These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
You check the river; I’ll look around the shore.
Tú comprueba el río, yo voy a mirar por la orilla.
Another thing on which you must look out is comfort items.
Otra cosa en la que usted debe mirar es artículos de comodidad.
Come look what this guy’s been wasting his time on.
Ven a ver en lo que ese hombre ha gastado su tiempo.
The main office is concerned how this makes the metro look.
A la oficina central le preocupa cómo hace esto ver al metro.
This’ll sting us, make us look decadent and remote.
Esto nos va a afectar, vamos a parecer lejanos y decadentes.
Paying people to ask for your autograph so you look famous.
Pagarle a la gente para que te pida autógrafos para parecer famosa.
I decide to trust men again, and look what happens.
Decido confiar de nuevo en los hombres, y mira qué pasa.
You look a little like him, only older and angrier.
Te pareces mucho a él, pero algo más viejo y enojado.
Mom, this is why I look fine on the television.
Mamá, es por eso que me veo bien en la televisión.
Now, you may look around and see two groups here.
Ahora, si miran a su alrededor verán que hay dos grupos.
See, you hire the right people and look what happens.
Mira, contratas a la gente adecuada y mira lo que pasa.
Sometimes you look very alone, like you just got here.
A veces te ves muy solo, como si acabaras de llegar.
Lungs look wet, and there’s a telltale butterfly effect.
Los pulmones se ven mojado, Y hay un efecto mariposa delator.
And under that definition, things look a little bit different.
Y bajo esa definición, las cosas se ven un poco diferente.
Just because I look sickly doesn’t mean I’m starving.
Sólo porque me veo enfermo no quiere decir que muero de hambre.
But I only hate them ’cause you look too handsome.
Pero solo odio el peinado por que tu te ves muy guapo.
People always look out the window, even in a tunnel.
La gente siempre mira por la ventana, incluso en un túnel.
Alright, look. I realize that he’s your patient.
Está bien, mira… comprendo que es uno de tus pacientes.
Nine years later, look what you’ve done with it.
Nueve años más tarde, mira lo que has hecho con ello.
Besides, look how far you’ve come in three days.
Además, mira lo lejos que has llegado en solo tres días.
Suggestions that contain look
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look [lʊk]
1 (glance) mirada (f); vistazo (m)
to have a look at sth echar un vistazo a algo
let me have a look déjame ver; have a look at this! ¡mira esto!; ¡échale un vistazo a esto!; shall we have a look round the town? ¿damos una vuelta por la ciudad?; to have a look round a house inspeccionar una casa
to take a look at sth echar un vistazo a algo
to take another a second look at sth Harry took another look at his watch
take a look at this! ¡míra esto!; ¡échale un vistazo a esto!; to take a good look at sth mirar algo detenidamente; to take a long hard look at o.s. examinarse a sí mismo detenidamente
before you start blaming other people you ought to take a long hard look at yourself after being out of work for a year Jimmy took a long hard look at himself and tried to analyse his failure to get employment she took a long hard look at herself and decided to be more positive about herself Assessing yourself means taking a long, hard look at yourself and seeing in what areas you have been affected …a campaign that forced the FDA to take a long, hard look at itself, to confront its faults and to do something about them
take a long hard look before deciding antes de decidir conviene pensar muchísimo
do you want a look? ¿quieres verlo?
2 (expression) mirada (f)
an inquiring look with a nasty look in his eye she had an amused look on her face
she gave me a dirty look me echó una mirada de odio; he gave me a furious look me miró furioso; me lanzó una mirada furiosa; a look of despair una cara de desesperación; we got some very odd looks la gente nos miró extrañada; if looks could kill*… si las miradas mataran …
I told her what I thought and, if looks could kill, I’d be dead Melanie scowled at me. If looks could kill, I’d have been struck dead on the spot
3 (search)
to have a look for sth buscar algo; I’ve had a good look for it already lo he buscado ya en todas partes; have another look! ¡vuelve a buscar!
4 (air, appearance) aire (m); aspecto (m); pinta (informal) (f)
there’s a mischievous look about that child ese niño tiene pinta de pillo (informal); he had a sad look tenía un aspecto or aire triste; he had the look of a sailor tenía aire de marinero
by the look(s) of it or things a juzgar por las apariencias
by the look(s) of him … viéndole, se diría que …
you can’t go by looks alone es arriesgado juzgar por las apariencias nada más
to like the look of sb/sth
We were only there for a few hours but I liked the look of the place He showed me a photo of his sister and I liked the look of her immediately
I don’t like the look of him me cae mal; no me fío de él; I don’t like the look of it no me gusta nada
5 looks (attractiveness)
looks aren’t everything la belleza no lo es todo
good looks belleza (f)
she has kept her looks sigue tan guapa como siempre
she’s losing her looks no es tan guapa como antes
6 (fashion) moda (f); estilo (m)
the 1999 look la moda de 1999
the new look la nueva moda
I need a new look quiero cambiar de imagen
intransitive verb
1 (see, glance) mirar
look! ¡mira!
Look! An eagle!
look here! ¡oye!; just look! ¡mira!; ¡fíjate!; I’ll look and see voy a ver; look how she does it fíjate cómo lo hace; look who’s here! ¡mira quién está aquí!
look what a mess you’ve made!
to look into sb’s eyes mirarle a los ojos a algn
He took her in his arms and looked deep into her eyes
to look the other way mirar para el otro lado; hacer como que no se da cuenta
to be looking over sb’s shoulder estar siempre vigilando a algn
I want to make decisions without my father looking over my shoulder the whole time and judging me to look over one’s shoulder Do you intend spending the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, never knowing when your old friends will decide you’re an embarrassment they would rather do without? he spends the whole time looking over his shoulder, in case he’s spotted by somebody he grassed on
to look down one’s nose at sth/sb menospreciar algo/a algn
She looks down her nose at romantic novels
look before you leap mira bien lo que haces
2 (search)
look again! ¡vuelve a buscar!; you can’t have looked far no has mirado mucho; you should have looked more carefully tendrías que haber mirado mejor
3 (seem, appear) parecer; verse; (LAm)
he looks about 60 (years old) aparenta tener alrededor de los 60 años
to look one’s age aparentar or representar su edad
she doesn’t look her age no aparenta or representa la edad que tiene
it looks all right to me me parece que está bien
it will look bad quedará mal
he wanted to look his best for the interview quería estar lo mejor (arreglado) posible para la entrevista
I don’t look my best first thing in the morning cuando me levanto por la mañana no estoy muy guapa que digamos
he just does it to look big lo hace solo para impresionar
He tells all kinds of lies about his past, just so as to make himself look big
they made me look a fool me hicieron quedar como un idiota
they made me look foolish me hicieron quedar en ridículo
he looks good in a uniform está muy guapo en uniforme
Manchester United are looking good for the championship el Manchester United tiene muchas posibilidades de ganar el campeonato; it looks good on you te sienta bien
he looks happy parece contento
she wasn’t looking herself parecía otra; no parecía la misma
how does it look to you? ¿qué te parece?
how do I look? ¿cómo estoy?
she’s 70 but doesn’t look it tiene 70 años pero no los aparenta or representa
look lively! ¡muévete! (informal)
that cake looks nice ese pastel tiene buena pinta (informal)
that hairstyle makes her look old ese peinado la hace parece mayor
to look the part parecerlo
Haydar was a crook. Today in his immense suit he looked the part My uncle was a professional boxer. He looked the part too, with his broken nose and cauliflower ear
she looked prettier than ever estaba más guapa que nunca
how pretty you look! ¡qué guapa estás!
it looks promising parece prometedor
to make sb look small rebajar a algn
He does everything he can to make me look small in front of my friends
he looked surprised hizo un gesto de extrañeza
he looks tired parece cansado
to look well [+person] tener buena cara
it looks well parece muy bien; tiene buena apariencia
to look like
(be in appearance)
what does she look like? ¿cómo es físicamente?
you can see what the house used to look like
to look like sb (resemble) parecerse a algn; he looks like his brother se parece a su hermano; this photo doesn’t look like him la foto no se le parece; en esta foto no parece él
it looks like cheese to me a mí me parece (que es) queso; the festival looks like being lively la fiesta se anuncia animada; it looks like rain parece que va a llover
the rain doesn’t look like stopping
it certainly looks like it parece que sí
to look as if or as though: it looks as if or as though the train will be late parece que el tren va a llegar tarde
try to look as if or as though you’re glad to see me haz como que te alegras de verme; it doesn’t look as if or as though he’s coming parece que no va a venir
6 (face)
it looks south [+house] mira hacia el sur; está orientada hacia el sur
7 (seek)
they are looking to make a profit quieren sacar ganancias
I was looking to unload the watches at whatever price I could get for them
transitive verb
1 (look at) mirar
to look sb (straight) in the eye(s) or in the face mirar directamente a los ojos de algn; I would never be able to look her in the eye(s) or face again no podría resistir su mirada, siempre me avergonzaría al verla; to look sb up and down mirar a algn de arriba abajo
2 (pay attention to)
look what you’ve done now! ¡mira lo que has hecho!
look where you’re going! ¡fíjate por donde vas!
Don’t translate the article «a» in sentences like I’m looking for a flat, when the number of such things is not significant since people normally only look for one at a time:
I’m looking for a flat Estoy buscando piso
He’s looking for a secretary Busca secretaria
The personal a is not used before people when the article is omitted as above.
Do translate the article when the thing or person is qualified:
He’s looking for a little flat Busca un piso pequeño
When translating examples like I’m looking for someone to … translate the English to-infinitive using que + subjunctive:
I’m looking for someone to help with the children Busco a alguien que me ayude con los niños
I’m looking for a mechanic to repair my car Busco a un mecánico que me arregle el coche
look into [sth] vi + prep
look | look!
also UK: look round for [sb/sth],
look about for [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep
look down upon [sb] vtr phrasal insep
look down upon [sth] vtr phrasal insep
look upon [sb] as [sth] vtr phrasal insep
look | look!
be a picture of health,
look the picture of health,
look a picture of health v expr
be a picture v expr
also UK: look round,
look about vi + adv
also UK: look round [sth] vi + prep
also UK: look round vi + prep
look at [sb/sth] askance v expr
look at [sb/sth] askance v expr
look down upon [sb/sth] v expr
Molly puede mirar a quien le guste.
¿Oh? Puedes escribir sin mirar el teclado. ¡Qué guay!
Mirar nota al pie en página 5.
Mirar y desear no obliga a comprar.
También hay jóvenes que duermen cerca del celular y una de las primeras cosas que hacen cada mañana es mirar los mensajes y las llamadas perdidas recibidas durante la noche.
Me gusta mirar a niños jugando.
— ¡Usted tiene un gusto caro! -exclamó la dependienta- ¿Está seguro de que no quiere mirar nuestras versiones más baratas primero?
El texto comienza con la descripción de una típica ciudad occidental, donde un hombre tiene un accidente con su moto por culpa de una mujer que cruza por una esquina sin mirar al semáforo.
Por favor, no vuelvas a mirar hacia aquí.
¿Podría mirar el horario, por favor?
La experiencia nos muestra que amar no es mirarnos el uno al otro, sino mirar juntos en la misma dirección.
No es correcto mirar fijamente a personas desconocidas.
Me encanta su forma de mirar.
Me gustaría poder vivir a un ritmo más relajado, en vez de tener que mirar el reloj todo el rato.
Siempre que miráis hacia atrás, Pedro es el último en volver a mirar hacia delante.
Spanish word «look»(mirar) occurs in sets:
verbos regulares presente
100 slowek hiszpanski
czasowniki 2
Me gusta tu nueva apariencia.
Una persona sapiosexual se siente atraída por la inteligencia de otra persona más que por su apariencia externa.
A juzgar por su apariencia, está enfermo.
Miguel, el artista del ligue, evalúa la apariencia de las mujeres del uno al diez, alegando que él sólo le entra a las que sean de ocho para arriba.
Doy poca importancia a la apariencia de uno.
La apariencia no lo es todo.
A juzgar por la apariencia del cielo, hará buen tiempo mañana.
Él fue engañado por su apariencia inocente.
Es difícil diferenciar a un inglés de un estadounidense solo por su apariencia.
Spanish word «look»(apariencia) occurs in sets:
Things: General words 4
Appearance — Aspecto
palabras nuevas
This ain’t a martyred look, Sarah.
Look, Art’s already looking for the killer.
Sam keeps giving me this look, like he’s waiting for me or something.
Sam no deja de darme miradas, como que está esperando por mí.
Darling, look both ways Before you cross me.
I see the doubtful look on your faces.
Look, if you’re not gonna do something about this.
The look of hate on their faces when they convicted me.
Las miradas de odio en sus caras cuando me condenaron.
Look at the fire of the candle and greet the spirit of fire!
Look… he got me in a lot of trouble.
Look, if we started this, then we need to finish it.
Franklin. Look. I want you to see this.
Look, I got like $300 stashed in the bedroom there.
Look, if it’s an apology you need to put this thing to bed.
Look, I know how you feel about Nicky, believe me.
Look, you have always wanted to do something big, we all have.
Look, I will tell it to you the very first thing in the morning.
I get that look a lot but I never let it get to me.
Recibo muchas miradas.. Pero no me desaniman.
This week we look at using your core in biking.
Esta semana nos centraremos en los aspectos fundamentales de la posición sobre la bicicleta.
This will be one of the key colours for the summer look.
Amarillo Será uno de los colores clave de los looks estivales.
Back to work: 3 tips for nothing to ruin your look.
La vuelta al trabajo: 3 consejos para que nada arruine tus looks.
I used to be afraid… of a word, a look, anything.
Antes tenía miedo… de las palabras, las miradas, de todo.
Effects, Transitions, Text, Cartoon Look.
Efectos, transiciones, textos, aspectos de caricatura.
They do all sort of look alike.
Ellos hacen todas clases de miradas igual.
Look, I’m… I’m not here to harass you, I promise.
Mira… no he venido a acosarte, lo prometo.
And they look quite attractive.
Look out for your clients and protect their assets with Avigilon.
Cuide a sus clientes y proteja sus activos con Avigilon.
I have taken a closer look at the cuts around the nostrils.
He mirado más cerca los cortes alrededor de las fosas nasales.
We look after each other.
Results: 229156,
Time: 0.0732
These look and sound incredibly festive!
Look for information regarding new projects.
Palm trees make everything look better.
Want look fresh photos naked stars?
Look for the company’s offered quotes.
Nonetheless, their floats look really good!
They look like coffee shop cakes.
But the page doesn’t look current.
And the stores look amazing too!
Erin, your bins look very deep.