The word lost means

потерянный, погибший


- потерянный, утраченный, пропавший

lost art — утраченное /забытое/ искусство
lost happiness — утраченное счастье
lost soul — пропащий человек
lost property office — бюро находок
an isle lost in the fog — скрывшийся в тумане остров

- напрасный; даром потраченный

lost effort — тщетное усилие
lost motion — тех. мёртвый ход
to make up for lost time — наверстать упущенное; компенсировать потери времени
this is all lost trouble — это всё напрасный труд

- погибший

lost ship — погибший корабль
lost woman — погибшая женщина
to give smb. up for lost — считать кого-л. погибшим; поставить крест на ком-л.

- заблудившийся

the lost sheep — заблудшая овца

- неиспользованный, пропущенный

lost opportunity — упущенная возможность

- (in) забывшийся

lost in astonishment — растерявшийся от изумления
lost in reverie — погружённый в мечты

- (to) безразличный

lost to shame — не чувствующий стыда; бессовестный

- проигранный

lost battle [game] — проигранная битва [игра]

- поэт. потерпевший поражение, разбитый

what’s lost is lost — потерянного не воротишь; ≅ что с возу упало, то пропало
better lost than found — ирон. ≅ невелика потеря
that is not lost that comes at last — посл. ≅ лучше поздно, чем никогда
get lost! — отстань!, убирайся!

- past и p. p. от lose

Мои примеры


a beaten man who had lost his job — подавленный, убитый горем человек, потерявший работу  
he caught a crab and lost the race — Он «завязил» весло и проиграл гонку.  
lost generation — потерянное поколение  
to be lost on the rocks — разбиться о скалы  
lost of wits — умалишённый  
lost efforts — тщетные усилия  
a nasty fear that she was lost — мучительный страх, что она потерялась  
a lost generation — потерянное поколение  
become lost — сбиваться с курса  
have lost all respect — потерять всякое уважение  
have lost one’s tongue — проглотить язык; молчать  
have lost tongue — потерять дар речи; проглотить язык; молчать  

Примеры с переводом

He lost his key.

Он потерял ключ.

I’ve lost my appetite.

Я потеряла аппетит.

I lost my house keys.

Я потерял ключи от дома.

He lost the case.

Он проиграл это дело.

Get lost, buster!

Потеряйся /исчезни/, парень!

She got lost in the throng.

Она потерялась в толпе.

It lost him his head.

Это стоило ему головы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

To top it all I lost my job.

United lost in a 9-0 massacre.

The plane lost altitude rapidly.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

The adjective lost describes anything that can’t be found, like your favorite pair of sunglasses that you left on a table at the library and never saw again.

Beloved hand-knit scarves can be lost, and so can wandering pet goats. A person can get lost in the unfamiliar, winding streets of a strange city. You can also describe someone as lost if they’re confused or desperately in need of some kind of help. The origins of the word lost come from the Proto-Indo-European leu, «to loosen, untie, or separate». The meaning «to be defeated,» like when you’ve lost a game or lost a battle, came later, around 1530.

Definitions of lost

  1. adjective

    having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity


    confused, disoriented


    not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained

  2. adjective

    perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment

    “she felt
    lost on the first day of school”


    at sea, baffled, befuddled, bemused, bewildered, confounded, confused, mazed, mixed-up


    full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment

  3. adjective

    spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed

    lost souls”

    lost generation”

    lost ship”

    lost platoon”


    cursed, curst

    deserving a curse; sometimes used as an intensifier

    cursed, damned, doomed, unredeemed, unsaved

    in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell

    destroyed, ruined

    destroyed physically or morally

    unregenerate, unregenerated

    not reformed morally or spiritually

  4. adjective

    no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered

    lost child”

    lost friends”

    lost book”

    lost opportunities”


    mislaid, misplaced

    lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place


    no longer retained


    not able to be found

    squandered, wasted

    not used to good advantage


    (of an animal) having no home or having wandered away from home


    unable to find your way

  5. adjective

    incapable of being recovered or regained

    lost honor”


    irrecoverable, unrecoverable

    incapable of being recovered or regained

  6. adjective

    deeply absorbed in thought

    lost in thought”


    bemused, deep in thought, preoccupied


    exhibiting or characterized by careful thought

  7. adjective

    unable to function; without help




    without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success

  8. noun

    people who are destined to die soon

  9. adjective

    not gained or won

    lost battle”

    lost prize”


    confiscate, forfeit, forfeited

    surrendered as a penalty

  10. adjective

    not caught with the senses or the mind

    lost in the din”



    incomprehensible, uncomprehensible

    difficult to understand

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘lost’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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The dance for which many a princeling lost his kingdom..lost his wife home and family. ❋ Unknown (2008)

And again, he adviseth to circumspection and care, even in the smallest matters; because, sometimes, _A little neglect may breed great mischief_; adding, _for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the rider was lost_; being overtaken and slain by the enemy; all for want of a little care about a horseshoe nail! ❋ C. A. Bogardus (N/A)

The efforts of the woman to find the lost piece represent what Jesus did, when he left heaven, and took our nature upon him, and came as «the Son of man to _seek and to save that which was lost_.» ❋ Richard Newton (N/A)

Shall any of these heathen among whom I dwell, rise up at that awful season — stretch out their hands towards you, and say, There stand the children who might have sent us the Bible, but they did not send it; and now we must be lost — _lost for ever! ❋ Dr. John Scudder (N/A)

It would be terrible _to be lost to have been lost_ in the forest. ❋ Thomas Wood (N/A)

From there on the trail is lostlost — _lost_, I tell you! ❋ Unknown (1918)

What I lost — Ah! what I _lost_ was respect for «— Blair choked —» for the institution that had deluded me. ❋ Zane Grey (1905)

‘And then there are the lost sheep,’ said Rosalie, ‘full of sin, and far away from the fold; they don’t love the Good Shepherd, and sometimes they don’t even know that they _are lost_. ❋ O. F. Walton (1894)

As I heard «The Voice that breathed o’er Eden» and saw the bride of twenty-five advance up the aisle to meet the bridegroom of forty-five awaiting her deeply flushed, in a distorted white waistcoat — I had mercilessly alluded to his white waistcoat as an error of judgment — I gave myself up for lost; _and I was lost_. ❋ Mary Cholmondeley (1892)

I have had such a misfortune — I have lost — just now, on my way to or from the bank, I don’t know which — I have _lost_ dearest mother’s — your grandmother’s old watch! ❋ Mrs. Molesworth (1880)

He used to say it was singular that the courts would hold that a man never lost his right to property that had been stolen from him, but that he instantly _lost his right to himself_ if he was stolen. ❋ Unknown (1878)

At present those papers are lost — _lost_ for practical purposes. ❋ Robert Browning (1850)

II. iv.35 (184,7) [lost and worn] Though _lost and worn_ may means _lost and worn out_, yet _lost and won_ being, I think, better, these two words coming usually and naturally together, and the alteration being very slight, I would so read in this place with Sir Tho. ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

Irony lost in 140 chars. legallyheidi @adamjschmidt just caught up on #lost and said: ❋ Unknown (2010)

Lots of WTF moments. akosnitzky @cellguru I didnt watch Lost either chandlerq17 @gberken he was on lost like 3 seasons ago too, he got whacked with a gun lol. teddziuba RT @misc: My first-ever #lost theory: when you’re ❋ Unknown (2010)

_got and lost Tiger_; _lost the hawk Hero_, _which_, _with the geese_, _was given away_, _and is doubtless dead_, _for when I came back from Brussels I inquired on all hands and could_ _hear nothing of him_. ❋ Clement King Shorter (1891)

Some never see the land again, but are swept out into the storm and darkness, and are lost, — _lost_! » ❋ Various (N/A)

His head scraping even with the tree limbs, his expression lost in the murk, all except for the inhuman animal eyes. ❋ Alix Rickloff (2011)

[Are you] lost? [Yes], [I don’t know what] to do. ❋ 25IMF (2019)

n00b: That show sucks! I want answers NOW!
Lost viewer: Grow up. It’s going to end in a few seasons and then [we’ll see] who of us was right.
n00b: [FSS], I hate that show, [I want it] to end!
Lost viewer: Ever thought of turning the TV off when it came on? ❋ Peace Through Superior Water Power (2007)

Lost rules, but [everytime] I [watch it] [I wonder why] I am doing so. ❋ Kevin21boston (2006)

girl: wow [im stoned] out my mind(said infrount of teacher/cop/ect…
[black guy]: dam [this bitch] is lost ❋ T-wolf (2006)

[drama] tv [mystery] [stakes] lost ❋ Jarx23 (2009)

who she lost her [soul]. ❋ Emojilover129 (2017)

[Examples] of ‘Lost’ are in [definitions].. ❋ Court Jeremiah (2006)

Guy 1: So do we ever find out if Ted had that threeway in [How I Met Your Mother]?
Guy 2: Nope they [lost‘d] it, but [I’m pretty sure] he did ❋ Somename1 (2010)

person 1 — i am so lost, i keep getting [anxiety] attacks
person 2 — [omg me] too, [i hate life] so much LOL ❋ Armsofastranger (2021)

person 1: hey, you’ve been [lookin] kinda down lately, [you good]?
person 2: I’m [just a little] lost bro ❋ Always_tired (2020)


: not made use of, won, or claimed


: ruined or destroyed physically or morally : desperate



: taken away or beyond reach or attainment : denied

regions lost to the faith



: unable to find the way


: lacking assurance or self-confidence : helpless


: not appreciated or understood : wasted

their jokes were lost on me


: obscured or overlooked during a process or activity


: hopelessly unattainable : futile


Example Sentences

He was looking for his lost keys.

Many have tried to find the ruins of the lost city.

We took a wrong turn and got lost.

Hold my hand. I don’t want you to get lost.

He has been trying to recapture his lost youth.

The original music is lost to us forever.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Owners register their collections using brand and serial numbers, then can report any lost or stolen pieces.

Demetrius Simms, Robb Report, 31 Mar. 2023

Additionally, the Tile Pro has a QR code that can be scanned to show your personal contact information so any lost and found luggage can be returned.

Katherine Alex Beaven, Travel + Leisure, 31 Mar. 2023

This is the second time in the past 13 months that a lost pig was found roaming the streets of Pleasanton.

Jordan Parker, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 Mar. 2023

Essentially, wherever there’s an iPhone or capable iDevice, there’s hope to find your lost item.

Corey Gaskin, Ars Technica, 27 Mar. 2023

One person who said she was victimized by OBN has an ongoing civil suit against Meta for lost income, while others sent the company legal letters demanding payment.

Craig Silverman, ProPublica, 26 Mar. 2023

More than anything, though, DeSantis just looks lost.

Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 23 Mar. 2023

The tiny tracker, named PCMag Editors’ Choice for iOS tracking devices, relies on Bluetooth and Apple’s Find My app to locate lost devices.

Stephanie Mlot, PCMAG, 20 Mar. 2023

Dorough launched a GoFundMe, at first thinking the Hoover community could at least pool together donations to make up for Barnes’s lost income.

Daniel Wu, Washington Post, 10 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘lost.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


past participle of lose

First Known Use

15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of lost was
in the 15th century

Dictionary Entries Near lost

Cite this Entry

“Lost.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
4 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

  • 1


    1) погибший; потерянный

    2) бесплодный; напрасный

    lost effort/labour — тщетные, бесполезные усилия

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > lost

  • 2

    lost [lɒst]




    и пр.




    to give smb. up for lost счита́ть кого́-л. поги́бшим

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > lost

  • 3

    lost or not lost — 1. независимо от того, погиб предмет страхования или нет 2. независимо от того, погиб груз или нет

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > lost

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > lost

  • 5
    lost at

    Персональный Сократ > lost at

  • 6
    lost in

    Персональный Сократ > lost in

  • 7

    English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations > LOST

  • 8

    1. [lɒst]

    1. 1) потерянный, утраченный, пропавший

    lost art — утраченное /забытое/ искусство

    2) напрасный; даром потраченный

    to make up for lost time — наверстать даром потраченное /упущенное/ время

    2. 1) погибший

    to give smb. up for lost — считать кого-л. погибшим; поставить крест на ком-л.

    2) заблудившийся

    3) неиспользованный, пропущенный

    3. (in) забывшийся

    4. (to) безразличный

    lost to shame — не чувствующий стыда; бессовестный

    5. 1) проигранный

    lost battle [game] — проигранная битва [игра]


    потерпевший поражение, разбитый

    what’s lost is lost — потерянного не воротишь; ≅ что с возу упало, то пропало

    get lost! — отстань!, убирайся!

    2. [lɒstl]

    НБАРС > lost

  • 9

    1. a потерянный, утраченный, пропавший

    lost data — потерянные данные; потерянная информация

    2. a напрасный; даром потраченный

    3. a погибший

    4. a заблудившийся

    5. a неиспользованный, пропущенный

    6. a забывшийся

    7. a безразличный

    8. a проигранный

    9. a поэт. потерпевший поражение, разбитый

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. abstracted (adj.) absentminded; abstracted; bemused; distrait; faraway; inconscient

    2. confused (adj.) absent; bewildered; confused; perplexed; preoccupied; puzzled

    3. defeated (adj.) beaten; defeated; forfeited; vanquished

    4. depraved (adj.) abandoned; condemned; damned; depraved; dissolute; doomed; fated; irreclaimable; irredeemable; licentious

    5. extinct (adj.) bygone; dead; defunct; departed; destroyed; extinct; ruined; vanished

    6. missing (adj.) gone; irrevocable; lacking; missed; missing; passed

    7. wasted (adj.) dissipated; misspent; shot; squandered; wasted

    8. deprived (verb) bereaved or bereft; deprived; disinherited; dispossessed; divested; ousted; robbed

    9. dropped (verb) dropped; forfeited; lost out; sacrificed

    10. lost (verb) eluded; evaded; lost; shook; throw off

    13. rid (verb) cleared; rid; shook off/shaken off; unburdened

    14. shook/shaken (verb) shook/shaken; slipped; threw off/thrown off

    Антонимический ряд:

    found; honourable; pure

    English-Russian base dictionary > lost

  • 10


    to give (smb.) up for lost считать (кого-л.) погибшим; the Lost and Found бюро находок irretrievably lost безвозвратно потерянный irretrievably lost безнадежно потерянный lost потерянный (см. lose); lost effort напрасное усилие lost past & p. p. от lose lost вчт. потерянный lost потерянный lost пропавший lost утраченный to give (smb.) up for lost считать (кого-л.) погибшим; the Lost and Found бюро находок lost потерянный (см. lose); lost effort напрасное усилие what’s lost is lost = что с возу упало, то пропало

    English-Russian short dictionary > lost

  • 11

    1. прил.
    1) разрушенный, сломанный (в том числе и морально) ;
    обессиленный to give smb. up for lost ≈ считать кого-л. погибшим lost of wits ≈ умалишенный
    2) потерянный, несохраненный the Lost and Found ≈ бюро находок what’s lost is lost ≈ что с возу упало, то пропало
    3) растраченный впустую, напрасный lost effort ≈ напрасное усилие
    4) потерпевший крушение, неудачу, бесплодный
    5) забытый;
    6) развращенный, утративший стыд
    2. прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. от lose
    потерянный, утраченный, пропавший — * art утраченное /забытое/ искусство — * happiness утраченное счастье — * soul пропащий человек — * property office бюро находок — an isle * in the fog скрывшийся в тумане остров напрасный;
    даром потраченный — * effort тщетное усилие — * motion( техническое) мертвый ход — to make up for * time наверстать даром потраченное /упущенное/ время — this is all * trouble это все напрасный труд погибший — * ship погибший корабль — * woman погибшая женщина — to give smb. up for * считать кого-л. погибшим;
    поставить крест на ком-л. заблудившийся — the * sheep заблудшая овца неиспользованный, пропущенный — * opportunity упущенная возможность (in) забывшийся — * in astonishment растерявшийся от изумления — * in reverie погруженный в мечты (to) безразличный — * to shame не чувствующий стыда;
    бессовестный проигранный — * battle проигранная битва потерпевший поражение, разбитый > what’s lost is * потерянного не воротишь;
    что с возу упало, то пропало > better * than found (ироничное) невелика потеря > that is not * that comes at last (пословица) лучше поздно, чем никогда > get *! отстань!, убирайся! past и p.p. от lose
    to give (smb.) up for ~ считать (кого-л.) погибшим;
    the Lost and Found бюро находок
    irretrievably ~ безвозвратно потерянный irretrievably ~ безнадежно потерянный
    lost потерянный (см. lose) ;
    lost effort напрасное усилие ~ past & p. p. от lose ~ вчт. потерянный ~ потерянный ~ пропавший ~ утраченный
    to give (smb.) up for ~ считать (кого-л.) погибшим;
    the Lost and Found бюро находок
    lost потерянный (см. lose) ;
    lost effort напрасное усилие
    what’s ~ is ~ = что с возу упало, то пропало

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lost

  • 12

    Англо-русский технический словарь > lost

  • 13

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > lost

  • 14



    1) потерянный, несохранённый, утраченный

    2) растраченный впустую, напрасный

    to give smb. up for lost — считать кого-л. погибшим

    4) потерявшийся, заблудившийся

    We’re well and truly lost. — Мы не на шутку заблудились.

    6) неиспользованный, упущенный





    прош. вр. от lose

    Англо-русский современный словарь > lost

  • 15




    past participle

    of lose

    потерянный и пр.; lost effort напрасное усилие; to give smb. up for lost считать кого-л. погибшим

    the Lost and Found бюро находок

    what’s lost is lost


    что с возу упало, то пропало

    * * *

    1 (a) безразличный; напрасный; неиспользованный; проигранный; пропавший; пропущенный

    2 (n) даром потраченный; погибший

    3 (r) заблудившийся; забывшийся

    * * *

    прош. и прич. прош вр. от lose

    * * *

    [lɔst /lɒst]
    потерянный, погибший

    * * *

    * * *

    1) разрушенный, сломанный (в том числе и морально)
    2) потерянный
    3) растраченный впустую
    4) потерпевший крушение
    прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. от lose

    Новый англо-русский словарь > lost

  • 16

    терял; отстал; потерянный

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > lost

  • 17

    утратил; утраченный; потеряться

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > lost

  • 18

    1) затонувший

    2) потерянный

    3) погибший

    Англо-русский морской словарь > lost

  • 19

    I [lɔst]


    потерянный, упущенный

    They were given up for lost. — Их считали погибшими

    — make up for the lost time

    II [lɔst]


    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > lost

  • 20

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > lost


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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • LOST — Lost, les disparus Cet article a pour sujet le feuilleton télévisé américain Lost. Pour une définition du mot « lost », voir l’article lost du Wiktionnaire. Lost, les disparus …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lost — may refer to:The ABC television series: * Lost (TV series), a drama television series which follows the lives of plane crash survivors who land on a mysterious island ** , a video game based on the television seriesIn other cinema or television:… …   Wikipedia

  • Lost — Lost, a. [Prop. p. p. of OE. losien. See {Lose}, v. t.] 1. Parted with unwillingly or unintentionally; not to be found; missing; as, a lost book or sheep. [1913 Webster] 2. Parted with; no longer held or possessed; as, a lost limb; lost honor.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lost — [lôst, läst] vt., vi. pt. & pp. of LOSE adj. 1. a) destroyed or ruined physically or morally b) Theol. damned; reprobate 2. not to be found; missing 3. no longer held or possessed; parted with …   English World dictionary

  • lost — past and past participle of LOSE(Cf. ↑lose). ● be lost for words Cf. ↑be lost for words ● be lost on Cf. ↑be lost on ● get lost! Cf. ↑get lost! …   English terms dictionary

  • Lost in Oz — is a 2002 television pilot for a planned series, an original sequel to The Wizard of Oz, inspired by the Oz books of L. Frank Baum. The series was planned to start September 1, 2002 but was cancelled, perhaps because the special effects required… …   Wikipedia

  • Lost — bezeichnet eine chemische Stoffgruppe, die vor allem als Kampfgas eingesetzt wird, siehe Loste die Stammverbindung dieser Stoffgruppe, auch Senfgas genannt eine US amerikanische Fernsehserie, siehe Lost (Fernsehserie) einen US amerikanischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lost — adj 1: not made use of, won, or claimed lost opportunity costs 2: unintentionally gone out of or missing from one s possession or control 3: ruined or destroyed physically; also: in an unknown physical condition or location a lost ship Merria …   Law dictionary

  • lost on — not appreciated or understood by (someone) The jokes were lost on me. [=I didn t understand the jokes] The meaning of her remark wasn t lost on him. The message was lost on those for whom it was intended. • • • Main Entry: ↑lost …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lost — (англ. потерянный) может означать: Остаться в живых (телесериал) американский телесериал. Lost сингл британской группы Coldplay. Lost сингл шведской группы Dead by April. См. также Lost: Via Domus …   Википедия

  • lost on — (you) not understood by you. Civilization developed because ideas and technology were exchanged between cultures – a truth that is lost on many of us. Usage notes: often used in the form not lost on someone clearly understood by someone:… …   New idioms dictionary

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