, or a habitational name from any of the numerous places named with this word; there are over a hundred farms in Norway and many settlements in Scotland and northern …

Why is ness named?

Ness suffers from homesickness, whereas his predecessor Ninten has Asthma. Ness’s name originates from either the NES or SNES, being an anagram of the latter, or another way to spell the former. Notably, Ninten, the protagonist of the original Mother, was named after the company Nintendo.

What country is ness from?

Loch Ness Monster

The “surgeon’s photograph” of 1934, now known to have been a hoax
Sub grouping Lake monster
Other name(s) Nessie, Niseag
Country Scotland
Region Loch Ness, Scottish Highlands

What does the word Ness mean in English?

: state : condition : quality : degree goodness. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About ness.

Where did the word ness come from?

Etymology. From Middle English nesse (in placenames), from Old English ness, næss, from Proto-Germanic *nasją (“promontory; ness”); cognate with Middle Low German nes, Icelandic nes, Swedish näs, Danish næs. Related to nose.

Is ness a real word?

Definition for ness (2 of 2) a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state): darkness; goodness; kindness; obligingness; preparedness.

How do you spell Loch Ness?

Loch Ness, lake, lying in the Highland council area, Scotland. With a depth of 788 feet (240 metres) and a length of about 23 miles (36 km), Loch Ness has the largest volume of fresh water in Great Britain.

What does the name Loch mean?

Loch (/lɒx/) is the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for a lake or for a sea inlet. It is cognate with the Manx lough, Cornish logh, and one of the Welsh words for lake, llwch.

Who is Scotland’s old enemy?

Scottish nationalism has been a factor in the Scots’ desire to defeat England above all other rivals, with Scottish sports journalists traditionally referring to the English as the “Auld Enemy”.

Did the Scottish beat the English?

The Scots inflicted a heavy defeat on the English army, led by Edward II, as they were attempting to relieve besieged forces at Stirling Castle, at the Battle of Bannockburn on 24th June. Scottish nobles sent the Declaration of Arbroath to Pope John XXII, affirming Scottish independence from England.

Is Scotland a country?

listen)) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. The Kingdom of Scotland emerged as an independent sovereign state in the Early Middle Ages and continued to exist until 1707. By inheritance in 1603, James VI of Scotland became king of England and Ireland, thus forming a personal union of the three kingdoms.

Is Scotland a part of the UK?

The United Kingdom (UK) is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Is Britain and England same?

To start with, there’s the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The U.K., as it is called, is a sovereign state that consists of four individual countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Within the U.K., Parliament is sovereign, but each country has autonomy to some extent.

Is UK and England the same?

The UK is short for The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland… quite a mouthful! It is a sovereign state (in the same way as France or the USA) but is made up of four countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Does England have two flags?

In the Union Flag this represents the entire Kingdom of England, including Wales. The Second Union Flag, 1801, incorporating Cross of Saint Patrick, following Union of Great Britain and Kingdom of Ireland.

Is England in Europe yes or no?

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south.

What is the capital of England?


Who were the first people in England?

We know early Neanderthals were in Britain about 400,000 years ago thanks to the discovery of the skull of a young woman from Swanscombe, Kent. They returned to Britain many times between then and 50,000 years ago, and perhaps even later. During this time the climate regularly switched between warm and cold.

Who first inhabited England?

The first people to be called ‘English’ were the Anglo-Saxons, a group of closely related Germanic tribes that began migrating to eastern and southern Great Britain, from southern Denmark and northern Germany, in the 5th century AD, after the Romans had withdrawn from Britain.

Is London in England or UK?

London is the capital city of England and is located in the south east of the country. Although a country in its own right, England is also part of the United Kingdom alongside Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

What is a British person called?

British people in general are called brit or in plural britek but the term is less widespread. Great Britain is called Nagy-Britannia but the United Kingdom is called Egyesült Királyság.

Is UK considered a country?

The United Kingdom The ‘United Kingdom’ refers to a political union between, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Although the UK is a fully independent sovereign state, the 4 nations that make it up are also countries in their own right and have a certain extent of autonomy.

Is British a nationality?

A British national, or United Kingdom national, is a person who possesses a type of British nationality. This includes anyone who is a: British citizen. British Overseas Territories citizen.

What is your legal nationality?

You can live and work in the UK free of any immigration controls if you’re a British citizen. You might be a British citizen depending on: where and when you were born.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • -nesse (obsolete)
  • ⠰⠎ (Braille)


From Middle English -nes, -nesse, from Old English -nis, -nes, from Proto-West Germanic *-nassī, from Proto-Germanic *-inassuz.

This suffix was formed already in Proto-Germanic by false division of the final consonant *-n- of the preceding stem + the actual suffix *-assuz. The latter was in turn derived from an earlier *-at(s)-tuz, from the verbal suffix *-at-janą + the noun suffix *-þuz.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /nəs/
    • (old-fashioned RP) IPA(key): /nɪs/
    • (obsolete or dialectal) IPA(key): /nɛs/
    • Audio (Berkshire, England) (file)
  • (New Zealand) IPA(key): /nəs/, [nɘs]
  • (US) IPA(key): /nəs/, /nɪs/, /nɛs/



  1. Appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning «the state of being (the adjective)», «the quality of being (the adjective)», or «the measure of being (the adjective)».
    calm + ‎-ness → ‎calmness
    dark + ‎-ness → ‎darkness
    kind + ‎-ness → ‎kindness
    one + ‎-ness → ‎oneness
  2. Appended to words of other parts of speech to form nouns (often nonce words or terms in philosophy) meaning the state/quality/measure of the idea represented by these words.
    that + ‎-ness → ‎thatness
    tree + ‎-ness → ‎treeness
    thug + ‎-ness → ‎thugness

Usage notes[edit]

  • If an adjective ends in -y, then this changes to -i- when -ness is suffixed. This occurs both when the -y is the suffix -y (having the quality of), as in messmessymessiness (hence -y-i-), but also in other cases, as in comelycomeliness. It does not, however, occur when the -y is part of the root, as in spryspryness.
  • Plurals are formed by adding -es, e.g. happinesshappinesses.


  • -dom
  • -hood
  • -ship
  • -itas
  • -itude
  • -th
  • -ia
  • -itia
  • -ity
  • -ism
  • -ability
  • -ibility
  • -icity
  • -osity

Derived terms[edit]


appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning «the state of being…», «the quality of being…», or «the measure of being…»

  • Arabic: ـِيَّة(-iyya), (several internal vowel patterns are used)
  • Armenian: -ություն (-utʿyun)
  • Azerbaijani: -lik (az)
  • Burmese: please add this translation if you can
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: (used most frequently in loanwords, as many adjectives may be used as nouns in Chinese) -性 (zh) (xìng)
  • Czech: -ost (cs) f
  • Danish: -hed (da), -skab (da)
  • Dutch: -heid (nl), -schap (nl), -nis (nl)
  • Esperanto: -eco (eo)
  • Faroese: -semi f or n, -heit f
  • Finnish: -uus (fi), -yys (fi), -us (fi), -ys (fi)
  • French: -ité (fr), -esse (fr) f
  • Galician: -idade (gl) f
  • Georgian: სი- -ე (si- -e), -ობა (-oba), -ება (-eba)
  • German: -nis (de), -heit (de), -keit (de)
  • Greek: -ότητα (el) (-ótita)
  • Greenlandic: -ssuseq
  • Hebrew: -ות‎ f
  • Hindi: -ई f ()
  • Hungarian: -ság (hu)/-ség (hu)
  • Ido: -eso
  • Indonesian: ke- -an
  • Interlingua: -itate (ia), -tate, -ia, -essa, -itude, -ismo
  • Irish: -acht f
  • Italian: -ità, -ezza
  • Japanese: -さ (ja) (-sa), -性 (ja) (-sei), (0 ending on -な adjectives)
  • Khmer: ភាព (km) (phiəp), សេចក្តី (sackdəy)
  • Korean:  (ko) (m)
  • Lao: please add this translation if you can
  • Macedonian: -ност f (-nost), -ост f (-ost), -ство n (-stvo)
  • Malay: ke- -an (ms)
  • Manx: -aght f
  • Marathi: -पणा m (-paṇā)
  • Norwegian: -het (no), -skap (no)
  • Old English: -nes
  • Old Norse: -naðr, -skapr
  • Old Saxon: -nessi
  • Ottoman Turkish: ـلق(-lık), ـلك(-lik)
  • Polish: -ość (pl), -stwo (pl)
  • Portuguese: -idade (pt) f, -eza (pt) f, -ez (pt) f, -idão f
  • Romani: -ipen m
  • Romanian: -itate (ro) f, -tate (ro) f, -ătate (ro) f
  • Russian: -ность (-nostʹ), -ость (ru) (-ostʹ), -ство (-stvo), -щи́на f (-ščína)
  • Sanskrit: -ईय (-īya)
  • Slovak: -osť f
  • Spanish: -idad (es)
  • Swahili: u-
  • Swedish: -het (sv), -skap (sv)
  • Telugu: -తనము (-tanamu)
  • Thai: ความ (th) (kwaam)
  • Turkish: -lık (tr), -lik (tr), -luk (tr), -lük (tr)
  • Ukrainian: -ість f (-istʹ), -ство (-stvo)
  • Vietnamese: sự (vi), nỗi (vi), niềm (vi)
  • Welsh: -rwydd (cy)
  • West Frisian: -ens, -heid, -skip
  • Yiddish: ־ניש‎ n (-nish), ־קייט(-keyt), ־הייט(-heyt)
  • Zazaki: -ey, -iye, -in


  • ESNs, NSSE, SE SN, SNES, Sens, Sens., sens

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of -nesse

Old English[edit]


  • IPA(key): /ness/, [nes]



  1. Alternative form of -nes


Declension of -ness (strong ō-stem)


  • Joseph Bosworth and T. Northcote Toller (1898), “-ness”, in An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Alternative forms[edit]

  • -nes


From Middle English -nes, -nesse, from Old English -nis, -nes, from Proto-West Germanic *-nassī.



  1. Affixed to adjectives to form abstract nouns which denote a quality, state or condition.

Table of Contents

  1. Can the word great be used as an adverb?
  2. What is the adjective form of great?
  3. What is the verb form of great?
  4. What is a word that has ness in it?
  5. Is Ness a root word?
  6. What does Ness mean in English?
  7. What does fac mean in Greek?
  8. What does the word Ness mean in English?
  9. What does Ness mean in Loch Ness?
  10. What does Greg mean in Latin?
  11. What are two words that contain the root word FAC?
  12. Is fer Latin or Greek?
  13. What word has fer in it?
  14. Is Dict Greek or Latin?
  15. Is Fort Greek or Latin?
  16. What does forc or Fort mean?
  17. What does super mean in superfluous?
  18. What does the stem dia mean?
  19. What does Dia mean in texting?
  20. Does Dia mean God?

The suffix -ness changes adjectives into nouns. An adjective is a word that describes or identifies a noun.

Can the word great be used as an adverb?

great (adverb) great (noun) great ape (noun) Great Dane (noun)

What is the adjective form of great?

great ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

adjective great
comparative greater
superlative greatest

What is the verb form of great?

greaten. (intransitive) To become great or large; increase; dilate. (intransitive, obsolete) To become great with child; become pregnant. (transitive) To make great; magnify; enlarge; increase.

What is a word that has ness in it?

15 letter words containing ness

  • restrictiveness.
  • retentivenesses.
  • righteousnesses.
  • resourcefulness.
  • respectableness.
  • responsibleness.
  • resistivenesses.
  • repulsivenesses.

Is Ness a root word?

This ROOT-WORD is the Suffix NESS which means the STATE OF .

What does Ness mean in English?

-ness in American English (nɪs ; nəs ) state, quality, or instance of being. togetherness, sadness. Word origin.

What does fac mean in Greek?

Root Meaning in English Etymology (root origin)
fac-, fact-, -fect-, -fic- (FAC) do, make facere, factus
falc- sickle falx, falcis
fall-, fallac-, fals- false, deceive fallere, falsus, fallāx, fallācis
famili- a close attendant famulus

What does the word Ness mean in English?

: state : condition : quality : degree goodness. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About ness.

What does Ness mean in Loch Ness?

Loch Ness is named for the river Ness which flows from the loch’s northern end. The river’s name probably derives from an old Celtic word meaning “roaring one”.

What does Greg mean in Latin?

-greg- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “group; flock. ” This meaning is found in such words as: aggregate, congregate, desegregate, gregarious, segregate.

What are two words that contain the root word FAC?

-fac-, [root.] -fac- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “do; make. ” This meaning is found in such words as: benefactor, de facto, facsimile, fact, faction, faculty, manufacture.

Is fer Latin or Greek?

Definition & Meaning: Fer Root Word The root word Fer is derived from Latin word confer- to bring an honor to someone; or carry/bring/ bear something. There are multiple words based on this root word Fer. For instance, ferry means a boat that carries passengers and trans-fer means to move to another place.

What word has fer in it?

  • transfer: ‘carry’ across.
  • suffer: ‘carry’ under.
  • different: ‘carried’ apart.
  • refer: ‘carry’ back.
  • prefer: ‘carry’ before.
  • fertile: ‘carries’ much fruit.
  • infer: ‘carry’ into.
  • referendum: vote ‘carried’ back.

Is Dict Greek or Latin?

The Latin root word dict and its variant dic both mean ‘say. ‘ Some common English vocabulary words that come from this word root include dictionary, contradict, and dedicate.

Is Fort Greek or Latin?

The Latin root fort means “strong.” This Latin root is the word origin of a large number of English vocabulary words, including effort, comfort, and forte. The root fort is easily recalled via the word fort, for a “fort” is a “strong” building constructed so as to withstand enemy attack.

What does forc or Fort mean?

Test your strength

What does super mean in superfluous?

Superfluous comes from the Latin adjective superfluus, meaning literally “running over” or “overflowing.” Superfluus, in turn, derives from the combination of the prefix super- (meaning “over” or “more”) and fluere, “to flow.” (Fluere also gave us fluid, fluent, and influence, among others.)

What does the stem dia mean?

A fair number of English vocabulary words contain the prefix dia-, which means “across.” Examples using this prefix include dialogue, diagonal, and diabetes. An easy way to remember that the prefix dia- means “across” is through the word diameter, for the diameter of a circle is the measurement “across” it.

What does Dia mean in texting?

Democracy in America

Does Dia mean God?

Dia (Ancient Greek: Δία or Δῖα, “heavenly”, “divine” or “she who belongs to Zeus”), in ancient Greek religion and folklore, may refer to: Dia, a goddess venerated at Phlius and Sicyon. She was seen by the locals as identical to Hebe and/or Ganymeda.

Asked by: Miss Oleta Howell

Score: 4.4/5
(69 votes)

When you add «-ness» to an adjective, it becomes a noun. The suffix «-ness» means «state : condition : quality» and is used with an adjective to say something about the state, condition, or quality of being that adjective. For example, redness is a red quality, and redness means «the quality of being red.»

What does Ness mean as a suffix?

-ness. noun suffix. Definition of -ness (Entry 2 of 2) : state : condition : quality : degree goodness.

What is the example of Ness?

Ness is defined as state, quality or degree. An example of ness as a suffix when someone is being awkward; awkwardness.

What does the Ness ment mean?

Both -ness and -ment carry the same meaning; they mean “the state of”. The word “happiness”, for example, means the state of being happy, and the word “enjoyment” means the state of enjoying something.

What is the origin of the suffix ness?

word-forming element denoting action, quality, or state, attached to an adjective or past participle to form an abstract noun, from Old English -nes(s), from Proto-Germanic *in-assu- (cognates: Old Saxon -nissi, Middle Dutch -nisse, Dutch -nis, Old High German -nissa, German -nis, Gothic -inassus), from *-in-, …

29 related questions found

Is Ness an affix?

a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state): darkness; goodness; kindness; obligingness; preparedness.

Is Ly a suffix?

a suffix forming adverbs from adjectives: gladly; gradually; secondly. an adjective suffix meaning “-like”: saintly; cowardly. …

What is a noun that ends in Ness?

A noun ending in ‘ness’ literally means the state of the original adjective. For example, hungriness means ‘the state of being hungry.

Is ness a word in English?

-ness, a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state):darkness; kindness;obligingness;preparedness.

How do you insert less in Word?

Yes, you can add «-less» to any word (any noun, at least). I am pretty sure that The Chicago Manual of Style (which I believe is less authoritative where you are, in Britain) says writers can add «-less» to any noun, no hyphen required. […]

What is the difference between less and Ness?

«ness» means that it contains that quality. Examples: Goodness = The quality of being good Fondness = The having fond feelings Righteousness = The quality of being righteous «less» is without or not having the quality of.

What does Ness mean in Hebrew?

Ness = Miracle in Hebrew.

What does Ness mean in a word?

-ness. a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state): darkness; goodness; kindness; obligingness; preparedness.

What word ends with less?

8-letter words that end in less

  • wireless.
  • homeless.
  • seamless.
  • needless.
  • helpless.
  • harmless.
  • reckless.
  • hopeless.

What means ly?

The abbreviation LY means «Love You.» LY is is widely used in texting and instant messaging as a way of saying «Love You.» It is used by people in well-established relationships as an expression of deep devotion and also between friends as a less intense expression of affection.

What type of suffix is ly?

The suffix -ly in English is usually a contraction of -like, similar to the Anglo-Saxon -lice and German -lich. It is commonly added to an adjective to form an adverb, but in some cases it is used to form an adjective, such as ugly or manly.

Why do we use the suffix ly?

Adding -ly to the end of a noun turns the word into an adjective. The adjectives now have the meaning of «like (the noun), or something that is characteristic of (the noun)». … Adding -ly to the end of an adjective turns the word into an adverb. The meaning of the word does not change, or comes from the same idea.

Is Ness a Scrabble word?

Yes, ness is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the suffixes of less?

-less. an adjective suffix meaning “without” (childless; peerless), and in adjectives derived from verbs, indicating failure or inability to perform or be performed (resistless; tireless).

What are words that end with Ty?


  • responsibility.
  • susceptibility.
  • respectability.
  • sentimentality.
  • intentionality.
  • territoriality.
  • hepatotoxicity.
  • intercommunity.

What words have less in them?

11 letter words containing less

  • nonetheless.
  • meaningless.
  • thoughtless.
  • featureless.
  • remorseless.
  • purposeless.
  • emotionless.
  • passionless.

There are lots of adjectives in English that we can convert into nouns by using ‘ness’. A noun ending in ‘ness’ literally means the state of the original adjective. For example, hungriness means ‘the state of being hungry. Below are ten sentences which require a noun ending in ‘ness’.

What is a word with Ness?

15 letter words containing ness. restrictiveness. retentivenesses. righteousnesses. resourcefulness.

Is Ness an affix?

a native English suffix attached to adjectives and participles, forming abstract nouns denoting quality and state (and often, by extension, something exemplifying a quality or state): darkness; goodness; kindness; obligingness; preparedness.

What word ends with ish?

8-letter words that end in ish

  • flourish.
  • diminish.
  • sluggish.
  • childish.
  • demolish.
  • goldfish.
  • feverish.
  • starfish.

What word ends with less?

8-letter words that end in less

  • wireless.
  • homeless.
  • seamless.
  • needless.
  • helpless.
  • harmless.
  • reckless.
  • hopeless.

Is Ly a prefix or suffix?

-ly, a suffix forming adverbs from adjectives:gladly;gradually;secondly. a suffix meaning “every,” attached to certain nouns denoting units of time:hourly; daily.

What is the example of suffix?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters, for example ‘-ly’ or ‘- ness’, which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, often of a different word class. For example, the suffix ‘-ly’ is added to ‘ quick’ to form ‘quickly’. Compare affix and , prefix.

What does suffix mean?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters placed at the end of a word to create a new word. … Sometimes, a suffix changes the meaning of the word it is attached to. For example, the word defense means protection, but if you add the suffix -less, you end up with the adjective defenseless, which means unprotected.

What is suffix Ian?

-an, -ean, -ian suffix. (forming adjectives and nouns) belonging to or relating to; a person belonging to or coming from: European. (forming adjectives and nouns) typical of or resembling; a person typical of: Elizabethan. (forming adjectives and nouns) adhering to or following; an adherent of: Christian.

Is est a suffix?

-est 1 : a suffix forming the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs:warmest;fastest;soonest.

Is Ed a suffix?

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word. … -ed is a suffix that is used in many words. Acted, finished, and decided are all words that have the suffix -ed in them.

What is the root word of less?

“less, smaller, fewer” (Northumbrian leassa), from Proto-Germanic *laisizan (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian les “less;” Middle Dutch lise “soft, gentle,” German leise “soft”), from PIE root *leis- (2) “small” (source also of Lithuanian liesas “thin”) + comparative suffix.

What word ends with est?

8-letter words that end in est

  • interest.
  • manifest.
  • conquest.
  • furthest.
  • farthest.
  • reinvest.
  • posttest.
  • slugfest.

How do you use the word less?

According to usage rules, fewer is only to be used when discussing countable things, while less is used for singular mass nouns. For example, you can have fewer ingredients, dollars, people, or puppies, but less salt, money, honesty, or love. If you can count it, go for fewer. If you can’t, opt for less.

Do adverbs have to end in ly?

The majority of adverbs do end in ”ly” but it is not a set rule. There is more to consider than just the ending spellings of words to determine what meaning to apportion to them. Not all words that end in ly are adverbs, for example sly and lily, and not all adverbs end in -ly – for example never and very.

Why do we use the suffix ly?

Adding -ly to the end of a noun turns the word into an adjective. The adjectives now have the meaning of “like (the noun), or something that is characteristic of (the noun)”. … Adding -ly to the end of an adjective turns the word into an adverb. The meaning of the word does not change, or comes from the same idea.

Why do we say ish?

The canonical use of -ish is as a suffix meaning “approximately,” as in bluish, tallish, sixish, or even hungry-ish. … As a word by itself—which is to say, not as a suffix—ish means more or less the same thing: kind of, thereabouts, in a way. And imagining how it broke free to become syntactically stand-alone isn’t hard.

What is a word with ish?

The suffix -ish is flexibly used with a base word to denote “somewhat, somewhat prone to, or somewhat like.” For example, we have ticklish, reddish-blue, stylish, childish, boyish, a waspish tongue, a foolish old woman, a coldish wind. …

What words end in Ash?

5-letter words that end in ash

  • crash.
  • flash.
  • clash.
  • trash.
  • smash.
  • slash.
  • awash.
  • leash.

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