The word naughty in a sentence

naughty — перевод на русский


Quiet, you naughty little scamp.

Прекрати, непослушный малый пройдоха.

Naughty boy!

Непослушный мальчишка!

You naughty boy!

Ты непослушный мальчик!

And a very naughty one at that.

И очень непослушный.

It was naughty of you Benji.

Почему ты такой непослушный?

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Naughty. Wicked. Up to no good.

Плохой, коварной, злокозненной.

Naughty dog.

Плохой песик.

Bloody? Naughty dog!

Плохой пес!

Naughty man.

Плохой дядя.

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And don’t you want to stick around long enough to see how that naughty panda gets out of the attic?

И ведь ты хочешь быть со мной достаточно долго чтобы узнать, как шаловливый панда выберется с чердака?

Naughty boy.

Шаловливый мальчик.

Do something you’ll be ashamed of later you naughty little goat. All right, charm the snake.

Сделай то, о чём будет стыдно рассказать ты маленький шаловливый козлёнок.

The naughty and noisy channel.

Шаловливый канальчик.

Naughty? Noisy?


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You naughty boy.

Гадкий мальчишка.

Oh, you naughty boy!

Ах ты, гадкий мальчишка!

Naughty snotty.

Гадкий соплячёк.

Naughty boy!

Гадкий мальчик!

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Naughty monkey’s got the cord looped round its neck.

У этой озорной обезьянки пуповина обёрнута вокруг шеи.

Is he that naughty?

Он такой озорной?

No, naughty boy.

Что это тебе напоминает? Озорной мальчишка.

I’m going to be the naughty lodger who can’t pay her rent.

Я буду озорной квартиранткой, которая не может платить за аренду.

— And now let’s give a banging welcome to our very sweet but very naughty Scarlet.

— А теперь давайте дадим один треск Добро пожаловать на наш очень сладкие но очень озорной Скарлет.

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He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice

«и узнает, кто плохо себя вёл.»

It seems I’ve been rather naughty.

Кажется, я плохо себя вел.

Oh, Jim, Jim, Jim, I’ve been a naughty boy.

Джим, Джим, Джим! Я плохо себя вел.

— You were naughty.

— Ты плохо себя вел.

If you’ve got Lucas and he’s been naughty, that’s my fault. Oh, we’ve got Lucas, Mr Bell.

Если вы поймали Лукаса и он плохо себя вел, это моя вина.

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That’s naughty.

Это неприлично.

And it’s kind of naughty, but it’s all suggested.

Это как бьı неприлично, но это все намеками.

That’s naughty. .

Это неприлично.

Now, that’s naughty.

Так, это уже неприлично.

Isn’t that naughty?

Это так неприлично.

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You naughty boy, you haven’t changed.

Проказник, ты неисправим.

You been naughty boy.

«Ты проказник, а?»

You’re not even the Kind of Naughty.

Ты даже не Мелкий Проказник.

— Oh, naughty!


— Oh, naughty! Don’t stop!

Проказник, не останавливайся.

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You’re being naughty!

Да ты шалун!

Where do you hide, naughty child.

Ну, вылезай шалун.

You’re naughty

Ах ты, шалун.

Naughty or nice, Judge, come to Newman’s and find out.

Шалун или Послушный, Судья, приходите в Ньюманс и проверьте сами.

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Tricki, naughty.

Трики, это нехорошо.

Mrs Pumphrey, it’s very naughty of you not to have warned me.

Миссис Памфри, очень нехорошо с вашей стороны, что вы не предупредили меня.

«We know it’s naughty, but you do deserve it.

Мы знаем, что это нехорошо, но ты же заслужила это.

That’s so naughty I’ll have to add it to my list right now.

Как нехорошо, я сейчас же должен добавить это в мой список.

Eric, naughty.

? Эрик, нехорошо.

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непослушный, озорной, капризный, шаловливый, гадкий, испорченный, дурной


- непослушный; шаловливый; капризный

naughty child — шалун, озорник
you were naughty today — ты сегодня плохо себя вёл

- шотл. дурной, гадкий (о взрослых)

it is very naughty of you — как это нехорошо с вашей стороны

- эвф. рискованный, сомнительный

naughty hints — щекотливые намёки
naughty stories — пикантные анекдоты
Naughty Nineties — беспутные девяностые годы (1890-1900)

- арх. порочный, греховный, испорченный

naughty world — грешный мир

- библ. плохой, худой

naughty figs — смоквы весьма худые
the water is naughty — вода нехороша

Мои примеры


slap a naughty child — отшлёпать непослушного ребёнка  
a naughty story — неприличный анекдот  
be naughty — набаловаться; пошаливать; озорничать  
have a naughty — совокупляться; have sex  
naughty-naughty — неприличный; скабрёзный  
naughty story — неприличный анекдот  
scold a naughty child — пожурить непослушного ребёнка; журить непослушного ребёнка  
naughty / mischievous boy — шалопай; шалун  
mischievous / naughty child — баловница; баловник  
disobedient / naughty child — неслух  

Примеры с переводом

She gave him a naughty smile.

Она одарила его озорной улыбкой.

Girls, you’re being very naughty.

Девочки, вы очень плохо себя ведёте.

‘You naughty boy!’ she said in a harsh voice.

— Ах ты гадкий мальчишка! — строго сказала она.

She felt cheap and stupid, like a naughty child caught stealing.

Она почувствовала себя гадко и глупо, как шкодливый ребёнок, которого поймали на воровстве.

‘You naughty girl!’ Mom said, wagging her finger at me.

— Ах ты негодница! — сказала мама, грозя мне пальцем.

He’s a naughty little devil.

Он проказник.

…told her to act her age and stop throwing temper tantrums like a naughty little girl…

…сказал ей вести себя соответственно своему возрасту и перестать устраивать истерики, как капризная девчонка…

‘Edward, you are naughty,’ Dorothy chided.

— Эдвард, ты плохо себя ведёшь, — пожурила его Дороти.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

You’re a very naughty boy! Look what you’ve done!

She is naughty, that one. She tries it on with me sometimes!

I felt a bit naughty going off on my own, leaving the children behind.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

naught  — нуль, ничто, ноль, ничтожество, ничтожный, бесполезный
naughtiness  — озорство, непослушание, баловство, порочность, испорченность, греховность
naughtness  — непослушание, озорство, испорченность
naughtily  — шаловливо, непослушно

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): naughtier
прев. степ. (superlative): naughtiest

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Third parties face multi-billion dollar fines for dealing with those on Washington’s naughty list.

В свою очередь, третьи стороны сталкиваются с многомиллиардными штрафами за то, что ведут дела с теми, кто находится в списке непослушных Вашингтона.

Who should become more transparent was the company that has always q masking their cagadas advertising naughty.

Кто должен стать более прозрачным была компания, которая всегда Q маскировки своих cagadas рекламы озорной.

And with game consoles of the Japanese company Sony has always been associated redhead naughty Bandicoot named Crash.

А с игровыми консолями японской компании Sony неизменно ассоциируется озорной рыжий бандикут по имени Крэш.

Texts, voice calls, naughty, naughty pictures.

Сообщения, звонки, шаловливые фотографии.

Therefore, any child not wearing new clothes must have been naughty.

Поэтому любой ребенок, не одетый в новую одежду, должен был быть непослушным.

Children watch with interest how naughty squirrels jump on tree branches.

Детки с интересом наблюдают за тем, как озорные белки прыгают по веткам деревьев.

Yeon-su is a beautiful but naughty young woman whose family became millionaires overnight.

Ён Су — красивая, но озорная молодая женщина, чья семья в одночасье стала миллионерами.

However, what awaited her is a harsh destiny: immoral days of naughty humiliations.

Тем не менее, то, что ждет ее в суровой судьбы: безнравственные дней непослушных унижений.

He delivered lectures on physics for us, rather naughty boys, and we were sitting quiet and listened attentively.

Он читал лекции по физике для нас, довольно непослушных мальчиков, а мы сидели тихо и внимательно слушали.

Previously, scientists believed that bad advice can be watched only by naughty children who do the opposite.

Раньше ученые считали, что вредные советы можно смотреть только непослушным детям, которые все делают наоборот.

Truth be told, he might only want some naughty things from you.

По правде говоря, он может хотеть от тебя только некоторых непослушных вещей.

That being said though the vibrations are quicker and more intense when the action starts as well as with the naughty descriptions and comments.

Это сказано, хотя вибрации быстрее и интенсивнее, когда действие начинается, а также с непослушными описаниями и комментариями.

After a few glasses of wine, things get naughty between the two girls and one thing leads to another.

После нескольких бокалов вина все становится непослушным между двумя девушками, и одна вещь ведет к другой.

Every kid ought to be naughty and this will never change over time.

Каждый ребенок должен быть непослушным, и это никогда не изменится с течением времени.

Especially in the fight with curly and naughty hair, as well as with non-cutting tips.

Особенно в борьбе с вьющимися и непослушными волосами, а также секущимися кончиками.

Docility or passivity is often highly regarded; expressing criticism puts you in the category of naughty student.

Покорность или пассивность ценятся очень высоко; высказывание критики помещает вас в категорию непослушного ученика.

It is the story of a girl trying to reconcile her troubled life and disruptive family with the discovery of a new naughty side.

Это — история девочки, пытающейся урегулировать ее обеспокоенную жизнь и подрывную семью с открытием новой непослушной стороны.

Other statues were turned to the wall like naughty children.

Другую статую повернули к стене, как непослушных детей.

If property is damaged, they blame naughty boys and girls.

Если имущество повреждено, они обвиняют непослушных мальчиков и девочек.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат naughty

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word naughty, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use naughty in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «naughty».

Naughty in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word naughty in a sentence.

  1. She is not naughty, yet she hurts me.

  2. The critic Claude Rostand later described Poulenc as «half monk and half naughty boy».

  3. Chris Ryan described the song as being about «dirty, naughty, illicit bedroom activities».

  4. Here it was: ‘Kinkiness’—something newsy, naughty but just on the borderline of acceptability.

  5. It was intriguing to see him being castigated by M, just like a naughty schoolboy would be by his headmaster.

  6. McAlpine called Rihanna’s vocals «emotionally removed, a little distant and naughty, but a smidge melancholy and tearful».

  7. Potter’s anthropomorphized animals are in fact slightly naughty, yet in their naughtiness the punishment is never the moral of the tale.

  8. Dr Johnson said, if M’Leod would let it be known that he had such a place for naughty ladies, he might make it a very profitable island.».

  9. He was the playboy monarch, naughty but nice, the hero of all who prized urbanity, tolerance, good humour, and the pursuit of pleasure above the more earnest, sober, or material virtues.

  10. It can be helpful to educate teachers and school staff about typical tics, how they fluctuate during the day, how they impact the child, and how to distinguish tics from naughty behavior.

  11. Took said of the character that his «bogus ethnic patter and totally meaningless songs» created the illusion of «something terribly naughty going on» but that any naughtiness was in fact in the listener’s mind.

Synonyms for naughty

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word naughty has the following synonyms: blue, gamy, gamey, juicy, racy, risque, spicy, sexy, mischievous and bad.

General information about «naughty» example sentences

The example sentences for the word naughty that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «naughty» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «naughty».

Definition of Naughty

to behave poorly

Examples of Naughty in a sentence

At Christmas time, Santa will ask children if they have been naughty or nice during the year.


If Billy has been a naughty boy today, he will not get the reward of going to the park.


The naughty dog chewed the brand new sofa into little bits when he stayed home alone.


Tiffany was only mischievous in her actions, but Tom was downright naughty since he intentionally would hit people.


When the pet was being naughty, his master would smack him on the rear end.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

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then you could say “hitting is naughty” rather than say “you are really

When the boy, my new guard touched me, I felt like a child again, like a naughty little boy who had been sent to his room only to be comforted half an hour later by a worried mother hen

of naughty little boys on the prowl

In a stratospheric pitch, she screamed at the bags as though they were naughty children and complained to anyone who would listen but no one took any notice

Kids tormented animals, naughty and short-tempered in the gathering heat, waiting for the next ferry that would take them to the southern sister island of Kissafari or on to the largest island of Crete

Her father had often threatened her with punishments when she was naughty, but he had never actually carried them out

She stood stoney-faced, unyielding, holding the door ajar until they gave in and filed outside, reduced to being naughty boys

When Alessandra passed me her water I smiled my thanks, but on the verge of gloom like a naughty boy who’s been forgiven with a hug and a kiss on the cheek

punishments when she was naughty, but he had never actually

faded and those naughty eyes were replaced with anger, “…never mind, he’s just

naughty smile had resurfaced

The naughty little creatures were all over the place; one stole Mrs

“That only happens to very naughty children,” Nerissa hurried to explain

Presently this naughty

He turned his eyes away and shook his head to clear the naughty thoughts he was entertaining

“Your bed or my bed?” he asked with a naughty look on his face

“Want some more?” he whispered and gave her a naughty smile

Zorandi had been sent there, told to stay, for being naughty; he’d used his dad’s holoviewer, who’d left it active whilst taking some call, and this was his big chance

“Then you could stop having to beat naughty boys bottoms” said Dave

The president called in the offending agent and said, “Naughty, naughty, mustn’t do

They said their good-nights in the long, first floor corridor, whispering and laughing like a couple of naughty children from a Lewis Carol novel

He closed his eyes, wishing the naughty kookaburras would simply disappear

She started to tell him off, like furious mothers do with their naughty children

I suppose you know what is going to happen to the naughty little kookaburra that you are

He was still half lying and half sitting on the ground, and I watched as in seconds his face went from that of a naughty boy to an expression of disbelief as he registered who I was

He had such a naughty smile creasing his cheeks

Uncle Hobart didn’t argue, he just dropped the gas mask on the ground and walked off with slumped shoulder, reminiscent of a naughty boy who’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar

Now Alex gave her a naughty smirk

“Oh you naughty boy,” she chastised the dog as she neared him

«Now it has come to my attention that you naughty little things have been up to mischief at Paddington Station

«Angry, how could I ever be angry with you my darling? As for your two naughty brothers over there

«But _I_ would have been just as naughty, Faith—_I_ wouldn’t have told him they were scorching—and I don’t believe I would ever have been a bit sorry for my wickedness, either

but the Lord tries the hearts; the wicked doer gives heed to false lips; and the liar listens to the naughty tongue; whoever mocks the

naughty generation, and that their malice was bred in them, and that their cogitation would never be changed

He felt a little ashamed and naughty the same; it was only harmless flirting but Suzy would throw a hissy fit if she knew

They have been very naughty boys

Lee, nor was she Gypsy Rose Lee’s naughty daughter

had never had the guts to skip a day of school, this was as naughty

Chris looked back at me and said “you never struck me as the naughty undergarments, sort of girl Lea” he said teasingly smiling at me

“Well I would love to see what naughty is in your eyes” he laughed and kissed my lips again with more hunger then before

be treated as a naughty child would seem even sweet

Potter is just a little bit naughty

No, he’s too young for that yet, but he is naughty, and I should know, because, I’m the one he’s naughty with!”

And, when he wasn’t asleep, well, as I said, he could be pretty naughty

Not Naughty naughty, but Nice naughty, and he hasn’t changed a bit

Let’s look at a practical example: a child who is naughty hears his

A child who is praised is always well behaved; the child who is criticised becomes naughty

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the furious look of Duprina, who interpreted my evanescence as a feminine device to take possession of the attentions of her fiancé, and I, for my part could not avoid the naughty little genie of the flippancy that was advising me to take the opportunity to torment the young woman, who so antipathetic was proven to me

Completed the kiss, there slipped the bravery, like a naughty girl who flees to protect herself from the punishment

The only things we knew about MacFife were that he was rich, drove a Porsche, now owned the gallery, and had a canvas palace somewhere in the hinterland hills where he»d taken Frances for naughty weekends

And besides, you quit doing such naughty deeds when you started to make a profit

Robert felt naughty and stupid and wished he hadn’t come

‘Who’s been a naughty boy then?’ chanted a voice from the back as the door closed behind him

They shuffled over to where he had pointed, like naughty children

Tony grinned like he had something naughty planned

‘Oh, how nearly a year passed without an entry! Unbelievable and unfair as well, isn’t it? How I failed to use the ink filler for once, all the while letting V fill my P to the brim! Well, haven’t I lost the count of my trips to his filling station! Why am I turning naughty? Or is it bawdy! Isn’t the line thin anyway? Would life let me cross that to turn coarse! But who knows?’

Wouldn’t have guruji guessed her fascination for his son? Lost as she was to Suresh’s pictures, how would she have known about it? And, as she saw picture after picture of the handsome guruji and his beautiful wife, how fascinating she felt! When she came to the mid folios, didn’t she find a cute and naughty toddler in their laps? Didn’t she think he bore his mother’s features? How dignified the couple looked in their middle age! Besides, didn’t they look rich and suave? As every picture tied her down, competing for her attention, how long it took her to reach the bottom all again! Didn’t Suresh look handsomer than his father ever seemed?

She felt quite naughty about this, like hiding something from your parents when you were young

What a naughty guy he is

Jags sat quietly with a naughty grin, which appeared whenever she irritated Preeti

It’s only naughty for

“Zoe, these are very naughty movies

And that’s not all! These naughty movies are extremely sexist

Frank Bogey is a naughty

“You naughty children, don’t you know that you shouldn’t go near such filthy places unless you have money?”

Still looking at Laura, the bum waved his index finger and scolded, “You’ve been a naughty girl

«You can’t do that! That’s very naughty! Don’t waste your

you only once, one naughty fellow had to beaten up twice

She nods her head with a naughty smile and stepped towards him

She clapped her hands when Murray told her how he’d found Mr Hawk, he then told her about his talk with Jacko that led to his meeting with Sally Risso, her eyes widened when he mentioned Sally Risso, it was a name some mothers used to frighten their children with when they were naughty or wouldn’t go to sleep, he finished his day’s report by sharing his thoughts that maybe Mr Kennedy was only a pawn unaware of the true danger Mr Hawk had placed him in, Shirl agreed with Murray they would have to keep Mr Kennedy out of the loop but first she wanted to check him out on the laptop just to be sure

The play created by the drama guild was a comedy, a very comic and clever plot, full of slapstick and naughty innuendoes

I know she’s not racist, but since she knew that the projects in Mexico and the Philippines were what eventually killed my business, these nations had collectively made her naughty list

“I said”, and she looked at me out of the top of her eyes like she was talking to a naughty child “would you be needing my services, then? I’m the information sylph

Mark Goodwood had spoken to her as a parent would a naughty child

Shit, I’ve been caught, damn my naughty thoughts

I went at my super fast speed and bought a dress and matching accessories for her and then emotionally blackmailed her to wear them and threatened to do something naughty if she does not wear it

I cut the cake and when the time for feeding the first bit came, a naughty idea came to my mind and I forced a bite of the cake down Karan’s throat who had the most horror-struck expression on his face

Even Kiara aunty could not help but laugh at this naughty act of mine while Ajay uncle just shook his head

The very thought was making her nervous about what could possibly happen, and so she did not realize that Karan read all her thoughts and a naughty mischievous glint came in his eyes

Karan gave a naughty smirk to her and kissed her hot lips passionately

Tarana was confused, so Karan gave her a naughty wink and smile, which made Tarana blush deep red as she understood what Karan meant

And then he brought his face in front of hers and gave her a naughty wink

Karan pleaded with Tarana to open his hands, but Tarana just gave a naughty smirk and nodded her head in refusal

Tarana stared at him with shock, but Karan just gave her a naughty smirk

Arjun gave a naughty “I told You” smirk to Karan who just rolled his eyes while Tarana could not stop giggling recalling a similar incident with Karan just 6 years back in their College

A smile such as a little boy would have had after doing something naughty, but fun

«But if you’re naughty,» he unlocked his hands and pointed a finger in shame, «then I must punish you

«On order he will kill any naughty child

The only naughty child I would ever kill, said Roqford, isss the fat one standing next to me

In the beginning of a letter, Ajay wrote about you; he updated every naughty and funny things that you had done at home throughout a month; then he wrote about himself; about my father and my mother; and at last he mention about Vijay, Purnima, Anima, Rupa and little Padmini

But, the naughty thin hairs on my earlobes rose erect constantly whenever Mitali and Munmi discussed something

Sometimes he behaved as so matured way and sometimes he behaved as a little naughty child

Naughty or nice, he never stops twice

reminded him what a naughty Santa Clause he was

Yet, to be honest, I had plenty of reasons to leave the islands for a while myself, namely a not-Mayan princess, whose amateur intrigues have put me on the Inquisition’s naughty list

Gone were the pinups and girlie posters, well most of them, above his desk was a large poster of some slinky brunette, sitting in the saddle shall we say, smiling and holding up a poster saying ‘Fuck the Military Industrial Complex, We Chose to Work for Peace’ and a web address for Naughty Natascha

The same Naughty Natascha that had signed a personal 8×10 glossy to Tim, ‘Thank you, FR Tim, none of this would be possible without your help, Love XOX , Naughty Natascha

Windowmaker was associated with through his girlfriend, who goes by the name Naughty Natascha

Losira’s version of Tarkington came complete with a naughty nurse’s uniform

1. Naughty boys sometimmmes make good men. 

2. Naughty boys sometimes make good men. 

3. ‘Edward, you are naughty,’ Dorothy chided.

4. He’s a terribly naughty child.

5. You naughty boy, stop pulling the cat’s tail.

6. Don’t do such naughty things.

7. Those naughty boys have been acting up again.

8. The naughty children chucked snowballs at passing cars.

9. You’re a very naughty boy! Look what you’ve done!

10. Now that’s naughty — you mustn’t throw food on the floor!

11. He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well.

12. Don’t be so naughty.

13. ‘You naughty girl!’ Mom said, wagging her finger at me.

14. These naughty kids have pulled off all the rose buds.

14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

15. The naughty dog cowered in a corner.

16. Go along, you naughty boy!

17. Our boss treats us all like naughty schoolchildren.

18. I’m being very naughty—I’ve ordered champagne!

19. That naughty boy has faked away.

20. You were naughty to pull the cat’s tail.

21. He’s a naughty little devil.

22. It’s naughty to pull your sister’s hair.

23. The naughty pupils disarray the class.

24. Those naughty boys barred themselves in for fun.

25. Girls, you’re being very naughty.

26. ‘You naughty boy!’ she said in a harsh voice.

27. The teacher allured the naughty student from evil.

28. You naughty boy, you gave me such a fright.

29. Those naughty boys fastened on her.

30. As a child,he was rather naughty.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • naughty [ˈnɔːtɪ] прил

    1. непослушный, капризный

      (disobedient, capricious)

      • naughty girl – непослушная девчонка
      • naughty child – капризный ребенок
    2. озорной, шаловливый, игривый

      (mischievous, playful)

      • naughty smile – озорная улыбка
    3. гадкий


    4. дурной


    5. порочный


  • naughty [ˈnɔːtɪ] прич

    1. испорченный


озорной mischievous, naughty, wicked, sly, gamine, prankish
непослушный naughty, disobedient, unruly, rebellious, recalcitrant, mischievous
капризный capricious, whimsical, cranky, naughty, fractious, wayward
шаловливый playful, naughty, frolicsome, impish, frolic, roguish
гадкий nasty, loathsome, naughty, beastly, foul, rotten
дурной bad, ill, evil, wrong, stupid, naughty
испорченный spoiled, depraved, tainted, damaged, corrupt, naughty
неприличный indecent, obscene, rude, improper, unbecoming, naughty
сомнительный doubtful, dubious, questionable, uncertain, equivocal, naughty
рискованный risky, perilous, precarious, dicey, dangerous, naughty

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • naughty прил

    • mischievous · playful · sly · impish · whimsical · vicious
    • disobedient · unruly · rebellious · wayward


  • badly behaved, disobedient, ill-behaved, bad, misbehaved, misbehaving, wayward, defiant, unruly, insubordinate, willful, delinquent, undisciplined, uncontrollable, ill-mannered, ungovernable, unbiddable, disorderly, disruptive, fractious, recalcitrant, wild, wicked, obstreperous, difficult, troublesome, awkward, contrary, perverse, incorrigible, mischievous, playful, impish, roguish, rascally, bratty, refractory
  • indecent, risqué, rude, racy, ribald, bawdy, Rabelaisian, suggestive, improper, indelicate, indecorous, vulgar, dirty, filthy, smutty, crude, coarse, obscene, lewd, pornographic, raunchy, saucy, adult
  • risque, juicy, gamy, racy, blue, gamey, spicy

Предложения со словом «naughty»

Were you naughty or disciplined?

Ты была капризной или послушной?

I think I was a very independent child, and I wasn’t very naughty .

Думаю, я была очень независимым ребенком, и я была не очень капризной.

I want to study from experienced, competent and those teachers who love their job and us such harmful and naughty , but we’re so bad.

Хочется учиться у опытных, грамотных, таких, которые любят свою работу и нас, вредных и трудных, но не таких уж и плохих.

Sometimes he is naughty .

Иногда он — непослушный .

My dad tells me that I was a very naughty boy, but the best one in the whole world.

Мой папа говорит мне, что я был очень непослушным мальчиком, но лучшим в целом мире.

The Professor only raised his great eyebrows, as the schoolmaster meets the irrelevant observation of the naughty boy.

В ответ на это профессор поднял брови, словно школьный учитель, услыхавший неуместное замечание озорного ученика.

Just a little sip of naughty water, and we go back to the hotel.

По глоточку огненной водички, и мы сразу едим в отель.

There’s my darling little girl. Did you think your naughty mama was never going to come up to see you?

Моя дорогая девочка ты думала, что твоя непослушная мама никогда не придет повидать тебя?

I know all sorts of naughty places filled with all sorts of naughty men.

Мне известны все пикантные местечки, полные разных испорченных мальчишек.

Tuck must’ve been not even slightly naughty .

Видимо, Так весь год был паинькой.

You’re going straight on the naughty step!

Ты идешь по рискованному пути.

When the owners returned after a few moments away, some were told that their dogs had been naughty and eaten the forbidden food.

Когда спустя некоторое время хозяева вернулись, некоторым из них сказали, что их собаки были непослушны и съели запрещенную пищу.

I mean, Santa Claus knows if you’re naughty or nice, right?

Ведь Дед Мороз знает хорошо ты себя ведёшь или плохо, ведь так?

Or, we just call this one last name on my naughty list.

Или мы можем занести ещё одно имя в мой список непослушных деток.

Listen, Christine, that word that you just used, okay, to call your bunny — that’s a naughty word.

Слушай, Кристин, слово, которое ты только что использовала, котором назвала своего кролика, это дурное слово.

Casey’s already left, so no house mommy scolding us for being naughty .

Кэйси уже ушла, так что домоуправительница не будет ругать нас за шалости.

It was naughty of Mary to pull the kitten’s tail.

Мэри дёргала котёнка за хвост, хулиганка.

OK, so just give me a… a cheeky, sort of, I’ve been a naughty boy look.

Так, покажи — ка мне… ну типа я был непослушным мальчиком.

BUZZER: You’ve been a very naughty boy!

ГУДОК: Ты был очень непослушным мальчиком

I wonder what sort of a girl she is-whether good or naughty .

Хотела бы я знать, хорошая ли она девочка, или дурная?

Looks like my fair lady is more like my naughty lady.

Моя прекрасная леди больше похожа на мою порочную леди.

Care to find out if those kinky… naughty , dirty, nasty things I do behind closed doors…

Узнать, какими непристойными… …порочными, грязными, отвратительными вещами я занимаюсь за закрытыми дверями…

I was just having fun with your naughty little minion.

Я тут развлекался с твоей милой прислужницей.

‘Wash away your spleen,’ he said. ‘And help your own naughty pet and mine.

Залей — ка этим хандру, — сказал он. — И поухаживай за своею баловницей и моим баловником.

Was not I the players did disturb twas the doings of a green and naughty herb.

Не я, не я актеров потревожил. А злобная, никчемная толпа.

Wade, you’ve been very naughty .

Какой ты непослушный , Уэйд.

When they were all sitting again in the hop-field she told her mother how naughty Philip had been in not coming out of the water till he was blue with cold.

Когда они пришли работать на хмельник, Салли пожаловалась матери, какой Филип непослушный : он не хотел вылезать из воды, пока не посинел от холода.

You’re as bad as any of them, she said to Philip, in her grave, maternal way, which was at once comic and touching. They’re not anything like so naughty when you’re not here.

Вы сами как маленький, — попрекнула она Филипа материнским тоном, который звучал у нее и комично и трогательно. — Без вас они никогда не бывают такими непослушными .

‘Hush, Tiny! you naughty little girl! you will waken your mistress.

Тихо, Крошка! Непослушная маленькая девочка! Ты разбудишь свою хозяйку.

No sight so sad as that of a naughty child, he began, especially a naughty little girl.

Нет более прискорбного зрелища, чем непослушное дитя, — особенно непослушная девочка.

I dared commit no fault: I strove to fulfil every duty; and I was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaking, from morning to noon, and from noon to night.

Мне же не прощают ни малейшего промаха. Я стараюсь ни на — шаг не отступать от своих обязанностей, а меня называют непослушной , упрямой и лгуньей, и так с утра и до ночи.

What’s mumma’s naughty boy doing out of bed?

Что делает здесь мой непослушный мальчик? Кто это удрал из кроватки?

The doll was really alive and when he had so foolishly fallen asleep in the carriage, she had run away like a naughty little girl.

Кукла была живая, и когда он имел неосторожность заснуть в экипаже, она удрала, как непослушная девочка.

Scarlett leaned her head against the wall, like a naughty child in a corner, and rubbed her aching throat.

Скарлетт приткнулась головой к стене, словно капризный ребенок, которого поставили в угол, и потерла сдавленное рыданиями горло.

It was for all the world, sir, like a naughty youngster fighting with his mother.

Похоже было на то, сэр, как капризный малыш сражается со своей мамашей.

You know, I once dated this guy who wanted to pretend that he was an archeologist, and that I was this naughty cavewoman who he unfroze from a block of ice.

Я однажды встречалась с парнем, который хотел претвориться что он археолог, а я я капризная пещерная женщина, которую он разморозил изо льда.

I’m having a hard time figuring out who’s evil and who’s just naughty .

Мне вообще сложно понять, кто злой, а кто просто капризный.

It seems the naughty baby has made a messy-poo in his…

Кажется, капризный малыш наделал в свои…

Don’t be a naughty hatter.

Не будьте капризным шляпником.

‘He is a naughty monkey, isn’t he?’ he said.

Да, озорная обезьянка, — сказал он.

But this naughty schoolgirl daring was quickly passing.

Но этот озорной, школьнический задор быстро проходил.

It’s just a very naughty boy!

Это просто очень озорной мальчуган!

Costume drama or naughty comedy?

Костюмированную драму или озорную комедию?

All right, one of us needs to go talk to the naughty nanny.

Ладно, один едет общаться с озорной няней.

And there’s nothing naughty about that.

И в этом нет ничего озорного.

Naughty monkey’s got the cord looped round its neck.

У этой озорной обезьянки пуповина обёрнута вокруг шеи.

That is, unless the, naughty doctor wants to put me on bed rest.

То есть, если… озорной врач хочет прописать мне постельный режим.

Well, I just thought if you were the heroic World War II pilot, and I was the naughty Air Force medic, we would probably have to protect ourselves from any bombing.

Ну, я просто подумала, что если бы ты был героическим пилотом времен II Мировой войны, а я, озорным врачом военно — воздушных сил, мы смогли бы, наверное, защитить себя от любой бомбежки.

Uh, you’re a naughty girl.

Ох, ты шаловливая девчонка.

Oh, we’re trying to do it someplace naughty .

О, мы пытаемся сделать это кое — что шаловливое

He’s also known as Schmutzli, and Santa gives good gifts to children, Krampus punishes naughty ones, include pulling hair.

Он также известен как Шмутцли, Санта дарит хорошие подарки детям, а Крампус наказывает шаловливых, включая таскание за волосы

Texts, voice calls, naughty , naughty pictures.

Сообщения, звонки, шаловливые фотографии.

Or our victim was naughty instead of nice.

Или… убитый был шаловливым а не хорошим.

Looks like our Santa was a little more naughty than nice.

Похоже, наш Санта был скорее шаловливым, чем хорошим.

You’ve been a very naughty , naughty little spy.

Ты очень шаловливый маленький шпион.

It’s, it’s, you’re more, you’re… you’re a naughty mathematician.

Это…просто… просто ты шаловливый математик.

I was in a very naughty mood when i left that.

У меня было весьма игривое настроение, когда я ее писала.

Oh, yeah, the pigtails are very naughty .

Да, такие игривые.

In that case, I’ll put on something naughty .

В таком случае я надену что — нибудь игривое.

Oh, someone’s in a naughty mood, huh?

О, кто — то сегодня в игривом настроении?

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