The word magic in a sentence

Definition of Magic

the ability to persuade people using illusion and trickery

Examples of Magic in a sentence

“The only way the man could have made that bird disappear,” said the amazed young boy as he watched the street performer, “is through magic.”


When the man sawed the woman in half, everyone knew that it wasn’t really magic because it was revealed there was secret compartment in the box for the woman’s body.


As the audience watched the magic being performed on stage, many stunned fans couldn’t believe their eyes as the assistant vanished right before their very eyes.


Harry Houdini was known for his magic by escaping out of locked trunks, a straitjacket and from being buried alive.


While doing a card trick, the children knew it was magic when Pete could shuffle the deck and then reveal the card that was originally chosen.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word magic, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use magic in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «magic».

Magic in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word magic in a sentence.

  1. Players can also augment their armies with magic.

  2. The name of Italy has magic in its very syllables.

  3. Several of the gods aid Kratos with magic or weapons.

  4. The victory reduced the Dodgers’ magic number to two.

  5. Odine is a scientist and magic researcher from Esthar.

  6. I was not sure the magic worked outside the church walls ..

  7. In battle, Fujin wields a chakram and uses wind-based magic.

  8. Other new features included the Fire of Ares magic and the «Life Cycle» mechanic.

  9. The New Kid and his allies possess a variety of melee, ranged, and magic attacks.

  10. The ancient Mesopotamians had no distinction between «rational science» and magic.

  11. Nanna was later known as Sîn, and was particularly associated with magic and sorcery.

  12. Bullet souls are often projectiles and consume a set number of magic points upon use.

  13. However, she soon finds out that in order to perform magic she needs the power of an elemental stone.

  14. Other Christian writers find Rowling’s treatment of magic less acceptable than Lewis’s and Tolkien’s.

  15. The mystical Mana Tree is a source of magic which sustains the balance and nature of the series’ world.

  16. They immediately clash over the importance of John Uskglass (the legendary Raven King) to English magic.

  17. Illusionist David Copperfield used the popularity of the card as part of a magic trick on a TV Specials.

  18. Leal further points out that in magic realism, «key events have no logical or psychological explanation.

  19. She dies, but is resurrected when witch Tabitha Lenox renounces magic and becomes a born-again Christian.

  20. The concept of magic gradually faded to myth as mankind built a society extolling science and technology.

  21. The Element system of Chrono Cross handles all magic, consumable items, and character-specific abilities.

  22. But somewhere along the line, the show’s shine faded, its image was tarnished, and the magic disappeared.

  23. Action abilities require magic points to use and include magical spells and special moves used in battle.

  24. Lead-208 has 126 neutrons, another magic number, which may explain why lead-208 is extraordinarily stable.

  25. Since Tara has no recollection of an argument, she suspects that Willow has used magic to alter her memory.

  26. Segundus’s article generates interest in Mr Norrell, who moves to London to revive practical English magic.

  27. The collection included three projectors, eleven 35 mm films, and thirteen glass magic lantern slides.

  28. Computational prospects for shell stabilization for Hs made it a promising candidate for a deformed doubly magic nucleus.

  29. She chose the title «Phantasmagoria» after reading the word in a reference book about the history of magic and magicians.

  30. He said the combat system was updated so that it flowed smoothly between attacks and switching between weapons and magic.

  31. Tyrrell describes hybrid rings implemented in waveguide, and analyses them in terms of the well-known waveguide magic tee.

  32. Link primarily fights with a sword and shield, but can also use other weapons such as projectiles, bombs, and magic spells.

  33. I am a little saner now.» However, most scholars take this as a referring to Waugh’s homosexuality rather than black magic.

  34. Her mother uses her magic to keep the citadel in Altena in a perpetual Spring, but the spell weakens as Mana starts to fade.

  35. Lead has a magic number of protons (82), for which the nuclear shell model accurately predicts an especially stable nucleus.

  36. Nevertheless, Gibson concludes «there is no doubt that he was badly shaken up, and whatever the reason, the magic departed».

  37. Similarly, magic suggested there were unseen metaphysical worlds that existed and could be explored with the right knowledge.

  38. An attempt was made to distance the film from Shrek and other similar themed films that had been recently released, by excluding magic, wizards, and fairies from the film.

  39. The story follows a bored young boy named Milo who unexpectedly receives a magic tollbooth that transports him to the once prosperous, but now troubled, Kingdom of Wisdom.

  40. Kamek, one of Bowser’s minions, launches Mario, who tried to rescue Princess Peach, into space and onto a small planet with his magic while the Luma escapes from her hands.

  41. The summoner remains an active member in the fight, able to attack and cast support magic, instead of leaving the party or standing idle while the summoned creature fights.

  42. After learning of Athena’s plans, Zeus decides to aid Kratos (with magic and as the gravedigger) with the intention of Kratos becoming the new God of War after killing Ares.

Synonyms for magic

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word magic has the following synonyms: charming, magical, sorcerous, witching, wizard, wizardly, supernatural, magic trick, conjuring trick, trick, legerdemain, conjuration, thaumaturgy, illusion and deceptio.

General information about «magic» example sentences

The example sentences for the word magic that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «magic» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «magic».

I miss the powers of magic I had as an Angel sometimes

• Water Soluble Blood Meal 14-0-0: If you have ever tried to dissolve blood meal then you know why this is such a great product! Indoor magic for all your house plants, contains A-35 plus natural proteins, plant growth regulators and minerals

Frank laughed as he swiped his card to check out and, just like magic, the doors opened for him

«Flopkins here has to put his magic teeth back into your anvil wound

«Using the AmpliMagineer user interface paradigm, you just create this location translation pane here,» she drew the boundaries of the magic carpet on an image of her home’s foyer, «bundle it with this location,» she outlined the magic carpet as it sat there over the beach, «and snap it into this site’s continuous instance list here

‘Mrs Wynell … is Sadler in the house?’ Inspector Ditton asked, materialising as though by magic at my side

She really had to hand it to Ava’s ability to wield that magic wand

She was lying nude on her beach, though it was actually in Ava’s universe, only a few steps from the magic carpet of her entry hall

They were positioned as they would be if the house was where the magic carpet was but she still let only the carpet show to anyone on the beach

But even if the views from the windows changed, the magic carpet would still land on what she already called Morg’s beach

They built with the abandon of someone discovering a new magic

She felt the magic in the air begin to waver

His father didn’t believe in Ju-ju, traditional magic and witchcraft, but his mother had always warned him to be careful; that it was for real

If he wanted to adjust the magic level of his universe he could bring that interface with him, but as it was he allowed it only at the kitchen table and the den of his house and at the desk of the main cabin in his yacht

Let’s see what those magic hands can really do

Conclusion: From now on Themis is not only uninterested in me but he also ignores me completely! A week later I will repeat the magic ritual -in vain; I could as well say the situation is getting worse and worse: Now Themis is courting all women in our class except me, especially when I am present! He is flirting everyone but me! He even arranges outings or day trips with them in such an ostentatious manner that I -as well as the whole gym- can hear everything; needless to say, I am never given the chance to be a member of that enviable party

As I go into the kitchen, he gestures wordlessly to the table where there is a plate with lettuce leaf on which stands a little model of Brian, the snail from The Magic Roundabout …

I need those magic hands

For quite a long time we’ve been learning nothing new, maybe because Alexander seems to have become too skeptical about anything: “There are no spirits; spiritualism is fraud” … “(Self)hypnosis is harmful to the human mind” … “There is no such thing as magic” … “There are no astral worlds” … “There is nothing beyond matter” … “Telepathy requires a perfectly clean subconscious, so it is unfeasible” and so on

I was back on the beach, staring wildly along the coast for the source of this magic

She felt the magic in the air begin to waver around her head, revealing glimpses of stone cold wall and hard, puddled tarmacadamed floor amongst the grasses and the starry sky

about Long Juju Man and how he enjoyed using his magic

Luray told tales of magic swords and Alan told tales of coming to this world on a starship from the star YingolNeerie

Everything here at your house is fine – Gerde has just left after doing her usual household magic

He gave his name as Althart, but Tarlass suspected he was a hero from the wars of magic under a different name

ONE of Yoga’s answers to the problems with which this chapter is concerned reads a little like black magic

Having warned you that I have no magic formula dreamed up by the ancient Yogis with regard to recovering a slim, beautiful figure, let me discuss the first step in this ‘battle of the bulge’

From Homer I gathered a huge range of heroes and myths about monsters and magic that I’d tell to my dormitory mates after lights out

He could have been at the taps all evening and neither of them would have noticed because Ava’s magic could take them years of travel away in his three-d reality box

Then he keyed the magic numbers into the magical money machine and watched in absolute wonder as the machine spewed out huge great wads of ten-pound notes

He popped this second dog into his shopping trolley, entered the magic numbers on the cash machine’s keypad and proceeded to stuff his trouser legs full of as many twenty-pound notes as he could

“It’s not just that I want magic, I can do without that, even here

His army jacket, where he always kept the magic mobile phone, was still hanging in his hotel suite wardrobe, which meant that he was feeling very sorry for himself

«I see you’ve brought your magic with you

“That’s too far for him to bother crossing without magic,” Alan said when she left a long enough gap that he could get something out

Thom had certain limits to the magic he could employ, opening a new back door wasn’t in his allowance

She went on about how he had nothing of his own in her universe but his lab and she was willing to let him take that with him and eliminate needing magic on that door

After all, the political and media establishment knew about the magic powers this wonderful document possessed and the great politician knew that these people, who generally failed to see the bigger picture, would be as keen as mustard to see how unfit or stupid various members of the government might be

Thom had access to magic, and could dial his strength to a setting called ‘Hercules’ while Alan had neglected to up his magic level while he was in Ava’s lab and didn’t even have a med panel to reach for that setting

Before anything else happened, he went right to his authorization file and bumped his magic authorization and got back his med panel

Even though he was supposed to have no magic, any senior officer could use magic on him and page him even in his own universe

His magic level was such that it was still easier to just plink icecubes from a bucket than conjure them into the glass

» He was pretty sure she had enough command of magic and enough authorization to make the stuff appear and disappear at will, but he wanted her to know where he was coming from

«You really think God cares what magic level you set? I admit the church does, but do you think God is that petty?»

«Do you see these, boy? These are magic shin pads and you know what that means don’t you?»

Aye lad, when he was twelve he was rubbish, but once he started wearing these magic shin pads, well, the world was almost his oyster»

As soon as Terry started to kick his football around the park he could feel the magic in the shin pads start to course through his veins

Morg used as little magic as possible in everyday life, but while on duty he used what was convenient for the crew and allowed for his rank

the magic red cushion a bit over the top, Parekh-ji’s logic was flawless

Elmore engaged in enough magic to have a big shot of a fine bourbon appear on the bar in front of him

Again, there is no magic here, just plain old common sense

He adjusted his ascot, he allowed himself enough magic that he could draw it into position on his mirror and not have to have his hands fumble with it

The only thing he allowed himself was a magic wand to project his facts and figures during the presentation

us, the second test match of the India-Australia series was the magic cure for the

Oh, get over it, Sally! The head calls the meeting to order so we all sit down, Ben and Abi appearing like magic at my side

Gary hadn’t stayed late, the kids materialising almost by magic to say goodnight to him without prompting

unconscious boys were still trying to lash out as the magic boots

«He chafes at his bonds, he wants to use magic,» Kelvin said

«You’re using some kind of magic because my hands are still there

«I’ll get too used to it, it will lose the magic

She knew the time was soon coming when she would have to use that bucket, even that much magic was denied her

She wondered if it was being in three-d reality, or the specifics of that reality that made the sentence more or less harsh? Would her sentence seem as harsh if she was at the home in the vale without any magic?

The bad news was, without magic she had the alimentary canal to deal with, and she had to deal with it while bobbing in this boat that seemed no bigger than a bottle cap in the wide expanses of sea they crossed

If it was in the Gordon’s Lamp system she would probably come here again, once she had her magic rights

Just pop him into the shopping trolley, key in the magic

keyed the magic numbers into the magical money machine and

magic numbers on the cash machine’s keypad and proceeded to

jacket, where he always kept the magic mobile phone, was still

“We have perfect three-d reality,” Yellelle said, “but without magic

knew about the magic powers this wonderful document possessed

This is individualized and purposeful magic

or she may use these in a magic journal or even create his or her own for an

what we refer to as “calling upon ourselves in magic

magic shin pads and you know what that means don’t you?»

rubbish, but once he started wearing these magic shin pads, well,

could feel the magic in the shin pads start to course through his

Terry and his magic shin pads were a phenomenon; they

Yellelle must have been using some magic to have a bigger bag for each leg of their journey

Atums as They Relate to Magic Elements:

You cannot heal a broken arm with magic, nor a

His whole world was still stuck in three-d reality with no magic at all

It was really in Arthur’s hands now, Alan had only to look at her and know he would rather have his world with Desa, especially in veron space, than a standard universe with a lite major’s magic allocation

ephemeral wings of magic attached to their backs

merciful acts, often with the aid of powerful magic

restrict the use of magic in Ireland

desired the use of the supremacy of magic to cement his authority in

did not want their magic taken away by the barriers the rulers had

She lives in a universe of complete magic tied to ours by that ‘fabricator,’ the device that builds her virtual world out of Narrulla

Birds whistled and for a while, he forgot about his present situation as the sun worked its magic and warmed him up inside his battered and bruised body

Thinks it’s some sort of magic

“What kinds of things are operated by magic?” Alistair enquired,

“So how is the magic controlled,” he asked

Tom noticed that Bram made the application of magic

that he would realise that this was a compulsion magic – one of a

stood out in his mind was the suggestion that, at one time, magic had

‘The boy’s magic potion!’ Grinly blurted in

It is a place of magic and lore where creatures of

Magic and its wielders walked the same roads

Netherworld is the realm of magic and of

Fire magic is the strongest of all, for it is fire that ultimately gives life

magic — перевод на русский


You couldn’t have been more than 3 when I told you that tree was a magic mailbox.

Кажется, тебе было чуть больше трех, когда я сказал, что дерево — это волшебный почтовый ящик.

Paine, magic lantern show.

Пейн, включайте волшебный фонарь.

It is a magic horse, o ruler of the world.

— О, Властелин Вселенной, этот конь — волшебный!

And the Caliph said he would spare him if he would sniff the magic powder and change himself into a stork.

А Калиф сказал, что пощадит его если он вдохнёт волшебный порошок и превратит себя в аиста

See? A magic puppy.

Смотрите, волшебный щенок.

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Some more magic…

Опять магия…

— White Magic»

— Белая магия»

A kind of magic or whatever it was.

Какая-то магия…

Wherever there’s magic and make—believe and an audience, there’s theatre.

Где есть магия, обман и зрители, там и театр.

There’s a magic in water that draws all men away from the land… Leads them over the hills down creeks, and streams, and rivers to the sea.

Магия вод отвлекает нас от земли, заставляет спускаться с гор, двигаться по рекам в сторону моря.

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That magic stuff you do really cracks me up.

Твоё волшебство меня реально поражает.

T ropical magic

Тропиков волшебство,

Tropical magic

Tropical magic Тропиков волшебство,

Tropical magic

Тропиков волшебство,

There’s kind of a sleeping beauty magic about the kid.

Есть, отчасти, какое-то волшебство спящей красоты в ребёнке.

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This is the same genuine, magic, authentic crystal used by the priests of Isis and Osiris in the days of the Pharaohs in which Cleopatra saw the approach of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. And so on, and so on.

Все тот же удивительный, магический, настоящий кристалл, который был еще у Осириса во времена фараонов в Египте, сквозь который Клеопатра увидела приближение Цезаря и Марка Антония и так далее и тому подобное.

And now… I’ll show you our little Magic Theatre.

Ну, а теперь я покажу вам наш маленький магический театр.

-A magic talisman?

Магический талисман?

«This is a magic ticket.»

«Это магический билет.»

This ticket is magic.

Билет магический.

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-This mysterious magic trick doesn’t seem to work.

— Таинственный фокус… не желает срабатывать?

See, the magic trick did work!

Вы видите, фокус удался!

I’ll show you an incredible magic trick.

Я покажу тебе удивительный фокус.

You’ll like Dad’s magic trick, Kiichan.

Тебе понравится папин фокус, Ки-тян.

Is it some sort of magic trick?

Как вы это проделали? Это какой-то фокус?

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I was sore as hell at Toni, and then suddenly it was like magic.

Я был дьявольски зол на Тони, а потом произошло чудо.

This is Chinese magic from the 12th century.

Вот это китайское чудо пришло к нам из 12-го века.

Then one day, they put Gary out on the street and they say, «Here, today is magic.

Потом в один прекрасный день они выкидывают Гари на улицу и говорят «О чудо! Ты сегодня стал капиталистом!»

Like a bird feels the first time it flies I feel magic

Я как птица, что взлетела в первый раз Я слышу чудо

a magic fishes, fishes

Чудо! Рыбки, рыбки!

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Then she broke the stick. And the witch’s magic broke, too. And the witch broke into tiny pieces.

Гретель сломала посох, и колдовство ведьмы разрушилось, а сама она рассыпалась на мелкие кусочки

His magic is false.

Его колдовство -— обман.

Oh, she should never have meddled with a real harpy, or a real unicorn for that matter, because the truth melts her magic, always.

Лучше бы она не связывалась с настоящей гарпией и с настоящим единорогом, ведь всё настоящее ослабляет её колдовство.

Hyah! Taste of my magic, Kang.

Испробуй теперь моё колдовство, Кэнг.

Oh, it’s fairy magic.

Это колдовство феи!

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Disappear. Like magic.

Исчезну, словно волшебник.

Yeah. Aye, you’re magic with a machine, boy.

— Ты в технике просто волшебник.

Work your magic.

Ты же специалист Волшебник в этом деле

— Cos you’re the magic man, Lenny. You make dreams happen.

— Ты же волшебник, который осуществляет мечты.

You can do magic.

Вы волшебник.

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This is dedicated to the late, great Magic Sam.

В качестве извинения за наше опоздание, великий Мэджик Сэм.

Magic Johnson.

Мэджик Джонсон.

Magic, Eddie, Prince are not niggers.

Мэджик, Эдди, Принц не нигеры.

Thanks, Magic.

Спасибо, Мэджик.

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Oh, God! Is he into black magic of some sort?

О боже, он что, черный маг или кто?

Hey, Black Magic?

Эй, Черный Маг!

Well, come on, Magic.

Ну, давай, Маг.

Is that you, Magic?

Это ты, Маг?

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Examples of how to use the word “magic” in a sentence. How to connect “magic” with other words to make correct English sentences.

magic (n, adj): the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible, such as in stories for children; with special powers

Use “magic” in a sentence

Do you believe in magic?
The boy knows many magic tricks.
He impressed me with his magic tricks.
A dream doesn’t become reality through magic. It take sweat, determination and hard work.
I know a few magic tricks.

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