The word love with hands

Children, let us not love with word or talk, but in deed and truth!  1 John 3:18, TLV

Love with Hands and Feet.  Seem familiar? Yesterday we spoke about the Proverbs 31 woman who embraced and connected with those in need. So, wait, does that mean this doesn’t apply to women?

But if someone has material possessions and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? (vs. 17, TLV)

Walking out our Heavenly Father’s love means, well, walking it out. And that means every single redeemed child. Just using words, even when those words are truth, doesn’t hold the real truth: Love moves. Love has hands and feet, not just a mouth.

As more and more COVID restrictions are lifted, we have an opportunity to see, even watch for, those who need our time, resources, and love. Because, before Yeshua’s [Jesus’] redemption, we were the needy ones. So, out of love and gratitude, let’s ask our Dad how we can walk out His love.


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The fund’s board of

guardians approved the charitable program‘From kind hands with love‘ under which soft and cabinet furniture was purchased,

including also intellect-developing games for children from children’s homes and boarding schools, and also financial aid to needy families.


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Попечительским советом фонда

была утверждена Благотворительная программа« Из добрых рук с любовью», в рамках которой осуществлена закупка мягкой и корпусной мебели,

развивающих игр для детей детских домов и интернатов, оказана материальная помощь малоимущим семьям.


Besides within the Charitable program“From kind hands with love”, cushioned and cabinet furniture,

books, stationery and developing games have been transferred to sponsored children’s homes and boarding schools.


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Кроме того, в рамках Благотворительной программы« Из добрых рук с любовью», была приобретена

и направлена в подшефные детские дома и интернаты мягкая и корпусная мебель, книги, канцелярские товары и развивающие игры.


Through a charity program called“From good hands with love”, which was approved by the board of trustees

of Alye Parusa charitable foundation, furniture, books, clothing and other essential goods are purchased to support orphans and low-income families.


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В рамках благотворительной программы« Из добрых рук с любовью», одобренной попечительским советом Фонда,

для нужд детей- сирот и малоимущих семей финансируется приобретение мебели, книг, одежды и других необходимых товаров.


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Я хочу уйти, держа за руки близких мне людей, под звуки идеально подходящей песни.

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All rooms have wooden floors and ceilings,


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В комнатах деревянные полы и потолки, все сделано с любовью собственными руками хозяев дома.


Commodity prices above average, but do not forget that this is not a mass production and


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Цены на товары выше среднего, но не забывайте, что это не массовое производство, а единичные изделия,


It is immense happiness to forget earthly vanity and to find an hour to pray to the Lord in the temple,

where each brick is warmed by your


and filled with love for the world.


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И какое это счастье, забыв земную суету,- найти время для души и молиться Господу в храме,

где каждый кирпичик согрет теплом твоих рук и наполнен любовью к миру.


Motanka performed exclusively by winding,

have no face and carries the warmth of human hands, love and care.


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Мотанка изготавливается исключительно путем наматывания,

не имеет лица и несет в себе тепло человеческих рук, любовь и заботу,


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Люблю мужчин с сильными руками. Эй,

All your love your hands build me up when I’m sinking.

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Всю свою любовь… Твои руки поддерживают меня, когда я тону.

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My grandmother would


to shake hands


a ranger.

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Моя бабуля с радостью пожмет руку рейнджеру.

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I grabbed love




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Electriclty flows from your


Love me gently.

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По ладоням твоим течет ток. Люби меня нежно.

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Whereas these hands… they


the dirt.

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А эти руки… обожают грязь.

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Сделай волшебство своими руками и напиши мою историю любви мой друг.

I’m gonna leave it in your capable


my love.

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Я доверяю ее твоим умелым ручкам, моя любовь.

Results: 787,
Time: 0.1381





Holding Hand Quotes: In a relationship, affection finds its route on its own to be expressed. Most of the time, it started through holding hands, and that is why it is still a big deal to most people even though it has become old-fashioned. Holding hands can start a romantic conversation, bring back memories and treat an old wound silently where other things fail. To ignite romance in your relationship, you can easily take the help of words to remind your partner about memories of holding hands or to ask them to do that again. We have a vast compilation of romantic quotes about holding hands. Please take a look below to find out what suits you best.

You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.

The best part of love and a relationship is holding hands even though two disagree with each other.

“Hold my hand and I’ll take you there, somehow, someday, somewhere.” – West Side Story

“Holding her hand in public is just another way of saying you’re proud to have her.” – Drake

hold my hand quotes

“I feel like I can conquer the world with one hand when you are holding the other.”

Happiness is holding your hands and spending the day together. I love you, honey.

There is nothing I’ll rather do than hold your hand. You’re the most precious part of my life.

“Holding hands is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together.” – Nicole Krauss

Holding your hand gives my life meaning, purpose, and unconditional love, my beautiful.

If I am wrong, I need your hand to correct me. If I am lost, I need your hand to guide me. Please hold my hand tightly in your hand. Never let me go. I LOVE YOU!

Holding hands with you is like a promise that if even for a brief moment or a few hours, we don’t have to face the world alone.

Making fingers smile through holding your hand is the greatest hobby ever. I want to do this every day.

“I’m not asking you to walk in my shoes; I’d never wish my afflictions on anyone. But could you walk beside me on secure ground and reach to hold my hand?” – Richelle E. Goodrich

Nothing can stop the feeling I get when I hold your hand. You make my life whole.

“Holding hands is a way of saying ‘I love you’ without words.” – Joyce Brothers

Your hand fits in mine like it’s just made for me!

“So hold my hand tight. Hold my hand with confidence. For this love can last forever. For this love we shall share together.” – Shelby Dawson

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” – Emily Kimbrough

I am a strong person but every now and then I need someone to hold my hand and tell me everything will be alright.

“When you hold my hand I’m reminded that I’m not alone in this world, that somebody loves me, and that I have a best friend.” – Darlene Schacht

holding hands quote

There’s something so real about holding hands, some kind of complex simplicity, saying so much by doing so little. I love it.

“When you hold my hand, it feels like coming home.” – Courtney Maum

Hugging or holding hands with the person you love has been proven to reduce stress almost instantly.

“Every day is beautiful when you’re holding hands with your best friend.” – Dave Willis

One always needs someone to hold his hands to move forward. Experiencing love through this is mandatory.

Even the strongest person on earth needs his hand to be hold now and then. The affection is appreciated.

Hold my hand and reach to my heart faster. Cannot give you any more shortcut route than this one.

“True love doesn’t consist of holding hands; it consists of holding hearts.” – Orlando Aloysius Battista

“Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

Hold My Hand Messages For Him

Hold my hand dear, not just for today, but for the rest of our lives. Let’s face the world together, and never let go.

Our hands are like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together to hold tight. Love you to the moon and back, my king.

I love the hidden complex simplicity in holding our hands of ours. To me, it is the best, and I want nothing more than this from you. Hold my hand forever. Love you every second dearest man.

The perfect thing on this earth is how accurately our hands are shaped together. Never want to leave your hand go from mine because it belongs here, inside mine. Love you.

Whenever I’m with you, I feel at home. Never let go of my hands, love, and hold them till death do us part!

hand holding quotes

Hold my hand tightly because it makes me feel safe and loved. Hold it firmly until death touches me because I cannot bear the separation from you, my dear man.

I want to hold your hand and travel the whole world. I want to hold yours and see all the wonders of the universe. Because you are an extraordinary man to me. Love you.

Hold my hand even when we will be at the edge of leaving the earth so that I know I am not alone. You are one of a kind, and I love you, my boyfriend/husband.

My hands never feel empty because you always hold them with care and love. You are my superman in disguise.

Life made sense when our fingers intertwined, and you held my hand firmly. Thank you for everything, handsome.

Also Read: Romantic Love Messages

Hold My Hand Messages For Her

I will hold your hand till my last breath and leave this world with a smile while holding it. Love you, babe.

If I am given the option to choose to live with only one memory, it would be the one holding your hand. You are the only one who changed my world forever. Thank you for everything.

Let’s grow old together while holding on to the love we share. May you always hold my hand, no matter what!

Past and future both seem irrelevant when you bring me closer, holding my hands. I want to leave such a moment every day with my dearest woman.

hand in hand quotes

Sometimes I need to hold you in public to show everybody that you are mine, and I am yours. Nothing gives me pleasure, like intertwining our fingers while walking. Be mine, princess.

I never feel alone because you are always there to hold my hand. I never feel afraid because my queen holds my hand tight. Be with me always, sweetheart. Love you.

Whenever you stumble, you will find me holding your hands. I will pull up my princess from every bump, from every hole. Let’s find the comfort and move forward hand in hand.

Conquering the world with only one hand would be easy if only you hold the other one tightly. I love you, sweetheart.

I never knew that someone holding my hand could feel so right. But with you, it feels like destiny. I want you to hold my hand for life, and never let go.

Romantic Holding Hand Quotes

Hold my hand and I promise I will never let you go away!

“Just to hold my hand will make me think you love me as much as I love you.” – Leigh-Ann Beckett

I just wish we could go back to holding hands and spending time together.

“Sit with me, and I’ll not be alone. Hold my hand, and I’ll not feel alone. Cry with me, and I’ll no longer suffer alone.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

My beloved, I wish to hold your hand till our body turns to dust.

quotes on holding hands

The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree, but still hold hands.

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.” – Vera Nazarian

“And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world it is best to hold hands and stick together.” – Robert Fulghum

I found a way to make it through, by holding on to you…

Once I had her hand, I never wanted to let go of her.

“There is nothing more comforting than holding someone’s hand. It’s like having a piece of them with you all the time.” – Veronica Rossi

“I can’t stop; try to catch me if you can. I was born on the run, but I’ll die holding your hands, yeah.” – Avril Lavigne

“I will remember the feel of his hand around mine for the rest of my life.” – Meg Leder

“But holding her hand, in those moments, I couldn’t help but feel that everything in the world was good.” – Nicholas Sparks

Also Read: Love Paragraphs for Her

Hold My Hand Forever Quotes

My only desire is to hold your hand forever and have my life filled with love and happiness.

Hold my hand with confidence as you love me confidently with all of your heart. May this bond last forever.

hold my hand forever quotes

I wish you hold on to my hand through every step of this journey called life. I hope you promise to be there for me through thick and thin, then, now, and forever!

Hand in hand forever, we will explore the world and grow old together.

Your hand in mine feels like the missing piece of the puzzle that I’ve been searching for. Hold my hand forever, dear, and let’s create a beautiful life together.

“Our love’s secure, so rest assured. Come what may ’til that day, we’ll walk forever holding hands.” – Steve Green

When our hands lock together, I only feel endless love. Please hold my hand forever!

From showing affection to giving support, holding a hand is a simple yet effective gesture to rule the world. Holding the loved one’s hands is incomparable because there are so many feelings hidden inside those two palms that fit with each other. Now, to make this world a better one – why should we hold grudges rather than hands, right? We hope our affectionate holding hand quotes will help your relationship bond to be strong and long-lasting. Use them on SMS, gift and flower notes, social media posts, and photo captions. Let your loved one know how important it is for you to hold her/his hand dearly. At the end of the day, love reaches our hearts through the bridge that our hands made with each other.

Last updated on April 9, 2023

It’s such a nice feeling to be holding your loved one’s hands.
Just the mere act of holding someone’s hand is enough to let the person know how much they mean to you.
Whether you love holding your partner’s hands or that of your friends, here are having hand quotes that you can probably relate to.

Holding someone’s hands is like giving a promise that the two of you will never have to face the world alone.

I can conquer the world quickly as long as your hand is holding mine.


Holding your loved one’s hand in public is another way of saying that you are proud to have her in your life.

Remember that at some point in our life, we all will stumble, every one of us. This is why it is a comfort to go hand in hand with someone you love.

People hold hands not because they are possessive but simply because they want people to know that the person they have the hands to is theirs.

60 Quotes About Love

Holding hands is about maintaining contact and about speaking affection without any words. It is merely about wanting someone and not letting him, or her go.

The relationship is not just about holding each other’s hands. It is also about understanding each other, despite having different characters.

You might hold my hand for a while, but you can have my heart until forever.

Just hold my hand and make me think that you love me in the same way I love you.

I may be a solid and independent person, yet now and then, I also need a person to hold into my hand to let me know that everything will be all right.

So hold my hand tightly and hold it with confidence, for this love will last until forever and this love we share.

And it is true. Regardless of how old you become, it may be best to hold each other’s hands and stick to one another if you go out into the world.

Top 55 Taken for granted quotes by someone you love

We always hold hands because if I let go, she would end up in the shops.

We love to hold each other’s hands while walking through town because it is through that hand and that feeling that we experience our love for each other.

Hold my hand, and I will take you there someday, somehow and somewhere.

70 Falling Out of Love Quotes to Remember

The best test of a relationship is to disagree, yet you still end up holding each other’s hands.

There is something so special about holding hands, which is some complex simplicity. The act says so much even by doing so little.

Holding hands or hugging with the person you truly love has been proven to reduce stress instantly.


The lovers appearing happy are often holding each other’s hands when they walk. Although it seems that everything is perfect, only they know the truth.

Hold each other’s hands instead of grudges.

75 Quotes about Forgiveness – Heartfelt Forgive me Quotes

Your hand perfectly fits mine like they are both made for each other.

Hold on to a true friend in both your hands.

I can tell if two people are really in love in the way they hold in each other’s hands.

Nothing in this world compares to the joy and comfort of having someone special hold your hand even without saying anything.

Heartfelt Love Sayings For Husband

Once I had her hand in mine, I never wanted to let her go.

If you are holding someone’s hands, never have a gun on the other hand.

Hold my hand and don’t let go. For my love for you will forever last even until a lifetime.

When you are feeling down, hold my hand tight, and everything will be all right.

Each time you hold my hand, I am often reminded that I am not alone in this world, that somebody cares for me, and I have a friend who will be ready to rescue me for whatever trouble will come my way.


I could conquer the world if you were holding my hand.

I want to be the only hand you will ever hold on to.

The spaces in between our fingers are created in such a way that another’s hand could fill them in.

I want to be able to hold your hand and wander the streets with you by my side.

Better than I was and more than I am, all this has happened by taking your hand in mine.

Call me old-fashioned, but holding hands is such a big deal for me.

Love is when you are holding hands with someone, and they rub your thumb by their fingers.

Always make it a point to hold her hand in public like you are saying that you are so proud to have her in your life.

Hold my hand, and I will take you there, someday, somehow, somewhere.

I can undoubtedly conquer the world with only one hand for as long as you hold the other hand.

I could hold into your hand all day, sit by your side always, with no complaints, because you are indeed my favorite place.

Holding hands makes our fingers smile.

Whenever you are feeling lonely, look at those spaces in between your fingers and remember that is where my fingers would perfectly fit.

Some people hold hands when they sleep so they will not end up floating away from each other.

Nothing compares to the feeling of security and comfort of having someone hold your hands.

Sometimes, all we need in our life is a person who won’t mind holding our hands through happiness and sadness.

There will always be room for your hands to fit in mine.

When traveling in life’s journey, it is always a good idea to have someone’s holding yours.

Mothers hold their child’s hands for a short while. However, they have had them in their hearts for a lifetime.

The night walked down in the sky with the moon in her hand.

Promise me to hold on tight and never to let go.

Expressions of affection, such as holding hands or kissing the forehead, involve the principle of honesty and loyalty.

I have never believed much in the holding hands kind of love. I always have thought that love is just about two personalities trying to confront life while getting a sense of their responsibilities.

One of my favorite things to do in this world is seeing two people already old, yet they are still holding each other’s hands and kissing each other in public.

When you are 17, live in the suburbs, and know only three gay people, holding your girlfriend’s hands is a proclamation.

Why is it that, as culture dictates, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding each other’s hands?

When I see gay people holding hands and kissing in public, I do not believe that seems right.

There is an element of tongue in cheek in every one of our songs. Walking in the sunset while holding each other’s hands, I never imagined there was ever a place like that.

Love is not finding a hand that will perfectly fit yours, but it is finding the one who will be willing to hold your hands, regardless of how unfit it may be.

Do not ever reveal to your friends all of your relationship woes. A relationship must only be between two people, holding each other’s hands and making a promise to stick with each other no matter what.

I will be holding your hand when we are 80 and look straight into your eyes while saying; we made it.

Holding on is tough, and it is even tougher than letting go and simply quitting.

A true friend will see the first tear, catch the second, and then stop the third.

No matter how old you will get, do not ever stop holding my hand and never stop dancing or saying the words, I love you.

Sit with me so I will not feel alone. Hold my hand so I will not feel scared and cry with me to no longer suffer all by myself.

A genuine relationship is not simply about holding each other’s hands during happiness. It is about having lots of misunderstandings and still not letting go of each other’s hands.

If you commit to holding someone’s hands, make sure that it is forever.

If you believe that your sky is falling, take my hand and hold on to it.

Your body is meant to stay right beside me at the passenger seat while your hands are meant to hold mine while I drive.

Nothing is sexier than a man who will admit he loves you and shows the public how much you mean to him by holding your hands in him.

The simplest things in life, such as a hug, smile, kiss, and holding hands, are the most priceless treasures, so enjoy these simple things in life.

A relationship is just like a job where you need to work harder to get in, and you may need to hold each other’s hands to stay in it.

It would help if you did not give me answers. I want you to hold my hands when I cry and say that everything is okay.

Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice, and falling for you was beyond my control. Please hold my hand and never let go.

Sometimes, holding her hand is enough to make her feel safer and loved

Respecting you, caring for you, and holding you. These are the things I will do even until eternity to show you how much I love you.

And my heart is at home every time your hand is holding yours.

Never hold on to anything tighter than you are holding on to God.

I always hold your hand because I do not ever want to lose you, and I want you to be with me and stay forever in my life.

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