The word lifestyle in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lifestyle, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lifestyle in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lifestyle». In addition, we also show how different variations of lifestyle can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are lifestyles and lifestyle—including. If you click on the variation of lifestyle that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Lifestyle in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lifestyle in a sentence.

  1. A homosexual lifestyle is a harmful one.».

  2. Terry-Thomas resumed his bachelor lifestyle.

  3. And he’s going to live a very modest lifestyle.

  4. Baháʼu’lláh prohibited a mendicant and ascetic lifestyle.

  5. Frusciante began living a more spiritual, ascetic lifestyle.

  6. The prince was plunged into debt by his exorbitant lifestyle.

  7. He built at Ripon and Hexham, and lived a majestic lifestyle.

  8. Others, however, continued to decry Wollstonecraft’s lifestyle.

  9. The risk of developing DLB has not been linked to any specific lifestyle factors.

  10. Numerous physiological adaptations aid the lifestyle of the short-beaked echidna.

  11. Tribes of the northern Willamette Valley practiced a generally settled lifestyle.

  12. As his wealth increased, Bottomley adopted an increasingly ostentatious lifestyle.

  13. The authors associated these differences with the thylacine’s predatory lifestyle.

  14. George’s heavy drinking and indulgent lifestyle had taken their toll on his health by the late 1820s.

  15. To meet the costs of his lifestyle, Davidson needed more money than his Stiffkey living could provide.

  16. Mei-li is fascinated by Linda, who urges her to adopt the American lifestyle («I Enjoy Being a Girl»).

  17. At metamorphosis, rapid changes in the body take place as the lifestyle of the frog changes completely.

  18. Vampirism and the vampire lifestyle also represent a relevant part of modern day’s occultist movements.

  19. The lifestyle of Archaeopteryx is difficult to reconstruct and there are several theories regarding it.

  20. By the summer of 1928 his general lifestyle had created severe financial problems, despite his industry.

  21. In typical amphibian development, eggs are laid in water and larvae are adapted to an aquatic lifestyle.

  22. This lifestyle was unusual for the time, and was described as «remarkable tomfoolery» in the local press.

  23. Song lyrics were usually about escapist themes such as mythology, fantasy, horror and the rock lifestyle.

  24. During this time, Cleveland assumed a lifestyle of simplicity, taking residence in a plain boarding house.

  25. Despite their adaptations to a low-energy lifestyle, they have meagre fat reserves and need to feed often.

  26. Savage ended up in Bristol however, and once again fell into debt by reliving his former London lifestyle.

  27. David had once admired and emulated his older brother but had since left the survivalist lifestyle behind.

  28. In a 1995 interview with the Daily Mirror, she described her lifestyle thus: «I drink, I swear, I like sex».

  29. In Egypt, Antony continued to enjoy the lavish royal lifestyle he had witnessed aboard Cleopatra’s ship docked at Tarsos.

  30. Having moved to South Australia in 2003, Brooks started Local, which he billed as the state’s leading lifestyle magazine.

  31. From his youth until early middle age, Tucker’s lofty social lifestyle was often profligate, and occasionally scandalous.

  32. As a critic, he earned no money, and while his lifestyle was modest, he sometimes found himself in financial difficulties.

  33. The early chapters of the novel centre on Bond’s private life, with Fleming using his own lifestyle as a basis for Bond’s.

  34. Despite his lifestyle, his political sympathies laid with the pious, chiefly evidenced by his deference to Raja’s counsel.

  35. Wagner’s operas, writings, politics, beliefs and unorthodox lifestyle made him a controversial figure during his lifetime.

  36. After 27 years of living and working in Kuala Lumpur, Lat moved back to Ipoh for a more sedate lifestyle in semi-retirement.

  37. Her lifestyle amused journalists, particularly when it was revealed she had a multi-million pound overdraft with Coutts Bank.

  38. It has been pointed out how δC can be influenced by other factors in an animal’s lifestyle, such as diet and diving behavior.

  39. After she accepted the role, Richard was told by Julia Smith that she would have to change her appearance, to make it more in keeping with Pauline’s unglamorous lifestyle.

  40. The first three are adaptations to the semiaquatic lifestyle that Oryzomys and the members of the Holochilus group share, and may thus be examples of convergent evolution.

  41. We all get along great as we’ve known each other for maybe four years and he already has the experience to take on the circus-like lifestyle we lead as members of Opeth.».

  42. The processes (bony projections that serve as muscle and rib attachments) projecting from the centra were greatly reduced as an adaptation for its fully aquatic lifestyle.

  43. Humans have inhabited the Columbia’s watershed for more than 15,000 years, with a transition to a sedentary lifestyle based mainly on salmon starting about 3,500 years ago.

Lifestyles in a sentence

Lifestyles is a variation of lifestyle, below you can find example sentences for lifestyles.

  1. He calls for a return to primitivist lifestyles.

  2. Such injuries can be the result of very active, predatory lifestyles.

  3. Jughead is a beatnik, and the others are leading glamorous lifestyles.

  4. A lion may switch lifestyles; nomads can become residents and vice versa.

  5. Spinosaurines appear to have been more adapted for such lifestyles than baryonychines.

  6. Schonberg, which brought changes to the early 19th-century lifestyles of the working masses.

  7. Wong chose to base the Peacock family on the Wards, incorporating their lifestyles into the script.

  8. Fossil evidence suggests spinosaurids, especially spinosaurines, were adapted for semiaquatic lifestyles.

  9. Several episodes introduce electrical appliances and ideas associated with urban lifestyles to the villagers.

  10. Officials closed and resealed with stone with 38 new items depicting Michigan’s history, people, and lifestyles.

  11. Despite their contrasting lifestyles, Pacha acts as a father figure for Kuzco, helping him with his assignments.

  12. Applewhite and Nettles arranged their followers’ lifestyles as a boot camp that would prepare them for the Next Level.

  13. Before the frog became rare, and when subsistence lifestyles were more common, it was hunted and eaten by Australian Aborigines.

  14. Fungal reproduction is complex, reflecting the differences in lifestyles and genetic makeup within this diverse kingdom of organisms.

  15. The board was initially centered around NEET and hikikomori lifestyles, and is credited as the origin of the «greentext» rhetorical style.

  16. The extravagant lifestyles of the fifth and sixth lairds led to the sequestration of the estate, which was sold off piecemeal to pay their debts.

  17. Beginning in the 17th century, contact with Europeans brought significant changes to the lifestyles of Native Americans in the Colorado River basin.

  18. Iwata later admitted in 2014 that he had misread the market and had not appropriately accounted for changing lifestyles since the launch of the Wii.

  19. Rodents are extremely diverse in their ecology and lifestyles and can be found in almost every terrestrial habitat, including human-made environments.

  20. The title track was intended to represent Californian lifestyles and, more specifically, the «fake» nature which is associated with much of Hollywood.

Lifestyle—including in a sentence

Lifestyle—including is a variation of lifestyle, below you can find example sentences for lifestyle—including.

  1. One’s lifestyle—including diet, exercise, appropriate social behavior, and approved medical remedies—was the way to good health, and all types of food were assigned certain properties that affected a person’s health.

Synonyms for lifestyle

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word lifestyle has the following synonyms: life style, life-style and modus vivendi.

General information about «lifestyle» example sentences

The example sentences for the word lifestyle that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lifestyle» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lifestyle».

Definition of Lifestyle

the way in which a person lives

Examples of Lifestyle in a sentence

Living an extravagant lifestyle, the wealthy widow lived in expensive condos and took exotic vacations all year.


After her divorce, Jenny experienced a lifestyle change, since it was harder to survive off one income instead of two.


The college student’s lifestyle consisted of lots of partying and a little studying.




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lifestyle — перевод на русский


— Christine has a certain lifestyle.

— У Кристины есть образ жизни.

But we must at least give him credit… for guaranteeing our peace and security. And for giving us back so quickly our accustomed lifestyle.

что так быстро вернул нам наш привычный образ жизни.

I seem to be having difficulty with MY lifestyle.

Мой образ жизни вряд ли можно назвать спокойным.

I seem to be having difficulty with MY lifestyle.

«Мой образ жизни вряд ли можно назвать спокойным»

I gotta change my whole lifestyle.

Я должен сменить свой образ жизни.

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If she likes that lifestyle, let her stay.

Если ей нравится такой стиль жизни, ну её.

like the song says, it’s a scientific lifestyle.

как говорится в песне, это научный стиль жизни.

Whole new lifestyle.

Совершенно новый стиль жизни.

But you know, this marriage is not going to change my current lifestyle.

Но знаешь, этот брак не изменит мой нынешний стиль жизни.

Call it a lifestyle.

Это мой стиль жизни.

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Well, Mr Crabb, I’m more interested in the primitive lifestyle of the Plains Indian than I am in tall tales about Custer.

Понимаете, мистер Крэб, меня больше интересует примитивный склад жизни индейцев, чем байки про Кастера.

There was a period when Coca cola was your enemy because it was part of the western lifestyle.

Это было время, когда кока-кола была твоим врагом только потому, что являлась частью западной жизни.

That’s totally contradictory with our capitalist lifestyle.

Это совершенно противоречит нашей капиталистической жизни.

«It seems unlikely for this child to return home his mother having rejected him for her own lifestyle.»

«Кажется маловероятным, что этот ребёнок вернётся домой мать отказалась от него ради своей личной жизни.»

The Fort Reno Days Festival highlights settler, Indian, and military lifestyles of years past, and the military contingent boasts an actual member of the 5th Cavalry.

Фестиваль «Дни Рено Форта» посвящен переселенцам, индейцам и военному стилю жизни в прошлом, и военной части, действующему члену 5-й кавалерии.

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I started selling so I could maintain my lifestyle, not dismantle it.

Я начала продавать, чтобы поддерживать прежний образ жизни… А не менять его.

These gay perverts and pedophiles who recruit our children to participate in their deviant lifestyle, including the ones who do it in our public schools.

Этих голубых извращенцев и педофилов, которые призывают наших детей вести их образ жизни, в том числе и в наших школах.

And I’m not sure Valentino wants, really wants to change his, you know, own lifestyle after so many years.

А я не уверен, что Валентино по-настоящему хочет изменить образ жизни после стольких лет.

Hey, that’s my lifestyle ok!

У меня такой образ жизни!

Anyway, I’m on my own now… and I need to make manager by the end of the year… so that I can maintain my lifestyle…

В любом случае, сейчас я сама по себе. И мне нужно стать менеджером до конца этого года, Чтобы мне не пришлось менять образ жизни.

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Yes, a lifestyle that I once knew.

Да, стиль, который я когда-то знал.

We’d like to retire and maintain our lifestyle without paying a lot of taxes.

— И сохранить прежний стиль жизни, не выплачивая кучи налогов.

You want your line to representthe waldorf lifestyle.

Вы хотите, чтобы ваша линия символизировала жизненный стиль Уолдорф.

Your lifestyle’s high

Твой стиль высок

That kind of lifestyle might fly in Europe but, but it’s not gonna get you very far here in Rosewood.

Такой стиль жизни, возможно, подходит для Европы, но здесь, в Роузвуде, он никуда тебя не приведет.

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Relatives say that the victim had surprised his friends and family by declaring himself a homosexual and saying he wished to lead an openly gay lifestyle.»

–одственники сообщают, что пострадавший шокировал свою семью и друзей, объ€вив себ€ гомосексуалистом и за€вив, что будучи геем хочет жить открыто.»

I want to go to the Greek Theatre and I want to save your job, and I want to perform for my fans and do something that ain’t selfish, ’cause this is not working for me as a lifestyle choice.

Я хочу поехать в Грик Театри, чтобы ты сохранил свою работу, а я смог выступить для своих фанатов, и я наконец то сделаю что-нибудь не ради себя, потому что так дальше жить я не могу.

You know, there’s only, uh, only one way to make the lifestyle really work.

Знаешь, есть только один, хм.. один способ так жить.

But given the lectures that I gave her about her lifestyle, maybe more so.

Но, учитывая лекции, о том как надо жить, может быть немного больше.

I don’t know her lifestyle, for instance.

Мне не нравится, например, как она живет.

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Который затем вызывающе продемонстрировал свой жизненный стиль, приведя на выпускной своего любовника и устроив то, что было описано как весьма провокационный танец.


«Жизненный стиль» Шейла Годдард расскажет нам, что необходимо для организации победной вечеринки нового мэра.

Right, well, we could all use a vacation. It’s less of a vacation and, uh, more… of a lifestyle change.

Хорошо,так, мы все могли бы взять отпуск меньше отдыха и,ам,больше жизненный стиль изменился длинные выходные могут чувствовать большие изменения тоже

You talk about it as a lifestyle.

Ты говоришь о жизненном стиле.

Oh, God, am I in an abusive relationship with a lifestyle guru?

Боже, я состою в уничижительных отношениях, с гуру жизненного стиля.

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I mean, don’t let G.E.D. be a lifestyle choice.

В смысле, не позволить аттестату определить твой жизненный путь.

It is not a lifestyle choice.

Это не жизненный выбор.

Charles was a doctor to the stars, but he was also drug addict, and his wife Nora wasn’t gonna let that get in the way of her lifestyle.

Чарльз был врачом от бога, а ещё он был наркоманом, но его жена Нора не собиралась позволить этому увлечению встать на ее жизненном пути.

I’ll have you know that wanting a little pageantry in your life isn’t a crime or a lifestyle choice.

Хочу тебе сообщить, что небольшая показушность в жизни — это не преступление, а жизненный выбор!

I didn’t get… hey, I’m cool with your lifestyle choice.

Ничего. Я не поняла. Я не против вашего жизненного выбора.

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And money pays for my lifestyle.

А деньги обеспечивают мой уровень жизни.

Leslie doesn’t pay for my lifestyle, money does.

Лесли не обеспечивает мой уровень жизни, это делают деньги.

I hope he’ll be rich… and able to provide her with the lifestyle…

Надеюсь он очень богат… и сможет обеспечить ей тот уровень жизни…

A better lifestyle, better culture.

Здравствуйте! Для улучшения Вашего уровня жизни и культуры подпишитесь на нашу кредитную карту.

How do you think we support this lifestyle?

Как ты думаешь, каким образом мы поддерживаем такой уровень жизни?

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1. They lived a very lavish lifestyle .

2. Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.

3. They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders.

4. He ran up stupendous debts through his extravagant lifestyle.

5. Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle .

6. The writer’s flamboyant lifestyle was well known.

7. He doesn’t have a very healthy lifestyle.

8. His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.

9. She had to change her lifestyle and eating habits.

10. They enjoyed an income and lifestyle that many people would envy.

11. He had a wildly extravagant lifestyle.

12. Suddenly she was catapulted into his jet-set lifestyle.

13. They lead an extremely lavish lifestyle.

14. She’s always cutting down my lifestyle.

15. Their spartan lifestyle prohibits a fridge or a phone.

16. She made some rather barbed comments about my lifestyle.

17. She has a lifestyle which most people would envy.

18. a healthy child / diet / lifestyle.

19. We want them to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

20. The latest lifestyle trend is downshifting.

21. They enjoy a very comfortable lifestyle.

22. Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.

23. I was filled with envy at their adventurous lifestyle.

24. Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle.

25. When she lost her job they could no longer sustain their expensive lifestyle.

26. The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.

27. We all spent a lot of time tut-tutting about Angie and her lifestyle.

28. Exercise is one of the key components of a healthy lifestyle.

29. His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.

30. Before our modern age,[] people had a more physical and active lifestyle.

More similar words: life, for life, lifetime, wildlife, to the life, come to life, self-esteem, nasty, wife, confess, lift, confession, profession, cliff, professional, nullify, qualify, nest, best, quest, test, forest, chest, guest, estate, modest, had best, rest on, arrest, request. 

стиль жизни


- образ или уклад жизни (отдельного человека или семьи)

Мои примеры


spartan lifestyle — спартанский образ жизни  
healthy lifestyle — здоровый образ жизни  
lifestyle management — управление образом жизни  
that’s his lifestyle — это его стиль жизни  
modification of lifestyle — изменение качества жизни  
lifestyle trend — тенденция развития образа жизни  
urban lifestyle — городская жизнь  
lifestyle segmentation — сегментирование по образу жизни  
consumer lifestyle — образ жизни потребителей; стиль жизни потребителя; образ жизни потребителя  
lifestyle advertising — реклама образа жизни  

Примеры с переводом

They have an adventurous lifestyle.

Они живут рискованной /отчаянной/ жизнью.

They enjoy a comfortable lifestyle.

Им нравится комфортный образ жизни.

Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Регулярные физические упражнения являются частью здорового образа жизни.

She has a lifestyle which most people would envy.

У неё такой стиль жизни, которому большинство людей позавидовали бы.

He led a rather monastic lifestyle.

Он вёл довольно монашеский образ жизни.

Her lifestyle is rather unconventional.

Она ведёт весьма нетрадиционный образ жизни.

They lead an extremely lavish lifestyle.

Они ведут чрезвычайно расточительный образ жизни.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Eating right and exercising are essential to having a healthy lifestyle.

Her unusual lifestyle set her apart as a child.

…a Lucullan lifestyle that included the requisite mansion and yacht…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): lifestyle
мн. ч.(plural): lifestyles

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