The word mystery in a sentence

Synonym: closed book, enigma, mystery story, secret, whodunit. Similar words: mysterious, oyster, hysteria, hysterical, step by step, system, ecosystem, solar system. Meaning: [‘mɪstərɪ]  n. 1. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained 2. a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie. 

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1. There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade. 

2. Nobody clued us to this mystery.

3. He often tells stories full of mystery.

4. The woods have an aura of mystery.

5. Nobody has ever solved the mystery.

6. The play is a murder mystery.

7. The source of the gunshots still remains a mystery.

8. Who had taken the book? It was a mystery.

9. The mystery has not yet been completely solved.

10. The creation of life remains a mystery.

11. Her latest book’s a murder mystery.

12. Their motives remain a mystery.

13. The story alluded to a mystery in her past.

14. Yesterday is history .Tomorrow is a mystery .But today is a gift.

15. Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.

16. It’s a mystery to me why they didn’t choose him.

17. It’s a complete mystery to me why they chose him.

18. They never cleared up the mystery of the missing money.

18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

19. The whole incident was shrouded in mystery.

20. He happened on a clue to the mystery.

21. Her main reading seems to be mystery novels.

22. Air travel has lost much of its mystery.

23. Wearing dark glasses gives him an air of mystery.

24. There’s a bit of a mystery about this child.

25. The dark glasses give her an air of mystery.

26. What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery.

27. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery.

28. Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery(, I only power is my persistence spirit.

29. Twenty years after the event, his death remains a mystery .

30. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is a Mystery and Today is a giftthat’s why we call it The Present.

More similar words: mysterious, oyster, hysteria, hysterical, step by step, system, ecosystem, solar system, unitary system, battery, adultery, cemetery, foster, poster, austere, western, cluster, monster, eastern, bolster, yesterday, disaster, register, youngster, sinister, minister, filibuster, stereotype, boisterous, interested.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word mystery, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use mystery in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «mystery».

Mystery in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word mystery in a sentence.

  1. The mystery was never solved.

  2. The number of members is a mystery.

  3. The Harvest mural had a life of mystery.

  4. So I don’t find it that much of a mystery.

  5. The actual cause of death remains a mystery.

  6. Once in the castle, Ista discovers a mystery.

  7. Hercule Poirot is pulled into another mystery.

  8. The death of Antiochus X is shrouded in mystery.

  9. The Skinner sisters are a mystery to the village.

  10. Astronomers may be close to solving this mystery.

  11. The identity of Goebel’s assassin remains a mystery.

  12. To them the Zero did not long remain a mystery plane.

  13. I pondered the mystery, without being able to solve it».

  14. The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery.

  15. There are many aspects of this process which remain a mystery.

  16. Some temples of Isis performed mystery rites to initiate new members of the cult.

  17. When the mystery is solved (it was Frank Grimes’s son), he returns to murder Bart.

  18. Poirot believes he knows the truth behind the mystery, but could the truth be fatal?

  19. The mystery drama The Words failed commercially, as did the action comedy Hit and Run.

  20. My grandfather introduced me to the mystery of life and I’m still in the middle of it.

  21. A similar mystery attends the 1873-S, which despite the stated mintage of 700, is not known to exist.

  22. Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales of mystery and the macabre.

  23. The editors were Anthony Boucher, a well-regarded mystery writer who wrote some science fiction, and J.

  24. Later, Gyllenhaal starred in David Fincher’s mystery thriller Zodiac (2007), based on the Zodiac killer.

  25. Mary Roberts Rinehart was one of the most successful American mystery writers of the early 20th century.

  26. By the latter part of the 16th-century Reformation, the Church had grown less tolerant of mystery plays.

  27. Oxenfree is a supernatural mystery graphic adventure game developed and published by Night School Studio.

  28. Despite an extensive police investigation, the killer was never found and his identity is still a mystery.

  29. There were exceptions if it was deliberately obvious or necessary—for example, in theatre, or mystery plays.

  30. Because not all local cults of Isis held mystery rites, not all her devotees would have undergone initiation.

  31. Although many hypotheses have been put forward to explain how the ketogenic diet works, it remains a mystery.

  32. Others followed and in time much of the mystery surrounding this and the other Lava Beds of Idaho was lifted.

  33. She died in Wethersfield, Connecticut in 1773, but the mystery surrounding her disappearance remains unsolved.

  34. The book, a political mystery thriller, is titled State of Terror and is slated to be released in October 2021.

  35. A solemn thing it was I said –A Woman White to be –And wear if God should count me fit –Her blameless mystery –.

  36. Evidence about interactions between Christianity and the mystery cults is poor, making the question difficult to resolve.

  37. These findings strengthened Flood’s suspicions that human wrongdoing rather than natural disaster lay behind the mystery.

  38. Changeling is a 2008 American mystery crime drama film directed, produced, and scored by Clint Eastwood and written by J.

  39. However, the BCS theory does not explain high temperature superconductivity, and its precise mechanism is still a mystery.

  40. She next starred opposite Arjun Rampal in the romantic mystery thriller Yakeen, portraying the role of a possessive lover.

  41. The sequences towards the end that explain the missing pieces of the mystery were compared with The Usual Suspects (1995).

  42. Groundwork was laid for story arcs, such as the mystery of Rita’s identity, Betty’s career and Adam Kesher’s film project.

  43. A minor mystery concerns a Jovian spot depicted around 1700 on a canvas by Donato Creti, which is exhibited in the Vatican.

  44. Astrological themes appeared in many other cults in the Roman Empire, including another mystery cult, dedicated to Mithras.

  45. The Mystery Writers of America present an annual award known as the Edgar Award for distinguished work in the mystery genre.

  46. Mellor concludes: «We’ve had to wait some 80 years to hear less than three minutes of music, and the mystery of the Eighth isn’t set to unfold any more rapidly from here».

  47. Dental wear analysis has shed some light on this dietary mystery, suggesting that monkey lemurs had a more eclectic diet, while using tough seeds as a fall-back food item.

  48. During the Voyager missions to the planet, planetary scientists identified 13 crater chains on Callisto and three on Ganymede, the origin of which was initially a mystery.

  49. Upon hearing her father’s story, the narrator becomes interested in the mystery and begins researching Dracula as she and her father travel across Europe during the 1970s.

  50. Not only were 2000 to 3000 police officers deployed for the visit, but a group of mystery men wearing black suits followed Li Keqiang around to protect him around the city.

Synonyms for mystery

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word mystery has the following synonyms: enigma, secret, closed book, mystery story and whodunit.

General information about «mystery» example sentences

The example sentences for the word mystery that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «mystery» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «mystery».

mystery — перевод на русский


The mystery’s all gone.

Тайна исчезла.

Mystery surrounds the shooting…

Тайна, которой окутан выстрел…

Mystery and discretion are your trump cards.

Тайна — вот ваш козырь.

And when you say, «old maid,» he says: «Eyes that sparkle with fire and mystery…

А где вы говорите «старая дева» , он говорит: «в ваших глазах сверкает огонь и тайна» .

It’s a mystery, a sinister one, believe me.

Это тайна, и зловещая, поверьте.

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a complete mystery.

абсолютная загадка.

— Hold on, Cassidy. I still can’t believe… It must be some kind of a mystery.

— Спокойно, Кэссиди, до сих пор не могу поверить, это какая-то загадка, я не могу…

All right for one mystery, but not two!

Загадка — ладно. Две — уже слишком!

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I doubt our mystery friend could manage anything that size on his own.

Сомневаюсь, что наш таинственный друг сможет в одиночку организовать что-то такого масштаба.

Mr Mystery Guest,… .. are you still there?

Мистер таинственный гость ты все еще там?

City of mystery Of enchantment.

Таинственный и чарующий город.

— It’s your mystery man on two.

Хелен, это твой таинственный мужчина на второй линии.

Ladies and gentlemen of the un-United Nations and our mystery bidder may I present Antonio Diego serial murderer, serving life in prison and sole surviving volunteer.

Дамы и господа из тех, кто не примкнул к ООН а также наш таинственный клиент разрешите представить Антонио Диего серийный убийца, отбывавший пожизненное заключение и единственный выживший подопытный.

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«Mystery fires on board unlucky ship.

«Загадочный пожар на борту корабля-неудачника.

A man of mystery!

— О, загадочный незнакомец.

Will the mystery guest please sign in?

Наш загадочный гость здесь.

A man of mystery.

Загадочный тип.

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The Mystery of Picasso

Таинство Пикассо.

«The mystery of the Cross commands you!

«Таинство Креста повелевает тебе!

Everything led me to this act, even the mystery of Redemption.

Все вело меня к этому поступку, даже таинство искупления.

— That’s a mystery.

Это таинство.

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I read a lot of mysteries and I just figure out the endings half way…

Я читаю много детективов и обычно всегда угадываю развязку ещё на середине.

Are you forgetting Item 1 from Top Truths for Teen Sleuths, A Crane Boys Mysteries Workbook?

Ты забыл первый пункт наших «Десяти наставлений для юных детективов»?

You read too many mystery novels as a student?

Ты, наверное, перечитала детективов, когда была студенткой?

A mystery film club…

Клуб любителей детективов?

No mystery novels, no symbols, no Oxford.

Никаких детективов, никаких символов, никакого Оксфорда.

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Yes, its secret, the mystery.

— Да, секрет.

There is no mystery as to who was stealing… most of the objects from number 26 Hickory Road, or why.

Больше не секрет, кто украл вещи из дома 26 по Гикори Роуд. И зачем.

— A fascinating mystery

Такой секрет!

So, guys, what’s the big mystery?

Итак.. в чем заключается этот большой секрет?

So that’s it? Mystery solved?

Секрет раскрыт?

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A little mystery sugarcoating.

чуточка притягательной таинственности.

Roly’s no mystery, Mr Farnon.

В Роли нет никакой таинственности, мистер Фарнон.

His social position had an air of mystery, even of crime about it.

Его положение в свете окружал ореол таинственности, быть может, даже преступности.

My last six drawings will be redolent of the mystery.

Оставшиеся шесть рисунков будут полны таинственности.

Silent, And full of mystery, as always

Тихий, и как всегда полный таинственности

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You know, the one that our hote l-room-torching mystery man

Ты знаешь, этот который наш отельный взрыватель мистический человек использовал?

then maybe the mystery partner went with him

Возможно, мистический сообщник был с ним.

Maybe it’s the ambiguously Supernatural mystery uncle.

Может это будет амбициозный, мистический супер-дядя?

And mystery monster jumps in,

И мистический монстр скачет,

I know what happens in mystery pictures.

знаю что происходит в мистических фильмах.

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You’re a sort of mystery man even to your friends.

Вы — своего рода человек-загадка даже для своих друзей.

He’s every bit an international man of mystery.

Он человек-загадка международного масштаба.

The mystery man.


Clark Kent, man of mystery.

Кларк Кент. Человек-загадка.

I’m her man of mystery.

Я — её человек-загадка.

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Examples of how to use the word “mystery” in a sentence. How to connect “mystery” with other words to make correct English sentences.

mystery (n): something strange or not known that has not yet been explained or understood

Use “mystery” in a sentence

Life is full of mysteries.
His identity remains a mystery.
That mystery has never been solved.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


тайна, таинство, мистерия, таинственный


- тайна

unsolved mystery — неразрешённая /неразгаданная/ тайна
wrapped in mystery — окутанный тайной; покрытый мраком неизвестности
to make a mystery of smth. — делать из чего-л. тайну /секрет/
it is a mystery to me how he managed to do it — мне непонятно /для меня остаётся тайной/, как ему удалось это сделать

- таинственность

I see no mystery about it — я в этом не вижу ничего таинственного

- церк. таинство
- pl. тайные обряды (особ. у древних народов)
- театр. мистерия (тж. mystery play)
- разг. детективный роман или рассказ (тж. mystery book)
- уст. ремесло
- ист. гильдия

Мои примеры


clarify the mystery surrounding her death — прояснить загадку её смерти  
The mystery has been heightened by many embellishments in subsequent retellings. — При последующих пересказах эта история стала ещё более загадочной за счёт многократного приукрашивания.  
a faint clue to the origin of the mystery — слабый намёк на разгадку этой тайны / маленький ключик к разгадке этой тайны  
to expound the mystery — объяснить тайну  
to hold the key to a mystery — знать разгадку тайны  
murder mystery — тайна убийства  
shrouded / wrapped in mystery — окутанный тайной  
to clear up / fathom / solve / unravel a mystery — открыть, разгадать тайну  
mystery play — театр.; ист. мистерия  
bag of mystery — уст.; шутл. сосиска, колбаса  
deep mystery — непостижимая загадка  
mystery shopper — тайный покупатель  
mystery shopping — виртуальная покупка  

Примеры с переводом

It was a mystery to me.

Это было для меня тайной.

The mystery has been solved.

Тайна раскрыта.

The reason why she did it is a mystery.

По какой причине она это сделала, остаётся загадкой.

She reads a lot of mystery novels.

Она читает много детективных романов.

The book gives the reader plenty of clues to solve the mystery.

Книга даёт читателю множество подсказок, помогающих раскрыть эту тайну.

The affair is wrapped up in mystery.

Это дело окутано тайной.

How it got out is a mystery.

Как это выплыло наружу — остаётся загадкой.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her dark glasses gave her an air of mystery.

The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery

…the cloak of mystery that surrounds the royal family…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): mystery
мн. ч.(plural): mysteries

«Great is the mystery of godliness,» says Paul; and _mystery_ involves the unknown. ❋ Mary Baker Eddy (1865)

It is the function of the poet to realize and revere the mystery, but it is the duty of philosophy to explore and dissipate it, as far as possible, for _mystery is the foe of human progress_. ❋ Unknown (1856)

Still, a pricing system shrouded in mystery is also ripe for abuse. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Especially since, after the main mystery is resolved, there is all those post-climactic follow-up, which in the end doesnt ‘really go anywhere, and all these plot bits are left mysterious and unresolved at the end. ❋ Desayunoencama (2005)

The Vatican Council has explained the meaning to be attributed to the term mystery in theology. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

When we opened the book to the contents page, the title mystery was solved. ❋ Queen, Ellery (1864)

The White House is about to learn that we’re much more inclined to support the candidate who has always been on our side over the candidate who brings new meaning to the term mystery meat. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Mr. Lazaridis doesn’t use the term mystery, but he focuses in the same fashion on solving paradoxes, most particularly for the original breakthrough on how to reduce size for laptops yet create a better and more usable product. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This mystery is a profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church … ❋ Unknown (2009)

I’m not sure what the mystery is about the end of Galactica. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I thought the premise was interesting, but to set up a murder mystery and then have no progress made toward trying to solve the mystery is annoying. ❋ Unknown (2008)

It comes from the Greek word mueo, meaning “to initiate,” and is the base of the word musterion, the source of our word mystery. ❋ Carlton Pearson (2010)

Another element of the mystery is the deftness gap. ❋ Unknown (2008)

And one of the few cards that they can play to some effect is what I call the mystery card: Keeping us and others in the dark about their intentions, their system. ❋ Unknown (2010)

“The solution to the mystery is always inferior to the mystery itself” as Borges would have it. ❋ Unknown (2008)

1) Girl 1: How’s your mystery, love? Girl 2: Oh, just [spiffy]. We were [mackin’] yesterday. Girl 1: I’m totally [jellin’]… I wish I had a mystery.
2) Oh, fuck! I just stepped in some mystery! ❋ Brankie (2005)

Dionysos mystery and [demeter] mystery were kept in secret. Who broke [the silence] [oath], had to die. ❋ Ptk (2004)

[omg] [heaton] is [nothing] compared to mystery. ❋ No I Am Not A Mystery Writing This Poofta Sifn’t (2003)

[Mystery] is better than [CARMACK]!![111] ❋ Eekekke (2003)

it’s a mystery that he [didnt] [knock] his mother [the fuck out] ❋ Anonymous (2003)

[OMG] he [such a] mystery ❋ Andrew (2003)

[Dib]: [Mysterious Mysteries] is on!
Gaz: Why do you have a head?
Dib: i finally got pictures of [Zim] without his disguise, Im sending them to Mysterious Mysteries and then the whole world will know the truth! ❋ Invader Alice (2008)

-Did you [read that] [poem]? its dark and [cheerful].
-Well you can never know what *Name* thinks about he is Mysterious ❋ SilverHeart (2009)

Today I received [a phone call] from a [manufacturer] offering a new mysterial when I can’t even get a [supply] of the popular materials. ❋ Qfm (2017)

[Outer Space] is a very mysterious [place]. ❋ Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker (2021)

that, is a mystery

that was a good few years ago, when we did that murder mystery play

Either the mystery man had been well secured before being murdered, or he was long dead before he arrived in Sunnyvale

The Garda took the small laminated card and held it far away from his eyes, peering, as though at a mystery

It is a mystery

«Healthy adults of sound mind simply disappear and it is a mystery to all concerned

She was becoming more of a mystery to me and she still refused to disclose the reasons why our bank account was so short of money

The mystery of infinite walls made my head spin

The greatest mystery of all, Persephone’s 21st birthday party yesterday: First of all, she didn’t want me to come at the same time as her other friends

It is a mystery, though, that all problems appear when I type her texts!

The only ones that can truly apprehend that mystery of the resurrection at the end of the age are those that have experienced resurrection now in this age

JJ and Angie debated for several minutes where this could be but in the end Iain solved the mystery by pulling out an old book of maps …

This is a mystery, and it is one that we need to search out

Paul speaks about a mystery here

By his revelation, the mystery of iniquity is fully understood

What is this mystery of iniquity that Paul speaks of? It is the mystery that we have explored already: Satan manipulating humanity

The mystery that needs to be revealed is just how much of an influence those powers truly have to rule over and manipulate humanity

We have such a small idea of this mystery currently

mystery combined with insightful contemplations on what it

But there is a second mystery at work

Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death

The mystery had not yet been revealed that there should be an age of the Church to fulfill a specific role and function

“The highest knowledge is to know that we are surrounded by mystery

We are surrounded by mystery, and this mystery is the most important ingredient of success

Wandering slowly through the concourse trying to kill time before takeoff I tried to give the impression of being a seasoned traveller with my hold-all draped casually over my shoulder whilst clutching a boarding pass to the land of mystery and imagination in my trouser pocket

The Mystery of the Human Motive

the mystery of the human motive,

It has the fathomless mystery of Yoga itself, but, also like Yoga it has a bearing and a meaning within our everyday lives

they can trust you, but there is just that element of mystery – say, even unpredictability – to

Kate was the one who broke the mystery, “Lucy, you and Sam have lived with us and the Dragons from the very beginning

truth behind this mystery

‘Some time ago, the church authorities began important restoration work on the frescoes and there was great excitement when it was discovered that the walls held this mystery

The final straw for Helen Roach came one Saturday morning when Lucy announced to her mother during a now rare and troubled family breakfast that she had entered a competition advertised in her favourite music magazine, the prize being the chance to meet the mystery singer

Leaving a bit of words out will allow mystery

Often the hands will solve a mystery

HORUS(I): The mystery of the heavens or trampling down

mystery, no one in the industry having heard of Allium Records

chance to meet the mystery singer

“My tale is set in the island of mystery, many years ago, when all

circular in shape, and said by some to filled with mystery, even now

Once again, the mystery lady smiled enigmatically

“It’s all a pale shadow of the wonder and mystery that was known

‘Why didn’t he agree that the mystery was solved?’ he wondered as he waited in the keg line

He must’ve had his reasons for the mystery

Although why anyone wanting to expose themselves outside Green Lanes would do it at seven-thirty on a Sunday morning is a mystery to me

Another part of the mystery which has never been cleared

it was a mystery, a tiny remnant of a lost time, and

How he came to choose medicine as his vocation in life is a mystery to Alex, a puzzle that he’s spent too many hours trying to unravel

The mystery man clambered inelegantly over the dry stone wall at

Should he assume that the mystery

course? Or was the mystery man performing some task unrelated to

tower, trying to keep the mystery man in sight

The mystery man was struggling with some grey-painted steel

“We don’t,” he said softly, “It’s a complete mystery

Follow these instructions and you will be all you can be!’ Why the mystery?” objected the host

The car was a mystery

served to intensify the mystery surrounding him

The Movie-Makers Create Mystery,”

She couldn’t dwell on that mystery, she had to deal with this situation as it was

This new mystery darkened her spirits

format, some technical plan of attack, the mystery and anticipation would wither

complex, lending an air of mystery to the place so closely

No luck, what he was doing there at that time a day was a mystery to her, but he was holding the phone to his ear when she slowly opened the door

What mystery lies before thee !

Join the discussion and maybe we can solve the mystery! www

He glared at the recorder, and his mystery accusers on the other end

Desa got out front and tried some mystery chords on this piece

medieval towers took on an air of mystery at night, with

Alec left her age a mystery, but he had enough sense to know that she was old, far older than him

mystery and have not love it is nothing (see 1 Cor

Either that or there was some reason why she was trying to hide the truth behind a cloak of mystery

Even his existence and origin were both somewhat of a mystery

The presence was a mystery to her

«Still the mystery girl eh?»

It was a mystery

For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, lest you should be wise within yourselves; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the nations has

I can’t prove that it isn’t, but I’m not about to believe the world is hollow or wevns arise spontaneously from rotten meat without some evidence stronger than a wild tale told by an ancient mystery lady who hobnobs with eldritch wizards, has a long history of heavy drinking and likes to experiment with the occult

The big mystery is why there wasn’t a lot more starship traffic

But, much like the black globe, their use remains a mystery

and hope that the mystery would be solved by the Jaca

Investigator was able to solve the mystery

In an attempt to shun away embarrassing questions, devotees usually replaces the word ignorance by mystery

Then it dawned to me, the mystery was solved, I had already

For only with a mystery

maintaining the family, remains a mystery for

with chefs and butlers, was too maddening a mystery

She sought only to provoke interest and invoke thought, Maybe create, also, a bit of stylish mystery

Barely the fourth cover dispels the mystery

So the mystery remained a mystery

The mystery of

This is still a mystery

So that mystery was solved but none of us could explain away the dancing stars and UFOs we saw

Amityville Horror this tale isn’t, but it was shocking enough that it lived on in our collective family memory where it remained firmly lodged as a mystery

comic scene, only that it was too big a mystery to me

What the hermit wanted was a mystery

He’d stare at her as if he were pondering the mystery of life

She hurriedly continued, “Captain, this is a mystery

Being as well as Nonbeing, the Absolute as well as the Beginning are contradictory concepts when applied to the primordial mystery

The question of the Source of happiness is a mystery, and we obsess about mysteries

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