The word look in example sentences

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word look, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use look in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «look».

Look in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word look in a sentence.

  1. I just look at it as music.

  2. Don’t stop, look or listen.».

  3. You cannot look away from him».

  4. They don’t look at you as a person.

  5. Pat Nixon did not look well at all.

  6. For God’s sake look after our people.

  7. Actually, he would let you look at it.

  8. For God’s sake look after our people».

  9. He didn’t even look around or up at me.

  10. Yeah, it depends on how you look at it.

  11. Elder, who asked bank tellers to look out for them.

  12. The only thing they have to look forward to is hope.

  13. Scott called Eiermann, who promised to look into it.

  14. The Doctor and Donna then stopping to look properly.

  15. Juveniles of both sexes look very similar to females.

  16. And if you’re careful, you can look right back.» Jane asks: «And what do you see?

  17. Condors begin to look for a mate when they reach sexual maturity at the age of 6.

  18. ILM started developing the look of the Mummy three months before filming started.

  19. Starting with Final Fantasy VIII, the series adopted a more photo-realistic look.

  20. There was something of majesty in her look, but mixed with a gloominess of soul».

  21. However, they were subsequently abandoned and Tasha was required to look after her sister on her own.

  22. After he became a leg break bowler, Bosanquet bowled the ball very slowly and did not look dangerous.

  23. Two sub-committees were established, one to look after finance and the other to supervise the design.

  24. He is shown as unwilling to look within himself and see the pride that drives him to do what he does.

  25. At Columbia, Monroe’s look was modeled after Rita Hayworth and her hair was bleached platinum blonde.

  26. Is there any chance that this young man could send me the symphony so that I might take a look at it?

  27. Herriman lamented intrusion on his page designs, and the artwork of the period took on a rushed look.

  28. On their website, the Trust advises visitors to look for «stunning views from the top of the barrow».

  29. The book is written specifically to offer a second look at familiar concepts in a contemporary light.

  30. A watchtower was located in the village to look out for headhunting parties from the Highland peoples.

  31. When told he was to shave it, Brynner was horror-struck and refused, convinced he would look terrible.

  32. The coat hairs are long, especially on the tail, which makes the tail look larger than it actually is.

  33. The burglars run past Paul and look out to see the canvas in the pool, before both being shot by Paul.

  34. In that painting the right-hand figure turns to face his companion, gesturing at him to look outwards.

  35. En route to Egypt Champollion stopped to look at a papyrus in the hands of a French antiquities dealer.

  36. Since Jason is not the actual killer in A New Beginning, it was not necessary to do any major designing for Jason’s look.

  37. She left Hollywood to look for a stage project, and signed on to star in Philip Barry’s new play, The Philadelphia Story.

  38. The game was also the first indoor, real-time, 3D first-person game to allow the player to look up and down, and to jump.

  39. And whatever policies may be adopted should look toward an Alaska of homes, of industries, and of an extended commerce.».

  40. This pose gives a better view of the shape and features of the head and allows the sitter to look out towards the viewer.

  41. People sometimes suspected vampirism when a cadaver did not look as they thought a normal corpse should when disinterred.

  42. When his uniform began to look shabby, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors bought him a suitably imperial replacement.

  43. Millar developed most of the look for Smallville with the idea that Smallville should be the epitome of «Smalltown, USA».

  44. Soon afterwards, though, RCA executive Bill Enders left RCA for Magnavox and convinced them to look at the console again.

  45. Rickman was told he would be dropped on a count of three, but he was let go earlier to elicit a genuine look of surprise.

  46. Mohammad’s family rejoice when Saddam Hussein is sentenced, and feel that his later execution was justified, as to do otherwise would have made the Iraqi people look weak.

  47. Years later, Jones expanded on the matter of the band’s issues with Matlock: «He was a good writer but he didn’t look like a Sex Pistol and he was always washing his feet.

  48. It was not until the end of the century that Carl Franz Anton Ritter von Schreibers from the Naturhistorisches Museum of Vienna started to look into this animal’s anatomy.

  49. The armor of Master Chief and his fellow elder Spartans was intended to look more utilitarian and tanklike, contrasting with the more streamlined look of newer characters.

  50. Beck was the special effects producer and supervisor during season one; he and Carter unsuccessfully tried to make the special effects look three dimensional and «better».

Synonyms for look

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word look has the following synonyms: expression, aspect, facial expression, face, looking, looking at, spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, smel, appear, seem, attend, take care, see, count, bet, depend, calculate, reckon, expect, await, wait, front, look back, look away, look after, look on, look up to, look for, look into, look up and search.

General information about «look» example sentences

The example sentences for the word look that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «look» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «look».

Examples of how to use the word “look” in a sentence. How to connect “look” with other words to make correct English sentences.

look (v, n): to direct your eyes in order to see; the act of looking at someone or something

Use “look” in a sentence

This looks like buffalo horn.
She looks young. However, she’s over forty.
Don’t look into my room.
I’m just looking around.
Is this the key you are looking for?
I’m looking for a house with a large kitchen.
He’s looking for a leather belt.
She looked at me and smiled.
Don’t judge people by their looks.
I look forward to seeing you again.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • look [lʊk] гл

    1. смотреть, рассматривать


      • look ahead – смотреть вперед
      • look this way – смотреть сюда
      • look at the books – рассматривать книги
    2. выглядеть, казаться


      • look like today – выглядеть сегодня
    3. искать, поискать


      • look everywhere – искать повсюду
    4. присматривать


      • look after children – присматривать за детьми
    5. посмотреть, заглянуть, взглянуть, глядеть, оглянуться, поглядеть, заглядывать, глянуть

      (see, glance, stare)

      • look inside – заглянуть внутрь
      • take a look back – оглянуться назад
      • look upwards – поглядеть вверх
    6. оглядываться

      (look back)

      • look backwards – оглядываться назад
    7. осмотреть


  • look [lʊk] сущ

    1. взглядм, видм


      • look at old things – взгляд на старые вещи
      • brand new look – новый вид
      • have a good look – иметь хороший вид
  • look [lʊk] нареч

    1. похоже


вид view, kind, form, look, appearance, species
взгляд sight, view, look, opinion, glance, eye
внешность appearance, exterior, look, outside, externality, outward
взор gaze, eye, look, regard
выражение лица facial expression, face, look, countenance, mien, visage
наружность appearance, outside, exterior, mien, semblance, look
посмотреть look, see, look at, gaze, cast a look
выглядеть look, wear
смотреть look, watch, view, see, eye, behold
поискать search, look
глядеть look, see
следить follow, track, watch, trace, look, attend
казаться seem, appear, sound, look, show, bulk
взирать look
рассчитывать expect, calculate, reckon, depend, look, depend on
осматривать inspect, examine, look, view, visit, survey
приглядывать look, choose
быть внимательным be careful, attend, look
быть обращенным на look
выражать express, signify, voice, convey, put, look
выходить на front, look, open on, overlook, look out

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • look гл

    • see · view · observe · watch · behold
    • glance · peek · glimpse · peep · gander
    • seem · appear · feel
    • appearance · sound
    • face · eye · sight · expression
    • examine · consider · explore · contemplate · investigate
    • expect · wait
    • take a look · stare · look on · look up · raise


  • glance, view, examination, study, inspection, observation, scan, survey, peep, peek, glimpse, gaze, stare, eyeful, gander, look-see, once-over, squint
  • expression, mien
  • appearance, air, aspect, bearing, cast, manner, mien, demeanor, facade, impression, effect
  • fashion, style, vogue, mode
  • expression, aspect, face, facial expression
  • spirit, smell, tone, feeling, flavor, feel
  • looking at, looking


  • glance at, gaze at, stare at, gape at, peer at, peep at, peek, take a look at, watch, observe, view, regard, examine, inspect, eye, scan, scrutinize, survey, study, contemplate, consider, take in, ogle, take a gander at, rubberneck, goggle, give someone/something a/the once-over, get a load of, eyeball, behold
  • command a view of, face, overlook, front
  • seem, seem to be, appear, appear to be, have the appearance/air of being, give the impression of being, give every appearance/indication of being, strike someone as being
  • face, front
  • search
  • count, calculate, depend, bet, reckon
  • attend, see, take care
  • wait, expect, await
  • appear, seem

Предложения со словом «look»

And I did study medicine but I had no idea, so I had to go up to my room and look it up in different books.

Я изучала медицину, но понятия не имела, как ответить.

And I think this happens a lot of times when you look at the gut, actually.

Я думаю, это происходит каждый раз, когда присматриваешься к кишечнику.

And soon I moved a bit further and started to look at the whole picture of our body and health.

Вскоре я продвинулась немного дальше и начала смотреть на картину нашего тела и здоровья в целом.

And you spin this drum, and you look through the slits into the inside of the drum, and you see the animation pop to life.

Вы крутите этот барабан и смотрите сквозь щели внутрь барабана, и вы видите, как мультипликация оживает.

Since time immemorial, humanity — all of us, everyone, as kids — when we look up at the sky for the first time and see the stars, we wonder, What are stars?

Человечество с незапамятных времён, включая всех нас, впервые посмотрев на небо и увидев звёзды, задаётся вопросом: Что такое звёзды?

It is about showing what your cities look like.

Здесь вы демонстрируете свои города.

Maybe this is what the future might look like.

Возможно, так выглядит город будущего.

What would that society look like?

Как бы выглядело это общество?

If confirmed, this would have a huge impact on our definition of life, on how we look for life elsewhere in the universe.

Подтверждение гипотезы сможет оказать влияние на само определение жизни, на то, как мы ищем жизнь во Вселенной.

When you look at all of this wonderful world, every species has its own learning program.

Если взглянуть на этот прекрасный мир — каждое живое существо имеет свою программу обучения.

Now I look in the mirror and not only see an image of myself, but of the women who have made me who I am today.

Сейчас я смотрю в зеркало и вижу не только своё отражение, но и тех женщин, которые сделали меня той, кто я сейчас.

When you go home tonight, take a look in your house.

Вернувшись сегодня домой, осмотрите своё жильё.

One study had students look up at 200-feet-tall eucalyptus trees for one minute.

В одном исследовании студенты должны были смотреть на 60 — метровый эвкалипт в течение минуты.

After his injury, Emeka told himself, My life was great playing football, but now look at me.

После Эмека говорил себе: «Моя жизнь была прекрасна, когда я играл в футбол, но сейчас — посмотрите на меня».

He kind of got this confused look on his face, and he said …

По нему было видно, что он смущён.

I look at that now, I think, What an arrogant jerk!

Глядя на это сейчас, думаю: «Какой напыщенный зазнайка!»

So we have to look at the pull factors.

Теперь поговорим про подталкивающие факторы.

When we look at foreign terrorist fighters, we see young men with the wind in their hair out in the desert and women going to join them to have nuptials out in the sunset.

Если посмотреть на боевиков — террористов из других стран, мы увидим молодых людей с развевающимися волосами на ветру посреди пустыни и женщин, следующих за ними, чтобы сочетаться браком на закате.

So I want to talk a little bit about ISIS, Daesh, because they have been a game changer in how we look at these processes, and through a lot of the material and their tactics.

Поэтому я хочу немного поговорить про ИГИЛ (ДАЕШ), ведь это они изменили правила игры в том, как мы воспринимаем происходящее, применяя массу средств и тактик.

However, with a closer look at this particular piece, we can see that this tunic being worn was elaborately decorated, which has led many researchers to believe this was actually a statue of a king performing his religious functions.

Однако, посмотрев внимательнее на этот кусочек, мы можем увидеть, что туника была искусно украшена, это заставило многих исследователей думать, что это была статуя короля во время религиозной церемонии.

We had marble floors, and you know, I would look at the marble floors, and I would see all sorts of patterns and designs in it, and I thought everybody could see them.

У нас были мраморные полы, и, знаете, я смотрел на эти мраморные полы, и я видел все виды орнаментов и рисунков на них, и я думал, что все могли их видеть.

Now I look at all the people I painted, and I think to myself, like, what would it look like if we all walked around like gods and goddesses from Yoruba mythology?And I realized that only when you tap into your Ori, then you can actually move mountains.

Теперь, смотря на всех людей, которых я расписывал, я думаю про себя о том, как бы это выглядело, если бы мы ходили как боги и богини из мифологии Йоруба?

Of course no accident is going to look like this; no accident has two or three options where everybody dies somehow.

Конечно, авария будет выглядеть иначе, в авариях не бывает, чтобы два или три исхода вели к чьей — то неминуемой смерти.

It would be trained to look for people to learn what led to success, what kind of applications historically led to success by that definition.

Он мог бы искать людей, которые способны достичь успеха, узнать, какие из претендентов на должность были успешными в прошлом по этому определению.

It would filter out women because they do not look like people who were successful in the past.

Женщин можно сразу исключить, потому что среди них немного тех, кто достиг успеха в прошлом.

We send the police only to the minority neighborhoods to look for crime.

Мы отправляем полицию только в окрестности меньшинств расследовать преступления.

We should look to the blind orchestra audition as an example.

Вот слепое cобеседование для примера.

When I look at the world, I see music all around us.

Когда я смотрю на мир, я вижу музыку повсюду.

When I look at myself, I see music.

Когда я смотрю на себя, я вижу музыку.

Can you look at my case?

Не могли бы вы заняться моим делом?

But it was a single-witness case, so we took a look at it.

Но это было дело с одним свидетелем, поэтому мы решили его пересмотреть.

You know, the scary thing is, in each of these three cases I described, it would have only taken just an extra minute — an extra minute — for someone to look through the file and find this receipt.

Знаете, страшно то, что в каждом из этих трёх дел требовалась лишь одна лишняя минута, одна минута, чтобы кто — то просмотрел бумаги и нашёл чек.

Just one — to look through the file, find the receipt, give it to the public defender.

Лишь одна, чтобы просмотреть бумаги, найти чек, отдать его государственному защитнику.

It would have taken someone just a minute to look at the video confession and say, That cannot be.

Кто — то бы потратил всего минуту, чтобы взглянуть на запись признания и сказать: «Этого не может быть».

Now look at your finger.

Теперь взгляните на палец.

So I want you to look at your finger again.

Поэтому взгляните на свой палец ещё раз.

And we wore eclipse glasses with cardboard frames and really dark lenses that enabled us to look at the sun safely.

На нас были очки для затмения в картонной оправе с очень тёмными линзами, в которых можно было прямо смотреть на Солнце.

Well, at that, a cheer erupted from the beach, and I took off my eclipse glasses, because at this point during the total eclipse, it was safe to look at the sun with the naked eye.

В этот момент на берегу раздались крики и аплодисменты, я снял очки для затмения, потому что в момент полного затмения можно было легко смотреть на Солнце без всякой защиты.

Why should aging well mean struggling to look and move like younger versions of ourselves?

Почему старение превратилось в судорожные попытки лучше выглядеть и вести себя как в молодости?

Look at how much the position of women has changed in my lifetime or the incredible strides that the gay rights movement has made in just a few decades, right?

Посмотрите, как изменилось положение женщин на моём веку или как далеко продвинулось движение за права геев всего за несколько десятилетий, верно?

Even as we are profoundly affecting our environment, modern medicine and technological innovation is profoundly affecting the very essence of what it means to look beautiful.

В то время, когда мы значительно воздействуем на окружающую среду, современная медицина и технологические инновации значительно меняют саму суть того, что значит выглядеть красиво.

I work on a problem called object detection, where we look at an image and try to find all of the objects, put bounding boxes around them and say what those objects are.

Я работаю над вопросом, касающимся обнаружения объекта, то есть, когда мы смотрим на фото и пытаемся найти все объекты, ставим ограничивающие прямоугольники вокруг них и определяем эти объекты.

But if you look at the side of this coral a few years later, this coral is actually healthy again.

Но если вы посмотрите на него несколькими годами позже, то он снова здоров.

Since we know the signatures of these cancer cells from all the different cancer genome sequencing projects, we can look for those signals in the blood to be able to detect these cancers early.

Поскольку мы знаем молекулярные характеристики раковых клеток благодаря исследованиям по расшифровке генома, мы можем обнаруживать их в крови и диагностировать рак на ранней стадии.

Let’s take a look at this house.

Давайте посмотрим на этот дом.

You’re standing in the elevator, sitting in a cafe, and you look around, and everyone’s on their phone.

Вы стоите в лифте, сидите в кафе, и вдруг оглядываетесь по сторонам: все уткнулись в свои телефоны.

Cohousing is an intentional neighborhood where people know each other and look after one another.

Кохаузинг — намеренное жилищное сообщество, где люди знают друг друга и присматривают друг за другом.

From the outside, we look like any other small apartment building.

Со стороны это похоже на любой другой небольшой многоквартирный дом.

In fact, we look identical to the one next door, except that we’re bright yellow.

Он и правда похож на соседние дома, только наш — ярко — жёлтый.

When I look across the courtyard, I look forward to see Spencer and Sheila.

Когда я смотрю через двор, я ожидаю увидеть Спенсера и Шейлу.

From our homes, we look down into the courtyard, and depending on the time of year, we see this: kids and grownups in various combinations playing and hanging out with each other.

Из своих окон мы смотрим во двор, и в зависимости от времени года, вот что мы видим: разные группы детей и взрослых играют и общаются друг с другом.

If you look at Western cultures around the globe, those living in cohousing are just a fractional percent.

Если посмотреть на западные культуры по всему миру, те, которые живут в кохаузинге, составляют лишь крошечный процент.

Wow, Susan, look at everything you’ve done in your career and your life.

Ого, Сьюзан, ты только посмотри на всё, чего ты добилась в жизни и карьере.

One, US partisanship has never been so bad before; two, for the first time, it’s geographically spatialized — we’re divided between the coasts, which want to look outwards, and the center of the country, which wants to look inwards; and third, there’s nothing we can do about it.

Первое: приверженность своим партиям в США ещё никогда не была так ужасающе сильна; второе: впервые она так географически выражена — мы поделены между побережьями, чьи интересы направлены вовне страны, и центром страны, чьи интересы обращены вовнутрь; и третье: мы ничего не можем с этим поделать.

He also attacked city life, and he said that the coasts were corrupt, and what people needed to do was to look inwards to the center of the country, to farmers, who were the essence of Republican virtue, and they should go back to the values that had made American great, specifically the values of the Revolution, and those were the values of low taxes, agriculture and less trade.

Он также критиковал городскую жизнь, и он говорил, что побережья были испорченными, и что людям нужно смотреть вовнутрь страны, в центр страны, на фермеров, которые были сутью Республиканской добродетели, и что им следует вернуться к ценностям, которые сделали Америку великой, в особенности к ценностям Революции, и эти ценности заключались в низких налогах, сельском хозяйстве и уменьшении торговли.

If you look at those two patches, A and B.

Посмотрите на эти два поля, A и B.

They should look to you to be very different shades of gray, right?

Кажется, что они разных оттенков серого, не так ли?

When I look around me, the world seems full of objects — tables, chairs, rubber hands, people, you lot — even my own body in the world, I can perceive it as an object from the outside.

Оглядываясь вокруг, я вижу мир, полный объектов: столы, стулья, резиновые руки, люди, сидящие в зале, даже своё собственное тело — я могу воспринимать его извне как объект.

We get some of that from work as well, but when people look back on their lives and wonder what their lives have been like at the end of their lives, you look at the last things they say — they are talking about those moments that happen in that white personal space.

Частично мы занимаемся этим и на работе, но когда люди оглядываются на прожитые годы и в конце жизни задумываются, как они прожили жизнь, последнее, о чём они говорят, — это те моменты, которые касаются их личного пространства.

Well, the first question is: What does that red space look like?

Первый вопрос: Как выглядит это красное пространство?

English Collocation

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Used with adverbs:

«He looked at the car closely before he bought it.«
(closely, carefully)

«She quickly looked at her notes before she gave the speech.«
(quickly, briefly)

«He looked angrily at me.«
(angrily, impatiently, intently, curiously, skeptically, suspiciously, sadly)

«They looked anxiously at the police officer.«
(anxiously, nervously, apprehensively, calmly)

«The lost boy looked around helplessly.«
(helplessly, sadly)

«Let’s look again at the evidence.«

«She looked away when he came in.«
(away, down, up, over)

Used with verbs:

«He turned to look at her.«

«Let me look at your new dress.«

«The pants made me look fat.«

Used with prepositions:

«What are you looking at?«

«He looked towards the ocean.«
(towards, toward)

«It looks to me you weren’t telling the truth.«

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Used with adjectives:

«I need to take a closer look.«
(closer, quick, in-depth, careful, detailed, hard, honest, serious)

«The film gives a humorous look at reality television.«
(humorous, light-hearted, interesting)

«The documentary provides an inside look at life in prison.«
(inside, behind-the-scenes, revealing)

«You better take a good look at it.«
(good, careful, better)

«He had an angry look on his face.«
(angry, fierce, furious, annoyed, murderous, desperate, panicked, scared, terrified, anxious, sad, worried)

«He gave me a funny look.«
(funny, odd, strange, weird, blank, puzzled, baffled, innocent)

Used with verbs:

«I got a good look at his new car.«
(got, took, had)

«I sneaked a quick look at the surprise.«
(sneaked, stole)

«The tour offers a historical look at the Civil War.«
(offers, provides)

Used with prepositions:

«I took a look at his new computer.«

«He took a brief look through his notes.«

«She took a quick look in the mirror.«

«Have a look out of the window.«

«We had a good look around downtown.«

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Synonym: appear, explore, gape, gawk, gaze, glance, hunt, peek, peer, search, see, seem, stare. Similar words: look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, look at, look into. Meaning: [lʊk]  n. 1. the feelings expressed on a person’s face 2. the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually 3. physical appearance 4. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people. v. 1. perceive with attention; direct one’s gaze towards 2. give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect 3. have a certain outward or facial expression 4. search or seek 5. be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to 6. take charge of or deal with 7. convey by one’s expression 8. look forward to the probable occurrence of 9. accord in appearance with 10. have faith or confidence in. 

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1. Fools look to tomorrow, and wise men use tonight. 

2. An honest look covereth many faults. 

3. Don’t climb a tree to look for fish. 

4. A cat may look at a king. 

5. Love not at the first look

6. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 

7. Mountains look beautiful from a distance. 

8. Look before you leap; see before you go. 

9. Look at the world through rose-coloured glasses. 

10. Look not for musk in dog’s kennel. 

11. The more women look in their glass, the less they look to their house. 

12. Don’t look upon the vessel, but upon that which it contains. 

13. Look for a needle in a bundle (or bottle) of hay. 

14. Never look down to test the ground before taking your step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road. 

15. A valiant man’s look is more than a coward’s sword. 

16. Would you like to take a look?

17. Poor thing! You look absolutely dreadful!

18. Look up the trains to Beijing in the timetable.

19. You’d better look it up in the dictionary.

20. Look! It’s going up that tree.

21. Look,( double yellow lines you mustn’t park here.

22. You look rather shabby in those clothes.

23. She had an intent look on her face.

24. Look at that boat dancing on the waves.

25. You look really stunning in that dress!

26. One man may steal a horse, while another may not look over the hedge. 

27. One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge. 

28. The first method for estimating the intellingence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. 

29. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. 

30. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them.they make them. 

More similar words: look in, look up, look to, look out, look on, look for, look at, look into, overlook, look down on, look back, look over, look after, look through, look forward to, book, hook, loop, floor, flood, loose, cookie, bloody, balloon, book for, notebook, textbook. 

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