The word locomotive in a sentence

Synonym: engine, locomotive engine, locomotor, railway locomotive. Similar words: motive, emotive, profit motive, promotion, promotional, motivate, motivated, motivating. Meaning: [‘ləʊkə’məʊtɪv]  n. a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks. adj. of or relating to locomotion. 

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1. The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust.

2. The locomotive is normally kept on static display in the National Railway Museum.

3. «Mallard» holds the speed record for a steam locomotive.

4. How many coaches can that locomotive pull?

5. He was killed by an onrushing locomotive.

6. Visitors can take a ride on a steam locomotive.

7. The driver excused the locomotive from the train.

8. The locomotive rammed into a truck.

9. This locomotive runs upon electricity.

10. The locomotive has broken down.

11. The 1927 electric locomotive newly-restored in 1984. 2.

12. Economic locomotive power came from the United States.

13. In 1911 Gresley succeeded Henry Ivatt as locomotive engineer.

14. Fifteen minutes later the locomotive will pull out of the station hauling an express for London.

15. His first heavy main-line passenger and fast freight locomotive, of the 4-6-2 type, was built in 1941.

16. In December 1990 a collection of locomotive parts arrived in the old goods yard at Swanage.

17. In the end they used a locomotive which diverted the steam into tanks behind the engine by means of a ducted exhaust.

18. This particular locomotive was constructed in 1948, the year of nationalisation.

19. Almost all locomotive firemen were slaves, either hired from slave masters or owned directly by the railroad companies.

20. No further steamings are planned for the locomotive after its return to York, due to the fast-approaching expiry of the boiler ticket.

21. Machining a locomotive tire, he reported, was now done in one fifth the time.

22. Locomotive Co., the biggest truck maker, fell 7 rupees to 368.

23. Today it is probably the world’s oldest locomotive still capable of

24. A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive.

25. During the visit a glimpse of the future Garratt type locomotive was obtained.

26. These have now been carried out and this fine locomotive is back in service on the Centre’s line.

27. There is a wealth of detail to absorb before strolling along to visit the locomotive sheds.

28. Murdock had found these ideas rather attractive and set to work to build a locomotive model.

29. It was like the noise made by a steam locomotive pulling out from a station.

30. The cab control car of a commuter train being pushed from the rear collided head-on with an Amtrak diesel locomotive.

More similar words: motive, emotive, profit motive, promotion, promotional, motivate, motivated, motivating, motivation, votive, promote, in loco parentis, motif, motion, demotic, emotion, commotion, emotional, leitmotif, motionless, give notice, native, active, rococo, furtive, festive, captive, abortive, adaptive, reactive. 

locomotive — перевод на русский


They can change the locomotive but not the caboose!

Локомотив сменили, а вагоны те же.

No need to rush There’s no locomotive yet

Не спешите, локомотив еще не подали.

A machine weighing about 75 tons, as massive as a locomotive must move with a precision greater than that of the finest pocket watch.

Машина весом около 75 тонн — почти как локомотив — должна двигаться точнее, чем самый лучший часовой механизм.

The man, whose name Dennis Pope, the idea conclude that if the steam is trapped in a large pot… he can activate the machine, even locomotive.

У человека, по имени Денис Папан, возникла идея что если заключить пар в ловушке большого котла… он сможет привести в действие машину, даже локомотив.

You can have a locomotive?

Вы можете вести локомотив?

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Are you out of your mind? Lifting such a locomotive in your condition!

Вы с ума сошли, в вашем положении таскать такой паровоз!

The locomotive emits a powerful jet of exhaust steam underneath itself, and over that steam, that steam…

Паровоз пускает под себя мощную струю отработанного пара, и по пару, по пару…

We need a Jewish train driver, a railway map and a second-hand locomotive.

Нам нужен еврей — машинист паровоза, карта железных дорог и паровоз.

— They were afraid a Jew like him would steal a locomotive.

А они боялись, что еврей заберет паровоз.

No, not the locomotive!

Только не паровоз!

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It sounds like a diesel locomotive.

Это звучит как тепловоз.

A single locomotive moves in from behind, catches up, hooks up and then brakes in an effort to slow it down:

За ним движется тепловоз, который догонит его, прицепится к нему и затем начнет тормозить, пытаясь замедлить его ход.

I meant locomotive.

Я имел в виду тепловоз.

Of course sir, but little Michael here would love to see a real locomotive.

Конечно, сэр, но маленький Михаэль ну просто очень хочет посмотреть на настоящий тепловоз.

However, we have now also learned that two railroad employees are now in pursuit of train 777 in a single locomotive:

Нам стало известно, что два человека преследуют этот неуправляемый поезд на тепловозе.

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— But the locomotive already…

— Но поезда уже…

In elementary school she only drew things like airplanes and locomotives.

В начальной школе она рисовала только самолеты и поезда.

Barry says that you’re more powerful than a locomotive.

Барри говорил, что ты мощнее поезда.

And they have a locomotive.

И у них есть поезд.

— I have a locomotive.

Есть поезд.

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Отправить комментарий

локомотив, тепловоз, паровоз, электровоз, локомотивный, движущий, движущийся


- локомотив
- pl. шутл. ноги

use your locomotive — идите на своих на двоих


- движущий

locomotive faculty — способность движения
locomotive power — а) движущая сила; б) сила тяги (паровоза и т. п.)

- движущийся

locomotive engine — локомотив

- шутл. помешанный на путешествиях

locomotive person — вечный путешественник
in these locomotive days — в наши дни помешательства на путешествиях

- способный стимулировать или ускорить экономический рост

locomotive economies — страны, быстро растущие в экономическом отношении

- двигательный

locomotive organs — двигательные органы

- локомотивный

locomotive depot /shed/ — паровозное депо
locomotive engineering — локомотивостроение
locomotive works — паровозостроительный завод

Мои примеры


single unit diesel-electric locomotive — односекционный тепловоз  
locomotive-hauled service — эксплуатация поездов локомотивной тяги  
locomotive-hauled train — поезд на локомотивной тяге; поезд локомотивной тяги  
train hauled by electric locomotive — водимый электровозом поезд  
electric haulage locomotive — откаточный электровоз  
electric haulage mine locomotive — рудничный электровоз для откатки  
haulage locomotive — рудничный электровоз; рудничный локомотив  
high-speed locomotive haulage — скоростная локомотивная откатка  
locomotive haulage — локомотивная откатка  
main haulage locomotive — магистральный локомотив  

Примеры с переводом

The locomotive is uncoupled from the cars.

Локомотив отцеплен от вагонов.

The boiler of a locomotive burst.

Паровой котёл паровоза взорвался.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): locomotive
мн. ч.(plural): locomotives

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word locomotive, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use locomotive in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «locomotive». In addition, we also show how different variations of locomotive can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are locomotive’s and locomotive—modern. If you click on the variation of locomotive that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Locomotive in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word locomotive in a sentence.

  1. The K1 class locomotive No.

  2. The following year locomotive No.

  3. Jacobson still owns the locomotive.

  4. This locomotive became the DRR’s No.

  5. By 1987, the boiler on locomotive No.

  6. The first locomotive to be rebuilt was No.

  7. The completion of the final locomotive, No.

  8. It is a 2-8-0 Consolidation type locomotive.

  9. The railroad named the locomotive The General.

  10. Built in 1946, CPR 1246 is a 4-6-2 type locomotive.

  11. Another early addition to the locomotive fleet was No.

  12. This locomotive was restored to Maunsell livery as No.

  13. Originally the locomotive had a «diamond» smoke stack.

  14. Stephenson built the locomotive originally as an 0-4-0.

  15. Only one locomotive of the K1 class was built; plans to build a further ten (Nos.

  16. A 4-4-0 locomotive with five boxcars and two passenger cars made the inaugural run.

  17. Concern about smoke and steam in the tunnels led to new designs of steam locomotive.

  18. The miniature working steam locomotive was built by Disney Studios engineer Roger E.

  19. Around the outer circle was the name of the locomotive, picked out in gilt lettering.

  20. Pennsylvania steam locomotive 1361 was placed at the park inside the Horseshoe Curve on June 8, 1957.

  21. With horses unable to cope with the loads being carried, the Tramway was upgraded for locomotive use.

  22. It was stored out of use in California for a period before being sold to an unknown locomotive broker.

  23. This locomotive was on static display from 1996 to 2008, at the Valley Railroad in Essex, Connecticut.

  24. At Bladensburg, Maryland, a train station and locomotive were washed into an adjacent flooded waterway.

  25. Among locomotives on exhibit were the land speed record holder Mallard and a Class 9F steam locomotive.

  26. After some repair work, the locomotive was returned to Bellows Falls where it served on excursion runs.

  27. Blackwell & Co provided a small 0-4-0 electric locomotive capable of pulling two loaded coal wagons.

  28. After immediate withdrawal from traffic, the locomotive had its Walschaerts valve gear re-fitted and No.

  29. Rogers’ last independently built locomotive was serial number 6271, a 0-6-0 tank locomotive built for W.

  30. The aircraft went on to attack the railway station in Jablanica, damaging one locomotive and ten wagons.

  31. An electric locomotive first pulled a Royal Blue train through the Howard Street tunnel on June 27, 1895.

  32. Renumbered 15, the locomotive served primarily while the company’s other locomotives were being serviced.

  33. This 2-6-0 type locomotive served the Illinois Central Railroad under several numbers: 560, 3706 and 3719.

  34. This locomotive was built specifically for the lumber industry and served several lumber firms in Florida.

  35. The locomotive and the railcar were each fitted with a single trolley pole to collect electricity from the overhead wire.

  36. The solitary K1 class locomotive was rebuilt in June 1928, and so became the three-cylinder prototype of the SR U1 class.

  37. In the mid-1870s, Rogers ended production of textile machinery and began concentrating solely on locomotive manufacturing.

  38. The company, which operated in Florida, ordered this locomotive from Baldwin Locomotive Works, which completed it in 1914.

  39. In the following years the locomotive changed hands four of five times between several interconnected Florida lumber firms.

  40. The first locomotive that Rogers’ company assembled was actually built by Robert Stephenson and Company of England in 1835.

  41. Some accounts also state that Sandusky was the first locomotive to feature a whistle, but this has since been proven false.

  42. The locomotive sat on the unusual Bulleid Firth Brown wheels, which were lighter, yet stronger, than the spoked equivalent.

  43. After Walt Disney concurred, Broggie once again began searching for a narrow-gauge steam locomotive to purchase and restore.

  44. Ungainly box-cab locomotive #50 was replaced with the demurely streamlined locomotive # 51 and booster # 51x, the 3,600 h.p.

  45. Before preservation, the station had contained only a fan of sidings, which meant that there was no way for the locomotive of an arriving train to run round the carriages.

  46. For ease of maintenance, the boiler, firebox and smokebox were encased in steel sheeting, which meant that the engine’s shape resembled that of a modern diesel locomotive.

  47. The Board of Directors disapproved and Bulleid repainted the locomotive in darker malachite green with black and white lining (this would later be applied to his Pacifics).

  48. Due to budget issues, the restoration of the locomotive was suspended not long after its arrival, and its parts were planned to be placed in long-term storage in late 2003.

  49. In 1828 two locomotive boilers exploded within four months, both killing the driver and both due to the safety valves being left fixed down while the engine was stationary.

Locomotive’s in a sentence

Locomotive’s is a variation of locomotive, below you can find example sentences for locomotive’s.

  1. Knight and AT&SF Railway President Fred Gurley riding in the locomotive’s cab.

  2. The locomotive’s final run was on May 26, 1960, pulling a Montreal–Rigaud commuter train.

  3. He sometimes climbed over the tender and into the locomotive’s cab while the train was in motion.

  4. It «dazzled the press and public», said one magazine writer of the groundbreaking locomotive’s introduction.

  5. After the compressed air blew some dirt and debris out of the locomotive’s exhaust stack, it was soon running smoothly.

  6. The museum asked the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company to inspect the locomotive’s boiler for operation.

  7. The locomotive’s semi-operation was broadcast over the CBS radio network with Stanley Bell narrating the ceremonies for the radio audience.

  8. The locomotive’s design, chosen by Disney after seeing a smaller locomotive model with the same design at the home of rail historian Gerald M.

  9. The locomotive’s design, chosen by Walt Disney after seeing a smaller locomotive model with the same design at the home of rail historian Gerald M.

  10. In 1930 the museum commissioned the Altoona Works to build a second replica of the locomotive’s tender for display with the locomotive in the museum.

  11. As 1981 and the locomotive’s 150th birthday approached, the Smithsonian started discussions on how best to commemorate the John Bull’s age and significance.

  12. The locomotive’s first public exhibition at the Smithsonian occurred on December 22, 1884, where it was displayed in the East Hall of the Arts and Industries building.

  13. To protect the locomotive’s crew from the weather, the C&A added a cab to the locomotive, and C&A workshop crews added safety features such as a bell and headlight.

  14. Since the locomotive’s original tender (fuel and water car) had deteriorated beyond repair and was dismantled in 1910, the PRR built a replica of the tender at its Altoona, Pennsylvania, workshops.

  15. After being on static display for 42 years, the Smithsonian commemorated the locomotive’s 150th birthday in 1981 by firing it up; it was then the world’s oldest surviving operable steam locomotive.

  16. This problem was eventually cured by relaying the railway to its correct gauge and altering Talyllyn’s trailing wheels to allow them to swivel horizontally, shortening the locomotive’s fixed wheelbase.

  17. Johnston, then in his nineties, was helped into the Marie E., and with Lasseter at his side, he grasped the locomotive’s throttle and drove his former possession three times around the DRR’s main line.

  18. The museum borrowed an 1836 coach from the Pennsylvania Railroad to display on the track behind the newly rebuilt tender, and the locomotive’s 100th birthday was officially celebrated on November 12, 1931.

  19. The PRR was planning an event worthy of the locomotive’s significance to American railroad history — the railroad actually planned to operate the locomotive for the entire distance between New Jersey and Chicago.

Locomotive—modern in a sentence

Locomotive—modern is a variation of locomotive, below you can find example sentences for locomotive—modern.

  1. The design incorporated many novel features, such as the use of thermic siphons, bogies and cabs at each end of the locomotive, resulting in its unique—for a steam locomotive—modern diesel-like appearance.

Synonyms for locomotive

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word locomotive has the following synonyms: locomotor, motion, movement, move, engine, locomotive engine and railway locomotive.

General information about «locomotive» example sentences

The example sentences for the word locomotive that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «locomotive» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «locomotive».

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Misael Gerlach

Score: 4.9/5
(72 votes)

Locomotive sentence example. — A locomotive must be designed to fulfil two conditions. Another man says the locomotive moves because its wheels go round. The steam locomotive , however, and with it the railways, soon began to make rapid progress.

What is the example of locomotive?

Examples of locomotor skills include: Walking or running. Jumping or hopping. Galloping or marching.

What is a sentence for locomotion?

Locomotion sentence example. Locomotion is effected by means of the legs, with the body fully extended. Electricity had even a greater effect on communication than steam oii locomotion ; and electricity, as a practical invention, had its origin in the reign.

How would you describe a locomotive?

a self-propelled, vehicular engine, powered by steam, a diesel, or electricity, for pulling or, sometimes, pushing a train or individual railroad cars.

What is another word for locomotive?

synonyms for locomotive

  • engine.
  • diesel.
  • iron horse.

33 related questions found

Why is it called a locomotive?

Etymology. The word locomotive originates from the Latin loco – «from a place», ablative of locus «place», and the Medieval Latin motivus, «causing motion», and is a shortened form of the term locomotive engine, which was first used in 1814 to distinguish between self-propelled and stationary steam engines.

What’s the difference between a train and a locomotive?

When you see an engine running on a railway track without coaches behind it, that is not a train. That is a locomotive traveling on its own. However, when it used to haul the wagons or coaches, the whole unit can be called a train.

How do I describe a train?

A train is a form of rail transport consisting of a series of connected vehicles that generally run along a railroad (or railway) track to transport passengers or cargo (also known as «freight» or «goods»). … Passenger trains include passenger-carrying vehicles and can often be very long and fast.

Why train engines are not turned off?

Another reason for not turning off diesel train engines, lies in the engine itself. … It is also interesting to know that while diesel locomotives are idling, fuel consumption is more than when the train is moving. This is because, while idling, the batteries are being charged, and the air compression is in operation.

How does the locomotive work?

When heated, water turns to an invisible vapor known as steam. The volume of water expands as it turns to steam inside the boiler, creating a high pressure. The expansion of steam pushes the pistons that connect to the driving wheels that operate the locomotive.

What is difference between locomotion and movement?

Locomotion is the displacement of a body from one place to another. On the contrary, movement is the displacement of a body or a part of the body from its original position.

Do plants Locomote?

Movement in plants

The plants are fixed at a place with their roots in the ground , so they cannot move from one place to another. That is plants cannot show locomotion ( movement of the entire body). But plants can move their individual parts .

What is mean by locomotion in English?

1 : an act or the power of moving from place to place. 2 : travel interest in free locomotion and choice of occupation— Zechariah Chafee Jr.

How strong is a locomotive?

How many horsepower is a diesel locomotive? A locomotive’s diesel engine is connected to an electric generator that is either DC or AC. In either case, the power produced is around 3,200 horsepower. The generator uses this power to convert it into a massive amount of current, approximately 4,700 amperes.

Is rolling a locomotor skill?

The skills used by an individual to move from one place to another. These skills include rolling, balancing, sliding, jogging, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, dodging, galloping and skipping.

What is the longest train ever recorded?

What is the longest and heaviest train ever operated in the world? The world’s longest and heaviest train operated on June 21, 2001, between Newman and Port Headland in Western Australia. The train operated 170 miles (274 km) with 682 loaded iron ore cars.

How much does a locomotive engine cost?

So, How much do locomotives cost? A diesel locomotive could cost from $500,000-$2 million. While an electric locomotive could cost more than $6 million. Price depends on whether it is powered by AC or DC traction, how much horsepower it has, or what electronics it is equipped with.

Why is one locomotive always backwards?

According to Jacobs, Union Pacific diesel locomotives are bi-directional, meaning they create just as much power traveling in reverse as they do traveling forward. … Thus, the direction of the locomotive makes no difference to efficiency or safety.

How does a train start moving?

The static frictional force on the train is between the wheels and the track. The frictional force on the cars is between the axle and the wheels (so, I cheated a little bit here). … Once a car is moving, the axle-wheel interaction changes to kinetic friction with a lower coefficient.

How do you run a train?

To run train (or run a train) refers to when multiple men have sex with a woman one after the other, with or without consent. Outside of sex, to run train on something can mean “to dominate” it, as in a sporting event or video game, or to do something energetically and thoroughly, as in to run train on an exam.

How long is a train?

So how long is a train? Freight and passenger. A freight train length is anywhere between 140 feet and 10,000 feet or 1.9 mile. However there were instances where a freight train has reached over 18,000 feet or 3.4 miles, pulling 295 cars.

Do trains still use cabooses?

Today, cabooses are not used by American railroads, but before the 1980s, every train ended in a caboose, usually painted red, but sometimes painted in colors which matched the engine at the front of the train. The purpose of the caboose was to provide a rolling office for the train’s conductor and the brakemen.

Do train engines have bathrooms?

Train engineers go to the built-in locomotive bathroom, located in the front hood area of the locomotive. Depending on the year and model of the engine, some bathrooms have better options than others.

Which fuel is used in train?

Diesel fuel has become the preferred fuel for railroad locomotive use due to its lower volatility, lower cost, and common availability. The diesel engine (A) is the main component of the diesel-electric locomotive.

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