The word love has no meaning

I Believe the Word Love Means Nothing

The word love has no real meaning in our generation today. How can it have any true meaning when it is thrown around so loosely without a care? Love is suppose to be something strong and powerful between two people, but it has become weaker over time with the careless use of it. Every day in the halls of high schools in our nation, girls use “I love you” as a way to get somebody to do something for them. Just today in the halls during lunch there were numerous accounts of this occurring. There was one girl who said to her friend, “Will you go get a pop for me if I give you the money, please, I love you.” Or when two friends go to leave, “Bye best friend I love you,” is often heard. Deep down they truly do not love them. They do not understand what true love is. How can they understand when they use it so carelessly? It is impossible to truly know what love is until it is ripped away from you.

But girls are not the only ones that should be blamed for this problem, guys are just as bad. Whenever a girl says “I love you” to a guy, the guy will say it back because this is what he believes will make her happy. Guys also use the word as a way to get lucky. Yes, this does make them happy because they are naïve and actually believe it. It will hurt them worst when they find out he did not mean it when he said ‘’I love you” back. For him to tell her, “ I am not ready to say that yet because I do not have that feeling and when I say those three words, I want to mean it,” would still hurt but it would not hurt as bad. Plus, hearing that from him could make her feel better cause then she would know that when those words come out of his mouth, he will actually mean it and they will have the true strong and powerful meaning that they should have.

Everybody can be held accountable for saying “I love …” without actually meaning it. Nobody could really love an object, food, or drink. That’s not what love is about. As long as the word love gets thrown around so carelessly, teens and young adults will not grasp what it truly means. Teens and young adults will not understand what they true meaning of that word is because they use it so freely. This is why I believe the word love has no meaning in today’s society.

List of top 70 famous quotes and sayings about love has no meaning to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 70 Love Has No Meaning Quotes

#1. There is one experience that brings joy or happiness to every living being. The experience of love. — Author: Deepak Chopra

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #128975

#2. The happiest people on Earth are the ones who know love. — Author: Wayne Gerard Trotman

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #154994

#3. This is the most challenging activity that humans get into, which is love. You know, where we have the sense that we can’t live without love. That life has very little meaning without love. — Author: Leonard Cohen

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #153549

#4. I Can’t Live without You. expresses the full meaning of true love. It is a beautiful and powerful emotion, words can never express, nor can the mind comprehend its connection within two souls. — Author: Ellen J. Barrier

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #147734

#5. I defend the authority of women and explore its meaning for them rather than assume they need to be more accommodating or sensitive. — Author: David Bedrick

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #137992

#6. How empty are the insincere words of people who, so easily, speak forth «love,» «family» and «friendship» without meaning what they say even if their intentions are good albeit mere flattery. — Author: Donna Lynn Hope

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #136436

#7. Nothing: a landscape, a glass of wine, a little loveless love, and the vague sadness caused by our understanding nothing and having lost the little we’re given. — Author: Alvaro De Campos

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #134852

#8. To say «I love you,» Yanomami Indians of the Amazon say, «Ya pihi irakema,» meaning «I have been contaminated by your being» — a part of you has entered me, and it lives and grows. — Author: David Servan-Schreiber

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #132545

#9. Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. — Author: Paulo Coelho

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #132358

#10. The evolution has to take place still within us to know ourselves. We can say that unless and until it is put to the mains, it has no meaning. Unless and until we are connected with the whole, we have no meaning. — Author: Nirmala Srivastava

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #218090

#11. It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love. — Author: Pope Benedict XVI

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #127261

#12. The most successful people recognize that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. — Author: Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #127239

#13. Love is a word hard to express, a feeling easy to express and a word hard to take, only the people who try it know the meaning and how to tell it wisely. — Author: Auliq Ice

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #127060

#14. All love songs, no matter how eloquent or crude, ornamented or plain, in whatever language they are sung, say essentially the same thing. All love stories have but one meaning. — Author: Lee Siegel

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #121893

#15. In our life there is a single color, as on an artist palette which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love. — Author: Marc Chagall

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #117742

#16. I long to see a radical shift in philanthropy that will come to characterize the 21st century. That is, a reclaiming of the root meaning of philanthropy: love of what it means to human. — Author: Valaida Fullwood

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #116963

#17. Exercising a spiritual gift without showing true love is meaningless. — Author: Jim George

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #107940

#18. Art is built on the deepest themes of human meaning: good and evil, beauty and ugliness, life and death, love and hate. No other story has incarnated those themes more than the story of Jesus. — Author: John Ortberg

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #103778

#19. Life has no guarantees, but my life has no meaning if you’re not in it. — Author: Robin Bielman

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #711617

#20. Cause when I hear your name I can not stop cheesing
I love you so much that my heart stops beating when you’re leaving
And I’m grieving and my heart starts bleeding
Life without you has no goddamn meaning — Author: Various

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #1799205

#21. This life has no meaning to me now. Do not grieve for me, my dear. Up until the moment I lost her, I had a wonderful life. These moments now are the ones that are hard. I’m eager to depart this world and rejoin her in the next. Then, and only then, will I finally be at peace. — Author: Rose Wynters

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #1719813

#22. Those who believe their suffering has been valuable love more readily than those who see no meaning in their pain.
Suffering does not necessarily imply love, but love implies suffering — Author: Andrew Solomon

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #1708355

#23. Love is when you find something so great, so … necessary, that it becomes more important to you than your own goals, than your own life — not because your life has no meaning without it, but because it gives your life a meaning it never had before. — Author: Dan Wells

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #1353003

#24. Time has no meaning,
Love will endure.. — Author: Jude Deveraux

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #1303343

#25. You love her. (Shanus) I barely know her. (Wulf) Time has no meaning to the heart. (Shanus) — Author: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #1269994

#26. The fact is you cannot talk about the love of God. The love of God has no meaning whatsoever unless you understand the judgment of God that all of us deserve. — Author: Robert Jeffress

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #827888

#27. To care for someone can mean to adore them, feed them, tend their wounds. But care can also signify sorrow, as in ‘bowed down by cares.’ Or anxiety, as in ‘Careful!’ Or investment in an outcome, as in ‘Who cares?’ The word love has no such range of meaning: It’s pure acceptance. — Author: Martha Beck

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #800111

#28. Until we see love as the meaning of life, life seems to have no meaning at all. The sense of meaninglessness produces chaos, and the chaos produces fear. There is only one way out of this, and that is to see every moment and every situation as an invitation to love. — Author: Marianne Williamson

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #98896

#29. Loving is more important than living; without love, life has no meaning. — Author: Debasish Mridha

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #686138

#30. Love has no meaning without understanding — Author: Thich Nhat Hanh

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #645568

#31. You can’t walk away from someone you love, leave them drowning in your desertion. If love has no more meaning than that, you can keep it. I don’t want it now or ever again. Don’t want to hear the word or wear its scars. — Author: Ellen Hopkins

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #637447

#32. No child is taught to kill, but he has to be taught to love, respect, honor and value, not only his own life, but the lives of his classmates, parents and teachers. He has to experience love and acceptance. He has to know his life has purpose and meaning. No amount of money can do that. — Author: Cal Thomas

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #597204

#33. Without love, life has no meaning. — Author: Debasish Mridha

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #571100

#34. Love: A term which has no meaning if defined. — Author: John Ralston Saul

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #539202

#35. Love cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action and that action is service. — Author: Mother Teresa

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #467393

#36. A writer draws a road map where readers walks with their love, joy, anger, tears, and dismay. Every story, every poem, has different meanings for every reader. — Author: Debasish Mridha

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #28205

#37. The first morning after Westley’s departure, Buttercup thought she was entitled to do nothing more than sit around moping and feeling sorry for herself. After all, the love of her life had fled, life had no meaning, how could you face the future, et cetera, et cetera. — Author: William Goldman

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #45145

#38. The greatest gift of life is love, but not many people seem to feel it or even understand the meaning of it. — Author: Mouloud Benzadi

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #44476

#39. So many thoughts ran through my head. Most of them contained the same, simply three words so often strung together that it was too much a classic cheese or cliche to say it, but they still had meaning, no matter how many times they had been repeated. — Author: Alysha Speer

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #44403

#40. As surely as the dark gives meaning to the dawn, so does pain give meaning to pleasure, and sorrow to joy. All that we love, all that we strive for, all that we relish, we know only by contrast. — Author: Terryl Givens

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #43374

#41. It is the experience of living that is important, not searching for meaning. We bring meaning by how we love the world. — Author: Bernie Siegel

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #43315

#42. I only found myself when I stopped looking. . . — Author: Erik Christian

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #35508

#43. When you fall in love, everything is impregnated with new meaning. It is as if you suddenly have borderline personality disorder. — Author: Chloe Thurlow

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #33301

#44. You are lovelier than all the roses in the world. — Author: Avijeet Das

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #32187

#45. When you truly know the meaning of the word love, you will also know the meaning of the word pain. — Author: Javan

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #53999

#46. Not only does my world revolve around her, but she is my world. She’s not just my reason for breathing, she’s air itself. She’s the meaning behind every one of my thoughts, every thrum of my pulse, every whisper of my conscience. She’s my entire everything. It’s as simple and as complex as that. — Author: Laurelin Paige

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #27934

#47. I know my life’s meaningful because» — and here he stopped, and looked shy, and was silent for a moment before he continued — » because I’m a good friend. I love my friends, and I care about them, and I think I make them happy. — Author: Hanya Yanagihara

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #23131

#48. A guy’s gotta live, you know, gotta make his way and find his meaning in life and love, and to do that he needs coffee, he needs coffee and coffee and coffee. — Author: Libba Bray

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #22220

#49. Ah, Lord Jesus! I never knew Your love till I understood the meaning of Your death. — Author: Charles Spurgeon

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #19801

#50. No one’s life should be rooted in fear. We are born for wonder, for joy, for hope, for love, to marvel at the mystery of existence, to be ravished by the beauty of the world, to seek truth and meaning, to acquire wisdom, and by our treatment of others to brighten the corner where we are. — Author: Dean Koontz

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #15015

#51. So if you are writing a story where love is the meaning, where love is the highest and best of all, where love is the point, then you have to allow each person a choice. — Author: John Eldredge

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #13852

#52. A woman’s belly is the garden of life. Her mind is the gateway to meaning. Her heart is the source of love. And her eyes are the light by which the whole world sees beauty. — Author: Toni Sorenson

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #11071

#53. What we are, we see the reflection in others. — Author: Avijeet Das

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #7688

#54. One day, my sweet girl, some lucky man will come and help you understand the very meaning of love. He will sweep you off your feet and show you what it is to place your heart in someone else’s care to willingly offer them the gift of your soul. — Author: Tillie Cole

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #75441

#55. The language itself, whether you speak it or not, whether you love it or hate it, is like some bewitchment or seduction from the past, drifting across the country down the centuries, subtly affecting the nations sensibilities even when its meaning is forgotten. — Author: Jan Morris

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #95570

#56. My principles are about love and doing it because there’s meaning and commitment. — Author: Richelle Mead

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #92101

#57. My tattoos, like most people’s, were reminders, badges of personal experiences. Yes, I might wear them on my skin for the world to see, but their meaning was a little too personal. — Author: N.R. Walker

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #89948

#58. If hate motivates your life, you’ll never know the meaning of true love — Author: Gaiven Clairmont

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #89641

#59. The greatest drawback to true love was that once true love unexpectedly ends there is no other romance that can replace it. Romance instead becomes a race, with one’s new beau consistently failing to meet up to the grand expectations set by the meaning of one’s existence. The only one. — Author: Denis Fitzpatrick

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #86456

#60. We lay there completely bared to each other. Fully clothed but our souls naked! — Author: Avijeet Das

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #84265

#61. It’s so fun to be in love or so I’ve heard, the meaning has no feeling even though I understand the word — Author: Eyedea

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #79450

#62. I have had a love affair with Wake Forest since my undergraduate days, but I didn’t realize until many years later what I had truly learned at Wake Forest, both in and out of the classroom, about the meaning of a productive and meaningful life, — Author: Arnold Palmer

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #78791

#63. When you love people and have the desire to make a profound, positive impact upon the world, then will you have accomplished the meaning to live. — Author: Sasha Azevedo

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #3765

#64. I was the silent and ever present figure in your life … but you.» I kissed the back of her hand softly and closed my eyes. «You’ve always been the meaning of mine. — Author: Shawn Kirsten Maravel

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #71588

#65. Love’ was a word I had cheapened with overuse over the years, bleeding it dry of meaning by saying it purely from force of habit, or to convince myself of something of which I was far from sure. I wanted to wait until the words started to feel meaningful again before I used them. — Author: Catherine Sanderson

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #68487

#66. Philosophers can debate the meaning of life, but you need a Lord who can declare the meaning of life. — Author: Max Lucado

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #66000

#67. Everything is connected. We see the signs every moment. There are miracles waiting to happen! — Author: Avijeet Das

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #64856

#68. Life is measured by — the ones left behind? Or his Faith? By Love? or by the people aside you? Or it has no meaning at all? — Author: Aman Jassal

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #63295

#69. If life didn’t end… there would be no need for me to choose love in the face of death is the ultimate act of courage. I am the joy, but you are the meaning. Together, we make humanity more than it otherwise might have been. — Author: Martha Brockenbrough

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #62291

#70. All we have to do is understand that we’re all here for a reason and to commit ourselves to that. Then we can laugh at our sufferings, large and small and walk fearlessly, aware that each step has meaning — Author: Paulo Coelho

Love Has No Meaning Quotes #54193

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The word love has by no means the same sense for both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious misunderstandings that divide them

Quotes By :
Simone de Beauvoir
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posted 8 years ago | Category : N/A


Quote By Simone de Beauvoir…

View All Simone de Beauvoir Quotes

  • The word love has by no means the same sense for both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious misunderstandings that divide them.

    Simone de Beauvoir (1953). “The second sex”, Vintage


  • Women
  • Mean
  • Serious
  • Misunderstanding
  • Causes
  • Sex
  • Divides
  • Words Love

The word love has by no means the same sense for both sexes, and this is one cause of the serious misunderstandings that divide them. - Simone de Beauvoir


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  • the word love has lost its meaning

напиши вконтакте 7-ым слово люблю и можеш считать что этот трек про тебя
готов поспорить что ты не поймеш суть всей проблеммы в этой песне хаха еее
Д пошла ты как тебя там зовут любовь
ты не одна ведь полюбить может любой
давай пошлем ка вместе это грёбанное чувство
ты больше не нужна мне уходи на сердце пусто

подумай сам или сама зачем всё это?
слёзы печали обиды и минутные моменты
когда ты трахаеш её думая о кот то еще
и потом еще и еще и уже потерян счёт

все эти любовные письма внутри сети
когда сидиш и обновляеш страницу другова
поглащая алгоколь всё смегчает никотин
ты не один ведь где то там вторая половина

которая не видела тебя в лицо
пешет то что любит тебя как не кого другова
обьясните мне люди что это за прикол
если такую херню теперь называют любовью

все эти статусы сп и прочая поебота
альбом с названием люблю называют заботой
ты вспомни когда последний раз дарил цветы
а не подарки в конакте тупые бля задроты
слово люблю потеряло свой смысл
хочеш докажу введи его в поиске сообщений
понятия меняються и очень быстро
когда сто раз пишут люблю появляються сомнения
У тебя парень ему 20 тебе 16 ?
и твои заслуги в пастеле заслужили оваций его друзей
ему нужно только одно
и когда открываеться дверь всё становиться ясным

у тебя слёзы ,тебе херова ему всё равно
ты дала что он хотел а теперь пока подруга
не думай что такая херь бывает только в кино
вскрытие вен дома в ванной любовь сука

сколько людей теряеют себя из за кого то
сколько людей уходят в мир инной из за кого то
сколько людей страдют всю жизнь из за кого то
я вывел для себя ввердикт любовь поебота

есть 2 вида любьви что был и тот что есть
возможно ты меня не поймеш но про себя тут услышиш
люди не научились береч что у них есть
наслаждайся любовью в сети сидя под разными крышами

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  • ●ReeD● — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • † — the word love has lost its meaning (0)
  • DJ ANDREW RICН)) — Слово Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • гарри потер — я тебя люблю кристина сильна (0)
  • KReeD — 2524 (0)
  • jkrf cfiil — SMIsl poteralo (0)
  • Креед — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • Слово Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл — Вы не знаете что такое любовь (0)
  • KReeD — пошла на хрен любовь (0)
  • неизвестный исполнитель — (Жиза) Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • xuligan — слово — люблю потеряло свой смысл (0)
  • Макс Бакулин — Любовь Сука (0)
  • Derzkii — Любовь в сети (0)
  • лала — ла ли ла (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [ Слёзы | ] (0)
  • Vindeta — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • Jdp — Любовь (0)
  • ███████ХУЛИГАНКА ███████ — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • Егор Крид — Слово — Люблю (мр) (0)
  • KReeD — Lyubov’ v seti (0)
  • KReeD — Любовь в сети (грубо, но что-то в этом есть) (0)
  • ♛€► ▌ Dmitri Jc ▌◄ ֆ♛ — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — бля это точно (0)
  • Саша Керимов — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — классссссссс (0)
  • Прикольний реп — о современной любви (0)
  • AntiFox — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • — KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — бяка;( (0)
  • СССССС — о современной любви (0)
  • любви не бывает — напиши вконтакте 7-ым слово люблю и может считать что это трек про тебя (0)
  • KReeD — ЛВС-Любовь в сети (0)
  • Akyla Den — Трахаеш её, думая о ком то ещё (0)
  • KReeD — ванильная хрень (0)
  • Нахуй оно такое надо?*’! — смысл жизни (0)
  • KReeD — а ведь сука правда, но не хочется верить….. (0)
  • Вахх Тии — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • Брат,я люблю её…♥ — такая херня любивю в ВК (0)
  • DJ KIRITO — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — Любовь Хуйня! (0)
  • KReeD — со смыслом (0)
  • Димас — Слово «Люблю» Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • шакира — ла ли ла (0)
  • любовь — =-0987 (0)
  • KReeD — в сети (до боли знакомый минус:D кто знает тот поймёт) (0)
  • сердце пацана — Напиши вконтакте семерым слово люблю (0)
  • юля — я тя лю (0)
  • креед — вскрытие вен в ванной любовь сука (0)
  • РЕП — Репчик [Девушки не слушайте] [Йоу супер] (0)
  • Егор Булаткин / KReeD — Любовь В Сети (0)
  • [Best Video] KReeD — «Люблю» потеряло свой смысл (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Св (0)
  • AnzoR — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • кредит — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ]чмок (0)
  • Rex Kreed — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • Новый Союз — да пашла ты куда там ты ета любовь (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Лю (0)
  • KReeD — классные песни ……. (0)
  • Ii I- — Моей-Души (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Сво (0)
  • Что такое любоь? — сми (0)
  • KR — Люблю (0)
  • KReeD — The Word — Love Love has lost its meaning in the network (0)
  • Nata-1313 — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — Любовь в сети. Минус Shota — сердце может стерпеть (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Растаман Р.Т] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • Музыка для души™ — Слово «Люблю» Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — Слово «Люблю» Потеряло Свой Смысл (Минус как у Shot-СМС) (0)
  • на телефон — Напиши 7-ым в контакте,что люблю… (0)
  • Иосиф Кобзон — слово — люблю потеряло свой смысл (0)
  • 333333 — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • Mr kriper — лололошка любовь (0)
  • вконтакте — статус (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Пот в РИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • пп — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • by niko — сп друзья вк все хуйня ** (0)
  • KReeD — ну что сказать (0)
  • KReeD — песенка про руслана (0)
  • KReeD — русский реп хуета (0)
  • Вредный — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • Кайфовый Азер ℂ⋆ — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл 2014 (0)
  • яч — Люблю (0)
  • DJ Сережа Холод CD5мес — Свой Смысл дарю тебе !!! (0)
  • Russia Рэп Лирика 12 — TRACK 7 (0)
  • KReeD — Напиши вк семерым слово люблю <3 (0)
  • Ибрагимов Арслан — Любовь-сцука (0)
  • @($lon)@ — я не вірю в любов (0)
  • by Саша Дуров — Любовь в сети (0)
  • KReeD — Slovo LOVE poterяlo smыsl (0)
  • xxxl — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • KReeD — Слово ( мат) — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • KReeD — Иди ты НА ФИГ, любовь (0)
  • напиши вконтакте 7 слов люблю — «люблю» (0)
  • AmIr$iK — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • KRe — Слово Люблю (0)
  • 2015 | KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • Егор KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (задумайтесь) (0)
  • †FRΣIHΣIT † — †Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл † (0)
  • еку — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • еб — я романтик (0)
  • Kreed — Слово люблю потеряло cвой смысл (0)
  • ээ — привет (0)
  • 221 — 12 (0)
  • gleb — Слово — Люблюь (0)
  • horrible — new love (0)
  • DN | Со старой странице — на 0:19 сек поставь.. (0)
  • KReeD — мая любимая песня (0)
  • KReeD(см) — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • Vitalya — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • KReeD — ♥..ιllιlι●♥• (0)
  • 185 KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] [СТИРАЕМ СКОБКИ ПРИ ДОБАВЛЕНИИ К СЕБЕ] (0)
  • 24.10.diman — Напиши (0)
  • мысли вслух♥ — ♥♥♥ (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — этой ночью я поклялся не любить (0)
  • TAMI — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (0)
  • женя — истина и правда — Слово Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл [Любовь в сети] (0)
  • Дашулька Старченко — А слабо Отправить мне Я тебя Люблю эсли ты не слабак отправь (0)
  • ол — Слово (0)
  • KReeD Любовь в сити — [GJ ProG] (0)
  • ▲Music For CSDM▲ — (0)
  • ♫ KReeD ツ — Напиши в контакте 7-ым, слово люблю… ♥ (0)
  • Даниил Махлумов — Инесса ♥ Будь всегда только моей (0)
  • Keed — Любовь в сети. (0)
  • 869432-7-6=11=868168=16 — 8768324-86921-6=6=5=17=07=07=7= (0)
  • точняк — 123456788990000—=========77 (0)
  • KReeD — Слово — Люблю Потеряло Свой Смысл (Russian Rap & Hip-Hop) (0)
  • раиль — Вот не люблю. (0)

Популярное сейчас

  • Токийский гуль — Opening оригинал
  • Сергѣй Рахманиновъ — Колокола. Поэма для оркестра, хора и солистовъ, соч. 35
  • Rap Ring — Тесак VS Майкл Джексон
  • *ななん* — Undefined
  • Казачья песня — Не для меня придет весна…
  • Сергей Рахманинов — «Колокола», Op. 35. Поэма для солистов (сопрано, тенор, баритон), хора и оркестра. IV. Lento lugubre – Allegro – Andante (Э.По в переводе Бальмонта)
  • Песни — С тучки на тучку
  • Вахид Аюбов — Я родился ночью под забором
  • Kagamine Len-kun feat. Girls — +♂-Plus Boy
  • Виктор Цой — Белый снег
  • Vspak — на измене
  • Григорий Лепс и Ирина Аллегрова — Я тебе не верю
  • Oxxxymiron — Versus Battle 3 (feat. Johnyboy)
  • АрХангел — Оригами (feat. Белла)
  • Последние 2 аята — Суры Аль-Бакара (аяты 285, 286)

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • The word love food
  • The word love exists
  • The word love come from
  • The word love came from
  • The word love and hearts