The word name in latin

For the name of god is blasphemed among the gentiles through you, as it is written.

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Nomen enim dei per vos blasphematur inter gentes sicut scriptum est.

Jerahmeel had also another wife, whose name was Atarah; she was the mother of onam.

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Duxit quoque uxorem alteram hieramehel nomine atara quae fuit mater onam.

The name of the daughter of asher was serah.

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Nomen autem filiae aser fuit sara.

Now therefore, our god, we thank you, and praise your glorious name.

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Nunc igitur deus noster confitemur tibi et laudamus nomen tuum inclitum.

And they dwelt therein,

and have built thee a sanctuary therein for thy name, saying.

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Habitaveruntque in ea et extruxerunt in illa sanctuarium nomini tuo dicentes.

And in his name shall the gentiles trust.

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Et in nomine eius gentes sperabunt.

Abraham took another wife, and her name was keturah.

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Abraham vero aliam duxit uxorem nomine cetthuram.

Pray like this:’Our father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

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Sic ergo vos orabitis pater noster qui in caelis es sanctificetur nomen tuum.

They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.

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Et videbunt faciem eius et nomen eius in frontibus eorum.

Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me.

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Et qui susceperit unum parvulum talem in nomine meo me suscipit.

For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.

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Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est et sanctum nomen eius.

If you will ask anything in my name, i will do it.

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Si quid petieritis me in nomine meo hoc faciam.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved.

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Omnis enim quicumque invocaverit nomen domini salvus erit.

Men who have risked their lives for the name of our lord jesus christ.

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Hominibus qui tradiderunt animas suas pro nomine domini nostri iesu christi.

And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

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Et videbunt faciem eius et nomen eius in frontibus eorum.

When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus.

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His auditis baptizati sunt in nomine domini iesu.

So that no one should say that i had baptized you into my own name.

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Ne quis dicat quod in nomine meo baptizati sitis.

And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

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Et qui susceperit unum parvulum talem in nomine meo me suscipit.

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, i will do it.

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Si quid petieritis me in nomine meo hoc faciam.

Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our lord jesus christ.

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Hominibus qui tradiderunt animas suas pro nomine domini nostri iesu christi.

Lest any should say that i had baptized in mine own name.

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Ne quis dicat quod in nomine meo baptizati sitis.

His memory shall perish from the earth. he shall have no name in the street.

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Memoria illius pereat de terra et non celebretur nomen eius in plateis.

I myself most certainly thought that i ought to do many things contrary to the name of jesus of nazareth.

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Et ego quidem existimaveram me adversus nomen iesu nazareni debere multa contraria agere.

For»the name of god is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you,»

just as it is written.

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Nomen enim dei per vos blasphematur inter gentes sicut scriptum est.

They took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they lived there about ten years.

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Qui acceperunt uxores moabitidas quarum una vocabatur orpha altera ruth manseruntque ibi decem annis.

Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

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Laudent nomen eius in choro in tympano et psalterio psallant ei.

For many will come in my name, saying,’I am he!’ and will lead many astray.

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Multi enim venient in nomine meo dicentes quia ego sum et multos seducent.

The name of that place was called taberah, because Yahweh’s fire burnt among them.

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Vocavitque nomen loci illius incensio eo quod succensus fuisset contra eos ignis domini.

You shall not swear by my name falsely, and profane the name of your god. i am yahweh.

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Non peierabis in nomine meo nec pollues nomen dei tui ego dominus.

But i had respect for my holy name, which the house of israel had profaned among the nations,

where they went.

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Et peperci nomini meo sancto quod polluerat domus israhel in gentibus ad quas ingressi sunt.

Results: 1110,
Time: 0.0177





This list of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names is intended to help those unfamiliar with classical languages to understand and remember the scientific names of organisms. The binomial nomenclature used for animals and plants is largely derived from Latin and Greek words, as are some of the names used for higher taxa, such as orders and above. At the time when biologist Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) published the books that are now accepted as the starting point of binomial nomenclature, Latin was used in Western Europe as the common language of science, and scientific names were in Latin or Greek: Linnaeus continued this practice.

While learning Latin is now less common, it is still used by classical scholars, and for certain purposes in botany, medicine and the Roman Catholic Church, and it can still be found in scientific names. It is helpful to be able to understand the source of scientific names. Although the Latin names do not always correspond to the current English common names, they are often related, and if their meanings are understood, they are easier to recall. The binomial name often reflects limited knowledge or hearsay about a species at the time it was named. For instance Pan troglodytes, the chimpanzee, and Troglodytes troglodytes, the wren, are not necessarily cave-dwellers.

Sometimes a genus name or specific descriptor is simply the Latin or Greek name for the animal (e.g. Canis is Latin for dog). These words may not be included in the table below if they only occur for one or two taxa. Instead, the words listed below are the common adjectives and other modifiers that repeatedly occur in the scientific names of many organisms (in more than one genus).

Adjectives vary according to gender, and in most cases only the lemma form (nominative singular masculine form) is listed here. 1st-and-2nd-declension adjectives end in -us (masculine), -a (feminine) and -um (neuter), whereas 3rd-declension adjectives ending in -is (masculine and feminine) change to -e (neuter). For example, verus is listed without the variants for Aloe vera or Galium verum.

The second part of a binomial is often a person’s name in the genitive case, ending -i (masculine) or -ae (feminine), such as Kaempfer’s tody-tyrant, Hemitriccus kaempferi. The name may be converted into a Latinised form first, giving -ii and -iae instead.

Words that are very similar to their English forms have been omitted.

Some of the Greek transliterations given are Ancient Greek, and others are Modern Greek.

In the tables, L = Latin, G = Greek, and LG = similar in both languages.

This list is not, and is not intended to be, exhaustive. To find other taxa which include the names listed here, use the intitle command in the search box


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
acanthus etc. G ἄκανθος (ákanthos) thorny, spiny Acanthus plant; Parorchis acanthus, a flatworm
Munida acantha, a squat lobster; prickly ceratina, Ceratina acantha
spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias; Reinhardt’s snake-eater, Polemon acanthias
cotton thistle, Onopordum acanthium
acaulis G, L stemless silver thistle, Carlina acaulis;

dwarf date palm, Phoenix acaulis

actin-, actino- G ἀκτίς (aktis) ray, radial Schefflera actinophylla, Actinopterygii actinactino
acutus L sharpened, pointed American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus;

angled sunbeam (butterfly), Curetis acuta; northern pintail, Anas acuta

aculeatus L prickly short-beaked echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus;

three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus; butcher’s-broom, Ruscus aculeatus

adustus L singed, burnt side-striped jackal, Canis adustus;
dark onyx cowry, Erronea adusta
aequalis L equal common Atlantic grenadier, Nezumia aequalis; clay-coloured billbug, Sphenophorus aequalis
Trogoxylon aequale, a beetle; Omophron aequale, a ground beetle
aestivus L summer summer asphodel, Asphodelus aestivus; rough green snake, Opheodrys aestivus
turquoise-fronted amazon, Amazona aestiva; summer spider orchid, Caladenia aestiva
Loddon lily, Leucojum aestivum; common wheat, Triticum aestivum
affinis L neighbouring, similar, kindred lesser scaup, Aythya affinis; dugite, Pseudonaja affinis
blue tongue, Melastoma affine; Persian violet, Exacum affine
africanus L African reed cormorant, Microcarbo africanus;
southern African frilled shark, Chlamydoselachus africana;

African clubhook-squid, Notonykia africanae;
pyjama shark, Poroderma africanum;
lemon basil, Ocimum × africanum

africanusafricana, africanaeafricanum
agrestis L of the field, wild field vole, Microtus agrestis;

green field-speedwell, Veronica agrestis

alatus L āla winged pitcher plant, Nepenthes alata;

sharpwing monkeyflower, Mimulus alatus; winged elm, Ulmus alata; winged everlasting, Ammobium alatum; winged loosestrife, Lythrum alatum; winged seahorse, Hippocampus alatus; winged-stem passion flower, Passiflora alata

albiceps L white-headed blow fly, Chrysomya albiceps;

moth, Syngamia albiceps; wood groundling, Parachronistis albiceps;

Mexican golden red rump tarantula, Brachypelma albiceps

albidens L white-toothed white-toothed brush mouse, Coccymys albidens;
see also leucodon
albopictus L painted white Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus;
Moneilema albopictum
albus L white white ibis, Eudocimus albus;
white oak, Quercus alba;
mistletoe, Viscum album
alpinus L alpine; of the Alps alpine aster, Aster alpinus;
alpine bearberry, Arctostaphylos alpina;
alpine feverfew, Parthenium alpinum
amabilis L lovable lovable lily, Lilium amabile;
lovely cotinga, Cotinga amabilis;
lovely fairywren, Malurus amabilis;
lovely fir, Abies amabilis
ambiguus L uncertain beautiful woolly sunflower, Eriophyllum ambiguum;
doubtful cone, Conus ambiguus;
questionable Stropharia, Stropharia ambigua;
tick bush, Kunzea ambigua
amblys G ἀμβλύς (amblús) blunt, dull marine iguana, Amblyrhynchus cristatus amblysAll pages with titles beginning with Ambly
americanus L American American black bear, Ursus americanus;
American hazel nut, Corylus americana;
American mastodon, Mammut americanum
amphi- G ἀμφί (amphí) of all kinds, on all sides amphibian; Amphipoda All pages with titles beginning with Amphi
ampulla L bottle, flask northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus ampullatusampullataampullatumAll pages with titles beginning with Ampulla
amurensis L from the Amur River Amur grape, Vitis amurensis amurensisamurense
anglicus L from England Common cordgrass, Sporobolus anglicus; Bibio anglicus, a fly; English sundew, Drosera anglica; English whitebeam, Sorbus anglica; English stonecrop, Sedum anglicum anglicusanglicaanglicum
angolensis L from Angola African teak, Pterocarpus angolensis angolensisangolense
angustiflorus L narrow-flowered Eastwood’s bellflower, Campanula angustiflora;

narrowflower lupine, Lupinus angustiflorus

angustifolius L narrow-leaved narrowleaf cottongrass, Eriophorum angustifolium;

narrowleaf cottonwood, Populus angustifolia; narrowleaf sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius

angustus L narrow narrow-banded widow, Dingana angusta;
narrowleaf pansy monkeyflower, Mimulus angustatus;
slimleaf bean, Phaseolus angustissimus;
Prairie acacia, Acaciella angustissima;

sea snail, Vexillum angustissimum

antarcticus L of the southern hemisphere chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarcticus;

gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus;
brown skua, Stercorarius antarcticus

anthos G ἄνθος (ánthos) flower anthozoans, Anthozoa;

golden wattle, Acacia pycnantha;

All pages with titles beginning with Antho
anthropo- G ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos) man, human being Paranthropus All pages with titles beginning with Anthropo
apis L bee western honey bee, Apis mellifera;

white sage, Salvia apiana

apianusapianaapianumAll pages with titles beginning with Api
aquaticus L found near water eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus;
wild rice, Zizania aquatica;

water spinach, Ipomoea aquatica;
parrot’s-feather, Myriophyllum aquaticum,

arborescens L tree-like or shrub-like Artemisia arborescens;

Aloe arborescens; Hydrangea arborescens

archaeo- G ἀρχαῖος (arkhaîos) ancient Archaeopteryx All pages with titles beginning with ArchaeoAll pages with titles beginning with Archeo
arch-, archi-, archo-, -archus G ἀρχός (arkhos) ruler, leader, prince, highest, greatest Archidendron grandiflorum archiarcho


arctos G ἄρκτος (árktos) bear grizzly bear, Ursus arctos horribilis;

common bearberry, Arctostaphylos

arctosAll pages with titles beginning with Arcto
arena L sand sand iris, Iris arenaria;
sand rock-cress, Arabidopsis arenosa;
sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius;
sand-dusted cone, Conus arenatus
arenicolus L sand-dwelling dunes sagebrush lizard, Sceloporus arenicolus;
sand goldenrod, Solidago arenicola;
sanddwelling dewberry, Rubus arenicola;
sandy stargazer, Gillellus arenicola
argentatus L silvery European herring gull, Larus argentatus argentatusargentataargentatum
argenteus L silvery silver buffaloberry, Shepherdia argentea;
silver tree, Leucadendron argenteum;

silvery lupine, Lupinus argenteus; white mulberry, Pipturus argenteus

argentum L silver sea snail, Calliostoma argentum argentum
argillicola L living on clay clay Fiddler Crab, Minuca argillicola; Hullsia argillicola argillicola
aromatica G ἄρωμα (árōma) aromatic clove nutmeg, Ravensara aromatica;
Croton aromaticus;
clove, Syzygium aromaticum
arthro- G ἄρθρον (árthron) joint Arthropoda All pages with titles beginning with Arthro
arvensis L in the field skylark, Alauda arvensis;
field horsetail, Equisetum arvense
asiatica L Asian white-winged dove, Zenaida asiatica;
Caspian plover, Charadrius asiaticus, Persian buttercup, Ranunculus asiaticus
astro-, astero- G ἄστρον (ástron) star starfish (class), Asteroidea All pages with titles beginning with AsteroAll pages with titles beginning with Astro
ater L dull black common chuckwalla, Sauromalus ater;
Eurasian coot, Fulica atra;
black swan, Cygnus atratus;
black yarrow, Achillea atrata;
creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus
see also niger
atropurpureus L deep purple, blackish-purple Acer palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’; Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea;
purple-flowered cotoneaster, Cotoneaster atropurpureus
aurantius, aurantiacus L orange-colored bitter orange, Citrus aurantium aurantiusaurantiaaurantium; aurantiacusaurantiacaaurantiacum
aureus L golden golden jackal, Canis aureus;
Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria)
see also chrysos
auritus L having (large) ears brown long-eared bat, Plecotus auritus; double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus; long-eared hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritus
moon jellyfish, Aurelia aurita
yerba santa, Piper auritum; blue eared pheasant, Crossoptilon auritum
australis L southern southern right whale, Eubalaena australis australisaustrale


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
baccatus L berry-bearing common yew, Taxus baccata; Conus baccatus, a sea snail baccatusbaccatabaccatum
barbatus L barba bearded bearded catasetum, Catasetum barbatum; bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus; black-chinned siskin, Spinus barbata; Bornean bearded pig, Sus barbatus; golden-beard penstemon, Penstemon barbatus barbatusbarbatabarbatum
bicolor L two-colored bicolor angelfish, Centropyge bicolor; bicolor cleanerfish, Labroides bicolor; bicolored moth, Manulea bicolor bicolor
bicoloratus L two-colored bicolored angle, Macaria bicolorata; Kenya two-headed snake, Micrelaps bicoloratus; orchid, Bulbophyllum bicoloratum bicoloratusbicoloratabicoloratum
bicornis L two-horned black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis bicornis
bios G βίος (bíos) life amphibian; biota, all living things bios
blandus L pleasant, smooth, alluring Greek windflower, Anemone blanda; Mallos blandus, a spider blandusblandablandum
borealis L northern northern right whale dolphin, Lissodelphis borealis
sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis
northern bedstraw, Galium boreale
brachion G βραχίων (brakhíōn) arm Przewalski’s gerbil, Brachiones przewalskii; Brachiopoda (phylum); Brachiosaurus All pages with titles beginning with Brachio
brasiliensis L Brazilian Brazilian brown bat Eptesicus brasiliensis All pages with titles containing Brasiliensis
brachy- G βραχύς (brakhús) short Brazilian gold frog, Brachycephalus didactylus All pages with titles beginning with Brachy
brachyphyllus G short-leaved extinct plant genus, Brachyphyllum;
flower, Colchicum brachyphyllum;
leaf-nosed bats, Brachyphylla;
shortleaf baccharis, Baccharis brachyphylla;
see also brevifolius
brady- G βραδύς (bradús) slow pygmy three-toed sloth, Bradypus pygmaeus All pages with titles beginning with Brady
branchia G βράγχιον (bránkhion) gills Lamellibranchia (class, syn. Bivalva); Branchiopoda (class, brine shrimps) All pages with titles beginning with Branchi
brasiliensis L from Brazil Brazilian marsh rat, Holochilus brasiliensis; Brazilian stick mantis, Brunneria brasiliensis; rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis brasiliensisbrasiliense
brevi- L brevis short silvery-cheeked hornbill, Ceratogymna brevis brevisbreveAll pages with titles beginning with Brevi
brevicaudatus L short-tailed bearded leaf chameleon, Rieppeleon brevicaudatus; sea snail, Lophiotoma brevicaudata; short-tailed ceratosoma, Ceratosoma brevicaudatum brevicaudatusbrevicaudatabrevicaudatum
brevicollis L short-necked short-necked oil beetle, Meloe brevicollis brevicollisbrevicolle
brevifolius L short-leaved Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia;
short-leaved dudleya, Dudleya blochmaniae subsp. brevifolia;
shortleaf sneezeweed, Helenium brevifolium;
zig-zag bog-rush, Schoenus brevifolius;
see also brachyphyllus
brevirostris L short beak pignosed arrowtooth eel, Dysomma brevirostre;
shortnose ponyfish, Leiognathus brevirostris
britannicus L from Great Britain Rumex britannica, a knotweed; British yellowhead, Inula britannica; Cortinarius britannicus, a mushroom; Geastrum britannicum, an earthstar fungus britannicusbritannicabritannicum
bulbus G βολβός bulb bulbous buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus;
onion cone, Conus bulbus


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
caecus L blind blind mole, Talpa caeca; northern eyed hawkmoth, Smerinthus caecus caecuscaecacaecum
caeruleus L blue Eurasian blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus; blue passion flower, Passiflora caerulea caeruleuscaeruleacaeruleum
californicus L California California blue dorid, Felimare californiensis californicuscalifornicacaliforniensis
callosus L calloused large vesper mouse, Calomys callosus; tree fern, Cyathea callosa; orchid, Paphiopedilum callosum callosuscallosacallosum
calvus L bald Altolamprologus calvus, Isbrueckerichthys calvus, both fish
Banasa calva, a stink bug; Trichocorixa calva, a water boatman
Intrasporangium calvum, a bacterium; Bulbophyllum calvum, an orchid
cambricus L, from Cambria from Wales wild cotoneaster, Cotoneaster cambricus; Alalcomenaeus cambricus, fossil arthropod
Welsh wave, Venusia cambrica; Welsh eyebright, Euphrasia cambrica
Welsh poppy, Papaver cambricum; limestone polypody, Polypodium cambricum
Welsh groundsel, Senecio cambrensis; Flexicalymene cambrensis, a fossil trilobite
canadensis L from Canada bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis canadensiscanadense
candidus L brightly white, shining white Madonna lily, Lilium candidum candiduscandidacandidum
canescens L turning grey- or white-haired Geraea canescens (desert sunflower); Atriplex canescens canescens
canis L dog coyote, Canis latrans; Dipylidium caninum (a tapeworm) caniscaninuscaninacaninum
canorus L canōrus melodious common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus; Chinese hwamei, Garrulax canorus
Cuban grassquit, Phonipara canora; Campylocheta canora, a tachinid fly
canus L gray (haired), pale gray grey-headed woodpecker, Picus canus; woolly groundsel, Senecio canus canuscanacanum
caprae L of a goat Staphylococcus caprae capraecapri
castaneus L chestnut(-colored) chestnut bolete, Gyroporus castaneus; reddish carpenter ant, Camponotus castaneus
chestnut, Castanea; chestnut short-tailed bat, Carollia castanea
chestnut leek orchid, Prasophyllum castaneum; red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum
cauda L tail long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus; thintail skate, Dipturus leptocaudus; northern short-tailed shrew, Blarina brevicauda
caulos G καυλός (kaulós) stem, stalk stemless gentian, Gentiana acaulis acaulisacaule
cephalo- G κεφαλή (kephalḗ) head Mediterranean gull, Larus melanocephalus; blue-spotted grouper, Cephalopholis argus All pages with titles beginning with Cephal
-ceps L caput head pygmy sperm whale, Kogia breviceps; biceps (two-headed muscle)
ceros L cornū G κέρας (kéras) horn narwal, Monodon monoceros; rhinoceros (nose horn)
cest L cestus G κεστός (kestós) girdle, belt, stitched Cestoda All pages with titles beginning with Cest
chaetes G χαίτη (khaítē) flowing hair, or mane wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou
chilensis L from Chile paradise tanager, Tangara chilensis chilensischilense
chinensis L from China China rose, Rosa chinensis;
Chinese onion, Allium chinense;
Chinese sumac, Rhus chinensis;
see also Sinense, below
chloro- G χλωρός (khlōrós) pale green common moorhen, Gallinula chloropus All pages with titles beginning with Chloro
chordatus L spined chordates; Stylephorus chordatus, Tinospora cordifolia chordatuschordatachordatum
chroma G χρῶμα (khrôma) color clown loach, Chromobotia macracanthus All pages with titles beginning with Chrom
chrysos G χρυσός (khrusós) gold Chrysochloridae (golden moles);
golden pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus;
maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus
see also aureus
All pages with titles beginning with Chryso
chrysophyllus G gold-leaved golden chinquapin, Chrysolepis chrysophylla;
golden-leaved Jerusalem sage, Phlomis chrysophylla;
satinleaf, Chrysophyllum oliviforme
cilium L eyelash Ashland thistle, Cirsium ciliolatum;
bristleworm, Polydora ciliata;
eyelash gecko, Correlophus ciliatus;
queen angelfish, Holacanthus ciliaris;
Australian red cedar, Toona ciliata;
sickle-leaved cymodocea, Thalassodendron ciliatum
cinereus L ash, ash-colored masked shrew, Sorex cinereus;
Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea;
gray thrasher, Toxostoma cinereum;
common gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus
cirrhus G κιρρός (kirrhós) orange fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus;
mrigal carp, Cirrhinus cirrhosus;
silverspotted sculpin, Blepsias cirrhosus
citri L citrus the citrus blossom moth, Prays citri citri
colchicus L from Colchis (Greek Κολχῐ́ς, Kolchís) or Georgia common pheasant, Phasianus colchicus; Phoxinus colchicus, a minnow
Caucasian bladdernut, Staphylea colchica; Colchic holly, Ilex colchica
Colchic nase, Chondrostoma colchicum; Cyclamen colchicum, a primrose
cneme G κνήμη (knḗmē) shin, leg white-legged damselfly, Platycnemis pennipes
cola L —cola inhabitant Eurasian woodcock, Scolopax rusticola; paddyfield warbler, Acrocephalus agricola
The forms —colus and —colum are also found, although they are not considered to be correct Latin: deepwater grenadier, Coryphaenoides profundicolus; black-sided flowerpecker, Dicaeum monticolum.[1]
clathratus L grated, latticed kelp bass, Paralabrax clathratus; clathrate nassa, Nassarius clathratus
slender-armed starfish, Luidia clathrata; latticed sandperch, Parapercis clathrata
Allium clathratum, an onion; Vexillum clathratum, a sea snail
collaris L collared ring-necked duck, Aythya collaris; collared pika, Ochotona collaris
collared carpetshark, Parascyllium collare; mottled sand grasshopper, Spharagemon collare
compressus L compressus slender, pressed together slender oatgrass, Danthonia compressa; slender crayfish, Faxonius compressus
emerald cockroach wasp, Ampulex compressa; empire gudgeon, Hypseleotris compressa
Dendrobium compressum, an orchid
concolor L having uniform color throughout cougar, Puma concolor; white fir, Abies concolor
conno- G κόννος (kónnos) beard wildebeest, Connochaetes gnou All pages with titles beginning with Conno
corax L corvus G κόραξ (kórax) crow, raven common raven, Corvus corax corax
cordatus L heart-shaped cordate (leaf shape);
small-leaved lime, Tilia cordata;
sea potato, Echinocardium cordatum
cordifolius L heart-shaped leaves heartleaf aster, Symphyotrichum cordifolium;
heart-leaved moonseed, Tinospora cordifolia;
Tucson bur ragweed, Ambrosia cordifolia
coriaceus L, from corium («leather») leathery Pajahuello tick, Ornithodoros coriaceus; beach bird’s eye, Alectryon coriaceus
blue china vine, Holboellia coriacea; leatherback sea turtle, Dermochelys coriacea
green tea-tree, Leptospermum coriaceum; inland rock orchid, Dendrobium coriaceum
cornu L cornū horn garden snail, Cornu aspersum;
great ramshorn, Planorbarius corneus
All pages with titles beginning with Cornu
coronatus L crowned crowned lemur, Eulemur coronatus;
crowned turban shell, Lunella coronata
costatus L ribbed ribbed slipper shell, Maoricrypta costata; striped Raphael catfish, Platydoras costatus costatuscostatacostatum
crassus, crassi L thick, fat creeping blueberry, Vaccinium crassifolium;
inflated spiny crab, Rochinia crassa;
mouthless crab, Cardisoma crassum
cristatus L crested aardwolf, Proteles cristatus;
blue jay, Cyanocitta cristata;
crested wheatgrass, Agropyron cristatum
crocos G κρόκος (krókos) yellow bicoloured white-toothed shrew, Crocidura leucodon;
saffron, Crocus sativus;
spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta
All pages with titles beginning with croc
crypto- G κρυπτός (kruptós) hidden Cryptococcus; Cryptosporidium All pages with titles beginning with Crypto
culminicola L summit dweller Elaeocarpus culminicola; Euxoa culminicola; Pinus culminicola, Potosi pinyon All pages with titles containing culminicola
cursor L runner, racer cream-colored courser, Cursorius cursor; cursorial akodont, Akodon cursor; Lacépède’s ground snake, Erythrolamprus cursor cursor
curvirostris L curved beak boxer snipe eel, Nemichthys curvirostris;
curve-billed thrasher, Toxostoma curvirostre
cyano- G κυανός (kuanós) blue-green azure-winged magpie, Cyanopica cyanus;
big blue octopus, Octopus cyanea;
blue orchid, Aganisia cyanea
All pages with titles beginning with Cyanocyaneuscyaneacyaneum


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
dactyl-, dactylo- G δάκτυλος (dáktulos) finger or toe black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla; Pterodactylus All pages with titles beginning with Dactyl
deca-, deka- G δέκα (déka) ten alfonsino, Beryx decadactylus All pages with titles beginning with Deca
decem L ten Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata
delphis G δελφύς (delphús) womb virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana
dendr-, dendri-, dendro-, -dendron, -dendrum G δένδρον (déndron) tree Philodendron, Dendrobium, Rhododendron dendrodendrondendrum
derma G δέρμα (dérma) skin yellow staining mushroom, Agaricus xanthodermus All pages with titles beginning with Derm
di- G δι- (di-) two Christmas orchid, Dipodium punctatum Too common a letter combination for any useful search
diffusus L diffundere diffuse diffuse spineflower, Chorizanthe diffusa;
fly, Paralimnophila diffusior;
rush, Juncus diffusissimus;
spreading groundsmoke, Gayophytum diffusum;
spreading lupine, Lupinus diffusus;
spreading phlox, Phlox diffusa
digitatus L having fingers finger rush Juncus digitatus;
baobab, Adansonia digitata;
dead man’s fingers, Alcyonium digitatum
dilatatus L dilated, extended dallisgrass, Paspalum dilatatum;
Maianthemum dilatatum
dioica L dioicous common nettle, Urtica dioica dioica
dino-, deino- G δεινός (deinós) terrifying dinosaur, Deinotherium All pages with titles beginning with Dino
diplo- G διπλός (diplós) double two-eyed orange spider, Diploglena capensis All pages with titles beginning with Diplo
disc, disk G δίσκος (dískos) disc common fungus moth, Metalectra discalis All pages with titles beginning with Discdiscalisdiscale
dodeca- G δώδεκα (dṓdeka) twelve Henderson’s shootingstar, Dodecatheon hendersonii All pages with titles beginning with Dodeca
dolicho- G δολιχός (dolikhós) elongated, long knight anole, Anolis dolichocephalus All pages with titles beginning with Dolicho
domesticus L of the house or domestic domestic pig, Sus scrofa domestica;
house sparrow, Passer domesticus
dorsum L back back-striped weasel, Mustela strigidorsa All pages with titles beginning with Dors
dubius L doubtful little ringed plover, Charadrius dubius

see also nomina dubia

dulcis L sweet almond, Prunus dulcis dulcisdulce
dumetorum L, from dumus, «bramble» «of the thickets» Blyth’s reed warbler, Acrocephalus dumetorum; bitter yam, Dioscorea dumetorum; coastal green hairstreak, Callophrys dumetorum dumetorum
dumicola L scrub dweller Acaena dumicola; Cerbera dumicola; Stegodyphus dumicola, African social spider All pages with titles containing dumicola


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
eburneus L eburneus ivory-colored ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea eburneuseburneaeburneum
echinatus L prickly, spiny Edisto crayfish, Procambarus echinatus; shortleaf pine, Pinus echinata echinatusechinataechinatum
echino- L echīnus G ἐχῖνος (ekhînos) hedgehog, sea-urchin great globe thistle, Echinops sphaerocephalus; diadema urchin, Echinothrix diadema; San Pedro cactus, Echinopsis pachanoi All pages with titles beginning with Echino
edulis L edible common cockle, Cerastoderma edule; king bolete, Boletus edulis; oyster, Ostrea edulis; passion fruit, Passiflora edulis edulisedule
elatior L taller true oxlip, Primula elatior elatior
electro- G ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) amber, amber-colored or

electric (modern usage)

broad-billed motmot, Electron platyrhynchum;
electric eel, Electrophorus electricus
No simple way to distinguish biological from other uses
elegans L elegant crimson rosella, Platycercus elegans ;
Granastyochus elegantissimus;
Iris iberica subsp. elegantissima; false aralia, Plerandra elegantissima;
Caecum elegantissimum
emarginatus L having no edges Phongolo suckermouth, Chiloglanis emarginatus;
Gibraltar sea lavender, Limonium emarginatum;
acerola, Malpighia emarginata; bitter cherry, Prunus emarginata
enanti- G ἐναντίος (enantíos) opposite, against Enantiornithes All pages with titles beginning with Enantio
ennea- G ἐννέα (ennéa) nine banded sunfish Enneacanthus obesus; scurvy-grass sorrel, Oxalis enneaphylla All pages with titles beginning with Ennea
ensatus L sword-like California giant salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus ensatusensataensatum
ensis, ensi- L sword, lance jackknife clam, Ensis minor; swordleaf rush, Juncus ensifolius All pages with titles beginning with Ensiensiformis
-ensis L of, from (a place) Tadarida brasiliensis (Brazilian free-tailed bat); Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis
eques L knight, horseman North Atlantic codling, Lepidion eques ; western horse lubber grasshopper, Taeniopoda eques; leafy seadragon, Phycodurus eques
Aspergillus equitis; Cygnus equitum; Hoheria equitum
erectus L upright Homo erectus («upright man»); upright chickweed, Moenchia erecta erectuserectaerectum
erio- G ἔριον (érion) wool, woolly common cottongrass, Eriophorum angustifolium All pages with titles beginning with Erio
erosus L indented, jagged, serrated jícama, Pachyrhizus erosus; serrated hinge-back tortoise, Kinixys erosa erosuserosaerosum
erythro- G ἐρυθρός (eruthrós) red[2] spotted redshank, Tringa erythropus; dog’s-tooth violet, Erythronium dens-canis All pages with titles beginning with Erythro
esculentus L edible edible frog, Pelophylax kl. esculentus; Gyromitra esculenta esculentus esculenta esculentum
europaeus L European European hedgehog, Erinaceus europaeus; European owl moth, Brahmaea europaea europaeuseuropaeaeuropaeum
excelsus L exalted African teak, Milicia excelsa; excelsior cone, Conus excelsus excelsusexcelsaexcelsum


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
fallax L false false swift, Borbo fallax; green marvel, Acronicta fallax fallax
falx L sickle sickle milkvetch, Astragalus falcatus; sickle-leaved hare’s-ear, Bupleurum falcatum; sicklethorn, Asparagus falcatus; wild pear, Persoonia falcata falcatusfalcatafalcatumfalciformisfalx
familiaris L domestic, common, familiar dog, Canis lupus familiaris
felis L cat black-footed cat, Felis nigripes; cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis
felinus L cat-like, feline cat gecko, Aeluroscalabotes felinus; marine otter, Lontra felina felinusfelinafelinum
-fer L -bearing western honey bee, Apis mellifera; coconut, Cocos nucifera
ferox L ferocious, wild, bold long snouted lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox; fossa, Cryptoprocta ferox ferox
ferus L wild wild horse, Equus ferus; wild Bactrian camel, Camelus ferus ferusferaferum
ferrugo L rust ferruginous swift, Borbo ferruginea;
reddish-brown corky spine fungus, Hydnellum ferrugineum;
rusty bloodwood, Corymbia ferruginea;
rusty parrotfish, Scarus ferrugineus;
rusty pitohui, Pseudorectes ferrugineus
fidelis L faithful faithful sea slug, Goniobranchus fidelis; faithful leafcutting bee, Megachile fidelis; Pacific sideband, Monadenia fidelis fidelis
filum L thread desert fan palm, Washingtonia filifera; thread fern, Blechnum filiforme; thread-leaved sundew, Drosera filiformis filiferfiliferafiliformisfiliforme
fimbriatus L fringed, fibrous Coomsaharn char, Salvelinus fimbriatus; crested gliding lizard, Draco fimbriatus
trumpet cup lichen, Cladonia fimbriata; fringed jumping spider, Portia fimbriata
fringed earthstar, Geastrum fimbriatum; gang-gang cockatoo, Callocephalon fimbriatum
flavus L golden yellow, light yellow yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia flava; yellow-necked mouse, Apodemus flavicollis flavusflavaflavum
floridus L flowery blue palo verde, Parkinsonia florida; floral banded wobbegong, Orectolobus floridus floridusfloridum
flor- L flos flower southern magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora; great white trillium, Trillium grandiflorum All pages with titles beginning with flori
fodiens L fodere digging burying beetle, Nicrophorus defodiens; burying beetle, Nicrophorus infodiens; Eurasian water shrew, Neomys fodiens; lowland burrowing tree frog, Smilisca fodiens
folium L leaf American beech, Fagus grandifolia; broad-leaved sermountain, Laserpitium latifolium; Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia; Joshua tree, Yucca brevifolia; upright snottygobble, Persoonia longifolia
formosanus L fōrmōsānus from Taiwan (formerly called Formosa) Formosan black bear, Ursus thibetanus formosanus; Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus
Taiwan flower mantis, Acromantis formosana; Taiwanese sweet gum, Liquidambar formosana
red quinoa, Chenopodium formosanum; Taiwan saddled carpetshark, Cirrhoscyllium formosanum
formosus L fōrmōsus (well-)formed, beautiful beautiful bronzeback tree snake, Dendrelaphis formosus; Asian arowana, Scleropages formosus
Baikal teal, Sibirionetta formosa; least killifish, Heterandria formosa
giant maidenhair, Adiantum formosum; beautiful giant-flowered dendrobium, Dendrobium formosum
fragilis L frangere breakable brittle bladder-fern, Cystopteris fragilis; brittle willow, Salix × fragilis; candy cap, Lactarius fragilis; Dientamoeba fragilis; dead man’s fingers, Codium fragile; fragile wart frog, Limnonectes fragilis fragilis
fuliginosus L sooty jet black ant, Lasius fuliginosus; ruby tiger, Phragmatobia fuliginosa; sooty hairstreak, Satyrium fuliginosum; sooty milkcap, Lactarius fuliginosus fuliginosusfuliginosafuliginosum
fulvus L deep yellow, tawny Pacific golden plover, Pluvialis fulva; sulphur leather coral, Rhytisma fulvum; tawny grisette, Amanita fulva; yellow ground squirrel, Spermophilus fulvus fulvusfulvafulvum
furcatus L forked forked viburnum, Viburnum furcatum; forked wormwood, Artemisia furcata; swallow-tailed gull, Creagrus furcatus furcatusfurcatafurcatum
fuscus L dark, dark brown dusky hopping mouse, Notomys fuscus; dusky pitcher-plant, Nepenthes fusca; rusty peat moss, Sphagnum fuscum; sooty tern, Sterna fuscata fuscusfuscafuscum


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
gala, galum G γάλα (gála) milk soap plants, Chlorogalum
garrulus L chattering, talkative Garrulus, a genus of jays; Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus
Eupithecia garrula, an inchworm moth; chestnut-winged chachalaca, Ortalis garrula
Chelostoma garrulum, a carder bee; Omicron garrulum, a potter wasp
gaster, gastro-, gastr- L gaster G γαστήρ (gastḗr) belly common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster; Gastropoda
geo- G γαῖα, γῆ () Earth Conus geographus, geography cone; Geotrichum
giganteus L giant giganteus (a sea snail); Aldabra giant tortoise, Aldabrachelys gigantea giganteusgiganteagiganteum
gigas G γίγας giant Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas; snow morel, Gyromitra gigas; cœur de la mer, Entada gigas All pages with titles containing gigas
glaber L glaber smooth; hairless[3] naked mole-rat, Heterocephalus glaber; smooth sumac, Rhus glabra; Omphiscola glabra (a snail) glaberglabraglabrum
glacialis L found in glaciers North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis; glacier wormwood, Artemisia glacialis
glacier lantern fish, Benthosema glaciale; Endocellion glaciale, a daisy
glandulosus L having kernels Tasmanian laurel, Anopterus glandulosus, Basilan Island caecilian, Ichthyophis glandulosus;
honey mesquite, Prosopis glandulosa, warty jumping-slug, Hemphillia glandulosa;
skunk currant, Ribes glandulosum,
glaucus L glaucus G γλαυκός (glaukós) blue-green, blue-gray, gleaming silvery blue butterfly, Lepidochrysops glauca; Glaucidae, nudibranch family glaucusglaucaglaucum
glutinosus L glutinosus sticky common alder, Alnus glutinosa;
viscid black earth tongue, Glutinoglossum glutinosum;
northern slimy salamander, Plethodon glutinosus
glyco-, glycy-, glyc- G γλυκύς (glukús) sweet liquorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra; soybean, Glycine max
gracilis, gracile L slender, graceful western spotted skunk, Spilogale gracilis; slough darter, Etheostoma gracile; Gracilisuchus gracilisgracile
gracilipes L grăcĭlĭpes[4] slender-footed slender frog, Austrochaperina gracilipes; slender-legged bushfrog, Gracixalus gracilipes; slenderstalk monkeyflower, Mimulus gracilipes; slimfoot century plant, Agave gracilipes gracilipes
graniticus L granite granite claw flower, Calothamnus graniticus;
granite poverty bush, Eremophila granitica;
granite serpentweed, Tonestus graniticus
graveolens L gravis strong-smelling common rue, Ruta graveolens; lippia, Lippia graveolens graveolens
gregarius L gregārius, from grex (“flock, herd”) sociable sociable lapwing, Vanellus gregarius; goldfish plant, Nematanthus gregarius; desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria; Leptospermum gregarium, an Australian myrtle gregariusgregariagregarium
griseus L (a New Latin loanword from Germanic) grey desert monitor, Varanus griseus; bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus; parent bug, Elasmucha grisea; lichen mimic, Gonatista grisea
paperbark maple, Acer griseum; white-banded house jumping spider, Hypoblemum griseum
groenlandicus L from Greenland (Old Norse Grœnland) harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus; spiny lobster, Lebbeus groenlandicus
Arctic woolly bear moth, Gynaephora groenlandica; elephanthead lousewort, Pedicularis groenlandica
bog Labrador tea, Rhododendron groenlandicum
gyrino-, gyrinus G γυρῖνος (gurînos) tadpole spring salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus; e.g. Crassigyrinus, Proterogyrinus


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
haema-, hema- G αἷμα (haîma) blood Haemosporida; Bacteria sp., Haemophilus influenzae
hali-, halio- G ἅλς (háls) of the sea, salt Steller’s sea eagle, Haliaeetus pelagicus; grey seal, Halichoerus grypus; black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii
hamatus L hooked Slender-billed kite, Helicolestes hamatus ; Ruitersbos pincushion, Leucospermum hamatum; Dark Tiger (butterfly) Tirumala hamata hamatushamatumhamata
haplo- G ἁπλόος (haplóos) simple, single mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa; Mongolosaurus haplodon
hedra- G ἕδρα (hédra) seat, facet Chinese ephedra, Ephedra sinica
helio- G ἥλιος (hḗlios) sun sunflower, Helianthus annuus; sun spurge, Euphorbia helioscopia
hemisphaerica G half-sphere sand laurel oak, Quercus hemisphaerica, sulphur rose, Rosa hemisphaerica Hemisphaerica
hetero- G diversely or different melancholy thistle, Cirsium heterophyllum, Leucanthemum heterophyllum, Smith’s cress, Lepidium heterophyllum heterophyllum
hexa- G ἕξ (héx) six water primrose, Ludwigia hexapetala
hibernicus L from Ireland Irish whitebeam, Sorbus hibernica; Atlantic ivy, Hedera hibernica; Southern bristetail, Dilta hibernica; Irish hare, Lepus timidus hibernicus; Mycobacterium hiberniae; Pisidium hibernicum hiberniaehibernicushibernicumhibernica
hibridus L hybrid butterbur, Petasites hybridus, brown spider monkey, Ateles hybridus; kelp goose, Chloephaga hybrida; alsike clover, Trifolium hybridum; hibridushybridushibridahybridahibridumhybridum
hippo- G ἵππος (híppos) horse seahorse, Hippocampus; lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros
hirsutus L hairy hairy bittercress, Cardamine hirsuta;
hairy fruit-eating bat, Artibeus hirsutus;
hairy St John’s-wort, Hypericum hirsutum
hispidus L rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly banded coral shrimp, Stenopus hispidus; shaggy bracket, Inonotus hispidus
ringed seal, Pusa hispida; wax gourd, Benincasa hispida
bristly starbur, Acanthospermum hispidum; white butterfly triggerplant, Stylidium hispidum
homo L human, man modern human, Homo sapiens; Neanderthal, Homo neanderthalensis
hortensis L hortus from the garden broad-leaved anemone, Anemone hortensis;
garden orache, Atriplex hortensis;
Mexican longwing, Heliconius hortense;
Orphean warbler, Sylvia hortensis
humilis L low, small, humble Mediterranean dwarf palm, Chamaerops humilis; Talaud flying fox, Acerodon humilis
Argentine ant, Linepithema humile; Italian jasmine, Jasminum humile
hydro- G ὕδωρ, ὑδρο- (húdōr, hudro-) water Chinese water deer, Hydropotes inermis; capybara, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
hyemalis L hiems winter dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis; winter aconite, Eranthis hyemalis
rough horsetail, Equisetum hyemale; putty root, Aplectrum hyemale
Mucor hiemalis and Hebeloma hiemale, both fungi
hyper- G ὑπέρ (hupér) over, above St John’s wort, Hypericum perforatum
hyperboreus G ὑπέρ Βορέᾱ (hupér Boréā) from the Arctic region (Hyperborea) glaucous gull, Larus hyperboreus; tundra fleabane, Erigeron hyperboreus
tangle or cuvie, Laminaria hyperborea; estuary beggarsticks, Bidens hyperborea
boreal bur-reed, Sparganium hyperboreum; boreal haircap moss, Polytrichum hyperboreum
hypo-, hyp- G ὑπό (hupó) under, beneath zebra pleco catfish, Hypancistrus zebra; common cat’s-ear, Hypochaeris radicata


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
iliacus L having a distinctive flank redwing, Turdus iliacus; Etaxalus iliacus, a beetle
fox sparrow, Passerella iliaca; Rhytiphora iliaca, a beetle
imbricatus L tiled Mountain owl’s-clover, Orthocarpus imbricatus imbricatusimbricataimbricatum
indicus L Indian Malaysian tapir, Tapirus indicus indicusindicaindicum
inaequalis L unequal variable ladybird, Coelophora inaequalis inaequalisinaequale
inedulis L inedible fungus, Caloboletus inedulis inedulisinedule
inermis L unarmed, defenceless water deer, Hydropotes inermis; henna tree, Lawsonia inermis
turkey-berry, Canthium inerme; white milkwood, Sideroxylon inerme
ingratus L offensive See Ingrata ingrataingratusingratum
innotatus L unmarked unmarked dagger moth, Acronicta innotata innotata
irregularis L unusual or irregular variable burrowing asp, Atractaspis irregularis; viper’s bugloss, Hadena irregularis irregularisirregulare
japonicus L Japanese food wrapper plant, Mallotus japonicus; Japanese pagoda tree, Styphnolobium japonicum; Japanese spiraea, Spiraea japonica; see also nipponensis japonicusjaponicajaponicum
jubatus L iubātus having a mane, crested cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus; Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
purple pampas grass, Cortaderia jubata; maned forest lizard, Bronchocela jubata
foxtail barley, Hordeum jubatum; Piptochaetium jubatum, a speargrass species
kentuckiensis L from Kentucky Kentucky lady’s slipper, Cypripedium kentuckiense; Kentucky lichen moth, Cisthene kentuckiensis kentuckiensiskentuckiense


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
lact- L lac milk, sap, milky white Chinese peony, Paeonia lactiflora; milk-caps, Lactifluus; Lactophrys; Aspalathus lactea
laetus L pleasant, bright Crombrugghia laetus, scarce light plume moth; Myoporum laetum, mousehole tree; Parhelophilus laetus laetuslaetum
laevis L smooth red-eyed assassin bug, Platymeris laevicollis; smooth bedstraw, Cruciata laevipes All pages with titles containing Laevis
lagus G λαγώς (lagṓs) hare European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus; viscachas, Lagidium spp.
lancea L lance sculptured seamoth, Pegasus lancifer; swamp lousewort, Pedicularis lanceolata
lateralis L side black-flanked rock-wallaby, Petrogale lateralis
lapponicus L from Lapland/Sápmi (New Latin Lapponia) Lapland longspur, Calcarius lapponicus; Lapland mountain sorrel, Rumex lapponicus
bar-tailed godwit, Limosa lapponica; pincushion plant, Diapensia lapponica
Lapland rosebay, Rhododendron lapponicum; Lapland poppy, Papaver lapponicum
latus L flank; broad horse-eye jack, Caranx latus; wideleaf waterparsnip, Sium latifolium; wych elm, Ulmus glabra ‘Latifolia Aurea’
laxus L wide, yielding American globeflower, Trollius laxus; Cyperus laxus, a sedge
flowering grass, Freesia laxa; tufted forget-me-not, Myosotis laxa
Bredasdorp conebush, Leucadendron laxum; false lily turf, Chlorophytum laxum
lepidus L pleasant, pleasing, charming rock rattlesnake, Crotalus lepidus; ocellated lizard, Timon lepidus
desert woodrat, Neotoma lepida; embossed hawthorn buprestid, Dicerca lepida
greenthroat darter, Etheostoma lepidum; Leccinellum lepidum, a bolete
lepis, lepido- G λεπίς (lepís) scale, rind, husk, flake large-scale mullet, Liza macrolepis; Lepidoptera
lepto-, lepti- G λεπτός (leptós) light Leptictidium auderiense, Leptospira kirschneri
lepus L hare black-tailed jackrabbit, Lepus californicus
leuco-, leuc- G λευκός (leukós) white white-winged tern, Chlidonias leucopterus
leucocephalus G white-headed bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus;
white-crowned pigeon, Patagioenas leucocephala;
white-headed marsh tyrant, Arundinicola leucocephala;
white-headed stilt, Himantopus leucocephalus;
also see albiceps
leucodon G white-toothed bicolored shrew, Crocidura leucodon;
lesser mole-rat, Spalax leucodon;
white-toothed cowry, Cypraea leucodon;
white-toothed woodrat, Neotoma leucodon;
also see albidens
leucurus G white-tailed white-tailed ptarmigan, Lagopus leucura;
white-tailed robin, Cinclidium leucurum;
white-tailed stonechat, Saxicola leucurus
limosus L muddy limosa harlequin frog, Atelopus limosus;
mud amnicola, Amnicola limosus
lineatus L lined or striped thirteen-lined ground squirrel, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus; Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata
lobos L lobus G λοβός (lobós) lobe three-lobe buttercup, Ranunculus trilobus
longi- L longus long frog shark, Somniosus longus, galingale, Cyperus longus;
Turmeric, Curcuma longa;
Long pepper, Piper longum,
longuslongalongumAll pages with titles beginning with longi
longicaudatus L long-tailed long-tailed pygmy rice rat, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus;
longtail catfish, Olyra longicaudata;
longtail tadpole shrimp Triops longicaudatus
longicollis L long-necked eastern long-necked turtle, Chelodina longicollis longicollislongicolle
longifolius L long-leaved long-leaf persoonia, Persoonia longifolia;
long-leaf wild buckwheat, Eriogonum longifolium;
long-leaved butterwort, Pinguicula longifolia;
longleaf bush lupine, Lupinus longifolius;
longleaf sunflower, Helianthus longifolius
longirostris L long beak longbeak buttercup, Ranunculus longirostris;
longsnout blacksmelt, Dolicholagus longirostris
luctuosus L sorrowful, mournful forget-me-not bug, Sehirus luctuosus;
white-shouldered tanager, Tachyphonus luctuosus;
four-spotted moth, Tyta luctuosa
luminosus L glowing cucubano, Ignelater luminuosus;
New Zealand glowworm, Arachnocampa luminosa;
striped flying squid, Eucleoteuthis luminosa
luteus L yellow, saffron-colored yellow mariposa lily, Calochortus luteus;
yellow vetch, Vicia lutea;
red-billed leiothrix, Leiothrix lutea


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
macro- G μακρός (makrós) long, large big-headed mole rat, Tachyoryctes macrocephalus; rock onion, Allium macrum; sea snail, Turbonilla macra macramacrum
macroura G long-tailed hooded skunk, Mephitis macroura macroura
maculatus L spotted tiger quoll, Dasyurus maculatus; spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularius maculatusmaculatamaculatum
madagascariensis L from Madagascar Madagascar day gecko, Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis; Malagasy ground boa, Acrantophis madagascariensis; Malagasy tree boa, Sanzinia madagascariensis; Madagascar fruit-bat argasid, Ornithodoros madagascariensis madagascariensis
magnus L great, large streaked spiderhunter, Arachnothera magna magnusmagnamagnum
major L greater great tit, Parus major
malabaricus L from Malabar chestnut-tailed starling, Sturnia malabaricus
marginatus L bordered gold edge Japanese euonymus, Euonymus japonicus ‘Aureomarginatus’ ; marginated tortoise, Testudo marginata marginatusmarginatamarginatum
maritima L of the sea sea beet, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima;
samphire, Crithmum maritimum, sea holly, Eryngium maritimum;
polar bear, Ursus maritimus, sea rush, Juncus maritimus,
mauretanicus L from Mauretania (the Maghreb, northwest Africa) Balearic shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus; Moroccan hairstreak, Tomares mauretanicus
Adscita mauretanica, a moth; Marginella mauretanica, a sea snail
mauro- G μαυρός (maurós) dark, black dark shrew, Crocidura maurisca
maximus L largest royal tern, Sterna maxima
mega- G μέγας (mégas) large, great megalodon shark, Carcharodon megalodon
megacephalus G big-headed Andriyashev large-headed sculpin, Andriashevicottus megacephalus; big-head rush, Juncus megacephalus; big-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala; big-headed tiger beetle, Megacephala megacephala; coastal plain hawkweed, Hieracium megacephalum; large-headed rice rat, Hylaeamys megacephalus megacephalusmegacephalamegacephalum
mel L honey black sage, Salvia mellifera; Nephelium melliferum; western honey bee, Apis mellifera
melano- G μελανός (melanós) black black-browed albatross, Thalassarche melanophris melanusmelana
melanocephalus G black-headed black-headed fleabane, Erigeron melanocephalus; black-headed snake, Tantilla melanocephala; ghost ant, Tapinoma melanocephalum melanocephalusmelanocephalamelanocephalum
melanophyllus G black-leaved Melanophylla; Melanophyllum melanophyllusmelanophyllamelanophyllum
melanops G black-eyed, black-faced black-eyed blue, Glaucopsyche melanops; black-fronted dotterel, Elseyornis melanops; gray spiny mouse, Scolomys melanops melanops
mephitis L bad odor striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis; yellow-pigmented bacteria, Luteimonas mephitis
meridionalis L southern southern oak bush cricket, Meconema meridionale; Andean blueberry, Vaccinium meridionale
southern mammoth, Mammuthus meridionalis; Zimbabwe grey baboon tarantula, Ceratogyrus meridionalis
micro- G μικρός (mikrós) small littleleaf pussytoes, Antennaria microphylla
microphyllus G small-leaved baby sage, Salvia microphylla; boxleaf azara, Azara microphylla; littleleaf box, Buxus microphylla; littleleaf mock-orange, Philadelphus microphyllus; small-leaf climbing fern, Lygodium microphyllum microphyllusmicrophyllamicrophyllum
minimus L smallest least flycatcher, Empidonax minimus
minor L smaller great frigatebird, Fregata minor
minuta L small dwarf waterclover, Marsilea minuta, little cuckoo, Coccycua minuta;
little gull, Hydrocoloeus minutus, harvest mouse, Micromys minutus;
little willowherb, Epilobium minutum,
monile L necklace Conus monilifer
mono- G μόνος (mónos) single Swinhoe’s storm-petrel, Oceanodroma monorhis; Monotreme
monoica L monoicous the sandpaper saucer-berry, Cordia monoica monoica
monospermus L Having a single sperm cell one-seed juniper Juniperus monosperma monospermusmonospermamonospermum
monspeliensis L from Montpellier Montpellier cistus, Cistus monspeliensis monspeliensismonspessulanusmonspessulanamonspessulanum
montanus L mons of the mountains mountain bottlebrush, Melaleuca montana; mountain mahogany, Cercocarpus montanus; mountain thistle, Acanthus montanus; tree sparrow, Passer montanus montanus
morpho- G μορφή (morphḗ) shape Menelaus blue morpho, Morpho menelaus
mus, mys L mūs G μῦς (mûs) mouse house mouse, Mus musculus; as rodent, e.g. Phoberomys, Telicomys
mulgere G to milk European nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus Caprimulgus
muralis L growing on the wall annual wall-rocket Diplotaxis muralis, Psammophiliella muralis


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
naevius L having moles or spots varied thrush, Ixoreus naevius; spotted salamander, Hynobius naevius
striped cuckoo, Tapera naevia; common grasshopper warbler, Locustella naevia
spotted oncidium, Oncidium naevium; Cyrtidium naevium, a fungus
nanos G νᾶνος (nânos) L nanus dwarf brown-capped woodpecker, Dendrocopos nanus;
dwarf birch, Betula nana;
dwarf shrew, Sorex nanus
natans L floating Water caltrop, Trapa natans
neomexicanus L from New Mexico New Mexico whiptail, Aspidoscelis neomexicanus;
New Mexican yucca, Yucca neomexicana;
New Mexico thistle, Cirsium neomexicanum
niger, nigr- L black black skimmer, Rynchops niger;
black pine, Pinus nigra;
black softshell turtle, Nilssonia nigricans;
black-footed albatross, Phoebastria nigripes;
black-spined Atlantic tree-rat, Phyllomys nigrispinus
See also: ater
nippon(ensis) L from Japan (natively known as Nippon) freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium nipponense; Japanese bobtail squid, Sepiolina nipponensis; Sika deer, Cervus nippon; Crested ibis, Nipponia nippon
See also: japonicus
nitidus L nitere shining Baja cape kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula nitida;
Mauritius blue pigeon, Alectroenas nitidissima;
shining pea clam, Pisidium nitidum;
shining tree iguana, Liolaemus nitidus
nix L snow snow buckwheat, Eriogonum niveum;
snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis;
snow petrel, Pagodroma nivea;
snow sheep Ovis nivicola;
snowy plover, Charadrius nivosus;
snowy primrose, Primula nivalis;
snowy sunflower, Helianthus niveus;
nonus L ninth honey fungus, Armillaria nabsnona
norvegicus L from Norway Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus; brown rat, Rattus norvegicus; rose fish, Sebastes norvegicus; Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica; highland cudweed, Gnaphalium norvegicum; norvegicusnorvegicanorvegicum
nothos G νόθος (nóthos) L nothus false, wrong bluefin notho killifish, Nothobranchius rachovii;
New Zealand red beech, Nothofagus fusca
noton G νῶτον (nôton) back black-backed antshrike, Thamnophilus melanonotus
notos G νότος (nótos) southern fawn hopping mouse, Notomys cervinus
novaeangliae L from New England humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae; Sphaerophoria novaeangliae, a syrphid fly
New England boneset, Eupatorium novae-angliae; New England aster, Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
novaehollandiae L from New Holland (Australia) emu, Dromaius novaehollandiae; New Holland rattlepod, Crotalaria novae-hollandiae; Sepia novaehollandiae, a cuttlefish novaehollandiaenovae-hollandiae
novaeseelandiae L from New Zealand southern boobook, Ninox novaeseelandiae
New Zealand scallop, Pecten novaezelandiae
yellow-dabbled flounder, Brachypleura novaezeelandiae
New Zealand horned orchid, Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae
red bidibid, Acaena novae-zelandiae
noveboracensis L from New York (Novum Eboracum) margined carrion beetle, Oiceoptoma noveboracense;
New York fern, Thelypteris noveboracensis;
northern waterthrush, Seiurus noveboracensis
novem L nine nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus;
nine-spotted lady beetle, Coccinella novemnotata
nucifera L bearing nuts butter-nut of Guiana, Caryocar nuciferum;
coconut, Cocos nucifera
All pages with titles containing nucifera
nutans L nodding nodding madia, Harmonia nutans;
nodding spurge, Euphorbia nutans


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
obscurus L dark dark bolo mouse, Necromys obscurus; dusky dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obscurus; obscure morning glory, Ipomoea obscura; rare clubmoss, Lycopodium obscurum obscurusobscuraobscurum
obsoletus L obsolete, degenerate Pantherophis obsoletus; Great Plains skink, Plestiodon obsoletus obsoletusobsoletum
occidentalis L western eastern arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis; western clover, Trifolium occidentale occidentalisoccidentale
ocean G ὠκεανός (ōkeanós) ocean oceanic gecko, Gehyra oceanica;
Mediterranean tapeweed, Posidonia oceanica
octo-, octa- G ὀκτω- ὀκτα- eight common octopus, Octopus vulgaris
-odon, -odus G ὀδών (odṓn), ὀδούς (odoús) tooth Dimetrodon, Rhizodus
oeso- G οἰσέμεν (oisémen), οἰσ- carry Oesophagostomum
officinalis L for the workshop; medicinal ginger, Zingiber officinale;
rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis
oleraceus L used as a vegetable cabbage, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, and so on, Brassica oleracea; common sowthistle, Sonchus oleraceus oleraceusoleraceaoleraceum
oleum, olearis L oil Omphalotus olearius, jack o’lantern mushroom
ommato G ὄμμᾰ (ómma), gen. ὄμμᾰτος (ómmatos) eye Ommatokoita, Ommatochila, Ommatospila All pages with titles beginning with Ommato
ophis G ὄφις (óphis) serpent Carphophis vermis, western wormsnake
ophrys G ὀφρύς (ophrús) eyebrow bee orchid, Ophrys; Central American bushmaster, Lachesis stenophrys
Melanophrys, fly genus; Cyanophrys, butterfly genus
All pages with titles beginning with Ophry
-ophthalmus G ὀφθαλμός (ophthalmós) eye common rudd, Scardinius erythrophthalmus; Ariosoma ophidiophthalmus, an eel; Spanish ling, Molva macrophthalma; Hippopsicon macrophthalmum, a beetle; Cyprinion microphthalmum, a fish; gold-eye lichen, Teloschistes chrysophthalmus
ops G ὤψ (ṓps) face, eye Triceratops
-opsis G ὄψις (ópsis) resembling Carolina parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis
orientalis L eastern Oriental cockroach, Blatta orientalis orientalisorientale
ortho- G ὀρθός (orthós) straight Orthoptera
oryza G ὄρυζα (óruza) rice Asian rice, Oryza sativa; rice rats, Oryzomys
ovatus L egg-shaped shagbark hickory, Carya ovata ovatusovataovatum


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
pachy- G παχύς (pakhús) thick, stout Pachycephalosaurus
palaemon G Παλαίμων (Palaímōn) Palaemon, a sea god whose name means «wrestler» Palaemon, crustacean genus; chequered skipper, Carterocephalus palaemon
Palaemonias, Palaemonella and Palaemonetes, shrimp genera
pallidus L pale Dalmatian iris, Iris pallida palliduspallidapallidum
palustris L paluster of the marsh mugger crocodile, Crocodylus palustris; marsh marigold, Caltha palustris; Sphagnurus paluster, mushroom; palustrispalusterpalustrepalustrium
pan- panto- G πᾶν (pân) all Pancratium (a flower); Pangaea
paradoxus L, from G παράδοξος (parádoxos) contrary to expectation, strange, uncharacteristic Pallas’s sandgrouse, Syrrhaptes paradoxus, puzzle sunflower, Helianthus paradoxus
ghost mantis, Phyllocrania paradoxa, paradoxical frog, Pseudis paradoxa
green-banded broodsac, Leucochloridium paradoxum, few-flowered garlic, Allium paradoxum
parilis L equal Syngrapha parilis, a moth; Metasphenisca parilis, a fruit fly
Nephroma parile, a fungus; Malmesbury pincushion, Leucospermum parile
parviflorus L small-flowered small-flowered mallow, Malva parviflora;
thimbleberry, Rubus parviflorus
parvifolius L small-leaved Chinese elm, Ulmus parvifolia;
littleleaf ceanothus, Ceanothus parvifolius;
small-leaved lomatium, Lomatium parvifolium
parvus L small dwarf catshark, Asymbolus parvus;
mountain pygmy possum, Burramys parvus;
small onion, Allium parvum
pecten L comb Venus comb murex, Murex pecten
ped L pēs foot showy lady slipper, Cypripedium reginae
pelagicus L, G πελαγικός of the open sea pelagic cormorant, Phalacrocorax pelagicus pelagicuspelagicapelagicum
penn- L penna feather, wing Darwin’s rhea, Rhea pennata;
great auk, Pinguinus impennis
penta- G πέντε (pénte) five five-fingered skink, Chalcides pentadactylus
petro- G πέτρα (pétra), L petra rock, stone Roberts’s flat-headed bat, Sauromys petrophilus;
rock daisy, Erigeron petrophilus
phago- G ἔφαγον eat African scat (fish), Scatophagus tetracanthus;
Ichthyophaga, the («fish-eating») sea eagle
phenolicus L able to degrade phenol Pseudoalteromonas phenolica phenolicusphenolicaphenolicum
philippinensis L from the Philippines katmon tree, Dillenia philippinensis;
Philippine cobra, Naja philippinensis
pholis G φολῐ́ς (pholís) horny scale bluespotted grouper, Cephalopholis argus
phyllo- G φύλλον (phúllon) leaf garden lupin, Lupinus polyphyllus
physi- G φύσις (phúsis) nature Symphysia («naturally joined») (a plant)[5]
phyto- G φυτόν (phutón) plant Astrophytum, Astrophytum myriostigma (a cactus); epiphyte
pictus L painted Pimelodus pictus, a catfish;
painted skipper, Hesperilla picta;
painted tunicate, Clavelina picta;
Abutilon pictum, a shrub
platy- G πλατύς (platús) flat and broad flathead trout, Salmo platycephalus; platypus
plicatilis L flexible, pliable fan-aloe, Kumara plicatilis; lobed river mullet, Cestraeus plicatilis
Dendrobium plicatile, an orchid; Cormohipparion plicatile, an extinct horse
plumosum L feathered big tarweed, Blepharizonia plumosa; buzzer midge, Chironomus plumosus plumosusplumosaplumosum
pod- G πούς (poús) foot, leg, stem red-footed spikesedge, Eleocharis erythropoda; Arthropoda; Gastropoda
poliocephalus G grey-headed ashy-headed goose, Chloephaga poliocephala;
grey-crowned flatbill, Tolmomyias poliocephalus;
grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalus;
grey-headed goshawk, Accipiter poliocephalus;
hoary-headed grebe, Poliocephalus poliocephalus;
white-headed langur, Trachypithecus poliocephalus;
yellow-lored tody-flycatcher, Todirostrum poliocephalum
poly- G πολύς (polús) many, much common knotgrass, Polygonum aviculare
pomum L fruit apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella;
apple murex, Phyllonotus pomum;
codling moth, Cydia pomonella;
emu apple, Kunzea pomifera;
Osage orange, Maclura pomifera
ponticus G Πόντος (Póntos) Pontic; from Pontus, Turkey Black Sea field mouse, Apodemus ponticus;
Pontic adder, Vipera pontica;
Pontic rhododendron, Rhododendron ponticum;
Roman wormwood, Artemisia pontica
praecox L early early onion, Allium praecox;
neon rainbow, Melanotaenia praecox;
wintersweet, Chimonanthus praecox
praestans L excelling Kamchatka bilberry, Vaccinium praestans;
goliath webcap mushroom, Cortinarius praestans;
(a butterfly), Ypthima praestans;
(a ground beetle), Lesticus praestans;
Tulipa praestans
praeustus L burned at the end, scorched, withered brownback trevally, Carangoides praeustus; Adetus praeustus, a beetle
Serixia praeusta, a beetle; Tricholauxania praeusta, a fly;
Trogoxylon praeustum, a beetle
prātum L meadow Inyo meadow lupine, Lupinus pratensis;
meadow foxtail, Alopecurus pratensis;
meadow sedge, Carex praticola;
meadow waxcap, Cuphophyllus pratensis
princeps L first, leader, principal, princely Korean wormwood, Artemisia princeps; princely spiny-tailed lizard, Uromastyx princeps; American pika, Ochotona princeps princeps
proto- G πρῶτος (prôtos) first Protozoa
pruinosus L pruinose, «frosted», covered in white granules Tibetan blue bear, Ursus arctos pruinosus; frosted myotis, Myotis pruinosus
fuzzywuzzy airplant, Tillandsia pruinosa; frosted hawthorn, Crataegus pruinosa
crimson-tailed marsh hawk, Orthetrum pruinosum; dotted blue-eyed grass, Sisyrinchium pruinosum
pruriens L itching velvet bean, Mucuna pruriens pruriens
pseudo- L G ψευδής (pseudḗs) false or fake Brazilian false rice rat, Pseudoryzomys simplex;
pastel flower, Pseuderanthemum variabile
psychrophilus G ψυχρός (psukhrós) cold-loving bacterial rod, Flavobacterium psychrophilum;
bacterium, Geobacter psychrophilus;
whip-lash squid, Mastigoteuthis psychrophila
pterus, -pter G πτερόν (pterón) wing, feather white-winged tern, Chlidonias leucopterus;
Pteranodon (winged toothless);
Pterodactylus (winged finger);
Pteridophyta; Diptera;
ptyo- G πτύον (ptyon) fan fan-fingered geckos, Ptyodactylus; crag martin, Ptyonoprogne All pages with titles beginning with Ptyo
puberulus L having short, soft hairs Hydroporus puberulus, a diving beetle; Leptomyrmex puberulus, an ant
mountain bellwort, Uvularia puberula; hairy melicope, Melicope puberula
plains flax, Linum puberulum; red berry stick plant, Teucrium puberulum
pubescens L downy downy oak, Quercus pubescens pubescens
pugil L pugil a boxer fighting conch, Strombus pugilis pugilis
pulchellus L pretty little[6] beautiful sunbird, Cinnyris pulchella;
green pygmy goose, Nettapus pulchellus
pumilus L dwarf Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum;
dwarf cuckoo, Coccycua pumila;
dwarf mouse-ear, Cerastium pumilum;
eastern forest bat, Vespadelus pumilus;
shaggy fleabane, Erigeron pumilus;
Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila
punctatus L spotted, marked with punctures dotted thyme-moss, Rhizomnium punctatum;
thirteen-spotted lady beetle, Hippodamia tredecimpunctata
pungens L pungens pungent blue spruce, Picea pungens;
pungent slippery jack, Suillus pungens
purpurascens L somewhat purple veiled purple hygrophorus, Hygrophorus purpurascens purpurascens
purpureus L purpureus purple purple amole, Chlorogalum purpureum;
purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea;
purple finch, Haemorhous purpureus
pygmaeus L, from the Pygmaeī pygmy, dwarf Bornean orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus; pygmy three-toed sloth, Bradypus pygmaeus; Western Greece goby, Economidichthys pygmaeus; western pygmy marmoset, Cebuella pygmaea; smooth spike-primrose, Epilobium pygmaeum; alpine glacier poppy, Papaver pygmaeum pygmaeuspygmaeapygmaeum
pygo- G πυγή (pugḗ) tail, rump chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarcticus


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
quadri- L quattuor four, square burr grass, Festuca quadriflora (four-flowered);
four-coloured bushshrike, Telophorus quadricolor;
fourspot butterflyfish, Chaetodon quadrimaculatus;
whorled loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia (four-leaved)
All pages with titles beginning with Quadri


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
radix L root or radish taproot fleabane, Erigeron radicatus radixradicansradicatusradicis
rāmus L branch branched draba, Draba ramosissima;
branched murex, Chicoreus ramosus
regalis L royal Synalpheus regalis;
regal moth, Citheronia regalis;
royal lily, Lilium regale
repandus L repandus curved upwards, turned up dragon’s tongue, Hemigraphis repanda;
hedgehog mushroom, Hydnum repandum;
Peruvian apple cactus, Cereus repandus
repens L creeping, crawling (rēpēns) creeping buttercup, Ranunculus repens
repens L unexpected (rĕpēns) white clover, Trifolium repens
reptans, rept- L creeping, crawling bugle, Ajuga reptans;
creeping cinquefoil, Potentilla reptans; Reptilia
reticulata L reticulated mandarin orange, Citrus reticulata reticulatusreticulatareticulatum
rhino- G ῥίς (rhís) nose orange leaf-nosed bat, Rhinonicteris aurantia; rhinoceros
rhiza G ῥίζα (rhíza) root bushy seedbox, Ludwigia helminthorrhiza; Rhizobium (nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria)
rhynchos G ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos) beak or snout mallard, Anas platyrhynchos; Rhamphorhynchus
rhytis G ῥῠτίς (rhutís) wrinkled, folded shaggy moss, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus; Rhytidodon (syn. Rutiodon)
rigidus L rigid, stiff big galleta, Hilaria rigida rigidusrigidarigidum
rossicus L from Russia Pliosaurus rossicus
rostr- L rōstrum beak, bill, snout common crossbill, Loxia curvirostra
rostralis L with a beak buttoned snout moth, Hypena rostralis rostralisrostrale
rostratus L rōstrātus having a beak beaked sedge, Carex rostrata;
beaked yucca, Yucca rostrata;
Caribbean sharp-nose puffer, Canthigaster rostrata;
longnose surgeonfish, Zebrasoma rostratum
ruber, rubr- L ruber red red maple, Acer rubrum;
red valerian, Centranthus ruber;
ruby bolete, Hortiboletus rubellus;
summer tanager, Piranga rubra
ruder- L rūdus, rūderis rubbish Cannabis ruderalis;
Porophyllum ruderale;
ruderal bumblebee, Bombus ruderatus
rudis, rud- L rough, rude coarse chameleon, Trioceros rudis;
pied kingfisher Ceryle rudis;
rough gecko, Naultinus rudis;
rough mabuya, Eutropis rudis
rufus, ruf- L red, reddish red wolf, Canis rufus;
rufous rubber cup, Galiella rufa
rupestris L living on cliffs or rocks Eurasian crag martin, Ptyonoprogne rupestris; rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris
rock campion, Atocion rupestre; alpine tea-tree, Leptospermum rupestre
rupicola L cliff dweller Diplacus rupicola, Death Valley monkeyflower; Narcissus rupicola; Tabernaemontana rupicola All pages with titles containing rupicola
russus L reddish Lophocampa russus, a moth; Toxitiades russus, a beetle; Schistura russa, a stone loach; Steccherinum russum, a fungus russusrussarussum
russulus L little reddish one greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula; Mimeresia russulus, a butterfly; pinkmottle woodwax, Hygrophorus russula; Bryum russulum, a moss russulusrussularussulum


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
sanctus L sacred See sanctus (species) sanctus
sanguis L blood bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis sanguinis
sapiens L wise recent subspecies of humans: Homo sapiens sapiens («wise wise man»)
saponaria L soapy[7][8] soapworts (Saponaria spp.), soapbark (Quillaja saponaria), Ramaria flavosaponaria saponaria
sativus L sown, cultivated oat, Avena sativa;
pea, Pisum sativum;
rice, Oryza sativa
saura, -saur G σαῦρος (saûros) lizard, reptile lancetfish, Alepisaurus; Maiasaura (dinosaur)
scriptus L written, scribbled, scrawled Cape bushbuck, Tragelaphus scriptus; scrawled filefish, Aluterus scriptus
pond slider, Trachemys scripta; long hoverfly, Sphaerophoria scripta;
Grammatophyllum scriptum, an orchid; Steindachneridion scriptum, a catfish
sculptus L sculpted reed-stemmed orchid, Epidendrum sculptum;
sculpted lanternshark, Etmopterus sculptus;
sculpted puffball, Calvatia sculpta
septem L seven seven-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata
septentrionalis L Northern Hemisphere (septentrional, «of the seven plough-oxen», a reference to The Plough) northern rockling, Ciliata septentrionalis
northern spleenwort, Asplenium septentrionale
setosus L bristly or shaggy hairy Atlantic spiny rat, Trinomys setosus;
artic iris Iris setosa,
Diadema setosum
sidero G σίδηρος (sídēros) iron Siderostigma, Sideroxylon; lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros All pages with titles beginning with Sidero
silvestris, sylvestris silvaticus L from woodland or forest; wild wildcat, Felis silvestris;
snowdrop anemone, Anemone sylvestris;
Wood frog, Lithobates sylvaticus
silvestris, sylvestrissilvestre, sylvestresilvaticus, sylvaticus
similis L similar Callinectes similis similis
simplex L simple see List of species named simplex simplex
sinensis L from China tea, Camellia sinensis sinensissinense
smaragdinus G σμάραγδος (smáragdos) emerald green grass lizard, Takydromus smaragdinus; Carabus smaragdinus, a beetle
Smaragdina, beetle genus; Asian weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina
Epidendrum smaragdinum, an orchid; Smaragdia, snail genus
speciosus L showy queen’s crape-myrtle, Lagerstroemia speciosa;
Japanese lily, Lilium speciosum
sperma G σπέρμα (spérma) seed African daisies, Osteospermum
sphen-, spheno- G σφήν (sphḗn) wedge tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus
squamatus L with scales scaly francolin, Pternistis squamatus, scaled woodcreeper, Lepidocolaptes squamatus
stichus, sticticus G στίχος (stíkhos) line, file Ochlerotatus sticticus, a mosquito; western erete, Eretes sticticus
Acalolepta stictica, a beetle; Punctelia stictica, a lichen
Trypetisoma sticticum, a fly; Diorygma sticticum, a lichen
Toothfish, Dissostichus
stoma G στόμα (stóma) mouth, opening stomate, Gnathostomata
striatus L striped African striped skink, Trachylepis striata;
striated heron, Butorides striatus;
striped Barbados lily, Hippeastrum striatum
strictus L straight, narrow, erect chocolate lily, Dichopogon strictus;
Oxalis stricta; Babiana stricta; Nardus stricta,
bog haircap moss, Polytrichum strictum
strix, strig- L or G owl kakapo or owl parrot, Strigops habroptilus;
tawny frogmouth, Podargus strigoides;
tawny owl, Strix aluco
suber L cork cork oak, Quercus suber
suchos, -suchus G σοῦχος (soûkhos) crocodile (from Egyptian) Eusuchia;
sulcatus L furrowed furrowed wakerobin, Trillium sulcatum;
grooved helmet-orchid, Nematoceras sulcatum
syriacus L Syrian common milkweed, Asclepias syriacus syriacussyriacasyriacum


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
tardus, tardi- L slow, late great bustard, Otis tarda;
Chisos Mountains oak, Quercus tardifolia
tele-, tel- G τῆλε (têle) far, distant New South Wales waratah, Telopea speciosissima
tenax L clinging, tenacious bear grass, Xerophyllum tenax;
tough bully, Sideroxylon tenax;
tough-leaved iris, Iris tenax
tenuis L thin, slender, fine slender rush, Juncus tenuis;
plealeaf knotweed, Polygonum tenue
terrestris, terrestre L terrestrial large earth bumblebee, Bombus terrestris
bent orchid, Geodorum terrestre
tetra- G τετρα- four four-leaved allseed, Polycarpon tetraphyllum; Tetrapoda
therium, ther- G θηρίον (thēríon), θήρ (thḗr) beast, wild animal giant ground sloth, Megatherium americanum;
stinkpot turtle, Sternotherus odoratus;
gelada, Theropithicus gelada
timidus L shy, timid Mountain hare, Lepus timidus; Rhene timidus, a jumping spider; dwarf three-toed slider, Lerista timida; Elysia timida, a sea slug; Zodarion timidum, an ant spider timidustimidatimidum
tinctorius L for dyeing woad, Isatis tinctoria tinctoriustinctoriatinctorium
tomentosus L furry bristle-tail filefish, Acreichthys tomentosus;
fuzzy mock-orange, Philadelphus tomentosus;
woollyleaf ceanothus, Ceanothus tomentosus
trachy- G τραχύς (trachys) rough Trachyscorpia, fish genus; Trachyaretaon, insect genus All pages with titles beginning with trachy
tri-, tris- L tri-, G τρι- (tri-) three black-legged kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla;
three-cornered garlic, Allium triquetrum
tricho-, -thrix G θρίξ (thríx), τριχ- (trikh-) hair cloud ear fungus, Auricularia polytricha
tripartitus L three-part threepart violet, Viola tripartita;
threetip sagebrush, Artemisia tripartita
tristis L sad, disagreeable, bitter, foul ever-flowering gladiolus, Gladiolus tristis
American goldfinch, Carduelis tristis
Mupli beetle, Luprops tristis
trivialis L commonplace, ordinary tree pipit, Anthus trivialis;
southern dewberry, Rubus trivialis;
northern water plantain, Alisma triviale;
Bulbophyllum triviale, an orchid
troglodytes L G τρωγλοδύτης (trōglodútēs) cave-dweller chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes;
wren, Troglodytes troglodytes
tropicalis L tropical Candida tropicalis (yeast);
Rostraureum tropicale (fungus)
truncatus L truncated, foreshortened common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus;
pink fairy armadillo, Chlamyphorus truncatus;
rattlesnake flower, Brazoria truncata;
false Christmas cactus, Schlumbergera truncata;
Shantung maple, Acer truncatum;
truncate leek orchid, Prasophyllum truncatum
trygon G τρῡγών (trygōn) stingray
Fontitrygon, Hemitrygon, Trygonoptera, all ray genera
Geotrygon and Trugon, dove genera
trygontrugonAll pages with titles beginning with trygo
typhlo- G τύραννος (typhlós) blind Typhlobarbus nudiventris, fish species; Typhlochactidae, scorpion family All pages with titles beginning with typhl
tyranno- G τυφλός (túrannos) tyrant, tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex; Tyrannodoris; Tyrannoneustes; Tyrannotitan;


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
ulmus L elm American elm, Ulmus americana; elmleaf goldenrod, Solidago ulmifolia; Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila; Ulmus
ulos G οὖλος (oûlos) woolly Uloborus; Ulotrichi; Ulotrichopus All pages with titles beginning with Ulo
unus L one Monotropa uniflora; unicolor woolly lemur, Avahi unicolor
ura G οὐρά (ourá) of the tail mourning dove, Zenaida macroura; coral snake, Micrurus corallinus


Latin/Greek Language English Examples Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
vaginalis L sheathed, vaginal Alyce clover, Gardnerella vaginalis vaginalis
variabilis L variable grey bunting, Emberiza variabilis variabilisvariabile
variegatus L variegated variegated laughingthrush, Garrulax variegatus; croton, Codiaeum variegatum variegatusvariegatavariegatum
varius L different, variegated, variable lace monitor, Varanus varius; yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius
barred owl, Strix varia; purple crown vetch, Securigera varia
variable triplefin, Forsterygion varium; grass cerith, Bittiolum varium
velox, velocis L swift swift fox, Vulpes velox; Velociraptor velox
ventralis L ventral, of the belly Hispaniolan parrot, Amazona ventralis;
southern dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion ventrale
venustus L beautiful giraffe hap, Nimbochromis venustus; beautiful pit viper, Trimeresurus venustus
flamevine, Pyrostegia venusta; orchard spider, Leucauge venusta
Himalayan maidenhair, Adiantum venustum; magnificent leafy moss, Plagiomnium venustum
vernicosa L varnished varnished maxillaria, Maxillaria vernicosa vernicosusvernicosavernicosum
vernus, vernalis L spring (season) spring gentian, Gentiana verna;
spring pheasant’s eye, Adonis vernalis;
spring sneezeweed, Helenium vernale
verrucosus L rough-skinned Javan warty pig, Sus verrucosus; reef stonefish, Synanceia verrucosa verrucosusverrucosaverrucosum
versicolor L many-colored varied honeyeater, Lichenostomus versicolor; Vietnam mouse-deer, Tragulus versicolor versicolor
verticillata L whorled spaghetti bryozoan, Amathia verticillata; whorled plectranthus, Plectranthus verticillatus verticillatusverticillataverticillatum
verus L true, genuine true aloe, Aloe vera; lady’s bedstraw, Galium verum verusverum
victoriae L Victorian Victoria’s bar, Cigaritis victoriae victoriae
villosus L[9] hairy, shaggy hairy nightshade, Solanum villosum;
hairy stonecrop, Sedum villosum;
hairy vetch, Vicia villosa;
hairy woodpecker, Picoides villosus;
shaggy hawkweed, Hieracium villosum;
villous deadly carrot, Thapsia villosa
virginiana L Virginia Virginia opossum, Didelphis virginiana; Rosa virginiana, the Virginia rose virginianavirginianum
viridis L green frog orchid, Coeloglossum viride;
green alder, Alnus viridis;
green wrasse, Labrus viridis
virosus L poisonous cowbane, Cicuta virosa; poisonous lettuce, Lactuca virosa virosusvirosa
L grape vine inhabitant or cultivator Phomopsis viticola; Plasmopara viticola; Schizomyia viticola viticola
volans L flying flying dragon, Draco volans; southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans volans
vulgaris L common common octopus, Octopus vulgaris; common privet, Ligustrum vulgare vulgarisvulgare


Latin/Greek Language English Example Search for titles containing the word or using the prefix:
xanthos G ξανθός yellow yellow staining mushroom, Agaricus xanthodermus All pages with titles beginning with Xanth
zebratus L cross-striped Kolombatovic’s goby, Chromogobius zebratus
zoster G ζωστήρ (zōstḗr) belt, girdle white-eyes, Zosterops; Zosterophyllum; Zosterocarpus abyssicola All pages with titles beginning with Zoster
zygos G ζυγός joined Zygophyllum; Zygoptera All pages with titles beginning with Zygo

See also[edit]

  • Glossary of scientific naming
  • List of commonly used taxonomic affixes
  • List of descriptive plant species epithets (A–H)
  • List of descriptive plant species epithets (I–Z)
  • List of Greek and Latin roots in English
  • List of Latin place names used as specific names
  • List of Latin words with English derivatives
  • List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes
  • List of taxa named by anagrams
  • Latin names of cities


  1. ^ Harbach, Ralph E. (October 17, 2018). Culicipedia: Species-group, genus-group and family-group names in Culicidae (Diptera). CABI. ISBN 9781786399052 – via Google Books.
  2. ^ Chuck Griffith. «Dictionary of Botanical Epithets».
  3. ^ «Rhus glabra L.» Northern Arizona University. Retrieved 4 September 2012.
  4. ^ «Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, G, Gracchus, grăcĭlĭpes». Retrieved 2016-01-17.
  5. ^ Umberto Quattrocchi (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names. CRC Press. p. 2610. ISBN 978-0-8493-2673-8.
  6. ^ Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short (1879). «pulchellus». A Latin Dictionary.
  7. ^ Saponaria. Flora of North America.
  8. ^ Griffith, Chuck (2005). «Dictionary of Botanical Epithets». Dictionary of Botanical Epithets. Retrieved 16 July 2018. saponarius saponaria saponarium soapy sapo sapon noun/m soap (from German) arius ari adj adjective suffix for nouns or numbers: connected to or possessed by
  9. ^ «Charlton T. Lewis, An Elementary Latin Dictionary, villōsus». Retrieved 2016-01-17.

External links[edit]

  • Latin names decoded with relevant images/photos at
  • Dictionary of botanical epithets
  • European Species Names in Linnaean, Czech, English, German and French

Предложения с «latin name»

Beer — common name, which probably comes from the Latin name Alu, Alo or Ealo.

Пиво — общее название , которое, вероятно, происходит от латинского названия Alu, Ало или Ealo.

The Latin name for the Sun, Sol, is not commonly used in everyday English.

Латинское название Солнца, Sol, обычно не используется в повседневном английском языке.

Its Latin name, stemming from the establishment of Habsburg city rights, is Neoplanta.

Его латинское название , происходящее от установления прав города Габсбургов, — Неопланта.

In this case TA98 lists Fibularis brevis as the preferred Latin name and Peroneus brevis as synonym.

В этом случае TA98 списки Бревис Fibularis в качестве предпочтительного латинское название и малоберцовой мышцы как синоним.

Due to superstitious beliefs, the Polish plait used to be particularly common in Poland, hence its English and Latin name.

Из — за суеверных верований польская коса была особенно распространена в Польше, отсюда ее английское и латинское название .

The Latin name is derived from the Greek λείριον, leírion, generally assumed to refer to true, white lilies as exemplified by the Madonna lily.

Латинское название происходит от греческого λερριον, leirion, обычно предполагаемого для обозначения истинных, белых лилий, как на примере Лилии Мадонны.

The element’s name comes from Holmia, the Latin name for the city of Stockholm.

Название элемента происходит от Holmia, латинского названия города Стокгольма.

In a similar manner the Latin name Moscovia has been formed, later it became a colloquial name for Russia used in Western Europe in the 16th–17th centuries.

Подобным же образом образовалось латинское название Московия, позднее ставшее разговорным названием России, употреблявшимся в Западной Европе в XVI — XVII вв.

Why is he not solely referred to by his Latin name, Marcus Antonius, like other Romans ?

Почему он не упоминается исключительно под своим латинским именем Марк Антоний, как другие римляне ?

The Latin name Taraxacum originates in medieval Persian writings on pharmacy.

Латинское название одуванчик берет свое начало в средневековых персидских сочинений по фармации.

But I wouldn’t find the Latin name in that reference.

Но я не нашел бы латинского названия в этой ссылке.

That Latin name was later retained when the shiso was reclassed as a variety.

Это латинское название было позже сохранено, когда шисо был повторно классифицирован как разновидность.

Its anatomical sense drove out its other meanings, and for this reason the diminutive ānulus became the usual Latin name for a ring or circle.

Его анатомический смысл вытеснил другие его значения, и по этой причине уменьшительное anulus стало обычным латинским названием кольца или круга.

All such incorporations were anciently called universities, which indeed is the proper Latin name for any incorporation whatever.

Все такие инкорпорации издревле назывались университетами, что на самом деле является правильным латинским названием для любой инкорпорации вообще.

Beta is the ancient Latin name for beets, possibly of Celtic origin, becoming bete in Old English around 1400.

Бета — это древнее латинское название свеклы, возможно, кельтского происхождения, ставшее бете в древнеанглийском языке около 1400 года.

The name Robur stems from the Latin name of the pedunculate oak, Quercus robur.

Название Робур происходит от латинского названия черешчатого дуба, Quercus robur.

The Latin name of the species rotunda refers to the rounded shape of the leaves.

Латинское название вида rotunda относится к округлой форме листьев.

The bird’s Latin name, Geronticus calvus, is translated as “bald, old man”, referring to the bird’s featherless, wrinkled head and face.

Однако такой посадочный модуль будет наблюдать только обращенную к Харону полусферу Плутона, поскольку Плутон и Харон находятся в постоянном контакте.

Pax was the Latin name, with osculatorium and instrumentum pacis as alternatives.

Пакс — это латинское название , с альтернативными названиями osculatorium и instrumentum pacis.

In the Middle Ages, Janus was taken as the symbol of Genoa, whose Medieval Latin name was Ianua, as well as of other European communes.

В Средние века Янус был взят как символ Генуи, чье средневековое латинское имя было Януа, а также других европейских коммун.

I have come across several moth pages which are titled with their Latin name.

Я наткнулся на несколько страниц с мотыльками, которые озаглавлены их латинским именем.

The specific name refers to Cambria, the Latin name of Wales.

Конкретное название относится к Камбрии, латинскому названию Уэльса.

Instead, the Latin name was probably based on a native Brittonic placename reconstructed as *Londinion.

Вместо этого латинское название , вероятно, было основано на родном бретонском топониме, реконструированном как * Londinion.

On what grounds could the Latin name be relevant, and the Arabic name not?

На каком основании латинское название может быть уместным, а арабское — нет?

The Latin name comes from an incorrect belief by Europeans that the plant caused vomiting in certain ceremonies.

Латинское название происходит от неверного представления европейцев о том, что растение вызывало рвоту во время определенных церемоний.

The Latin name Caesarea was also applied to the colony of New Jersey as Nova Caesarea.

Латинское название Caesarea было также применено к колонии Нью — Джерси как Nova Caesarea.

The term Albania is the medieval Latin name of the country.

Термин Албания — это средневековое латинское название страны.

Meantime, Britannia had remained the Latin name for Great Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire and through the entire Middle Ages.

Между тем Британия оставалась латинским названием Великобритании после падения Римской Империи и на протяжении всего Средневековья.

As the Latin name suggests, its main function is to lift the scapula.

Как следует из латинского названия , его основная функция — поднимать лопатку.

The name of the country comes from Latin word australis which mean southern.

Название страны происходит от латинского слова australis, которое означает южный.

Your full name has to be written in Latin characters exactly the same way it appears in your foreign passport.

ФИО необходимо писать латиницей согласно тому как написано в Вашем загранпаспорте.

Its other name was Satis; which is Greek, or Latin , or Hebrew, or all three-or all one to me-for enough.

Он называется Сатис — Хаус; Сатис — это значит довольно, не то по — гречески, не то по — латыни, не то по — древнееврейски, — мне, в общем, все равно.

Partridge made a gentle reply, and concluded with more Latin ; upon which she tossed up her nose, and contented herself by abusing him with the name of a great scholar.

Партридж сказал что — то учтивое, но опять заключил свои слова латынью; собеседница только задрала нос и обозвала его большим грамотеем.

What was the name of the man who wrote Latin verses?

Как, бишь, того звали, что латинские вирши писал?

All though there is some dispute about the name, it’s likely a hybridized Greek and Latin word meaning unquenchable.

И до сих пор идут споры о происхождении его названия , считают, что это от греколатинского неугасимый

(latin) Holy Father who hart in Heaven, blessed be thy name…

Отче наш, иже еси на несебех, да святится имя твое…

I see a jasmine bush, which has a very beautiful and difficult name in Latin .

Вот я вижу куст жасмина, который на латинском языке имеет очень красивое, но трудно запоминающееся имя.

For instance, in some Latin cultures, both the mother’s family name and the father’s family name are used by the children.

Например, в некоторых латинских культурах дети используют как фамилию матери, так и фамилию отца.

Salsa is a Latin dance associated with the music genre of the same name which originated in the 1960s in New York City.

Сальса — это латиноамериканский танец, связанный с одноименным музыкальным жанром, возникшим в 1960 — х годах в Нью — Йорке.

Many historic European universities have adopted Alma Mater as part of the Latin translation of their official name.

Многие исторические европейские университеты приняли Alma Mater как часть латинского перевода своего официального названия .

The botanic name Lilium is the Latin form and is a Linnaean name.

Ботаническое название Lilium является Латинской формой и Линнеевским именем.

The passion fruit is so called because it is one of the many species of passion flower, the English translation of the Latin genus name, Passiflora.

Маракуйя называется так потому, что это один из многих видов пассифлоры, английский перевод латинского названия рода, Passiflora.

From this tribe’s name had derived the name of the Roman province of Lusitania, and Lusitania remains the name of Portugal in Latin .

От названия этого племени произошло название римской провинции Лузитания, а Лузитания остается латинским названием Португалии.

In a Latin manuscript of 849, the name Northuagia is mentioned, while a French chronicle of c. 900 uses the names Northwegia and Norwegia.

В латинском манускрипте 849 года упоминается имя Northuagia, в то время как французская Хроника около 900 года использует имена Northwegia и Norwegia.

The Latin word lucifer, as introduced in the late 4th-century AD Vulgate, gave rise to the name for a fallen angel.

Латинское слово Люцифер, введенное в конце IV века н. э. Вульгатой, дало начало имени падшего ангела.

Polonia, the name for Poland in Latin and many Romance and other languages, is most often used in modern Polish as referring to the Polish diaspora.

Полония, название Польши на латыни и многих романских и других языках, чаще всего используется в современном польском языке для обозначения польской диаспоры.

The name of Croatia derives from Medieval Latin Croātia.

Название Хорватии происходит от средневековой латыни Croātia.

Its name is derived from the Latin word suber which means cork.

Его название происходит от латинского слова suber, что означает пробка.

The name is directly from the onomatopoeic Latin cicada.

Название происходит непосредственно от звукоподражательной Латинской цикады.

The name Pecten is from the Latin word for a comb or rake.

Название Pecten происходит от латинского слова, означающего гребень или грабли.

Nadia is a female name, used predominantly throughout the Mediterranean region, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caucasus, and the Arab world.

Надя — женское имя, используемое преимущественно в Средиземноморском регионе, Восточной Европе, Латинской Америке, на Кавказе и в арабском мире.

He used the French name Le tangara noir et jaune de Cayenne and the Latin Tangara Cayanensis Nigrolutea.

Он использовал французское название Le tangara noir et jaune de Cayenne и латинское Tangara Cayanensis Nigrolutea.

Since 2000, name fields have been filled in both Greek and Latin characters.

С 2000 года поля имен заполняются как греческими, так и латинскими символами.

The event takes its name from the period in which it takes place, that is, the beginning of May, from the Latin calenda maia.

Это событие получило свое название от периода, в котором оно происходит, то есть от начала мая, от латинского calenda maia.

The genus name is Medieval Latin for a lapwing and derives from vannus a winnowing fan.

Название рода — средневековая латынь для Чибисов и происходит от vannus веера веялки.

Foust did not provide a Latin description, which invalidated the name; Doweld, in 2014, validated the name and corrected the specific epithet to allomycetis.

Фуст не предоставил латинского описания, которое аннулировало название ; Доуэльд в 2014 году подтвердил название и исправил конкретный эпитет к allomycetis.

The name Riviera, Latin for coastline, was chosen to evoke the allure and affluence of the French Riviera.

Название Riviera, латинское название береговой линии, было выбрано, чтобы вызвать очарование и изобилие Французской Ривьеры.

The common names are derived somewhat arbitrarily from a mix of Latin and Greek, in some cases including roots from both languages within a single name.

Общие имена происходят несколько произвольно от смеси латинского и греческого языков, в некоторых случаях включая корни из обоих языков в пределах одного имени.

The name derives from the Latin word oleum, which means oil.

Название происходит от латинского слова oleum, что означает масло.

The miser of the title is called Harpagon, a name adapted from the Latin harpago, meaning a hook or grappling iron.

Скупец титула называется Гарпагон, имя, заимствованное из латинского harpago, что означает крюк или захватное железо.

The Latinisation of names in the vernacular was a procedure deemed necessary for the sake of conformity by scribes and authors when incorporating references to such persons in Latin texts. The procedure was used in the era of the Roman Republic and Empire. It was used continuously by the Papacy from the earliest times, in religious tracts and in diplomatic and legal documents. It was used by the early European monasteries. Following the Norman Conquest of England, it was used by the Anglo-Norman clerics and scribes when drawing up charters. Its use was revived in the Renaissance when the new learning was written down in Latin and drew much on the work of Greek, Arabic and other non-Latin ancient authors. Contemporary Italian and European scholars also needed to be Latinised to be quoted in such treatises. The different eras produced their own styles and peculiarities. Sophistication was the trademark of the Renaissance Latinisers. The Anglo-Norman scribes on the other hand were not so learned, and often simply translated the vernacular name into Latin words based on similar sounds, without much effort to make sense or to avoid absurdity, which produced some strange results.

Coined in era of Imperial RomeEdit

  • Iesus, Iesus Nazarenus, Iesus Christus (Yĕhošūa‘)
  • Elagabalus (Varius Avitus Bassianus, after god Elagabal)

Coined in the Early Middle AgesEdit

  • Alphonsus (various rulers named Alfonso)
  • Augustinus Cantuariensis (Augustine of Canterbury)
  • Brocardus (Burchard)
  • Clovis (Clodovech, Frankish King)
  • Carolus Magnus (Karl)
  • Mahomet or Mahometus (Muhammad)
  • Moses Maimonides (Moshe ben Maimon)
  • Odoacer (Audawakrs)
  • Caecilius (Aksel)

Coined in the High Middle AgesEdit

  • Anselmus Cantuariensis (Anselmo d’Aosta)
  • Guido Aretinus (Guido d’Arezzo)

Coined in the Late Middle AgesEdit

  • Thomas Aquinas (Tommaso d’Aquino)
  • Duns Scotus (John Duns)

Coined in the Renaissance and onwardsEdit

  • Abulcasis (Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi)
  • Gustavus II Adolphus (Gustav II Adolf)
  • Leo Africanus (Al-Hassan al-Wazzan al-Fasi)
  • Alexander Agricola (Alexander Ackerman)
  • Georgius Agricola (Georg Pawer)
  • Albatenius (Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-Battānī)
  • Aldus Manutius (Aldo Manuzio)
  • Algoritmi (Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī)
  • Alhacen (Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham)
  • Alpetragius (Nur ed-Din al-Betrugi)
  • Abunaser Alpharabius (Abū Nasr Muhammad ibn al-Farakh al-Fārābi)
  • Amadeus Avogadro (Amadeo Avogadro)
  • Americus Vespucius (Amerigo Vespucci)
  • Petrus Apianus (Peter Apian)
  • Jacobus Arminius (Jacob Harmenszoon)
  • Arzachel (Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī)
  • Avempace (Ibn Bajjah)
  • Avenzoar (Ibn Zuhr)
  • Averroes (Ibn Rushd)
  • Avicenna (Ibn Sina Abū ‘Alī al-Husayn)
  • Azophi (Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi)
  • Johannes Balbus (Giovanni Balbi)
  • Caspar Barlaeus (Caspar van Baerle)
  • Benedictus de Spinoza (Baruch Spinoza)
  • Hermann Bonnus (Hermann von Bunne)
  • Carolus Borromeus (Carlo Borromeo)
  • Hieronymus Bosch (Jeroen Bosch)
  • Calid (Khalid ibn Yazid)
  • Camellus (Georg Joseph Kamel)
  • (de) Candia ( «of Crete»)
Pedro de Candia
Gaulterio de Candia
Peter of Candia
  • Hieronymus Cardanus (Gerolamo Cardano)
  • Renatus Cartesius (René Descartes)
  • Conrad Celtes (Conrad Pickel)
  • Aelius Lampridius Cervinus (Ilija Crijević or Elio Lampridio Cerva)
  • Clavius (Christoph Clau or Klau)
  • Johannes Coccejus (Johannes Koch)
  • Iohannes Cochanovius (Jan Kochanowski)
  • Christophorus Columbus (Cristòffa Cómbo/Cristoforo Colombo)
  • Iohannes Comenius (Jan Amos Komenský)
  • Confucius (Kong Fuzi)
  • Nicolaus Copernicus (Niklas Koppernigk)
  • Laurentius Corvinus (Lorenz Rabe)
  • Gerardus Cremonensis (Gerardo da Cremona)
  • Nicolaus Cusanus (Nikolaus von Kues)
  • Dreses (Muhammad al-Idrisi)
  • Desiderius Erasmus (Gerrit Gerritszoon)
  • Thomas Erastus (Thomas Lieber or Lüber)
  • Thomas Erpenius (Thomas van Erpe)
  • Leonhardus Eulerus (Leonhard Euler)
  • Eustachius (Bartolomeo Eustachi)
  • Hieronymus Fabricius (Girolamo Fabrizi)
  • Fallopius (Gabriele Falloppio)
  • Marsilius Ficinus (Marsilio Ficino)
  • Armen Firman (Abbas ibn Firnas)
  • Hieronymus Fracastorius (Girolamo Fracastoro)
  • Iohannes Freinsheimius (Johann Freinsheim)
  • Gemma Frisius (Jemme Reinerszoon)
  • Nikolaus Gallus (Nikolaus Hahn)
  • Siddarthus Gautamus (Siddhārtha Gautama, Buddha)
  • Geber (Jābir ibn Hayyān)
  • Geber (Jabir ibn Aflah)
  • Gersonides (Levi ben Gershom)
  • Hugo Grotius (Huig de Groot or Hugo de Groot)
  • Joseph Guarnerius (Giuseppe Guarneri)
  • Johannes Hevelius (Johannes Hewelcke)
  • Jodocus Hondius (Joost de Hondt)
  • Christianus Hugenius (Christiaan Huygens)
  • Martinus Hylacomylus or Ilacomilus (Martin Waldseemüller)
  • Cornelius Iansenius (Cornelius Jansen)
  • Iohannes Iessenius (János Jeszenszky or Ján Jesenský)
  • Ignatius de Loyola (Iñigo López de Oñaz y Loyola)
  • Jacobus de Cessolis (Jacopo da Cessole)
  • Jesu Occulist (Ali Ibn Isa)
  • Johannes Antonius Scopoli (Giovanni Antonio Scopoli)
  • Johannitius (Hunayn ibn Ishaq)
  • Iohannes Keplerus (Johannes Kepler)
  • John Caius (John Keys)
  • Laocius (Lao Zi)
  • Orlandus Lassus (Orlande de Lassus or Orlando di Lasso)
  • Aloysius Lilius (Luigi Giglio)
  • Carolus Linnaeus (Carl Linnaeus)
  • Iustus Lipsius (Joost Lips)
  • Georgius Macropedius (Joris van Lanckvelt)
  • Magellanus (Fernão de Magalhães)
  • Mencius (Meng Zi)
  • Gerardus Mercator (Gheert Cremer or Gerard de Cremer)
  • Morinus (Jean-Baptiste Morin)
  • Joannes Morinus (Jean Morin)
  • Thomas Morus (Thomas More)
  • Ben Mousa (Banū Mūsā)
  • Aelius Antonius Nebrissensis (Antonio Martínez de Cala)
  • Nostradamus (Michel de Nostredame)
  • Abraham Ortelius (Abraham Ortels or Hortels)
  • Ianus Pannonius (János Csezmicei or Ivan Česmički)
  • Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim; Paracelsus (Phillip von Hohenheim)
  • Pierius Magnus (Pier Gerlofs Donia)
  • Franciscus Patricius (Frane Petrić/Petris/Petrišević, Francesco Patrizi da Cherso)
  • Johannes Piscator (Johannes Fischer)
  • Petrus Plancius (Pieter Platevoet )
  • Purbachius (Georg von Peuerbach)
  • Petrus Ramus (Pierre de La Ramée)
  • Regiomontanus (Johannes Müller von Königsberg)
  • Johannes Rhodius (Hinne Rode)
  • Andreas Rivetus (André Rivet)
  • Antonius Maria Schyrleus de Rheita (Antonín Maria Šírek z Reity)
  • Michael Servetus (Miguel Serveto)
  • Carolus Sigonius (Carlo Sigonio or Sigone)
  • Willibrordus Snellius (Willibrord Snel)
  • Socinus (Lelio Sozzini)
  • Faustus Socinus (Fausto Paolo Sozzini)
  • Johannes Stadius (Jan Van Ostaeyen or Jean Stade)
  • Nicolaus Stenonis (Niels Steensen)
  • Antonius Stradivarius (Antonio Stradivari)
  • Actius Syncerus (Jacopo Sannazaro)
  • Abubacer Aben Tofail (Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad ibn Tufail)
  • Tusi (Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī)
  • Tycho Brahe (Tyge Ottesen Brahe)
  • Jacobus Tillaeus (Jacques Cappel)
  • Guido Ubaldus (Guidobaldo del Monte)
  • Zacharias Ursinus (Zacharias Baer)
  • Andreas Vesalius (Andries van Wesel)
  • Gisbertus Voetius (Gijsbert Voet)

Humanist names with Latin and Greek elementsEdit

In central European circles of academia and ecclesial writers, a specific practice of Latinisation arose during the 15th century with the rediscovery of ancient literature. Thereby writers would seek connection to the ancient writers by taking up surnames or international pen names. We encounter names that follow naming conventions of those ancient languages, especially Latin and Greek, so the occasional Greek names for the same function are also included here.

Especially in the German-speaking regions the use of a “Humanistenname” or “Gelehrtenname” was common for many an academic, cleric, and secular administrative who wished to ascend in societal rank. The other region where the practice became equally common was 1600s Scandinavia and the Swedish Baltic colonies where this practice was called
‘lärda namn’ or ‘humanistnamn’.[1] Further reasons for assuming such internationally recognisable names, especially in Scandinavia, included leaving agrarian conditions behind and embracing an urban and cosmopolitan way of life.[2]
Some academics never had a surname nor a patronymic surname as per their region of origin. However, academics came to Central European universities from all corners of Europe, with surnames from rare languages, so clarity in distinguishing students was necessary. Some Latinizations and Grecizations are exact vernacular translations of profession surnames or dwelling names, but others seem to bear no known connection or resemblance. Humanist names reached varying degrees of stability and heritability, and some exist to this day.[3][circular reference][4][circular reference]

Some humanist names derived from common professions as replacements of the vernacular term, and were found throughout Central European university cities. They included:

  • Abiectarius (Carpenter, e.g. “Schreiner”)
  • Actuarius (scribe professions, e.g. “Schreiber”)
  • Agricola (Farmer, e.g. “Bauer”)
  • Aurifaber (Goldsmith)
  • Braseator (Brewer, e.g. “Brauer”)
  • Campanus (Clockmaker)
  • latinized Chytraeus or grecisized Obsopoeus (Cook, e.g. “Koch)
  • Institor (Teacher)
  • Iudex (Judge)
  • Mercator (most merchant professions)
  • Molitor (Miller, e.g. “Müller”)
  • Olearius (Oilmaker, e.g. “Ölmüller”)
  • Pannifex (Cloth-maker, e.g. “Weber”)
  • Pellifex (Skinner)
  • Piscator (Fisher)
  • Praetorius (Watchman)
  • Rotifex (Wheeler)
  • Tectander or Xilotectus (Carpenter, e.g. “Zimmermann”)

Some humanist surnames that were not clearly based on profession or location included:

  • Argillander (argillos – white clay)
  • Cajander (kaiuos – new)
  • Colliander (koloios – jackdaw)
  • Creander (kriós – ram, stag)
  • Domander (dómos – house)
  • Gallus (rooster)
  • Kellander (kelaiuos – black)
  • Levander (leuo – stone)
  • Lupus (wolf, e.g. “Wulff”)
  • Melanchthon (“Schwartzerdt”)
  • Neander (neos – new, e.g. “Neumann”)
  • Nikander (nike – victory)
  • Oinotomos (“Schneidewein”)
  • Picander (píkros – sharp)
  • Polviander (possibly from polus – many)
  • Silander (silouros – shadfish)
  • Valiander, Wallander (ualos – glass) [5]

Other sources of English Latinized namesEdit

The Complete Peerage (1913) states concerning the Latinization of English names:[6] «When a clerk had to render a name in a charter he usually sought for the nearest Latin equivalent, sometimes took a correct one, as «de Bello Campo» for «Beauchamp»; sometimes a grotesque one». The latter refers to the mediaeval Anglo-Norman family of Orescuilz, which held amongst others the Somersetshire manor of Sandford Orcas (named after it),[7] whose surname was Latinised as de Aureis Testiculis,[8][9] from French «Couilles[10] d’Or».

Andrew WrightEdit

A list of «Latin forms of English surnames» is included as an appendix in Andrew Wright’s Court Hand Restored, or the Student’s Assistant in reading Old Deeds, Charters, Records, etc,[11] published in 9 editions up to 1879.

Charles Trice MartinEdit

In 1910 Charles Trice Martin expanded on Wright’s list (the 9th edition of which he had edited) in his The Record Interpreter: a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records which included a chapter «Latin forms of English Surnames».[12] He acknowledged[13] in compiling his list the assistance of an anonymous work The Norman People and their Existing Descendants (London, 1874).[14] In the preface, p. xi, Martin stated of that chapter: «Many of the [place names and] surnames have been found in classes of records which contain documents in both languages referring to the same case, like the Chancery Proceedings, in which bills and answers are in English and writs in Latin.»

Martin stated that some of the Latin names were «due to the ingenuity» of officials and clerks inserting what they thought would be a translation of an English name, being ignorant of its real meaning and history. This led to spurious translations such as Ventus Morbidus (literally «sick wind») for the place name ‘Windsor’, and de Umbrosa Quercu (literally «from the shady oak») for the surname ‘Dimock’. He went on to say that the list includes many names collected from Latin inscriptions on brasses, tombstones, and other monuments, many of them dating to the sixteenth century and later, and said that he had supplied the English equivalents of these from other sources of information.

  • ABA – Abbott
  • de ABBACIA – Abbess; Dabbs
  • de ABBANEIO – Abney
  • ABBAS – Abbott
  • de ABRINCIS – D’Avranches; Avranches
  • ACUTUS – Hawkwood
  • de ADURNI PORTU – Etherington
  • de AGNELLIS – Agnew; Dagnall
  • de AGNIS – Aisnes; Ains
  • de AILLIO – D’Aile; Alley
  • ALA CAMPI – Wingfield
  • de ALBA MARA; de ALBA MARLA – Albemarle; Aumarle
  • de ALBINEIO – D’Aubeney; Albiney; Albeney
  • de ALBINEIO; ALBINIACO – D’Aubeney; Albiney; Dolben
  • de ALBO MONASTERIO – Blancmuster; Whitchurch
  • ALBUS – White
  • ALEC – Herring
  • de ALEMANIA – Dalmaine
  • ALEMANNICUS – Allman
  • ALESIUS – Alane
  • de ALNETO – Dawnay; Dannay; Dennett
  • de ALNO – Daunay
  • ALSELINUS – Ansell; Ancell
  • de ALTA RIVA; de ALTA RIPA – de Hauterive; *Dawtrey; Daltry; Hawtrey
  • de ALTA VILLA – De Hauteville
  • de ALTA MENILLO – de Hautmesnil
  • de AMBLIA – De Amblie; Hamley
  • ANASTASIUS – Anstis
  • de ANCARIIS – Dancer
  • de andeuvilla – Hanwell
  • ANGLICUS -Inglis; England
  • de ANGULIS – Angell
  • de ANGULO – del Angle; atte Cornere.
  • in ANGULO – atte Noke
  • de ANSA – Daunce
  • de APIBUS – Bee; Bye (?)
  • APOTECARIUS -Lespicer; Spicer
  • APPARITOR – Sumner
  • de AQUA BLANCA – Egeblaunch; Aygueblanche
  • de AQUA FRISCA – Freshwater
  • AQUAPONTANUS – Bridgwater
  • De AQUILA – Eagle; D’Eagles; Diggles
  • Arbalistarius – Arblaster; Alabaster
  • ARCHIDIACONUS – Archdeacon; Arcedeckne
  • de ARCHIS; ARCIS – D’Arques; Arch; Dark
  • de ARELA – Harela; Argles
  • ARCUARIUS – Archer; Larcher
  • de ARCUSBUS – de Arches; Bowes
  • De ARENIS – Darens; Darayns; Sandes
  • de ARGENTOMO – Argetoune
  • de ARIDA VILLA – Dryton; Dryden
  • de ARIETE – Herriott
  • ARMIGER – Arminger
  • de ARMIS – Harms; Armes
  • ARUNDELIUS – Arundel
  • ASCELINUS – Ansell; Ancell
  • ASCULPHUS – Ayscough; Askew
  • de ASNERIIS – Daniers; Denyer
  • de ATRIO – Hall
  • de AUBEMARA – Albemarle
  • AUBERICUS – Awbrey
  • de AUCO; DE AUCA – Owe
  • de AUGO – D’Eu; Auge; Agg; Dagg
  • AUGUSTINUS – Austin; Hotine
  • de AULA – Hall (See also de HAULA)
  • Ad AULAM – atte Halle; Hall
  • AUONIUS – Of Northampton
  • de AUREA VALLE – Dorival; Dorvell; Darvall
  • de AUREIS TESTICULIS – Orescuilz
  • de AUREO VADO – Goldford or Guldeford
  • AURIFABER – Orfeur, an ancient name in *Cumberland
  • de AURILLA – Overall
  • de AUTHIERO – d’Authier, Dauthier
  • de AUTRICO – d’Auxerre; Oxier
  • de AYNECURIA – Daincourt; Deyncourt
  • de BA; BAA; BAHA – Baugh
  • BACCHUS – Backhouse
  • de BADA – Bath
  • de BAILOLIO – Baliol
  • de BAJOCIS – de Bayeux; Bews; Baines
  • de ABLLIO – Bailey
  • cum BARBA – Witheberd; Beard
  • BARBATUS – Barbet; Barbey
  • BARDULFUS – Bardolph (Stoke Bardolph, Stow Bardolph)
  • de BARRA – de la Barre; de Barre
  • BARRARIUS – Le Barrer; Le Barrier
  • de BATONIA – Bath
  • de BAUDRIBOSCO – Boldrewood
  • de BEEUILLA – Beville; Beavill
  • de BELESMO – de Belesme
  • de BELLA AQUA – de Bealeawe; Bellew
  • de BELLA CAMERA – Belchambers
  • de BELLA FAGO – de Bealfo; Beaufoe; Belfou
  • de BELLA FIDE – de Beaufoy
  • de BELLA VILLA – Belville
  • de BELLO ALNETO – Bellany
  • de BELLO CAMPO – de Belcamp; Beauchamp
  • de BELLO CAPITE – Beauchief
  • de BELLA FOCO – Beaufeu
  • de BELLO LOCO – Beaulieu; Bewley; Bowley
  • de BELLO MANSO – Beaumains; Beaumeis
  • de BELLO MARISCO – Beaumarsh
  • de BELLO MONTE – Beaumont
  • de BELLO PORTU – de Baupere
  • de BELLO PRATO – de Beaupre
  • de BELLO SITU – Bellasis
  • de BELLO VERO – de Beuvar; Beauver
  • de BELLO VISTO – Belvoir
  • de BELLO VISU – de Beauvise; Bevers
  • BENIDICTUS – Bennett
  • de BENEFACTIS – Benfield
  • BENEUOLIS – Benlows
  • BERCARIUS – Le Bercher; Barker
  • BERCATOR – Barker
  • BERENGARIUS – Barringer
  • de Bereuilla – de Berville; Burfield; Berewell
  • de BERNERIIS – Berners
  • de BEUERLACO – Beverley
  • BITURICENSIS – de Bourges
  • de BLANCO PANE – Whitbread
  • de BLAUIA – de Blaye
  • de BLITHODUNO – Blyton
  • de BLOSSEUILLA; BLOSTEUILLA – Bloville; Blofield
  • de BLOYS – Blew; Bligh
  • de BLUNDEUILLA – Blundeville; Blomfield; Bloomfield
  • BLUNDUS – Le Blond; Blundel; Blount. (Feminine is Blunda)
  • de BOCEO – de Bocy
  • de BOAUILLA – Bovill
  • de BOLOGNA – Bullen
  • de BONA VILLA – Bonville
  • de BONO DASSATO – Goodrick
  • BONOIUS – Boleyn
  • de BOONIA – de Bohun
  • de BORGEIS – Burges
  • BORLASIUS – Borlace
  • de BASCO – Boys; Boyce; Busk; Wood
  • de BOSCO ARSO – Brentwood
  • de BOSCO – Borhard
  • de BOSEUILLA – Boswell
  • de Botellis – Butler
  • de BOTERELLIS – Botreaux’Bottrel
  • de BOULARIA – de Bollers; Buller
  • de BOUIS VILLA – Bovill
  • de BRAIOSA – de Braose; Brewis; Brewhouse
  • BRITO – Le Bretun
  • de BROILLEIO – de Bruilly; Briley
  • de BRUERIA – Bryer; Briewer; Brewer
  • BRUNELLI – Burnell
  • BRUNUS – Le Brun; Brown
  • de BUCCA – Buck
  • de BUCCA UNCTA – de Bouchaine; Buccointe; Budgen
  • de BUCIS – de Buces; Bouche; Bush
  • BUDELLUS – de Buelles; Boyle
  • de BUESUILA – *Bouville; Bousville; Boseville; Bousfield
  • de BULEMARA – Bulmer
  • de BULIACO – Buisly; Builly
  • de BURCO – de Burgh
  • BURGENSIS – Burges
  • de BURGO – de Burgh; Burke; Bourke
  • de BURGO CHARO – Bourchier
  • BURGUNDIENSIS – de Bourgogne; Bourgoyne; Burgon
  • de BURNAUILLA – Bernwell; Barnwell
  • de BURTANA – Burton
  • de BUSSA VILLA – de *Boseville; Beuzeville; Boscherville
  • de CABANISIO – de Chalbeneys
  • de CADOMO – de Caen; Caine
  • de CADURCIS – de Chaorces; Chaworth
  • CÆCILIUS – Cecil
  • de CAHAGNIS; CAHANNIS – Keynes; Keine; Cain
  • de CAINETO; de CAISNETO; CAINNETO – DE *Quesnay; Chainei; Keynes {?}:Cheyne
  • CALCEARIUS; Le Chaucier; Chaucer
  • CALIXTUS – Killick
  • de CALLEIO – de Cailly; Cayley
  • CALUINUS – Caffyn; Chaffyn
  • de CALUO MONTE – Chaumond
  • CALUUS – Baud; Bald; Café; Calf; Valver; Callow
  • de CAMERA – Chambers
  • de CAMERACO – Gomery
  • CAMERARIUS – Chamberlayne
  • de CAMPANIA – de Champaigne; Champneys
  • de CAMPIS – Descamps; Kemp
  • de CAMPO AUENE – Campdaveine; Otfield
  • de CAMPO BELLO – Campbell
  • de CAMPO FLORIDO; FLORUM – Champfleur
  • de CAMUILLA – Camvil
  • de CANCEIO – Chauncey
  • de CANCELLIS – Chaunceus
  • de CANETO – Cheyney
  • de CANIUETO – Knevitt; Knyvett
  • CANONICUS – Le Chanoin; Cannon
  • de CANTILUPO – de Cantelou; Cauntelow; Cantlow or Cantello
  • CANTOR – Le Chaunter; Singer
  • de CANUILLA – Camville
  • de CAPELLA – Capel
  • CAPELLANUS – Caplin; Chaplin
  • de CAPIS – de Chappes; Cope; Capes
  • CAPITO – rostete; GrosseTeste; Grosthead; Grouthead
  • CAPRA – Chevre
  • de CAPRA – de la Chievre; Cheevers; Chivers
  • de CAPREOLO – Roebuck
  • de CAPREOLOCURIA; de CAPRICURIA – Chevercourt
  • CARACTACUS – Craddock
  • CARADOCUS – Caradock; Cradock
  • CARBONARIUS – Carbonel
  • CARETARIUS – Carter
  • de CARILOCO – Cherlewe
  • de CARISIO – de Cerisy
  • CARNOTENSIS – de Chartres
  • de CARNOTTO – de Carnoth or Crennach
  • de CARO LOCO – Carelieu
  • de CASA DEI – Godshall
  • de CASINETO; Casneto – See CAINETO
  • CASTELLANUS – Catlin
  • de CASTELLIS – de Chasteus
  • de CASTELLO – de Chastell; Castle; Castell; Chatto
  • de CASTELLO MAGNO – Castlemain
  • CASTOR – Bever
  • de CASTRO – Castell
  • de CASTOR NOUO – de Castelnau
  • de CATHEREGE – Catherick; Cartwright
  • de CAUO MONTE – de Caumont; de Chaumont
  • CECUS – Cheke
  • de CERASO; de CERICIO – de Cerisy; Cherry
  • de CCESTRIA – Chester
  • de CHALUENNIO – ce Clavigny; Clabone
  • de CHAMPELLIS/CAMPELLIS – de Champeaux (e.g.William of Champeaux)
  • CHELIGREUUS – Killigrew
  • CHENESIS – Chaigne; Le Chesne; Cheyney
  • CHENTICUS – Kentish
  • de CHESNETO – See de CAINETO
  • de CHEURIIS – de Chevrieres; Chaffers
  • CHIRCHEBEIUS – Kirby; Kirby
  • de CHRISTI ECCLESIA – de Crissechirche; de *Christecherche
  • de CLARA VILLA – Clareville
  • CLARANUS – Clare
  • de CLARIFAGO – Clerfay
  • de CLARIS VALLIBUS – Clerevaux; Clarival
  • de CLARO FAGETO – Clerfay
  • de CLARO MONTE – Clermont; Clermund
  • CLAVIGER – Clavinger
  • de CLAVILLA – de Claville; Cleville
  • de CLAUSO – Close; Class
  • CLERICUS – Clarke; Cleary
  • de CLINTONA – Clinton
  • de CLIUO FORTI – Clifford
  • de COARDA – de Cowert; Coward
  • COCUS – Cook; Coke; Cocks
  • de CODRIA – Cowdry
  • de COISNERIIS – de Coiners
  • de COLAUILLA – Colville
  • de COLDRETO – de Coudray
  • COLLINUS – Knollys
  • de COLLO MEDIO – de Colmieu
  • de COLUMBARIIS – Columbers
  • de CONCHIS – Shelley
  • de CONDUCTU – Chenduit
  • de CONIGERIIS; CONNERIIS- de Coignieres; Conyers
  • CONSTABULARIUS – le Cunestable; Constable
  • CORBALDUS – Corbould
  • de CORCELLA – Churchill
  • de CORMELIIS – de Cormayles; Cormie
  • de CORNIOLA – Cornell
  • de CORNIBIA – Cornwayle
  • CORNTUS – Horn
  • CORUESARIUS – Corveser; Corsar
  • de CORUO SPINÆ – Crowthorn
  • de CRAMAUILLA – Cranwell
  • CRASSUS – Le Gros; See also «Grassus»
  • de CRAUCUMBA – Crowcombe
  • de CREAUSO – de Grandson; Grandison
  • de CREPITO CORDE – Crevecœur; Crowcour
  • de CRIWA – Crewe
  • CROCUS – Croke
  • de CROTIS – Croot; Grote
  • de CRUCE – Cross
  • CRUCIARIUS – Crocker
  • de CUILLIO – Colley
  • CULLUS de BOUE – Oxenstern
  • de CUMINIS – Comyn
  • CUNETIUS – Kennett
  • de CURCEO; CURCI – de Courcy
  • de CURIA – Delacour; Cure
  • de CURLEIO – Curley
  • de CURUA SPINA – Crowthorn
  • de CUSANCIA – Cussans
  • DACUS – Le Daneis, Denys, Dennis. (Adjectival form of mediaeval-Latin Dacia, Denmark, thus «The Dane»)
  • DAINCURIENSIS; de AYNECURIA – Daincourt; Deyncourt
  • DALENRIGIUS – Dalegrig
  • DANISCUS – Dennis
  • DAUTHIERUS – Dauthier, d’Authier
  • de DAVIDUILLA – D’Aville; D’Eyville
  • DECANUS – Dean
  • DEUON’ – Le Deveneis; Devenish
  • DIABOLUS – Dayville; De Eyville; Deeble; Dibble
  • de DICETO – de Disci; Diss
  • de DIUA – Dive; Dives; Deaves
  • DIUITIUS- Riche
  • DODERIGUS – Dodderidge
  • de DOITO – Dwight; Brook
  • de DOUERA – de Douvres; Dover
  • DRACO – Drake; Drage
  • de DROCIS – de Dreux; Drew
  • DROGO – Drewe
  • DUCHTIUS – Doughty
  • de DUMOUILLA – Domville; Dunville
  • de DUNA – Don; Down
  • de DUNSETANUILLA – Dunstanvill
  • DURANDUS – Durrant, Durand
  • DURIDENTIS – Duredens; Durdana
  • DUTENTIUS – Doughty
  • DUX – Ducy; Duck; Duke
  • EASTERLINGUS – Stradling
  • de EBROICUS; de EBROIS – D’Évreux
  • ECCLESIENSIS – Churche
  • ELISEUS – Ellis
  • ELYOTA – Elliott
  • de ERICETO – Briewer
  • de ERM´ENOLDA VILLA – d’Ermenonville
  • de ERMENTERIIS – Darmenters
  • ERNALDUS – Ernaut; Arnold
  • de EROLICTO – Erliche
  • de ESCALERIIS – de Escales; Scalers; Scales
  • de ESCARDEUILLA – Scarvell
  • de Escouilla – Escoville; Schofield; Scovel
  • de ESCRUPA – Le Scrope; Scrope
  • ESPERUERIUS – Le Sperver; Sparver
  • de ESSARTIS – Essart; Sart
  • de Esseleia – Ashley
  • de ESTLEGA; ESTLEIA – Astley or Estley
  • EUDO – Eade; Eades
  • EXTRANEUS; de EXTRANEO – L’Estrange; Strange
  • FABER – Lefevre
  • FACETUS -Le Facet
  • de FAGO – Beech; Beecher; Fagge
  • de FAIA – de Fai; Fay
  • FALCONARIUS – Falkner; Fachney
  • FALKASIUS – Fawkes
  • FALTERELLUS – Futerel; Fewtrell
  • FANTASMA – Fantosme
  • FAUCUS – Folkes; Vaux
  • FAUKESIUS – Fawkes
  • FERCHARDUS – Farquahr; Forker
  • FERDINANDUS – Farrant
  • FERRARRII – Ferre
  • de FERRARIIS – Ferrars; Ferrier
  • FERRATUS – Fairy; Ferrie
  • FIBER – Bever
  • de FIERUILLA – Fierville; Fairfield
  • de Ffiliceto – Fernham
  • FILIUS ADELINI – Fitz-Adelin; Edlin
  • FILIUS ALANI – Fitz-Alan
  • FILIUS ALUREDI – Fitz-Alard; Fitz-Alfred
  • FILIUS AMANDI – Fitz-Amand
  • FILIUS ANDREÆ – Fitz-andrew
  • FILIUS BALDEWINI – Baldwin; Bolderson; Bowdon
  • FILIUS BERNARDI – Fitz-Bernard
  • FILIUS BRIANI – Fitz-Brian
  • FILIUS COCI – Cookson
  • FILIUS COMITIS – Fitz-Count
  • FILIUS DRAGONIS – Drewes; Drew
  • FILIUS EDMUNDI – Edmunds
  • FILIUS EUSTACHII – Fitz-Eustace
  • FILIUS FULCONIS – Fitz-Fulk; Faulke
  • FILIUS GALFRIDI – Fits-Geoffry
  • FILIUS GERARDI – Fitz-Gerrard
  • FILIUS GILLEBERTI – Fitz-Gilbert
  • FILIUS GUALTERI – Fitzwalter; Walters
  • FILIUS GUARINI – Fitz-Warren
  • FILIUS GUIDONIS – Fitz-Guy; Fitzwith
  • FILIUS GULIELMI – Fitz-*William; Williamson; Williams
  • FILIUS HAMONIS – Fitz-Hamon; Hammond; Hampson
  • FILIUS HARDINGI – Fitz-Hardinge
  • FILIUS HENRICI – Fitz-Henry; Harrison; Harris
  • FILIUS HERBERTI – Fitz-Herberti
  • FILIUS HUGONIS – Fitz-*Hugh; Hughes; Hewes; Hewish; Hewson
  • FILIUS HUMFREDI – Fitz-Humphrey; Humphreys
  • FILIUS IBOTÆ – Ibbottson; Ebison
  • FILIUS ISAAC – Isaacs; Higgins; Higginson; Hickson
  • FILIUS JACOBI – Fitz-James; Jameson
  • FILIUS JOHANNIS – Fitz-John; Johnson; Jones
  • FILIUS KATERINA – Katlyson; Cattlin
  • FILIUS LETITIÆ – Lettson
  • FILIUS LUCÆ – Fitz-Lucas
  • FILIUS MAURICII – Fitz-Maurice; Morison
  • FILIUS MICHAELIS – Fitz-Michael
  • FILIUS NICOLAI – Fitz-Nichol; Nicholson; Nichols
  • FILIUS ODONIS – Fitz-Otes
  • FILIUS OLIUERI – Fitz-Oliver
  • FILIUS OSBURNI – Fitz-Osburn
  • FILIUS OSMONDI – Fitz-Osmond
  • FILIUS PAGANI – Fitz-Pain
  • FILIUS PATRICII – Fitz-Patrick
  • FILIUS PETRI – Fitz Peter; Peterson; Peters
  • FILIUS PHILIPPI – Phillips; Phipps; Phipson
  • FILIUS RADULFI – Fitz-Ralph; Raphson
  • FILIUS REGINALDI – Fitz-Raynold; Reynolds
  • FILIUS RICARDI – Fitz-*Richard; Richardson; Richards
  • FILIUS ROBERTI – Fitz-*Robert; Robertson; Roberts; Robinson
  • FILIUS ROGERI – Fitz-Rogers; Rogerson; Rogers
  • FILIUS SAHERI – Searson
  • FILIUS SIMONIS – Fitz-Simon; Simonds
  • FILIUS STEPHANI – Fitz-*Stephen; Stephenson; Stephens; Stiffin
  • FILIUS SUANI – Swainson
  • FILIUS THOME – Fitz-Thomas; Thompson
  • FILIUS VIDUÆ – Widdowson
  • FILIUS WALTERI – Fitz-walter; Walters; Waters; Watson; Watts
  • FILIUS WARINI – Fitz-Warin-Warisno
  • de FIRMITATE – de la Ferté
  • de FLAMMAUILLA – de Flamville
  • FLANDRENSIS – Flemyng
  • FLAUILLUS – Flavell
  • FLAUUS – Blund; Blount; Fleuez
  • FLECHARIUS – Le Flechier; Fletcher
  • FLORUS – Flowers
  • de FLUCTIBUS – Flood
  • de FOLIA – Foley
  • de FOLIIS – Foulis
  • de FONTE – Font; Faunt
  • de FONTE AUSTRALI – Southwell
  • de FONTE EBRALDI – Fontevraud
  • de FONTE LIMPIDO – Sherburn
  • de FONTIBUS – Wells
  • de FORDA – Ford
  • FORESTARIUS – Forester; Foster
  • de FORGIA – de la Forge
  • FORMANNUS – Formes
  • de FORNELLIS – de Furnell
  • de FORTI SCUTO – Fortescue
  • de FORTIBUS – de Fort; de Forz; Force
  • de FOSSA NOUA – Newdike
  • de FRAISNETO; FRAXINETO – de Fraine; du Fresne
  • de FRANCHEUILLA – de Freville
  • FRANCUS – Franks
  • de FRAXINO – del Freine; Frean; Ashe
  • FRESCOBURNUS – Freshburne
  • de FREUILLA – Fretchville; Freville
  • de FRIGIDO MANTELLO – Freemantle
  • de FRIGIDO Monte – de Fremond; Fremont
  • de FRISCA VILLA – *Fretchville; Freville; Freshfield
  • de FRISCO MARISCO – Freshmarsh
  • FULCHERII – Fulcher
  • de FULGERIIS – de Fougeres; de Filgeriis; Fulcher
  • de FURNELLIS – Furneaux; Furness
  • de GAIO – Gai; Gay; Jay
  • GANTERIUS – Glover
  • de GARDAROBA – Wardroper
  • de GARDINIS – Garden
  • GARNERUS – Guarnier; Warner
  • de GASCONIA – Gascoyne
  • de GAWEIA – Gower
  • de GEINUILA – de Geynville
  • de GENEUA – de Geneville
  • de GENISTETO – Bromfield
  • de GERARDI – Greville; Graville
  • GERVASIUS – Gerveis; Jarvis; Jervis
  • GIOUANUS – Young
  • de GIRBIRTI VILLA – de Gerberville
  • de GISNETO – de Gisney; Gynney
  • de GISORTIO – de Gisors
  • de GLANUILLA – Glanvil
  • GOBIO – Gudgeon
  • de GORNIACO – Gorney; Gurney
  • GOSSELINUS – Gosling
  • de GOUHERIA – Gower
  • GRAMMATICUS – Grammer
  • de GRANA – Graine; Grain
  • de GRANAVILLA; GREENVILLA – Greenvil or Grenville
  • de GRANDAVILLA – Granvile
  • de GRANDISONO – de Graunson; Grandison
  • GRANDUS – Le Grand; Graunt; Grant
  • GRANETARIUS – Grenet
  • de GRANGIA – Grainge
  • GRANGIARIUS – Grainger
  • de GRANO ORDEI; GRANUM ORDEI – Greindorge
  • GRASSUS – Le Gras; Grace; Le Gros
  • de GRAVA – de la Grave; Graves
  • de GRENDONA – Greendon
  • de GRENTO – Grente; Grinde
  • de GREYLIACO – de Greilly; Grelley
  • GRIMBALDI – Grimbaud
  • de GRINNOSA VILLA – de Grinville
  • de GRIPERIA – Gripper
  • GRISIUS – Le Grice
  • de GROSSO – de Gruce; Gross
  • de GROSSO MONTE – Grosmond; Grismond
  • de GROSSO VENATORE – Grosvenor
  • GROSSUS – Le Gros
  • GROTIUS – Grose
  • de GRUE – Crane
  • GUARIN – Guerin
  • GUIDO – Guy; Gee
  • de GUIDOUILLA – Wydville; Wyville
  • GULAFFRA – Golofre; Golfer; Gulfer; Golafre
  • de GUNDEUILLA – Gonville
  • de GUNTHERI SYLUA – Gunter
  • de GUTI – del Got
  • de HAIA – de la Haye; Hay
  • de HAMBEIA – Hamby; Hanby
  • de HANOIA – de Henau; Hanway
  • de HANTONA – Hanton; Hampton
  • de HARELA – Harkley
  • de HARICURIA – Harcourt; Harecourt
  • HARVAEUS – Harvey
  • HASTIFRAGUS – Brakespere
  • HAUARDUS – Howard
  • de HAULA – DE LA Hale; Hall; Hawley
  • de HAYA – de la Haye; Hay
  • HERMITA – Armit
  • HERES – Le Hare; Eyre
  • HIERONYMUS – Jerome; Jerram
  • de HIRUNDINE – Arundel
  • HISPANIOLUS – Aspinall
  • de HOGA – de la Hoge; Hogg
  • de HOLMO – Holmes
  • de HOSATA; de HOSA – de la Hose; de la Huse
  • HOSATUS – Hose; Huese; Hussey
  • HOWARDUS – Howard
  • HUGO – Hook
  • HUSATUS; HUSSATUS – Hoese; huese; hussey
  • de ILLERIIS – de St. Hellier; Hillier
  • INFANS – L’Enfant; Child
  • de INGANIA – Engaine
  • de INSULA – Lisle
  • de INSULA BONA – Lislebone
  • de INSULA FONTIS – Lilburne
  • de IPRA – de Ipres
  • de ISPANIA – Spain
  • de JAUNA – Janeway
  • JOANNIS – Johnson
  • de JOANNIS VILLA – de *Jehanville; Geneville; Ganville
  • JOANNUS – Jones
  • JODOCUS – Joice
  • JUUENIS – Lejeune; Young
  • de KAHAGNIS – Keynes
  • de KAINETO; de KAISNETO; de KEYNETO – *Chesney; Cheney; Keynes
  • KENTESIUS – Le Kenties; Kentish
  • de KIMA; KYMA – de Kyme; Keymer
  • de LACELLA – Lascales; Lacelles
  • de LACU – de Lake; Lake
  • de LADA – de la Lade
  • de LÆTO LOCO – Lettley
  • de La MARA – de la Mare; Delamare, Delamere, Lamarre
  • de Laga – Lee; Lea; Leigh
  • LAMBARDUS – Lambard or Lambert
  • de LANDAS – de la Lande; Land, De la Launde
  • de LANDALIS – Landal; Landels
  • de LANGDONA; LANDONA – Langdon
  • LARDERARIUS – Lardenier; Lardner
  • de LARGO – Large
  • LATIMARIUS; Latinarius – Latimer; Latomer
  • de LATO CAMPO – Bradfield
  • de LATO VADO – Bradford
  • de LATO PEDE – Braidfoot
  • LAUREMARIUS – Lorimer
  • de LECHA – Leke
  • de LEGA – Leigh; Lee
  • LEGATUS – Leggatt
  • de LEICA – Leke
  • de LEICESTRIA – Lester
  • LESLÆUS – Leslie
  • LEUCHENORIUS – Lewkin; Lewknor
  • de LEXINTUNA – Lexington
  • de LEZINIACO – de Lezinan
  • de LIBERATIONE – Liverance
  • de LIENTICURIA – de Liancourt
  • de LIMESIA – Limsie
  • de Linna – Linne
  • de LISORIIS; LISORIS – Lizurs; Lisors
  • de LOCO FRUMENTI – Whethamstede
  • de LOGIIS – Lodge
  • de LONGA SPATHA – Longespee
  • de LONGA VILLA – *Longueville; Longville; Longfellow
  • de LONGO CAMPO – Longchamp; Longshanks
  • de LONGO PRATO – Longmede
  • LOTHARINGIUS – Le Loreyne; Lorraine; Lorriner
  • LOTHARIUS – Lowther
  • de LUCCEIO – Lucy; Lewsey
  • LUDOUICUS – de Lues; Lewis
  • de LUERA – Lower
  • de LUNDA – Lund
  • LUPUS – Le Loup; Love; Loo; Woolf
  • de LUSORIIS – Lusher
  • de LUXA – De Los
  • MACER – Le Meyre
  • MACNISIUS – Mackness
  • de MADERIACO – de Mezieres; Measures
  • de MAGNA PENA – de Magne Peoine; Moneypenny; Mappin
  • de MAGNA VILLA – Mandeville; Mannwille
  • de MAGNO MONTE – Grosmount or Groumount
  • MAGNUS VENATOR – Grosvenor
  • MAINFELINUS – Meinfeuin
  • de MAINO – Maine; Maoun
  • de MALA BISSA – de Malebisse; de Malebiche
  • de MALA FIDE – Maufe
  • de MALA HERBA – Malherbe
  • de MALA OPERA – Mallop
  • de MALA PLATEA – Malpas
  • de MALA TERRA – Mauland; Eveland
  • de MALA VILLA – Melville
  • de MALCHENCEIO – Munchensy
  • MALCONDUCTUS – Malduit; Mauduit
  • MALEDOCTUS – Maudoit
  • MALEDUETUS – Malduit; Mauduit
  • MALISIUS – Malis
  • de MALIS MANIBUS – Malmains
  • de MALIS OPERIBUS – Maloor
  • de MALO LEONE – Mauleon
  • de MALO CONDUCTU – Malduit
  • de MALA DOMO – de Maubusson
  • de MALO LACU – Mauley
  • de MALO VICINO; MALUS VACINUS – *Malveisin; Malvoisin; Mavesyn; Mason
  • de MALO VISU – Malveya
  • de MALPASSU – Malpas
  • MALUS CATALUS – Malcael; Malchael; Malchein; Machel
  • MALUS LEPORARIUS – Maleverer; Mallieure; Mallyvery
  • MALUS LUPELLUS – Maulovel; Mallovel
  • de MONDAVILLA – Mandeville; Manneville
  • de MANERIIS – de Menguse; Menzies; Manners
  • de MANIBUS – de Mans
  • de MANNAVILLA – Mandeville; Manhill; Manwell
  • de MARA – de la Mare; Mare; Marre
  • de MARCHIA – de La Marche; March
  • de MARCI VALLIBUS – Martival
  • de MARCO – Mark
  • MARESCALLUS – Marshal or Le Marshal; Merrishaw
  • de MARINIS – Maryon; Marwin
  • de MARISCO – del Mareis; Marsh
  • MARRUGLARIUS – Le Marler
  • de MARTIUALLIS – *Martivaux; Martival; Martivast; Martwas
  • de MASURA – Le Massor; Measor
  • MAUCLERUS – Lacklatin
  • MAURENCIACUS – de Montmorency
  • de MAURITANIA – de Morteine
  • de MADIA VILLA – Middleton
  • MEDICUS – Leech
  • de MEDUANA – Maine; Mayenne
  • de MELSA – de Meaulx; Meux; Mews
  • MENTULAMANUS – «Toulmaine alias Hancocke»
  • de MERCATO – de Marche; March
  • MERCATOR – Mercer
  • de MESLERIIS; de MEULERIIS – Mellers
  • de MICENIS – Meschines
  • de MINERIIS – Miners
  • de MINORIIS – Minours
  • de MOELIS – de Moelles or Moels; Mills
  • MOLENDINARIUS – Miller; Milner
  • de MOLENDINIS – Molines
  • de MOLIS – de Moelles or Loels; Mills
  • MONACHUS – Le Moigne; Monk
  • de MONASTERIIS – Musters; Masters
  • de MONCELLIS – Monceaux; Monson; Monser
  • de MONEMUTHA – Monmouth
  • de MONTANA – de Montaignes; de Montaigne; Mountain
  • de MONTE – Mount; Mont
  • de MONTE ACUTO – Montacute; Montague
  • de MONTE ALTO – Montalt; Montealto; Munhaut; Mohaut; Moald; Mold; Maulde; Maude
  • de MONTE AQUILÆ – Mounteagle
  • de MONTE BEGONIS – Mountbegon
  • de MONTE BRITONUM – de Montbreton
  • de MONTE CANASIO; CANESIO; CANISIO – Montchesney; Munchensi
  • de MONTE DEI – Mundy
  • de MONTE DUBLELLI – de Mont Dubleaux
  • de MONTE FIXO – Montfitchet; Munfitchet
  • de MONTE FLORUM – de Monteflour
  • de MONTE FORTI – Montfort
  • de MONTE GAII; de MONTE GAUDII – Montjoy; Mungy
  • de MONTE GOMERICO – Montgomery
  • de MONTE HERMERII – Monthermer
  • de MONTE JOUIS – Montjoy
  • de MONTE KANESIO – Montchensey; Munchensi
  • de MONTE MARISCO – Montmorency
  • de MONTE MARTINI – de Montmartre
  • de MONTE MORACI; MORENTIO – Montmorency
  • de MONTE PESSONO; de MONTE PESGULANO – Montpinzon; Mompesson
  • de MONTE PISSONIS; de MONTE PISSORIS – Montpinzon; Mompesson
  • de MONTE REUELLI – Monterville
  • de MORAUIA – Moray; Murray
  • de MORISCO – Moore
  • de MORTIUALLIS – de Martivaux
  • de MORTUO MARI – Mortimer
  • de MOTA – de La Motte
  • de MOUBRAIA – Mowbray
  • de MUCHELEGATA – Micklegate
  • de MUMBRAIO – Mowbray
  • MURDACUS – Murdoch
  • AD MURUM – Walton
  • de MUSEA – Mus; Mosse
  • de MUSCO CAMPO – Musechamp
  • MUSTELA – Musteile
  • NAPPATOR – Le Naper; Napier
  • de NASO – de Nes; Ness
  • NEPOS – Le Neve
  • NEQUAM – Neckham
  • de NEVILLA – Nevil
  • NIGELLUS – Niele; Neal
  • NIGEROCULUS – Blackey
  • de NODARIIS; NODORIIS – Nowres
  • NORENSIS – Noreis; Nordman; Norman
  • NORMANDUS – Norman
  • NORRISCUS – Norris; Nurse
  • de NORUICO – Norwich
  • de NOVA TERRA – Newland
  • de NOVA VILLA – Neufville; Neville; Newell
  • de NOVIOMO – Noon
  • de NOVO BURGO – Newburgh; Newborough
  • de NOVO CASTELLOM – Newcastle
  • de NOVO FORE – de Neumarche; Newmarch
  • de NOVO LOCO – Newark
  • de NOVO MERCATO – de Neumarche; Newmarch
  • de NOVO OPPIDO – Newton
  • NOUUS – Newman
  • NOUUS HOMO – Newman
  • NUTRICIUS – Nurse
  • de OBURUILLA – de Abbeville; Appeville
  • de OILEIO; OILI; OILIUS – D’Oylu; Olley
  • de OMNIBUS SANCTIS – Toussaint
  • de ORTIACO – del Ortyay; Lorty;
  • OSTIARIUS – Le Huissier; Usher; Durward (Scotch)
  • de OUGHTIA – Doughty
  • de PACCEIO – de Pasci; Pacy
  • PACCEUS – Pace
  • PAGANELLUS – Pagnell; Painel; Paynell
  • PAGANUS – Payne
  • PALMARIUS – Le Paumier; Palmer
  • PALMIGER – Palmer
  • de PALO – del Pau
  • de Palude – Puddle; Marsh
  • de PAREO – Park; Perck
  • PARMENTARIUS – Parmenter; Taylor
  • de PARUA TARRI – Torel; Tyrrel
  • de PARUA VILLE – Littleton
  • PARUUS – Le Petit; Petty
  • de PASCUO LAPIDOSO – Stanley
  • de PAUILLIACO; de PAULIACO – Pavley
  • PECCATUM; de PECCATO; PECCATUS – *Peche; Pecche; Pecke
  • de PEDE PLANCO – Pauncefoot
  • PEITONUS – Peyton
  • PELLIPARIUS – Skinner
  • PENTECOSTES – Wytesoneday
  • PERFECTUS – Parfey; Parfitt
  • de PERIIS – Piers
  • de PERONA – Perowne
  • de PERRARIIS – Perrers
  • de PETRA – Petre
  • de PETRAPONTE; PETROPONTO – Peirrepont; Perpoint
  • PEVERELLUS – Peverell
  • PHISCERUS – Fisher
  • de PICTAIIA; PICTAUIENNSIS – Peytevin; Peyto; Peto
  • PINCERNA – Butler
  • de PINIBUS – Dupin
  • de PINU – Pine; Pyne
  • PIPERELLUS – Pepperell; Peverell
  • PISCATOR – Fisher
  • de PISCE; de PISCIBUS – Fish
  • de PISSIACO – Poysey
  • PLACIDUS – Placett
  • de PLANCA – De la Planche
  • de PLANTAGENTISTA – Plantagenent
  • de PLESSETIS; PLESSEIZ – de *Pleseys; Plesseiz; Plessez; Plaiz; Place
  • de PODIO – des Pus
  • POHERIUS – Puherius
  • de POLA – de la Pole
  • de POLEIO – Poley
  • POLUS – Pole; Poole
  • de POMARIO – Appleyard
  • PONDERATOR – Le Balauncer
  • de PONTE – Bridge
  • de PONTE FRACTO – Pomfrey
  • AD PONTEM – Atte Brigge; Brigge; Paunton
  • de PONTIBUS – Bridgeman; Bridges
  • de PONTISSARA; PONTISSERA -Sawbridge; pontoise; Pontys
  • PONTIUS – Pons; Pounce
  • PORCARIUS – Le Porcher
  • de PORCELLIS – Purcell
  • AD PORTAM – Porter
  • POTTARIUS – Potter
  • le POURE – Power
  • POUTENEIUS – Poultney
  • de PRAELLIS – See also «de PRAERIIS»
  • PRÆPOSITUS – Prevot
  • de PRAERIIS – Praeres; Prahors
  • de PRATELLIS – des *Pres; Despreaux; Diprose; Meadows
  • de PRATIS – Praty; Prettie
  • de PRATO – Dupre; Mead; Pratt
  • de PRECARIIS – See also «de PRAERIIS»
  • PRECO – Price
  • PUHERIUS; PUHERUS – Le Poher; Poer
  • de PUILLETA – Paulet
  • PULETARIUS – Le Poleter; Poulter
  • PUNTIS – Pons; Pounce
  • de PURCELLIS – Purcell
  • de PUTEACO – de Pusat; Pudsey; Pusev
  • de PUTEIS – Pittes
  • de PUTEO – Pitt
  • de PYSANIS – de Pessaigne
  • QUASPATRICIUS – Gospatric
  • RAALEGA – Ralegh
  • de RADENEIO – de Reyney; Rodney
  • de RADEONA – Rodney
  • de RADIO – Raye
  • RAGOTUS – Le Raggide; Raggett
  • de RAIMIS – de Reimes
  • de RALEGA – Ralegh
  • de REA – de Ree; Ray
  • de REDUERIIS – Rivers
  • REGINALDI – Renaud; Reynolds
  • REGINALDUS – Reynold
  • REGIOSYLUANUS – Kingswood
  • REINARDUS – Rayner; Reyner
  • RENOLDUS – Reynold
  • REX – King; Reeks
  • RHESEUS – Ap Rhys; Ap Rice; Price
  • de RIA – de Rie; Rye
  • de RICO MONTE – Richmond
  • RIGIDIUS – Rivers
  • de RIPERIA; RIPARIIS; RIVERIA; RIVERIIS – de *Ripers; Rivers; Driver
  • ROBERTIADES – Roberts
  • de ROCA – Rock
  • de RODENEIA – Rodney
  • RODERICUS – Rothery
  • de RODOLIO – de Roel; Rolle
  • de ROILLIO – de Roilli; Reuilly; Rowley
  • de ROKA – Rock
  • de ROKELA – Rockley
  • de ROMELIOLO – de Romilli; Romilly; Rumley
  • ROTARIUS – Wheeler; Rutter
  • de ROTIS – Rote; Roots
  • de ROTUNDO; ROTUNDUS – Ronde; Round; Rounce
  • de RUA – Rue
  • de RUBEO MONTE – Rougemont
  • de RUBRA MANU – Redmayne
  • de RUBRA SPATHA – Rospear; Rooper; Roper
  • de RUBRO CLIUO – Radcliffe
  • de RUDA – Routh
  • de RUELLA – Ruel; Rule
  • RUFFUS; RUFUS – Le Roux; Le Rus; Rous; Ruff
  • de RUGEHALA – Rugeley; Ruggles
  • de RUPE – de la Roche; Roche; Droope; Drope; Roek
  • de RUPE CAUARDI – de Rochechouard
  • de RUPE FORTI – Rochfort
  • de RUPE SCISSA – Cutcliffe
  • de Rupella – de la Rochelle; Rokell; Roupell
  • de RUPERIA – {See also RUPETRA}
  • de RUPETRA – de Rupierre; Rooper; Roper
  • de RUPIBUS; RUPINUS – Roche; Rock
  • de SABAUDIA – Savoy
  • de SACCA VILLA – Sackville
  • de SACEIO – de Sace; de Sauce
  • de SACHEVILLA – de Sacquenville; Soucheville; Sackville
  • de SACRA FAGO – Hollebech; Holbeach
  • de SACRA QUERCU – Holyoak
  • de SACRO BOSCO – Holywood
  • de SACRO FONTE – Holybrook; Holbrook
  • SAGITTARIUS – Archer
  • de SAIO – Say
  • de SAKENVILLA – Sackville
  • de SALCETO – Saucey
  • de SALCHAVILLA – Salkeld
  • de SALICOSA MARA – Wilmore
  • de SALICOSA VENA – Salvein
  • de SALSO MARISCO – Saumarez; Saltmarsh
  • de SALTU CAPELLÆ – Sacheverel
  • de SALTU LACTEO – Melkeley
  • SALVAGIUS – Savage
  • SANCHO – Sankey
  • de SANETA BARBA or BARBARA – Senbarb; Simberb
  • de SANCTA CLARA – St. Clare; Sinclair
  • de SANCTA CRUCE – St. Croix; Cross
  • de SANCTA ERMINA – Armine
  • de SANCTA FIDE – St. Faith; Faith; Fiddes
  • de SANCTA GENEVEFA – Jeneway
  • de SANTA MARIA – St. Mary (found in numerous 11th century charters, mainly as witnesses or grants, as opposed to fee records)
  • de SANCTA TERRA – Holyland
  • de SANCTA VILLA – Sent Vile; Sainneville
  • de SANCTO ALBANO – St. Alban
  • de SANCTO ALBINO – Seyntabyn; St. Aubyn
  • de SANCTO ALEMONDO – Salmon
  • de SANCTO AMANDO – St. Amand; Samand
  • de SANCTO AUDEMARO – St. Omer
  • de SANCTO AUDOENO – St. Owen
  • de SANCTO BRICIO – Brice
  • de SANCTO CINERINO – Chinnery
  • de SANCTO CLARO – Senclere; Sinclair
  • de SANCTO CLAUDO – Clodd; Clode
  • de SANCTO CRISPINO – Crispin; Crisp
  • de SANCTO DIONYSIO – Dennis
  • de SANCTO EDMUNDO – Edmunds
  • de SANCTO EDOLPHO – Stydolph
  • de SANCTO EDUARDO – Edwards
  • de SANCTO EUSTACIO – Stacey
  • de SANCTO GELASIO – Singlis
  • de SANCTO GERMANO – Germain
  • de SANCTO HILARIO – Hillary
  • de SANCTO JOHANNE – St. John; Singen
  • de SANCTO JUDOCO – de Joyeuse; Jorz; Joyce
  • de SANCTO LAUDO; de SANCTO LODO – St. Laud; Sentlo; Senlo
  • de SANCTO LEODEGARIO – St. Ledger; Sallenger; Ledger
  • de SANCTO LEONARDO – Lennard
  • de SANCTO LIZIO – St. Lys; Senliz
  • de SANCTO LUPO – Sentlow
  • de SANCTO LUZO – Sentluke
  • de SANCTO MARTINO – de Danmartin; Semarton; Martin
  • de SANCTO MAURISIO – St. Morris
  • de SANCTO MAURO – St. Maur
  • de SANCTO MEDARDO – Semark
  • de SANCTO NEOTO – Sennett
  • de SANCTO OLAUO – Toly
  • de SANCTO PAULO – Sampol; Semple
  • de SANCTO PETRO – Sampier; Semper; Symper
  • de SANCTO PHILEBERTO – Filbert
  • de SANCTO QUINTINO – St. Quintin
  • de SANCTO REMIGIO – de St. Remy; Remy
  • de SANCTO SERENNIO – Chinnery
  • de SANCTO VEDASTO – Foster
  • de SANCTO VIGORE – Vygour
  • de SANCTO WALLERICO – St. Wallere; Waller
  • de SANDUICO – Sandwich
  • SAPIENS – Le Sage
  • SARACENUS – Sarazin; Sarson
  • SARTORIUS – Sartoris; Sartres
  • SAVAGIUS – Savage
  • SAVARICUS – Savory
  • de SAVINIACO – de Savigny; Saveney
  • de SAXO FERRATO – Ironston; Ironzon
  • de SCALARIIS – de Scaliers; Scales
  • de SCOLEIO – Scully
  • de SEINLICIO; SENLYCIO – de Seinliz
  • de SELLA – de Salle; Sale
  • SENESCALLUS – Stewart; Stuart
  • de SEPTEM HIDIS – de Sethides
  • de SEPTEM VALLIBUS – de Setvaux
  • de SEPTEM VANNIS – Setvans
  • SERLO – Searle
  • de SEUECURDA – Seacourt
  • SEVALLUS – Sewell
  • de SICCA VILLA – de Secheville; de *Sacheville; Satchwell; Sackville
  • de SIDEVILLA – Sidwell
  • SILVANUS – Silvain; Salvin
  • SINE AVERIO – Sanzaver
  • SIVARDUS – Seward
  • de SOLA – Sole
  • de SOLARIIS – Solers
  • SOPHOCARDIUS – Wiseheart
  • de SPADA – Speed; Speedy
  • de SPINETO – Spine; Spinney
  • de STAGNO – Stanhow; Poole; Pond
  • de STAMPIS – d’Estampes; Stamp
  • de STELLA – Stel; Steele
  • STEPHANIDES – Fitz Stephen
  • STIGANAUS – Stiggins
  • de STIPITE SICCO – de la Zouche
  • de STOTEVILLA – d’Estoteville; Stutfield
  • STRABO – Louch
  • de STRATAVILLA – d’Estréeville; Streatfield
  • de STRATONA – Stretton
  • SUB NEMORE – Underwood
  • de SUDBURIA – Sudbury
  • de SUILLEIO – de Suilli; Sully
  • SUPER TYSAM – Surteys; Surtees
  • de SUREVILLA – Surville; Sherville
  • de SUTHLEIA; SUTLEIA – Suthley; Sudley
  • de SYLUA – Weld
  • de TABERNA – Taverner
  • TALLIATOR – Taylor
  • de TANAIA – Taney
  • de TANCO – de Tani; Tawney
  • de TANKARDI VILLA – Tankerville
  • TANNATOR – Le Tanur; Tanner
  • TAXO – Tesson; Tyson
  • TELARIUS – Taylor; Tylor
  • de TERTIA MANU – Tremayne
  • TEUTONICUS – Tyes; Teys
  • THAMARIUS – Thame; Tame
  • de THANETO – Thanet; Tanet; Tent
  • THEOBALDUS – Tipple
  • THEODORICUS – Terry; Derrick
  • de THORNAMUSA – Torneumue
  • de TIRNISCO – de Terouisch
  • de TOLETA – Tollitt; Tullet
  • de TONA – Tonny; Tony
  • de TORTO – Turt
  • de TOSCA – Tosh
  • de TRIBUS MINETIS – Treminet
  • de TRUBLEUILLA – Troubleville; Turberville
  • de TULKA – Tuke; Toke
  • de TURBIDA VILLA – Turberville
  • TURCHETILLUS – Turchill
  • de TURPI VADO – Fulford
  • de TURRI – Towers; Torry
  • de TURRIBUS – de Turs; de Tours
  • de TYLIA – Tille; Tyley
  • de UFFINTONA – Ufton
  • de UMBROSA QUERCU – Dimoak; Dimock
  • de URTIACO – de Lorty; Lort; Hort
  • de USSEIO – Ducie
  • USUSMARE – Hussey
  • de VAACEIO – de Vaacey; Vaizey
  • VACA – de la Wae; Wake
  • VACARIUS – Vacher; Levaque; Livock
  • de VACCARIA – Vicary; Vickery
  • de VADA – Wade
  • de VADO BOUM – Oxford
  • de VADO SAXI – Stanford
  • VALCHELINUS – Wakelin
  • de VALEIO – de Valle; Wall
  • de VALENCIA – Valence
  • VALESIUS – Walsh
  • de VALLE – Wale; Wall
  • de VALLE TORTA – Valetor; Vautort
  • de VALLIBUS – de Vals; Vaux
  • de VALLO – Wall
  • de VALONIIS – de Valognes; Valoines
  • de VALUINIS – Wauwain; Walwyn
  • de VANNARIO – Le Vanner
  • de VARAVILLA – Varvill; Warwell
  • VARDÆUS – Ward
  • VELOX – Swift; Fogarty
  • VENATOR – Vendore; Venour
  • de VENETIA – Venesse
  • de VERINEIO – de Verigny; Verney
  • de VERNACO – de Vernai; Ferney
  • de VESCI – Vessey
  • de VETERE AULA – Oldhall; Oldham
  • de VETERE PONTE – Vieuxpont; Vipont; Veepount
  • de VETULA – Vale; Viel; Vyel
  • de VETULIS – de Vielles
  • VETULUS – Viel
  • de VICARIIS – Viccars
  • VICINUS – Le Veysin
  • de VICO – de Vicques; Vick
  • VIDULATOR – Le Vielur
  • de Vigneio – da Vigny; de Wignai
  • de VILLA – Veal
  • de VILLA MAGNA – Mandeville
  • de VILLA MOTA; MOUTA – Wilmot
  • de VILLA TORTA – Croketon
  • de VILLARIIS – Villiers
  • de VINDINO – de Vendome; Phantam
  • de VINO SALUO – Vinsauf
  • de VIRIDI CAMPO – Greenfield
  • de VIRIDI VILLA – Greenville
  • VITULUS – See also «VETULUS»
  • VULPIS – Renard; Rainer
  • VULSÆUS – Wolsey
  • de WACELLIS – Wasel; Vassall
  • WALCHELINUS – Wakelin
  • WALLENSIS – Le Walleis; Wallace
  • de WANCEIO – Wansey
  • de WARENNA – Warren
  • WARENNARIUS – Warrender
  • de WARNEUILLA – Warneville
  • de WARTEUILLA – See also «de WATEUILLA»
  • de WASA – Wace
  • de WASPRIA – de Guaspre; de Waspre; Vosper
  • de WATELEGA – Wateley; Wheatley
  • de WATEUILLA – Waleville; Waterfield
  • de WELLEBO – de Wellebof; Welbore
  • WISCARDUS – Wishart
  • WOLLÆUS – Wolley
  • WOLSÆUS – Wolsey
  • WOLUESÆUS – Wolsey
  • de WYUILLA – Wyville; Weevil; Whewell

Biological taxonomyEdit

One of the most abundant sources of latinized names is in biological taxonomic nomenclature, particularly binomial nomenclature. Many thousands of species are named after individuals, chiefly but not exclusively scientists. This most often involves, in principle, creating a latinized equivalent of the name in question. In some cases this will involve a traditional latinization; for example, the grey penduline tit, Anthoscopus caroli, derives its specific name from the genitive of the traditional Latin form Carolus for the first name of the Swedish explorer Karl Johan Andersson. In most cases, the names are «one-off» latinized forms produced by adding the genitive endings -ii or -i for a man, -ae for a woman, or -orum in plural, to a family name, thereby creating a latinized form. For example, a name such as Macrochelys temminckii notionally represents a latinization of the family name of Coenraad Jacob Temminck to «Temminckius.» Another example, Acisoma attenboroughi, latinizes the name of Sir David Attenborough as if «Attenboroughus.»

See alsoEdit

  • List of Latin nicknames of the Middle Ages


  1. ^ Staffan Nyström (main editor), Eva Brylla, Märit Frändén, Mats Wahlberg & Per Vikstrand 2013:
    Namn och namnforskning. Ett levande läromedel om ortnamn, personnamn och andra namn, pp. 121-122. Accessed on February 15th, 2020, at
  2. ^ Staffan Nyström (main editor), Eva Brylla, Märit Frändén, Mats Wahlberg & Per Vikstrand 2013: Namn och namnforskning. Ett levande läromedel om ortnamn, personnamn och andra namn, p. 148. Accessed on February 15th, 2020, at
  3. ^ de:Deutsche Familiennamen
  4. ^ de:Liste latinisierter Personennamen
  5. ^ Stieger, Daniel 2019. Alte Berufsbezeichnungen. (Updated December 7th, 2019. Accessed December 22nd, 2019)
  6. ^ G. E. Cokayne, The Complete Peerage, Vol.3, 1913, Appendix C, p.610
  7. ^ John Collinson, History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, Vol.2, 1791, p.378 [1]
  8. ^ Literally: «from the golden testicles»
  9. ^ Charles Trice Martin; Elias (de) Aureis Testiculis was holding 10 knight’s fees of Earl William of Gloucester in the Cartae Baronum of 1166
  10. ^ Collins Robert French Dictionary
  11. ^ «Court-hand restored, or, the student’s assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records, etc. : Neatly engraved on twenty-three copper plates, describing the old law hands, with their contractions and abbreviations : With an appendix containing the ancient names of places in Great Britain and Ireland : An alphabetical table of ancient surnames : And a glossography of Latin words found in the works of the most eminent lawyers and other ancient writings, but not in any modern dictionaries». 1879.
  12. ^ Martin, Charles Trice (1910). The Record Interpreter: a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records (2nd ed.). London: Stevens and Sons.
  13. ^ Wright, Andrew; Martin, Charles Trice (November 9, 1879). «Court-hand restored, or, The student’s assistant in reading old deeds, charters, records, etc». London : Reeves & Turner – via Internet Archive.
  14. ^ «The Norman People and Their Existing Descendants in the British Dominions and the United States of America». 1874.

Latin names are plentiful throughout English-speaking countries, as Latin is one of the root languages for English. Latin names include many of the most popular baby names in the Western world, including Lucy and Oliver, Julia, and Miles.

Latin names in the US Top 100 for girls include Ava, Clara, Lillian, Olivia, and Stella. For boys, Latin names in the US Top 100 include Dominic, Lucas, Julian, Roman, and Sebastian. In Rome, popular names include Cecilia, Viola, Christian, and Santiago.

Of course, many unique baby names have Latin origins too, such as Sidra, Domino, and Vesper. Latin was the language of ancient Rome, another source for fashionable modern names, such as Augustus, Cassius, and Octavia.

Browse all of our Latin baby names here. The top names below rank among the current US Top 1000 Baby Names and are ordered by popularity. Unique names rank below the Top 1000 and are listed alphabetically.

This is a list of names in which the origin is Latin. Latin was the language spoken in ancient Rome and many parts of the Roman Empire.

Abundius m Late Roman
From Latin abundus meaning «abundant, plentiful». This was the name of several early saints, including a 5th-century bishop of Como.

Adeodatus m Late Roman
Latin name meaning «given by God». This was the name of a son of Saint Augustine and two popes (who are also known by the related name Deusdedit).

Adi 3 m German, Romanian
Diminutive of Adolf (German) or Adrian (Romanian) as well as other names beginning with the same sound.

Admir m Bosnian, Albanian
Meaning uncertain. It might be a variant of Amir 1 or it could be derived from Latin admiror meaning «admire».

Adrian m English, Romanian, Polish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian
Form of Hadrianus (see Hadrian) used in several languages. Several saints and six popes have borne this name, including the only English pope, Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pope, Adrian VI. As an English name, it has been in use since the Middle Ages, though it was not popular until modern times.

Adrianus m Dutch
Official Dutch form of Adrian, used on birth certificates but not commonly in daily life.

Aelius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name that was possibly derived from the Greek word ἥλιος (helios) meaning «sun». This was the family name of the Roman emperor Hadrian.

Aetius m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen that was probably derived from Greek ἀετός (aetos) meaning «eagle». A famous bearer was the 5th-century Roman general Flavius Aetius, who defeated Attila the Hun at the Battle of Chalons.

Afra 1 f Late Roman, Italian
Originally used by the Romans as a nickname for a woman from Africa. This was the name of two early saints.

África f Spanish
Spanish form of Africa 1. It is usually taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de África, the patron saint of the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in North Africa.

Africa 1 f African American (Rare)
From the name of the continent, which is of Latin origin, possibly from the Afri people who lived near Carthage in North Africa. This rare name is used most often by African-American parents.

Africanus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen derived from the place name Africa, which in Roman times referred only to North Africa. This was the agnomen of the 3rd-century BC Roman general Scipio Africanus, who was honoured with it after his victory over Carthage in the Second Punic War. His descendants used it as a cognomen.

Agrippa m & f Ancient Roman, Biblical
Roman cognomen of unknown meaning, possibly from a combination of Greek ἄγριος (agrios) meaning «wild» and ἵππος (hippos) meaning «horse» or alternatively of Etruscan origin. It was also used as a praenomen, or given name, by the Furia and Menenia families. In the New Testament this name was borne by Herod Agrippa (a grandson of Herod the Great), the king of Israel who put the apostle James to death. It was also borne by the 1st-century BC Roman general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa.

Agrippina f Ancient Roman, Sicilian
Feminine derivative of Agrippa. This name was borne by the scheming mother of the Roman emperor Nero, who eventually had her killed. This was also the name of a 3rd-century Roman saint who is venerated in Sicily.

Ahenobarbus m Ancient Roman
From a Roman cognomen meaning «bronze beard» in Latin. This name was borne by a series of consuls of the late Roman Republic.

Aifric f Irish
From Old Irish Affraic, possibly from Afraicc, the Old Irish name of the continent of Africa (see Africa 1). Alternatively, it could be from *Aithbrecc, an unattested earlier form of Aithbhreac. This was the name of two abbesses of Kildare in the 8th and 9th centuries. It was also borne by a 12th-century daughter of the king of the Isle of Mann who married the Anglo-Norman knight John de Courcy.

Aimé m French
From Old French Amé, the masculine form of Amée (see Amy).

Alba 1 f Italian, Spanish, Catalan
This name is derived from two distinct names, Alba 2 and Alba 3, with distinct origins, Latin and Germanic. Over time these names have become confused with one another. To further complicate the matter, alba means «dawn» in Italian, Spanish and Catalan. This may be the main inspiration behind its use in Italy and Spain.

Alban m German, French, Albanian, English (Rare)
From the Roman cognomen Albanus, which meant «from Alba». Alba (from Latin albus «white») was the name of various places within the Roman Empire, including the city Alba Longa. This name was borne by Saint Alban, the first British martyr (4th century). According to tradition, he sheltered a fugitive priest in his house. When his house was searched, he disguised himself as the priest, was arrested in his stead, and was beheaded. Another 4th-century martyr by this name was Saint Alban of Mainz.… [more]

Albina f Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Slovene, Polish, German, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Albinus. This was the name of a few early saints, including a 3rd-century martyr from Caesarea.

Albinus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen that was a derivative of Albus. Saint Albinus (also called Aubin) was a 6th-century bishop of Angers in Brittany.

Alma 1 f English, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Albanian, Slovene, Croatian
This name became popular after the Battle of Alma (1854), which took place near the River Alma in Crimea and ended in a victory for Britain and France. However, the name was in rare use before the battle; it was probably inspired by Latin almus «nourishing». It also coincides with the Spanish word meaning «the soul».

Altagracia f Spanish (Caribbean)
Means «high grace», taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia, meaning «Our Lady of High Grace». She is considered the patron saint of the Dominican Republic, and it is there that this name is most often used.

Amabilis m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning «lovable». Saint Amabilis was a 5th-century priest in Riom, central France.

Amadeo m Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Spanish form of Amadeus, as well as an Italian variant. This was the name of a 19th-century king of Spain (born in Italy).

Amadeus m Late Roman
Means «love of God», derived from Latin amare «to love» and Deus «God». A famous bearer was the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), who was actually born Wolfgang Theophilus Mozart but preferred the Latin translation of his Greek middle name. This name was also assumed as a middle name by the German novelist E. T. A. Hoffmann (1776-1822), who took it in honour of Mozart.

Amadis m Literature
Probably an Old Spanish form of Amadeus. In a medieval tale Amadis of Gaul was a heroic knight-errant and the lover of Oriana. The earliest extant version of the story, Amadís de Gaula, was written by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo in 1508.

Amanda f English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Latvian, Late Roman
In part this is a feminine form of Amandus. However, it was not used during the Middle Ages. In the 17th century it was recreated by authors and poets who based it directly on Latin amanda meaning «lovable, worthy of love». Notably, the playwright Colley Cibber used it for a character in his play Love’s Last Shift (1696). It came into regular use during the 19th century.

Amandus m Late Roman
Derived from Latin amanda meaning «lovable, worthy of love». Saint Amandus was a 5th-century bishop of Bordeaux. It was also borne by a 7th-century French saint who evangelized in Flanders.

Amantius m Late Roman
Means «loving» in Latin. This was the name of several early saints. It has sometimes been confused with the name Amandus.

Amator m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning «lover (of God)». Saint Amator was a 5th-century bishop of Auxerre.

Amatus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning «beloved». The 7th-century Saint Amatus was the first abbot of Remiremont Abbey.

Amber f English, Dutch
From the English word amber that denotes either the gemstone, which is formed from fossil resin, or the orange-yellow colour. The word ultimately derives from Arabic عنبر (‘anbar). It began to be used as a given name in the late 19th century, but it only became popular after the release of Kathleen Winsor’s novel Forever Amber (1944).

Amedeo m Italian
Italian form of Amadeus. A notable bearer of this name was Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856), an Italian chemist most famous for the constant that now bears his name: Avogadro’s Number. Another famous bearer was the Italian painter and sculptor Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920).

America f English
In the English-speaking world, this name is usually given in reference to the United States of America (see Amerigo). It came into use as an American name in the 19th century.

Amice f Medieval English
Medieval name derived from Latin amicus meaning «friend». This was a popular name in the Middle Ages, though it has since become uncommon.

Amika f Esperanto
Means «friendly» in Esperanto, ultimately from Latin amicus «friend».

Amis m Medieval English, Medieval French
Medieval name, a masculine form of Amice. It appears in the medieval French poem Amis and Amiles, about two friends who make sacrifices for one another.

Amor m & f Roman Mythology, Late Roman, Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Means «love» in Latin. This was another name for the Roman god Cupid. It also means «love» in Spanish and Portuguese, and as a feminine name it can be derived directly from this vocabulary word.

Amulius m Roman Mythology
Meaning unknown. In Roman mythology Amulius overthrew his brother Numitor, king of Alba Longa, but was eventually deposed by Numitor’s grandsons Romulus and Remus.

Amy f English
English form of the Old French name Amée meaning «beloved» (modern French aimée), a vernacular form of the Latin Amata. As an English name, it was in use in the Middle Ages (though not common) and was revived in the 19th century.

Amyas m English (Rare)
Meaning unknown, perhaps a derivative of Amis. Alternatively, it may come from a surname that originally indicated that the bearer was from the city of Amiens in France. Edmund Spenser used this name for a minor character in his epic poem The Faerie Queene (1590).

Andeolus m Late Roman
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a saint who was martyred in southern Gaul (at the town now known as Bourg-Saint-Andéol) in 3rd century.

Aneirin m Old Welsh, Welsh
Old Welsh name, possibly from the Latin name Honorius. This was the name of a 6th-century Brythonic poet, also known as Neirin or Aneurin, who is said to be the author of the poem Y Gododdin.

Ange m & f French
French masculine and feminine form of Angelus (see Angel).

Angel m & f English, Bulgarian, Macedonian
From the medieval Latin masculine name Angelus, which was derived from the name of the heavenly creature (itself derived from the Greek word ἄγγελος (angelos) meaning «messenger»). It has never been very common in the English-speaking world, where it is sometimes used as a feminine name in modern times.

Angela f English, Italian, German, Dutch, Romanian, Slovene, Slovak, Russian, Macedonian, Greek, Late Roman
Feminine form of Angelus (see Angel). As an English name, it came into use in the 18th century.

Angelica f English, Italian, Romanian
Derived from Latin angelicus meaning «angelic», ultimately related to Greek ἄγγελος (angelos) meaning «messenger». The poets Boiardo and Ariosto used this name in their Orlando poems (1483 and 1532), where it belongs to Orlando’s love interest. It has been used as a given name since the 18th century.

Angelina f Italian, English, Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Armenian
Latinate diminutive of Angela. A famous bearer is American actress Angelina Jolie (1975-).

Angerona f Roman Mythology
Possibly from Latin angor «strangulation, torment» or angustus «narrow, constricted». Angerona was the Roman goddess of the winter solstice, death, and silence.

Angie f English
Diminutive of Angela. The 1973 Rolling Stones song Angie caused this name to jump in popularity.

Anielka f Polish (Rare), Central American
Polish diminutive of Aniela. This name has become particularly popular in Nicaragua, though a connection to the Polish name is not clear.

Anjanette f English
Perhaps a blend of Angela and Antonette, or Ann and Janette. It had a little burst of popularity in the United States in the 1960s, when the actress Anjanette Comer (1939-) was active.

Annabel f English, Dutch
Variant of Amabel, with the spelling altered as if it were a combination of Anna and French belle «beautiful». This name appears to have arisen in Scotland in the Middle Ages.

Annunziata f Italian
Means «announced» in Italian, referring to the event in the New Testament in which the angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary of the imminent birth of Jesus.

Anthony m English
English form of the Roman family name Antonius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. The most notable member of the Roman family was the general Marcus Antonius (called Mark Antony in English), who for a period in the 1st century BC ruled the Roman Empire jointly with Augustus. When their relationship turned sour, he and his mistress Cleopatra were attacked and forced to commit suicide, as related in Shakespeare’s tragedy Antony and Cleopatra (1606).… [more]

Antoinette f French
Feminine diminutive of Antoine. This name was borne by Marie Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution. She was executed by guillotine.

Anton m German, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, Dutch, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Slovene, Slovak, Macedonian, Croatian, Romanian, Estonian, Finnish, Georgian, English
Form of Antonius (see Anthony) used in various languages.

Antonia f Italian, Spanish, English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Romanian, Greek, Croatian, Bulgarian, Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Antonius (see Anthony).

Antonín m Czech
Czech form of Antoninus, also used as the Czech form of Antonius (see Anthony). A famous bearer was the Czech composer Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904).

Antonin m French
French form of Antoninus. This name was borne by the French playwright Antonin Artaud (1896-1948).

Antonino m Italian
Italian form of Antoninus. This name was borne by several Roman and Italian saints.

Antoninus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen, a derivative of Antonius (see Anthony). There were several early saints named Antoninus, including the patrons of Sorrento and Piacenza. This was also the name of a 2nd-century Roman emperor, Antoninus Pius (full name Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius).

Antonio m Spanish, Italian, Croatian
Spanish and Italian form of Antonius (see Anthony). This has been a common name in Italy since the 14th century. In Spain it was the most popular name for boys in the 1950s and 60s.… [more]

Antonius m Ancient Roman, Dutch
Latin form of Anthony. This is also the official Dutch form of the name, used on birth certificates but commonly rendered Anton or Antoon in daily life.

Antony m English
Variant of Anthony. This was formerly the usual English spelling of the name, but during the 17th century the h began to be added.

Aphra f Various
Meaning uncertain; possibly a variant of Afra 1, or possibly a variant of Aphrah, a biblical place name meaning «dust». This name was borne by the English writer Aphra Behn (1640-1689).

Appius m Ancient Roman
This was a Roman praenomen, or given name, used predominantly by the Claudia family. Its etymology is unknown. A famous bearer of this name was Appius Claudius Caecus, a Roman statesman of the 3rd century BC. He was responsible for the Aqua Appia (the first Roman aqueduct) and the Appian Way (a road between Rome and Capua), both of which were named for him.

April f English
From the name of the month, probably originally derived from Latin aperire «to open», referring to the opening of flowers. It has only been commonly used as a given name since the 1940s.

Aquila m & f Biblical, Ancient Roman
From a Roman cognomen meaning «eagle» in Latin. In Acts in the New Testament Paul lives with Aquila and his wife Priscilla (or Prisca) for a time.

Arabella f English
Medieval Scottish name, probably a variant of Annabel. It has long been associated with Latin orabilis meaning «invokable, yielding to prayer», and the name was often recorded in forms resembling this.… [more]

Araceli f Spanish
Means «altar of the sky» from Latin ara «altar» and coeli «sky». This is an epithet of the Virgin Mary in her role as the patron saint of Lucena, Spain.

Asunción f Spanish
Means «assumption» in Spanish. This name is given in reference to the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven.

Attilio m Italian
Italian form of the Roman family name Atilius, which is of unknown Etruscan origin. Marcus Atilius Regulus was a Roman consul and hero of the First Punic War.

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum, adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie; et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris; et ne inducas nos in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.

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