These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Apparently mine is a very dangerous man.
Sembra che il mio sia un uomo molto pericoloso.
Your blood is completely mixed with mine.
Il tuo sangue è completamente mischiato con il mio.
I think your interests coincide with mine.
Credo che i tuoi interessi coincideranno esattamente con i miei.
Figured he struck a gold mine.
Pensavano d’aver trovato una miniera d’oro.
No means to exploit that mine.
Non hai i mezzi per sfruttare quella miniera.
The christians lose theirs because you hit mine.
I cristiani hanno perso la loro perché tu hai colpito la mia.
Your favorite international arms dealer and mine.
Il tuo rivenditore di armi preferito, ed anche il mio.
Their truffle risotto was the inspiration for mine.
Il loro risotto al tartufo è stato l’ispirazione per il mio.
I mistook his glass for mine.
Ho scambiato il suo bicchere per il mio.
Finding mine has been a journey.
Ho fatto un lungo percorso per trovare la mia natura.
Feel like mine‘s tainted now.
Mi sento come se la mia fosse contaminata, adesso.
They stole his legacy and mine.
Hanno rubato la sua eredità… e anche la mia.
So I didn’t tell him mine.
È arrivato qui senza un passato, quindi non gli ho raccontato il mio.
And your choice has determined mine.
E la vostra scelta ha determinato la mia.
Filmmakers should understand that a title like mine attracts audiences.
Cineasti dovrebbe capire che un titolo come la mia attrae il pubblico.
His side full, mine practically empty.
Il suo lato pieno, il mio praticamente vuoto.
That he found a gold mine.
Ha smesso di dire… che avrebbe trovato una miniera d’oro.
They reported mine five years ago.
Il mio l’hanno scritto cinque anni fa.
Zacky manages the mine for my husband.
Zacky Martin, dirige la miniera quando mio marito non c’è.
400 square miles, Mostly forest surrounding the mine.
Circa 600 chilometri quadrati, per la maggior parte foreste che circondano la miniera.
Suggestions that contain mine
Results: 52533. Exact: 52533. Elapsed time: 132 ms.
All mine? Uh… Do you know her name or…?
Tutta mia… Sai il suo nome o… Clair?
Mine, then it was Robert’s idea to kill him.
Mia… poi, fu idea di Robert di ucciderlo.
But a man, even a stupid one, knows the difference between mine.
Sa la differenza tra mio… Ma un uomo, persino uno stupido,
The opium isn’t mine… and neither is the snuff box.
L’oppio non e’ mio… e nemmeno la tabacchiera.
If you was mine, I would have treated you like a queen.
Se fossi stata mia… Ti avrei trattata come una regina.
I have found a way to get onto the Presidio and into the mine shaft.
Ho trovato il modo per entrare nel Presidio e nel pozzo minerario.
And I believe in mine, preserving as many lives as possible.
E io credo nella mia… salvare quante più vite possibile.
The opium isn’t mine… and neither is the snuff box.
L’oppio non è mio… e neanche la tabacchiera.
My husband died in the mine, but… I lost him long before.
Mio marito è morto nella miniera… l’avevo già perso da tempo. ma.
The mine‘s…! R-Ro… The mine.
Brother mine… Ugh! don’t appal me when I’m high.
Fratello mio… non sconcertarmi quando non sono lucido.
They’re yours, they’re mine… Welcome to the first annual.
Sono tuoi, Sono miei… Benvenuti al primo annuale.
Yes, mother. Your father’s idea, not mine.
Un’idea di tuo padre, non mia… Sì, mamma.
Good morning. Whatever tape you found in that VCR, it isn’t mine.
Qualsiasi cassetta tu abbia trovato, non è mia… Buongiorno.
Paths, museums, mine galleries to visit on board a small train.
Percorsi, musei, gallerie minerarie da visitare a bordo dell’apposito treno.
Of those seats are mine, and the going rate is steep.
Ottanta di quei seggi sono miei… E il prezzo corrente e’ salato.
Gentlemen, ladies, I declare the Wheal Leisure Mine open.
Dichiaro aperta la miniera… Signori e signore… di Wheal Leisure.
It’s mine… it’s mine… It’s just salt water.
È mio… è mio… È acqua salata.
Mine… hardly even noticed I was gone.
I miei… quasi non avevano notato la mia assenza.
You should know that his mother tried to murder mine and me.
Dovresti sapere che sua madre cercò di uccidere la mia… e me.
Well, no. Anything that was mine before you is still mine.
Beh, no. Tutto quello che era mio… prima di te… continua ad esser mio.
Shutting down a mine while still in profit.
Hai chiuso una miniera… Benche’ ancora in attivo.
This was a dream of mine and Eugene’s and yours.
Questo era un sogno mio… E di Eugene.
I had mine counted twice.
Ho fatto contare i miei… due volte.
Questa miniera… è proprietà privata.
I lost him long before. My husband died in the mine, but.
Mio marito è morto nella miniera… l’avevo già perso da tempo. ma.
So your ancestors tortured one of mine to get his key.
Perciò, i tuoi antenati… torturarono uno dei miei… per avere la chiave.
Because I believe the child you’re carrying is mine, not Eric’s.
Perché credo che il bambino che porti in grembo sia mio… non di Eric.
The land where Mine is… Grandpa belonged my husband.
La terra dove si trova ora la miniera… apparteneva al nonno di mio marito.
His heart now beats in concert with mine, and mine alone.
Il suo cuore ora batte all’unisono con il mio… e il mio soltanto.
Results: 53709,
Time: 0.0319
coalmine n
mine engineer,
mining engineer n
landmine n
mineshaft n
mine field n
mine field n
Mi mandarono alle miniere di sale.
sulphur mine (UK) n
Last updated:
February 23, 2022
The cat is hers and the dogs are his.
The car is ours.
It’s mine!
No, it’s theirs.
These are all examples of sentences that include possessive pronouns.
It seems that you can’t get through the day without using them!
Staking claim to what’s yours is easy once you have your Italian possessive pronouns dialed in.
If you have a possession—whether it’s a car, a house, a plane ticket or a dog—a possessive pronoun is key to expressing that to others.
Mine, mine, mine!
And guess what, if you have a wife, a husband, kids, parents or a friend, you can also lovingly claim them with a possessive pronoun.
In Italian, the possessive pronoun can take many forms depending on what the “possession” is and who “owns” it.
So, let’s get right into it!
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How to Use Italian Possessive Pronouns Like They’re Yours
Possessive pronouns in any language denote ownership.
Instead of repeating the owned item over and over again, you can replace it with a possessive pronoun.
For example:
The purse isn’t my purse, it’s her purse. → The purse isn’t mine, it’s hers.
There are only seven possessive pronouns in English: mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers and its.
In Italian, there are 24 possessive pronouns.
This is because Italian possessive pronouns must agree in gender and quantity with the noun they’re replacing.
Italian nouns, as in other romance languages, have genders. Therefore, in order to use the correct possessive pronoun, you need to know the gender and quantity of the noun it’s replacing.
English | Italian Singular/Masculine | Italian Singular/Feminine | Italian Plural/Masculine | Italian Plural/Feminine |
Mine | il mio | la mia | i miei | le mie |
Yours | il tuo | la tua | i tuoi | le tue |
His/Hers/Yours | il suo | la sua | i suoi | le sue |
Ours | il nostro | la nostra | i nostri | le nostre |
Yours | il vostro | la vostra | i vostri | le vostre |
Theirs | il loro | la loro | i loro | le loro |
Gender and Quantity
In order to choose the correct possessive pronoun, you must determine whether the noun or nouns that you want to replace are singular feminine, singular masculine, plural feminine or plural masculine.
Singular Feminine
If you want to replace the Italian noun borsa (purse) in the sentence below, you need to use a singular feminine possessive pronoun.
For example:
La borsa non è la mia borsa, è la sua borsa. (The purse isn’t my purse, it’s her purse.) → Non è la mia, è la sua. (It isn’t mine, it’s hers.)
The possessive pronouns above are mia and sua because they’re replacing a singular feminine noun, borsa (purse).
Singular Masculine
If you’re referring to one book, libro (book), you’d replace it with:
Non è il mio, è il suo. (It isn’t mine, it’s hers.)
You use mio and suo because you’re replacing a singular masculine noun, libro (book).
Plural Feminine
If you’re referring to more than one purse, borse (purses) in Italian, you’d say:
Non sono le mie, sono le sue. (They’re not mine, they’re hers.)
You use mie and sue because you’re replacing a plural feminine noun, borse (purses).
Plural Masculine
If you’re referring to more than one book, libri (books), in Italian you’d say:
Non sono i miei, sono i suoi. (They’re not mine, they’re hers.)
You say miei and suoi because you’re replacing a plural masculine noun, libri (books).
Definite Article Agreement
In Italian, possessive pronouns are preceded by definite articles: i, il, i, la, le, gli, lo, l’.
The article must always agree in gender and quantity with the noun.
Before selecting the correct possessive pronoun and article in Italian, you must ask yourself:
What’s the gender of the noun or nouns that I’m replacing?
Is the noun singular or plural?
Using our examples from above, take notice of the definite articles that come before each possessive pronoun:
Non è la mia, è la sua. (It isn’t mine, it’s hers.)
Non sono i miei, sono i suoi. (They’re not mine, they’re hers.)
The Three Forms of Yours
Don’t forget that there are three ways to say “you” in Italian.
You use tu for speaking to friends and close family.
You use Lei when speaking to superiors.
You use voi when speaking to more than one person.
If you need to say, “this is my book, that is yours” in Italian, you need to first consider your audience.
If it’s a friend, you can say:
Questo è il mio libro, quello è il tuo. (This is my book, that is yours.)
You use tuo because the audience is one friend and the book is masculine and singular.
However, if the audience is your boss, you should say:
Questo è il mio libro, quello è il Suo. (This is my book, that is yours.)
Suo is the possessive pronoun for Lei, and is used in formal situations.
Lastly, if you’re speaking to a group of people about their collective book, you’d say:
Questo è il mio libro, quello è il vostro. (This is my book, that is yours.)
You use the plural possessive pronoun vostro because you’re speaking to more than one person.
Possessive Pronouns Versus Possessive Adjectives
It’s also important to note the difference between possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.
A possessive pronoun replaces a noun. A possessive adjective modifies a noun.
For example:
È la mia borsa. (It’s my purse.)
Here, mia is a possessive adjective because it’s modifying the noun purse.
However, in the phrase, “it’s mine,” you remove the noun entirely and replace it with a pronoun.
È la mia. (It’s mine.)
Here mia is a possessive pronoun because it replaces the noun borsa (purse).
In Italian, the word may be the same for the possessive pronoun and the possessive adjective, but the contextual use is different.
His and Hers: Common Mistakes
Selecting the correct possessive pronoun for “his” and “hers” in Italian can be a bit confusing, especially for native English speakers.
We select the third person possessive pronoun based on the gender of the owner in English.
In Italian, we select the third person possessive pronoun based on the gender of the object that’s owned.
For example, if you’re referring to a car owned by a man and you want to say “it’s his” in Italian, you’d say:
È la sua.
You use the singular feminine possessive pronoun, sua because the gender for the word macchina (car), is feminine.
On the other hand, if you’re referring to a book owned by a woman and you want to say “it’s hers,” in Italian you’d say:
È il suo.
You use the singular masculine pronoun, suo because the gender for the word libro (book) is masculine.
Just remember, the gender for the possessive pronoun in Italian doesn’t reflect the gender of the possessor but rather the possession.
How to Practice Italian Possessive Pronouns
With 24 possessive pronouns in Italian, practice is a must!
Possessive pronouns require habitual daily use in order for them to become second nature.
Below are some practice methods that will help you make Italian possessive pronouns a natural part of your everyday Italian speech.
Play a Game
To help review the possessive pronouns in the chart above, try this game:
1. First, find an old magazine.
2. Cut out pictures of different objects. For example—one car, a pile of lemons, a flock of geese, a pillow, a television and a pair of shoes.
3. Place the object cut outs face down in one pile.
4. Now cut out pictures of different people. For example, a husband and wife, a man and a group of children.
5. Place these cut-outs face down in a second pile.
6. One at a time, select a cut out from each pile and practice forming a phrase with the appropriate possessive pronoun.
If you selected a flock of geese and a man, then you’d want to say, “they are his,” in Italian.
The correct answer would be sono le sue.
You use the plural feminine possessive pronoun because the word for geese, oche is feminine in Italian.
The possessor and possession combinations may be absurd, but that’s part of the fun!
You can also try practicing with classmates and adding “you” and “I” into the mix.
Listen to Music
A good old fashion love song is often full of possessive pronouns!
Probably because most of the singers are possessed (by love).
He’s mine!
My heart is hers!
An effective way to use music as a language learning and practicing resource is to utilize both the written lyrics and the audio at the same time.
Two lovely Italian love songs that you can use to practice listening for and identifying the possessive pronouns are “Tua per Sempre” and “Sei Bellissima.”
Remember, in Italian, the main key to using possessive pronouns is to make sure that the possessive pronoun and article are in agreement with the gender and quantity of the noun that you’re replacing.
Now all you have to do is just practice often and own it!
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Lesson outline
- 1.Italian possessive pronouns
- 2.Italian possessive pronouns chart
- 3.Own in Italian (Proprio)
- 3.1.Usages of proprio (own)
- 3.1.1.Impersonal verbs and/or indefinite subjects
- 3.1.2.Remove ambiguity
- 4.Others’ in Italian (altrui)
- 5.Exercises
- 5.1.Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Drag text
- 5.2.Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Multiple choice
- 5.3.Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) — Fill in the blanks
- 5.4.Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Fill in the blanks
Italian possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns (pronomi possessivi) replace an element and highlight its property.
They agree in gender and number with the name they substitute.
These pronouns are always preceded by an article or by an complex preposition.
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Italian possessive pronouns chart
PERSON | Masculine singular | Masculine plural | Feminine singular | Feminine plural |
Mine | Il mio | I miei | La mia | Le mie |
Yours | Il tuo | I tuoi | La tua | Le tue |
His/Hers/Its |
Il suo |
I suoi | La sua | Le sue |
Ours | Il nostro | I nostri | La nostra | Le nostre |
Yours | Il vostro | I vostri | La vostra | Le vostre |
Theirs | Il loro | I loro | La loro | Le loro |
Own | Il proprio | I propri | La propria | Le proprie |
Others’ | L’altrui | Gli altrui | La altrui | Le altrui |
Take a look at the following examples.
Italian | English |
Vuoi andare con la tua macchina o prendiamo la mia? | Do you want to go with your car or do we take mine? |
Il mio motorino è più nuovo del tuo. | My scooter is newer than yours. |
Quella macchina non è sua. È la vostra. | That car is not his. It’s yours. |
Il tuo cane è più amichevole del suo. | Your dog is friendlier than hers. |
Quel problema ci interessa. Adesso è il nostro! | We care about that problem. It’s ours now! |
Own in Italian (Proprio)
Proprio translates as «own» and is sometimes used instead of suo/loro to reinforce the sense of possession.
Proprio is used with third person subjects only.
- CORRECT: Marco ha una macchina e va con la propria al cinema. (Marco has a car and he goes with his own to the cinema)
- WRONG: Anche io ho una macchina, stasera (io) vado con la propria → Io vado con la mia (I also have a car, this evening I will go with mine)
Usages of proprio (own)
In the following cases, proprio must always substitute suo/loro.
Impersonal verbs and/or indefinite subjects
Using Proprio is recommended in case of impersonal verbs or indefinite adjectives.
Italian | English |
Bisogna pensare sempre ai propri, di problemi intendo. | One has to think about one’s own, I mean, problems. |
Quando ci sono molti lavori da fare, è meglio pensare al proprio. | When there is a lot of work to do, it’s better to think about one’s own first. |
Riguardo all’opinione, è necessario sempre dire la propria. | Speaking of opinions, it is always necessary to say one’s own. |
Remove ambiguity
Proprio helps specify the possessor in ambiguos sentences.
Italian | English |
Mario ha trovato la bici quindi è venuto con la propria. | Mario found the bike, so he came with his own. |
Giovanna non aveva molti soldi e non ha potuto pagare con i propri. | Giovanna didn’t have much money and she couldn’t pay with her own. |
Marco ha incontrato Giovanna a casa propria. | Marco met Giovanna at his place. (Not at Giovanna’s) |
Others’ in Italian (altrui)
Altrui is literally translated as others’.
It is invariable and could sometimes be preceded by a demonstrative, that agrees in gender and number with the noun it replaces.
Italian | English |
Lui ha troppi problemi per pensare a quelli altrui. | He has too many problems to care about other people’s. |
I ladri di notte non stanno a casa, vanno in quelle altrui. | Thieves don’t stay at home at night, they go to other people’s. |
Ha deciso di ritirarsi per il suo bene e quello altrui. | He decided to retire for his own good and also for others’. |
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Drag text
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Multiple choice
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) — Fill in the blanks
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Fill in the blanks
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Drag text
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Multiple choice
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) — Fill in the blanks
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Fill in the blanks
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Drag text
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Multiple choice
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) — Fill in the blanks
- Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Fill in the blanks
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Drag text
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Multiple choice
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns (Proprio) — Fill in the blanks
Exercise on Italian possessive pronouns — Fill in the blanks
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I am from Calabria, but over the years I have felt at home in various places. In each one I have searched for my way and in the end in each one I have found little clues that have allowed me to understand that I want to teach my language to those who do not yet know it.
I have always loved the word, its power and the infinite possibilities it offers; at first I only thought of writing it down but there was still something missing. What use is the word if it is not shared, if it does not become an opportunity for exchange between cultures, or better, between individuals?
So, between one suitcase and another, I graduated in Italian literature and specialised in journalism, then I obtained the Ditals II from the University for Foreigners of Siena and the two-year specialisation school as a teacher of Italian to foreigners at the same university.
I have been teaching Italian for more than ten years: in Italy in state schools, in schools for adult migrants (Cpia in Modena and Rome) and in public schools; abroad at the Dante Alighieri in Valletta and at the University of Cork.
I have a passion for music, cinema, documentaries and photography, different mo(n)es which allow me to learn and tell stories.
Step by step I have become more and more aware of how much I love this job which has given me the opportunity to meet wonderfully unique people, now very often friends.
I look forward to sharing more details of my experience and motivations with you. Thank you for your time consideration.
Federica Lento
Nina V.
Just great experience! Thank you. To be continued. What a nice and easy platform. Good and interesting teacher.. Congradulations.
Federica L.
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My lessons are based on conversations. My method is to help you practice the language from the very beginning in spontaneous and direct conversations, using often role plays.
With books, articles, songs, and other interesting and stimulating material I will encourage conversation, develop grammar in a simpler way, and improve pronunciation.
Learning a foreign language is not a matter of doing much effort, but rather of being consistent, enjoying the lessons and allowing your intuition to work with you. You will book immediate results while having fun!
I’ve been teaching Dutch, Spanish and Italian for many years, in The Netherlands, for private institutes, for the integration of foreigners into society (Inburgering), and online from Italy, where I currently live.
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Angalinna .
Elena is an excellent Italian native teacher. She is very punctual, professional and friendly.
My daughter and I love the lessons given by her. During the lesson she easily adapts to the difference in level between my daughter and me. In the lesson she takes the time to have a conversation in which we practice the learned material.
We highly recommend Elena!!
Elena P.Thank you, Angalinna. I’m happy to know that you are both satisfied with the lessons. Keep on learning and you’ll continue to improve!
Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student’s goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
Julian .
Luisa is pleasant and very focused, I purchased 12 lessons after the first lesson with Luisa because I felt confident that she will teach me Italian at a level I’m able to follow with. I can’t wait to get stuck on and learn!
Luisa A.Thank you Julian !!! Thank you so much !!
Hello Everybody
My name is Luisa and I teach Italian for foreign students, English, French and German for Italian students
Since 1994, I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching thanks to my travels, abroad studies, foreign reading and writing. I provide fun and customized lessons based on the student’s goals. I also triy to minimize English speaking during the lessons. I give homework exercises, and my lessons are intermixed with grammar, conversation, customs and traditions. My goal is to make certain that each student finds learning Italian exciting.
I am available for any explanations also via e mail
Martin D.
I have had many lessons with Luisa and I always look forward to them. We begin by chatting about the past week’s events and them move to Espresso which I find very useful as a good review of material I have done in the past. There is often additional words used I had not met before. Luisa is always a pleasure to talk with and is a kind and pleasant teacher. She corrects me gently and offers useful words or meanings when appropriate.
Luisa A.
Dear Martin
thank you so much ! It’s my pleasure taking class with you.
And thanks a lot for your suggestion about Us movies ( Just Mercy) or Us books
My name is Mara, I took a Master’s in Foreign Languages and Translation (English and German) and then I started working as a Teacher to kids and adults. Since my students are aged between 1 and 69 years old, I developed 3 different methods:
1. Fluency — for intermediate/upper intermediate students, mainly based on listening and speaking; specific topics.
2. TPR — total physical response, all levels, mainly based on activities, role plays and board games.
3. Traditional — all levels, grammar, listening, speaking and writing/reading with a traditional approach
Leo S.
Mara is an experienced teach who is passionate about teaching English to people of all ages. I recommend her to anyone
This review was written by a coLanguage team member during a screening interview.
Mara S.
Since I learn languages myself, I know the difficulties and hurdles that can arise when learning a foreign language. I take away your fear of using the German language, because the best way to learn a language is to speak it!
You want to take a telc, Goethe or TestDaF exam? I will help you! I teach from level B1 to C2. In the course of my teaching I have specialised in students and adult learners from the age of 19 who want to take one of these exams for professional or private reasons.
If you only want to prepare orally for an exam with me, I offer conversation lessons where I give you strategies and tips on how to pass the exam. You will do a lot of speaking and learn the phrases that are most important for the exam at your level.
I’ll also show you how to integrate German into your everyday life, recommend podcasts, books and series to expand your vocabulary.
Are you looking for a job and need help with your application? No problem, I give you application training, revise your CV with you and write applications together with you. I will also prepare you for your job interviews.
Don’t be shy and write to me before you book a trial lesson. Together we will work out a syllabus that is tailored to your needs and goals. We will learn what is important for you at this stage and where I see room for improvement. I adapt each lesson individually to you.
Due to my eight-year stay abroad in Ireland, I have a very good knowledge of English and can also explain something to you in English or Spanish, but in my lessons we almost only speak German together.
What can you expect in my lessons?
— Creative and professional preparation for telc, Goethe or TestDaf from B1 level upwards
— Conversation classes
— Language lessons individually adapted to your needs, each lesson is prepared for you individually
— Application training and help with application letters, revision of your CV
— Grammar explanations that YOU just need.
— Quizzes, puzzles, worksheets, books, conversation topics and much more. Learning should be fun!
The most important thing is that you invest a little time and feel like learning with me. In return, you should also do the homework so that we can make good progress. I will be happy to correct it. Let me inspire you!
Lana K.
Amazing teacher with excellent pedagogical skills! She has helped me very well to improve my german. Absolutely recommended!
Larissa L.
Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italiana and I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I teach Italian and English at school. I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you’re going to do and… a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
Wouter G.
Daniela is a well skilled teacher with patience and a great personality, always joyful and happy. She understands my needs well and the lessons are tailored to give me a good learning experience. The lessons are always a good combination of speaking, reading and grammar. Daniela is always flexible when I need to change the schedule.
I can highly recommend choosing Daniela. You’ll for sure have a fun learning experience with her.
Daniela V.
Thanks so much for your words, Wouter! I am very happy that you feel comfortable with the lessons together and I hope to help you grow more and more. You are doing a great job. Keep it up!
Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italiana and I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I teach Italian and English at school. I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you’re going to do and… a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
Hernan M.
I asked Daniela to help me with pronunciation. She pays careful attention, and corrects my pronunciation as needed.
Daniela V.
Hello everyone, I’m Federica and I’m an italian and english teacher. Before being a teacher I’ve been a student infact I graduated in languages so I know very well how hard can be learning a new language. I’m interested in music, cinema, literature and I enjoy talking about several topics. I’ve been teaching since 2009 and in 2012 I’ve qualified as italian language teacher. I’ve experience with children and adults, with in company courses, with total beginners as well as with advanced. Also I’ve succesfully prepared a number of students for the most important english and italian certification (CELI, CILS, FIRST, PET, KET). Over the last years I’ve became specialized in one-to-one or small groups lessons because in this way I can create a tailored programme for each student. I follow a communicative approach and in my classes there’s lot of room for speaking but I don’t neglect grammar, listening and writing. I provide you with material, sometimes selfmade, other times taken from books, videos, or songs, but always useful to help you to immerse in the target language! At the end of every lesson I always assign homework in order to revise the things learnt. I define myself as a happy, positive and very patient person and I do my best to make the class a funny and relaxed moment. I look forward to meet you online!
Elisa M.
Federica has been a great teacher — our lessons are mainly for conversation and she is very patient, making corrections when necessary with pronunciation, translations, which words to use, etc. Her explanations are very clear as well. Most importantly she is very punctual with classes which I appreciate. In summary, I have enjoyed the classes immensely and look forward to future improvement!
Federica C.
Thanks, I’m sure you will improve a lot!
My name is Mariateresa, I’m Italian and I teach English, Italian and Spanish to foreign students.
Having lived in Spain during my last year at University, I moved to the UK, where I lived for the next five years. My English at that time was quite poor and I made a living by doing various jobs.
One day, inspired by my amazing English teacher Mandy, I had an idea: why not teach my native language and Spanish to English people and other nationalities? You wouldn’t believe how fascinated people are by these languages!
It was in 2017 when I fell in love with this job. So much so that one year later I successfully attained a TESOL Certificate, to teach English as a foreign language.
Teaching allows me to fully express myself and my personal qualities, such as patience and an ability to give my full attention to other people. By giving students a space in which to express themselves without fear, I create a safe, non-judgemental environment.
When a new student contacts me I always offer them a free trial lesson, so that we can introduce ourselves and I can get to know their level, interests and needs. It’s from there that I create the ensuing lessons.
I provide students with a solid grammar base, but also help them to understand the application and use of the language in everyday life. At the same time, I tailor the lesson to suit the students’ main interests – such as grammar, speaking, pronunciation, writing or exam preparation. I teach students of different levels, from beginners to advanced.
Although I love teaching in-person, I have adapted myself to teaching online as well. I have also completed a Teaching English Online course offered by Cambridge University. I have to admit that it’s a really effective method, plus you meet people from all over the world!
Having lived abroad for several years I know that learning a foreign language requires time, but it’s also fun. By speaking in it we can express hidden parts of ourselves – it’s a bit like acting!
You can also assimilate the culture from which the language evolves. It’s interesting to see how we can change and develop!
My aim is to transmit to students the idea that nothing is impossible. Learning a language is challenging, but entirely achievable if you keep in mind that it’s a journey made of small steps.
What is important is to establish those small objectives every day, and reach them with calm determination.
Like a tracker counts the steps that you walk, put on your “count-words tracker” and you’ll be surprised at how much you have learned by the end of the day!
For more information visit:
Michael .
I am more than happy to have met Mariateresa as a teacher! She quickly understands the problems a student can encounter, and finds the solutions. She keeps me motivated! I realise that I have made a lot of progress in Italian in the short time since we started our lessons. Can one say better than that?!!
Mariateresa M.
Hi everyone!
My name is Daniela, I am Italiana and I am a qualified Italian language teacher and a CELI examiner! I teach Italian and English at school. I love foreign languages, translating, reading and listening to music. Are you ready to start your language learning path with me? We are going to learn many things and to talk a lot! Don’t worry if you’ve never studied the language before: everyone can attend my classes – from beginner to advanced students. You just need passion for what you’re going to do and… a good Internet connection. Materials are provided by me!
See you online!
Pip W.
Daniela is an extraordinary teacher and has helped me become very confident in speaking Italian and I really like every lesson, thanks Daniela.
Daniela V.
Dear Pip, thank you for your positive feedback and thank you for your trust !. You’re doing an exceptional job, keep it up
I am an Italian native speaker with a Master’s degree in Languages for International Relations. I have experience in tutoring students from all ages.
I prepare tailored lessons based on the students’ needs and interests using textbooks, videos, interactive resources and ad-hoc materials.
If you want to learn Italian and know more about the culture, food, art and traditions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Hugh T.
MariaRosa has been very patient, pleasant and encouraging.
She is very conscientious and prepares well.
She has developed a learning plan based on my requests.
I enjoy the lessons and find them very useful
Mariarosa S.