The word maze in a sentence

maze — перевод на русский


They intersect, overlap, twist in and out, to form a jumble of mazes.

Они сообщаются друг с другом тайными переходами… и образуют лабиринт.

It’s a regular maze down here.

Здесь настоящий лабиринт.

It’s like a maze.

Похоже на лабиринт.

His stomach is a maze in which he has lost himself, in which I lose myself with him, in which I find myself as him, in other words, a monster.

Его чрево — лабиринт, в котором оно потерялось, в котором мы с ним потерялись, находясь в этом чреве. Другими словами, это монстр.

I suppose it’s a very big maze.

ѕолагаю, это очень большой лабиринт.

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I sense your disapproval, Maze.

Я чувствую твое неодобрение, Мейз.

One way or another, Maze, I am gonna change your mind, so…

Так или иначе, Мейз, я собираюсь изменить твое мнение, так что…

Maze did. I told her to.

Я приказал Мейз сделать это.

On the contrary, Maze.

Наоборот, Мейз.

Then give me something, Maze.

Так помоги мне, Мейз.

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Our man arrived at Maze Hill station at 11:08 on the Gravesend train.

Наш человек прибыл на станцию Мэйз Хилл в 11:08 утра на поезде из Грэйвсенда.

We took the train to Maze Hill.

Мы сели в поезд, доехали до Мэйз Хилл. Прибыли туда…

I am retired, Maze.

Я в отставке, Мэйз.

I’m retired, Maze.

Я в отставке, Мэйз.

Maze is happening.

Мэйз тут происходит.

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I’m not leaving till you send one of your lapdogs up in that maze and bring back my Frances.

Я не уйду, пока ты не пошлешь одного из своих ручных псов в эти дебри, и не приведешь обратно мою Фрэнсис.

I was gonna go out to the Grizzly Maze and pay respect to dad, where it really meant something.

Я хотел пойти в Дебри гризли и отдать дань уважения отцу на том самом месте.

Talkin’ about makin’ the maze a protected zone.

Хочу ещё сделать дебри охраняемой зоной.

But out there, is the Grizzly Maze.

А ведь там Дебри гризли.

Yeah, to pay the rent, now and then, but they’d never take hunters into the Grizzly Maze.

Да, иногда зарабатывали этим на хлеб, но они никогда не водили охотников в Дебри Гризли.

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I got no intention of running around like a rat in a maze till we’re dead.

У меня нет желания бегать кругами, как крыса в лабиринте до тех пор, пока не сдохнем

I got no intention of running around like a rat in a maze till we’re dead

У меня нет желания бегать кругами, как крыса в лабиринте до тех пор, пока не сдохнем

You’re a fucking rat in a maze.

Ты жалкая крыса в лабиринте.

Ava was a rat in a maze.

Ава — крыса в лабиринте.

I feel like a rat in a maze.

Я чувствую себя как крыса в лабиринте.

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Consider also that your personal maze has layers or sections.

Подумайте также о том, что ваш личный лабиринт имеет слои или секции.

Anything to protect my perfect maze.

Без всего, что может разрушить мой лабиринт.

Because in the maze, you…

Потому что в лабиринте… ты не теряешь себя.

I keep dreaming about being lost in a maze.

Мне постоянно снится один сон, будто я плутаю по лабиринту.

Of course, the maze is a place that is not only fascinating, but also attracts.

Конечно, лабиринт, это то место, которое не только завораживает, но и притягивает к себе.

Imagine being stuck inside a maze and wanting to find your way out.

Представьте, что вы застряли в лабиринте и хотите найти выход.

Pressure or discomfort in the ear caused by the accumulation of fluid in the maze.

Давления или дискомфорта в ухе, вызванного накоплением жидкости в лабиринте.

Scientists claim that an octopus can steer its way through a maze.

Ученые утверждают, что осьминог способен пробраться через лабиринт.

Instead, the scar tissue directs electric signals through a controlled path, or maze, to the lower heart chambers.

Вместо этого она направляет электрические импульсы через контролируемый путь или «лабиринт» в нижние сердечные камеры (желудочки).

The online market can seem like a massive maze, but we have the map to guarantee success.

Интернет-рынок может показаться огромным лабиринтом, но у нас есть карта, чтобы гарантировать успех.

However, the corridors of this maze should allow us to make something working.

Тем не менее коридоры этого лабиринта должны позволить нам сделать нечто работающее.

Having experts to guide your business through this ever-changing financial maze will be crucial moving forward.

Наличие экспертов для руководства вашим бизнесом через этот постоянно меняющийся финансовый лабиринт будет иметь решающее значение для продвижения вперед.

Soon they will learn that their maze was not the only one and there are other teenagers who managed to survive.

Вскоре они узнают, что их лабиринт не был единственным и есть другие подростки, которым удалось выжить.

The last test will be the biggest room of mirrors, in the form of a huge maze.

Последним испытанием будет самая большая комната зеркал, в виде огромного лабиринта.

An interesting and fun fact: each visitor will be awarded a diploma, if a person comes out intricate maze by himself.

Интересный и забавный факт: каждому посетителю вручат диплом, если человек самостоятельно выйдет из замысловатого лабиринта.

For instance, rats in a maze have free choice.

Например, у крыс в лабиринте есть свободный выбор.

Once in this maze, you will certainly buy something, and then you want to get out of there quickly.

Оказавшись в этом лабиринте, вы непременно что-нибудь купите, а потом вам захочется побыстрее оттуда выбраться.

On the corn field of 13 hectares each year, the so-called corn maze is created.

На поле кукурузы площадью 13 гектаров каждый год создают так называемый «кукурузный лабиринт«.

Then get out of the maze, others also need to be answered.

Тогда выходи из лабиринта, другим тоже необходимо получить ответы».

They only know that every day big doors in the stone wall open to a maze that lies behind the walls.

Они знают только, что каждый день большие двери в каменной стене, чтобы открыть лабиринт, который находится за стенами.

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лабиринт, путаница, бродить по лабиринту, ставить в тупик


- лабиринт

a maze of streets — лабиринт улиц
bureaucratic maze — бюрократическая неразбериха

- путаница

to be in a maze — быть растерянным /сбитым с толку/; запутаться
she was in a maze — она не соображала, что происходит; она была в трансе
to tread a maze — запутаться в сложном переплетении (неприятностей и т. п.)


- бродить по лабиринту (переулков и т. п.)
- ставить в тупик, сбивать с толку; приводить в замешательство

Мои примеры


a maze of rules and regulations — лабиринт из правил и инструкций  
maze routing — лабиринтная трассировка  
maze cave — лабиринт пещер  
one-choice maze — лабиринт с одним выходом; лабиринт с одним входом  
elevated maze — каскадный лабиринт  
maze behavior — поведение в лабиринте  
maze of streets — лабиринт улиц  
maze pattern — запутанная картина; картина лабиринта; запутанная схема  
maze performance — прохождение лабиринта  
unthread a maze — выбраться из лабиринта  
water maze — водный лабиринт  

Примеры с переводом

We lost our way in the maze of narrow streets.

Мы заблудились в лабиринте узких улочек.

The school is a maze of classrooms.

Эта школа представляет собой настоящий лабиринт из кабинетов.

The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze.

Психолог гонял этих крыс по длинному лабиринту.

We got completely lost in the maze.

Мы совсем заблудились в этом лабиринте.

I’m completely mazed by the multitude of plans for health insurance.

Меня совершенно сбило с толку такое множество планов медицинского страхования.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I was led through a maze of corridors.

…a baffling maze of high-speed expressways encircles the city…

The experiment measured the time it took for a mouse to find its way through a maze to get its reward of cheese.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

mazer  — кубок, чаша
mazed  — растерянный, сбитый с толку, запутавшийся

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): maze
мн. ч.(plural): mazes

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word maze, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use maze in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «maze».

Maze in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word maze in a sentence.

  1. Apart from the jungle, the game’s maze also includes several lakes.

  2. Its tiled maze contains 256 screens and is drawn in a 16 by 16 grid.

  3. It required a maze of scaffolding to be built around the outside of the home.

  4. After they do so and leave the maze, Ravel is revealed to have faked her death.

  5. CVG recommended drawing a map of the maze, without which it was easy to get lost.

  6. Sabreman can also collect treasure and extra lives scattered throughout the maze.

  7. It released Dig Dug the same year, a maze chaser that allowed players to create their own mazes.

  8. Bligh turned south-west, and steered through a maze of shoals, reefs, sandbanks, and small islands.

  9. In Sabre Wulf, the player guides the pith-helmeted adventurer Sabreman through a two-dimensional maze.

  10. The third, Din, centers around an underground transit system, a steampunk carnival, and a mechanical maze.

  11. Once in the maze, The Nameless One converses with Ravel, who asks him «what can change the nature of a man?

  12. However, criticism was directed toward certain puzzles’ designs—particularly toward that of one maze puzzle.

  13. The maze is presented in flip-screens such that the player views one static tile of the maze’s grid at a time.

  14. A garden maze under Poison Ivy’s control was considered as a location; she could grow it in different directions.

  15. Using the radial arm maze, lesions in the DH were shown to cause spatial memory impairment while VH lesions did not.

  16. For example, when Sabreman reaches the left edge of one screen, he continues the maze at the right edge of the next screen.

  17. He worked with an expert from Suzhou to preserve and renovate a water maze from the original hotel, one of only five in the country.

  18. The speaker of the poems often seems overwhelmed by the maze of dialogue that constantly interrupts him, as in «Colloque Sentimental»:.

  19. Endō went on to design The Tower of Druaga a year later, a maze game that helped establish the concept for the action role-playing game.

  20. The renaming proposal was even mentioned as a way to untangle a maze of different branches of Grand River Avenue running through Old Town.

  21. The player navigates the pith-helmeted Sabreman through a 2D jungle maze while collecting amulet pieces to bypass the guardian at its exit.

  22. Toru Iwatani began work on a maze video game that was targeted primarily towards women, with simplistic gameplay and recognizable characters.

  23. García Márquez believes, however, that Latin America has to discover the General’s labyrinth to recognize and deal with its own maze of problems.

  24. By 10:45, Gneisenau and Nürnberg had rejoined the fleet, and the German auxiliaries were detached to seek shelter in the maze of islands off Cape Horn.

  25. There was also a maze, known as a Troy Town, constructed from piled up turf with walls about 1 foot (0.30 m) high, through which villagers would dance.

  26. Daedaleopsis confragosa, commonly known as the thin walled maze polypore or the blushing bracket, is a species of polypore fungus in the family Polyporaceae.

  27. According to a story in The New York Times, state officials say the restoration is lost in a maze of «federal bureaucracy, a victim of ‘analysis paralysis’ «.

  28. The polypore has acquired several vernacular names, including «thin-maze flat polypore», «thin walled maze polypore», «blood-stained bracket», and «blushing bracket».

  29. The portal that The Nameless One and his party found in the maze takes them to the city of Curst, a gate town on the border of the Outlands and Carceri, to find Trias.

  30. Critics also noted a bug in two-player mode, repeat screens from elsewhere in the maze, and the frustratingly narrow window in which sabre swings register as enemy hits.

  31. Sabreman must navigate the 3D maze of stone blocks in each room, usually to retrieve a collectible object, whilst avoiding spikes and enemies, which kill him on contact.

  32. The adopted provisions, which came into force after the new constitution was ratified by the convention in December 1895, set a maze of obstacles before prospective voters.

  33. The player must reconstruct an amulet from its four pieces scattered throughout the maze to bypass the guardian at its exit, a cave that leads to the game’s sequel, Underwurlde.

  34. Alongside a small team, he created a game named Puck Man, where players controlled a character that had to eat dots in an enclosed maze while avoiding four ghosts that pursued them.

  35. Reviewers appreciated the game’s graphics and found its gameplay similar to Ultimate’s previous game, Atic Atac—particularly in its opening sequence and maze format—but preferred Sabre Wulf.

  36. As elsewhere, Burges incorporated earlier designs, the bronze doors echoing those at Cork Cathedral, and the maze floor recalling an earlier ceiling at Burges’s office at 15 Buckingham Street.

  37. The game, released in May 2010, included a minigame calling upon the player to «navigat[e] a restaurant-placemat-style maze, in which a giant sandwich must avoid hungry physicians on its way to Dr.

Synonyms for maze

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word maze has the following synonyms: labyrinth, tangle and snarl.

General information about «maze» example sentences

The example sentences for the word maze that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «maze» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «maze».

She shamelessly watched the creature trapped in a maze of metal wrinkled like crumpled paper

The plots within a day’s paddle of the city center are a maze of canals, most of them only about six feet wide

trace the molehill maze of aureole and nipple,

They were on the lower balcony, and this area at the back of it was a maze of booths and stalls, all selling some form of intoxicant or food

Without local knowledge it was impossible to interpret the land and that made it so much easier to become lost — which was the most probable reason my father chose this route when they were fleeing from the fires — yet Alexis had no problem and kept our spirits up leading us through a maze of beautiful woods and dense tangled thickets along the way

Together they moved their way through the sections and levels into a long and torturous maze

Together they moved their way through the sections and into a long and torturous maze

They drove back, following that road for a ways, only to discover it lead into a maze of other roads running throughout the orchards

The interior — an ant-hill like maze of chambers and tunnels

mazes, so a mirror maze would not only satisfy that

the boys across the river to the Petrin Maze

one who finished the maze first got five points – and with

River Neckar, and from within it’s a maze of geranium-

The dead grew with the passing of time, as did the Crypt, becoming a maze of tunnels which even the dwarves no longer knew, nor dared to tread

The industrial levels in this area were such a maze of plank-ups on hunks of old archwood spindle

He got extremely frustrated with the crowds around the Conchidenabla and the maze above Hill Circle

Even with the system able to plot the three-d maze, they could spend hours finding a coachman, even in a busy business district like that near the detective agency

A dense maze of roads and alleyways spread from the great Red Wall like roots from the base of a Brentwood elm

This machine was in a large room, there were two doors, each leading into a maze of smaller rooms that had been subdivided off of this before the area was abandoned

As far as Alan could tell from here, this floor up here above the crate plank-up was a maze of dusty old furniture

He had traversed the maze of roots for days to reach his destination, so far he had remained unmolested

behind a maze of hanging hides

The northwest corner of the pyramid was embedded in a clump of grown building that added a few more floors above the stone maze of the quadrangles

A maze of mountainous roots blocked his path, but with his newfound abilities, he quickly ascended them

Lurking in the maze, he recognized the corrupted forms of the other Chosen who had been captured by the Dead Tree

To reach that goal, Imorbis had plans within plans; a maze of possibilities that only Imorbis could navigate

She became a maze of intricate paths, but I turned her towards concentrating on the ones that led outside of her body

I was a mouse in a wooded maze

The labyrinth of Greek legend was an impossibly complex maze of passages

It is a maze of thoughts and emotions that most of the time traps the attention, and prevents it from escaping to find happiness

“Have the mortals sent search parties into the maze?” the goblin sniggered cruelly

And the maze proved far more effective a

piercing the maze would either mean a lifetime of digging or a lot of men lost in the tunnels

because they sit in the maze and hawk their shit, it doesn’t mean they know squat about the rest of

only then that I realised, the light aiding my eyes, that anyone who got lost in the maze would stay

When Amaranthe woke, early morning light slipped between the boards across the windows, streaking the maze of hanging papers with slashes

By day, the towering building that housed the Maze loomed silent and lifeless

The interior maze walls were a few feet lower

A clank echoed through the Maze

“Uhm, Mitsy Masters from the Maze said you’re still Hollowcrest’s man and the bounty is just a cover

The cliffs blocked her view of the beach, so she could not tell if soldiers were in motion there either, making any progress on the maze of caves

In this maze of inky tunnels and chaotic turns, however, his demeanor has begun to change drastically

The earthworks laid out around the main entrance formed a complicated maze of corridors that had to be negotiated before gaining admittance to the large semi-circular clearing in front of the sett itself

At regular intervals along the twisting passageways, small alcoves had been scooped out of the walls, and here large boars stood guard, nodding silently as the party passed through the maze

Could it be that some badger had marked a way through the maze? Yes that had to be it

Edgar slid from the booth and weaved his way through the maze of tables

She dropped lower to the ground and moved off the path, heading for rocky areas higher up where the rabbit warrens lay in a maze of underground tunnels

Wandering through the usual maze of hallways, Teri found the Psych department and the door with “Professor A

A circle in white showed that it was quite close to Centralia, along with a bunch of other planetary systems, isolated asteroids, a veritable maze of cometary epicycles, mostly outside of the plane of the ecliptic, something called ‘Marginals,’ and other populated objects

Soon he was absorbed into a maze of people, each striding purposefully in a chosen direction

She also went about the passages, corridors and the larger cavities where hallways met with astounding ease, especially considering the poor light and lack of distinguishing features in such a maze of wild irregularity

Light was at a premium, its sources the by-products of the industrious machines: sparks like lightning, hot rivers of metal, red and yellow fires and blue-hot flames; green and violet beams of light against stark gray metals, the mirror sheens of gleaming new surfaces reflecting everything, multiplying their intensity in a maze of light

Andy turned the lights on and the shadowy walls transformed into a maze of maps, notes, and reports

He ignored the Hedgehog’s instruments and let intuition guide him through the dazzling maze of searing death rays

program “has become a maze of confusing and often contradictory guidance that, on average, requires

At dinner, she had been told the way, but now the house was like a maze to her

“You don’t have to follow me,” I say, staring at the maze of bars above me

Therese leads us through the maze of metal to the back of the room, where several bulbs dangle from the ceiling over a table

We work our way through the maze of machinery again

A rocky outcropping above the waterline covered an underwater maze that shielded the fish

Orb preened as parents emerged from the maze praising these displays

The slender black man standing at the back expertly poled his goragora out into the maze of tributaries of the Okavango delta

Some of them went back into the maze for more

They came out of the maze and sent out a search party for Mr

He reentered the maze

He found out it was used to signal the others to cover the back sections, upon his entry into the maze

The “multitasked” mind of a Westerner when corralled into one pen might deteriorate like that of a rat in a blind maze

We traveled very quickly through a maze of corridors that I did not recognize from the map I had studied

It is a veritable maze of streets, alleyways and squares, and I believe it dates back to medieval times

the blackness, the broad walkways a floating maze of silver

We set off down the river around the north side of an island in the middle of the river and through a bewildering maze of channels among the mudflats finally emerging near an island south of the large island west of my peninsula, late in the afternoon

trio retraced their steps along the maze of aisles, taking their time

the maze of upturned crates and boxes, his mind set on the metal

was swept away into the maze of buildings

maze of granite sentinels that spanned the vast height of the

“This place is a maze

Dreams are the walking sticks that guide weary and lonely travelers through the maze of life

in the maze of mediocrity

Levi peered at me through the countless number of medical books on my desk, trying to catch my eyes through the maze of texts

Studying the mist as it circled its way around the maze of trees that scattered the terrain, I could also see why my brothers had chosen these particular woods to enter Boston through

Quite a difference when you can stand back and compare your efforts at the end of the day rather than hide your true self in a maze of propoganda

If anything, the rubble enhances the rustic charm of the maze city

Seconds later, violent bursts of gunfire fill every lane in the maze city and drown out the coordinated State-is-great chorus

«Anup!» I cry out, as I navigate through the maze of human statues surrounding the Temple

In the evenings, Ken studied the schematic map of the tank farm, trying to unscramble the maze of pipes and valves in a way that would allow no contamination of the fuels

But here’s the kicker – to make it any better, to escape the financial maze, to free yourself from the constant stress and worry – you need to face facts

In the maze

iceberg, as the exact subsidy figures are disguised within the EU‘s maze of bureaucracy

Every social community is a maze of hot zones

swerved to the left to avoid the maze, and hit the sloping

«These dungeons are about the most rambling spread-out maze of underground caves I’ve ever known!

He was led up and down through a maze of hallways and

through the maze of security gates and check stations before

He looked back over his shoulder and could just make out the three men through the maze of lasers

Bleeding Skull darted through the doorway out into a maze of rotting crates and pallets

Calvin, closely escorted by two marines—and a medic who had hastily patched Calvin’s light flesh wound—walked through the endless maze of grey

The chickens had gathered on a small patch of clear ground, and clucked expectantly as Zach heaved a bucket towards them through the maze of rubbish

He led us farther into the maze

into the maze had been a stupid idea

The landscape was a maze of waterways, grassy islands, reed beds,

But after a few hours of struggling thru city traffic in the mazes of small canals or the ships and barges of the main canals, he was already thinking they probably should have taken a lake runner to Chardovia

mazes, so a mirror maze would not only satisfy that

this day being bonus points day for mazes, it was worth a

He remained immersed in its mazes until dawn, struck a new trail of speculation and pursued it like a sleuth hound for the next week, utterly lost to the world, his parish and his family

slime mould solves mazes every time it is tested

Albiona watched him anxiously, her mind groping bewildered in the mazes of the problem that confronted him

Only occultists high in the mazes of the hideous Black Ring possessed the power of the black hand that dealt death by its touch; and only such a man would dare defy Thoth-Amon, whom the western world knew only as a figure of terror and myth

“This is out of your jurisdiction,” blared the overbearing and aggressive Sub-Observatory of Galactic Wranglers & Wobblers… a blatantly made up organization notorious for seizing space ships just to release them in confusing mazes they’ve designed in order to place bets on who, if any, will find their way out

To ensure the public is still getting fresh entertainment, Mazes are carefully designed to be the definitive representation of danger

His Planetary Greeg Carnival was indeed a resounding success though, with a steady supply of enslaved workers bringing him new and exciting Greegs and their ships being sent off to far-off mazes, serving as a bribe to the Council of Eleven and a Half Thousand Different Coloured Robes

He’ll run through mazes of intense complexity

Even cultural doctrines, Powerpoint layered one upon another to impress upon us graphic visions of our statistical possibilities, trend fashions of belief to be worn as alter-incarnations in metaphysical mazes where one searches for meaning in the green screen fog of our CG caves

Ears continued to weave them, a small chapter of the Newstory GIFT, through the overlapping mazes of TripEars and TrapEyes to the Hall of Vireality that they had come to virtually vandalize, though many called it consci-slaughter, but which was worse – recoding an algorithm so it couldn’t achieve self-awareness or allowing The Singularity to come into being – none of the opinion harvesters were able to concur

She wondered so much that she became lost in mazes of wonder, and there was so long a silence that Mrs

So we see that by the flimsy twirl of a phrase, all there plain admonitions are pushed far from us into the mazes of uncertainty, losing their power on the lives of the people

The flight of time which hurries us so tragically along; the eternal drudge and drone, now bursting into fiery flame like those brief balls of yellow among green leaves (she was looking at orange trees); kisses on lips that are to die; the world turning, turning in mazes of heat and sound—though to be sure there is the quiet evening with its lovely pallor, «For I am sensitive to every side of it,» Sandra thought, «and Mrs

And we did—the mazes basically repeat themselves about every month

Warrior after warrior enlisted in the dance, until all of any renown and authority were numbered in its mazes

The backyards, usually flat with hard dirt or even cement, were rectangular mazes

The backyards, usually flat with hard dirt or even cement, were rectangular mazes

The hacker put red herrings all over the place and kept leading us into new mazes and labyrinths

That, in itself, was strange, for in Atlanta every respectable newcomer hastened to present his credentials, to tell proudly of his home and family, to trace the tortuous mazes of relationship that stretched over the entire South

‘ Her graceful form, arrayed in snowy robes, is whirling through the mazes of the joyous dance; her eye is brightest, her step is lightest in the gay assembly

Only when they had crossed and recrossed interminable mazes of asphalt and greens did one of them finally (Black) light his pipe and emit a theory

And the quaint mazes in the wanton green,

As I wandered along the corridors, I was as absolutely lost in the mazes of winding passageways as I had been before I discovered Dejah Thoris’ apartments

This was my opportunity and slim as it appeared I grasped it, for as a number of soldiers came hurrying past my hiding place I fell in behind them and followed through the mazes of the palace until, in passing through a great hall, I saw the blessed light of day coming in through a series of larger windows

When he discovered the arrangement of words in alphabetical order he delighted in searching for and finding the combinations with which he was familiar, and the words which followed them, their definitions, led him still further into the mazes of erudition

Clayton, bewildered and confused, hesitated to follow him, for he thought he was but being led more deeply into the mazes of the forest; but the ape-man, seeing him disinclined to follow, returned, and, grasping him by the coat, dragged him along until he was convinced that Clayton understood what was required of him

But in pursuit of those far mysteries we dream of, or in tormented chase of that demon phantom that, some time or other, swims before all human hearts; while chasing such over this round globe, they either lead us on in barren mazes or midway leave us whelmed

Caught and twisted—corkscrewed in the mazes of the line, loose harpoons and lances, with all their bristling barbs and points, came flashing and dripping up to the chocks in the bows of Ahab’s boat

Don’t be uneasy : I will explain the facts, but what I have just said is absolutely true; my whole life has been lost in mazes and perplexity, and suddenly they are all solved on such a day, at five o’clock this afternoon ! It’s quite mortifying, isn’t it ? A little while ago I should really have felt mortified

If I were competent, which I confess I am not, to the task, I should think it a very unprofitable one, to follow the gentleman through all the mazes of the banking system—a system, sir, about the various and important operations and effects of which on civil society, aside from a few obvious truths which it furnishes, I have found that those gentlemen who have professed to understand them best, have differed most

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