The word literature in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word literature, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use literature in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «literature».

Literature in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word literature in a sentence.

  1. But songs are unlike literature.

  2. As children’s literature scholar M.

  3. American literature scholar Theresa A.

  4. African-American literature critic Lyman B.

  5. African-American literature scholar Lynn Z.

  6. This subject was popular in Song literature.

  7. This work combines folk and epic literature.

  8. The scholar of American literature Charles M.

  9. African-American literature scholar Selwyn R.

  10. Other times he translated works of literature.

  11. She also wrote and distributed campaign literature.

  12. Somerset has traditions of art, music and literature.

  13. Georgia became a theme in Russian literature as well.

  14. Bonnet has been portrayed several times in literature.

  15. The bombing has been dramatised in literature and film.

  16. She then gained a place at Newnham College, Cambridge to read English literature.

  17. Shakespeare’s work has made a lasting impression on later theatre and literature.

  18. It is one of the most outstanding works of indigenous literature in the Americas.

  19. She earned a doctorate in literature and arts from the University of Puerto Rico.

  20. Other localities listed in the literature include Bayshin-Tsav and Urilbe-Khuduk.

  21. Johnson’s most significant contribution in this area was his promotion of German-language literature.

  22. English literature scholar Valerie Sayers has asserted that «Angelou’s poetry and prose are similar».

  23. In addition to American books, she reviewed foreign literature, concerts, lectures, and art exhibits.

  24. Besides these, he took an interest in Czech literature and was also very fond of the works of Goethe.

  25. This is a generic definition that draws on metalloid attributes consistently cited in the literature.

  26. To Kill a Mockingbird has become a classic of modern American literature, winning the Pulitzer Prize.

  27. The era of the Kingdom of Mysore is considered a golden age in the development of Kannada literature.

  28. He travelled to the continent to study music, but changed his mind and decided to focus on literature.

  29. The theme remains an important element in literature and learning, in film, theater and the fine arts.

  30. Calhoun’s proposal to ban abolitionist literature from being delivered by mail in the Southern states.

  31. Tucker sought out the foremost authors in Richmond to advance his interest in literature and the arts.

  32. Shelley’s assessment of French literature was not as generous as her evaluation of Italian literature.

  33. The earliest literature in India, composed between 1500 BCE and 1200 CE, was in the Sanskrit language.

  34. Actor Turturro referred to it as a coming of age story, while literature professor and film analyst R.

  35. The only genre of literature named as such by the ancient Egyptians was the «teaching» or sebayt genre.

  36. Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation’s poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).

  37. The earliest translation efforts of Egyptian literature during the 19th century were attempts to confirm Biblical events.

  38. Much commentary has focused on the novel’s depiction of njais, a subject common in contemporary Chinese Malay literature.

  39. Outside of literature sources based on the character, Jason has been featured in a variety of magazines and comic strips.

  40. The remaining two groups include the new literary species: ecclesiastical and theological literature, and popular poetry.

  41. The late 9th and early 10th centuries constitute the earliest and most productive period of medieval Bulgarian literature.

  42. Regarded as his masterpiece, Things Fall Apart has been described as the most important book in modern African literature.

  43. In subsequent literature, it was known as Demansia textilis as Diemenia was regarded as an alternate spelling of Demansia.

  44. It has been extensively depicted in sculptures and paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary films and literature.

  45. In scientific literature, the 1 bar pressure level is usually chosen as a zero point for altitudes—a «surface» of Jupiter.

  46. Besides the canonical films, Jabba the Hutt is additionally featured in various pieces of Star Wars Legends literature, including a limited comics series bearing his name.

  47. The earliest known mention of a slow loris in scientific literature is from 1770, when Dutchman Arnout Vosmaer (1720–1799) described a specimen of what we know today as N.

  48. In Late Egyptian literature, «tales and stories» comprise the majority of surviving literary works dated from the Ramesside Period of the New Kingdom into the Late Period.

  49. During the first quarter of the 19th century, self-improvement literature became an important portion of the book market: «it was the age of the ‘Family Library’ edition».

  50. The tale also «contested how popular literature employed colonial violence to provide a model of and justification for its continuation in the name of national expansion».

Synonyms for literature

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word literature has the following synonyms: lit.

General information about «literature» example sentences

The example sentences for the word literature that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «literature» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «literature».

Many of the legends found in the literature of other civilizations can be excavated in the ruins here

Bronner’s soap, “The most incredible piece of literature I’ve ever seen printed on a six-by-six piece of paper,” and “The power of word over design

Tonya is scatty, lectures locally on something esoteric … can never remember what it is exactly, but it is something to do with the literature of the fifteenth century, I believe

It is hardly high drama and definitely not great literature, but it is entertaining – at least we hope it will be – and should go down well in the village

His name is George and he works as a literature master, he said

He is either pulling my leg or a penniless Albanian; he is certainly not a literature master, I thought but suppressed that suspicion at once

’ Kara agreed, grinning at the reference – one of the things she and Joris had shared was a love for Earth literature, poetry in particular

in literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1972

«Something similar would have been in the scientific literature

She did make it to the Kassikan, comatose and without the coupon, just some of the literature that came with it

Two of them had Roman in their British Literature class second hour

You have, by the way thoroughly impressed our literature and composition professors

In Western literature, Homer is known as the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and is said to be the greatest ancient Greek poet

These epics (histories) lie at the beginning of the most Western literature, and have had an enormous influence in the past and up until today

The most advanced form of languages is in literature,

with an affirmation like: literature less the

— Where you can see that the literature for

literature for children should not be

of universal literature, it is

After a long time of talking to other acid heads/meditation heads and reading a lot of psychedelicized literature I plunged in with a mate

Sadly, there is much, much more in traditional theological literature which has

He’d employed tutors in literature, geography,

To provide more detail and insight into the attributes hidden in this passage: Imagine you were asked by a client to write a work of literature in such a way that it would meet very specific requirements and conform to his detailed design specifications

Consider this for a moment: Have you ever encountered a piece of literature that you can read in one direction and get a meaningful sentence and then read the same piece backwards and get meaningful words and a sentence giving a different message relating to the same subject, making use of the letters in the reversed order?

From a human perspective it would be impossible to write a piece of literature and include a hidden message within that literature about a person who will be living in the future, who would become famous in the future and to be intimately familiar with what that person would do during his lifetime and then include this information in a coded message of more than 600 characters long

They may not have met the standards of great literature, both yesteryear and today, but they sure outsold Henry James»s „The Golden Bowl

Her eyes skimmed over the bookcases filled with classical literature

For those of you given neither to literature nor history, it»s here, just a bit late

That certain ethnic or racial groups have historically outperformed others in a variety of different fields including sports, medicine, arts and sciences, literature or education in general, should not astonish critics skeptical of the underlying differences owing to cultural and (natural) agents that predispose achievement

During the Renaissance, the revival of classical art and literature was considered the highest intellectual and (moral) achievement

There are several things that could potentially happen but I’d rather refer you to literature than have you sit here while I explain, as I’m sure you won’t remember any of it by the time I leave the room anyway

Prepare yourself with some of the literature listed in the Appendix

Two were military commanders in the field, including Otis, and the commission’s head, Jacob Schurman, was an English literature and philosophy professor

Multi-Culturalism should not be confused with Inter-Culturalism that otherwise suggests a mutual exchanging and/or assimilating of the higher (Arts & Sciences, Music, Literature and Architecture) and lower (Cuisine, Fashions and Sports) cultures whose synthesis finds its ultimate expression within an overlapping culture that oftentimes acquires its own unique standing over time

Until his death, he liked to read Polish literature and watch Polish television via satellite

While Greek and Latin literature may have some bearing on life, they’re not much preparation for war

and not literature because being a banker promised to be more

“Wounds my soul with a monotonous languor,” came a voice in the background as someone patiently worked on a translation of a bad French poem by a bad French poet, writing in a particularly bad era of French literature, which was bad at the best of times, which weren’t many

She graduated with the class of 1943, receiving a bachelor’s degree in European literature, with dual minors in Polish and German

pebbles of literature and preserve them in the cabinet

James Mill pointed out that magazine literature must

Women have been prolific writers of hymns and devotional literature

The Midrash, as indicated below, “is a genre of rabbinic literature that includes the nonliteral elaborations of biblical texts

; blank membership cards in the same organization; Milwaukee Daily Worker stationery; a bundle of propaganda leaflets supporting Germany in its war against Imperialist Britain, obviously printed before June of 1941; and other Communist Party literature extolling the virtues of the people’s party

The Supreme Being referred to as the Brahm in Vedic literature, is

During his stay in Burma, Crown Prince Naresuan was trained by the Burmese King Bayinnaung in martial arts, literature and military strategies, and was reared as one of the princes in the Burmese Palace

“The name of a many-sided movement in the 1st and 2nd centuries of the Christian era which combined the mythology and symbolism of several pagan religions with the teachings of Christ…had two characteristic features: a metaphysical dualism of matter and spirit whose origins are to be found in the physical dualism of darkness and light in the Parsic (or Persian) religion; and a doctrine of redemption, by which those who devote themselves to gnosis, or a higher knowledge, may proceed from the former to the latter realm…Much of Gnostic literature was falsely ascribed to such authors as the disciples of Jesus, Jewish prophets, heroes of antiquity, or imaginary personages…With the decline of the pagan religions around the time of Christ, a conscious movement to syncretize (attempt to smoothly unite) all religions was in progress…In the early years of Christianity, only loose boundaries were formed between the Church and contemporary cults; the syncretic movement did not exclude the new faith, nor did Christianity fail to absorb elements of foreign beliefs

Or, had this been an ongoing project, to render into written literature the oral history recitations, whose beginnings had been lost in the mists of a time so immemorial as to dwarf all of the time ascribed to written history? How far back might a time traveler have to journey to discover the beginnings of a culture’s Genesis story?

The lectures I attended, the books I read on English Literature and History – my majors for teaching high school; French Literature ( I was already fluent in French), Latin (continued from high school), seminars on the history of Western thought, and optional subjects like Anthropology and Philosophy – these explorations of mind and imagination thrilled me

The Self-Justifying Criminal in Literature, for instance, tip the scales of order and logic toward oblivion? Does useless and abysmal inversion of the rich matter of literature serve any educational purpose, Mother? These are questions worth asking, as Ms

He was unfamiliar with this in the anthropology literature

I also love that the majority of the characters in dystopian and post-apocalyptic literature have a lot of agency—they take charge of their lives in environments that make it hard for them to do so, and I love reading about strong characters like that

The man-boy learned art, literature and music, and at sixteen he returned to his father’s royal palace where he was exposed to the arts of war

Her classical language, Latin, and a rich literature had been inherited

I told him about my education, adding that the lack of Nahual literature in it was perhaps a cultural preference rather than a conscious judgment on its merit

Having the liberty to choose the subject of my choice for this article, I would like to muse on two subjects that were, is, and will remain close to my heart, Literature and Philosophy

The first poem that aroused in me an emotional upheaval which only great literature can evoke was “The Charge of the Light Brigade” by Tennyson

receptive towards literature I stumbled upon a book on Philosophy in our house which was none other than the iconic “History of Western Philosophy” by Bertrand Russell

The literature concerning this issue is vast and complex, as would be expected from lawyers and academics

Textbooks must avoid exclusive reference to Judeo-Christian (Western) art or literature

Publishers are advised that it is often not necessary to refer to a person’s ancestry, disability, ethnicity, nationality, physical appearance, race, religion, sex, or sexuality in books of literature or history

Hanson found in his 20 years of experience in the State University system that it fails to emphasize grammar, composition skills, oral presentation, history, literature, music, or art

Still, those who clamor that great art and literature are nothing but weapons of the powerful imposed on the powerless to prop up a decadent culture did not vanish

* Loves literature and the arts

* Loves to travel, the arts and literature

interest: Some literature of life between life experiences note that spirit guides will eventually

Within the NDE literature further support can be found for the concept of instantaneous

names that were present in the literature at the time, and implied a negative judgmental

There are many other lessons learned from the body of literature on OBE research,

The forth reader was an introduction to literature, poetry, the Bible, world history and philosophy

It also reminds the reader of authors of other various and diverse cultures, some very far away, in order to initiate a simple conversation with literature

He could have been doing really well studying something like history, literature, or philosophy

Therefore, everything from love to friendship to poetry to literature to art to music to meaning to purpose to intention to agency to beauty to values to philosophy to spirituality to religion to all the virtues—all these qualities are nothing more than illusions, side effects, secondary phenomena that emerge from the underlying matter

This woman’s strong character reminded Roger of the domineering women found in literature

Catholic Organizations —- Organizations managed / owned by a Catholic Religious Order or group from a Religious Order; or operated and/or owned by a Catholic Diocese; or use the term Catholic in their organization’s name; those that specifically use ‘Catholic’ in their literature as an indicator of ‘who they are’ or as a ‘marketing tool’ that is used purposely to reflect, even if not followed, Catholic principles — need to actually operate under Catholic Doctrine!! If not, I believe they should be legally required to remove any ‘Catholic’ indication in their advertising / marketing or labeling

guess the obvious would be hate literature to why

There is plenty of literature for women,

He hired me to write copy at the State Street offices of Agricultural Advertising and Research for a few months before leaving for WWII, and I started working there again after finishing my studies in English and literature at Cornell after the war

sculptures, music, poetry, literature, and paintings that are

This chapter will review some of the relevant literature and sources that deal with

At any rate, the history of literature, so full of Fate’s exquisite ironies, has nothing more poignantly ironic, and nothing at the same time more beautifully appropriate, than the publication of Rupert Brooke’s noble sonnet-sequence, `1914′, a few swift weeks before the death they had imagined, and had already made lovely

There was an intellectual keenness and brightness in it, a fire of imagery and (in the best sense) wit, the like of which had not been known, or known only in snatches, in our literature since the best days of the later Elizabethans

Last MAC point: Many Internet marketers sell good software without telling you in their sales literature that it’s Windows only

tough times? There is no mention of her/him in the ICU literature and from a

Are we wearing a series of ‘suits’ now? (What are normally referred to as higher energy ‘subtle bodies’ in metaphysical literature

This correlates to the non-manifestive ‘consciousness’ of a ‘liberated’ monk (as frequently described in Buddhist and Hindu religious literature)

The perfectly symmetric void is frequently referred to as the ‘unmanifest’ in religious and metaphysical literature

Similarly, there are no measurables associated with the perfectly symmetric non-manifestive ‘consciousness’ of a ‘liberated’ person (as described in Buddhist and Hindu religious literature)

Firstly a false vacuum — which is called ‘bhavanga’ in Buddhist literature

Religious literature abound with stories of how the devil or the ego tries to thwart the upward climb of an aspirant to a more expansive and holistic awareness

According to the metaphysical literature, during the death process (of the physical bodies), the mental body dissolves and contracts into the ‘physical-etheric nucleus’ around the heart region

They are known variously as ‘shades’ or ‘shells’ in the metaphysical literature and have been written about extensively by Leadbeater

Novak should distinguish between what is commonly called ‘shades’ (which are debris discarded by the rising locus of awareness) in the metaphysical literature with fully living souls (with the spirit still invigorating it)

In fact, it is also these stored memories (or samskaras in Hindu and Buddhist literature) that results in the dreaded cycles of births and deaths

In the literature throughout all time, love is a passing pleasure, or else it

Up until now, philosophy, religion and literature have dealt with the

To literature, I respond that love is not a passion, even though it often is

It has been documented in the metaphysical literature

in the metaphysical literature, have struc-

the metaphysical and religious literature (and even the

Synonym: lit. Similar words: temperature, literate, obliterate, illiterate, alliteration, obliterated, literary, literally. Meaning: [‘lɪtərətʃʊr /-tʃə]  n. 1. creative writing of recognized artistic value 2. the humanistic study of a body of literature 3. published writings in a particular style on a particular subject 4. the profession or art of a writer. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Irvng Washington, Father of literature of the United States. 

2. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 

3. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency. 

4. He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature.

5. You can’t fully appreciate foreign literature in translation.

6. I can’t understand classical literature.

7. He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.

8. I shall take literature and mathematics this spring.

9. This is Chekhov’s contribution to Russian literature.

10. We talked of English literature.

11. English has a rich vocabulary and literature.

12. ‘Wuthering Heights’ is a classic of English literature.

13. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.

14. She was well educated in literature at a university.

15. Her daughter likes reading the classics of English literature.

16. He was an expert on ancient Chinese astronomical literature.

17. I picked up some literature about pensions.

18. His specialty is English literature.

19. Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster.

20. You can’t really appreciate foreign literature in translation.

21. He dipped deep into Western literature.

22. I minored in literature in addition to art.

23. There is a move to liberalize literature and the Arts.

24. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 was awarded to Mo Yan.

25. He was invited to lecture on American literature at our college.

26. He was well acquainted with the literature of France,(Sentencedict) Germany and Holland.

27. I shall take four different examples from contemporary literature to illustrate my point.

28. The teacher transfused a love of literature to his students.

29. He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.

30. It helps children to develop an appreciation of poetry and literature.

More similar words: temperature, literate, obliterate, illiterate, alliteration, obliterated, literary, literally, reiterate, nature, mature, feature, immature, in nature, by nature, creature, premature, signature, legislature, nomenclature, architecture, adulterate, inveterate, counterfeiter, saturn, natural, naturally, saturnine, unnatural, naturalist. 

Living literature as the source for learning about the world around us, rather than text books.


We can get by with a lot less stuff, and space to store it in, and downsizing shouldn’t be a huge loss even if you love literature, movies, music and the rest of it.


If I invested in large company MF’s then I would consider buying stocks directly; but, probably would use mutual fund literature to select individual small and mid cap companies for both stock and to screen employment opportunities 5) I will probably never get out of MF unless something changes dramatically in that area., The better MF managers visit the plants, talk to the manager’s, talk to the competition, and go to the trade shows etc..


Readers are kept guessing’til the end in this sweet story of love, mystery, art, literature, and Paris.


These experts are very knowledgeable in the language, its grammar, and the literature and offer grammatically-error-free Homework Helper Online.


A prime time for marital/relational interventions: a review of the transition to parenthood literature with treatment recommendations.


Bozarth-Campbell explains what happens when texts are transferred from surface structures to oral space: Through dialogue the phenomenon of interpretation may come to reveal what was hidden in itself, to show its own processes of rendering what was invisible and inaudible in literature both visible and audible in a dynamic presence (3).


You can download our product information literature via the links below.


In his opinion, Judge Posner noted that violence is an ageless theme of literature and the theater and one to which youth have been exposed from time immemorial.


Aspiration cytology is minimally invasive, but may miss a diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in a concerning number of patients — early literature suggests metastatic disease may be missed by lymph node aspiration in up to 40 % of patients!


A certain percentage advance to the idea that they can rely on thousands of years of secular philosophy and literature, and move past a fear of magic.


On the issue of planned home birth there is strong resistance reported in news articles from medical experts a position supported in a recently published systematic review of the medical literature on the maternal and newborn safety [39].


Always the inquisitive student, she thrives on change and growth, and is enthusiastic about slew of hobbies including gardening, cooking, dancing, language, literature, and blogging about this mishmash of interests at ~ ~ myOLIO ~ ~.


African American literature — The rise of the New Negro: During the first two decades of the 20th century, rampant racial injustices, led by weekly reports Since the beginning of the 20 th Century, the.


Though reception of Go Set a Watchman was decidedly mixed, To Kill a Mockingbird remains a touchstone of American literature.


If we are to insist upon unanimity in the social science literature before finding a compelling interest, we might never find one.


As well as teacher’s notes and literature, the scheme includes a fun online game called the Safety Factor Challenge to engage children on this important issue.


She said, «I am going to throw away all that literature that I’ve been handing out to my patients and I am going to try to get more realistic about [it].»


5 (2): 151-3], would be citation of peer-reviewed literature supporting the therapy in question is theoretically possible; demonstration of institutional review board oversight of the treatment; and approval from the FDA or other equivalent national regulatory body.


I also find it strange that Pielke criticises Trenberth for saying something that is not yet published in the reviewed literature.


I used it to unite my classes, turning my three AP literature sections into one Voxer group.


All meeting participants received a briefing book of resources and literature on the history of special education, patterns of disproportionality, cutting edge instructional practices (including the Universal Design for Learning framework), and special education policy in California.


Berlin-based artist Jorinde Voigt creates work by undertaking a systematic analysis of various phenomena, gleaned from the worlds of culture, science, music, history and literature.


These arguments have intellectual roots in literature regarding the restructuring of the institution of school from being under social control to employing competitive market-based strategies leading to improved outcomes for all students (e.g., Chubb & Moe 1990).


So 23andMe’s custom version (Plus) includes thousands of additional variants selected from the scientific literature, GWAS results, etc..


We are never late with delivery of completed literature essays and we guarantee plagiarism-free essay writing!


I was also interested in literature about magic realism written in that area and style, but I developed a certain interest for the metaphysical paintings and its surroundings.


Your university library has resources and specialists to help PhD’s (and other students and researchers) with literature reviews — it’s a big part of what we do!


She was, of course, about to change all that with the publication of her first novel, The Outsiders, and thus was young adult literature — the novel of contemporary realism — born.


Kramer neatly lays out aspects of Lawrence’s life that influenced the source material, and he has some choice things to say about Lawrence’s diminished reputation within a canon of modern literature that many academics and culture vultures no long even choose to recognize.


Reading instruction included teacher-directed reading of narrative and expository text, literature circles, and instruction in phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension.


(7) According to various literatures, hosting nations are reluctant to extend the distribution of national resources to refugees and asylum-seekers.


About Site — To promote reading and literacy and also children’s and adolescent literature and authors.


Test Sanitizes Literary Texts,» the saga of how the New York State Education Department had the chutzpah to change language in classic works of literature for statewide English exams.


We have read the growing body of literature that examines the impact of such trends on the uses (potentials and provisos) of digital technologies to support learning and teaching (Manfra, 2014; Swan & Hofer, 2008).


So, big gender effects, which was thoroughly consistent with some of the literature on gender differences.


Elizabeth Bales Frank, herself an author, blogs specifically about World War II literature on her site So Much So Many So Few.


«The current literature» means those studies the group chose to include in its review.


In fact, I highly encourage classroom teachers and other practitioners to contribute your ideas and philosophies to the literature through this site.


Or a sixth grade literature standard could ask how an author develops the narrator’s point of view in a text.


Describe how you plan to address the problems and reach your goals, how you plan to conduct the necessary literature survey.


See how trained teachers use developmentally appropriate literature as well as incorporate literacy skills in building their school family.


Aguas’s students participate in activities that promote self-discovery, such as creative writing, reader’s theater, and multicultural literature exploration.


«In academia, CRM companies are stigmatized for producing «gray literature»: reports nobody reads or cares about.


I call her the Marlene Dietrich of the desert,» says Victor Mair, a professor of Chinese language and literature at the University of Pennsylvania.


Planned Parenthood reps will be on site to share resources, literature and ways to get involved and stay active.


But it’s worth noting that even as sharp a guy as McCrum seems to see the rise of a new direction in literature more likely, apparently, «with all kinds of print flourishing, and the digital tide receding, as the e-boom stalls and hardbacks rally.»


Culturally relevant (or «responsive») pedagogy can be evidenced through literature, projects, assignments, events and field trips, ethnic studies courses, connections to families and communities, interventions and other resources.


Interestingly, he consulted the literature in a rather unexpected subject while conducting these calculations: winemaking — a science that involves, in part, dissolving sulfur dioxide in water to produce sulfites and bisulfites under oxygenless conditions similar to those on early Earth.


Conventional wisdom in the current mesoscale and weather literature argues that convective cold pools, small-scale gravity waves and gust fronts are key to the long-range propagation of organized convection in the Central U.S..


Definition of Literature

written works (such as poems, plays, and novels) that are considered to be very good and have lasting value

Examples of Literature in a sentence

Filled with literature, the library contained award-winning books from every genre.


Most literature written before 1928 is considered public domain and can be retold or rewritten into new stories.


A famous author of early literature, Aesop wrote hundreds of fables that used storytelling to explain the natural world.


My father enjoys reading long novels, but I find that type of literature boring.


The book of poems appears on several lists of award-winning literature.


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