The word little in spanish

How do you say little in Spanish

How do you say little in Spanish?

little – poco, poquito


a little (uncountable) – poco, poca, poquito, poquita

a few(countable) – algunos, algunas

a lot – mucho(s), mucha(s)

Sentences with the word little in Spanish

Préstame un poco de dinero. Lend me some money.
Dame un poco de agua. Give me some water.
No esperaba que fuera tan poco dinero. She didn’t expect it to be so little money.
Por poco tenemos que salir corriendo. We almost have to run away.
Estoy un poco asustado. I’m a little scared.
Agrégale un poco de chocolate. Add some chocolate to it.
Sírveme un poco de café. Pour me some coffee.
Es un poco tarde para pedir disculpas. It’s a little late to apologize.
Necesito un poco más de tiempo. I need some more time.
Él come mucho, pero trabaja poco. He eats a lot, but he works little.
El amor se ha transformado poco a poco en odio. Love has slowly turned into hate.
Se fue al poco tiempo de morirse su mamá. He left shortly after his mother died.
Iré avanzando poco a poco. I will advance little by little.
El restaurante es un poco caro. The restaurant is a bit expensive.
Ellos comían y dormían poco. They ate and slept little.
Distráete un poquito. Have a little fun.
¡Finalmente un poquito de tranquilidad! Finally a little peace of mind!
Debemos ser un poquito más cuidadosos. We have to be a little more careful.
La casa debe costar un poquito más delo que dice Manuel. The house must cost a little more than what Manuel says.
Verás el cartel un poquito más allá. You will see the sign a little further.
La verdad me da un poquito de curiosidad. The truth makes me a little curious.
¿Puedes volver un poquito más tarde? Can you come back a little later?
Come poquito a poco. Eat little by little.
Llegamos a la estación un poquito antes que el tren. We arrived at the station a little before the train.
Agrégale un poquito de sal. Add a little salt.
Estaría bien que tuvieras un poquito más de modestia. It would be nice if you had a little more modesty.
El mundo de hoy es un poquito mejor que el de ayer. Today’s world is a little better than yesterday’s.
Al paciente le han bajado un poquito los glóbulos blancos. The patient’s white blood cells have dropped a little.
El niño parece qué está un poquito más tranquilo. The boy seems to be a little calmer.
Su boca es un poquito grande y su nariz pequeña. His mouth is a bit big and his nose is small.
Había poco refresco en el pomo. There was little soda in the knob.
El poco conocimiento que se tiene del tema dificulta su comprensión. The little knowledge of the topic hinders its understanding.
Trabajas poco. You work little.
Comes poco y por eso estás tan flaco. You eat little and that’s why you’re so skinny.
Ha llegado un poco antes que tú. It has arrived a little before you.
Ella es poco eficiente. She is not very efficient.
Por poco que se esfuerce hallará la solución. As little about she will find the solution.
Estuvo muy bien ese concierto, ¿a poco no? That concert was very good, didn’t you?
Al poco tiempo de colgar el auricular, volvió a sonar el teléfono. Shortly after hanging the headset, she rang the phone again.
Lo vi llegar, y al poco tiempo se volvió a marchar. I saw him arrive, and soon he left again.
¿A poco no vas a venir de vacaciones con nosotros? Are you not going to come on vacation with us?
Hemos de hacerlo poco a poco para no equivocarnos. We have to do it little by little so as not to make mistakes.
Se lo bebió poco a poco. She drank little by little.
Para terminar la obra, acabarán poco a poco. To finish the work, they will end little by little.
Llegaré hacia las tres, poco más o menos. I will reach three or so.
Y el dinero, bien poquito. And money, very little.
Un poquito más de paciencia. A little more patience.
Y estar un poquito, temerosos. And be a little, fearful.
Dije que lo pensaría un poquito. I said I would think a little.
Mi voz sonó un poquito cortante. My voice sounded a little sharp.
Y dándoles a cambio bien poquito. And giving them in return very little.
Las puertas se abrieron un poquito. The doors opened a little.
Solo se había apartado un poquito. He had only separated a little.
Rió un poquito y se secó las manos. He laughed a little and dried his hands.
Hay que ir poquito a poco, amigo mío. You have to go little by little, my friend.
Vi cómo se movía el capote un poquito. I saw how the cape moved a little.
Me encanta saber qué es un poquito mío. I love knowing that it is my little.
Serenidad y un poquito de paciencia. Serenity and a little patience.
Pues quisiera llevarle un poquito de ese licor. Well, I would like to take him a little from that liquor.
Se frotó la cara y abrió un poquito los ojos. He rubbed his face and opened his eyes a little.

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little [ˈlɪtl]


1 (small) pequeño; chico; (LAm)

a little house una casa pequeña or chica; (LAm) a little book un libro pequeño or chico; (LAm) she had a little girl yesterday ayer tuvo una niñita; when I was little cuando era pequeña; de pequeña; the little ones (children) los pequeños

The lights were on upstairs, so I suppose she was putting the little ones into bed

2 (short) corto

a little walk un paseo corto; we went for a little holiday nos fuimos para unas vacaciones cortitas

3 (diminutive) (in cpds) -ito

a little book/boat/piece etc un librito/barquito/trocito etc; a little house una casita; a little girl una niñita; una chiquita

just a little gift

a little fish un pececillo; un pececito; a little sip un sorbito; the little woman (wife) la costilla (informal); la parienta (informal); (Esp)

I’m taking the little woman shopping in Bond Street

it’s the little man who suffers (small trader) el pequeño comerciante es el que sale perdiendo

he’s quite a the little gentleman!

it’s just a little something no es más que una cosita de poco valor

4 (younger)

her little brother su hermano menor; su hermanito


little end (n) (Britain) (Aut) pie (m) de biela

Little Englander (n) (Britain) (Hist) en el siglo XIX, persona con ideas opuestas a la ampliación del imperio británico; (chauvinist) patrioteroapatriotera (m) (f);a patriotera

Taylor was yesterday branded a Little Englander as football bosses lashed out at him over his call for a ban on importing players from abroad

(anti-European) anti-europeoísta (m)

Mrs Thatcher remains a Little Englander, clinging to illusions of national sovereignty in an age of interdependence and integration

little finger (n) dedo (m) meñique; meñique (m)

the little folk (n) (fairies) los duendecillos

little green men the little hand a literary magazine that features experimental or other writing of interest to a limited number of readers

the little people (n) (fairies) los duendecillos

little toe (n) dedo (m) pequeño del pie

little [ˈlɪtl] less (comparative)least (superlative)


1 (not much) poco

he knows little sabe poco; to see/do little ver/hacer poco; there was little we could do apenas había nada que hacer; he had little to say poco fue lo que tenía que decir; that has little to do with it! ¡eso tiene poco que ver!

as little as £5 5 libras, nada más

there’s very little left queda muy poco

to make little of sth (play down) quitarle importancia a algo

Government spokesmen have made little of the latest setback

(fail to exploit) desaprovechar algo

He made little of his opportunities

they made little of loading the huge boxes (accomplish easily) cargaron las enormes cajas como si nada

little of what he says is true poco de lo que dice es verdad

little or nothing poco o nada

to spend little or nothing gastar poco o nada

he lost weight because he ate so little adelgazó porque comía muy poco

I know too little about him to have an opinion no lo conozco lo suficiente para poder opinar

too little too late muy poco y muy tarde

The move was dismissed in the financial markets as too little, too late Greenpeace has criticised the operation to disperse the original thousand tons of oil as too little, too late

2 (some)

give me a little dame un poco; I had a little of everything comí un poco de todo

I know a little about stamp collecting

little by little poco a poco

however little you give, we’ll be grateful agradeceremos su donativo, por pequeño que sea

a little less/more milk un poco menos/más de leche

a little more slowly un poco más despacio

the little I have seen is excellent lo poco que he visto me ha parecido excelente

I did what little I could hice lo poco que pude

3 (short time)

they’ll have to wait a little tendrán que esperar un poco

after a little There was absolute silence between them. After a little he said, «I think I’d better be going.»

for a little un rato; durante un rato


1 (not much) poco

there is little hope of finding them alive hay pocas esperanzas de encontrarlos con vida; with little difficulty sin problema or dificultad

so much to do, so little time tanto que hacer y en tan poco tiempo

I have so little time for reading tengo muy poco tiempo para leer

he gave me too little money me dio poquísimo dinero

I have very little money tengo muy poco dinero

2 (some)

a little wine un poco de vino; I speak a little Spanish hablo un poco de español

a little bit (of) un poquito (de)

There was only a little bit of cake left we’re having a little (bit of) trouble

with no little trouble con bastante dificultad; con no poca dificultad

3 (short)

for a little time or while un ratito

Do you mind if I look around for a little while? after a little time while


1 (not much) poco

he reads little lee poco; they spoke very little on the way home hablaron muy poco de camino para casa

try to move as little as possible intenta moverte lo menos posible

(as) little as I like him, I must admit that … aunque me gusta muy poco, debo admitir que …

a little known fact un hecho poco conocido

little more than poco más que

little more than a month ago hace poco más de un mes

it’s little better now he’s rewritten it

a little read book un libro poco leído; un libro que se lee poco

it’s little short of a miracle es casi un milagro

If he was not quite at his best in the final, it had to be accepted that it was little short of a miracle he was playing at all The casting is little short of miraculous

2 (somewhat) algo

we were a little surprised/happier nos quedamos algo sorprendidos/más contentos

a little better un poco mejor; algo mejor

he spoke a little harshly she reacted a little unreasonably a little too big

a little less/more than … un poco menos/más que …

we were not a little worried nos inquietamos bastante; quedamos muy inquietos

3 (not at all)

little does he know that … he little knows that … no tiene la menor idea de que …

4 (rarely) poco

I watch television very little nowadays ahora veo la televisión muy poco; it occurs very little in small companies raramente ocurre or es raro que ocurra en empresas pequeñas

I see him little these days

My little boy. My little woman.

Mi niñito. Mi mujercita.

My little house. My little book.

Mi casita. Mi librito.

I had little for lunch today.

Almorcé poco hoy.

My little car. My little boat.

Mi cochecito. Mi barquito.

My little blouse. My little skirt.

Mi blusita. Mi faldita.

They have very little interest.

Tienen muy poco interés.

He wants you to walk a little.

Quiere que andes un poco.

This might hurt a little.

Esto puede que le duela un poquito.

You all have a little bit of time.

Ustedes tienen poco tiempo.

When I was a little girl.

Cuando era niña.

When I was a little boy.

Cuando era niño.

I speak a little bit of Spanish.

Hablo un poco de español.

To me it seems like little luggage.

A mí me parece poco equipaje.

I’m not going to work for this little money.

Para este dinerillo no trabajo.

and my little sister.

…y mi hermana pequeña.

We are perplexed, you all are a little restless.

Estamos perplejos, estáis un poco inquietos.

Juan is a little chubby.

Juan es un poco gordito.

It is a little bit of pain and heartburn.

Es un dolorcito y una acidez.

He arrived a little late.

Llegó un poco tarde.

This is a little far from here.

Ésto queda lejitos de aqui.

They have very little of it.

Disponen de muy poco.

I have had a little to do with this too.

Yo también he participado algo en ello.

I have little more than that.

Tengo poco más que eso.

For me, that would be too little.

Para mi esto sería demasiado poco.

Why do we do so little?

¿Por qué hacemos tan poco?

Is that not a little too little?

¿No es demasiado poco?

Not here a little loophole, there a little loophole!

No podemos volver a tolerar una pequeña brecha por aquí, otra por allá.

The answer is: very little, indeed too little.

La respuesta es: muy poco, de hecho demasiado poco.

I am a little out of breath.

Llego algo falta de aliento.

Could he be a little more specific on that?

¿Podría ser algo más concreto al respecto?

It was little more than that, however.

Pero poco más.

We have to be a little more lenient there.

Debemos ser un poco más indulgentes al respecto.

Very little has been produced.

Aquí tenemos el nacimiento de un ratoncito.

What we receive is too little.

Lo que recibimos es muy poco.

It has all been too little, too late.

Todo ha sido demasiado poco y demasiado tarde.

The Commission is doing too little here.

La Comisión hace demasiado poco en este sentido.

I have said that this is too little.

He dicho que esto es muy poco.

That would still be very little.

Aún así seguiría siendo muy poco.

Is this too little too late?

¿No es un poco tarde?

We know too little about this.

Sabemos muy poco sobre esto.

I am a little unsure.

No estoy del todo seguro.

To be honest, we are doing very little.

Pocas cosas en realidad.

There was very little of that this year.

Este año ha habido muy poco de esto.

Some of them were a little aggressive.

Algunos de ellos se mostraban bastante agresivos.

The answer is, very little.

La respuesta es: muy poco.

There is very little of it in this report.

Hay muy poco de ello en este informe.

That is a little different.

Esta cuestión es algo diferente.

The answer is very little.

La respuesta es que muy poco.

Why so little so late?

¿Por qué tan poco tan tarde?

The answer is: very little.

La respuesta es: muy poca.

Is this a lot or too little?

¿Es mucho o es poco?

I believe that is very, very little.

Y creo que es muy, muy poco.

You have the sense that there is too little here, and I do too.

Ustedes tienen la sensación de que hay demasiado poco aquí, al igual que yo.

I would be a little more circumspect if I were you.

Sería un poco más prudente si fuese usted.

I find that very little.

En mi opinión es muy poco.

Parliament had little to do with it.

El Parlamento le prestaba escasa atención.

At the moment, very little.

Por el momento, muy poca.

We have very little time.

Es cuestión de muy poco tiempo.

There is little doubt about that.

No hay duda alguna acerca de eso.

It says very little about it.

Dice muy poco al respecto.

So I have little to say on this.

Por consiguiente, sobre esto poco he de decir.

This would be a little too theoretical.

Realmente nos estamos volviendo demasiado teóricos.

Could we not be a little more frank, for once?

¿Por qué no un poco de franqueza, por una vez?

Too little has been done.

Ha ocurrido demasiado poco.

I am a little concerned about it.

Esta cuestión me preocupa bastante.

Very little has been done.

Es muy poco lo que se ha hecho.

They have moved a little.

Han cambiado ligeramente de actitud.

Little is known about them.

Se sabe poco de ellos.

I am convinced that, little by little, the message gets through.

Estoy convencida de que, poco a poco, el mensaje va calando.

Little by little the Chinese economy is being liberalised.

Poco a poco se está liberalizando la economía china.

[ view all sentence pairs ]

I don’t know why,

Не знаю, почему,

I just know I do

Но знаю, что творю. 1

I just can’t explain

Бессилен тот язык,

In this language that I use

На котором я говорю.

Something leaves me speechless

Речи дар теряю,

Each time that you approach

Когда навстречу мне

Each time you glide right through me

Проходишь, как проходят

As if I was a ghost

Сквозь привидение.

If I only could tell you

Если б я мог признаться,

If you only would listen

Если б ты стала слушать…

I’ve got a line or two to use on you

Я набросал строку иль две тебе,

I’ve got a romance we could christen

Песне моей мы дали б душу.

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

Есть слово по-испански, что я не разобрал,

But I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man

Но я слышал, как в кино его главный персонаж сказал.

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

В нем было столько чувства, то было так всерьез,

And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears

Что словами героиню он растрогать смог до слез.

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

Слово по-испански, слово по-испански.

If you can’t comprehend

Не понимаешь слов –

Read it in my eyes

Загляни в глаза:

If you don’t understand it’s love

С трудом скрываемая любовь

In a thin disguise

Может все сказать.

And what it takes to move you

Что нужно, чтоб подвигнуть

Each time that you resist

Тебя не отрицать,

Is more than just a pretty face

Что я живой? Не хватит ли

To prove that I exist

Красивого лица?

When manners make no difference

Когда манеры тщетны

And my gifts all lay undone

И дары отклонены,

I trade my accent in on chance

Я без акцента объяснюсь

And fall back on a foreign tongue

На языке чужой страны…

↑1 – Первые две строчки обыгрывают название популярной песни «I Don’t Know Why (I Just Do)» («Я не знаю, почему (Я просто люблю)»), входившей в репертуар Дина Мартина и Фрэнка Синатры.

* поэтический (эквиритмический) перевод

A Word in Spanish

Слово на испанском (перевод Surfer)

I don’t know why

Я не знаю, почему,

I just know I do

Я знаю только, что я делаю.

I just can’t explain

Я просто не смогу объяснить

In this language that I use

На этом языке, которым пользуюсь,

Something leaves me speechless

Что-то не дает мне говорить,

Each time that you approach

Каждый раз, когда ты приближаешься,

Each time you glide right through me

Каждый раз, когда ты проскальзываешь сквозь меня,

As if I was a ghost

Как если бы я был привидением…

If I only could tell you

Если б я только мог сказать тебе,

If you only would listen

Если б ты только выслушала.

I’ve got a line or two to use on you

У меня есть пара строк для тебя,

I’ve got a romance we could christen

У меня есть романс, который мы могли назвать…

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

И есть слово на испанском, которое не знаю,

But I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man

Но я слышал его в фильме один раз, сказанное главным героем,

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

Он сказал его с такой преданностью, произнес так искренне,

And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears

И слова, которые он произнес по-испански, довели женщину до слёз,

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

Слово на испанском, слово на испанском…

If you can’t comprehend

Если ты не можешь постичь,

Read it in my eyes

Прочитай в моих глазах.

If you don’t understand it’s love

Если ты не понимаешь, то это любовь,

In a thin disguise

Едва замаскированная…

And what it takes to move you

И чтобы тебя затронуть

Each time that you resist

Каждый раз, когда ты не поддаешься,

Is more than just a pretty face

Нужно больше, чем просто симпатичное личико,

To prove that I exist

Чтобы доказать, что я существую…

When manners make no difference

Когда хорошие манеры уже не имеют значения,

And my gifts all lay undone

И все мои подарки не тронуты,

I trade my accent in on chance

Словно невзначай я подключу свой акцент,

And fall back on a foreign tongue

Перейдя на иностранный язык…

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

И есть слово на испанском, которое не знаю,

But I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man

Но я слышал его в фильме один раз, сказанное главным героем.

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

Он сказал его с такой преданностью, произнес так искренне,

And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears

И слова, которые он произнес по-испански, довели женщину до слёз,

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

Слово на испанском, слово на испанском…

I don’t know why,

Не знаю, почему,

I just know I do

Но знаю, что творю.

I just can’t explain

Бессилен тот язык,

In this language that I use

На котором я говорю.

Something leaves me speechless

Речи дар теряю,

Each time that you approach

Когда навстречу мне

Each time you glide right through me

Проходишь, как проходят

As if I was a ghost

Сквозь привидение.

If I only could tell you

Если б я мог признаться,

If you only would listen

Если б ты стала слушать…

I’ve got a line or two to use on you

Я набросал строку иль две тебе,

I’ve got a romance we could christen

Песне моей мы дали б душу.

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

Есть слово по-испански, что я не разобрал,

But I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man

Но я слышал, как в кино его главный персонаж сказал.

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

В нем было столько чувства, то было так всерьез,

And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears

Что словами героиню он растрогать смог до слез.

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

Слово по-испански, слово по-испански.

If you can’t comprehend

Не понимаешь слов —

Read it in my eyes

Загляни в глаза:

If you don’t understand it’s love

С трудом скрываемая любовь

In a thin disguise

Может все сказать.

And what it takes to move you

Что нужно, чтоб подвигнуть

Each time that you resist

Тебя не отрицать,

Is more than just a pretty face

Что я живой? Не хватит ли

To prove that I exist

Красивого лица?

When manners make no difference

Когда манеры тщетны

And my gifts all lay undone

И дары отклонены,

I trade my accent in on chance

Я без акцента объяснюсь

And fall back on a foreign tongue

На языке чужой страны…

A Word in Spanish

Слово на испанском (перевод Surfer)

I don’t know why

Я не знаю, почему,

I just know I do

Я знаю только, что я делаю.

I just can’t explain

Я просто не смогу объяснить

In this language that I use

На этом языке, которым пользуюсь,

Something leaves me speechless

Что-то не дает мне говорить,

Each time that you approach

Каждый раз, когда ты приближаешься,

Each time you glide right through me

Каждый раз, когда ты проскальзываешь сквозь меня,

As if I was a ghost

Как если бы я был привидением…

If I only could tell you

Если б я только мог сказать тебе,

If you only would listen

Если б ты только выслушала.

I’ve got a line or two to use on you

У меня есть пара строк для тебя,

I’ve got a romance we could christen

У меня есть романс, который мы могли назвать…

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

И есть слово на испанском, которое не знаю,

But I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man

Но я слышал его в фильме один раз, сказанное главным героем,

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

Он сказал его с такой преданностью, произнес так искренне,

And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears

И слова, которые он произнес по-испански, довели женщину до слёз,

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

Слово на испанском, слово на испанском…

If you can’t comprehend

Если ты не можешь постичь,

Read it in my eyes

Прочитай в моих глазах.

If you don’t understand it’s love

Если ты не понимаешь, то это любовь,

In a thin disguise

Едва замаскированная…

And what it takes to move you

И чтобы тебя затронуть

Each time that you resist

Каждый раз, когда ты не поддаешься,

Is more than just a pretty face

Нужно больше, чем просто симпатичное личико,

To prove that I exist

Чтобы доказать, что я существую…

When manners make no difference

Когда хорошие манеры уже не имеют значения,

And my gifts all lay undone

И все мои подарки не тронуты,

I trade my accent in on chance

Словно невзначай я подключу свой акцент,

And fall back on a foreign tongue

Перейдя на иностранный язык…

And there’s a word in Spanish I don’t understand

И есть слово на испанском, которое не знаю,

But I heard it in a film one time spoken by the leading man

Но я слышал его в фильме один раз, сказанное главным героем.

He said it with devotion, he sounded so sincere

Он сказал его с такой преданностью, произнес так искренне,

And the words he spoke in Spanish brought the female lead to tears

И слова, которые он произнес по-испански, довели женщину до слёз,

A word in Spanish, a word in Spanish

Слово на испанском, слово на испанском…

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