Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lord, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lord in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lord».
Lord in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lord in a sentence.
Its guardian was lord Prokui, an uncle of the Hungarian king.
Henry was angry that Conan had turned against his feudal lord.
The press lord was amenable, and work began in the summer of 1953.
A sajal was ranked below the ajaw, and indicated a subservient lord.
With the help of his allies, Soma avoids becoming the new dark lord.
Thomas Pilkington was at this time lord of many estates in Lancashire.
The hall represented the prestige, authority, and richness of the lord.
As lord of Caus, Pain was involved in efforts to suppress Welsh raiding.
Sao Feng, pirate lord of Singapore, is particularly hateful towards him.
The owner of the mansion, drug lord Martin Madrazo, demands compensation.
The Margrave of Lower Lusatia, Dedi I, was the first Saxon lord to rebel.
The great hall was a large, decorated room where a lord received his guests.
This manor retained its Saxon lord, Waltheof, for some years after the conquest.
In 1368 Dyrrhachium was taken from the Angevins by Karlo Thopia, an Albanian lord.
It was her duty to administer them directly, as the lord administered his own land.
Marney and Bradenham were imprisoned and fined (and later released) with their lord.
This argues that the young lord could not have been difficult to find, comments Ross.
Guidoriccio was the son of Niccolò da Fogliano, condottiero and lord of Reggio Emilia.
Immediately south of the chapel was the main accommodation for the lord and his family.
A chapel off the great hall led to a large formal room where the lord would meet guests.
They were eager to augment their positions at the expense of a neighbour, even if a lord.
Its burghers acknowledged Charles as their lord, but retained their self-governing bodies.
Soma manages to escape his fate of becoming the new dark lord with the help of his allies.
They were seized by a Maya lord, and most were sacrificed, although two managed to escape.
Donjons, which were the residence of the lord of the castle, evolved to become more spacious.
The captured lord of Copán was taken back to Quiriguá and was decapitated in a public ritual.
He informs Soma that Celia is the head of a cult that seeks the resurrection of the dark lord.
They pressured Thomas Fairfax, lord general of the New Model Army, to launch a preemptive attack.
Most of the flags were long banners usually charged with the mon (family crest) of the daimyō lord.
The lord president reads out a list of orders to be made, and the sovereign merely says «Approved».
The fourth Furnival lord, Thomas de Furnival, supported Simon de Montfort in the Second Barons’ War.
Henry maintained peace with Scotland during his reign, where he was the feudal lord of Alexander II.
The captured lord was taken back to Quiriguá and on 3 May 738 he was decapitated in a public ritual.
The great hall was the social centre of the castle, and where the lord would have entertained guests.
The Norman lord William FitzOsbern built a castle near the confluence of the two rivers in around 1070.
Accompanied by the lord mayor and the city engineer, he reviewed nine potential sites for the memorial.
According to Roger of Wendover, the rebels at Rochester were led by William d’Aubigny, lord of Belvoir.
Celia explains their nature as the «dark lord’s candidates», who can become the dark lord by destroying Soma.
In 2018, Zeta-Jones starred as the drug lord Griselda Blanco in the Lifetime television film Cocaine Godmother.
The local lordship was weak or absent, and so Crompton failed to emerge as a manor with its own lord and court.
Another name, Pandharinath, also refers to Vithoba as the lord of Pandhari (yet another variant for Pandharpur).
John Grant was married to Wintour’s sister, Dorothy, and was lord of the manor of Norbrook near Stratford-upon-Avon.
A castle could act as a stronghold and prison but was also a place where a knight or lord could entertain his peers.
He died the following year but his son Enrique was confirmed as lord of Gibraltar by the reinstated Henry IV in 1469.
When the lord returns and gives Gawain the deer he has killed, Gawain gives a kiss to him without divulging its source.
He retained his lord lieutenancy in 1681, despite supporting the Exclusion Bill, but was turned out by James II in 1687.
Odaenathus’ title as lord was ras in Palmyrene and exarchos in Greek as revealed by bilingual inscriptions from Palmyra.
He inherited the county of Maine, but refused to recognise Henry as his feudal lord and instead allied himself with Louis.
In storyline terms, Julius Mode follows the assumption that Soma succumbed to his dark power and became the new dark lord.
Placed by a frequently-used road or river, the toll castle ensured that a lord would get his due toll money from merchants.
Synonyms for lord
Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word lord has the following synonyms: Godhead, Lord, Creator, Maker, Divine, God Almighty, Almighty, Jehova, noble, nobleman, overlord and master.
General information about «lord» example sentences
The example sentences for the word lord that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lord» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lord».
Definition of Lord
a ruler who has power or authority over others
Examples of Lord in a sentence
Being a fine and fair ruler, the lord was respected by both royals and peasants in his kingdom.
Even though the lord was the head of his castle, the king still had authority over him.
The lord was in charge of ruling everyone in his district and used his power to his advantage.
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1. Lord help my poor soul.
2. I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.
3. He always acts the lord.
4. Oh Lord! I’ve forgotten the tickets!
5. Lord Stansfield will chair the committee.
6. Blessed be the Lord, Amen!
7. John Lord, alias Peter Lewis, was convicted of murder.
8. Thank you, Lord, for your blessings.
9. His grandfather used to be a land lord.
10. She married a lord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds.
11. Lord Kierton ‘s going to say I’m being immature again.
12. Other directors appear happy that Lord Hollick has been squeezed out.
13. We are governed, in Lord Hailsham’s famous phrase, by an ‘elective dictatorship’.
14. Let us remember the words of Our Lord from the gospel of Mark.
15. She married a lord.
16. In 1662?3 he served as Lord Mayor of London.
16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
17. All serfs owed allegiance to a lord.
18. Bless the name of the Lord!
19. Andy staggered in last night drunk as a lord.
20. Lord Fraser’s speech offers much food for thought.
21. Lord Swan was made a life peer in 1981.
22. Lord knows, I tried to teach her.
23. He was Lord Chancellor from 1970 until 1974.
24. The Lord bless thee and keep thee.
25. Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned.
26. Good Lord, what have you done to your hair!
27. He was a feudal lord.
28. O Lord, in you I put my trust.
29. Lord Herbert served as ambassador to France.
30. Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones.
lord — перевод на русский
You’ve arrived, my Lord.
It’s not even enough if he comes here and bows to you, but how dare he tells you to come or go? I will take care of it, My Lord.
мой Господин.
Isn’t Lord Choi too late?
Не слишком ли поздно Господин Чхве?
Thank you, my Lord.
мой Господин.
Lord Choi is really…
Господин Чхве действительно…
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His Majesty’s Chamberlain and Lord Steward General of Cavalry
Камергер Его Величества, Лорд Распорядитель,
I know that you are here in the Grand Hotel, living like a lord.
Но я знаю, что здесь, в Берлине, вы живёте, как лорд.
Lord Roberts, if you please.
Он лорд Робертс, к твоему сведению.
That was Lord Roberts.
Вон лорд Робертс.
Lord and Lady Cumberland.
Лорд и леди Камберленд.
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And also, Lord, if you’re a decent chap, please fix it so my mother forgets me tomorrow.
А еще, Господи, если ты нормальный мужик, сделай, пожалуйста, так, чтобы мать завтра простила меня.
Oh Lord! Let’s go. It’s not very nice, but at least we have a roof.
О Господи давайте войдем не особо приятно, но хотя бы есть крыша
Thank you, Lord!
O Lord, our corporal, was a great man and Fritz, old friend and Beni, and Fritz
О Господи, наш капрал, отличный был мужик и Фриц, старый друг и Бени, и Фриц
Oh, Lord, please help Mr. Rhett in this hour of his grief.
Господи, помоги м-ру Ретту в этот горестный час.
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In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, Lord of the Faithful and our ruler Emir has granted a great mercy to blacksmith’s guild, allowing them to feed the guards, and thus giving his subjects an opportunity to be thankful to our illustrious Emir every day and every hour!
Во имя аллаха милостивого и милосердного, повелитель правоверных и наш владыка эмир, оказал всему кузнечному ряду великую милость, поставив на прокормление к ним стражников, и тем самым даровал своим подданным возможность благодарить пресветлого эмира каждодневно и ежечасно!
— Oh, the great lord!
— О, великий повелитель!
Order to stop the penalty, oh lord!
Прикажи остановить казнь, о, повелитель!
Lord of Bukhara says that if he refuses to execute the main concealer, I’m about to point out, that all these convicts will be released!
Повелитель Бухары сказал что если он откажется казнить главного укрывателя, которого я сейчас укажу, то и эти стоящие у плахи, будут освобождены!
Is this right, oh, my Lord?
Так ли я сказал, о, повелитель?
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My lord! Your robes for the feast.
Милорд, вот вам одежда к застолью.
Me lord. Here is your raiment for the banquet.
Милорд, вот ваш наряд к пиршеству.
My lord, I’ll tell you.
Милорд, узнайте: вновь грозит нам билль,
But how, my lord, shall we resist it now?
Но как, милорд, сопротивляться нам?
But, my good lord, how now for mitigation of this bill urged by the commons?
Но, милорд, Что предпринять для устраненья билля, Палатой принятого?
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Good Lord he looks dumb.
Боже, а на вид он идиот!
Bless, O Lord, this ring, that he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in thy peace and continue in thy favor unto their life’s end.
Благослови, Боже, это кольцо, того, кто наденет его, и ту, кто будет носить его. Пусть пребудут они в мире и продолжат почитать тебя до конца дней своих.
Oh, Lord, we beseech thee.
О Боже, заклинаем тебя.
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— Oh, yes. The Lord…
— Ах да, Бог…
The Lord who giveth life and also takes it away.
Бог, который дарует жизнь и отбирает ее.
Our Lord sits up high He is somewhat shy
Наш Бог устроился повыше Он слишком уж застенчив
Instead we enjoy ourselves tonight, tomorrow the Lord provides for.
Сегодня нам весело, а завтра Бог позаботиться о нас.
«I’ll cool him off» answered The Lord, because there he is, cold like an iceberg.
«Я остужу»— ответил мне Бог. И теперь он холоден, как лёд.
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«I hear him coming. Let’s withdraw, my Lord.»
Его шаги, мой государь, идёмте прочь.
And if he be not fought withal, my lord, let us not live in France;
И, коль теперь мы не сразимся с ним, Во Франции не жить нам, государь;
My lord, your nobles, jealous of your absence, seek through your camp to find you.
Государь! Встревожены отлучкой вашей лорды, Вас ищут, государь.
My lord, the army stays upon your presence.
Войска вас ожидают, государь.
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— I object, my lord. — I refuse to answer.
Я возражаю, ваша честь.
I object, my lord.
Я возражаю, ваша честь.
It is, my lord. I’m trying to establish a motive for the murder.
Это не так, ваша честь, я пытаюсь установить мотив убийства.
May it please you, my lord.
Благодарю, ваша честь.
My lord, may I assure my learned friend that Sir Wilfrid is in the Old Bailey. He’s slightly incapacitated, but will be in his seat presently.
Ваша честь, позвольте сообщить моему уважаемому коллеге со стороны обвинения, что сэр Уилфрид временно отсутствует.
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Lord Choi really dislikes that.
Владыка Чхвэ этого не любит.
It was because they didn’t want Lord Choi to find out.
что бы Владыка Чхвэ узнал об этом.
To tell you the truth, Lord Choi has been going easy on you all this time.
Владыка Чхве имеет зуб на Вас.
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things are possible with Him, and He is the Lord God
Ruth walked with God and knew Him as the Lord
that Abraham built an altar unto the LORD, who
Gen: 12:7: And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an
altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the
Gen: 12:17: And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram’s wife
the Lord now was beginning to manifest in His life
2Cor: 13:14: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with
Heb: 13:6: So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my
Levi, said the LORD of hosts
Deut: 10:8: At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi, to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand
before the LORD to minister unto him, and to bless in his
inheritance with his brethren; the LORD is his inheritance,
according as the LORD thy God promised him
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, we are
Eph: 1:3: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in
Psalms: 103:17: But the mercy of the LORD is from
Isa: 6:1: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple
Isa: 6:3: And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his
the LORD of hosts
2Kings: 6:17: And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see
And the LORD
Eph: 1:17: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Exod: 32:27: And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD
Psalms: 12:6: The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times
Matt: 22:37: Jesus said unto him, Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and
Ezra: 7:10: For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes
2Chl: 2:4: Behold, I build a house to the name of the LORD
LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee,
Deut: 6:2: That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I
before the LORD his God
Psalms: 1:2: But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night
2Th: 3:16: Now the Lord of peace himself gives you peace always by all means
The Lord be with you all
service of the LORD before him with our burnt offerings,
Ye have no part in the LORD
Exod: 33:11: And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speak unto his friend
Proverb: 16:7: When a man’s ways please the LORD, he
2Chl: 17:9: And they taught in Judah, and had the book of the law of the LORD with them, and went about
2Chl: 17:10 : And the fear of the LORD fell upon all the kingdoms of the lands that were round about Judah, so
When you walk with Jehovah Shalom, the Lord of
safe in their land, and shall know that I am the LORD,
1Sam: 26:11: The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD‘s anointed:
Psalms: 34:8: O taste and see that the LORD is good:
1Cor: 15:58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
Gen: 15:6: And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness
LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness,
Psalms: 27:8: When thou said, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek
Psalms: 105:4: Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually
Psalms: 105:4: Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore
1Sa:3:6: And the LORD called yet again, Samuel
1Sa:3:8: And the LORD called Samuel again the third time
And Eli perceived that the LORD had called
1Sa:3:10: And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel
Isa: 50:4: The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season
Isa: 50:5: The Lord GOD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away back
Jer: 1:7: But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shall go to all that I shall send thee, and
Jer: 1:11: Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah, what sees thou? And I said, I see a rod of
Jer: 1:12: Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well
Ezek: 3:22: And the hand of the LORD was there upon me; and he said unto me, Arise, go forth into the plain, and I
Psalms: 18:30: As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in him
Psalms: 37:34: Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are
Psalms: 128:1: Blessed is every one that fear the LORD; that walk in his ways
Psalms: 100:2: Serve the LORD with gladness: come
Deut: 7:9: Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy
of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him
Lord, will move from the kingdom of darkness into the
The Lord Will Save Me!
«No thank you, the Lord will save me!» he said, and the man in the rowboat rowed away
«No thank you, the Lord will save me!» he said again, and the man rowed away
«No thank you,» the man said again, «The Lord will save me!»
«Lord, I don’t understand,» he told Him, frustrated, «The waters rose higher and higher and I waited hours for you to save me but you didn’t! Why?»
The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?»
your Lord and Savior into your life, say this following
my sins away, is Lord
«No thank you,» the man said again, «The Lord will save me!» After much begging and pleading the man in the helicopter gave up and flew away
The Lord just shook his head and said, «What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!»
Yoga, Meditation, community singing of songs in the praise of one lord or the other, and spiritual discussions etc are not identified with one religion but are adopted by individuals based on their experience with regard to its good effect on physical and emotional health and in search of true happiness
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy
Prepare the way for the Lord from within yourself, from within your
ing Father and lord almighty
Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all
The Lord is very close to you
But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He
should put the Bible before our eyes and “taste that the Lord is good
‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the Lord GOD
face an insoluble or painful problem, the Lord will be there ahead of
Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant
So Satan answered the LORD and said, “Does Job fear God for
like a seed! Feed me with your Heavenly bread, my lord, so that i could
and Jesus is our Lord
seem to care about railroading, and on the ranch he lorded it
She noticed one huge mottled one of crimson and yellow that lorded it over all the others
Seeing the way he lorded over the warders, he could see the abuse of money to defeat the purpose of the sentence
west, she marked a magnificent tree that lorded over the rim of the high land, and kept
allowed to attend a press conference where the Shah lorded over us
in the house that Phyllis had so recently lorded
“You know; in old times, there were kings and they lorded over large empires
It goes back to that odd thing that happens in a soul when they have been beaten — they become friends and overly-respectful of that which has lorded over them
Talaric very much lorded it over me and Gavin that he was the firstborn and that we were beneath him
The remaining ones were made over into our slaves as we took the position of master that they had lorded over us
All the fighting took place on the other side of that mighty wall of serrated peaks lorded over by the white dome of Higuerota and as yet unbreached by the railway, of which only the first part, the easy Campo part from Sulaco to the Ivie Valley at the foot of the pass, had been laid
Why was the note, that dirty note that wasn’t addressed to Ben, mixed up in a box of Michelle’s stuff? If Michelle had found out Ben had a girlfriend, she’d have lorded it over him, all the more if he tried to keep it a secret
“Imagine then me Astonishment,” he said, “when after all me Readin’ o’ the Marvels o’ Sea-Travel in Dampier, I found meself on a Slave Ship—nam’d, with pow’rful Irony, the Grace o’ God—with a Cargo o’ dyin’ Africans, manacl’d to each other in the stinkin’ Hold, beaten within an Inch o’ their Lives by Men not fit to be their Masters (fer they were not e’en Masters o’ themselves), forced daily into the Hold to provide Rancid Food an’ Fruitless Medicine fer Men who needed nought but Air an’ Space an’ the Sight o’ their own Native Lands, who could not speak me Language, nor I theirs, but who, in their mass’d black, naked, shiv’rin’, vomitin’ Humanity, seem’d far superior to the Englishmen who lorded it o’er ’em
None was exchanged by Dante and Beatrice, even though from their first meeting, as he has told, “love lorded it over my soul!” Nor do I recall that any passed between Petrarch and Laura, even though at her death he wrote that “there is nothing more left me to live for”! But these were examples of the super-ideal love, such as is seldom known on earth, and such as, doubtless, would be unsatisfying to you or to me
sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over
To treat others as equals and not lording ourselves over them is the way of
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers, not because you must, but because you are willing, as God want you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock
Salt is the TRUTH that we have no gods lording
As the anchor of the mall it sat at the end lording over all the shoe stores and candle stores and pretzel vendors and not only was it two stories but it had a lower level as well
Each spoke on their favourite themes; Myrtle would say something about how men had been lording it
this infamous robber that had been over lording the Pugilist twenty years ago, his martial skills were indeed extraordinary
It’d be unthinkable to have a fellow guy lording it over everything from
Elite, high-class lions, and other predators lording over, and terrorizing the mass of herd animals
The entire ego-crap of the sport-jock lording it over others; is nothing more than a spurt-jock… translating the male sperm’s desperate need to be more active than the other sperm if it wants to live, and not die… they all sputter out… lose energy, ability, become lazy, arrogant, foolish, stupid… and they usually are attracted only to competitive careers… they become carriers of the poisonous myth of competition as the best way to live and love and learn… and end up learning nothing… loving nothing… and living empty useless unhappy lives
The sergeant began lording over his dream life, coming at him and pounding him, his features alight in vicious rapture
Who cared? He had done it, betrayed as he was, and saving by the same stroke the San Tome mine, which appeared to him hateful and immense, lording it by its vast wealth over the valour, the toil, the fidelity of the poor, over war and peace, over the labours of the town, the sea, and the Campo
began lording it around and taking what they wanted
Here, as elsewhere, he was surrounded by an atmosphere of subservience to his wealth, and being in the habit of lording it over these people, he treated them with absentminded contempt
Here, as elsewhere, he was surrounded by an atmosphere of subservience to his wealth, and being in the habit of lording it over these people, he treated them with absent-minded contempt
She wasn’t about to abandon her own ship no matter where you’re from or what plutonic powers of how many dark lords you possess
that were sung there with the coming of the lords of the north,
The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along
They had seen men and women come and go through the ages, but they had always been there; they were the old, the true lords of the land and the sky
She looked around the room at the seven Lords
“My Lords, this meeting is adjourned
The Lords rose and began to leave the conference room
“When I have proof I will place it before the Lords, along with Boras’s body
“Yes, actually there are two levels, the Queen’s Hold and the Winter Holds of the Lords are on the first level
stories about great lords and ladies and about the things that men do
He called his lords, his
“The man is mad! The other Lords would never accept him; they would rebel, and Aura would become a warring ground
Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that
were the old, the true lords of the land and the sky
A half hour later all the Lords were assembled in the Queens Study listening as she informed them as to what had taken place
The Lords rose, bowed to Queen Naria and then turned to Tarak; raising their fists high they shouted as one, “For the glory of Aura!”
The sumptuous feasts he would have; all the Lords forced to attend
All the Lords would be informed of the change in plans and they would make judgment when Boras arrived
Lord Boras looked about the Hall and all he saw was condemnation in the eyes of the other Lords
Lords and Ladies of Faerie
After a millennium of infection, its cells and its soul were utterly consumed by the dark power, endowing it with strength equal to the greatest of the Boulder Lords
Sadly, three of their Lords fell before it was defeated
The undead had victory all but in their grasp when the two hundred Boulder Lords came storming down the wall, sweeping thousands of the fiends to their deaths
Though yet a child, Gunt would be the last of his line, and therefore heir to whatever remained of the kingdom of the Boulder Lords
The Boulder Lords continued to gather nearby stones, and had created several towering stacks along the edge of the wall
The eyes of the Boulder Lords weren’t as strong in the darkness as their smaller cousins nor anywhere near as keen as that of the elves
Of the Boulder Lords, few of his kin remained
Indeed, the Boulder Lords sent many to hell before they went down
The grand-vizir and the lords of council had just gone in as she entered the hall and placed herself in front of the Sultan
The feudal lords did not feel the need of wearing the
They were the last ones left in the chamber when the Dark Lords came
The Dark Lords had a better sense of their foe now
Thirty Dark Lords barricaded Hell’s Gate by the time the Giants came thundering at them
and still the Dark Lords came, now shoulder to shoulder, ten at a time
Only a few more step remained before they were upon the Dark Lords, their numbers had greatly multiplied in only a matter of moments
And with every moment that passed, ten more Dark Lords arrived
“My lords, if it’s not too late, Evander says he has a witness
Then streaming down from the Moon came what I felt to be the Lunar Lords
It is probable that it was partly upon account of this advantage, and partly upon account of the encroachments which the sovereigns, always jealous of the great lords, gradually encouraged their villains to make upon their authority, and which seem, at least, to have been such as rendered this species of servitude altogether inconvenient, that tenure in villanage gradually wore out through the greater part of Europe
The public taxes, to which they were subject, were as irregular and oppressive as the services The ancient lords, though extremely unwilling to grant, themselves, any pecuniary aid to their sovereign, easily allowed him to tallage, as they called it, their tenants, and had not knowledge enough to foresee how much this must, in the end, affect their own revenue
In order to understand this, it must be remembered, that, in those days, the sovereign of perhaps no country in Europe was able to protect, through the whole extent of his dominions, the weaker part of his subjects from the oppression of the great lords
The lords despised the burghers, whom they considered not only as a different order, but as a parcel of emancipated slaves, almost of a different species from themselves
The burghers naturally hated and feared the lords
Mutual interest, therefore, disposed them to support the king, and the king to support them against the lords
Towards the end of his reign, his son Lewis, known afterwards by the name of Lewis the Fat, consulted, according to Father Daniel, with the bishops of the royal demesnes, concerning the most proper means of restraining the violence of the great lords
The militia of the cities seems, in those times, not to have been inferior to that of the country ; and as they could be more readily assembled upon any sudden occasion, they frequently had the advantage in their disputes with the neighbouring lords
Being generally, too, more favourable to his power, their deputies seem sometimes to have been employed by him as a counterbalance in those assemblies to the authority of the great lords
The law was at that time so indulgent to the inhabitants of towns, and so desirous of diminishing the authority of the lords over those of the country, that if he could conceal himself there from the pursuit of his lord for a year, he was free for ever
The authority and jurisdiction of the Saxon lords in England appear to have been as great before the Conquest as that of any of the Norman lords after it
That the most extensive authority and jurisdictions were possessed by the great lords in France allodially, long before the feudal law was introduced into that country, is a matter of fact that admits of no doubt
The introduction of the feudal law, so far from extending, may be regarded as an attempt to moderate, the authority of the great allodial lords
After the institution of feudal subordination, the king was as incapable of restraining the violence of the great lords as before
The most excellent lords the plenipotentiaries promise and take upon themselves, that their above named masters shall ratify this treaty; and within the space of two months the ratification shall be exchanged
The councils, which, in the colony legislatures, correspond to the house of lords in Great Britain, are not composed of a hereditary nobility
The merchants of London, indeed, have not yet generally become such magnificent lords as those of Cadiz and Lisbon; but neither are they in general such attetitive and parsimonious burghers as those of Amsterdam
Taxes grew increasingly higher until many of the lords ceased their support of the throne
The lords decided to run the kingdom by an elected council, but that council began voting on kings to rule until death, when another king would be chosen
In the European monarchies, which were founded upon the ruins of the Roman empire, both before, and for some time after, the establishment of what is properly called the feudal law, the great lords, with all their immediate dependents, used to serve the crown at their own expense
Under the feudal governments, the military service, both of the great lords, and of their immediate dependents, was, after a certain period, universally exchanged for a payment in money, which was employed to maintain those who served in their stead
In the Tartar governments of Asia, in the governments of Europe which were founded by the German and Scythian nations who overturned the Roman empire, the administration of justice was a considerable source of revenue, both to the sovereign, and to all the lesser chiefs or lords who exercised under him any particular jurisdiction, either over some particular tribe or clan, or over some particular territory or district
In the progress of the European monarchies, which were founded upon the ruins of the Roman empire, the sovereigns and the great lords came universally to consider the administration of justice as an office both too laborious and too ignoble for them to execute in their own persons
particular baronies or manors, were equally independent, and equally exclusive of the authority of the king’s courts, as those of the great temporal lords
The tenants of the clergy were, like those of the great barons, almost all tenants at will, entirely dependent upon their immediate lords, and, therefore, liable to be called out at pleasure, in order to fight in any quarrel in which the clergy might think proper to engage them
In the ancient monarchies of Europe, the manners and customs of the time sufficiently prepared the great body of the people for war; and when they took the field, they were, by the condition of their feudal tenures, to be maintained either at their own expense, or at that of their immediate lords, without bringing any new charge upon the sovereign
The earth is the LORD”S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein
The great lords, though willing to assist him upon particular emergencies, refused to subject themselves to any constant tax, and he was not strong enough to force them
The great lords seem to have beheld the degree of prosperity and independency, which this inferior order of men had thus come to enjoy, with a malignant and contemptuous indignation, and willingly consented that the sovereign should tax them
“Olderon gave speeches in the courtyard of his kingdom for many weeks to try to appease the lords and ladies who were leading the revolution, though the fears of the people overcame his attempts to put their minds at ease
“He allowed the lords and ladies of the Revolution free passage out of the gates to return to their armies however
More lords and ladies followed, over twenty in all, lasting most of the day as they made their introductions and gave speeches about unrest and civil war
All the lords and ladies were present in the Feast Hall which was over three hundred paces deep and half as wide with thirty-feet-high red brick walls and a cathedral ceiling worked with stained glass of wolves, foxes, lions, and dragons
Many were permanently housed within the city walls, as servants in the inns and taverns, as merchants or lords and ladies on extended visits to the King of the Nordics, as well as over three hundred nobility who had arrived with the spring thaw, bringing escorts of soldiers either in aid of the Saviours or to protect their own interests during their journey to Nordhel
The other lords and ladies and their soldiers were assembled behind those forces, and the Dremelden were stationed to the east
Jean had been present for most of those meetings, and she sensed that the four lords and six ladies, who led the army of Charkel were stricken with fear and loathing over the thought of facing the Sons of Odin and the Daughter of Thor in battle
Lady Elise Caravine was desperate to reach Auglem Watch, to speak with the lords and ladies there to try to make peace with the farmer armies that had started the uprising
However those particular bunches of, failed, drug dealers were far happier and better off in prison than at the mercy of the Russian drug lords
“We are the descendants of the lords of the lands
“I had read stories of such devices of the Elven Lords of Arashillenen
“You have read of the Elven Lords? The Elven Kings and their court hold those books secret
Halon was going to remove the Elven Talisman, identical to his own, from Manna’s neck and return it to the Elven Lords, but decided to leave it where it was
Their lords and masters were hourly returning in bodies and being paid off; and in the native quarter at least, everyone gave himself over to a somewhat riotous jollification
and Lord of lords
However the disguised Lords refused to consume
He prayed the Supreme Lords
Did all the lords in Laru have rooms like this? An atmosphere of knowledge, deep thoughts, whispered conversations, and secrets
Did the lords and the eldest all search for answers in old books and the silent blinking of the stars through the windows? Was it in such long nights in their rooms that they spoke with The wise and all of the Light’s advisors while the candles flickered light out upon old maps and papers with tortuous ink writing?
Laino turned briefly and greeted the king and the two lords who greeted back with a smile
When they saw the king and the lords, they dismounted and greeted
The occultists were sending their lords to play havoc within
Gawavolf walked two steps behind the four lords
It was Jelanisto, who flew in front of the four lords who stood in front of Ainatunarit’s Army
2 And the Lords of the Philistines passed on by hundreds, and by thousands, but David and his men passed on in the reward with
David, when he came with the Philistines against Saul to battle, but they helped them not, for the Lords of the Philistines on
3 O give thanks to the Lord of Lords, for his mercy endures forever
You may use the Lord»s Prayer or you may use this invocation; “Creator of All
Sibmah: the Lords of the heathen have broken down the principal plants of it, they are come even to Jazer, they wandered through the
offering of the house of our God, which the king, and his counsellors, and his Lords, and all Israel there present, had offered, 26 I
Assyrians with them: all of them desirable young men, captains and rulers, great Lords and renowned, all of them riding on horses
The lords of the Philistines got together and said, «Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go again to his own place, that it slay us not, and our people: for there was a deadly destruction throughout all the city; the hand of God was heavy there