The word mature in a sentence

  • Use the word mature in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Makes me feel so mature and grown up.

The ground of men is very stubborn to mature.

Your sister is a mature person and doesn’t like coming to these things with loud people like you.

It is, uh, full mature, the smooth blended tones, very subtle and his brushwork is left-handed.

You see, he has no common sense. He’s in love with you, while a rich and mature divorcee would ensure his future.

You are developing exactly as if you were a young organism instead of a mature one.

Exactly, that’s the problem! If she isn’t mature enough to be a teacher then what do you expect her to achieve?

I’ve come to the mature conclusion that I’m in love.

She needs trouble to mature her, Kittredge.

If I were a girl and had to choose between a young, good-for-nothing with plenty of hair, and a solid, mature citizen I’d pick Mathias Popkin every time.

I think you’re mature enough to understand.

I think someone more mature

Well, you see that’s the way with those older men like Mr Pendergast… A girl gets to appreciate their more mature

Or are we going to be governed by respectable mature civic leaders who do not seek the appointment but accept it as a civic duty?

You’re not a boy, you’re just mature.

After mature consideration I subscribe to your plan of having unknown play Mark Winston.

Upon mature consideration, my objections seem petty… compared with your generous gesture.

To tell you the truth I haven’t given the matter any mature thought, as you might say.

Well, I can only suppose that Morris is more mature in his feelings than I thought.

«Miss Harrington had much to tell and these columns shall report her faithfully about the lamentable practice in our theatre of permitting mature actresses to continue playing roles requiring a youth and vigour of which they retain but a dim memory.»

Everything wise and witty has long since been said by minds more mature and talents far greater than mine.

Gentlemen are that way, the more mature the better.

I did, but I’m a year older, and women mature so much earlier than men.

Say, you’re not the only one who got mature this year.

If those birds think I’m gonna stay in Hollywood just to play a stooge for Victor mature… — Eighteen holes, huh?

Oh. But this hitch in the Army has given me a more mature outlook on life.

I suppose I prefer the company of more mature women.

I want to marry a mature man, very rich.

You are looking for a mature man able to appreciate you.

They flower only twice every year, and would have been mature a month from now.

They use the word «mature» for pears, not for flowers.

Monsieur, it has been a long time since a man with your mature taste has visited our island.

It had happened that.. my daughter had made the acquaintance of a mature doctor.

She is more… more mature.

More mature, I guess. And, uh, changed.

It’s not healthy for a mature woman to live without a man.

A mature man with talent and experience…

In short, I had become more mature.

I waited for pears to become mature, but other man came, faster.

Don’t you know that God plants his own lovely dream in the human heart… and that when the dream is mature… and the time for it is ripe for its fulfillment… well, to our astonishment and delight… his will becomes ours, and ours his?

But a mature man like yourself knows all about love?

We need mature, experienced leaders in S.A.C.

I don’t quite know how to say it but there’s a mature quality about her that’s disturbing in a child and my husband and I thought that a school like yours where you believe in discipline and the old-fashioned virtues might, well, perhaps teach her to be more of a child.

She needs trouble to mature, Kittredge.

There is no shortage of information about the word «mature» online. However, various sources have different definitions, making this word confusing to some people. But if you are confused, don’t worry because you have come to the right place; this article discusses the mature definition, meaning, and usage.

Mature means «having completed natural growth or development.» Use the word when talking about a person, animal, plant, or even products like wine. Use the word to mean «having reached the limit of its time or due» or «something expected and needs to get paid.»

There is more to the word «mature,» so read on to learn the various meanings and how you can use the word in your sentence. Reading these definitions will give you the confidence to use the word and will help ensure that you understand it better when someone uses the word to communicate with you.

What Is The Definition Of Mature?

Use the word «mature» to mean «skillful, thoughtful, and shows the ability to be fully developed.» This can apply when discussing an artist, musician, or writer. In this definition, «mature» is a grading adjective.

We refer to this word as a grading adjective because you can tell if someone or something is mature through various parameters. Also, note that when you describe a certain group of people or someone’s work as mature, it means that you recognize the work that they do because their skills have fully developed.

Here are some examples:

  • This is Mary’s most mature art yet.
  • The show is great, and it has mature content.
  • If you choose a movie, get one with mature information.

Mature (adjective) can also refer to someone who is all grown or older. When you say someone is mature, you mean that the person is middle-aged or older. Using the word «mature» is more polite than referring to a person as «very old or aged.»

funny looking mature men

What Is The Meaning Of Mature?

Mature is a verb that means «a young child or animal that has become an adult.» Replace the words develop, grow up, blossom, and bloom with the word «mature.» 

Here are some examples:

  • It is important to learn the changes to expect as your child matures physically.
  • The twins have big bodies, and one can assume that they are mature.
  • I cannot wait for the day that my puppy will mature.

Another meaning of mature is «belonging to the middle portion of a cycle of erosion.» Use the word when describing a stream, season, time of the year, and other periods or systems that take a certain cycle.

Mature Meaning In Various Fields

  1. What is mature in insurance? The word mature in bond or life insurance means that the policy is ready to get paid.
  2. What is mature in religion? When one recognizes what is right and wrong and cannot be easily swayed by false teachings, we can say they are religiously mature.

Common Phrases with the Word Mature

  1. Mature reflection: What you decide after giving something careful consideration over a given period is referred to as mature reflection.
  2. Mature attitude: It is a trait shown by people who have fully balanced and developed their personal and emotional behavior.
  3. Mature physically: Someone fully grown with physical body parameters showing it but does not show signs of emotional maturity.
  4. Mature democracy: If a country is mature democratically, it means a nation where civil liberties and fundamental political freedom are respected and reinforced.
  5. Mature relationship: A mature relationship is free of judgment or unrealistic expectations. People consider different things to term a relationship as mature.

Synonyms And Antonyms Of The Word Mature

Learning the synonyms and antonyms of any word helps in building vocabulary. That way, you will know how to express yourself better as you prepare to become a pro in English.

Synonyms: Here is a look at words with the same or near meaning to the word «mature.»

  • Adult
  • Grown-up
  • Established
  • Fit
  • Seasoned
  • Prime
  • Sensible
  • Wise
  • Aware
  • Sophisticated
  • Experienced
  • Tried
  • Skillful
  • Accomplished
  • Tested

Antonyms of the word mature: These words mean the opposite or near opposite of the word mature.

  • Immature
  • Childish
  • Inexperienced
  • Infant
  • Youth
  • New
  • Modern
  • Premature
  • Raw
  • Developing
  • Teenage
  • Blossoming
  • Underage
  • Green
  • Ignorant

Words That Rhyme With Mature

Mature is easily confused with some of its rhyming words. Here are words that have the same sound as mature.

  • Secure
  • Pure
  • Tour
  • Procure
  • Ensure
  • Immature
  • Assure
  • Endure
  • Unsure
  • Allure
  • Brochure
  • Sure
  • Manure
  • Tour
  • Sure

How To Use Mature In A Sentence

Use the word «mature» in your sentences when talking about someone or something developed in the mind or the body or something due for payment. It is also a positive word used to talk about something impressive or desirable.

Using The Word Mature In Different Parts Of Speech

Adverb: Maturely, which means «in a mature manner or showing maturity.»

Here are some examples:

  • She acts maturely for her age.
  • Leonardo handles his affair neatly and maturely.
  • The villagers protested against the government’s decision to build an airport in the maturely uplands of the land.

Noun: Maturity, which means being mentally or physically developed or a time when an insurance policy matures.

Here are some examples:

  • The way the security guard behaved shows a lack of maturity.
  • James reached emotional maturity late in his life.
  • The maturity duration of the bond is ten years.

Is Mature a Negative Word?

«Mature» describes people, animals, plants, things, or fully developed situations. In most cases, it shows that something has reached its prime or is good. So, the word mature is mostly a positive word.

But at times, the word «mature» can mock someone or something. For instance, when you say, «how mature are you for such bad behavior?» That is mostly a mock and not an appreciation. The sentence describes someone old enough but does something that makes them look childish or not expected of their age.

10 Examples Of Mature In A Sentence

Here are ten sentence examples to help you comprehensively understand «mature» and the various ways to use the word in your sentences.

  1. The way Will Smith behaved at the Oscars was not mature.
  2. After several years of conflict, their marriage blossomed into mature love.
  3. He always hangs around older people, which is why he acts mature for his age.
  4. His writing style has matured over the years instead of becoming more jaded.
  5. I do not think the students are mature enough to understand the lecture.
  6. I was calling to inform you that your term deposit will mature next July.
  7. Do not rush to get a divorce; take the time to think things through so you can make mature decisions.
  8. A fun fact about leopards is that they mature after two years.
  9. The reason sharks have a few babies is because they take a year to mature.
  10. We have seen the president mature in how he makes decisions and policies.

How Do You Spell Mature?

The proper spelling of «mature» is «M.A.T.U.R.E.» 

Correct spelling helps facilitate communication and also allows people to understand each other better. So before using a word, it is important to ensure you have taken the time to understand its spelling and meaning.

How Do You Pronounce Mature?

The correct way to pronounce «mature» is «muh.chour.» 

It doesn’t matter the number of words that you have learned; if you do not know the correct pronunciation of each word, people will underestimate you and not give you the attention that you deserve when giving a speech.

mature word in the dictionary

How Many Syllables Are In Mature?

The word «mature» has two syllables «ma.ture.» 

The stressed syllable of the word is «-ture.» Whenever you check the syllables present in a word, make sure you learn about the stress syllables. Doing so will help you better understand where to put your emphasis when pronouncing a word.

History & Etymology Of Mature

The word «mature» comes from the Latin word «mātūrus,» meaning «ripe, timely, or early.» Later the French changed it to «mature» but retained the same meaning as the Latin language.

In the 1530s, the English language borrowed the word and used it as «mature,» meaning «ripe.» Over time, the English Language broadened, and so did the meaning of the word «mature.» That explains why today, this word has numerous definitions.

When Was Mature First Used?

The first use of the word «mature» was in the 15th Century. 

When first introduced to English, the word meant «based on slow, careful consideration.» But over time, the word, its meaning, and usage evolved.


The word «mature» is wide and applied in different areas of life. If you have not yet come across the word, rest assured that you will come across it soon. This is one of the words in the English language that you need to learn and understand. More so, the different contexts that use the word.

Take your time to read and understand the mature definition, meaning, and the many ways you can use this word in your sentences. Once you have understood the word, come up with creative sentences and read them out to confirm your understanding.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

зрелый, развитой, выдержанный, созревший, созреть, созревать, взрослеть, вылежаться


- зрелый; спелый

mature age — зрелый возраст
mature years — зрелые годы
mature wisdom — мудрость, приходящая с возрастом
he’s got much more mature since then — он очень повзрослел с тех пор
you must learn to behave in a more mature way — ты должен научиться вести себя как взрослый человек

- выдержанный (о вине, бетоне и т. п.)
- доношенный (о ребёнке)
- тщательно обдуманный

mature reflection — тщательное обдумывание
after /on/ mature deliberation — по зрелом размышлении
mature scheme /plan/ — зрелый /хорошо обдуманный/ план

- ком. подлежащий оплате (ввиду наступившего срока)
- созревший, назревший (о нарыве и т. п.)
- уст. созревший, готовый


- созреть, вполне развиться

his character matured during these years — его характер вполне сформировался за эти годы

- доводить до зрелости, до полного развития

these years matured his character — эти годы сформировали его характер
children mature earlier nowadays — в наши дни дети развиваются быстрее

- тщательно обдумывать, разрабатывать

to mature schemes /plans/ — тщательно /детально/ разработать планы
his plans were not yet matured — его планы ещё не были окончательными /не созрели/

- совершенствовать, отрабатывать; доводить до высокого уровня, совершенства
- доводить до зрелости; выдерживать (о вине, сыре и т. п.)
- вызревать, созревать, достигать нужной кондиции

the grapes mature in the sun — виноград созревает на солнце

- ком. наступать (о сроке платежа)

when does this bill mature? — когда наступает срок платежа по этому векселю?

Мои примеры


mature judgment — зрелое суждение  
mature forest — спелый лес  
mature phenotype — зрелый [дефинитивный] фенотип  
mature phage — зрелая (внеклеточная) фаговая частица  
mature plasma cell — плазмацит, зрелая плазматическая клетка  
postmitotic mature cell — зрелая дифференцированная клетка  
mature cell — зрелая клетка  
mature embryo — зрелый [сформировавшийся] зародыш  
mature egg — зрелое яйцо  
mature skin — зрелая кожа  

Примеры с переводом

He has a mature outlook on life.

У него зрелый взгляд на жизнь.

Laura is very mature for her age.

Лаура очень развита для своего возраста.

She’s very mature for her age.

Она очень развита для своего возраста.

I need to mature my thoughts.

Мне надо тщательно это обдумать.

Most girls are sexually mature by about 14 years of age.

Большинство девушек становятся половозрелыми примерно в 14 лет.

The olives are pulped, then left to mature.

Оливки очищают от шелухи, а затем оставляют дозревать.

Show-business is a mature industry.

Шоу-бизнес является процветающей индустрией.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Few beers brewed in Britain are matured in the bottle.

Their bodies were mature, but they still behaved like children.

After mature reflection, he concluded that he had been mistaken.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

immature  — незрелый, молодой, неспелый, недоразвившийся, несозревший, юный, преждевременный
maturate  — развиваться, созреть, нагноиться
maturity  — зрелость, завершенность, совершеннолетие, возмужалость
overmature  — перезрелый, переспелый
matureness  — зрелость, возмужалость, совершеннолетие, завершенность
maturing  — вызревание
maturely  — зрело, здраво

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: mature
he/she/it: matures
ing ф. (present participle): maturing
2-я ф. (past tense): matured
3-я ф. (past participle): matured

mature — перевод на русский


Sometimes the best way to handle things is the mature, non-paintball approach.

Иногда, лучший способ справиться с чем-то, это взрослый не пейнтбольный разговор.

You know the way siegfried seems to think I’m incapable of running my life like a mature adult?

Ты знаешь, Зигфрид считает, что я неспособен вести себя по жизни, как взрослый человек.

He’s smart and mature and grown-up.

Он умный и взрослый и высокий.

Mature and grown-up, he’s a big boy.

Взрослый и высокий, о да он большой мальчик.

No, you’re a mature adult who lost $2,300… because his daddy told him not to.

Нет, ты взрослый, который проиграл 2300 долларов… потому что его отец сказал ему НЕТ.

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Just seems to me that 39 is certainly mature enough to work.

Мне кажется, что 39 лет — достаточно зрелый возраст для того, чтобы работать.

That’s mature, Harlan.

Ётот зрелый, ‘арлан.

It was okay for me because I’m mature.

Путает их. Для меня безвредно, ведь я уже зрелый.

Monica needs somebody more mature.

Монике нужен кто-то более зрелый

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Each of us, in his own way, must learn to deal with adversity in a mature and adult fashion.

Каждый из нас на своем пути вынужден решать свои проблемы спокойно и по-взрослому.

You guys are being real mature.

Очень по-взрослому.

Okay, real mature, guys.

Хорошо, очень по-взрослому, ребята.

With both my parents gone, I suddenly… have this overwhelming urge to act maturely.

Как только мои родители умерли, у меня вдруг… появилось это побуждение вести себя по-взрослому…

That’s real mature.

Очень по-взрослому.

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Think of how he’s matured!

Подумай, как он повзрослел.

You are mature now.

Шесть? .. Ты повзрослел.

He’s matured quite a bit, don’t you think?

Он немного повзрослел, как думаешь?

You had changed, got so mature by far.

Как ты изменился, повзрослел.

— I’ve matured.

— Я повзрослел.

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I think we’re both much too mature for something like that.

Я думаю,что мы оба созрели для этого.

This promising new career in dog food has convinced me… that you two are mature enough to get married.

Эта твоя многообещающая новая карьера на собачьей фабрике убедила меня что вы уже достаточно созрели для брака.

If the tumor cells haven’t matured, the Ki-67 protein wouldn’t have turned off.

Если клетки опухоли не созрели, белок Ki-67 не среагировал бы.

Their brains are developing, they are by no means mature, perhaps not until the first few years of their twenties.

Их мозг ещё развивается, они ещё не созрели, по крайней мере пока им не исполнилось чуть больше 20-ти.

We felt extremely mature.

Мы почувствовали, что мы созрели.

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And the way you have welcomed Marianne into ourfamily, shows us that you are responsible and mature.

И то, как ты поддержал Марианну, когда она появилась здесь, говорит о твой ответственности и зрелости.

It is an opportunity for us to take our relationship to the next step in a mature way.

Для нас это возможность перевести наши отношения на следующий уровень зрелости.

That’s very mature.

Проявление зрелости.

That these years, the mature years are an opportunity for travel, for further education for different work situations.

Что эти годы, годы зрелости, дают возможность путешествовать, получать образование, менять работу.

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I’m glad you’re being so mature about it.

Я рад, что ты реагируешь как взрослый человек.

I have to do the mature thing.

Я должен сделать это как взрослый человек.

So, the next night, I took Natalie out to dinner… to do the mature thing.

Итак, на следующий вечер я пригласил Натали на ужин… чтобы сделать одну вещь как взрослый человек.

I was being mature.

Я вел себя, как взрослый человек.

He’s a bit ambitious, rather mature.

Он вроде амбициозный. Вроде бы взрослый человек.

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How matured you’ve got, so efficient.

Как ты возмужал, каким стал распорядительным.

You’ve matured.


But now I feel I’ve grown more mature.

Но я чувствую, что возмужал.

Say, Avi, Johnny has really matured, right?

Скажи, Ави, правда, Джонни сильно возмужал?

(He’s matured on the job.)

Он возмужал на работе.

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You see how I’ve matured?

Видишь, как я вырос.

Simply said: I have matured and discerned the line between playing and adulthood.

Я просто вырос и понял, где граница между игрой и жизнью.

Perhaps he will develop more Kazon features as he matures.

Возможно, в нем разовьется больше кейзонских черт, когда он вырастет.

When will he be matured enough?

И когда он вырастет?

You intend to let it mature?

Вы позволите ему вырасти?

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What does sexually mature mean, Dad?

Папа, что такое половое созревание?

Is this sexually mature?

Это похоже на половое созревание?

What does sexually mature mean?

Что такое половое созревание?

Sexually mature?

Половое созревание?

I mean, a single wolf cell could take 100 years to mature.

На созревание одной клетке волка потребуются сотни лет.

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He is adult, perhaps handsome, mature.

Он взрослый человек, может быть красивый, и вполне зрелый.

Status: Stable, mature, discontinued, source available, freeware.

Состояние: Стабильный, зрелый, не поддерживается, исходный код доступен, свободно распространяется.

I am mature person who understands responsibility.

Взрослый человек, который знает, что такое ответственность.

Obviously we’re all waaay-super-uber mature.

Ведь очевидно, что все мы очень-супер-мега взрослые.

Reform we believe should be common to all digitally mature democracies.

Реформа, уверены мы, должна быть единой для всех демократий с развитой цифровой сферой.

Tackling fuel poverty in mature economies through information and awareness campaigns and social innovation.

Борьба с топливной бедностью в развитых странах посредством информационных и образовательных кампаний, а также инноваций в социальной сфере.

That is when we become spiritually mature.

Именно тогда мы растем, становясь более зрелыми духовно.

15, but told I am very mature.

Мне 45, я себя чувствую, надо признаться, довольно зрелым.

The mature and stable bilateral relations have strong endogenous impetus and development potential.

Отношения двух стран зрелые и стабильные, они обладают мощными внутренними движущими силами и потенциалом развития.

Disallow any that are too mature for your child.

Откажитесь от всего, что является слишком зрелым для вашего ребенка.

Man becomes mature the moment he starts loving rather than needing.

Человек становится зрелым в то мгновение, когда начинает любить вместо того, чтобы нуждаться.

He also said he wasn’t mature enough for this role.

Он также сказал, что он не был достаточно зрелым для этой роли.

Even mature industries, they argued, needed protection.

Даже зрелые отрасли промышленности, утверждали они, нуждаются в защите.

Maybe once that technology is mature we can get a flying car.

Может быть, когда-то, что технология является зрелой, мы можем получить летающий автомобиль.

I know how destructive media can be for the most mature persons.

Я знаю, насколько разрушительно могут подействовать средства массовой информации даже на самых зрелых людей.

Unlike bananas, citrus fruit are harvested mature.

В отличие от бананов, цитрусовые убираются в зрелом виде.

The terrestrial observing system component is much less mature.

Такой компонент, как система наблюдения за сушей, развит в гораздо меньшей степени.

Nevertheless, relationship with mature lady can have many benefits and enjoyment.

Между тем, отношения со зрелой женщиной может нести с собой много преимуществ и удовольствия.

You can tell it’s mature bone.

Вы сразу можете сказать, что это зрелая кость.

It functions in proteolytic cleavages during virion maturation to make mature gag and pol proteins.

Она функционирует при протеолитических расщеплениях во время созревания вирионов для того, чтобы получить зрелые белки gag и pol.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат mature

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