The word life in example sentences

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word life, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use life in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «life».

Life in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word life in a sentence.

  1. Less is known of his life.

  2. There is life in movement.

  3. A fair field holding life.

  4. It makes my life miserable.

  5. Her life was a long suicide.

  6. Mariana had a difficult life.

  7. He chose to take his own life.

  8. On the other, hope and life.».

  9. Proteins are essential to life.

  10. His subsequent life is unknown.

  11. The fascination with his life and career continues.

  12. Fetus, an intelligent fetus in a life support suit.

  13. He lived out the remainder of his life in Paradise.

  14. If was a digest-sized magazine throughout its life.

  15. He was an extraordinary man, full of love and life.

  16. All three were convicted of murder in March 1966 and sentenced to life in prison.

  17. Simone leaves Harmony with her sister Whitney to start a new life in New Orleans.

  18. Lyrically, the album addresses relationships, self-reflection, and everyday life.

  19. He spent the first seven years of his life in Fiji, starting his schooling there.

  20. I think that’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen at any time in my life!

  21. Dannatt was nominated for a life peerage by David Cameron while Cameron was Leader of the Opposition.

  22. Weaver financially supported Joyce throughout the entirety of his life and even paid for his funeral.

  23. The sufferings and hardships of these Frenchmen, so poorly adapted for pioneer life, were very great.

  24. Many Americans are living complicated lives now few of us have moved through life in a straight line.

  25. On 26 January, in exchange for his life, he told the authorities where they could find Father Garnet.

  26. Although not a method actor, she believed the intense role had left her on edge in her personal life.

  27. As his infection takes hold, Sam attacks Ellie, but Henry shoots him dead before taking his own life.

  28. The celebration of his life began spontaneously within half an hour of the announcement of his death.

  29. Keulemans mostly worked from skins rather than life, but attempted to depict the birds realistically.

  30. Maximian retired to villas in Campania, Lucania or Sirmium, where he lived a life of ease and luxury.

  31. Throughout his adult life, he was in a relationship with Krupskaya, a fellow Marxist whom he married.

  32. In 1641, four years after Jonson’s death, private notes written during his later life were published.

  33. The day after the wreck, Mariners’ Church in Detroit rang its bell 29 times; once for each life lost.

  34. The spines of Amargasaurus led to much speculation about their possible life appearance and function.

  35. Later in his life he rejected this theory, and instead proposed an alternative language-game analogy.

  36. Irish peers were allowed to elect twenty-eight representative peers as Lords Temporal, each of whom could serve for life.

  37. While her husband was still president-elect, press reports speculated about Reagan’s social life and interest in fashion.

  38. The financial troubles which would persist throughout Andreas’s life began shortly after Cardinal Bessarion died in 1472.

  39. Georg Cantor had a fatal heart attack on January 6, 1918, in the sanatorium where he had spent the last year of his life.

  40. However, he declared his love for the club and accepted a four-year contract, and said he would stay at Arsenal for life.

  41. The Tequesta were a sedentary community that lived on fish and other sea life, with no significant agricultural activity.

  42. His life has often been portrayed as that of a jazz musician who had to compromise his art for the sake of commercialism.

  43. During these times, it is possible that Saturn’s moon Titan could achieve surface temperatures necessary to support life.

  44. Queen Victoria was inconsolable, wore mourning clothes for the rest of her life and blamed Edward for his father’s death.

  45. Also, viruses are recognised as ancient, and to have origins that pre-date the divergence of life into the three domains.

  46. It is an orange giant star of spectral type K2III that has swollen to around 11 times the diameter of the Sun, having spent much of its life as a white main-sequence star.

  47. The Lord Privy Seal, Lord Clarendon, wrote, «What the country cares about is to have a life more, whether male or female, between the succession and the King of Hanover.».

  48. He cared nothing for social life, but with one or two companions on a sketching and fishing trip with his pipe and Hudson Bay tobacco going, he was a delightful companion.

  49. This reconstruction is 11.3 meters (37 ft) long and represents a mature male, based on the ontogenetic changes a great white shark experiences over the course of its life.

  50. Further studies are needed to determine the underlying mechanisms of its extracellular actions and their importance for human health and life processes in other organisms.

Synonyms for life

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word life has the following synonyms: animation, living, aliveness, biography, life story, life history, life sentence, lifetime, life-time, lifespan, liveliness, spirit and sprightliness.

General information about «life» example sentences

The example sentences for the word life that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «life» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «life».

Sentences with the word Life?



  • «Abandon your life to God»; «She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti»; «We gave the drowning victim up for dead»
  • «the abbreviated speech»; «her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking»; «an unsatisfactory truncated conversation»
  • «aboriginal forests»; «primal eras before the appearance of life on earth»; «the forest primeval»; «primordial matter»; «primordial forms of life«
  • «I wasted a year of my life working on an abort»; «he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area»
  • «debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity»; «a life of hardship»
  • «the ageless themes of love and revenge»; «eternal truths»; «life everlasting»; «hell’s perpetual fires»; «the unending bliss of heaven»
  • «afraid even to turn his head»; «suddenly looked afraid»; «afraid for his life«; «afraid of snakes»; «afraid to ask questions»
  • «start afresh»; «wanted to write the story anew»; «starting life anew in a fresh place»
  • «We agreed on the terms of the settlement»; «I can’t agree with you!»; «I hold with those who say life is sacred»; «Both philosophers concord on this point»
  • «the aleatory element in life«
  • «while there’s life there’s hope»; «life depends on many chemical and physical processes»
  • «an alternative life style»
  • «life in the camps had brutalized him»
  • «advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe»
  • «The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered»
  • «an appetite for life«; «the object of life is to satisfy as many appetencies as possible»- Granville Hicks
  • «apprehensive for one’s life«; «apprehensive of danger»
  • «a country life of arcadian contentment»; «a pleasant bucolic scene»; «charming in its pastoral setting»; «rustic tranquility»
  • «archaic forms of life«; «primitive mammals»; «the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe»
  • «arrange my schedule»; «set up one’s life«; «I put these memories with those of bygone times»
  • «She ascended from a life of poverty to one of great renown»
  • «Be systematically ascetic…do…something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it»- William James; «a desert nomad’s austere life«; «a spartan diet»; «a spartan existence»
  • «attacks on women increased last year»; «they made an attempt on his life«
  • «this book is the final authority on the life of Milton»
  • «he worked away at the project for more than a year»; «the child kept hammering away as if his life depended on it»
  • «led a very bad life«
  • «balmy days and nights»; «the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth»; «a soft breeze»
  • «the bane of my life«
  • «base and unpatriotic motives»; «a base, degrading way of life«; «cheating is dishonorable»; «they considered colonialism immoral»; «unethical practices in handling public funds»
  • «The U.S. started a war in the Middle East»; «The Iraqis began hostilities»; «begin a new chapter in your life«
  • «led a dissipated life«; «a betting man»; «a card-playing son of a bitch»; «a gambling fool»; «sporting gents and their ladies»
  • «a biennial life cycle»; «parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals»
  • «graduation was a big day in his life«
  • «the future looked black»; «prospects were bleak»; «life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult»- J.M.Synge; «took a dim view of things»
  • «has lived a blameless life«; «of irreproachable character»; «an unimpeachable reputation»
  • «a bohemian life style»
  • «bored with life«; «strolled through the museum with a bored air»
  • «she wan not ready to put the brakes on her life with a marriage»; «new legislation will put the brakes on spending»
  • «He breathed new life into the old house»
  • «the brilliant court life at Versailles»; «a glorious work of art»; «magnificent cathedrals»; «the splendid coronation ceremony»
  • «The life vest buoyed him up»
  • «I’ve lived in this burg all my life«
  • «a very busy week»; «a busy life«; «a busy street»; «a busy seaport»
  • «a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys»; «eyes were haggard and cavernous»; «small pinched faces»; «kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration»
  • «spoke in a calm voice»; «remained calm throughout the uproar»; «he remained serene in the midst of turbulence»; «a serene expression on her face»; «she became more tranquil»; «tranquil life in the country»
  • «I carry her image in my mind’s eye»; «I will carry the secret to my grave»; «I carry these thoughts in the back of my head»; «I carry a lot of life insurance»
  • «Adam would have been carried over into the life eternal»
  • «the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation»; «a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped»—Hippocrates; «the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females»—Aristotle
  • «the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology»; «he had no direction in his life«
  • «he was certain to fail»; «his fate is certain»; «In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes»- Benjamin Franklin; «he faced certain death»; «sudden but sure regret»; «he is sure to win»
  • «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»
  • «looking chipper, like a man…diverted by his own wit»- Frances G. Patton; «life that is gay, brisk, and debonair»- H.M.Reynolds; «walked with a jaunty step»; «a jaunty optimist»
  • «civilian clothing»; «civilian life«
  • «led a clean life«
  • «My personal feelings color my judgment in this case»; «The sadness tinged his life«
  • «The water came to a boil»; «We came to understand the true meaning of life«; «Their anger came to a boil»; «I came to realize the true meaning of life«; «The shoes came untied»; «come into contact with a terrorist group»; «his face went red»; «your wish will come true»
  • «All these flowers come to life when the rains come»
  • «If you look at it long enough, this portrait comes to life
  • «a life of luxury and ease»; «he had all the material comforts of this world»
  • «Some Amish people have commercialized their way of life«
  • «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church»
  • «he complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher»
  • «The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life«; «The contract stipulates the dates of the payments»
  • «a life consecrated to science»; «the consecrated chapel»; «a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II»
  • «a constricted blood vessel»; «a constricted view of life«
  • «the cost in human life was enormous»; «the price of success is hard work»; «what price glory?»
  • «his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country»
  • «The accident has crippled her for life«
  • «the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms»; «a deep dark secret»; «the inscrutable workings of Providence»; «in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life«- Rachel Carson; «rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands»
  • «what a cushy job!»; «the easygoing life of a parttime consultant»; «a soft job»
  • «You cannot compartmentalize your life like this!»
  • «a dangerous operation»; «a grave situation»; «a grave illness»; «grievous bodily harm»; «a serious wound»; «a serious turn of events»; «a severe case of pneumonia»; «a life-threatening disease»
  • «he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life«
  • «life in the camp drained him»
  • «a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility»; «a group of effete self-professed intellectuals»
  • «This scene depicts country life«; «the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting»
  • «men in exile dream of hope»; «his deportation to a penal colony»; «the expatriation of wealthy farmers»; «the sentence was one of transportation for life«
  • «a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity»; «boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law»
  • «made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber»; «the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war»- G.C.Marshall; «they took heroic measures to save his life«
  • «education is an important determinant of one’s outlook on life«
  • «large sums devoted to the care of the poor»; «a life devoted to poetry»
  • «he was resigned to a life of dishonor»
  • «a distastefully explicit report on the Royal couple’s marital life«
  • «a dour, self-sacrificing life«; «a forbidding scowl»; «a grim man loving duty more than humanity»; «undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw»- J.M.Barrie
  • «her drab personality»; «life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas»; «a series of dreary dinner parties»
  • «a dry book»; «a dry lecture filled with trivial details»; «dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to…life«- John Mason Brown
  • «there was a dullness in his heart»; «without him the dullness of her life crept into her work no matter how she tried to compartmentalize it.»
  • «in an early stage»; «early forms of life«; «early man»; «an early computer»
  • «earthly beings»; «believed that our earthly life is all that matters»; «earthly love»; «our earthly home»
  • «an earthy enjoyment of life«
  • «the flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client’s still life«
  • «economic growth»; «aspects of social, political, and economical life«
  • «education is a preparation for life«; «a girl’s education was less important than a boy’s»
  • «a circle was the embodiment of his concept of life«
  • «a life of enforced inactivity»; «enforced obedience»
  • «the glory of his envisioned future»; «the snow-covered Alps pictured in her imagination»; «the visualized scene lacked the ugly details of real life«
  • «an erratic comet»; «his life followed a wandering course»; «a planetary vagabond»
  • «romantic novels were her escape from the stress of daily life«; «his alcohol problem was a form of escapism»
  • «food and shelter are necessities of life«; «the essentials of the good life«; «allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions»; «a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained»
  • «many factors are involved in any estimate of human life«; «in my estimation the boy is innocent»
  • «the most exhausting and eventful day of my life«
  • «lead a blameless life evermore»
  • «real objects»; «real people; not ghosts»; «a film based on real life«; «a real illness»; «real humility»; «life is real! life is earnest!»- Longfellow
  • «Service runs all the way to Cranbury»; «His knowledge doesn’t go very far»; «My memory extends back to my fourth year of life«; «The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets»
  • «The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children»
  • «is there extraterrestrial life
  • «he felt that his entire life had been a failure»; «that year there was a crop failure»
  • «farming is a strenuous life«; «there’s no work on the land any more»
  • «her dignified manner»; «his rapid manner of talking»; «their nomadic mode of existence»; «in the characteristic New York style»; «a lonely way of life«; «in an abrasive fashion»
  • «a felicitous life«; «a happy outcome»
  • «a festive (or festal) occasion»; «gay and exciting night life«; «a merry evening»
  • «moss-grown ideas about family life«
  • «The police car pursued the suspected attacker»; «Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life«
  • «a full glass»; «a sky full of stars»; «a full life«; «the auditorium was full to overflowing»
  • «they played word games»; «he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time»; «his life was all fun and games»
  • «for actors, memorizing lines is no game»; «for him, life is all fun and games»
  • «The suspects were imprisoned without trial»; «the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life«
  • «led a gay Bohemian life«; «a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies»
  • «He gave his life for his children»; «I gave two sons to the war»
  • «he valued glory above life itself»
  • «the idealization of rural life was very misleading»
  • «a godly man»; «leading a godly life«
  • «a strikers’ tent camp…was burned with needless loss of life«
  • «he recorded all the little haps and mishaps of his life«
  • «a hapless victim»; «miserable victims of war»; «the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic»- Galsworthy; «piteous appeals for help»; «pitiable homeless children»; «a pitiful fate»; «Oh, you poor thing»; «his poor distorted limbs»; «a wretched life«
  • «I cannot think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women»- James Boswell; «the many hardships of frontier life«
  • «wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus»; «the nomad life is rough and hazardous»
  • «a hole-and-corner life in some obscure community»- H.G.Wells
  • «an honorable man»; «led an honorable life«; «honorable service to his country»
  • «The mayor tried to humanize life in the big city»
  • «the half-life of humic acid is measured in centuries»
  • «a hurried trip to the store»; «the hurried life of a city»; «a hurried job»
  • «read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice»; «she had a warm mesmeric charm»; «the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing»; «a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome»
  • «his idyllic life in Tahiti»
  • «life imitate art»
  • «politics is an impermanent factor of life«- James Thurber; «impermanent palm cottages»; «a temperary arrangement»; «temporary housing»
  • «illness forced him to live an inactive life«; «dreamy and inactive by nature»
  • «he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation»
  • «an incomplete account of his life«; «political consequences of incomplete military success»; «an incomplete forward pass»
  • «passed his life in an inconsiderable village»; «their duties were inconsiderable»; «had no inconsiderable influence»
  • «she was the most important influence in my life«; «he was a bad influence on the children»
  • «He injected new life into the performance»
  • «Beethoven’s manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle»- Leonard Bernstein; «she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it»- David Denby; «an internal sense of rightousness»- A.R.Gurney,Jr.
  • «the advantages of instant coffee are speed of preparation and long shelf life«
  • «is there intelligent life in the universe?»; «an intelligent question»
  • «she led a somewhat irregular private life«; «maverick politicians»
  • «Islam is a complete way of life, not a Sunday religion»; «the term Muhammadanism is offensive to Muslims who believe that Allah, not Muhammad, founded their religion»
  • «a dull lackluster life«; «a lusterless performance»
  • «We risked losing a lot of money in this venture»; «Why risk your life?»; «She laid her job on the line when she told the boss that he was wrong»
  • «he writes in his leisure hours»; «life as it ought to be for the leisure classes»- J.J.Chapman; «even the artist and the sculptor were not regarded…as leisured men»- Ida Craven
  • «social life«; «city life«; «real life«
  • «he hoped for a new life in Australia»; «he wanted to live his own life without interference from others»; «get a life!» «he is trying to rebuild his life«
  • «I have known him all his life«
  • «he appointed himself emperor for life«
  • «his heroism saved a life«
  • «the oceans are teeming with life«
  • «there is no life on the moon»
  • «pottery was his life«
  • «he got life for killing the guard»
  • «the battery had a short life«; «he lived a long and happy life«
  • «it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it»
  • «he could no longer cope with the complexities of life«
  • «in England they call life insurance life assurance»
  • «the astronauts relied on their life-support systems»
  • «the patient is on life support»
  • «vital organs»; «blood and other vital fluids»; «the loss of vital heat in shock»; «a vital spot»; «life-giving love and praise»
  • «a life-size sculpture»
  • «the light of my life«
  • «a dynamic full of life woman»; «a vital and charismatic leader»; «this whole lively world»
  • «a long life«; «a long boring speech»; «a long time»; «a long friendship»; «a long game»; «long ago»; «an hour long»
  • «We met once long ago»; «they long ago forsook their nomadic life«; «left for work long ago»; «he has long since given up mountain climbing»; «This name has long since been forgotten»; «lang syne» is Scottish
  • «his lovemaking disgusted her»; «he hadn’t had any love in months»; «he has a very complicated love life«
  • «lurid crimes»; «a lurid life«
  • «a meaningless endeavor»; «a meaningless life«; «a verbose but meaningless explanation»
  • «he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life«
  • «appalled by the social conditions of migrant life«; «migratory workers»
  • «I misread Hamlet all my life
  • «the great Moloch of war»; «duty has become the Moloch of modern life«- Norman Douglas
  • «monogamous marriage»; «monogamous for life«
  • «moral sense»; «a moral scrutiny»; «a moral lesson»; «a moral quandary»; «moral convictions»; «a moral life«
  • «his house, his business, indeed, his whole life was heavily mortgaged»
  • «the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise»; «movement is a sign of life«; «an impatient move of his hand»; «gastrointestinal motility»
  • «multiple birth»; «multiple ownership»; «made multiple copies of the speech»; «his multiple achievements in public life«; «her multiple personalities»; «a pineapple is a multiple fruit»
  • «a teenager’s naive ignorance of life«; «the naive assumption that things can only get better»; «this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances»
  • «a negative outlook on life«; «a colorless negative personality»; «a negative evaluation»; «a negative reaction to an advertising campaign»
  • «ran a negative campaign»; «delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life«
  • «he owned a network of shops»; «retirement meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been part of my life«; «tangled in a web of cloth»
  • «a disease of frequent occurrence»; «the occurrence (or presence) of life on other planets»
  • «oceanic waters»; «oceanic life«
  • «The doctors operated on the patient but failed to save his life«
  • «organic life«; «organic growth»; «organic remains found in rock»
  • «how well organized she is»; «his life was almost too organized»
  • «the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view»; «helping freshmen become oriented to college life«; «the book is value-oriented throughout»
  • «otiose lines in a play»; «advice is wasted words»; «a pointless remark»; «a life essentially purposeless»; «senseless violence»
  • «the overall pattern of his life«
  • «dangerous waters»; «a parlous journey on stormy seas»; «a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat»; «the precarious life of an undersea diver»; «dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery»
  • «the path of virtue»; «we went our separate ways»; «our paths in life led us apart»; «genius usually follows a revolutionary path»
  • «philosophical resignation»; «a philosophic attitude toward life«
  • «get to the point»; «he missed the point of the joke»; «life has lost its point»
  • «in some species of coelenterate, polyps are a phase in the life cycle that alternates with a medusoid phase»
  • «the area is well populated»; «forests populated with all kinds of wild life«
  • «he had the status of a minor»; «the novel attained the status of a classic»; «atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life«
  • «a private place»; «private discussions»; «private lessons»; «a private club»; «a private secretary»; «private property»; «the former President is now a private citizen»; «public figures struggle to maintain a private life«
  • «She proved to be right»; «The medicine turned out to save her life«; «She turned up HIV positive»
  • «led a happy purposeful life«
  • «the pursuit of love»; «life is more than the pursuance of fame»; «a quest for wealth»
  • «the new art museum is expected to improve the quality of life«
  • «a quiet life«; «a quiet throng of onlookers»; «quiet peace-loving people»; «the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years»
  • «lived an unsocial reclusive life«
  • «After his accident, he had to restructure his life«; «The governing board was reconstituted»
  • «a redemptive theory about life«- E.K.Brown
  • «their views of life were reductive and depreciatory» — R.H.Rovere
  • «they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life«
  • «He repainted the same scenery many times during his life«
  • «providing a secure and sometimes happy life for the retarded»
  • «he retired from life when his wife died»
  • «The discussions with my teacher reverberated throughout my adult life«
  • «led a vagabond life«; «a rootless wanderer»
  • «a rugged competitive examination»; «the rugged conditions of frontier life«; «the competition was tough»; «it’s a tough life«; «it was a tough job»
  • «he painted scenes from everyday life«; «figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment»
  • «a seedy district»; «the seamy side of life«; «sleazy characters hanging around casinos»; «sleazy storefronts with…dirt on the walls»- Seattle Weekly; «the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils»- James Joyce; «the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal»
  • «he was helpless in an important sector of his life«
  • «forced by illness to lead a sedentary life«
  • «a self-indulgent…way of looking at life«- Havelock Ellis
  • «he wanted a better sex life«; «the film contained no sex or violence»
  • «The news of her husband’s death shattered her life«
  • «a short life«; «a short flight»; «a short holiday»; «a short story»; «only a few short months»
  • «unmarried men and women»; «unmarried life«; «sex and the single girl»; «single parenthood»; «are you married or single?»
  • «slavish devotion to her job ruled her life«; «a slavish yes-man to the party bosses»- S.H.Adams; «she has become submissive and subservient»
  • «They’re happy and I hope they will remain so»; «so live your life that old age will bring no regrets»
  • «a good soak put life back in the wagon»
  • «a spiritual approach to life«; «spiritual fulfillment»; «spiritual values»; «unearthly love»
  • «a home life that has been extraordinarily squally»
  • «She stepped into a life of luxury»; «he won’t step into his father’s footsteps»
  • «The label stuck to her for the rest of her life«
  • «a still photograph»; «Cezanne’s still life of apples»
  • «she endured the stresses and strains of life«; «he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger»- R.J.Samuelson
  • «he tried to pick up the strands of his former life«; «I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously»
  • «the golden summer of his life«
  • «he got a taste of life on the wild side»; «she enjoyed her brief taste of independence»
  • «term insurance is most often associated with life insurance policies»
  • «the texture of Neapolitan life«
  • «a theatrical pose»; «one of the most theatrical figures in public life«
  • «Think the matter through»; «Think how hard life in Russia must be these days»
  • «a life characterized by thriftlessness and waste»; «the wastefulness of missed opportunities»
  • «his mother-in-law’s visits were a great trial for him»; «life is full of tribulations»; «a visitation of the plague»
  • «the ultimate achievement»; «the ultimate question»; «man’s ultimate destiny»; «the ultimate insult»; «one’s ultimate goal in life«
  • «a fixed and unchangeable part of the germ plasm»-Ashley Montagu; «the unchangeable seasons»; «one of the unchangeable facts of life«
  • «this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable»; «the uncomfortable truth»; «grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye»; «an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest»; «the teacher’s presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable»
  • «unconventional life styles»
  • «living an unencumbered life«
  • «an uneventful life«; «the voyage was pleasant and uneventful»; «recovery was uneventful»
  • «the unknowable mysteries of life«
  • «a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial»
  • «the manuscript contained unoriginal emendations»; «his life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern»- Gwethalyn Graham
  • «shops should take back unsatisfactory goods»; «her performance proved to be unsatisfactory»; «life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory»; «our discussion was very unsatisfactory»
  • «he found life unsweet»
  • «it happens in all walks of life«
  • «wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks»; «wildcat stock speculation»; «a wildcat airline»; «wildcat life insurance schemes»
  • «He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority»
  • «the effect of…his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features»

As ‘nightmare’ scenario unfolds in one plant, auto union fights for ‘American way of life‘ yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = ‘As ‘nightmare’ scenario unfolds in one plant, auto union fights for ‘American way of life »; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = ‘Article: As bargaining for a new contract begins, GM, Ford and Chrysler will push autoworkers for wage and benefit concessions. ❋ Unknown (2007)

This is your life flashing before your eyes, this is your ~life~ passing you by. ❋ Wendchymes (2007)

This literature tends to show subjects ‘self-ratings of well-being or happiness are based partly on pleasure, partly on the absence of negative affect, and partly on their views of how well they are achieving the ends they regard as important in life (their ˜life satisfaction™). ❋ Katz, Leonard D. (2006)

If what I have found so far and my search has not ended yet, nor will it ever likely is accurate- that life begins at fertilization both by the independent definition of “life” and a scientific understanding of the life cycle- then abortion must end. ❋ Unknown (2005)

He also credits Aristotle with saying: “Teachers who educated children deserved more honour than parents who merely gave them birth; for bare life is furnished by the one, the other ensures a good life” (p. 463). ❋ Unknown (1989)

_The girl must prepare for life work in the home, or life work outside the home, or a period of either followed by the other, or perhaps a combination of both during some part or even all of her mature life_. ❋ Marguerite Stockman Dickson (N/A)

Now those who regard literature as an important thing, playing a significant part in the life of a nation, must, as I have already indicated, seek in it something more positive than a _distraction_ from life; for them it must be an _addition to life_. ❋ Rolfe Arnold Scott-James (N/A)

Now, relying on these discoveries, as well as upon the successful demonstration, by inorganic means, of organic acids in chemistry, and starting from the supposition that the first appearance of life must necessarily be explained by those agencies which are already active in the inorganic nature, many scientists have attempted the so-called _mechanical explanation of life_. ❋ Rudolf Schmid (N/A)

There are, as I suppose, the following several kinds of life: (1) _Spirit life_; (2) _Moral life_; (3) _Electric life_. ❋ Daniel Clark (N/A)

In New York the frontier was just beyond the posts on the Hudson River; and in Virginia life outside of the oldest settlements was strictly «_life on the border_.» ❋ William Worthington Fowler (N/A)

_After the death_, &c. 172, l. 3. _or_ else it _should cost life for life_; and that in a short time they should be like hogs kept for slaughter, by this vitious ❋ John Knox (N/A)

Not enough that you would barter my life — yes, my _life_ — for gold, sell my heart’s blood for your own ease and comfort? ❋ Lawrence L. Lynch (N/A)

It appears to be the only kind of matter with which life is ever associated, and for this reason protoplasm is called the _physical basis of life_. ❋ Francis M. Walters (N/A)

By nature it is implanted in man that he should live in civil society, for since he cannot attain in solitude the necessary means of civilized life, it is a Divine provision that he comes into existence adapted for taking part in the union and assembling of men, both in the Family and in the State, which alone can supply adequate facilities for _the perfecting of life_. ❋ Various (N/A)

“The life of the kings of Egypt, ” says Diodorus, “was not like that of other monarchs who are irresponsible and may do just what they choose; on the contrary, everything was fixed for them by law, not only their official duties, but even the details of their daily life…. ❋ Unknown (1922)

“Private life, ” Weems avowed, “is real life”; and though, lacking first-hand knowledge, he was obliged to invent, he seemed intimate and credible to an audience somewhat overwhelmed by the heavy splendor of the more official orations and odes and sermons called forth by Washington’s death. ❋ Unknown (1921)

As Platonism began with the ideal of the good or the object of life, so the new idealism begins with the conviction of duty, or _the story of life_. ❋ Ralph Barton Perry (1916)

NATURAL phenomenon of human life brings us to the scientifical source of ethics and I prove that the so-called “highest ideals of humanity” have nothing of “sentimentalism” or of the “_super_natural” in them, but are exclusively the _fulfilment_ of the _natural laws_ for the _human class of life_. ❋ Alfred Korzybski (1914)

The true preacher can be known by this, that he deals out to the people his life, —life passed through the fire of thought. ❋ Unknown (1909)

We may then take it, without prejudice to any special belief, that the spiritual life we wish to study is _one life_; based on experience of one Reality, and manifested in the diversity of gifts and graces which men have been willing to call true, holy, beautiful and good. ❋ Evelyn Underhill (1908)

❋ Anonymous (2003)

[Life’s a bitch], [and then] you [die]. ❋ Mr. Cynic (2005)

[Insert Name] is reading UrbanDictionary because it is the most intriguing activity that Insert Name could think of doing at the moment in his life.
([Sailor Jerry] [says hi]) ❋ Wittyname (2010)

At age 4, success is…not peeing [in your pants].
At age 12, success is…having friends.
At age 16, success is…having [a driver’s] [license].
At age 20, success is…having sex.
At age 35, success is…having money.
At age 50, success is…having money.
At age 60, success is…having sex.
At age 70, success is…having a driver’s license.
At age 75, success is…having friends.
At age 90, success is…not peeing in your pants. ❋ Ay Yo (2004)

god damn [eve] and her [fat ass] for eating [an apple], life is her fault. ❋ DoUNoTylrDurden (2005)

[My life] is rapidly becoming a [pun] for a seriously [disturbed] joke. ❋ Bulletproof Marshmallow (2003)

[Boy 1]: [how do] you think [your life] is?
Boy2: Shit ❋ Megumisgf (2022)

Don’t take life to seriously. [You’ll never] [get out of it] [alive] ❋ Garabaldi (2003)

[Life] is like [a dick], when it gets [hard fuck] it! ❋ I’ll Never Tell (2003)

life in the ’emergin’ [countries] ❋ Cordelia (2004)

The word (


), is the


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Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. It was then that as an ambitious 22-year-old,Lincoln decided to seek a better,


    ,and struck out on his own. Canoeing down the Salmon River, Lincoln ended up
  2. Thereby not harming sentient beings,i.e. uncompromising reverence for all,


    , Jainism considers all living things to be equal. The first Thirthankar
  3. Disease. » The American visitor» once again is an alert spectator of Parisian,


    ,» and» the street noises and French atmosphere are triumphant. » Background
  4. Out of Colorado, he loses the will to fight, and resigns himself to a quiet,


    ,of books and fishing. *Ken Manager owns Manager Coal in Pennsylvania. He
  5. Is essential in one’s actions. Jainism emphasizes the equality of all,


    , advocating harmlessness towards all, whether the creatures are great or small.
  6. Reader with an ambiguous understanding of how Achilles felt about the heroic,


    , Achilles was worshiped as a sea-god in many of the Greek colonies on the
  7. And so on (it seems that the preparation of aqua vitae, the » water of,


    ,», was a fairly popular» experiment» among European alchemists). Alchemists
  8. Intensive, sustained special education programs and behavior therapy early in,


    ,can help children acquire self-care, social,and job skills, and often improve
  9. Intensely as usual. Once he realized that his distraction was endangering his,


    , he refocused and killed her. As he grieved over the death of such a rare
  10. Of chemicals, reason is a superstition, it is futile to seek meaning in,


    , and the duty of a philosopher is to show that nothing can be understood.
  11. For much of the book, Danneskjöld makes a personal appearance when he risks his,


    ,to meet Hank Rear den in the night and hand him a bar of gold as an» advance
  12. The essential drama of Dagny’s character is her struggle to reconcile the,


    ,she lives and the railroad which she loves with the moral code of those who
  13. To the recurring absurdity of his


    : the desire to destroy those on whom his,


    ,depends, and the horror that he will succeed at this. In the final chapters of
  14. As Lucretius challenged the teleological viewpoint of Aristotelian ideas about,


    , teleology (and after the rise of Christianity, natural theology) would
  15. Speakers who focused first on the party platform, and second on Lincoln’s,


    ,story, emphasizing his childhood poverty. The goal was to demonstrate the
  16. With the shades. One of these is Achilles, who when greeted as» blessed in,


    , blessed in death «, responds that he would rather be a slave to the worst of
  17. Truth about himself. This contradiction leads to the recurring absurdity of his,


    ,: the desire to destroy those on whom his


    depends, and the horror that he
  18. Is believed to have composed many of his works. Near the end of Alexander’s,


    , Alexander began to suspect plots against himself, and threatened Aristotle in
  19. S lack of education and did not like the hard labor associated with frontier,


    , Still, he willingly took responsibility for all chores expected of him as one
  20. Atlas Shrugged was to be Rand’s last work of fiction; a turning point in her,


    , it marked the end of Rand’s career as a novelist and the beginning of her
  21. A Chicago Tribune writer produced a pamphlet that detailed Lincoln’s,


    , and sold one million copies. Presidency 1860 election and secession On
  22. Of procreation describes an active, ensouling masculine element bringing,


    ,to an inert, passive female element. On these grounds, Aristotle is considered
  23. Immune system and the nervous system begin early during the embryonic stage of,


    , and successful neurodevelopmental depends on a balanced immune response. It is
  24. Somewhat arbitrary. Or on how much support the individual requires in daily,


    ,; these subdivisions are not standardized and are controversial. Autism can also
  25. Needs. Differences in communication may be present from the first year of,


    , and may include delayed onset of babbling, unusual gestures, diminished
  26. Nathaniel Branden for dishonesty and other» irrational behavior in his private,


    , » Branden later apologized in an interview to» every student of Objectives »
  27. Her ideas, both to the public and in academic settings. Life and work Early,


    ,Rand was born Alisa Minor’Evan Rosenbaum () on February 2,1905,to a
  28. Consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U. S. presidents. Early,


    ,Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809,the second child of Thomas Lincoln
  29. 1871. The death of their sons had profound effects on both parents. Later in,


    , Mary struggled with the stresses of losing her husband and sons, and Robert
  30. Consciously chooses to do the best things. When the best people come to live,


    ,this way their practical wisdom (process) and their intellect (nous) can
  31. Of the looters is one of death: they recognize what is good and necessary for,


    , but wish to destroy it anyway. She is a typical Radian heroine, similar to
  32. Then ourselves and our neighbor, taken as an entirety, more than our bodily,


    , since the ultimate purpose of love of our neighbor is to share in eternal
  33. Of turning base metals into gold or silver, and also act as an elixir of,


    ,that would confer youth and immortality upon its user. Alchemy can be viewed as
  34. That the film grossly misrepresented conditions in the Soviet Union, portraying,


    , there as being much better and happier than it actually was. When asked about
  35. And research for which he is renowned today. In fact, most of Aristotle’s,


    ,was devoted to the study of the objects of natural science. Aristotle’s
  36. Lincoln’s comment on the signing of the Proclamation was:» I never, in my,


    , felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper. »
  37. Allston’s Galatea in 2-D,a painting of Achilles is one of those brought to,


    , * Achilles is one of the beings who empower DC Comics hero Captain Marvel
  38. Of cultural relativism, an awareness of the survival of the primitive in modern,


    , and the replacement of, all of which are central to modern culture. » Later in
  39. Run through the popular culture. » Two movies have been made about Rand’s,


    , A 1997 documentary film, Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life, was nominated for the
  40. To lessen associated deficits and family distress, and to increase quality of,


    ,and functional independence. No single treatment is best and treatment is
  41. Of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his,


    , with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only
  42. But missed. Accepting his fate, Hector begged Achilles – not to spare his,


    , but to treat his body with respect after killing him. Achilles told Hector it
  43. Such as those resulting in invitations to parties, may affect the quality of,


    ,more deeply. Communication About a third to a half of individuals with autism
  44. Club asked club members what the most influential book in the respondent’s,


    ,was. Rand’s Atlas Shrugged was the second most popular choice, after the Bible
  45. Sciences. The term «. Anthropology’s basic concerns are» What defines human,


    ,and society? «,» How are social relations among humans organized? «,» Who are
  46. All men created equal—equal in certain inalienable rights, among which are,


    , liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ‘. » After the state Republican Party
  47. But rather to allow at least some citizens the possibility to live a good,


    , and to perform beautiful acts:» The political partnership must be regarded
  48. She condemned ethical altruism as incompatible with the requirements of human,


    ,and happiness, and held that the initiation of force was evil and irrational
  49. 1917,during which her sympathies were with Alexander Kerensky. Rand’s family,


    ,was disrupted by the rise of the Bolshevik party under Vladimir Lenin. Her
  50. American motion picture director, producer and screenwriter. Early,


    ,Born Joseph Elysium Dan in Toronto, Ontario,Canada, Dwan moved with his

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He believes that God gives life to all creatures.

She was happy and healthy for most of her life.

The people in her family tend to have long lives.

I’ve known her all my life.

He is nearing the end of his life.

People can expect to change jobs several times in their life .

They’ve been waiting their whole life for an opportunity like this.

What do you really want out of life?

All this paperwork has made life much more difficult.

The details of everyday life can be fascinating.


the life force in all things

He was given a life sentence in prison.

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Recent Examples on the Web

To see what happens once every single aspect of their life has been stripped away from them.

Erica Gonzales, ELLE, 7 Apr. 2023

Smith was sentenced to a maximum of life in prison for a murder committed on Nov. 14, 1992, according to online jail records.

Stephen Sorace, Fox News, 6 Apr. 2023

Here, the ins and outs of daily life play out — chic women on bikes pedal their children to school, artists post up in cafés with a notebook, and both young and old line up morning and evening for a fresh baguette from the neighborhood boulangerie.

Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure, 6 Apr. 2023

France’s public pension system, with its relatively low minimum retirement age compared to European peers, is seen by many French people as a pillar of the social contract in a country where retirement is a treasured period of life.

Claire Parker, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2023

Strength in the face of adversity remains pivotal to the Gullah Geechee way of life.

Sara Novak, Scientific American, 6 Apr. 2023

However, Silva has shared a few glimpses of their life with their boys.

Sophie Dodd, Peoplemag, 6 Apr. 2023

Additionally, the website hosts dozens of stories from gamblers who have struggled to maintain normalcy in their lives as their disorder begins to consume more and more of their time and finances.

Ian Firstenberg, Chicago Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

Despite their heroic actions, neither was celebrated or recognized during their lives.

Aramide Tinubu, Variety, 6 Apr. 2023

Among the injured people, one was critically hurt and two had non-life threatening injuries.

Andrea Vacchiano, Fox News, 3 Apr. 2023

Three were pronounced dead inside the bar while three were transported to the hospital – one in critical condition and two with non-life threatening injuries.

Jana Hayes, USA TODAY, 2 Apr. 2023

Hernandez was transported to a local hospital to be treated for non-life threatening injuries.

Brenton Blanchet, Peoplemag, 31 Mar. 2023

In November, an 18-year-old man was stabbed at the Downtown Crossing T stop and suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Travis Andersen,, 21 Mar. 2023

The three teenagers were transported to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries, OSCO said.

Elainie Barraza, Orlando Sentinel, 12 Mar. 2023

During a press conference, Detroit Police Chief James White said the MSP troopers sustained non-life threatening injuries and were transported to a nearby hospital.

Nour Rahal, Detroit Free Press, 10 Mar. 2023

The three crew members were in the locomotive, which caught fire after the derailment, and are being treated for non-life threatening injuries, CSX said.

Kristina Sgueglia, CNN, 8 Mar. 2023

Three of the six people aboard the train were later treated for non-life threatening injuries, according to CSX.

Nicholas Reimann, Forbes, 8 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘life.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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