The word liberty in a sentence

1. Do no through fear of poverty surrender liberty

2. Who loses liberty loses all.

3. Liberty often degenerates into lawlessness.

4. Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty

5. He that marries for wealth, sells his liberty

6. Too much liberty spoils all.

7. Among a people general corrupt, liberty cannot long exist. 

8. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

9. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of government power. 

10. Liberty and civilization are only fragments of rights wrung from the strong hands of wealth and book learning. 

11. Liberty is not licence.

12. There is in liberty as in innocence and virtue a satisfaction one can only feel in their enjoyment and a pleasure which can cease only when lost. 

13. Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you give it to others. 

14. Liberty consists in the power of doing that which is permitted by law. 

15. O liberty, how many crimes have been committed in thy name! 

16. Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. 

17. People often have to fight for their liberty.

18. I took the liberty of cancelling your reservation.

19. The city won its liberty in the sixteenth century.

20. He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.

21. He groaned for liberty very much.

22. You may have the liberty of my study.

23. The constitution guards the liberty of people.

24. They give their children a great deal of liberty.

25. The sum ofbehavior is to retain a man’s own dignity, without in -truing upon the liberty ofothers. 

26. The sum of behaviour is to retain a man’s own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others. 

27. It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty, or to seek power over others and to lose power over a man’s self. 

28. Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means power, leisure, and liberty

28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

29. Wealth may be an exscellent thing, for it means power. leisure, and liberty

30. I am ready to die for my Lord, that in my blood the Church may obtain liberty and peace. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. 

liberty — перевод на русский


Your government bonds, your savings bonds, your liberty bonds.

Ваши правительственные облигации, ваши сбережения, ваше восприятие свободы.

If you don’t quit munching that sandwich and throw your brain into high gear those guys are gonna hijack the Statue of Liberty.

Если Вы не перестанете жевать этот сэндвич и не включите мозги эти парни захватят статую Свободы.

Why not? Well, you gotta pass the Statue of Liberty going each way, and you might not want to look her in the face.

— Ты каждый раз, проходя мимо статуи Свободы, не сможешь честно посмотреть ей в лицо.

Welcome to Liberty Hall, ducks.

— Добро пожаловать в Дом Свободы, душечка.

I want to climb up the Statue of Liberty.

Подняться на Статую Свободы.

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I .. have taken the liberty. Of drawing up a partnership contract.

Я взял на себя смелость и составил контракт о партнерстве.

I took the liberty of letting myself in, M. Ricomet.

Я взяла на себя смелость войти, месье Рикоме.

I’ve taken the liberty of asking my associate… to accompany you to your property and turn over the keys.

Я взял на себя смелость попросить моего партнера… Сопровождать вас до вашей собственности и передать ключи.

You were in such a hurry, I thought you might have overlooked your check… so I took the liberty of calling it to your attention.

Вы убежали в такой спешке, что совершенно забыли про чек поэтому я взял на себя смелость обратить на него ваше внимание.

I took the liberty of glancing through your Shakespeare.

Я взяла на себя смелость предложить вам Шекспира.

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Suspects seen proceeding down by Liberty towards Highway 11.

Подозреваемые продолжают движение вниз по Либерти в сторону шоссе 11.

The Raging Bull has a bartender service. And the liquor store on Broadway and Liberty delivers.

«Рейджинг Булл» обслуживает бары, у них винный магазин на Бродвее, «Либерти» — доставка.

Liberty locked in.

Либерти прицеплен.

On liberty avenue.

на Либерти авеню.

I’m at the zon. 8 station on liberty and grant.

Я в восьмом участке, на углу Либерти и Гранд.

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I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.

Боюсь, я не в праве давать эту информацию.

I’m really not at liberty to discuss that with you, sir.

Я действительно не в праве обсуждать это с вами, сэр.

Ma’am, I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to discuss this any further with you.

Мэм, боюсь я не в праве обсуждать это с вами.

I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to discuss that here.

Боюсь, я не в праве обсуждать это.

I am not at liberty to say.

Я не в праве сказать.

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I took the liberty of waiting here, Mr. Marlowe.

Я позволил себе подождать здесь.

I took the liberty…

Я позволил себе…

I took the liberty of gathering your various debts.

Я позволил себе… централизовать все ваши долги.

I took the liberty, if you’ll accept.

Я позволил себе купить вам цветы .

I took the liberty of bringing a small gift.

Я позволил себе маленький подарок.

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I’m at liberty to announce at this time that the deal between my firm… and the Manchester Cotton Company… has been successfully negotiated.

Теперь я могу объявить, что сделка между моей фирмой… и манчестерской хлопковой фабрикой… прошла успешно.

-I’m not at liberty to say.

— Я не могу сказать.

Well, like you, Brenner, I’m not at liberty to reveal my sources.

Как и вы, Бреннер, я не могу раскрыть свои каналы.

I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.

Я не могу Вам это сказать.

I am not at liberty to say.

— Я не могу этого сказать.

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I’m sorry, I’m not at liberty to tell you that.

Простите, я не вправе сообщать.

Mrs Bertholt, I’m not at liberty to discuss the case outside of the courtroom.

Госпожа Бертольт, простите, но я не вправе обсуждать дело за дверями суда.

I’m not at liberty to reveal the nature of my work.

Я не вправе раскрывать суть моей работы.

I’m not at liberty to divulge that information.

Я не вправе разглашать эту информацию.

I am not at liberty to divulge that information. The remuneration is ample. (Elevator bell)

Я не вправе разглашать эту информацию, сумма вознаграждения достаточная.

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We’ve got the Liberty Bell,

У нас есть Колокол Свободы,

The sounds of the Liberty Bell.

Звенит колокол свободы.

— I look like the Liberty Bell.

— В них я как Колокол Свободы.

I bet nobody in history has ever licked the Liberty Bell.

Могу поспорить, никто за всю историю ни разу не лизал Колокол Свободы.

Could have licked the Liberty Bell.

Можно облизать Колокол Свободы.

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I’m sorry, Dr. Smyslov, but I’m really not at liberty to discuss this.

Извините, д-р Смыслов, но я не имею права обсуждать это.

As I said, I’m not at liberty to discuss it.

Но я уже сказал, я не имею права обсуждать это.

I’m not really at liberty to talk about it.

Я не имею права говорить об этом.

-l’m not at liberty to say. -Liberty to say.

— Я не имею права говорить это.

I am not at liberty to reveal the cause of her death, but I can tell you… that during her time here, Dr Dumais was a part of something very profound.

Я не имею права открыть причину ее смерти, но я могу сказать вам… что пока она находилась здесь, доктор Думей была частью чего-то чрезвычайно важного.

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Полагаю, я знаю эту юную леди достаточно долго, чтобы позволить себе эту вольность.

I don’t want to be deprived of the liberty, which allows me to speak boldly in private. about those matters which concern your master and the queen.

Я не хочу утратить вольность, которая мне позволит говорить наедине напрямик о вещах, которые затрагивают Вашего господина и королеву.

It’s a liberty, but I thought you might know someone.

Это вольность, но я подумала, может, ты кого-то знаешь.

Freedom, liberty, and enfranchisement!

Свобода, вольность и освобождение!

Miss Lane, it is a liberty, I know, but I am so close, so close to a solution.

— Мисс Лэйн, я знаю, это вольность, но я так близок, так близок к решению.

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Definition of Liberty

the freedom to do and act as one pleases

Examples of Liberty in a sentence

Fighting for their liberty, the men could not wait to be free from the King of England.


The slaves escaped to the north and cherished the liberty and freedom found there.


Because she was at liberty to do what she wanted, the rich woman decided to nap all day long.


Citizens in that country do not have the liberty to carry guns or weapons.


Until they graduate high school, my sons do not have the liberty to go and come as they please.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word liberty, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use liberty in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «liberty».

Liberty in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word liberty in a sentence.

  1. How did we recover our liberty?

  2. What then is the spirit of liberty?

  3. It is uncertain how he obtained his liberty.

  4. She responds, «How dare you take such a liberty!

  5. Music is free and unlimited in its liberty of expression.

  6. Sheppard’s final period of liberty lasted just two weeks.

  7. Behold, in a few words, the definition of English liberty.

  8. It is inconsistent with liberty, a term so dear to us all».

  9. Without them, indeed, there would be no law, and no liberty.

  10. The statue is a figure of Libertas, a robed Roman liberty goddess.

  11. He therefore regarded toleration as a prerequisite of civil liberty.

  12. It is dedicated to the promotion of ideas of liberty and human rights.

  13. If republican leaders lacked virtue, he believed, liberty was endangered.

  14. Poisonous Psathyrella species can easily be misidentified as liberty caps.

  15. The hand of the figure is outstretched in bestowal of the spirit of liberty.

  16. I wish you would make use of your liberty with more modesty in time to come».

  17. The Baptists favored Madison due to his record of support for religious liberty.

  18. Will the abandonment of your most sacred rights tend the security of your liberty?

  19. Stigand was imprisoned at Winchester, where he died without regaining his liberty.

  20. There would be liberty of conscience and Anglican church policy would not be harsh.

  21. Bartholdi and Laboulaye considered how best to express the idea of American liberty.

  22. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

  23. They conclude that an emphasis on individual liberty was the undoing of Johnson’s plans.

  24. He stated that all Americans were immigrants who had come to America in search of liberty.

  25. In exchange for his liberty, O’Riley offered to persuade the Mexican garrison to surrender.

  26. Goldman believed that the economic system of capitalism was incompatible with human liberty.

  27. All of us owe a tremendous debt to this man’s towering intellect and his devotion to liberty.».

  28. Promoted as a county fair, its participants celebrated fraternity, liberty, and national unity.

  29. He urged that citizenship and religious liberty be granted to those who came to New York’s shores.

  30. To say so is political blasphemy, for it violates the fundamental principles of our gospel of liberty.».

  31. The reverse depicts an eagle with wings stretched, representative of liberty, perched upon a mountaintop.

  32. Hurtado left open the question of what «fundamental principles of liberty and justice» would be protected.

  33. The great principles of American liberty are still the lawful inheritance of this people, and ever should be.

  34. Jefferson was portrayed as an apostle of liberty and man of the people, while Adams was labelled a monarchist.

  35. At the same time, she believed that the movement on behalf of human liberty must be staffed by liberated humans.

  36. Four scenes are depicted representing threats to liberty, technology, foreign aid and survival, and free speech.

  37. In these «invisible churches», slaves could discuss freedom, liberty, and the judgment of God against slaveowners.

  38. There is tension between Washington’s stance on slavery, and his broader historical role as a proponent of liberty.

  39. I counted the years, days, weeks, and hours, till liberty should break my chains and set my struggling spirit free!

  40. Freedom for the Thought That We Hate discusses the capability and liberty of citizens to criticize their government.

  41. He nevertheless saw the liberty to create and to choose as vital to peoples’ humanity and entitled to legal protection.

  42. The majority of the fourth letter is devoted to an argument revolving around the political liberty of the Irish people.

  43. Davidson’s achievement was to maintain the comprehensiveness of the Church of England and to ensure liberty of thought.

  44. The focus shifted from demanding equality of status between Indians and the British to assuring liberty for all Indians.

  45. This Clause says that «Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law».

  46. No true civilization is possible without this liberty and no state, national or international, is stable in its absence.

  47. He also challenged the notion that markets efficiently allocated resources and rejected Friedman’s definition of liberty.

  48. Some legal scholars have criticized the Court’s ruling in Schmerber for infringing too far upon civil liberty and privacy.

  49. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.» Underneath, McVeigh had written, «Maybe now, there will be liberty!

  50. Calhoun openly argued for a state’s right to secede from the Union, as a last resort to protect its liberty and sovereignty.

Synonyms for liberty

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word liberty has the following synonyms: autonomy, familiarity, impropriety, indecorum and shore leave.

General information about «liberty» example sentences

The example sentences for the word liberty that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «liberty» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «liberty».

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Give me liberty, or give me death! The word liberty appears in so many idioms and famous phrases. But what does this word of the day actually mean? This article will define liberty, teach you how to use it, and provide translations and related words to liberty.

What Does Liberty Mean?

According to Dictionary, the word liberty is a noun that refers to personal freedom, governmental freedom, or freedom from any sort of control or rule. It can also refer to a sailor’s ability to go ashore in the Navy. Liberty is three syllables (li-ber-ty), and liberty’s pronunciation is ˈlɪb ər ti.

How Can We Use Liberty in a Sentence?

The word liberty is a noun that people can use in many settings and circumstances. This word is neither casual nor formal, so you can use it in any situation to refer to a type of freedom. Example sentences are a great way to learn new words. Study the examples below, and then see if you can use the word liberty in your own sentence!

Example #1

While his parents tried to set rules and boundaries, the 18-year-old insisted that his individual liberty trumped their rules.

Question: What kind of liberty is mentioned in the above sentence?

Answer: Individual liberty is mentioned in the above sentence.

Example #2

The people fought for religious liberty and freedom of choice, but the government cracked down on their view that the nation should unite under one religion.

Question: What kind of liberty is mentioned in the above sentence?

Answer: Religious liberty is mentioned in the above sentence.

Example #3

The woman wrote a book on liberty and covered two concepts: liberty of thought and liberty of body.

Question: What kind of liberty is mentioned in the above sentence?

Answer: Bodily liberty and liberty of thought are mentioned in the above sentence.

Example #4

We visited the Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty on our trip to the East Coast.

Question: What kind of liberty is mentioned in the above sentence?

Answer: Landmarks that stand for liberty are mentioned in the above sentence.

Example #5

While the man stated that he had personal liberty and freedom of speech, the security guards still removed him from the building using physical restraint when he began spouting slurs.

Question: What kind of liberty is mentioned in the above sentence?

Answer: Personal liberty is mentioned in the above sentence.

Example #6

Many people question where political liberty and political rights end and personal liberty starts.

Question: What kind of liberty is mentioned in the above sentence?

Answer: Political liberty is mentioned in the above sentence.

What Is the Etymology of Liberty?

Liberty has been used since Middle English and comes from the Latin libertas and Old French liberté. These roots also form words like libertarian and liberal.

What Are Translations of Liberty?

The term liberty is an English word. While many translations of liberty might look and sound similar to the word liberty because of its shared Latin roots, it is important to know the translation of the word liberty if you are going to be traveling to another country. 

It is always considered a sign of respect to try and learn the language before traveling, and this list from Nice Translator can help!

  • Marathi: स्वातंत्र्य
  • Spanish: libertad
  • Romanian: libertate
  • Croatian: sloboda
  • Chinese (PRC): 自由
  • Slovak: sloboda
  • Hungarian: szabadság
  • Indonesian: kebebasan
  • Bulgarian: свобода
  • Estonian: vabadus
  • Swahili: uhuru
  • Arabic: حرية
  • Icelandic: frelsi
  • Danish: frihed
  • Filipino: kalayaan
  • Hindi: स्वतंत्रता
  • Lithuanian: Laisvė
  • Serbian: слобода
  • Tamil: சுதந்திரம்
  • French: liberté
  • Portuguese (Brazil): liberdade
  • Telugu: లిబర్టీ
  • Malay: kebebasan
  • Gujarati: સ્વાતંત્ર્ય
  • Turkish: özgürlük
  • Russian: свобода
  • Czech: svoboda
  • Japanese: 自由
  • Bengali: স্বাধীনতা
  • Slovenian: svoboda
  • Urdu: آزادی
  • Vietnamese: tự do
  • Korean: 자유
  • Catalan: libertat
  • Kannada: ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯ
  • Dutch: vrijheid
  • Amharic: ነፃነት
  • Portuguese (Portugal): liberdade
  • Basque: askatasun
  • German: Freiheit
  • Finnish: vapaus
  • Malayalam: സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യം
  • Latvian: brīvība
  • Norwegian: frihet
  • Greek: ελευθερία
  • Ukrainian: свобода
  • Thai: เสรีภาพ
  • Italian: libertà
  • Swedish: frihet
  • Polish: wolność
  • Hebrew: חוֹפֶשׁ
  • Chinese (Taiwan): 自由
  • Welsh: rhyddid

What Are Synonyms of Liberty?

Liberty has a very positive connotation, but many other words have a similar definition as liberty with a neutral or a negative connotation. For synonyms for the word liberty, you can reference Power Thesaurus. 

Can you tell if these synonyms of liberty have a positive, negative, or neutral connotation?

  • authority
  • authorization
  • autonomy
  • birthright
  • carte blanche
  • concession
  • consent
  • deliverance
  • discharge
  • dispensation
  • emancipation
  • entitlement
  • exemption
  • familiarity
  • franchise
  • free
  • free hand
  • free rein
  • freedom
  • freedoms
  • furlough
  • immunity
  • impropriety
  • indecorum
  • independence
  • independency
  • latitude
  • leave
  • leave of absence
  • leisure
  • liberation
  • liberties
  • license
  • manumission
  • opportunity
  • permission
  • power
  • prerogative
  • privilege
  • release
  • right
  • sabbatical
  • sanction
  • scope
  • self-determination
  • self-government
  • shore leave
  • sovereignty
  • time off
  • vacation

What Are Antonyms of Liberty?

If someone has the opposite of liberty, they are restrained and do not have freedom. To learn various ways to say the opposite of liberty, you can look at this list of antonyms of liberty from Power Thesaurus. 

Can you think of a situation where you would use antonyms of the word liberty?

  • adversity
  • arrest
  • ban
  • banning
  • bar
  • barring
  • black hole
  • bondage
  • captivity
  • chores
  • coercion
  • command
  • compulsion
  • confinement
  • constraint
  • debarment
  • denial
  • dependence
  • detention
  • disallowance
  • disallowing
  • disapproval
  • disclaimer
  • domination
  • embargo
  • forbidding
  • imprisonment
  • incarceration
  • injunction
  • injustice
  • interdict
  • interdicting
  • interdiction
  • internment
  • isolation
  • jail
  • karma
  • limitation
  • lockdown
  • making illegal
  • moratorium
  • obstruction
  • opposition
  • outlawing
  • prohibiting
  • prohibition
  • proscription
  • refusal
  • rejection
  • responsibility
  • restraint
  • restriction
  • servitude
  • slavery
  • subjection
  • subjugation
  • tight grip
  • veto
  • vetoing


The word liberty means freedom. People can use the word liberty in various contexts, from talking about personal liberty to political liberty and more. Can you think of any situations where it is important to have liberty? What about times when you might not want to have liberty?


  1. Liberty synonyms – 988 Words and Phrases for Liberty | Power Thesaurus 
  2. Liberty antonyms – 514 Opposites of Liberty | Power Thesaurus 
  3. Liberty Definition & Meaning | 
  4. Liberty | Nice Translator 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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