The word lemur comes from the latin word meaning a ghost

контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2018-2019 уч. год

ученика(цы) 7 ___
класса ______________________



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задании есть один заголовок лишний.

Popular Children’s Clothes

The Right Clothes for Outdoor Activities

The Right Clothes for Children

An Important Part of a School Uniform

A Typical School Uniform

There are some very important things to remember while you choose children’s

Clothes must be safe for kids. Besides, the little children must be comfortable

their clothes. The weather also dictates the choice of clothes for children —

the summer and woollens in the winter and colder weather.

England, boys and girls enjoy wearing comfortable clothes like T-shirts, jeans

when they are relaxing at home or playing with their friends outside. Girls

wearing tunics over leggings or a skirt and a top. They choose smart bright things. 

Many American schools have strict rules about school clothes. Boys should wear

shirt, not very bright tie in the school’s colours and dark trousers or

Many schools also have a jacket as part of the uniform. Girls should wear a

blouse and a darker-coloured skirt or a dress. Some girls’ uniforms

have trousers, a jacket or a tie.

Some pupils at an Essex primary school want to have ties in their school

say that they want to wear ties because they help them to look like adults.

them go to school wearing green and yellow ties. But not all the pupils wear

are pupils who don’t like wearing not only ties but also school uniforms.

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соответствующими буквами







Грамматика и

Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete these sentences

 I felt unwell and couldn’t take (in/down) what the teacher was saying.

The plane took (off/up) for Rome at 10:30.

It’s good manners to take (down/off) your hat when you enter a house.

Use reflexive pronouns where necessary.

I cut ____________________ when I was preparing the salad.

Did Ann answer this difficult question ________________ ?

My kitten likes to look at ________________ in the mirror.

Dress ________________ quickly, we must leave the house.

Choose the right forms of the verbs.

I like vanilla ice cream but Tom … chocolate.

likes                     2) like

Jack … for his cousin for an hour.

has been waiting                2) has waited

The Smiths … the farm since the 1950s.

have owned    2) have been owning

A number of good books … a great influence on me.

have had   2) have been having

Постарайтесь понять, какие слова в нём

в каждый пропуск пропущенное слово, выбрав его из рамочки.

at the moment     clever     good at    mistakes   practice   results     


brother, Tom, is learning Japanese  (1)__________________. I think he’s very

because Japanese is a difficult language, but Tom says it’s

. His teacher says he is very (4) __________________

because he doesn’t make many (5) __________________ and he gets good

in the tests. He goes to a class for  (7)_________________

the evening, after work. He is also thinking about going to Japan for a few
months so

can (8) __________________ the language and improve it. I really want to go


контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2018-2019 уч. год

ученика(цы) 7 ___
класса ______________________


Вариант 2

1. Чтение

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соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному
буквами A-D, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-5.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В
задании есть один заголовок лишний.

People’s Relatives

They Are Fairly Different

Important Part of the Body

Origin of the Name

Their Habits

The word lemur comes from the Latin word meaning “a ghost”. Perhaps this is
because they move about silently at night and have large mysterious eyes. Lemurs
have lived

the planet Earth for a very long time, but you can find them only in two places
on the

Madagascar (millions of years ago, the island of Madagascar broke away from the
continent of Africa) and the nearby Comori Islands.

Some people think that lemurs belong to the family of squirrels or cats. But
the truth is, they are more close to us, humans. They are primates.

Lemurs have big, bushy tails that wave in the air as a form of communication.
These big tails also help them balance when they jump from tree to tree. But
lemurs don’t hang from trees by their tails, as some monkeys do. Some species
of the lemur have longer tails than


There are many kinds of lemurs. They come in different colours and sizes. The
smallest species weighs only 30 grams. The largest species weighs 10 kilograms.
In the past there were also very large lemurs which weighed 240 kilograms, but
they have all died out.

в таблицу выбранные буквы  под соответствующими цифрами







Раздел 2. Грамматика
и лексика

Choose the appropriate words in brackets to complete these sentences

Helicopters can take (off/in) from nearly any place on the ground.

Ann took (in/up) everything the teacher said about dogs.

John gave me her full name and I took it (off/down) in my notebook.

Use reflexive pronouns where necessary.

She lives alone, all by __________________.

You must dress ____________________ and go downstairs.

Boys, just look at ___________________!What have you been doing?

Children should know how to behave _______________ in public.

Choose the right forms of the verbs.

His parents …  at a bank.

are working                2) works

How long …  this story?

have you written  2) have you been writing

They … each other for ages.

haven’t seen       2)haven’t been seeing

People … about the problem of pollution for more than a hundred years.

have known    2) have been knowing

Прочитайте текст.
Постарайтесь понять, какие слова в нём пропущены.

Впишите в каждый пропуск пропущенное слово, выбрав его
из рамочки.

activities     free      horse riding    nature    nowadays    pleasant   

What to do outdoors in Britain

walking is one of the most popular activities in Britain.

why public paths are very common in the British  (2)_________________ .

give people the opportunity to walk, cycle or go  (3)____________________

of driving a car. In this way, public paths help the environment because these

do not pollute it. They also make it possible for

to enjoy the fresh air. It’s very  (6)_________________to

close to  (7)_________________ . Walking is also very good for the health and,

of all, public paths are completely (8)________________.

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ring tailed lemur and twins.jpg
Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) carrying twins
Scientific classification












Gray, 1821

  • Cheirogaleoidea
  • Lemuroidea

Lemurs are primates and prosimians (not monkeys). The word «lemur» comes from the Latin word lemures, which means «ghosts». Lemur are divided into eight families, with 15 genera and about 100 living species. However, lemur classification is controversial: it depends on which species concept is used. Lemur is also a genus in one of the families.[1]

Lemurs are native only to the island of Madagascar. From there a few species got to smaller islands nearby, for example the Comoros. Madagascar, like Africa and India, was part of the ancient southern continent of Gondwana.[2]

Lemurs weigh from 30g to the 10kg. Larger species have all become extinct since human groups moved to Madagascar. Usually, the smaller lemurs are active at night (nocturnal), and the larger ones were active during the day (diurnal).

Lemurs are endangered species because people destroy their habitat and used to hunt them, and perhaps still do so.

Physical description[change | change source]

Ring-tailed lemur, the most studied, are white and black with a ring tail[3] The larger species are about 1.5 meters tall and weigh about 2 to 3.5 kilograms. They move quietly, usually at night, sometimes letting out eerie wailing cries, which some people think is the reason why they got their names.

Feeding habits and life[change | change source]

Lemurs mostly eat fruit, leaves, and other plant parts. They live in family groups of 5 to 42 members which is called a troop. Females are dominant and remain in the same troop for life. Males move between troops. The female’s gestation period lasts four to five months, and they usually have one or two babies. Lemur mothers nurse their babies until they are about four months old. Then they begin to feed the babies solid food such as fruit. Lemurs spend most of their time in the trees. Some are great leapers, flinging themselves from tree to tree.[4]

Communication[change | change source]

Lemurs communicate with a variety of hoots. They will also send messages with scents (smells). When a male lemur wants to scare another male away, he first rubs its tail on the smelly glands under its arms and then waves the tail in the other male’s face. These are called «stink fights».

  • Lavasoa dwarf lemur
  • Grey bamboo lemur
  • Ring-tailed lemur
  • Aye-aye
  • Black-and-white ruffed lemur
  • Silky sifaka

[change | change source]

  • Duke Lemur Center

References[change | change source]

  1. Garbutt N. 2007. Mammals of Madagascar: a complete guide. A&C Black Publishers. ISBN 978-0-300-12550-4
  2. Goodman S.M. & Benstead, J.P. (eds) 2003. The Natural History of Madagascar. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-30306-2
  3. [1]
  4. Mittermeier R.A. et al 1994. Lemurs of Madagascar. Illustrated by S.D. Nash. Conservation International. ISBN 1-881173-08-9

Other websites[change | change source]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lemur.

  • Lemurs of the East Coast of Madagascar Archived 2006-05-13 at the Wayback Machine
  • New lemurs found in Madagascar
  • Great leaping lemurs Archived 2005-02-13 at the Wayback Machine

© majata/Fotolia

© Gil.K/

common name given to various species of primitive primates. The name lemur comes from the Latin word lemures, meaning “ghosts.” It was given to these animals because of the silent, ghostlike way they move about. Although some lemurs are active during the day, the observers who assigned the name probably witnessed the eerily shining eyes of nocturnal species. Habitat destruction resulting from such human activities as logging and agriculture has endangered most lemur species.

The lemurs belong to the order Primates, which also includes monkeys, apes, and humans. Lemurs are classified with the rest of the prosimians in the suborder Strepsirhini. Because of the diversity of the prosimians, the suborder is further divided into two infraorders: the Lorisiformes, which contains the loris, potto, and galago; and the Lemuriformes, which contains the typical lemurs along with the sifaka, avahi, indri, and aye-aye.

The animals known as typical lemurs belong to the family Lemuridae and are found only on Madagascar and the Comoros. Typical lemurs are small- to medium-sized mammals, about the size of cats and squirrels, with a head and body length between 11 and 18 inches (28 and 46 centimeters). Their long, heavily furred tails, which range in length from 18 to 24 inches (28 to 61 centimeters), are not prehensile, meaning that lemurs cannot use them to hang from trees as some monkeys can. The alternate rings of black and white on the tail of the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) make it the most distinctive species because the tails of all other lemurs have a solid color. The coat, or pelage, is generally soft and wooly. In many species, the face is slender and elongated, like that of a fox.

Most lemurs are arboreal, though some species, such as the ring-tailed lemur, spend some time foraging on the ground. The diet consists mainly of leaves and fruits, though small vertebrates are also included. Nocturnal species are highly insectivorous.

Table of Contents

  1. What does the word lemur mean?
  2. What does the U stand for in lemurs?
  3. Why are lemurs only in Madagascar?
  4. What is a female lemur called?
  5. Are lemurs friendly?
  6. Do lemurs attack humans?
  7. Are lemurs smart?
  8. Do lemurs like to cuddle?
  9. Do lemurs hug?
  10. Are lemurs violent?
  11. What is the most violent primate?
  12. Can meerkats kill you?
  13. Do meerkats bite humans?
  14. Is the meerkat dangerous?
  15. Is it legal to have a meerkat?
  16. What are meerkats scared of?
  17. Do meerkats sleep at night?
  18. Do meerkats sleep standing up?
  19. What animal eats a meerkat?
  20. How far can a meerkat see?
  21. What eats a monkey?
  22. What animals are monkeys afraid of?
  23. Do people eat monkeys?

Search for “lemur” in: They named the animals lemurs. This name comes from the Latin word lemures, meaning “ghosts.” In Roman legend lemures were the spirits of people left unburied, who returned by night from the dead to haunt the living.

What does the word lemur mean?

noun. any of various small, arboreal, chiefly nocturnal mammals of the superfamily Lemuroidea, inhabiting Madagascar and the Comoro Islands, inclusive of nearly 100 species, most of which have large eyes, a foxlike face, and woolly fur: lemurs, which vary significantly in size, include the world’s smallest primates.

What does the U stand for in lemurs?

Definition. Options. Rating. LEMUR. Limbed Excursion Mechanical Utility Robot.

Why are lemurs only in Madagascar?

It’s thought they floated over from the African continent on rafts of vegetation. Lemurs didn’t have any predators on the island, so they spread rapidly and evolved into many different species. This is why lemurs are now found only on the island and not all over Africa.

What is a female lemur called?


Are lemurs friendly?

In the wild, lemurs live in complex social groups—but their isolation when they’re taken to live as pets means the lemurs often become frustrated and aggressive, particularly when they reach sexual maturity at about 3 years old, says Marni LaFleur, an adjunct professor at the University of California–San Diego and co- …

Do lemurs attack humans?

Lemurs would not be able to kill a human, and they do not have predatory urges that would make them attack a human who was not a threat to them. That being said, their teeth are quite sharp, and if they feel threatened, they might bite or scratch you.

Are lemurs smart?

Lemurs are Smart Lemurs are not only handsome, they are also really smart. But lemurs not only share our trait of opposable thumbs, but according to “lemurs have the ability to learn patterns, and they even have object discrimination skills.

Do lemurs like to cuddle?

Rather, it is companionship, the comfort of having someone to spend your twilight days with and a soft body to snuggle up to at night — and, in Cheyenne and Chloris’s case, also during the day. “They sleep a lot,” Ms. Keith said. In the wild, lemurs generally do not want for company.

Do lemurs hug?

But conflict isn’t all there is to lemur social life. Like monkeys, lemurs spend a lot of time cuddling and grooming.

Are lemurs violent?

Lemurs live in social groups called troops that are led by a dominant female, but “both males and females use aggression and scent marking to maintain their social status,” says lead author Rachel Harris, a behavioral and chemical ecologist doing postdoctoral research at the Duke Lemur Center at the time of the study.

What is the most violent primate?


Can meerkats kill you?

Humans, it turns out, are just average members of a particularly violent lot, the primates. About one in five meerkats (mostly infants) are killed by members of their own species, compared with just over one percent of humans whose deaths were linked to violence, whether murder or war.

Do meerkats bite humans?

They’ve also become a somewhat trendy “pet,” but meerkats can be highly destructive and have a strong bite. If that was a child it would have caused severe damage and meerkats are known for biting people’s noses, which can cause facial scarring.”

Is the meerkat dangerous?

Additionally, meerkats can be aggressive and deliver a really nasty bite. Plus, they can especially be aggressive to people they don’t know. Of course, these aren’t ideal traits for a household pet.

Is it legal to have a meerkat?

Meerkats aren’t illegal because they’re protected. They’re illegal because they’re mongooses. Of the handful of mongoose species _not_ banned by USFWS, only the common kusimanse can be found as a pet in the US, and it’s still very hard to find.

What are meerkats scared of?

Meerkats know to keep watch for birds of prey as they — along with snakes — are some of their fiercest predators. In fact, according to National Geographic, young meerkats are so afraid of birds that they’ll even dive for cover if they see an airplane.

Do meerkats sleep at night?

Meerkats. Meerkats are pack animals and sleep that way, too. They sleep in a heap with the group matriarch buried underneath so she gets the best sleep. ‘Sentries’ sleep on the outside and have lighter sleep so they’re easily alerted by potential predators.

Do meerkats sleep standing up?

Cows sleep close together with their families according to each individual’s rank in the social hierarchy. Meerkats sleep in special sleeping chambers in their burrows, snuggled on top of each other in one cute pile. In the warmer months, they sometimes spread out or sleep above ground.

What animal eats a meerkat?

The main predators of meerkats include snakes, jackals and birds of prey such as eagles. Meerkats take turns to be on sentry duty, watching out for predators. The sentries give different alarm calls depending on whether the predator is a mammal, a bird of prey or a snake.

How far can a meerkat see?

Fact#7 – Meerkats have remarkable eyesight They can spot birds miles away on the horizon!

What eats a monkey?

Monkeys have a lot of predators such as leopards, jaguars, cougars, and some species of eagles and birds of prey. Monkeys cannot live run into a predator’s home. Otherwise, it would most likely get eaten or killed by a eagle or a big cat. Snakes such as pythons also like to eat monkeys.

What animals are monkeys afraid of?

Just like predators, monkeys are hard wired to be afraid of snakes. This is natural as they often share habitats with snakes and their toxic bites often claim the lives of adult and juvenile monkeys.

Do people eat monkeys?

Monkey meat is the flesh and other edible parts derived from monkeys, a kind of bushmeat. Human consumption of monkey meat has been historically recorded in numerous parts of the world, including multiple Asian and African nations. Monkey meat consumption has been reported in parts of Europe and the Americas as well.

Some facts about lemurs

Some facts about lemurs

Lemurs are amazing and unusual creatures.
The word lemur comes from the Latin word meaning “a ghost”. Perhaps this is because they move about silently at night and have large mysterious eyes. In the 16th century Europeans first landed on the island of Madagascar, where they met funny little animals with eyes glowing in the dark. The Europeans remembered of the ancient Roman beliefs and animals were called lemurs.
Lemurs live only in two places: Madagascar and the nearby Comoro Islands.
Some people think that lemurs are related to squirrels or cats. But they are primates and more closely related to humans.
There are more than 60 species of lemurs. The smallest species weighs only 30 grams. The largest species weighs 10 kilograms.

These animals have big, bushy tails that they wave in the air as a form of communication. Their tails also help them balance when they jump from tree to tree. But they don’t hang from trees by their tails.
Some species of the lemur have longer tails than their bodies.

They are amazing animals

They are amazing animals

Lemurs live in groups. The females are dominant over the males in the group.
Lemurs like to sleep during the day and are active during the night. They eat nuts, fruits and berries. Sometimes they also eat insects.
Some species of lemurs are able to hibernate for a long time. Interestingly, in this period, their body temperature is the same as the ambient temperature. This is very rare among mammals.
They usually have only one baby at a time. The baby clings to its mother’s belly and travels with her through the treetops. Later the baby lemur rides on its mother’s back.
Lemurs can be very curious if there’s food around.
The best-known species of lemur is the ring-tailed lemur. It has a long striped tail, with rings of black and white. Like most lemurs, it lives in trees, but looks for food on the ground.
They live from 20 to 27 years.
Unfortunately, lemurs are on the list of endangered animals. The reason is the human factor.

Baby lemur and its mother

Baby lemur and its mother

Some facts about lemurs

He is thinking about the difficult life

He is thinking about the difficult life

They are amazing animals

They are amazing animals

Lemurs are endangered animals

Lemurs are endangered animals

Baby lemur and its mother

Baby lemur and its mother

Lemurs are endangered animals

Lemurs are endangered animals

They are very cute

They are very cute

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