The word mine in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Every mine in the world produces diamonds with a unique molecular structure.

Chaque mine produit des diamants avec une structure moléculaire unique.

He introduced new technologies and made the mine very profitable.

Il y introduit de nouvelles technologies et rend la mine très profitable.

Senegal reported that it has recorded 807 mine survivors.

Il a indiqué qu’il avait enregistré 807 rescapés des mines.

Useful content, a mine of inspiration, our collections…

Du contenu utile, une mine d’inspiration, nos collections…

Artificial lighting is necessary in the total darkness of the mine.

L’éclairage artificiel est nécessaire dans la totale obscurité de la mine.

The mine in question belongs to a private mining company.

La mine en question appartient à une société minière privée.

We could probably find the mine ourselves without your help.

On pourrait trouver la mine nous-mêmes sans votre aide.

The absolute methane yield from the mine was 96.9 m3/min.

La teneur absolue de la mine en méthane représentait 96,9 m3/mn.

The new mine would be significantly larger than the previous operation.

La nouvelle mine serait nettement plus imposante que l’exploitation précédente.

The in-game ledger is a mine of extremely useful information.

Le registre de jeu est une mine d’informations extrêmement utiles.

The mine is in the process of getting its fair-trade certification.

La mine est désormais en processus pour acquérir sa certification équitable.

The conversations with your customers are an invaluable mine of information.

Les conversations avec vos clients représentent une mine d’informations inestimable.

What these designers and developers describe is called mine dredging.

Ce que ces concepteurs et développeurs décrivent s’appelle le dragage de mines.

Four targets close to the mine have already been identified.

Quatre cibles proches de la mine ont déjà été identifiées.

The mine also awards prizes to the participating schools for excellence.

La mine remet également des prix d’excellence aux écoles participantes.

Our archaeologists have discovered mine shafts beneath the original site.

Nos archéologues ont découvert une mine sous le site d’origine.

They should arrive at the abandoned mine site in approximately three hours.

Ils devraient arriver à la mine abandonnée dans environ trois heures.

The CLF responds to the needs of mine affected communities.

Le FCM répond aux besoins des collectivités touchées par les mines.

Each proposed amendment would be associated with a single Canadian metal mine.

Chaque modification proposée serait associée à une seule mine métallique canadienne.

The mine had collapsed and Stalin suspected the director of sabotage.

La mine s’était effondrée et Staline soupçonnait le directeur de sabotage.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain mine

Results: 114193. Exact: 114193. Elapsed time: 174 ms.

In French, the word for “mine” is “le mien”. To say “mine”, you would say “C’est le mien” (This is mine).

In French, “mine” is pronounced as “mien”. It is a possessive pronoun that is used to indicate that something belongs to someone. It is similar to the English word “mine”, but it is not always used in the same way. For example, in English, you might say “that is mine” to indicate that something belongs to you, but in French, you would say “c’est à moi” or “c’est à moi”

– Pen and paper
– French dictionary

  • This translates to “it’s mine” in english
  • To say “mine” in french, say “c’est à moi”

-There are a few different ways to say “mine” in French, depending on the context.
-The most basic way to say “mine” is “mon,” as in “C’est à moi.”
-If you are talking about something that belongs to you specifically, you can also say “ma” as in “Cette voiture est à moi.”
-If you are talking about something that is yours jointly with someone else, you

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do French People Say Bah Oui?

There are a few potential reasons that French people might say “bah oui.” One possibility is that it’s simply a way of confirming something that has been said, similar to how English speakers might say “uh-huh” or “yes.” Additionally, “bah oui” could be used as a way of showing agreement or enthusiasm, or to show that you’re listening to what the other person is saying. Finally, it’s also possible that “bah oui” is used as a form of punctuation, similar to how English speakers might use a period or an exclamation point.

What Does Mon Mean In French English?

In French, mon means “my.” In English, it is used as an abbreviation for the word “monetary.”

Does Mon Mean Mine In French?

In French, mon means “my,” so if someone says “mon ami,” they’re referring to their friend.

In Closing

There are a few ways to say “mine” in French. The most common way is “à moi”, but there are also other expressions such as “c’est à moi” or “c’est à nous”.

Formes composées
mine Anglais Français coal mine,
n (pit where coal is extracted) mine de charbon nf   My uncle used to work in a coal mine.   Dans le temps, mon oncle travaillait dans une mine de charbon. copper mine n (where copper is extracted) mine de cuivre nf   The copper mine produced 1.245 million tons of copper last year. diamond mine n (where diamonds come from) mine de diamant nf   There are a lot of diamond mines in South Africa. emerald mine n (extraction site for emeralds) mine d’émeraudes nf   There are many emerald mines in Colombia. engineer of mines,
mine engineer,
mining engineer
n (specialist in mineral extraction) ingénieur des mines, ingénieure des mines nm, nf friend of mine n (person: known, trusted) (bon) ami à moi, (bonne) amie à moi nm, nf   Pierre is a good friend of mine.   Pierre est un bon ami à moi.     ami, amie nm, nf   Pierre est un ami. gold mine n (where gold is mined) mine d’or nf   The Kromdraai was one of the first gold mines in South Africa. land mine,
n (explosive device in ground) mine (terrestre) nf   Every year dozens of people are injured or killed by old forgotten landmines.   Chaque année, des dizaines de personnes sont blessées ou tuées par de vieilles mines oubliées. mine clearance n (removal of explosive devices) déminage nm   Mine clearance in the central region of the country is a high priority. mine detector (electromagnetic device) détecteur de mines nm mine driller n (machine that digs extraction sites) foreuse nf   The company manufactures mine drillers. mine of information n (source of great knowledge) mine d’informations nf   The Internet is a mine of information, some good and some totally incorrect.   Internet est une vraie mine d’informations, certaines sont bonnes et d’autres sont complètement fausses. mine shaft,
n (underground tunnel) (tunnel) puits de mine nm   Abandoned mine shafts are very dangerous and should be avoided.   Les puits de mine abandonnés sont très dangereux et doivent être évités. mine-clearing operations npl (removal of explosive devices) opération de déminage nf   The company’s mine-clearing operations destroyed the beautiful landscape. minefield,
mine field
n (area full of explosives) champ de mines nm   He lost his leg in the war, when his platoon strayed into a minefield.   Il a perdu sa jambe à la guerre, quand son peloton est entré par mégarde dans un champ de mines. minefield,
mine field
n figurative (sensitive subject or situation) (figuré) terrain miné nm   Don’t discuss religion with them; it’s a mine field!   Ne parlez pas de religion avec eux, c’est un terrain miné ! salt mine n (place where salt is extracted) mine de sel nm   The salt mine outside of town supplies enough salt for the whole state. They sent me to the salt mines.   La mine de sel du coin produit assez de sel pour fournir l’état tout entier. Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. En Union soviétique, des prisonniers travaillaient dans les mines de sel. silver mine n (where silver is extracted) mine d’argent nf   The silver mine is situated in the south-west of Honshu Island. strip mine n US (type of excavation site) mine à ciel ouvert nf strip-mine [sth] vtr US (extract ore from open mine) (du minérai,…) extraire [qch] d’une mine à ciel ouvert loc v   The company strip-mined the area for coal. strip-mine [sth] vtr US, figurative (use ruthlessly) extraire⇒ vtr   Many of his stories have been strip-mined from his personal life. sulfur mine (US),
sulphur mine (UK)
n (site where sulfur is excavated) mine de soufre nf     soufrière nf   The sulfur mine was opened in 1968. The pleasure is all mine. expr formal (You’re welcome.) tout le plaisir est pour moi expr    (en réponse à «merci») c’est moi qui vous remercie expr   «Thank you for cooking us such a wonderful dinner.» «The pleasure is all mine.»   — Merci de nous avoir cuisiné un si bon repas. — Tout le plaisir est pour moi.

are really different to mine.


It’s not your fault, and it’s not mine.

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Servez-moi la même chose.

inspiration from both their own personal experience and mine.


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This meeting— it could define the rest of your life and mine.

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best years of your life and mine.

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Well, ease mine, so I can tell my daughter that I heard it.

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Déstresse-moi. Je dirai à ma fille que je l’ai écouté.

Make mine a triple, because I understand you’re buying.

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Servez-moi un triple, car c’est vous qui offrez.

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Neal, enlève-moi ça.

You listen to people’s problems. Hear mine.

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Vous écoutez les problèmes des autres, écoutez-moi.

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Maintenant, écoutez-moi.

You saved his ass, he saved mine.

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Il vous a sauvé, sauvez-moi.

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Maintenant, lis-moi.

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LA MINE ont fait tout droit,

Outside of the mine, not in it.

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Shigeyoshi Mine Lighting.

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MINE Shigeyoshi Lumière.

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Simon, cette musette est à MOI!

I need your body to get mine back.

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J’ai besoin de ton corps pour récupérer le MIEN.

It— this is like an air duct for the rest of the mine.

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C’est comme un conduit d’air POUR LE RESTE DE LA MINE.

Cause here’s mine— you immediately diverted the issue.

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Parce que voilà le mien--vous avez détourné directement



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Um, non, c’est une»moi.

So what are the»Global Household Mine» reserves?


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Alors, quelles sont les réserves de la« Mine des Foyers»?


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And the loss will be only mine.

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Assistance in mine action(A/62/307 and A/C.4/62/L.6*) 29.


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Assistance à la lutte antimines(A/62/307 et A/C.4/62/L.6*) 29.


I’m concerned about mine, so please tend to him.

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Results: 55714,
Time: 0.056





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